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05x08 - Chapter 40: Pain

Posted: 03/13/24 09:36
by bunniefuu
[Lidia] Somebody once told me

that in certain situations,
pain is unavoidable,

but whether you suffer or not
is up to you.

[softly] Marga!

-Are you all right?
-Yeah, I am,

but I'm afraid Óscar and Carlota aren't.

-Óscar and Carlota?
-They're here.

[Lidia] Of course, the person I'm quoting
had never set foot in a reeducation camp.

In one instant, you lose everything.

Not only your freedom...

[woman] Take off your clothes!

[Lidia] ...but also your identity,

and, of course,
the little dignity you had left.

[inmates crying]

[inmates exclaiming]

Inside, you stop being a person and you
become a number on an inmates list,

just another prisoner
to be treated worse than an animal.

-Because, for them, you are rotten...
-[spits] are worth less than nothing,
you are nothing.


Each blow, each act of humiliation,

each sign of disrespect
leaves an ice-cold mark deep inside.

You can't describe it as anything
other than pure and blunt pain.

A suffering that scars you for life
and that few souls can ever forget.

[Carmen] Listen closely!

These inmates are very dangerous.

They were part of a subversive g*ng

that kills, r*pes,
and viciously murders innocent people.

-That is a lie!
-Keep quiet!

But, ladies, I'm not going to give up

until I get the last drop of evil
out of you.

That is our center's mission,
to bring you back to the right path.

Why don't you tell the whole truth?
Get off me.

Why don't you mention that
these women are Lidia Aguilar's friends?

You're taking your hatred
for the escaped prisoner out on them.

This place is not meant to reeducate us.
It is for you to seek revenge.

And everyone here
deserves to know the truth.


-[Francisco] Hello.
-[maid] Hi.

-We're here to see Elisa.
-[Elisa] I'll take care of it. Thank you.

What are you doing here?
I said I would call you.

Have you talked to Carmen yet?

She hired Sofía at the infirmary.
She's already working.

Thank you very much.


Your friends from the party
who had to leave early.

Please come in. I still have one hour
before I go to the hospital.

[Lidia chuckles softly]

Come on.

[Álvaro] I hope the emergency
that made you leave the party is resolved.

-Yes, don't worry about it.
-We only got to enjoy your toast.

-It was very moving.
-Thank you.

[Lidia] Yes, we're very happy that Elisa
found someone who loves her so dearly.

Certainly what you
said about her accident was...

[Álvaro] Accident?

I wouldn't call it that.

[Elisa] So to speak, dear.

Wasn't her limp caused by a car accident?

[Álvaro] You're misinformed.
That was her mother.

That's private, Álvaro.


[Álvaro] She saved her mother's life
and she almost died in the OR.

Elisa is a good person, perhaps too good,
but her mother's selfish and manipulative.

-Elisa let herself be swayed again.
-Álvaro, stop.

[Álvaro] I'm just telling the truth.

Once in a while,
Carmen tries to get in touch,

but after what she did...

-I don't know why you still talk to her.
-If you'll excuse me.

Elisa, don't be like that.
I just care about you. Elisa!

No, don't worry. I'll talk to her.

I'll be right back.



Stop! So, an accident, huh?

So, you didn't speak to your mother?

You've told Carmen everything.
Carmen knows who Sofía really is.

-Sofía is in danger!
-It's not Sofía my mother's interested in.

Who then?
Who is she interested in? Spill it!

My mother just had
Óscar and Carlota arrested.

[Francisco] What's going on?

Óscar and Carlota have been arrested.

And Elisa lied to us.
She told Carmen everything.

What? Your mother?

I didn't want to, but I had no choice.

I can explain.

[Francisco] Lidia.

Let her explain.

[Lidia] The pain I felt clouded my reason.

Nothing could explain
Elisa's miserable actions.

But I was wrong,

because my friends and I were not
the only ones in pain at that time.

Don't worry, don't be scared.
They're with us. They're friends.

-[Lidia] Who are all these people?
-[Álvaro] People targeted by the regime.

h*m*, fugitives, dissidents...

We help them find a new home, even abroad.

We're members... Hi!
...of a clandestine network.

In a week, a boat sails
from southern France to Chile,

the Winnipeg.

[Álvaro] All these people will be aboard
that ship, looking for a second chance.

[Elisa] My mother found out
and uses it to blackmail me.

[Francisco] The punishment
for helping such people is death.

No one should die
for having different ideas.

Nor should they end up
in a reeducation camp.

[Lidia] Sometimes,
even in the hardest situations,

a solution can be found.

It may just be their survival instincts,

but human beings will do anything
to avoid pain.

Lidia, I'm so very sorry.
If I could make it right somehow--

There's something you can do...

but we only have one week.

One week for what?

For liberating the reeducation camp
prisoners in Aranjuez.

We're all going to sail away on that ship.

That's crazy. How are you going to get
all those people out of the camp?

Not to mention, it's risky enough
to move a small group of people--

[Lidia] Álvaro, I know it's complicated,
really, but it can be done.

Me being here is proof enough.

Sofía and my friends are inside.
That's to our advantage.

We need to pretend nothing's changed.
Carmen mustn't suspect anything.

We can liberate them,
and you would be free from any liability.

What do we need
to take everyone aboard that ship?

The names of all the prisoners.

They must be included
in the passenger list.

Sofía can take care of that.

-No, Lidia, it's not that easy.
-[Lidia] Nothing is as important as this.

Not us, not my friends, nothing.

Why save only a few
if we could save hundreds?

All right.

But I can't give you any guarantees.

-Are you going to visit your mother?

I need to get my hands
on that file implicating me.

Francisco and I will come with you
and we'll talk to Sofía.

[Elisa] Sounds perfect.

[Carmen] I can't tell you
how much I regret it.

It was a mistake
that will never happen again.

Regretting it is not enough.

You're abusing your power at this center.

Were it not for the fact that, in other
respects, the camp is working well,

I would have alerted
the authorities by now.

I know. I can't tell you how grateful
I am for this second chance.

I will not tolerate any more incidents.

Don't worry. There will be
no more problems with the inmates.

I will make sure of that.

[door opens and closes]

Sofía! Sofía, listen. Come here.

Elisa, it's great to see you!

Rocío, how are you?
How was your first day on the job?

Fine, I'm still adapting to this place.

Sure, that's normal, don't worry about it.

-What happened?
-Listen. You must go outside.

Lidia and Francisco are waiting
for you in the car. Go!

[Sofía] What happened?

We're going back to America.

How are we going to do that?

We need you to get your hands
on a list of all the camp prisoners.

I think there is a file
in Carmen's office.

I'll try to get it.

[Francisco] You need
to be extremely cautious.

Carmen knows who you are
and she's surely watching you.

This report will keep you
and your fiancé safe... for the moment.

But I could get you permanent immunity.

I only need you to keep me informed
about Lidia's every move

now that she trusts you.

Help me avenge your brother's death.
That woman is the one to blame.

The day I ended up with a limp
was the last time I let you manipulate me.

[phone ringing]

I don't want to ever hear about you again.

Nor about Lidia.

Hello? Yes, put me through.

Tell me, Romero, what did you find out?

Getting rid of Pinillos
is not going to be easy.

Pinillos has contacts in very high places,

but there can always be a motive

for someone wanting to k*ll themselves.

-Do you get my meaning?
-Of course.

But something more pressing has come up.

Elisa wants to stay out of this,

so I need you to watch Lidia.

I know she'll try to help her friends
and I want to be ready.

I'll put one of my men on it.

[Carmen] I don't want any of your men.
I'm asking you.

My men are very reliable,
and I have more important things to do.

Nothing is more important than this.

[phone clicks]

Sofía will try to get
the list of prisoners today.

You think we can get it
to the man handling the exile?

It's not a man,
it's a woman, Camila Salvador.

Camila Salvador?

Do you know her?

Yes, she's an Argentinian opera singer.

She's the pride of the regime.

Then, at least, being so famous,
they'll be less suspicious of her.

When can we meet her?

I set a meeting at the opera house
right before her performance.

We'll hand her the list
of people leaving on the ship there.

-I'll get you a couple of tickets.
-[Lidia] Good.

We're headed back.
Pablo's expecting to hear from us.

All right.


[starts engine]

Girls, stand up.

What is this?

I need to have a few letters translated
into French, and my assistant can't do it.

I know you can help me.

First, you need to feed them.

They haven't eaten all day.

I'll make sure they're fed

if you promise to have
the translation ready this afternoon.

I bring good news.

Lidia came up with an idea
to take all the inmates into exile.

We're off to America.

-[Marga whispers] Wait.

How is she going to do that? All of us?

For the moment, she asked me
to get a list of all the prisoners.

The problem is Carmen has it.

Her assistant is keeping me busy
setting up the new barracks.

They want it to be ready
before the priest comes to bless it.

And how would we get the list?

I know how.

We just need to get everyone out of there.
Sounds easy...

[Lidia] We'll find a way, Pablo.

And what do I do in the meanwhile?
Stay here doing nothing?

-I can't take it anymore, Lidia.

Being cooped up here, unable to help.

[Lidia] We know how you feel,

and we'll need help
if we're to liberate everyone in the camp,

-but the police are after you.
-I know.

What if they stopped?

There is a way,
but you're not going to like it.

I'll do whatever it takes.

[Lidia] The prisoners list was essential
to making our escape...

What's with all this shouting?

[Lidia] ...and we would do anything
to get our hands on it.

What's wrong?

-It's coming early.
-The baby's coming!

-My God.
-[Carmen] Go to the infirmary.

Call the doctor, quickly!

This way. And, you, follow me.

[Lidia] It was then that pain
became our driving force.

We had to take many risks,
push ourselves to the limit,

but nothing and no one could stop us.

[knock on door]

[Pinillos] Come in.

[Lidia] Pinillos was an authority
in there, but we were ready to use him.

Óscar was supposed to stall him
with the letters translated into French,

while Carlota searched for the list
in Carmen's office.

Mr. Pinillos,
I brought the letters you requested.

[Lidia] On paper,
it was a simple, straightforward plan.

Nothing was supposed to go wrong.

[Pinillos] Hmm.

[Lidia] But, by then, we had learned
we couldn't keep everything under control.

-[Pinillos] And your friend?
-She's outside.

Detained by a guard. Should I call her?

No, that won't be necessary.

I'm kind of in a hurry.

[Lidia] The key was
knowing how to react in time.

What about our food?

You said...

you'll feed us, but we're still waiting.

[Pinillos] Yes, I've already given
instructions that you're to be fed.

You don't need to worry. Keep in mind...

[Lidia] Being able to improvise
is always an asset.

...if you help me with these translations,
your life here won't be a punishment.

You only need a guide.

[Lidia] Buying time is vital
to finally achieving your goal.

Fortunately, in these hard situations,

we, the cable girls,
had extensive experience.

Ah, you're here.

Thank you for your work.
If I need another translation,

I'll get back to you.

[whispers] Did you find it?

Let's go.

Sit down.

So you say you're sorry.

You have no idea how sorry I am.

If that's true,
there's one thing you can do for us.

[Isidro] What do you need me to do?

Stop the authorities
from going after Pablo.

Phone your contact
and tell him Pablo has left Spain,

that they should stop looking for him.

This is the only way
you can gain our trust again.

All right.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

[Isidro] Miss, put me through to 14567
in Cuatro Vientos.


It worked.
They won't look for you anymore.


I can go out?

Pablo! Stop!

He begged to talk to you
for a few minutes.


[Lidia] It will only take two minutes.
Just two.

Come on.

You will find Julio in this place.

He is in a columbarium wall
at the Almudena cemetery.

-I heard he'd be buried in a common grave.
-You expect me to thank you?

Pablo, I swear, when I turned you in,

I hadn't considered the consequences.

I was blind. I...

I went insane, I swear.

Are you tormented by what you did?

You are?


[Isidro sniffles]

You don't deserve to live
in any other way.

Your two minutes are over.

If you ever need my help again, call me.

[door opens and closes]

[doctor] You may get dressed.
It was just a false alarm.

Are you certain, doctor?

I felt a very acute piercing pain.

Given your difficult pregnancy,
it's normal for you to feel that pain.

You don't need to worry, this baby isn't
ready to come out into the world yet.

-[Sofía] I'm so sorry, Mrs. Carmen.
-Don't worry, dear.

You stay here with Marga
until she gets over the shock.

Then, bring her
to the barracks with the others.

I'm sorry to have bothered you
for no reason, doctor.

Even if this was a false alarm,
keep an eye on her.

That baby is very valuable.
It's very special.

Newborns are highly valued,
worth their weight in gold.

When will we start selling them?

[Carmen] Tomorrow we're opening
the new block

and we'll start separating the children
from their mothers.

I figured we were moving them together.

[Carmen] If we separate them,
it'll be easier to take the children away,

and the mothers will never know
what has become of them.


[Carlota] What can we do about it?

The others need to hear this.
They need to know what Carmen is planning.

When they find out,
they won't stand idly by.

We'll barricade ourselves in the barracks.

They'll only make it through
over our dead bodies.

Count me in. I'm taking the list to Lidia
and I'll be back to help you.

We'd better split up.

I'll go to the barracks at the back,
and you go get Verónica and Dolores.

-All right.
-Let's go.

-Are you all right?

I don't think I should've stayed hidden
these past months.

I shouldn't have stopped being myself.

And I shouldn't have walked away from you.

Right now we must focus on surviving.
Come on.

[bellhop] Miss Sofía,
a gentleman is asking about you.


What are you doing here?

I was sentenced to death, like many other
militiamen when the w*r was over.

One day, a priest came to the prison
and told us that if we joined his order,

they'd commute our sentence.

You were offered an opportunity
to save your life and you took it.

I get it.

Now that you are free,

we can pick up where we left off.

It's not that easy.

Being a priest was never my calling,

but being a teacher was.

In this new Spain,
I'll never be able to become one

unless I wear these garments.

Are you willing to sacrifice
everything we feel?

I promised.

Why are you here, then?

I couldn't let you think I was dead.

I'm teaching in a Dominican school
in the Chamberí district.

This is my address, in case some day...

-[Lidia] Sofía?
-I should go.

Is that...

Is love always this painful?

[Lidia] Sometimes it is.

But just because it's hard,
it doesn't mean it won't work out.

This is the prisoners list.

-Good. Come.
-We have a problem.

Carmen was crystal clear.
She intends to sell the children.

The first step is to bring them
to the new block

and separate them from their mothers.

My God...
How far is that woman willing to go?

-We have to tell Pablo.
-No, he can't know about this.

Pablo wants to help us,

and if he finds out his baby is in danger,
he may do something foolish.

We must do something.

The girls won't let the children be taken.

They are going to fight.

We must destroy that place,
whatever it takes.

Without the new block,
there will be no moving them.

I have access to the infirmary.

There's alcohol
and flammable substances there.

You have to start a fire.

I think I can enter the building
without raising suspicion.

Listen, that's not safe.

Trust me.



Let's go.
Elisa will be waiting at the opera house.

[Romero] There she is.

Stay alert.

Don't rush it.

-And keep your distance.
-Yes, sir.

[starts engine]

Let's go.

[Lidia] Pain is a tune
that never stops playing.

Comrades, get closer. Come.

This place has taken everything from us.

Our dignity, our freedom.

And now they want to get rid
of what we love most,

our children.

Carmen wants to sell our children.

Carmen may have the weapons,

but if we all stand together,
we can stop her from having her way.

Do you know why?

Because we have nothing to lose.

[Lidia] Indeed, life has doses of pain
ready for us,

which it delivers without warning.

[Carlota] Look at me.

And don't be afraid.

-Are you with me?
-[all] Yes!

Her friends are rotting in jail,

and she's spending a night at the opera.

Wait for me here.

[Óscar] The thought of resistance
can be frightening,

but do you know what scares me more?

Looking back and realizing I gave up,

that I gave in to the power oppressing me,

that I stopped being who I am.

[Marga] My baby isn't born yet,
but I'm ready to fight for it.

The w*r is over, but we're still fighting
the most important battle of all.

-Are you with me?
-[all] Yes!

-Are you with me?
-[all] Yes!

-We're fighting for what is ours.
-[all] Yes!

[Lidia] There is no antidote
to make pain go away,

but courage and unity

help you look adversity in the face.

A different woman was holding the key now
to keeping our plan in motion.


[Ezequiel] I knew you wouldn't miss
Camila Salvador in Madrid.

Well, I've heard wonderful things
about her.

[Ezequiel] They say that besides
singing well, she is also a real beauty.

-[Francisco chuckles] Right.
-Shall we go in?

But I see your companions
are not lacking in beauty either.

If you'll excuse us, Ezequiel.

-It was nice to see you.
-[Francisco] Yes, I'll see you soon.

Hey! Where are you going?

I just wanted to say hi to some friends.

Your ticket?

Your ticket, sir.

-I just want to say hi.
-Step aside one moment, please.

Your tickets?

Hurry up. It's about to start.


These are the people I told you about.

Now is not a good time.
I'm afraid we can't talk, Elisa.

Why not?
We talked, and you told me to come--

I don't care what I said!

I'm telling you to leave.
I can't do this now and I have to perform.

Camila, the lives of hundreds of people--

Hundreds of people?

Do you even know what you're saying?
Do you understand the risks involved?

I can't even save a few people,
and you're talking about hundreds?

[Bernardo] Camila.

Please, don't be like that.

-Calm down.
-[Camila] How do you expect me to be?

He's Bernardo, Camila's boyfriend.

The regime wants him
for political protests.

He has to leave on the Winnipeg.

Camila. Please tell us what happened.
They won't tell anybody.

There is no truck.

They will all have to stay here.
The driver bailed at the last minute.

That bastard...

I'm sorry.

My trip all the way from Buenos Aires
was for nothing.

You ended up being locked up
in this theater for a whole week.

No, don't say that. I needed to see you.

Every second was worth it, do you hear me?

What if we got a truck tonight?
Could you go back to the original plan?

I know a driver who won't ask questions.

-But we can't pay--
-I'll take care of that.

Bernardo and the others will go to France
in that truck and board the Winnipeg.

In return, you have to guarantee

that the ship will be waiting
for us and the prisoners.

-Camila! You have to go onstage.
-I'll be right there.

-This is the prisoners list.

I'll pass this list on to my people.

It will be difficult, but not impossible.

Tomorrow morning, I'll go to your house
and we'll start the preparations.

-Very well.
-Thanks for everything, Camila.

No, thank you.

Be very careful, please.

I'll see you in Valparaíso
in one and a half months.

I love you.

We have to go now.
Álvaro is waiting for us at home.

[applause and cheering]

You'll see her very soon. I promise.

Fabio! Wake up! Come on, let's go!

I told you they weren't staying
till the end of the show.

Come on, step on it!


I've talked to the inmates
in the southern block.

-They say they will fight tooth and nail.

The central block, too.

The ones among us who have no children
aren't going to allow the atrocity either.

We're in this together.

Yes, it's going to be a long night.

After curfew,
we'll start getting things ready.

We have to prepare the beds
and get the children far from the doors.

If they want to get to them,
we won't make it easy.

Hey, girls, how did things go?

[Marga] Don't worry, Sofía is one of us.

We've known her
since she was a little girl.

-Lidia's Sofía?

Sofía, all the inmates are with us.

-Did you give Lidia the list?
-Yes. I told her you wanted to revolt,

and she came up with an idea
that could change everything in our favor.

What is it?

We're burning down
the new maternity block.

[Francisco] Here's a thousand...

Two thousand...

Three thousand...

And this is to keep your mouth shut.

-Thank you very much.
-Thank you.

They're all set.

Let's go.

If anything goes wrong,
tell Camila not to mourn me.

Promise me you'll take care of her.

[Elisa] Be careful.

-Good luck.
-[Bernardo] Thank you.

[engine starts]

[Elisa] Tomorrow,
as soon as Camila is here,

we'll start planning your exile.

I want to apologize about this morning.
Please, forgive me.

-Don't worry about it.
-[g*n cocks]

You've also forgiven me--

No one is leaving this house!

If anyone moves,
I won't hesitate to sh**t.

[Carmen] Sit down.

[guard] Your identification, please.

The purpose of your visit?

They summoned me
to bless the new maternity block.

They're waiting for me.

Very well.

[Paula] Father, I'm sorry
our director isn't here to welcome you.

She had to leave for personal reasons.

It's no problem.

Well, this is the block where we're going
to accommodate all the children.

Shall we go in?

If you don't mind,
I'd rather have no one present.

The blessing
is a sacred and intimate ceremony.


Very well. It's all yours, then.

-[Sofía] Did you bring the gasoline?

Help me unstrap this.

-[Paula] Ladies! Listen closely!
-[Sofía] That's Paula.

[Paula] Come with me. It's time.

We're going into all the barracks
at the same time.

Go in pairs.

The guards are going to the barracks.
Quickly, help me.

You know what you have to do.
We must get all the children out of there,

regardless of what the mothers say.
Move, quickly.

Open them.


You're with me, to the central block.

But... What is this?

[door rattles]


[Paula] Open the door!

Now! That's an order!

-That's an order!
-[baby crying]

You go with the children.
They'll get in at some point.

No way, this is our fight.

Paula, we have the same situation
in all the barracks.

They have blocked all the doors.

This is a revolt.

Very well. They asked for it.

[blows whistle]


[blows whistle]


-No, no, no, no, no!
-[Marga] Girls, push!

-[Marga] We must stand together!

[Paula] Open this door!

-[Marga] Come on!
-[woman] Stand strong!

Come on! Push!

Let's go.

Marga, careful.

[Marga] Come on!

[Carlota] No!

[woman] Careful!

Are you insane?

We won't let you take our children!

-[all] No!
-We only want to...

place them in a more appropriate block.
It's for their own good.

You're lying!

-You want to sell them to rich families!

There's no time for this. Guards!

Make way and take all the children out.

If anyone resists, open fire!

If you want to take the children,

-it will be over our dead bodies!

-[guard] Fire!
-[Óscar] Look,

we set the children's block on fire.

[guard] Fire in the children's block!

[Óscar] Yeah, spread the word!
Run and tell Carmen!

[guards shouting]

[Óscar] Know this,

when there's nothing but ashes,
and you think about rebuilding it,

it will burn again in our name!

Guards, with me!
You stay here and watch them.

And if need be,
it will burn a thousand more times!

-[inmates] Yes!
-[woman 1] Come on, girls!

-[woman 2] Come on!
-[woman 3] Come on, girls!

[Paula] Oh, my God!

Hurry up! Call the fire brigade!

[siren wailing]

You, don't just stand there!
Bring buckets of water! Go!

And the inmates?

Forget about them for the moment!
This is more important!

[glass shattering]

Will someone open this damned door?

I wish Lidia could see this.

[Carmen] For the last time,

what did you transport in that truck?
What are you up to?

Elisa, stop playing the hero.

We all know
you're not like them, daughter.

You shouldn't be one to preach.

You're working
with the man who m*rder*d your son.

What's the witch saying?

[Carmen] That was your fault.

He would have never k*lled himself
if it weren't for you.

You were the poison!

He made that quite clear in his note.

That note was a fake.

Carlos would have never k*lled himself.

You knew him well.

This man m*rder*d him

and he staged his su1c1de.

[Romero] She's lying, Mrs. Carmen.

[Lidia] Carlos was strong.

He was capable of dealing with anything.

She's right, Mother.

Lidia told Carlos
he'd get to see Eva again.

He would have never k*lled himself
after hearing that.

[Lidia] No matter how far
one intends to take the fight,

there are always certain limits
that are too painful to cross.

Lidia became your only excuse
to explain my brother's death.

It was you.


Mrs. Carmen, lower your p*stol.

[Lidia] But even if we are afraid
to feel pain...

Are you all right?

[Lidia] may be the prelude
to something good that is to come.

Something worth
staying on the warpath for.

They are telling the truth!

[Romero] I would never hurt Carlos.

He was like a son to me.

They're trying to get into your head
with their words.

No, that's not true.
You've said it before.

I know you've m*rder*d many people
and made it look like su1c1de.

You were going to do the same to Pinillos.

Carlos was a soldier, Mrs. Carmen,

and he was willing to desert
because of that whore.

I had no other choice
but to punish him for it.

You bastard!

No, Mrs. Carmen.

I'm a very smart man
who has become rich working with you.

-[car horn honking]
-But no more...


Our partnership ends here.

Girls, come on! The car is waiting.

[Romero] I've been a puppet
in your hands...

but I've grown tired of it.

One more step, and I pull the trigger!


[cocks g*n]

-[Elisa] No! Ahh!

Lidia, let's go.

Think of your friends.

Lidia, come on.

[Carmen] Elisa! My daughter! Elisa!

[footsteps receding]


What have you done? Why did you do that?

-My daughter...
-[weakly] I don't know.

I don't know, Mother.

Don't speak, please.
I'll call an ambulance.

I couldn't stand by and watch you die.

How does it feel to see
the only person who still loves you...


-[Carmen] Elisa...


Not my daughter.
My God, no, honey... No...


[somber music plays]

["My Night" by Bekuh Boom plays]

♪ You see the light
How it’s shining bright ♪

♪ Shinin’ down thru the clouds
Making everything come alive ♪

♪ Making everything wrong feel right ♪

♪ Making everything loose feel tight ♪

♪ Like the stars in the heavens lined up ♪

♪ Like I’m only rolling sevens
No more feeling like its over 

♪ But the only thing that’s over
I'm no longer bending over ♪

♪ All the ones who use to use me
They no longer can refuse me ♪

♪ And I'm not falling behind ♪

♪ I'll hold the winning trophy
At the end of this race ♪

♪ I'll be dancin’ in the rain
I'll be drinkin’ champagne ♪

♪ This is my night ♪

♪ -Ooh, ooh
-And I own it ♪

♪ Said I own it ♪

♪ Yeah ♪