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02x02 - Madeline on the Orient Express

Posted: 03/13/24 15:34
by bunniefuu
♪ When we are all together ♪

♪ Adventures we will share ♪

♪ We'll dance and sing our songs with you ♪

♪ When life is one great muddle ♪

♪ And when we get in deep trouble ♪

♪ She's the one who always gets us through ♪

♪ Hats off to madeline

♪ You've really made our day ♪

♪ Three cheers for madeline, hip, hip, hooray ♪

Au revoir! Au revoir!

Ha ha ha ha!

♪ Hats off to madeline

♪ You've really made our day ♪

♪ Three cheers for madeline ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

[Arf arf]

In an old house in paris

That was covered with vines...

Lived little girls

In two straight lines.


They left the house at half past :...

In rain...

Or shine.


[Children laughing]

Un, deux, trois,

Dix, onze...


Oh! Oh!

The smallest one was madeline.

One spring day, so fine and fair,

A noise resounded through the air.

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

What is that?


What is it, madeline?

It was pepito, the boy next door,

The son of the spanish ambassador.

What is happening?

The prince of monaco is arriving.

He will be in tomorrow's royal parade.

Girlsthe prince of monaco?


The prince of harmonica?

Ah, danielle, it is monaco.


Look here.

Monaco is a very tiny but very beautiful country

Just next to france.



Whoa! Whoa!

Look out, madeline!

Here comes the prince.


What prince?

I am pierre,

Prince of monaco.

And i...

I am madeline.

I think this is yours.

Merci, your majesty.

And I think this is yours.

What a surprise,

What fun, what joy.

His royal highness was just a boy.

¡Hola! Pierre.

I see you've already met madeline.

These are my other friends.

Pleased to meet you.

Bonjour, your majesty.

Come. Let us all play with my trains.


Watch out for the locomotive.

Chugga chugga.

It's coming into the station.

But madeline was in trouble deep

With the prince's royal valet philippe.

You are ze little girl

Who knocked over his royal highness

And sent his crown zooming through the air.

I'm so sorry, monsieur.

On page of the royal rules,

It says, "no bumping into the prince."

But it was an accident, monsieur.

It was an accident, philippe.

Oui, oui.

Page ,

"Ze royal crown must always stay on ze royal head."

Page ,

"And never be touched by ze sticky fingers."

Oh, esta bien.

I have lots of other hats.

May I have a look?

Claro. This is my fireman's hat.

This is my toreador's hat.

What a fine collection.

And this is my bicycle helmet.

And this...

This is my very favorite hat.

We call it the bad hat.

The bad hat?

It is a long story.

Let me see.


Zut alors!

Don't you know the rule on page ?

"No squishing ze crown in ze train wreck."

Come, your majesty.

It is time for your posture lessons.



That night,

When all the girls were sleeping,

Madeline heard the sound of...




Pierre, what is wrong?


I hate being a prince.

A prince never, ever gets to have fun.

Pierre, listen.

I have an idea.

Come with us on our morning walk.

We always have a fantastic time.

But philippe will never let me.

Do not worry.

Miss clavel will have a word with him.

Merci, madeline!


The very next morning at half past :,

The royal prince took his place in line.

Now young pierre was feeling fine.

Remember, your majesty,

You must be back for ze royal parade

At on ze button.

No matter what he tried to play,

The prince's crown got in the way.


Huh? Huh?


Let us try a game of soccer.

Sí. Boys against girls.

Pepitoget it, pierre!

I see it!

I've got it!


[Air escaping]

Poor pierre.

The morning wasn't going well,

So they scurried home pell-mell.


Your crown, pierre.

It is a useless piece of junk.

But, pierre,

It is solid gold.

♪ There are many things I like to wish for ♪

♪ Things that can't be bought ♪

♪ And can't be sold

♪ A rainbow butterfly

♪ A candy mountain high

♪ But most of all

♪ I'd like a crown of gold ♪

♪ A crown of gold, gold, gold ♪

♪ Upon my head, head, head ♪

♪ With emeralds green, green, green ♪

♪ And rubies, red, red, red ♪

♪ A crown of gold, gold, gold ♪

♪ Look at it shine, shine, shine ♪

♪ I wish that crown, crown, crown ♪

♪ Could be all mine

♪ Cowboys wear big hats they call gallons ♪

♪ And little reds wear riding hoods for cold ♪

♪ But I'd take my beret

♪ And throw it far away

♪ If I could have a shiny crown of gold ♪

♪ Did you know a crown of gold is heavy? ♪

♪ Did you know a crown can make you sweat? ♪

♪ To keep it shining bright ♪

♪ Takes morning, noon, and night ♪

♪ A crown of gold is more work than a pet ♪

♪ A crown of gold, gold, gold ♪

♪ Just isn't fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ You cannot play, play, play ♪

♪ You cannot run, run, run ♪

♪ People stare, stare, stare ♪

♪ All over town, town, town ♪

♪ This crown of gold, gold, gold ♪

♪ It weighs me down, down, down ♪

♪ A crown of gold, gold, gold ♪

♪ Look at it shine, shine, shine ♪

♪ I wish that crown, crown, crown ♪

♪ Could be all mine

We shall think of something to cheer you up.

May we have ice cream, por favor?

Oui, ice cream!

I want vanilla.

I want peppermint.

Oui, pepito, that is a good idea.

Peppermint for me, too!


Vanilla, vanilla.

I want peppermint.

And I would like chocolate,

S'il vous plait.

Six vanillas, seven peppermints,

And a cone of chocolate for the prince.

We still have some time before the parade.


Oui, the royal parade.

You know, pierre,

What you need is...

A holiday!

A holiday?

Where would we go?

A holiday from your cape and crown.

Put them away for a while

And come with us to really see paris.


Bonne idée, madeline.

Please, miss clavel?

May we do it, s'il vous plait?


But the royal cape and crown are very valuable.

We must put them in a very safe place.

How about a very safe safe?

We can keep them in the safe at the embassy.

Merci, pepito.

I'll put them in the safe myself.

It is my duty.

So when it was :,

They left the old house yet again.

Pierre enjoyed the tuileries.

He sailed a boat...

And climbed two trees.

The people did not stop or stare.

They didn't know a prince was there.

Allons-y, mes amis.

Time to go.

They all came home,

They all sat down.

Then pierre went to get his crown.


Ze crown!

It is gone!

Ze priceless crown of monaco has been stolen.

Zut alors!

What does it say to do, monsieur?

Uh...uh... Voici--

Stolen socks, stolen pajamas,

Uh, uh, aha!

Page , stolen crown.

What to do--



The police were called,

Danton -,

The number of detective moreau.

But moreau could not come right away.

There had to be a slight delay.


Ze royal parade is only hours away!

I am so sorry, philippe.

Zut alors!


Miss clavel, we have no time to lose.

We must find the thief.

You are right, madeline.

Let us begin the search tout de suite.

May I go, miss clavel?

And me, too?

Of course. We need you both.

Precisely at :,

They left the house in two straight lines.

Ready, detective madeline.

But where do we go first?

Well, danielle,

If you had just stolen a priceless crown,

Where would you go?

I would go to the beauty salon.

The beauty salon?

So my hair would look fabulous under my crown.

Well, this conductor's hat was left inside the safe,

So I bet the thief is on the metro.

Must be.

You're right.

To the metro!

They reached the nearest metro station

With haste and great determination.

We must find your crown in time for the parade, pierre.

As if in answer to her wishes,

She noticed someone quite suspicious.

Regardez! Look!

Pierre, is that your crown?


Je ne sais pas. I do not know.

But before they could be sure,

The woman headed for the door.

Do not let her get away!

They followed her.

They did not stop.

Until they reached a fancy shop.

[Gasp] [gasp] [gasp]

And saw...

That she was just a prop.

That lady is not real.

She is a dummy.

C'est ca, madeline.

Even great detectives can make mistakes.

They looked and looked all over town.

Then they saw a shine and glimmer,

A very ripply crownlike shimmer.

There it is!

So in jumped genevieve,

The swimmer.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

The driver thanked the brave chien.

How happy he was to see his hubcap again.



There it is.

The crown!

As they watched the crown of gold,

Madeline did something very bold.


That is the king of england.

Excusez-moi, your majesty.

You, uh...

You have a lovely crown.

They searched the streets and avenues

Till they exhausted all their clues.


Ze crown!

Did you find ze crown?

No, monsieur. We did not.

[Clock chimes]


The parade is just two hours away.

Page says ze royal head needs a royal crown

For ze royal parade!

Perhaps pierre could wear something else.

Like my bad hat.

Page says,

"Bad hat bad idea."

But before she could say any more...



The detective burst in through the door.

Everyone clear ze hallway.


A trail of spots.

These spots lead directly to this hat tree.

Ze hat tree? Ze hat tree?

To whom does the hat tree belong?


Pepito? Pepito? Pepito?


All eyes settled on pepito.

Could he be the bad bandido?

That means our case is now finito.


Attendez! Wait!

Pepito is not the thief.

Then who is?

It is someone else in this room.

Just as I suspected.

It is...

Someone who has recently eaten chocolate ice cream.

To madeline, the case was clear.

She whispered in the prince's ear.


Oui, madeline.

You are right.

I must tell the truth.

It--it was me.

What? What?

The prince himself?

Pierre the thief? It cannot be! Oh, my!

Je regrette.

I did not mean to get pepito in trouble.

And I did not really steal the crown.

I just hid it.

But, your majesty,

Why would you do such a horrible, horrible thing?


Do not worry, mes amis.

We can help him.


We must hurry.

Without a moment's hesitation,

In the spirit of cooperation,

They worked on madeline's creation.


It is perfect.

Now I must find the unhappy prince.

¡Hola, pierre!

Bonjour, pierre.

We brought you your crown.


But I do not want it.

When I wear it, I cannot run and play.

Yes, you can.

You can even play soccer.

Oh, madeline, you saw what happened

When I played soccer wearing my crown.

Oui, but we have fixed it.


Your new, improved crown.

¡Anda, pierre!

Merci, mes amis.

This is a wonderful invention.

It was miraculous, indeed.

The prince could run with lightning speed.


I am so sorry, philippe.


I believe you have scored ze goal. Bon.

Merci, madeline.

You have made pierre very happy.

It was a pleasure, monsieur.

To express the gratitude of the people of monaco,

I invite you and your friends

To be in the royal parade.


There was a noisy crowd that day

On the wide champs elysées.

There were floats from near and far.

From england...

And from zanzibar.

There was a handsome arab sheik.

Next, a float from mozambique.

Then as monaco's float came near,

The crowd let out a boisterous cheer.

They were quite happy with pierre.

Ze french people love you, your majesty.

I think they love my royal court as well.

The girls wore crowns of red and blue

Made of paper, tape, and glue.

They rode the float in two straight lines,

All except for madeline.

Merci, philippe.

You saved me,

But I ruined your book.

Do not worry, madeline.

I have it memorized.

Page says,

"Who cares about the silly rules anyway?"

Ha ha ha!

At home they had a snack of bread...

We love our bread, we love our butter,

But most of all,

We love each other.

And brushed their teeth...

And went to bed.

In the middle of the night,

Miss clavel turned on her light and said...

Something is not right.

And afraid of a disaster,

Miss clavel ran fast and faster.

This is mine!

No, that one was mine!

Girls, whatever is the matter?

Nicole says this is her crown,

But I know that it is mine.

No, it is mine.

Mine had the biggest jewels.

Red rubies.

Chloe, nicole,

You are silly to fight.

They're not real jewels,

Only sparkly pieces of paper.

Oui, madeline.

The real jewels are all around you.



I do not see any jewels.

Your friends...

They are your jewels.

A good friend is a priceless possession.

I am sorry, chloe.

Then miss clavel went out the door.

And that's all there is.

There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go, au revoir ♪

♪ But you may shout encore! ♪

♪ That's all there is

♪ There isn't

♪ Any more

[Arf arf]