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04x02 - Funny Faces

Posted: 03/13/24 17:18
by bunniefuu
the adventures of napkin


oh that's nice


oh look at this

cute sweet baby teddy bear

does this belong to you sally

i don't want babies

oh you don't why not

we have a new baby at our house you know

you have a new baby teddy bear at your


no serious new baby sister

new baby sister oh

and that's a problem

look at my sticker book


uh no stickers


no stickers because of the baby

the baby stole your stickers

no sally

it's because i used to play stickers

with my mom but now all she does take

care of the baby and she doesn't play

stickers with me anymore




makes me mad

oh that's a very mad face

i know

i know how that feels

you do

i do you feel all



that's it all

scrunchy well when i'm feeling really


i do the stompy stomp dance

check it out

don't be stomped like a dinosaur

toppy stop

hear me


you tried

stop be stumped like a dinosaur

stompy stump

let's hear you right

very good do you feel better a bit but i

still have the baby problem well then

i think it's time for a napkin man story

did i ever tell you about the time

napkin man helped susie a little girl

with a baby brother

i don't think so well then you are gonna

love this one


you ready to call napkin man yeah


hiya sally hey mr anthony

hi napkin man uh mr anthony

oh right uh sorry about that

there you go

bootyful thanks mr anthony

i'm napkin man

i'm here for you

if you're happy sad scared or mad these

are all feelings i have had i'm napkin


i'll help you feel okay

some things are kinda hard to get

through but with a little help you can

do it yes you can


i'm your hero i'm


man hiya susie

hiya susie's mom you're just in time

napkin man we're making giant pancakes

we call them flippy floppy flapjacks one

help flippy floppy flapjacks you bet

what do i do you can be the flippy

floppy flapjack flipper me a flippy

floppy flapjack flipper can this day get

any better


nice flapjack flipping napkin man thanks

uh oh

i'll be right back


what's that noise

that's my baby brother barry

he sure is loud

that's better


you have to whisper why

you'll see

the baby's almost asleep

you need to be extra quiet okay

um maybe you two should play in the

other room

that's why oh

we'd better skedaddle

this happens every time i start doing

something fun with my mom the baby

starts crying

and mom goes running to look after him

it makes me really mad mad

i know how that feels you get all tight

and scrunchy yeah that's it super

scrunchy know what makes me feel better

when i'm super scrunchy mad

the stompy stomp dance stop be stumped

like a dinosaur

be stopped now hear me rush

napkin man don't stomp like that you'll

wake up the baby whoops i forgot

see another thing i can't do the stompy

stomp dance

hmm how about silly mad faces they don't

make any noise silly mad faces sure you

scrunch up your face like this

those are pretty scrunchy man face is

not command give it a try susie okay

that's a good one


that's a really scrunchy mad face you



the baby woke up but we were being

really quiet

i know it's not your fault not canadian

sometimes the baby just wakes up on his


can you try and cheer up barry while i

go and get him some food

hi baby berry

you look kind of mad you know what i

think he needs silly mad faces


she's so cute when he laughs

he sure is

i really love my baby brother

sure you do you just miss flippy floppy

flapjack time with your mom


you know what you should do susie what

tell her what do you mean

if you feel you miss your mother because

your baby brother tell her

tell her tell your mother how you feel

and why your feelings real tell her

that's right mad faces can be fun

they look good on anyone

but they don't tell the whole story

i guess they don't if your brother is a

father then you have to tell your mother

or she won't know what your mad face is

right just like flippy flapjacks need a

flipper who will flip them really busy

mommy's need a daughter who will tell

them mom what's going on

in your words or in a song

then she'll understand what's wrong if

you just




wow that's some face

no wonder he laughed

so can we finish making our pancakes now

not just yet honey i need to feed barry




susie should tell her mom if she's mad

and why she's mad

yeah that's an excellent

idea good thinking susie

can i give that a try sure napkin man

that would be great


mom i have something to tell you

i didn't do my silly mad face just to

make barry laugh you didn't no i did it

because i was really really really mad


why are you so mad honey

because every time we start doing

something fun together

you mean like flippy floppy flapjacks

yeah then barry starts crying and i go

running to take care of him every time

it's hard with a new baby brother honey

it is

but i am very very glad you told me why

you were mad

thank you

napkin man can you finish feeding barry

for me please


i'll try


susie and i have some flapjacks to flip

flippy floppy flapjacks




there you go thanks for your help it was

a good story

there's your mom sally and the baby hi


hi mom

oh how sweet

can i hold it


mommy can i show you something sure

honey hello




no stickers

i guess we haven't had much sticker time

since the baby came

sometimes it makes me feel mad i didn't

know you felt that way sally

i'm so glad you told me now that i know

i can do something about it

how about when we get home

dad can feed sophie and you and i can

finish this sticker book would that work

yeah great

is anybody missing a little baby sister

so cute yes

i really love my baby sister

winston we have a problem

you are go for launch in ten



seven six


four uh abort countdown uh mission delay

astronauts mission delay we are missing

astronaut winston where is it where is

it um

while we're in a holding pattern we

could use some more stars in space guys


where is it

winston we have a problem

we can't launch our space rocket without

all of the astronauts on board that

includes you

i lost my space helmet i can't go to

space without my space helmet

i have to find it


oh oh winston you're moving really fast

are you feeling a little bit panicky

panicky what's that oh it's when you

feel like you're freaking out well then

i am feeling panicky i need my space


uh-huh and you're moving really fast

inside and you just can't slow down

right right

well you know when i'm feeling panicky

and i'm moving way too fast i do the

moon walk to help me slow


huh what's a moonwalk well

you walk all floaty like you're on the

surface of the moon

check it out


is the

moon wall


try it

what do you think

it's fun

very good you feel better yeah but i

still can't buy my space helmet

uh winston did i ever tell you about the

time that napkin man helped a little boy

named arnie who also lost something that

was very important to him

was he an astronaut as a matter of fact

he was cool what did he lose

you'll see


ready to call napkin man yep


it's easier going down than up

hi winston hi mr anthony hi napkin man


mr anthony you forgot something his belt

oh right sorry napkin man


that's better thanks mr anthony

i'm napkin man

i'm here for you

if you're happy sad scared or mad these

are all feelings i have had i'm napkin


i'll help you feel okay some things are

kind of hard to get through but with a

little help you can do it yes you can


i'm napkin




hello astronaut arnie hi napkin man

you're just in time

i have to get my alien jackets back to


hi dracup

you're sending an alien back to space

that's a big deal it is luckily my

rocket will get us there we better go we

have to leave

in ten

nine eight




how high is this thing

it is a rocket rockets are tall





shouldn't there be a rocket here where

is it where is it

how could i get jacket back to space

without my favorite rocket


that's a big problem are you sure this

is where you left it sure i'm sure this

is exactly where i left my rocket unless

maybe i left it somewhere else

oh no i can't remember napkin man what

did your rocket look like it was the

best rocket chip ever

and flashy pets and everything

we gotta find it come on


where is it

where is it

i'm freaking out


you're going really fast arnie i think

you're feeling kind of panicky

it might help if you do the moon

i see



like astronauts

on the moon

feel better

i do

but i still need to find my rocket so i

can get jacket back to space

well maybe there's another way to get

drackett back to space

what do you mean

if you can't find a way to do something

you can find another way that's just as

good just as good

just as good

just as good not the one

but this one could

it's not exactly what you had in mind

but maybe

it could be just as good

don't have a car

to take you far

it's just the same

don't have a horse to ride do you no try

a zebra a giraffe a dinosaur you lost

your toy

don't raise your voice

because you'll find joy

if you make another choice

because sometimes it's not exactly how

you thought it would be so just remember

if you would

that something different really can be

just as good just as good

are you ready to find another way to get

drackett back to space yep one that's

just as good jacket it's time to get you

back to space but uh

napkin man how are we gonna do that


space is that a way right


so that means we need something that

goes up up up come on arnie let's find

something to get drackett back up in



do you really think this trampoline is

going to get jacket back to space napkin

man i don't know but if it does then

it's just as good as a rocket are you

ready jacket


here we go

jump jacket


have fun in space


whoops that didn't work

are you okay


he's okay the trampoline was not just as

good as my rocket nope but something

will be

let's find something else that goes up

up up like a rocket come on arnie


i hope this balloon will help your

jacket back to space i'm sure it will

balloons go up just like rockets are you

ready jacket



here we


bye go have a great time at home in

space don't forget to write


that didn't work either that's it are

you okay


he's okay

but the question is how are we going to

get drackett back to space the

trampoline and the balloon but not just

as good as my rocket now what are you

gonna do i have an idea


if i need a new rocket why don't they

just make a new one

and mr anthony you could draw i ernie

some cool flashing lights and snickers

for his new rocket well that's a great



hey arnie why don't we make a new rocket

with stickers and flashing lights

i really really really like my favorite

rocket well maybe we won't make a rocket

exactly like your other rocket but we

can make one that's

just as good

yeah now let's get making your new



we made an awesome new rocket we did

it's not like my old rocket at all

i think it might be even better

come on napkin man




nice job arnie thanks napkin man

hey you wanna see how fast my new rocket

can go oh boy do i ever okay hold on

tight here we go

and that's the story of how napkin man

helped arnie the astronaut get his

friend jack up to space without his

favorite rocket

that's a good story and you know what mr

anthony what i don't need my favorite

space helmet i can make another one

that's just as good all right

let's do it

you are go for launch again in ten





five four three


