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01x07 - It All Came True

Posted: 03/13/24 17:28
by bunniefuu



You're going to wake
everybody up. [CHUCKLES]

Oh, it's raining. Can
I borrow your jacket?

- Oh.
- [DRIVER] Have a wonderful day.

- Bye.
- [IN FRENCH] Au revoir, Madame.

- Elsa.
- [IN ENGLISH] Oh! Who is it?


What in God's name are you doing?

You wouldn't believe
the night I just had.

I'm sure it was spectacular.

[CHUCKLING] Yeah, it was, actually.

I haven't had this much fun in ages.

Whatever happened to you?

I ate dinner.

Oh, boring.

And yet, I somehow ended up with
Pierre Wertheimer in my room.

Of course you two are sleeping together.

That explains everything.

No, we're not.

Never have been and never will be.

Well, someone should
tell his wife... Oh.

- [LAUGHS] Someone should tell her...

[WHISPERS] Because she was
wandering around all evening,

looking for him.

- Really?
- [WHISPERS] Yeah.

Well, Germaine can take care of herself.

- Look, I need your help.
- Yeah.

Mmm. I need you, my darling.

Well, let's get you some
coffee before you fall over.


[CHRISTIAN] Where are you two going?

[CATHERINE] Just out for a walk.

I need some sunshine.

Don't worry. I'll bring
her back in one piece.

I'm not worried.

I only wish I could go with you.

That's all.

Why don't you?

Because I have to go and see
Lelong today. I'm leaving.

I'm quitting.

I'll be here when you get back.

Your shoelace is untied.

[HEIRESS] Just a little more.

- [SEAMSTRESS] Um, on this side here?
- [HEIRESS] I think that's right.

Good morning, madam.

So, how is everything going in here?

[SIGHS] It looks perfect.

It is one of the new designs by
our top couturier, Monsieur Dior.

I feel so glamorous. He's brilliant.

Yes. He is.

Oh, will you excuse us?

Madame Zehnacker and I have a
few things we need to discuss.

- Of course.
- Thank you.


Have you seen Dior's latest
ideas for our winter collection?

[GASPS] They are lovely.


Christian, we were just speaking
about you and your lovely work.

Thank you. It's... That's very kind.

- Beautiful.
- Monsieur Lelong?

- Uh...
- Hmm?

May I... May I have a...
May I have a word with you?

I have, uh... I have some news.

Of course. Sit. Sit.

Ah, uh...

[CLEARS THROAT] I, um... I have had,

um, an opportunity that has
arisen, um, most unexpectedly...

to, um... to start my own house.

- [LUCIEN] Ah.


I beg your pardon?

I'm so grateful to you for all
the years that we've had together.

Both of you.

But this opportunity...

um, I cannot pass up.

I see.

And is this just an ambition

or do you have funding?

I have funding.

From whom?

It's important to me that you
do understand how grateful...

From whom, Christian?

From Boussac. Marcel Boussac.


You are leaving me
for the king of cotton?

I know you've... y-you've had your
disagreements with him over the...

[LUCIEN] How much is he giving you?


- [LUCIEN] How much?

Six million francs.



Are you all right, sir?


I didn't do that very well.

I'm sure he will see that
you must take this chance.

I know he was just so looking
forward to working with you.

- Hey, monsieur.




Don't worry about it.

It's your badge of courage.

You know, the new government
has set up a repatriation center

to have citizens connect
with their lost loved ones.

They're asking survivors to come

and to give any information
they can provide...

so they can track the missing.

I could take you there sometime.

Only if you feel up to it.



There were moments
like this in the camp...

when the sun would hit my face,

and I would close my
eyes and just vanish.


Then something would happen to wake me

from my trance and... [BREATHES DEEPLY]

... the reality of
that place would be...

more awful.

[BREATHES DEEPLY] More hopeless.


I learned to hate the sun.


If you think that I should go, then...

I will.

Henri, the perfumes we began
developing before the w*r...

the ones the Wertheimer
brothers rejected

because they didn't want
them competing with No. 5...

do you still have the samples?


But the Wertheimers were
wise to hold us back.

I'm convinced these could be
even more successful than No. 5.

Oh, yes. Yes, yes, I know.

Uh, send them to me immediately.

I want to market the best of them.

- Competition will force...
- Oh.

... the Wertheimers to
pay me what they owe me.

I... I don't dare.


During the w*r, my records were lost.

I'll need time to
analyze what we created.

I need them.

If broken or lost in transit,
they would be gone forever.

We made these together, and I
only know part of the story.

Come to Paris and help me.

I need your nose, your
insight here in Paris.

Well, Paris is impossible
for me. You know that.

It's the only way.

I can't do it. The...
The risks are too great.

Then perhaps we should delay.

You're right, of course,
about the danger for you.

The FFIs are about to execute
high-ranking Vichy as collaborators.

Let me think.

must come there somehow.

You can't go to Paris.
You're in exile, like me.

They catch you, they'll
put you straight in prison.


[ELSA] You're scheming again,
and that means money is involved.

Money and opportunity.

And if you help me succeed,
you will get your share.

I am your lucky charm, remember?

- Always have been.

I'm going to open a
boutique here in Switzerland,

take back my business,
and you'll be part of it.


We're bound to one another, you and I.



Well, it sounds very intriguing.

- Except for the bit about Paris.

Yeah. We didn't help. I know.

I've been thinking of Pierre,
but... He's connected enough, but...

I have no idea how to convince him.

- You could sleep with him.
- Ugh.


- Out of the question.

I don't know why, but in his
case, refusal gives me joy.


I could sleep with him.


[INHALES DEEPLY] All right. I'll
just talk to him then. [SIGHS]

- You? He doesn't even know you.
- Oh, yeah.

- We met at the party. We had a great time.
- Elsa.

If you want me to help,
you've gotta let me help.

I wanted to come down here, Monsieur
Dior, to show you, in person,

where I believe we can build
the couture house of our dreams.

May I present to you the House of Dior!

It's brilliant. You're a genius.

And a thousand thanks
for coming here in person

and, um, for selecting
such a unique place.

I really think of it as a palace.

[CHUCKLES] Instead of a house, you
can open the first fashion palace.

[CHUCKLES] Yes, but don't...

No. No, no, no, no. There
is no room for doubt.

No room at all.

Trust me when I tell you, "This is it."

It's too grand.

But... [STAMMERS] ... that's the point.

[CHUCKLES] You have been
given an enormous sum of money,

and you will be an enormous success.

[STAMMERS] My house needs
to be, um, personal, yes?

It's elegance. It's
not... not, um, enormity.

Elegance, Monsieur.


Christian, the brand will be
elegant because you are designing it.

But the building must be
something that says we are kings.

Yes, it must carry the
success of the name Boussac.

Yeah, uh-huh.

- Well, and the name Dior. Yes.
- As well as the name Dior.

But... But gentlemen, please.

I feel that we are moving

further and further away
from what we had agreed on.

The spirit of it.


My friend... [INHALES DEEPLY]

- I have given you six million francs.
- Yeah.

Not to mention my trust.

It's time you gave me yours.

[STAMMERS] Gentlemen, gentlemen.

There's no time for this.

We need to hire a whole new team,

source the materials...

most of which are still
scarce... and find a new tailor.

- I'm aware.
- Good.

I will have Georges
draw up the paperwork,

and, uh, we can begin construction.

- Georges?
- I... I will get it done.

[MARCEL] Good day, gentlemen.

Oh, and, uh... [CHUCKLES]

This is what progress
feels like. [CHUCKLES]


Pierre, thank you so much.

That was such a lovely party last night.

Why, yes, it was, Elsa.

Where's Germaine? I'd
like to thank her too.

Switzerland did not agree with my wife.

She got a train out
to Paris this morning.

You sure it was Switzerland that
drove your wife away, or was it Coco?

[SIGHS] Whatever she told
you, I assure you, it's a lie.

I have no idea what went
on between the two of you.

- I do know she's full of regret.

Caring for someone confuses
Coco, and she cares for you.

We care for each other.

Did you two have a fight?

[GRUNTS] I suspect you did.

- And so she sent you?
- Mademoiselle.


- Monsieur.
- Thank you.

No, she's... she's determined to
do something incredibly dangerous.

She wants to go back to Paris.


She wants to see her nephew,
André, and his daughter.

André? Is he in trouble?

He's getting treatment for tuberculosis.

- It's not going terribly well, I'm afraid.

Can she send for him?

- He's in a bad way, Pierre.

her sister k*lled herself,

André's been like a son to Coco.

You know how much she loves him.

I do.

We're not going to stop her from going.

But it occurred to me that
you might be able to save her.

I-If she could travel with you,

the Parisian authorities
wouldn't dare touch her.


Dear God, this woman confounds me.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, me too.

- But we love her still.


I leave in two hours.

So you'll do it then?

For André. For kindness. Yes.

She'll be so grateful, I promise.

We'll... We'll pack, and we'll...
we'll meet you outside shortly.


Well, I can't let her go on her own.

Thank you, Pierre. Thank you.

I'm not gonna back down.

Don't bother trying to talk
me out of it as my lawyer.

No, no, no. It's not that.

My father-in-law, Pierre
Laval, has been arrested.

They are going to
execute him for treason...

- Oh, my God.
- ... for running the Vichy government

during the occupation.

It appears as though de Gaulle

is still intent on
punishing collaborators.

So, you really, really should
think about dropping the lawsuit.

No, I can't do that.


Well, uh, at least you aren't in Paris.

At least you are safe.


Who was that?

It was nothing.

Well, here is something.

Pierre has agreed to take us to
Paris, so you'd better get packing.

men has always been your forte.

- Our forte, I'd say.
- Oh! Thank you.

Oh, it's all right.

If I'm going to wage w*r, then
I need to get my... my weapons.

- And they're waiting for us in Paris.

[CHUCKLES] Weapons. I
like the sound of that.

Well, I'm going to meet with Henri.

He has something I need.

And you will help André
and Gabrielle pack,

and stall Pierre if he
comes looking for me.

[COCO] Elsa.

Pierre, thank you.

- It's my pleasure, yeah.
- Mmm.

I've made arrangements
for us to go to Paris.

We will have safe passage,
but your visit must be quick.

Oh, once we have André, we'll...
we'll return to Switzerland.

- Hmm?
- Good.

Um, I was saddened to
learn of his illness.

I wish you had said something.

[SIGHS] I didn't want to burden you.

Our lives keep bringing us together.

There is business,
and then there is rest.

You can always count on my help.

- Come in, Elsa.
- Thank you.


I hated the whole thing.

All of it.

This building.


[SPUTTERS] ... enormous
building, you know?

It's like a... It's like a crypt.

It's like a mausoleum.

My vision will die there.

- I will die...

Oh, I'm sorry. Did we disturb you?

- I'm fine.

- Just tell them you despise it then.

I have, but they won't listen to
me, okay? Neither of them will.

Boussac, he gets a look in his
eyes. You know, it's chilling.

He... He senses the opposition.

He waits for it, like a snake.

You know, what have
I gotten myself into?

What have you gotten yourself into?

You've been given an amazing,
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Focus on that.

They want you to thrive.

Find a way to communicate with them.

I've already told Lelong that
I'm leaving, and he's heartbroken.

I don't know that I
ever should've done this.

It's... I don't know, but...

Where... Where are you going now?

Just getting some water.

You're not thinking of
turning Boussac down, are you?

I don't know. I know... [STAMMERS]

- It's only a building, Christian.

You will have to make many
compromises in this journey.

- I don't want to compromise!

I want to actualize my vision,

and I can't do it in that f*cking
place, in that ridiculous building.

Please. You can.

Jacques, you know what?
You don't understand, okay?

You're not a designer.

You don't understand what's
entailed in creative work.


What? No, Jacques.
Don't... Please don't go.

No, Jacques, don't.

Please, come on. Oh, I'm so sorry.

I have things to do.

- I have a job.
- Come on.

- I have a life.
- I'm s... I'm sorry. [KISSES]

No, don't go, baby.

Don't go. Jacques, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


Hervé thinks maybe I can be of help

at the repatriation center.

No. Absolutely not.

Stop worrying. I'm fine.

I think it might be helpful to me.

It might stir things up.

Please, just be careful of your health.


[ANNOUNCER] Please complete
an intake form available

at the front entrance.

Excuse me? I'm Catherine Dior.

I was at Ravensbrück.

Thank you for helping.

- Of course.
- Up to the left.


Madame! Madame! Are you all right?

Can I help you stand?

I'm sorry.


[PERSON 1] She was 26.

[PERSON 2] Do you know which
camp she was working at?

[PERSON 1] Do you think they
will be able to find her?

[PERSON 3] Ladies and
gentlemen, please keep moving.

[PERSON ON PA] For information on...

They will be able to answer
all of your questions upstairs.

For information regarding...

... please use the left-hand stairs.

If you have a photograph of your
loved one, please have it ready.

This is my daughter.

I'm Catherine Dior.

Mademoiselle Dior. Thank you for coming.

We are trying to connect people
who've come back from the camps

with, uh, Parisians who are
still searching for loved ones.

I will do all that I can.

We're hoping you can assist
us with information...

excuse me...

about deportees who were
housed at Ravensbrück.

Any and all information
is greatly appreciated.

This is Madame Carpentier.
She's looking for her sister.

She will describe her sister to
you. Perhaps you might remember her.

Oh, thank you for
helping. Thank you so much.


Oh, this is my sister.

She was in Ravensbrück.

Have you any information about her?

Can you tell me something, please?

Thank you.

Good night, madame.

Thank you.

Do you remember what you said

when Christian first
started working here?

Mmm. I was very impressed.

You said if you were younger, you
would follow him wherever he went.

Yes, I remember.

But you have nothing
to worry about, Lucien.

The w*r has aged me even
more than time. [CHUCKLES]

I'm not worried about you, madame.

[SIGHS] But I admire Christian.

I want what's best for him.

However, running one's own couture house

is an unforgiving and brutal endeavor.

And Christian, he does
not have the fortitude

to make difficult decisions,

nor the capability to
fight for what he wants.


And you know Boussac.

Yes, Marcel and I are old friends.

He will walk all over Christian.

Take advantage of what
we most admire in him.


Christian is going to get crushed.


Christian, they need to get behind you.

It's gonna help.


Boussac only wants the
biggest and the best.

Oh, great.

Right. I think we should...

So, we move that.



You look exhausted.

I'm fine, Christian.

These people... [EXHALES SHAKILY]

... they need help.

They're still looking
for their loved ones.

It's good work. I... I want to do it.

But you're right. I'm tired.

I need to rest.

Get André.

But don't leave the hotel.
I don't want you seen.

Of course.

Please be as quick as possible.

Then contact me, and I will
arrange for your return.

You're not staying?

My wife is expecting me.

Oh, of course. Yes.

Be careful.




[ANDRÉ] Auntie. My God, you're here.

So, Elsa's here as well.

- She's gonna help you get packed...

... while I run an errand.

Should you be seen in the
streets? I think that's risky.

Darling! Hi. [KISSES]



- Oh, you look wonderful. Oh.
- So do you.

- It's good to see you.

- Darling, I-I must make a phone call.

- Yes. Yes. Now, where's your suitcase?

Christian, what's wrong?

Nothing. I, um, just...

I forgot some personal items.

What is it?

[GROANS] Boussac.


He wants to force me into a building

that I despise. [SIGHS]


You know, Madame Zehnacker, I...
I have dreamt of this for so long.


And I know something about
what is the ideal space.

Elegance, uh, requires intimacy.

- Simplicity, yes?
- Yeah.

And he wants to put me in
a mausoleum, and I will die.

- Well, just talk to him.
- I have talked to him.

He doesn't listen, and I don't
have the will to fight him.


Well, you have circled this place.

It's my dream fashion house, you know.

It's small, secluded, but elegant, yeah?

Couple of workrooms.

Now, here you could make something
that is personal and unique.

Yeah. And it's great.

It's near the Plaza, the
Lancaster and the Bristol.

So your international clientele
would be able to find you easily.

- Exactly.
- Yes.

Yes. But it doesn't suit
Boussac's grandiose vision.

- Never will.
- If you love it, fight for it.

Look, I know you're trying to help me.

[STAMMERS] Thank you, but no. I...

I will have to find another dream.

This is... It's not meant to be.

It's just not meant to be.



You brought her to Paris, didn't you?

You must all stop.

You were seen getting
out of a car with Chanel.

So what?

Don't f*ck with me, brother.

I knew you went to
Switzerland to see her,

and now you've come back with her.

Stop. Just stop.

But I'm desperate to understand
how you can be such a fool.

She needed help.

To what? k*ll us?

She's a n*zi collaborator,
have you forgotten?

She understands what she did was wrong.

Oh, you must be joking.

She invoked the Aryan
laws to steal our business!

The same laws her n*zi pals

used to m*rder our
friends and their families!

She needed help with her sick nephew.

Well, it doesn't matter.

When the FFIs find out she
is here, they will arrest her

and do to her what
they're gonna do to Laval.

What do you mean, "when"?

You said, "when the
FFIs realize she's here."

She's our business partner.

Do you think we can
survive a scandal like this?

You may be blind to who
she really is, but I'm not.






- Oh.
- Lovely to see you.

Hello, Henri. I've missed you.

I have something for you.

[SIGHS] Our abandoned children.

Orphans no more.

Oh, my.

Shall we get to work?

- Yes. We haven't much time.

- [TINO ROSSI, IN FRENCH] ♪ Come love ♪

♪ This is the exquisite hour ♪

♪ The fountains quiver over there ♪

♪ And lovers' hearts break ♪

♪ Confessions whispered softly ♪

♪ I want to sing my mistress ♪

♪ Come love ♪

[IN ENGLISH] Marcel!

[LAUGHS] Raymonde.

Tell me again, why are you toiling
with Lelong instead of here with me?

Because you would have
me stuck behind a desk.

Never. I hold you in too high regard.


Now, I want you to train that regard
to what I have to say about Dior.

I'm sorry. We have a deal.

Lelong is going to have to let him go.

This is not about the House of Lelong.

This is about you and what you
hope to build with Christian.

If you let Dior chart his own path,

then you will finally have the
couture house you have always wanted.

But you need to start with an
environment that inspires him.

you his protector now?

No. I'm his friend and yours too.

If you continue down this path,
your investment will wither and die.


You see, Marcel, I'm not sure
you understand what he needs.

complete the intake form

available at the front entrance.

Hello. I'm searching for my wife.

Can you give me this as well, please?

That's her picture. That's her picture.

She's probably lost along the way.

[CATHERINE] I'm sorry, I never saw her.

Thank you.


[PERSON 1] Where is the
medical table, please?

[PERSON 2] Yes, ma'am. It's
forward ahead to your right.

I am, uh, Jacob Friedman.

Catherine Dior.

Catherine Dior?

Miss Dior, I... I think
I know your father.

He's Maurice Dior. Am I correct?


I am in Callian now, where he lives.

He told me many things about
his daughter, Catherine.


He's so lucky to have you returned.

So lucky.

Well, my daughter's name is Tania.

She was also a member of
the Resistance like yourself.

I... I begged her not to,
but she wanted to fight.

I was told she was sent to Ravensbrück.

Was it as awful as they say?

It was a prison camp.

I... I have a photo of my Tania,

the way she was before
they took her away.

Look. Her eyes, how beautiful they are.

Do you recognize her?

C-Can you tell me something? Anything?

I'm sorry, no.

I never saw her.

Are you sure?

You were there both at the same time.

Please. [STAMMERS] I must find her.

Most people didn't make it out.

She might have.

Look again, please.

Look again.

I'm sorry.


There's nothing I can do.

[SNIFFLES] I'm sorry that
I've bothered you with this.

Your photograph.

Uh, perhaps you will
remember her in time.


- [GABRIELLE] He's here. He's here.
- Yes, he's here.

We're off.

Elsa, the car is waiting
to bring you to the train.

[ELSA] Are you ready for our journey?

André, you're looking well.

Monsieur Wertheimer.

Yes, I've been improving. [SIGHS]

We need to leave
immediately. Where is Coco?

She's in the drawing room.

- Coco?
- What?

It's not safe here.

My brother Paul could send
the FFIs to arrest you.

What are you doing? We must go.


How it has changed
since I was last here.

These streets used to be covered in
n*zi banners, and now they're gone,

and I am banned from the city I love,

forced to sneak around
like a g*dd*mn criminal.

I'm not going to stand here and
listen to you mourn the Germans.

I saw André.

He's not sick.

What are you really doing here,
Coco, except making a fool of me?

Getting my perfume.

What are you talking about?

I'm gonna wreak utter
havoc on your business.

Nobody will want to buy your No. 5...

[SNIFFS] ... because
I have something better.

Mademoiselle Chanel No. 1.

I will tell the world that the old No. 5

is no longer my perfume of choice,

that I am unhappy with the quality
of your sad copy of my original.

They will stop buying it.

That won't happen.

If you don't give me what I'm owed,
you'll get to see what happens.

Mutual destruction?

Is that what you want for us?

You can stop me...

or you can let me go.

But if you stop me, they
will arrest me, Pierre.

They will throw me in jail,
and they might even k*ll me.

Paul says that I should
hate you, and he's right.

He doesn't know me.

Not like you do.

I don't know you.

[SIGHS] You know me, hmm?

You do.

Hey, hey. Slow down.

Let me help, okay?

I just have to get out of here, okay?

Catherine, are you sure
you want to do this?

Yes, Christian. It's okay.

Don't worry. I'll make sure
she gets there in one piece.

I'm not worried.


Please, I just want to make sure
that you feel that you just...

You should get that. It could
be important for your work.

I will get that, but will you
wait for me? One second, yes?


I mean it, Catherine.

Hello? Ah, Madame Zehnacker. Yes.

Um, excuse me, please.

My sister is about to go
to my father's in Callian,

so I will telephone you later. Yes?

[SIGHS] Cath...


I will meet you there...
[STAMMERS] ... this afternoon.

Yes. [STAMMERS] I... I'm going
to hang up the phone, okay?

- Catherine.




These are so lovely.

[SNIFFS] You can still dazzle, you know.

Yeah, something I cooked up with Henri.

I thought if we couldn't produce No. 5,

we should try and come
up with something new,

uh, to win back the market and my name.

Poor Pierre.

What will he think when he finds out

he's helped you wage a w*r against him?

Oh, he knows. I told him.

You told him, and he still let you go?

He had no choice.


He loves me.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, they all do.


What is that, you mad woman?

To help me sleep.

Not my invention, but
almost as wonderful.

I'm exhausted, Elsa.

And still, I cannot sleep.


And... [STAMMERS] ... it helps?


- Care to share?


[CHUCKLES] As you wish.

But can you do it for me? Because I...

Does it hurt?

Just a little bit.



- Breathe in.





[SIGHS] We can both rest up.

We've earned it.

And we have a business to run.

- You can put your legs here.

Thank you.

I'm overwhelmed. I'm astonished.

How did you get him to do it?

I believe in you, Christian.

And to be honest, when
I was with Boussac,

I realized that I want
something for myself as well.

I am still hungry, Christian.

Lucien and I have had our time.

I want to build something new.

Boussac has agreed to give you
this space on one condition:

that I handle the
business while you create.

What I want is a partnership.

I want to share this journey
with you, to back you up,

to protect you and help us both succeed.

Will you have me?

There is no one I would
rather have by my side

than you, Madame Zehnacker.


You have made me happy

for the first time in a very long time.

- [MOUTHING] Shall we?
- Oh, please.


[MAURICE] Catherine?

It's so good to have you here.

I want you to know that.

Thank you, Papa.


[SOBBING] Forgive me.