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01x08 - Visit to Grandma's / Gone Fishing

Posted: 03/14/24 11:39
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

(Hooves clicking) ♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ Just shine that spotlight on me ♪

♪ Every show must have a star ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ He can dance he can dance ♪

♪ When the lights go down

♪ I'm ready to perform

♪ This is my home upon the stage ♪

♪ I'll dance for you

♪ And we'll perform for you, too ♪

♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance he can dance, yeah ♪

Hey, Eddy, how about brushing a little further to the north?


Right there.

Oh, I don't know what I'd do without you, Eddy.

I don't know Marvin.

Who else would bring you a special treat?

A special treat?

What is it?


Sugar cubes!

Mmm! Mmm!

Oh, thanks, Eddy!

You can thank my grandmother. They're from her sugar bowl.

Well, thank you, Granny Larue!


Why don't you come and meet her after work today Marvin?

All right, I'll be there!

Great! I'll be there too. All summer.

I almost went to summer camp, you know.

Summer camp? That'd be great!

Swimming, hiking,

cooking wienies over an open fire.

Not this camp.

It's in an office building downtown.

It's called Camp Commerce.

That doesn't sound like fun.

EDDYI know!

I told my dad I didn't want to go to camp

and we got into an argument.

And you won?

No, my grandmother won!

She banged her cane on the floor!


Then what happened?

No one made a sound.

She looked my dad straight in the eye,

and said,

"Edward shall stay with me for the summer."


JACKEddy! There you are.

We need a new row of tickets at the front gate. Pronto!

I'll get right on it, Jack.

See you at Grandmother's house, Marvin!

Um, sure, Eddy.

Meeting Eddy's grandmother, are you?

That'll be nice!

As long as I don't get on her bad side.

MARVINHow do you do?

I'm Marvin...


The Tap-Dancing Horse.


What if I leave scuff marks on her floor?

Drop the dancing!


That looks like an interesting act.

It isn't for my act.

I'm preparing to meet Eddy's grandmother today.

You are?

But, why didn't she invite me?

Calm down, Elizabeth.

She didn't invite me either.

Oh? Then who did?

Eddy! He did?

And he didn't want me to meet her?

No, no, that's not it at all.

I'm sure Eddy wants his grandmother

to meet all of his friends.



Oh, thank you for clearing that up, Marvin.


Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've got to get back to my rehearsing.

Oops, sorry, Marvin!

See you later.

Ahem... how do you do?

ELIZABETHThat's no good.

I look terrible in yellow.

Too plain.

(Sighing) Decisions, decisions. Decisions.

Hello, Elizabeth.

Diamonds! I'm so glad you're here!

I can't decide what to wear!

What you're wearing looks nice.

Oh, no. I need to wear something special.

I can't meet Eddy's grandmother in this.

You're meeting Eddy's grandmother?


Marvin says Eddy wants all of his friends to meet her!

I'm Eddy's friend!


So you have to go too!

This is wonderful!

I'll just have enough time to squeeze in a trip to the spa.

But-- I still need help deciding!



Oh, pardon me, Stripes!

Where are you off to in such a hurry?

The spa in town.

Ah, that place is too expensive.

Just give Eddy fifty cents.

He'll hose you down and throw in a back rub too.

Well, yes, but this is a special occasion.

I'm going to meet Eddy's grandmother!

You are?

DIAMONDSUh-huh. And so are Elizabeth, and Marvin!

But, what about me?

She wants to see you too!

She does?

I better give my stripes a good scrub!

I do hope the spa can take me without an appointment.

DIAMONDSThanks for fitting me in.

My pleasure, Diamonds. Any time!




Ahh, yes.

Stripes, what's that smell?

Jungle Madness! Do you like it?

I only wear it when I'm meeting someone special.

Ah, the old tiger's on the prowl.

So, who is she?

Eddy's grandmother!

Whoa, you're going on a date with Eddy's grandmother?

A date?

What are you talking about?!

ELIZABETHHi everyone!

Well, I'm ready to go!

Oh my, aren't we a handsome group!

Will someone explain what's going on here?

We're going to meet Eddy's Grandmother.

MARVINHold on.

I was invited to meet Eddy's grandmother.

Who said anything about you guys going?


Didn't you say...

I-- I thought you said that Eddy said-- oh dear.

Huh, so much for that outing.

And I paid for a full body treatment and pedicure!


(Sighing) All right, all right.

You can come too.

Really? Thank you, Marvin!

Well, to tell you the truth,

I'm kind of nervous about meeting her.

Nervous? Why?

Well, because Eddy told me how she reacts to things

she doesn't approve of!

ELIZABETHWhat does she do?

She bangs her cane on the floor, like this!


And then, she looks you square in the eye,

like this.

Uh, maybe I'll just stay here and play cards.

No, Stripes! We're all going!

That's right.

We're a team, and we're going to stick together.

Aw, thanks, guys!

Marvin is sure taking a long time to get here.

I hope he didn't forget.

I'm sure he'll be along soon, Edward.

Does he take sugar in his tea?

He takes sugar.

I'm not so sure about the tea.

Oh, I see.

I'll fill the sugar bowl then.

They all came!

Hi, guys!

Let me handle this. I have some explaining to do.

Gee, I didn't know everyone was coming.

Now Grandmother can meet all my friends at once.

Uh, will she mind?

I wouldn't want to, uh, you know, get her upset.

Get her upset? Why would she be upset?

Come on!

Remember, be on your best behaviour!

Look, Grandmother, company's here!


I wasn't expecting four of you!


Guys, meet my Grandmother Larue.

Grandmother, meet Diamonds!

Good afternoon.


It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!


How do you do, Madame?

And Marvin!

Hi, I'm M-- Marvin!

Ah, you're the tap-dancer.

Edward has told me a lot about you.

Come and we'll have tea together on the veranda.

I'll set three more places.

Are you okay, Marvin? You seem a bit nervous.

Me? Nervous? No, I'm really glad I cane.

I mean, came!

Me too.

Grandmother likes you guys already, I can tell.

Come on and have some tea.

Maybe it will calm my nerves.

EDDYWe sure have a lot of fun together at the carnival.

Don't we guys?

Uh, yes.

We share happy times together,

working hard and getting the job done!

Yes, that's true.

Very, very busy.

I do enjoy a cup of tea.

Nothing like a cup of tea, I always say!

I love tea.


I'll get that!

Oh, for crying out loud, Elizabeth!

Oh! I'm sorry!


Oh, excuse me!

So much for that sandwich.

Thanks a lot, Diamonds!

I said excuse me! Must you always be so rude?

Me? I'm the one who got sneezed on!

I knew I should've come alone.

Well then, why didn't you?

DIAMONDSStripes, please!

Oh, dear.

We've ruined a perfect afternoon.

We should've just stayed home and played cards.


Do you play cards?

I asked if you played cards!

Well, I have in the past.

Uh, sometimes...

But not often.

I play cards,

but I'll stop if you don't approve.

What makes you think I don't approve?

You banged your cane.

I bang my cane for many different things!

When I go like this...


It means I have something to say.


That means, I agree, wholeheartedly.

But they all sound the same!


You have to get to know her before you can tell them apart.

That's right, Edward.

Now then, what were we talking about?


Oh yes! Would you care to have a game of cribbage?

Sure, that'd be great!


I'll go get the cards and the board.

I knew she'd like you guys.

She doesn't play cribbage with just anyone.

She's a charming person, Eddy.

I'm so glad I came!

Me too!

I like that lady.

I told you she'd be really nice.

Ah, you know, once you got to know her.

Sandwich anyone?



EDDYSure thing, Marvin.

Thank you.


(Crowd cheering)

ANNOUNCERHow about that, ladies and gentlemen.

let's hear it for Stripes!


STRIPESIf I have to jump through one more flaming hoop...

I'll-- (Yawning)


I'm just exhausted, Marvin.

It's all these extra shows Jack's been adding.


I wish I had it easy like somebody I know.

Aren't you Little-Miss-Grumpy.

Did you eat a rotten peanut or something?

Well, you'd be grumpy too if you had to give rides

to little kids in this heat.

He didn't mean anything, Diamonds.

We all know you work really hard.

STRIPESWe all work hard.

And I'm working in this heat in a fur coat!

ELIZABETHOh, oh, it's too much!

I'm never working at the front gates again!

What happened?

Some little kid dumped his popcorn all over me!

Sounds like you're having a bad day too!

ELIZABETHA rotten day!

I wish Jack had never added those new shows!

I'm so tired.

STRIPESPipe down, Elizabeth!

We're all exhausted.

That's right.

I don't suppose you'd like to get hit by popcorn!

How'd you like children hanging off your ears?

Or parents tugging on your tail?

Quiet down!


Look, we're all tired, but showbiz isn't just

bright lights and glamour.

It's hard work.

And no matter what...

ALLThe show must go on.

That's the spirit!

And just be thankful Jack hasn't added any extra shows

for this weekend.

JACKAttention all staff.

Please report to my office in five minutes

for an important announcement.

Staff meeting in five minutes.

Oh dear!

Do you suppose?

You don't think?

Extra shows, I bet. Oh, just our luck.

ELIZABETHNo, we can't do any more shows!

I'm too tired!

If you're so tired, why don't you just tell Jack?

I'm sure he'd understand.

Sure he would, he's our friend.

Just make sure he gets the message, Marvin.


You're the one who was so tired and grumpy.


Stripes was really tired and grumpy!

What about Elizabeth?

Oh! (Crying)

Oh, never mind. I'll do it.

Oh, Stripes! Thank you.

If you want something done right,

you've got to do it yourself.

JACKTerrific! Everybody's here.

I won't take long, because I know you're all very busy.

Every one of you is doing a fantastic job

working these extra shows.

And that's why there's

been a change in your schedule tomorrow.

Oh no!

Here it comes!

You're all getting the day off!

Oh no you don't.

There's no way we're agreeing to this.

We're tired and overworked,

and I speak for everyone when I say...


Uh, thanks! A holiday would be great.

You're welcome, I think.

It's been so long since my last holiday,

I don't know what to do!

Let's go shopping!

Let's go to the movies!

I know, we can go to the new all-you-can-eat chicken bar!

It's just outside of town!

Last one there pays the bill!

What's the matter?

Our day off is tomorrow.

Oh yeah.

All you think about is eating.

And all you think about is buying silly things

you don't really need!

Leave her alone, Stripes.

Whoa, arguing isn't going to help us agree on anything.

What about doing something outside?


You might have something there, Eddy.

Shopping can be done outside.

What about flea markets and garage sales?

Oh, nobody wants to go shopping.

But everybody's got to eat.

Not everybody likes to eat chicken.

They probably have carrot sticks or something.

Are you trying to tell me to go on a diet?

EDDYThat sounds great!

Good idea, Marvin!

ELIZABETHWhat's a good idea?

Did you decide what to do tomorrow?

Eddy and I are going to go on a picnic.

And go fishing!

At least that way,

we can have some peace, and quiet!

A picnic would be lovely.

Sounds good to me.

Oh, can we come too? Please?

We've got one peanut butter sandwich for Eddy.

And seventeen for Diamonds.

Crunchy or smooth?



STRIPESUh, what about me?

ELIZABETHAnd thirty-two chickens for Stripes!

Sounds like all-you-can-eat to me!

I could eat more than that.

Ah, all this fresh air is good for the appetite.

ELIZABETHTwo dozen ears of corn for me,

and a half-bushel of apples for Marvin.


EDDYHey guys, which way should we go?

STRIPESDefinitely the sunny path.

No! Definitely the shady path.

I have very delicate skin, you know.

ELIZABETHI want to go the sunny way too.

No backseat driving!

I'm not going that way!

MARVINCome on, let's not argue anymore.

♪ Come rain, or shine ♪

♪ We're friends

♪ And we will always have each other ♪

♪ Till the end


♪ Through any kind of weather

♪ We'll always be together

♪ We'll have fun, just because we're friends ♪

Just give me my thirty-two chickens,

and I'll be on my way.

Why don't you take the whole picnic basket?

See how far you get with that on your back!

Okay, maybe I will!

Maybe you won't! Will.

Won't! Will!

ELIZABETHUm, guys? Where did Marvin go?

Eddy's gone too!

Does that mean I get his peanut butter sandwich?

There they are!



Wait up!

MARVINTry again, Eddy!

Like this?

Atta boy!

Wait, that's not the way you hold the rod.

Move your hands further apart.

DIAMONDSNo, no, no.

The problem's not his grip.

He should be further upstream.

Fish like the shade.

Fish like the sun!

I think he's using the wrong bait.

Will you lay off poor Eddy?

(Gasping) I think I've got a bite!


(Stomach growling)


Not bad for your first day!

Too small, throw it back.

That's what happens when you use the wrong bait.

I think it's our turn now.


(Gasping) I got something!

Reel it in!

Let it play!

Keep the line tight!

Keep it loose!


It must be awfully big!

Give me the rod.

No, let me do it.

Whoa! Oh!


What did you use for bait?


Are you going to want that mounted,

or should we fry it up for dinner?

This is what happens when you send a pig

to do a tiger's job.

Couldn't you tell it wasn't a fish?

Well, I never caught a fish before.

Here come the waterworks.


Now, Stripes, you've gone too far.

MARVINYou've all gone too far!

I know you're all tired and cranky!

But can't we enjoy each other's company

without fighting all day?



Why did we all want to be together on our day off?




That's what I thought!

But you sure don't act like it.

(Bear humming)


Wasn't that one of our napkins?



This is terrible!

Just terrible!

DIAMONDSThe peanut butter sandwiches!

And thirty-two chickens!


The fresh air sure gave him an appetite!



Just what we need, more waterworks.


(All laughing)

Oh, Diamonds.

I'm sorry for not listening to your ideas.

And I'm sorry for yelling at you, Elizabeth,

when I should have been helping.

Oh, well we've all been pretty silly today.

MARVINWell, the good news is,

we've still got half a day to spend together.

DIAMONDSThat's true.



Now let's get back home so we can dry off.

And have lunch!

Good idea.

Sounds good to me.

Count me in!

♪ It doesn't matter if the sun is shining ♪

♪ Or when the clouds are dark ♪

♪ And pouring rain

ALL♪ Through any kind of weather ♪

♪ We'll always be together

♪ We'll have fun

♪ Just because, we're friends ♪

♪ We're friends, good buddies, best pals ♪

♪ We're friends, good buddies, best pals ♪

♪ We're friends, good buddies, best pals ♪