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02x12 - Reunited

Posted: 03/14/24 15:21
by bunniefuu

(Crowd cheering)




Any sign of Ironbeak?

Cornflower?, nothing.

He’s up to something.

We’ll deal with old Iron-drawers


Right now, I need help with our

new guest.

Constance, I can’t help

feeling that Matthias is in

terrible danger.

Well, he may be in for the

fight of his life, Cornflower,

but if anybeast can do it,

Matthias can.


Now we’ll see what you’re

made of, mouse.

(Wearet growling loudly)

(Metal clinking)



Atta boy, Matthias!



What is going on out there?

It sounds like drumming.

Oh no!

They’re having some kind of

feast, and we’re going to be

dragged out there and eaten!

Oh, what a foolish idea,


Well, whatever it is, you can

wager it’s not going to be

pleasant for us.

Quiet, everyone.

I hear paws heading our way.

VOICEMust catch my breath.


I’m sorry, brother shrews.

It is not much farther,


I know, Flugg, but it’s more

than I can handle.

What are you saying?

The time has come for the

Guosim to have a new leader,

and that’s you, Flugg.

You are the new Log-a-Log.

No, do not talk like that.

You must live.

You must!

Who are they?

I will not let him die down


No, the law and the rules of

the Guosim say you cannot

disobey me.

I end my life here.

That is my final--



We’re Redwallers!

Can you hear us out there?


Who is in there?


I’d know that voice anywhere!

It’s Matthias’s young one.

Get that door open!

What’s happening out there,


I think they’re unlocking the


What if they’re enemies?

Then we’ll give them the

fight of their lives.

Tell me, Mangiz, my seer,

have your visions returned?

Uh...indeed they have,


I see now that the ghost mouse

was only a trick.

The omens are good then?

Indeed they are, my general.

Soon the earth-crawlers will

tire of their silly games and

come out into the open.

And when they do, our bird

warriors will destroy them.

You truly see these things?

As clear as water, my



You have done well, Mangiz.

This is good news.

Very good news.

Tell the rooks to rest, and get

some sleep yourself.

False news is better than






Is everybeast all right?

Fine, Abbot Mordalfus.

We’re all fine.

Goodness me, Stryk, we’re sorry

to wake you so rudely.

That terrible raven has us all

on edge.

I think, perhaps, all these

staring eyes are scaring our


We thought you might like some

food, so--


This water drink’s good.

Well, now that we’ve got you

fed, let me work on that wing of



Nothing be wrong with Stryk

Bird’s wing.

I’m not sure, Stryk.

I think it might be broken.

No beast touches Stryk Bird’s


No beast!

Stryk just need more sleep


You’ll see.

You go now.


Got it.


Mattimeo, it’s me, Log-a-Log.


Every beast, stop!

It’s the Guosim.

What a bunch of warriors.

We’re free!

I told you we’d be rescued.

Yes, young one, but it’s not

just us-- your father is here.

My father?

And Basil Stag Hare and Jess.

Please, sir, I was


Yes, young missy, your father

Orlando is here too.

As is yours, young hedgehog.

But you’ve got a Log-a-Log to

thank for finding you.

We’d have walked right past if

it hadn’t been for him.

I knew you’d find us.

Thank you, Log-a-Log.

Thank you so much.





Matthias is looking tired.

Don’t let the champion of

Redwall fool you, old lad.

In a moment or two, he’ll decide

it’s time for lunch, then he’ll

settle the thingamabobs, you

mark my words.


Made of skin and bone, that’s

what you are.

This is the end of you.

Hold on, young ’in, you don’t

want to go down there alone.

Indeed not.

There is nothing as dangerous as

an injured animal.

Especially one that big.

Poor thing.

Apparently she builds her nest

in a tree on the side of the


One night there was a rockslide,

and she broke her wing

in the fall.

She was nearly at her end when

she spotted our abbey.

Then to be att*cked by those

wicked ravens.

I swear, I won’t rest until

Redwall is free of them.

An honourable thought,

Cornflower, but I must remind

you that danger is everywhere in

our abbey.

That will soon change, Father


I have a feeling Martin’s

ghost may walk again tonight.

That’s exactly what I’m

worried about, Cornflower.

These hauntings of yours have

become much too risky.

I agree.

That raven is no fool.

And sooner or later he’ll work

out what is happening.

There’s too much risk.

You must stop.

But Father Abbot, my

masquerade scares these evil

birds, and that superstitious

crow Mangiz is terrified of me.

I can’t stop now.

This is the only defence we


Cornflower, you are a bigger

mischief maker than your son,

and a fighter as brave as your


Make tonight the last time that

you haunt our abbey.

I will, Father Abbot.

Come, Constance, we have work

to do.

And I am left holding the

baby, as usual.

Death is here.

Leave my abbey!



Oh, my.

I do wish Matthias and Mattimeo

had been here to see that.

Yes, so do I.

I do miss them so.

You’re right, Matthias will be

able to take care of himself,

but what about poor Mattimeo?

He’ll be all right,


Matthias will see to that.



You called for me, General?

Mangiz, the time has come to

launch the final attack.

Indeed, my general?

Yes, I had a vision of my own

last night.

A plan that will end them.

A vision, my lord?

You’re not the only one who

dreams, featherhead.

Now find my magpies and

fighting rooks and bring them to

my side-- quickly!

As you wish, my lord.

I have a good feeling about

this, Mangiz.

Only for you, my general.

Water drink’s good, but Stryk

thinks she sleep now.

Good heavens!

All right, we’ve got about an

hour to set this broken wing.

I don’t understand.

What’s happened, here?

I’m guessing that our

innocent little mousemaid just

slipped Stryk a sleeping potion.

We’re wasting time.


Really, Cornflower, you never

cease to amaze me.

Where are the others?

I am sorry, my general, but,

well, they have locked

themselves in the dormitory and

refuse to come out.


(Claws sharpening)

Then I must go and talk with


So, my fighters, you have been

listening to the ghost mouse


What did it say this time?

(Ravens squabbling)

Who gives the orders, here?

I am in command, understand?

You worthless rabble!



(Rats laughing evilly)

(Matthias screaming)


All who look upon Malkariss

must die!


You’re Malkariss?

Who dares raise a paw against


The evil one.

The evil one!

ALLThe evil one!

The evil one!

The evil one!

The evil one!



I am Malkariss!


Come here, otter.

Do not be afraid.

I’m your friend.

Hold your chains tight across

this rock.


(All gasping)

You’re free.

I’m free!








ORLANDOMatthias is alive.

Fight on, Redwallers!


JESSTreetops and timber!

There’s just too many of


You can knock ten down, and

twenty spring up in their place.

There’s no stopping the


Still, we signed on for the trip

so we might as well make the

best of it.

What’s all the commotion over



Some kind of enforcements?

Well, blow me old whiskers,

it’s the youngin.



Over here, you young scallywag.




What took you so long?

It wasn’t easy, don’t you


And the sooner we get this

finished, the sooner we can eat



Just one more haunting and

we’ll have them on the run.

No, Cornflower.

You’ve been lucky, but one wrong

move and Ironbeak’s birds will

k*ll the pair of you.

If Matthias were here, he’d

keep on going until...until they

were scared out of their


When Matthias returns with

the young ones, how shall I

explain you were k*lled playing

foolish tricks?

What would I tell your son?

You have been very brave,

Cornflower, but it’s time to put

Martin back to rest.

You’re right, Father Abbot.

I will do as you say.

Then Constance, I ask you to

take Martin’s armour back to the

gatehouse and put it where it



Cornflower, is that you?

Stop playing at once and open

this door.

Come on, I know it’s you.


Why stick on Stryk wing?

It was broken, so we fixed


Fix it, you did.

Me fly now.

No, you must rest until the

wing heals.

Stryk don’t want to rest.

Stryk Redkite fly now.

Just you dare, my lady, and

I’ll tan your feathery hide.

Warrior mouse "Codflouder"

should be Redkite like Stryk.

The very idea of it, you

feathery baggage.

Tonight we prepare the final

battle, because your general has

made the big stripedog his


The earth-crawlers are resting.

They have posted no guards at

the barricade because they think

the stripedog watches.

With her gone, we dismantle the

barricade while they sleep.

It might work.

Of course, I thought of it.

Tomorrow, the great Redhouse

will be ours!

(All cawing)

That’s all of you.

Now go home, you’re all free.

(All cheering)

Your end is near, mouse,

for I never miss.

Slagar never ever misses.