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02x12 - Message In a Bottle/A Visit to Cake Town/Hamilton's Important Letter

Posted: 03/14/24 17:57
by bunniefuu

♪ Maggie and the Ferocious Beast ♪

♪ In Nowhere Land

♪ To Nowhere Land

♪ Come along if you can

♪ Hey, ho, come on, let’s go ♪

♪ To Nowhere Land

♪ With Maggie and the Ferocious Beast ♪

BEASTGreat googly moogly!



MAGGIEIt looks like he’s sleeping in again, Beast.

(Beast laughing)

Let’s go and get him up, Maggie.

Time to get up, Hamilton!

MAGGIERise and shine!


Are you going somewhere, Hamilton?

I’m going with you.

Where are we going?

I don’t know!

HAMILTONYou’re going on a hike.


Did we decide that yesterday?

No. I decided it, just now.

Are you ready to go?

I’m ready.

Me, too. I’ll lead the way.

HAMILTONWait! We’re not going that way.

We’re going this way.


Um-- Uh--

(Giggling) Because.

Oh! okay. Okay.

(Tropical music)

HAMILTONWell, here we are at the beach!

Let’s play in the sand!


Too bad we didn’t bring our shovels.

(Hamilton giggling) Look what I’ve got.


(Maggie and Beast gasp)

Gee, thanks, Hamilton!



I want the blue one.

(Cheerful music)

(Hamilton clearing throat)

Wait! We’re not digging here!

We’re digging over there, by the big rock!




Okay. Okay.

HAMILTONFour, five, six!

I think this is a good spot.



Are we going to make a sand castle, Hamilton?


What are we going to make?

A hole.

Just keep digging, Beast.


(Mysterious chiming)

MAGGIEHmm. There’s a rock here.

(Hamilton giggling) It’s a bottle!


It is?

Uh-- Well--

It could be.

Let’s see if it is!

It is a bottle!



And there’s something inside!

Great googly moogly!


What is it?

Let’s see.

(Hamilton squealing)

(Hamilton exhaling) Maggie!

That’s a perfectly good bottle!

Sorry, Hamilton.

What is it, Maggie?


I’m not sure!

(Hamilton giggling)

It’s a treasure map!



You go from here, to here, to here!


HAMILTONUntil you get to this chest.


It marks where the treasure is!

We can pretend we’re pirates,
[ … ]

and search for it!

I wish we had pirate costumes.

We do!



MAGGIEWow! BEASTThank you! Thank you! Thank you!

MAGGIEAn eye patch!

MAGGIEArr, me hearties.

We take paces due north from the big rock.

Oh, goodie!

I’ll lead the way.

One. Two.


ALL, , ,

, --



A stick.

That stick is supposed to be there.




Maggie, what’s next? I mean--

Arr, what be next, matey?

Arr. Go the length of a kite string

toward the big trees.

I see the big trees.

Now, all we need is a kite string!

There ya go!


(Hamilton giggling)

HAMILTONCome on! We have to walk this way!


I don’t know, Beast.


HAMILTONArr, mateys.

We’re close to the treasure now.

(Sudden popping) What?

Well, that’s not right!

That’s the end of the kite string, Hamilton.

No, no! It’s supposed to end over there!



Uh-- Because.



There’s the problem!

Look at your foot, Beast!




Here, I’ll help you.

BEASTThank you, Maggie.

There you go.


Ha, that’s better.

According to the map,

the treasure is just a stone’s throw away!

And look!

Here’s a stone we can throw!

Here, Maggie, you throw it.

Thanks, Hamilton.

No. Not that way. This way.




Perfect! Come on!

MAGGIEThere’s the stone.

But, where’s the treasure?

Maybe other pirates got here first.

No! We have the map, and we got here first.

You just have to look over there!


(Victorious chiming)

Great googly moogly!

MAGGIEThe treasure chest!

HAMILTONHmm. I wonder what’s inside.



(Maggie and Beast gasping)

MAGGIEGrape fizzy!

BEASTWith crazy straws!


BEASTWith the crusts cut off!

Hamilton, this is wonderful!


(Hamilton squealing)


Whoa! Whoa! Ooh.


Hamilton, this is the best treasure I’ve ever eaten!

Me, too!

(Slurping and munching)

MAGGIE/BEASTThank you for planning it.

You’re welcome. I enjoyed doing it.


(Hamilton humming)

Are we ever going to get started?
[ … ]

I can’t make up my mind!

HAMILTONAnd I have to finish the laundry.

BEASTOh, Hamilton. You’re so fussy.

Hmm! This looks interesting.

Where? Where?

MAGGIECake Town.

(Hamilton gasping) Let me see!


Maybe I’ll get some new recipes!

I’m ready right now!

(Maggie laughing)

Rudy lives on the way.

We’ll stop off, and see if he wants to come along.

Thank you.

MAGGIEI can never remember

exactly which hole Rudy lives in.

We better start calling.



BEASTWhere are you?

I’m up here! What’s going on?

MAGGIEWe’re on our way to Cake Town.

Would you like to come along?

Cake Town? I’ll be right down!

I hope he hurries.

I can’t wait to see Cake Town.

You mean you can’t wait to taste Cake Town.

(Beast laughing) Yeah!

I hope they have free samples.

Do you see anything, Maggie?


(Mysterious chiming)


Wait a minute. I see something!

Is it Cake Town?

MAGGIEIt’s a hill covered with tiger lilies!


Let me see!


HAMILTONWow! You’re right, Maggie!

Tiger Lily Hill!


Beast, go to the left! We have to see this.

Oh, all right.

(Cheerful music)


I love tiger lily flowers!

We have them in our garden at home.



(Tiger lily meowing) (Gasping)

(Chuckling) Your mom doesn’t have tiger lilies like these!


How peculiar!

(Tiger lily meowing)

(Meowing) What’s that sound?

I think that sound is coming from these tiger lilies.

(Sombre music)

(Tiger lily meowing)

He’s cute, but he doesn’t look very happy.

(Sad meowing) None of them look happy.


What do you suppose is wrong?

I don’t know.

Now, hold on.

Let’s try to figure this out intelligently.

What do flowers need to make them happy?

I know! I know! Sunshine!

But they have sunshine.

They also need water.


Maybe they’re thirsty.

There’s a well over there.

(Bouncy music)

There you go.

(Tiger lily meowing)

RUDYEasy, fella. Slow down!

There! We’re finished!

Are you still thirsty?

(Tiger lilies purring)

We have to go now.

We’re on our way to Cake Town.

But, we’ll come back and visit you again.

(Hamilton grunting)

RUDYGoodbye, lilies!

(Lilies meowing) MAGGIEGoodbye!

(Lilies meowing and purring)

MAGGIECake Town!


I wonder if they taste as good as they look.

(Maggie laughing)

HAMILTONBeast, stop, please,

so we can take a closer look.



(Hamilton panting)


This is the most beautiful wedding cake I’ve ever seen!
[ … ]

Come on!

♪ Here comes the bride

♪ The groom starts to slide

♪ They land in the icing

♪ Wow, what a ride


Why don’t we see how it tastes?

Good idea!

Let’s do it!

(Rudy grunting)

(Beast laughing)



Don’t take so much, Beast.

What? This piddly little piece?

That piddly little piece would feed a party of !

Let’s check out the cheesecake.


♪ Hi-diddly-dee

♪ This is the cake for me

♪ Cheesecake is my favourite

♪ I’d like the recipe ♪

(Chomping) Mmm-mmm.

(Satisfied munching)


Now, let’s try that devil’s food cake!

Tumbling teddybears!

You guys run along.

I’ll stay here!

(Hamilton gasping)

(Sluggish chewing)

There’s still one cake we haven’t tried yet, Maggie.

All right.

(Nauseated moaning)

(Beast sighing)

(Sluggish sighing)

(Rudy moaning)

(Rudy belching)

♪ I ate the cake

♪ That was a mistake

♪ I guess I ate too much

♪ ’Cause I have a stomachache ♪

(Maggie moaning)

(Hamilton moaning)

You can sing that again.

♪ We ate the cake

♪ That was a mistake

♪ We all ate too much

♪ Now all our stomachs ache

Cheer up.

We’ll feel better soon.

(Hamilton moaning)

(Beast groaning)

(Maggie sighing)

(Hamilton humming)


This one turned out better, I’d say.


Look at it go!

(Maggie humming)


I wonder where all these paper airplanes came from, Beast.

I think they came from the sky!



HAMILTONWatch out!

Good morning, Hamilton!

HAMILTONGood morning!

You should be more careful where you throw things.

You shouldn’t stand in the middle of the runway.



You look different today, Hamilton.

Oh. It’s probably my hair.

I shampooed it this morning,

and the blow-dryer makes it go silly.



There. How’s that?

(Maggie and Beast laughing)

(Hamilton laughing)


You still look different.


Yes, you do.

Are you more pink today?

I don’t think so.

(Maggie laughing)


Oh well. It doesn’t matter.

As long as you’re Hamilton.

(Hamilton giggling) I’m Hamilton, all right.

Give him his picture, Maggie.

(Hamilton gasping) Oh yeah.
[ … ]

I finished your portrait!

Wow! It looks just like me!

Don’t you think?


Ohh, that’s what it is!

You’re wearing a different sweater today!

I only have one sweater with an H on it, Maggie,

and I wear it all the time!

Then, where did your H go?


You’re not wearing it today.

(Hamilton gasping)

Where did my H go?

That’s what I said.

It’s gone, Maggie! Look!

There’s only stitching left where it used to be!

MAGGIEOh, dear.

It’s come off, all right.

I’ve got to find it!

I’ve got to get my H back!

Where could it be?

It can’t be too far away, Hamilton.

When did you last see it?

HAMILTONLet me think now.

I got up this morning. And then I got dressed.

And then I had breakfast.


(Gasping) Breakfast!

I saw it in the toaster!

Great googly moogly!

What was it doing in the toaster?

No, no, no!

When I looked at my reflection in the toaster,

it was there, I remember!

And, I saw it in the mirror

when I was brushing my teeth, too.

And then what?

And then I did some housework!

Maybe that’s when it came off!

Maybe I caught it on a hook.

Or, maybe I hooked it on a hanger!

Maybe it’s stuck in the vacuum cleaner hose!

Hello. Mmm.


Those are very lovely spots you have.


HAMILTONWell, that’s everything!

I’m down to the bare walls!

No luck, huh, Hamilton?

HAMILTONWait a minute! Hold on!

There’s something under this box flap.

Is it your H? Did you find it?

No. It’s just a "B."

A "B" is nice, too.

B is for box.

I’m not a box! I’m a Hamilton!

And my H is gone forever!


Don’t worry, Hamilton. It’ll turn up!

Just like you found these two missing stockings

and a mitten, right?

I don’t have the matching stockings or mittens anymore.

I feel funny without my H.

I would lend you one of my spots, Hamilton, but--

HAMILTONI know. It’s too big.


I’m scared you might lose it.

(Hamilton groaning)


Maybe I can make something for you to wear in the meantime!

Really? With an H on it?

Of course!

Oh, thank you, Maggie.

MAGGIEThere. H for Hamilton.

And do you really think

I’ll start to like wearing this?


And Beast and I will be getting used to

our new fashions, right along with you!


I’m having problems with my horn covers.

They keep going in my face.

Horn covers should be worn back behind the ears.

Here, Beast. Let me help you.



(Maggie sighing) Dear Beast.

Bend your head down, and I’ll fix it.

There. That’s much better!

I’m having problems, too.

This hat won’t stay up!

(Maggie laughing)

MAGGIEIt’s because you're not using the chin strap I put on!

But I don’t like the chin strap.


You’re just not used to it yet. There.

Try that for a while.

Will you tell me when a while is up?


(Frustrated yelling)
[ … ]

(Sighing) That feels better.

(Hamilton groaning)

This hat is giving me a crick in my neck!

I’m sorry, Maggie.

It’s too hard for me to get used to a new look.

That’s okay, Hamilton.

I know how you feel.

I like my old hat better, too.

And I like my horns out in the fresh air.


(Hamilton sighing)

And I like an H on the front of my sweater,

but I haven’t got one.

MAGGIEHmm. Hamilton.

Why don’t I take your sweater home

and have another H sewn on for you?

A red one?

I’ll try.

Oh, Maggie!

I’d be so happy if you could do that for me!

(Beast and Maggie gasp) Great googly moogly!

There it is!

(Hamilton gasping)

My H! Ohh.

(Maggie laughing)

You had your sweater on inside-out, Hamilton.

(Hamilton laughing) I guess I did.

Sorry about all the fuss.

That’s okay.

I’m glad you got your H back.


So am I.

Come on!

Let’s all go fly some paper airplanes!

(Beast laughing) Wait for me!

(Hamilton laughing)

I’m right behind you, Maggie!
