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01x17 - A Visit to the Vet

Posted: 03/14/24 18:52
by bunniefuu

♪ One step at a time

♪ Who could suppose what together we'll find ♪

♪ With every pair of shoes that we try ♪

♪ We'll have a new adventure, you and I... ♪

♪ Where will my feet take me today? ♪

♪ Nobody knows for sure

♪ But come for a walk, I'll lead the way ♪

♪ To places never seen before



Where in the world is Franny?

[FRANNY:] Not he-ere.


Knock knock!

Who's there?

Grandpa Fantootsie.

Grandpa Fantootsie who?

Grandpa Fantoot-sees Franny's shoes!


Shake a leg, Franny.

It's almost time for you to visit the dentist.

But I don't need to visit the dentist, Grandpa.

My teeth are fine. See?

What a shiny smile!

You'll have to show it to Dr. Lee at your check-up.

But Grandpa!


A customer!

The tongues of my shoes are loose.

Can you cure them?

These tongues won't be wagging when I'm finished fixing them!

I'll be back when they're better!

Franny, can you tuck these into the fix-it-box?

Sure, Grandpa!

Where will my feet take me today?




Hey, quit hogging the couch!

Oops! Sorry!

Just kidding! I've got lots of room.

I'm Harry the Hamster.

I'm Franny.

What is this place?

This place? It's a Vet's office.

You know. An animal doctor...

A doctor FOR animals, I mean.

Not a doctor who IS an animal!



Fluffy fur and whiskers!

All the patients are pets!

Hey! Got it in one! That's Joey.

He has a painful paw.


Cheer up, Joey!


Say, did I ever show you

my famous "rooster-cow" impression?

I've never heard of a "rooster-cow"!

It goes...cockadoodle-MOOOO!


Looks like I've got a new fan, Franny!

You're a good cheerer-upper!

Harry. I can see you now.


Ah, you go on ahead of me, Joey.

I can wait a little longer.


Poor Karmine. She's got a cold!

How am I going to cheer her up?

How about a knock-knock joke?

My grandpa loves to tell knock-knock jokes.

Good thinking!

I know the perfect one.

Knock knock!

Who's there?



[LAUGHS] You sneezed! Need a tissue?


Well that's a wrap! Your turn, Harry.

You go, Karmine.

A sick kitty shouldn't have to wait.

It's really nice of you to let Joey and Karmine go first.

It's just the kind of hamster I am!

Helpful. That's me. Helpful Harry.

You'll be sniffle free in a day or two.

Come right in, Harry.

You're the last one!

[GULP] Uh.. uh.. ah!

Was it something I said?


What a kaffuffle!

Now the phone's ringing!

You answer the phone and

I'll look for Harry!


Hmmm...Where did he go?


Hmmm... There you are!

Aren't you going to visit the vet?

Sure, I will. I am not nervous about

going into the exam room for a check-up!

I'm...uh...just playing hide-and-seek.

Yeah, that's it!

Who are you playing with?

I'm playing with!

Okie dokie! Now it's MY turn to hide and YOUR turn to seek!

You'll never find me, Harry!

I'm a good hider.

I can find you twice as fast as you found me!


, , , , , ...

...,, , !

Ready or not, here I come!

Where are you, Franny?




Next time, I'll find a much better

hiding place than the examination room!

Examination room!? Oh no!

Well, of course I'm in an examination room!

I knew it all along!

Hi there, little fella! Ticklish?


Who's the guy with the goofy grin?

I'm Dr. Vickers, the vet!

The vet!? Ahhhh!

Harry, Dr. Vickers is frantastically friendly!

I dunno...

I have an idea!

I'll stay with you for your check-up!

Check-up! Yuk!

[LAUGHS] Harry, you sure know how to make a funny face!

Well, sure!

Maybe you've seen my famous "rooster-cow" impression.


Harry! [LAUGHS]

Looks like Harry has a new fan!

I don't suppose you can hop up onto my table here?

Sure I can! No problemo.

Now, I want the two of you to have a staring contest!


How do Harry's eyes look?

Bright as buttons!

Aha! How about his fur?

Hee hee hee! That tickles!

It's soft and shiny and silky smooth!

Is his nose running?

If it is...maybe we should we run after it?

[LAUGHS] Good one, Harry!

No! It's dry.

Harry, you're one healthy hamster!


You're all done, Harry!

You did frantabulous!

And for being so brave,

here's something for you to take home.

A biscuit! Yum yum!

Chew on that and it'll keep your teeth in tip-top shape.

So long, Doc!

I'll have some new funny faces to show you at my next check-up!

See? That wasn't so hard.

Hard? Who said anything about hard?

It was a snap.

Take it from me, bunny.

Visiting the vet is no big deal!


How about another game of hide-and-seek?

I'd love to but I've got to go.

My Grandpa's waiting for me.

Cheerio then.

It was great meeting you.

But we can have one last staring contest if you want!

You're on.



That was hamsteriffic!

An animal biscuit!

Another treasure for my shoe box!


I'm ready to visit the dentist.

Good for you, Franny!

Harry was nervous about his check-up

and he chewed the sofa leg

then we played hide-and-seek.


He's a hamster!

I made him laugh and Dr. Vickers gave him a check up.

Dr. Vickers?

The vet! He's an animal doctor!

A doctor FOR animals, not a doctor who IS an animal!

I wonder if my dentist will have a staring contest with me.

[CHUCKLES] Well, let's get you into your jacket and find out!

Where will my feet take me tomorrow?