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01x22 - Yummy in My Tummy

Posted: 03/14/24 18:55
by bunniefuu

♪ One step at a time

♪ Who could suppose what together we'll find ♪

♪ With every pair of shoes that we try ♪

♪ We'll have a new adventure, you and I... ♪

♪ Where will my feet take me today? ♪

♪ Nobody knows for sure

♪ But come for a walk, I'll lead the way ♪

♪ To places never seen before


Lunch time Pickle. Eat it all up.


We have a special snack today, Franny.

What is it?

Homemade ravioli.

Try one!

Uh... [SNIFFS]

Uh uh.

Have one little bite. It's...

Mmmwaaa! ....dee-licious.

Uh uh.

You like noodles, yes?

Uh huh.

And cheese.

Uh huh.

But that's ravioli!

Noodles and cheese together.

See? The cheese is inside the noodle.

Uh uh..


But you don't know what you're missing.

Uh uh.


A customer!



Hello. What can we do for you today?

I wore out my sandals walking on the beach.

Aahh...The soles have holes...

...and the strap's unsnapped.

But don't you worry.

We'll have them like new in no time.

In the fix-it box they go! Hehe.

Where will my feet take me today?




Sizzling sombreros!

This place is frantastic!

Salsa! Salsa! Where are you?

Have you seen a little donkey?

A donkey? No. Sorry.

I can help you look, if you'd like.



That means thank-you in Spanish.

I'm Franny, by the way.

I'm Carlos.

Pleased to meet you.

What is this place?

It's a Mexican fiesta.

There are games and races

and a lot of good things to eat.




There you are!

I was looking all over for you!

This is my donkey, Salsa.

This is Franny.

Ola! Mucho gusta Franny.

That means glad to meet you!

Now don't run away again.

Only if I don't have to eat...

... that!

What is it?

His lunch.

Oh! Don't you like lunch?

I just don't like what's for lunch.

Corn. Yuk! Hmph!

He won't even taste it.

He's as stubborn as a...donkey.

Huh? He's stubborn too.

He won't let me play with a Pinata

until I eat lunch!

What's a pinata?

There's one.

You break them open and yummy treats fall out.

Something smells frantastic.

It's a tortilla stand.

Would you like one?



Stay right here!



Zammy! This is delicious!

What's it made out of?


Corn!? Like the corn in Salsa's bowl?

Uh uh..

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Try this, Salsa. It's yummy.

Hmmm...It smells good! What is it?

A corn tortilla.

Did you say corn? No gracias!

If you eat it all then you can play with a pinata.


Look at that! Up there! Look!

Where? What is it?

Look at what? I don't see anything.

Oh I thought I saw a big bird.

Mmmm! That was good. [SLURP]

He ate it!

You ate corn!

Can I play with a pinata now?

Si! Si! Of course.

What did I tell you! Corn is good!


[GASP] Hmmm. What's that?

Cherry pits! He gave it to the dog!


If Salsa doesn't eat corn,

he won't grow up to be big and strong.

There must be something else he likes to eat.

I like honey. In fact, I love honey.

You could say I'm sweet on it.

Hmmmm. That gives me an idea.

If we mix this corn with the honey, will you try it?

Sure! Let me at it.


Frantastic! He likes it!

Mmm. That was good!

Fantastic! He really ate it!

How can I ever thank you.

I know! Would you like a donkey ride, Franny?

[GASP] A ride? Would I ever?

Climb on.


Huh? Oh no!

Franny! Look!



He ate the honey and left the corn.



Uh oh.

It looks like someone else likes honey too.

Oh no! A beee!



Woah!!! We're in a race!

Go Salsa go!


That was donkey doodle dandy!

Where's the bee?

Don't worry. It flew away.


Woo-hoo! Salsa!

Carlos look! We won the race!

Salsa won a pinata!


And I won balloons!

Did my big ol' donkey ears hear Pinata?

Oh no! Now he'll never try corn.

He'll just eat all the treats in the pinata.

My balloons!


Oh no! All your balloons popped.

Popped! I have a frantastico idea. [GIGGLE]


Come on! You can do it!


It broke!


Let me at those treats!



That was the yummiest treat I ever tasted.

What was it?



Popcorn? Huh?

Aye Carumba! Can I have some more, por favor?

You can have lots more!

You can have some too!

No thanks!

I have lots of good things to eat at my Grandpa's.

I better get back or he'll wonder where I am.


Adios! Muchos gracias!

Adios Carlos! Adios Salsa!


That was Frantastic!

[GIGGLE] Popcorn!


I'll just "pop" this into my special shoe box.

I thought you didn't like ravioli.

Salsa said he didn't like corn,

but it turned out he thought it was the yummiest treat ever.

That's good.

Who's Salsa?

A little donkey.

We gave him pop corn!

I see.


Mmmmwah! Dee-licious!

There's more in the back. Let's get some.

Where will my feet take me tomorrow?