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01x05 - A Gift to Last / the Big "To Do"

Posted: 03/15/24 08:39
by bunniefuu

♪ You use your head I'll use mine ♪

♪ We'll put them together and what do we find ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ We have fun whatever we do ♪

♪ Let's keep thinking 'til we think it through ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ I've got an idea

♪ And though we might mess up

♪ We'll put our heads together

♪ And we won't give up!



♪ We're a team with lots to share ♪

♪ It's not where we're going

♪ It's how we're gonna get there ♪

♪ We can do it

♪ When we do it together

♪ We can do it

♪ Me and my friend rabbit


Did you ever want to give someone a gift;

Not just any gift,

But a really good-goodie-good-good gift

That was special!

And couldn't think of one.

That's what happened to us

When rabbit found out it was jasper's birthday!

I can see...

I can see...

I can see...




Mouse, guess what?

No, you'll never guess what.

So I'll tell you what!

It's jasper's birthday today.

That's what!



I overheard him singing a birthday song to himself.

What are we gonna do?


Why don't we have a birthday party?


And we could get thunder and hazel

And the gibble girls to come too!

Mouseand we could give jasper...

And we could give jasper a special...!

A gift!

Hip-hoperoo, that's good.

A special gift that jasper really wants?

But what? Hmmm...

We'd better hop-think this one out.

Rabbit and mouse("hmm" as they think) hmm... Hmm... Hmmm...

I can't think of anything.

Neither can i!

(Hearty laughter)

This is silly. We always think of things.

Even when we don't want to think of things

We think of things.

What'll we do?

Let's go tell the others about jasper's birthday.

Our hop-think didn't work this time,

But will rabbit and mouse give up?

No! Never!

We will think again! And again!

And we will not stop thinking

Until we have found a special gift

For our friend jasper!

(Sing-song) waddle walk. Waddle-walk.

Oh, that's good. That's so good!

Jade, pearl, amber, come here.

What is it?

Where is it?

Who is it?

It's me! I made up a new dance.

The "waddle walk".

I'll show you.

Ready? Here it goes!

(Music plays and bells jingle to the beat of her dance)

Amber, pearl and jade(cheer and laugh) yay! Woo!

It's so cute!

It's so swimmy!

I'm so waddle struck!

Coral, you could also do this

Just after the waddle.

Clap! Turn! Clap-clap-clap.

That would make it even better. Try it!

If you do it with me, amber,

We can do it for pearl and jade. (Giggles)

(Music plays and bells jingle to the beat of their dance)

(Clap, clap-clap-clap)

Jade and pearlyay! Hooray!

You can do it! (Grunt of effort)

Yay, you did it!

And you can do it again!

[ … ]


You're not an acorn.

Guess what? It's jasper's birthday!

Jasper's birthday!

That's bushy-tail special!

We're gonna have a birthday party

And we want all his friends to come.

Count on me! I'll be there!

And I'll give him a... A...



Choosing a gift is a real tail twitcher.

Mouse and rabbit(laugh) we know!

Let's see... What does jasper like?

Jasper likes to sit and enjoy the day.


(Grunt of effort) jasper likes to fish.


Jasper sure likes to eat

And he's always trying new things.

Well, stop my hops! (Grunts)

Make him something to eat.

Jasper would really like that!

(Grunts) oh...

I suppose I could make my yummy-yum acorn mush.


Do you think that's special enough?

Why don't you put something hoptastic in it?

Ungh! Like red berries?

Or blueberries?

Or both?

Berries make it look better.

Rabbitand taste better.

You could put it on something too.

On what?

Rabbitsomething green.

Mousesomething pretty.

Mouse and rabbitmilkweed pods!

Milkweed pods! That's my gift!


Yummy-yum acorn mush with blue and red berries

On delicious dried milkweed pods!

Ha ha!

Woo hoo! Yippee!

Thumeka! We did it!

Find berries, collect milkweed,

Mush acorns, take to jasper.

Very busy, gotta go! Thanks!

I'm glad we helped hazel.

Me too. (Grunts)

But we still haven't thought of our gift for jasper.


We will!



Mouse and rabbitacorn-a-bunga!

Mouse(grunt of effort)


You want us to leap?

At the same time?

Try it. You'll like it!

I'll do it if you do it.

I'll do it if pearl does it!

Okay, girls.

I'll watch!

And clap!

It's fun when someone claps.

Let's do it!

Don't bump into each other.

(Music plays bells jingle)

Oh yeah, very good!

(Gasps) that's it!




Mousequiver my whiskers,

We still don't have a gift for jasper.

What a furfuffle!

I know, but we'll think of one.

Now, if it were your birthday

I'd find you another mossy

So you could have one for your head

And one for your feet.

Gee whiskers.

And I'd carry you to the top of the hill

So you could see everything.


I'd make this into a slide just for yououououou...

Leaping lettuce! Thunder?

Oh, rabbit, mouse.

(Yawns) you woke me up.

For good reason! Tell him, mouse.

Mouseit's jasper's birthday

And we're having a birthday party.

And we want you to come.

Well, toot my horn,

I can do birthdays.

I can do presents too.

Uh, got any ideas?

It helps to think about
[ … ]

What jasper really likes to do.

Fishing! Except when it's too hot.

Too bad you can't give jasper some shade.

Then he could fish all the time.

How do you give someone shade?

Rabbitpile up logs and branches

Until they block the sunlight

And then you get shade.

Logs are heavy.

You'd have to be very strong.

(Chuckles) thunder,

You are very strong.

Thorny horns, so I am. (Chuckles)

Thanks to you,

I have a special gift to give jasper.

Now I have to find some logs.

Next hopthe pond!

(Girls clap, music plays)

Bravo! Bravo!

Big ending! Let's do a big ending!

Do what I do!

Step swish, step swish,

Swish all around.


Uh, no one's clapping.

No one's watching.

What'll we do?

Clap for me... I'll clap for you.

Amber and jadebravo! More!

Pearl and coralyay! Hooray!

Who're you clapping for?

Gibble girlsus!

Mouse and rabbitoh. (Chuckle)

Dancing's good.

Our dance is fun.

But no one claps.

Or cheers when done.

A dance! Hoptastic!

We can watch you.

No we can't!

We have to get to jasper's.

It's his birthday and we want everyone

To come to his party.

Of course we'll come.

Let's think of a special gift.

Gibble girlshmmm...

Uh-oh, now we have two problems.

Who will watch our dance?

Is number one.

What gift to bring?

Is number two.

Maybe we can help.


We know that jasper likes fishing and eating.

What else does he like?

He likes to watch water gurgling.

And clouds floating by.

Maybe he'd like to watch your dance?

Show our dance to jasper.

As a gift?

He'll like it.

He'll love it.

Thumpeka! We've solved two problems!

Your dance is jasper's gift.

And jasper will be your audience

And clap and cheer.

Coralhow about that?

Pearltwo problems at once.

Amberaren't we smart?

Jadethanks, rabbit. Thanks, mouse!

Everybody has a gift but us.

We'll never think of one.

Of course we will.

Let's do another hop-think.

Hazelnot without me.

Gibble girlsand us!

Thunderhey! Wait for me!

Gee whiskers,

You all came to help us.

You helped us.

Start hop-thinking.

What gift can mouse and I give jasper?

Let's hop-think it out.

("Hmm" as they think) hmm... Hmm... Hmmm...

What will jasper like?

Hmm... We tried thinking that.

Coralit really helped.

Pearlbefore... But this is now.

Amberlet's think different.

Jadelet's think new.

You mean... What doesn't jasper like?

Gibble girlsyeah!

I wouldn't like to be alone for my birthday.

But he isn't alone.

We're all going to see him.

Because of you.

Because of mouse.

You told us all...

About the party.

That's true.
[ … ]

You and mouse planned a party for jasper's birthday.

Sounds like a gift to me! (Giggles)

Gibble girlsit is a gift! (Laugh)

Thumpeka! We did it, mouse.

We have a gift at last!

Carrotastic! Yeah!

Rabbit and mousewoo hoo! (Laughs)

(Gibble girls' music plays)

(Girls giggle, everyone cheers) bravo! Yay! Woo! Yippee!


Delicious food,

Cool shade,

A dance to watch,

And a party.

Thank you, these are excellent gifts.

But the best gift of all

Is to have such wonderful, wonderful friends.

Friends like you have made my birthday...


All(laugh and cheer) hooray! Woo hoo! Yay!

All that time we couldn't think of what to give jasper

And we had the answer all along.

Nothing says "we love you" like a party -

And our party was really fun.


(Hums to himself)

I love playing in the sand.

I've been waiting all day to do this!

Why did I have to wait?

'Cause rabbit and I first had to help our friend hazel.

It all started on our way to willow pond...

Pearli'm gonna do my new dive!

Me too! A beautiful swan dive.

I can do a feather flop!

I know. Last time,

You almost flopped on me!


I'm gonna build sand-animals!

What're you gonna do at the pond?

Swim till my tail gets soggy!



Oh! (Giggles) sorry, rabbit,

I didn't see you!

I was digging up nuts I buried.

It's no big hop.

Hey, we're going swimming; wanna come?

I'd love to,

But I have way too many chores to do today.

Busy-busy! (Bird chirps)

Oh, hi chicky! What's up?



You're kidding!

Amazing! Thanks for telling me.

(Chicky chirps)

Chicky saw a really funny nut.

It sounds perfect

For my "weird nut" collection!

Ooh, I'd better get it

Before some other squirrel does.

Oh, but I can't!

I have too much to do today.


That's too bad!

Maybe you can do your chores on the way.

No, my jobs are all right here.


Couldn't chicky get the nut for you?

He tried. It's too heavy for him.

Not to worry, hazel,

I have an idea!

We'll do your chores, while you go get the nut!

(Gasps) that would be terrific!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Okay, here's my chore list.

Onefind of my buried walnuts.

Twoscrubby-scrub all the dirt off.

Then threesmoosh them up

To make walnut butter. Got it?

What about-

Great! Oh, you guys are the best!

I'll be back this afternoon.




What about swimming?

And building sand-animals?

I'm sorry!

Hazel was just so excited

That I forgot to ask you first.

You can go without me if you want.

But it's way more fun with you!

Then stay and help me.

After we're done,

We can all go to the pond.

Come on... It'll be fun!



[ … ]

Chores aren't very much fun.

Mouseneither is going to the pond without rabbit!

I'll stay and help.

Hazel would do the same for us.

Pearlhe's right.

Amberfriends help friends.

Jadeeven when they're going swimming?

Pearl, amber and coralyes!

Great! Let's get started.

Job number one:

Dig up walnuts.

Pearlright! Where are they?

Oh, no!

Hazel forgot to tell us where she buried them!

How are we supposed to find them?!

Hmm? This calls for a hop-think!

How do we find hazel's walnuts?




Maybe the worms can help us look?


Maybe they're buried at the pond!

Amber, pearl and jadecoral!

It was worth a try.

I wish I were hazel.

Then I'd know where I buried them.


That's it!

We have to think and act like hazel!

What does hazel do to find nuts?

Well, I've seen her scratch the dirt -

Like this...

(Grunts of effort)

Hey, I can feel a nut!

See? If we act like hazel,

We'll find the nuts!

Wait! I know what'll help.

Pretend squirrel tails!

Mouse and gibble girls(giggle)

Okay, everyone, pretend you're hazel.

I've seen hazel hop and sniff.

Hmm... (Sniffs)

(Gasps) I smell a walnut!

I've seen hazel stare at the ground -

Like this!

Hey, that dirt's all mussed up!

A walnut!


I'm good at being hazel!

Mouse, walnuts.

We did it!

♪ Job number one is done-y done done! ♪

Gibble girls♪ done-y done-done

♪ Done-y done-done.

♪ And it was lots of fun! ♪


These nuts sure are dirty.

That's okay.

Chore number two

Is to scrubby-scrub all the dirt off!

Grab a nut and follow me!

Scrub? (Sighs)

Fun's over.

The water sure is nice and warm.

Can't we just go swimming?

We have to scrub hazel's nuts.

But this is snoring-boring!

The last chore was fun.

You're right.

Maybe we can make this one fun too.


We want to swim,

But we need to scrub the nuts...

Got it! We can do both at the same time.

We'll make a game out of it!

A swimmy-scrubby game!

Count me in!

Then grab a nut and dive in.

I'll be there in a hop.

Gibble girls(laugh)

A game! What a great idea!

Wait, I don't swim.


Rabbit? Is there a...

Dry way for me to play?


You can throw the nuts to us!

You have great aim.

He's right! I do.

Pearlokay, rabbit, what's the game?

It's called "dive and toss".

First you scrub a nut,

Then you dive off my feet.

But you have to throw your nut

Into that pondi-floater before you splash!


(Kicking grunt)


Gibble goose-girls(cheer) yay!
[ … ]

Gibble girls(laughing)


Ta da!



Gibble girls(giggle and cheer)



(Laughter and cheering) hooray! Yay!

Hey, we're done!

All the nuts are washed!

Rabbit and pearlawww! But we were having fun!

(Laughs) come on,

Bring the nuts back, so we can do the last chore.



Mousethe pondi-floater's floating away!

Rabbitnot to worry, mouse... (Pants)

We'll get it!

(Gasps) it's heading for willow pond!

I'll meet you there!

Hey, (chuckles)

That's where we wanted to go in the first place!


(Water splashes)

(Gibble girls chirp)


Ungh! Got it!

Safe and sound.

(Water swooshes as the girls approach)

Thunderthorny horns!

Was that a race?

(Laughs) no.

We were washing these nuts for hazel,

But they got away.

We're doing all hazel's chores today!

That's nice of you. Can we help?

We can do help.


All that's left is chore number three:

Moosh up these nuts to make walnut butter.

Rabbitso, who knows how to get the nut shells off,

So we can get at the good stuff inside?


Hazel always does that.

Maybe we should wait till she gets back.

Good idea.

Meanwhile, we can swim!

Better idea!

But we only did two chores.

Two is good.

But we promised we'd do all three!

But this looks hard.

But it's been fun.

And I bet we can make this chore fun too!


How can we get the shells off?

Maybe we can squeeze them off?

(Grunts of effort)


Maybe the shells rub off?

(Grunts of effort)

Maybe I can stomp them open!

Good idea!

You're a great stomper.

Try this one.

(Jumping grunt)

Oww! Ow! Ow-ow-ow!

Oh, poor thunder!

We need to protect your foot when you stomp.

Let's put something

Between your foot and the nut.

(Gasps) like this!

(Grunts of effort)

This rock isn't a very good shell-scraper-offer.

(Gasps) I'll try wood!

Try it now, thunder.



That was splasheriffic!

It's even more fun than "dive and toss"!


Hip hopperoo!

Thunder, you cracked the nut open!

Everyone(gasps) woo hoo! Hooray!

And coral discovered how to make it fun!

Now that's good teamwork!


Pearlcan I ride the stomper-cr*cker?

Jade and amberme too! Oh, me please!


Mousesmoosh faster, guys.

Hazel will be back any time now.

Actually, she's back right now.

Oh, heh, hi, hazel!

Look, we did all your chores!

Try our walnut butter!


Fluff my tail,

That's the most delicious walnut butter
[ … ]

I've ever tasted!

How'd you get it so smooth?

Maybe it's 'cause we dug up the best nuts

When we were pretending to be you?

Maybe it's 'cause we cleaned the shells

By taking them for a swim?

Maybe it's because we cracked them open

With our stomper-cr*cker?


Well, whatever you did, thanks.

You did a great job.

(Slurps and smacks lips) mmm!

Are you sure you didn't add a secret ingredient?

As a matter of fact, we did!

Mousewe did? What?

We added fun!

Mouseoh! (Everyone laughs)

So we ended up having a great time

Doing hazel's chores!

Pretending to be hazel made it fun

To dig up the nuts.

And swimming with the nuts

Was a fun way to wash them.

And the stomper-cr*cker we made

Turned out to be the most fun ever!

I guess you can make any job more fun

If you try.

Mouse and hazel(laugh)

Hey, hazel,

Can we use that nut to play dive and toss?

Oh no, not this one!

That's the weird nut I went to get.

And mouse has a special place for it!


Does it remind you of anyone?

Well, I'll be thumped!

Rabbit, mouse and hazel(laugh)