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01x06 - Silly Pilly / Muddy Puddle

Posted: 03/15/24 08:40
by bunniefuu

♪ You use your head I'll use mine ♪

♪ We'll put them together and what do we find ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ We have fun whatever we do ♪

♪ Let's keep thinking 'til we think it through ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ I've got an idea

♪ And though we might mess up

♪ We'll put our heads together

♪ And we won't give up!



♪ We're a team with lots to share ♪

♪ It's not where we're going

♪ It's how we're gonna get there ♪

♪ We can do it

♪ When we do it together

♪ We can do it

♪ Me and my friend rabbit


(Humming happily)

(Hums) oh, hi!

Have you ever been stuck

With a really tricky problem?

That's what happened to rabbit and me.

Did we ever get stuck...

Really stuck!

Of course,

We didn't start out that way.

Mouse(giggling) faster! Faster!

Rabbituh-oh! Look!

I am. Your eyes are very big.

Rabbit and mouseweee! (Laughter)

Gee whiskers,

Look at the river. It's turned to mud.


Now we won't have to swim across.

But we'll get stuck.


I could hop very fast.


Tip-toe very slowly!


I'm sure tip-toeing is better.

Are you positively sure?

Positively sure?

Uh... No.


Come on!

Mouse and rabbit(giggle)



This is what we need...

A foot hopper!





Mouse(giggling) it's working!

(Laughs) my foot hoppers work!

(Two loud pops, air hisses)

Mouse and rabbituh-oh!

(Squeak and flitter of air escaping)

Hm, we're stuck, aren't we?

(Effort grunts)


I'll be thumped!

My foot hoppers shouldn't have done that.

What do we do now?

Too bad the foot hoppers broke.

Rabbit, we're stuck in the mud.

Good place to make mud carrots.

Mouse and rabbit(hearty laughter)

They're playing!

In the mud!

We like mud!

We love playing!

Gibble girls(excited giggling)

Coralhiya, mouse.

Hello, rabbit.

Watcha doing?

Can we do it too?

We're not doing anything.

We're... Uh...




We never get stuck!

Unless we stay still!

Like now!

(Mud splurts) (girls gasp and yelp)

Coral and pearluh-oh! Oh no!

Amber and jadeoh woe! We're stuck!

Don't get into a feather flap.

We'll work together and come up with ideas

To get outta here.

Maybe we could wait for the sun to dry the mud

Until it's hard enough to walk on.

That would take all day.
[ … ]

And be very hot.

Is there a better way?

We could call for help!

Call for help? Good idea!

Maybe someone will hear us.

Allhelp! Help! Help!


I'm coming. I'm coming!

Coral and rabbitno! Don't come out here!

All(pleas for thunder to stop)

Girls, rabbit and mousestop! Ahhh! Whoaaa!


Thorny horns, I'm stuck!

But I'm here!

You called for help. I can do help!

What's the matter?

Allwe're stuck.

Whoa... Just like me!


Well, what'll we do?

We need ideas. Lots of ideas.

Corallet's ask the mud to let us go.

Amberyes let's, coral.

But be polite.

Nice mud. Gooey mud.

Squishy mud. Muddy mud.

You're the nicest mud we know.

Please be kind and let us go.


Listen, mud. Let us go! Now!

Silly mud is just not listening.

Rabbiti don't think mud can listen to anybody.

Mud's not like us.

It's just... Mud.

Mousewe could call for help again.

Hazel isn't here. Maybe she'd hear us.

Hazel's probably in a tree,

Collecting acorns for the winter.

We could sing!

How will singing get us out of the mud?

Uh, I don't know.

But it's fun

And I don't have anymore ideas.

Maybe thunder's right.

Sometimes it's good to take a hop-stop.

It helps you get new ideas.

All(sing) ♪ we are stuck


♪ Out of luck


♪ In the mud

♪ In a puddle

♪ In the middle of the river ♪

♪ Mouse's whiskers are a quiver ♪

♪ With no one near

♪ Who can hear

♪ If we all call out

♪ Loud and clear

Hazelsorry. Nice singing.

Didn't mean to interrupt.

Could you toss my acorn back?

Hazel! Are we happy to see you.

Hazel, we're stuck.

We can't get out of the mud.

Stuck? Quacking acorns,

Why didn't you say so? I'll help!


Find something long.

Throw it here.

We'll hold tight.

You pull us out!

Thumpeka! That's a hoptastic idea!

I'll do it!

Don't go away.

(Straining grunts)

Mouse, I'll lower this vine.

Can you loop it over thunder's tail?

I'll try,

But it's very muddy down there.

You can do it, mouse.

Just hop like me.

Rabbit, thunder and girls(cheer) that's it! That's it, mouse!

(Cheering) you got it! All right!

(Cheering) wa-hoo!

This way. Over here!

Uh oh!



This is not good.

Ungh! I've been stuck in a tree,

Stuck in a rut, stuck for an answer

And stuck in the snow!

But I've never been stuck in the mud...

Until now! And I want to be unstuck!

So let's hop-think about how to get out of this mud!



Ungh! Oh cabbage,

I can't hop!

How can we have a hop-think
[ … ]

If I can't hop?

Or if I can't stamp my feet!

Our muddy feathers...

Are just too yucky.

Can't ruffle them.

Can't hop-think.

Gee, whiskers,

We need a hop-think about hop-thinking.

My tail twitches, so I'm okay.

(Giggles) whoop! Sorry!

And mouse can quiver his whiskers.

Mouse isn't stuck. He can do everything.

Thumpeka! Problem solved!

Mouse can do our hop-thinking stuff

For us.

I'll try!

("Hmm's" as he thinks) hm, hm, hm. Hmmm...

Good! We're stuck!

How do we get unstuck?

That's what our hop-think is about.

We could push each other.

(Strains) can't reach.

Too bad we can't fly.

Maybe we could.

I don't have any wings.

We have ears. Let's flap those.

(Ears flutter)


Good try.

But we need to keep hop-thinking.

Hm, hm, hm, hm. Hmmm... Hmm... Hm, hm.

Let's push the mud.

Push it where?

Away from us.

In a pile.

A pile of mud?

What good is that?

If we made the pile high enough,

Maybe we could climb to the tree.

Everybody push!

All(pushing grunts and laughter)







And too squishy to make a pile.

Too bad!

We're still stuck!

We're all still stuck!

And we'll all stay stuck.

Maybe that's okay.

Maybe we're not hop-thinking the best question.

We're not?

Do we all have to get out of the mud?


If one of us can get to the shore,

Then they can go for help.

So the best question is...

How do we get someone to the shore.

Mouse should go. He's not even stuck.

But how do I get there?

Maybe there's a way...

If I can reach... (Grunting)

(Small giggle)

(Giggles and grunts with effort)


We did it.

Go mouse! You can do it!

Sometimes you have to do a lot of hop-thinking

Before you find the best question...

And the best answer.

Coral and pearlyou can do it! We're with you!

Rabbitbe careful!



Amberi can't look.

Keep going, mouse!

Not too fast!

Jadenot too slow!

All(cheering) yay! Way to go, mouse! Woo hoo!

What do we do now?

Um, we could all sing again?

(Mud splats)


(Mud splashes, playful laughter)

Thunderoh, I got you!


(Playful laughter)

(Loud trumpeting in the distance)

What was that?

Rabbithip-hoperoo! It's edweena!

Allyay! Edwina! Edwina!

You're stuck!

Yes, and we want to get-


Stay there!

We'll do a hop-think about the best way

To get us out.
[ … ]



I guess sometimes you don't need to hop-think

If you already know what to do...

Like edweena did.

Rabbitwe were stuck! But we laughed!

And we never gave up!

All(cheer and laugh)


Follow me!

Mud bath!

Edweena says this is the best place for mud baths

Because you can't get stuck.

Allwhy not! Yay! Woo hoo!

Rabbitooh, this is nice!

Being stuck was a little strange.

But when you're stuck with good friends

You can still have lots of fun

While you think of the best way to get out.

And you know what else?

I don't mind the mud so much anymore.

All(sing) ♪ we're in luck

♪ We're not stuck

♪ In the mud in a puddle ♪

♪ In the middle of the river ♪

♪ Anymore!




You know what it's like when you're little.

You need special care, right,

To grow up big and strong.

Like me!

(Flexing grunt)

That's what we found out when we took care of pilly.

Mm, who's pilly?

Oh, he's... Well, it's a good story.

It all started one day when my friend rabbit was...


Leapin' lettuce!

That was the most carrotastic hop ever!

I gotta show mouse!

Rabbithey you guys! You have to see this!

I call it the "triple-bipple

Backwards flipple"!



Thunder and mouse(chuckles) wow!

That was a carrotastic hop.

Especially that wiggle at the end.


That wiggle wasn't part of my hop!

Ugh. There's something on my head

And it's really squirmy!

Mouseawww. Look at him!

He's so cute!

Oh, what is it? What is it?

He's a widdle eentsy weenie caterpillar.

A caterpillar?!

He needs to get off my head!

I have to do my triple bipple backwards flipple!

Hazelha! Quaking acorns, I gotta see that!

Oh you're gonna love this, hazel.

First I run, run, run

Then I jump into the air and i...


Wow! I like that wiggly hop!

Wait! What about pilly?!

Pilly? Who's pilly?

Pilly is the name I gave

To the caterpillar on rabbit's head.

Hi, pilly!

Hazelaw, look,

He's attached himself to your ears, rabbit.

He must think you're a tree branch. (Giggles)

But I'm not a tree branch!

I'm a rabbit who wants to do his triple bipple

Backwards flipple!

Mouse is right.

You can't flipple with pilly on your ear.

It's not safe.

He's so small he'll go flying off

And get hurt!

Then we have to get him off my ear safely!

We better hop-think on this.


But how can you hop think with pilly on your ear?

Very softly.

The question is...

How can we get pilly off my ear?

We tried to pull him off!

But he's stuck to rabbit's ear -

Like a branch!

What if...

We give him a different branch to stick to,

Instead of rabbit's ear?

Great idea,

But how do we get him stuck to it?

I know!

Mouse, your tail looks like a worm!
[ … ]

What if you called him in a worm-voice,

And wiggled your tail!

Thumpeka! That's it!

Mouse could pretend his tail

Is a friendly worm

Who wants to share his snack with pilly!

Mouseoh, pilly? Pilly!

Come over here!

Come on, pilly!

Come on!




He's really stuck on there now,

And we're stuck on how to get him off rabbit's ear.

Maybe we should ask for help.

How about, jasper?

He knows all about bugs.

Mouse and hazelyipee! (Giggles)

Jasperthe little guy seems really happy.

Maybe you should just let him

Stay on your head, rabbit.

But... My flipple.

(Chuckles) you know, rabbit,

If you can just wait a little bit longer,

You'll get to do your flipple

And you'll also get a nice surprise.

Gibble girls(gasps) a surprise!

Tell us! Tell us!

It's a surprise about pilly.

Pilly is the caterpillar stuck to rabbit's head.

Amberooh, he's so sweet and small.

We have to take care of him!

Coralwe're the best taker-carers ever!

Take care of him?

He needs to be warm.

And sheltered.

And most of all safe

From the wind and weather.

And that means...

Gibble girlsrabbit has to sit still.


At least until pilly leaves your head.

Mouserabbit sit still to take care of pilly?

That's gonna be tricky and a really big problem.

We better hop-think.


It's okay. He can hop think softly.


Mousethe question is...

How do we help rabbit settle down?

(Quietly hmm-ing) hmm... Hm, hm, hm...

He needs a nice, peaceful place to rest.

How about a nest?

Great idea,

But it takes a long time

To build one.

What if he just lies down

In the soft grass?

We can watch the sun set and I'll tell him a story.

Mousei'll make him his favourite drink -

Carrot juice.

That'll be so nice.

All we need is a lullaby.

We'll sing one!

Mousethese are all great ideas!

Rabbit, what do you think? (Rabbit twitches and whines)


(Panicked whines)

We better start calming him down and fast,

Or pilly won't have a safe place to grow up!


It's okay, rabbit. Come back this way.

Here ya go, rabbit, some nice soft grass.

And carrot juice. Your favourite.


(Whispers) carrot juice is an energy drink,

It will just give him more bounce!

We need something to take his bounces away.

Oh, I know!

Wanna hear a story, rabbit?

Once upon a time there was a hoppy rabbit

Who loved to do triple bipple

Backwards flipples.

Ooh, I'm gonna like this one.

Triple bipple backwards!


Allrabbit!! No!

Hey! Oh.

Maybe you better change the story a little.

Here you go. A nice relaxing mint drink.

Hmmm... (Slurps)


Ooh, that feels nice.

(Tapping slows to a stop)

(Relaxed sigh)

Once there was a nice, calm rabbit

Named rabbit.

And a brave little caterpillar

Named pilly.
[ … ]


He sure is a cute little guy.

Jasperone day, pilly saw two nice furry things.

He thought they were branches,

But actually they were rabbit's ears.

And the next morning when rabbit woke up,

There was a really big surprise waiting.

The end.

What is it, jasper? What's the surprise?

Wait and see, rabbit.

Wait and see.


Pearlhey, rabbit.

We made up a special song for you and pilly.

Coralthis will take the final hops

Out of those feet of yours.

Amberand settle you down to sleepy-sleep-sleep.

(Singing) ♪ there once was a rabbit named rabbit ♪

♪ When it came to a hop he would grab it ♪

♪ But once while flipping he looked up and said... ♪

(Gasps) flipping?

Gibble girls♪ I think there's a something ♪

♪ Stuck to my head

(Shushing girls)

I think your song should be a little softer, girls.


♪ Oh, pilly, my pilly ♪

♪ You're so nice and sweet and silly ♪

♪ I'll give you some water ♪

♪ I'll make you a bed

♪ I'll keep you safe right here on my head ♪




(Sleepy murmurs)

I think he's asleep.


(Sings) ♪ oh, pilly, my pilly ♪

♪ You're so nice and sweet and silly ♪

♪ I'll give you some water

♪ I'll make you a bed

♪ I'll keep you safe

♪ Right here on my head



Soft grass, mint drink,

Belly rubs, stories and lullabies...

(Yawns) I'm really slee- slee...

(Quick breaths, snores)



(Rooster crows)

(Yawns and smacks lips)

Ahh! Pilly? Pilly!

Mouse, search my head!

He's not there!

Oh, no!

Rabbit and mousepilly's gone!

Oh, mouse, where could he be?

He can't have gone far - he's so small.

What're you doing?

We're looking for pilly. He's lost!

He's not lost, he's right here!

That's the surprise!

Pilly's inside this chrysalis.

He made it himself -

It's like a soft, cozy house to sleep in.

He has to stay in there for a while,

But if you take good care of him -

You'll get an even bigger surprise.


Hey! Now that pilly's off my ear

I can do my triple bipple backwards flipple!

Wanna see?

Mouse(chuckles) sure!

Triple bipple backwards flipple!

(Flipping grunt)


Oh my quivering whiskers,

That's some flipple!


(Flipping grunts)

We better go check on pilly.

(Rain pours gently)

(Chrysalis rustles)


(Small snap nearby)

Huh? Mouse! Mouse!




Rabbitpilly! Look at you!

You're a butterfly!

(Excited laughter)

Mouseyup, we took good care of pilly

So he could grow up safe and sound.

We fed pilly and rabbit let him sleep on his head,

Then when pilly was in his chrysalis

We all watched him,

Especially rabbit,
[ … ]

And kept him warm and safe and now...

(Excited squeak) he's a butterfly!

Hey, pilly! Try this!


Triple bipple backwards flipple

With a silly pilly wiggle!

That's our pilly...

And my friend rabbit.