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01x10 - Strange Bee-Haviour / the Flighty-Fly

Posted: 03/15/24 08:43
by bunniefuu

♪ You use your head I'll use mine ♪

♪ We'll put them together and what do we find ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ We have fun whatever we do ♪

♪ Let's keep thinking 'til we think it through ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ I've got an idea

♪ And though we might mess up

♪ We'll put our heads together

♪ And we won't give up!



♪ We're a team with lots to share ♪

♪ It's not where we're going

♪ It's how we're gonna get there ♪

♪ We can do it

♪ When we do it together

♪ We can do it

♪ Me and my friend rabbit




Oh hi!

I bet you're wondering why there's a flower petal

Stuck to my back. Hee hee!

Funny story! Hee hee!

Actually, it's a story about me

Trying to tell a story to my friends,

But a strange problem kept getting in the way...


Rabbitoh, I love stories!

Is it funny? Scary?

Are there rabbits in it?


I don't know yet!

I'm going to make it up as I go along.

Thunderi like that kind of story!

Rabbit, sit down and let mouse tell it.


Once upon a time...

(Elephant trumpets)

Edweenahi! What's up?

Thunderedweena! Hee hee!

Mouse is telling a story.

Come listen!

A story? I'm in!


Mouseonce upon a time,

There was a bat named uh, batilda.

She would stay up all night looking for food,

Then sleep all day hanging upside down in her cave.

Then, um... One day,

Batilda invited... (Buzzing)

She invited... (Buzzing) whoa!

Rabbitshoo! Shoo!

There must be a beehive around.


Maybe we should find another story spot.

Right! I'm on it.

Whoop... Ooh!

Bees here.

Yeah, uh, here too.


Ooh! More bees!

No luck. They're everywhere!

Rabbitedweena, they're following you!

Me? Naw.


Yeah! I wonder how come?

Rabbitlet's figure it out later!

I want to hear the rest of the story!

Thunderme too!


Rabbitgo on with the story, mouse.

Just pretend the bees aren't here.

Mousei'll try,

But their buzzing is really loud!

One day, batilda invited her neighbour woodpecker

Over for a party!

When he got to the cave,

He found food and decorations,

But no batilda!


Finally, he looked up to the roof of the cave...

And saw her dangling upside down fast asleep!


Rabbitwhere was she?

Thunderdancing with ducks who were brown,

And a fat sheep!

No! Dangling upside-down!

They can't hear me over the bees!


Mouse, we can't hear you over the bees!

Edweenai'd better take the bees somewhere else.

Rabbitand miss the end of the story?

If I stay, nobody'll hear it!

Rabbitit is quieter now...


That was really nice of her.
[ … ]

Thunderedweena looks sad.

Rabbiti'd be sad too,

If I had to miss one of mouse's stories!

Edweena left so we could hear the story,

But now she can't hear it.

Rabbitthis isn't fair.


We should all get to hear it!

Mouselet's ask her to come back.

Edweena! Come back!

We want you to hear the story too!

How? My bees are too loud!

Rabbitthen help us hop-think

About how to get them to be quiet!

Oh. Okay!

Rabbitthe question is...

How can we make the bees stop buzzing?

Thunderwhat if we plug our ears?

Then we won't hear the bees!


But then we won't hear the story either!

What if we just ask the bees to be quiet?

Good idea!



Thunderyou forgot to say please.


Mouselet me try.

I'll be very polite.

Mouseexcuse me!


Could you pretty please stop buzzing for a while?

(Buzzing) whoa!


Edweenauh, please isn't working.


This one's quiet.

Maybe that's 'cause he landed?

Hey... Maybe bees are only noisy when they fly?


If that's true,

Then all we have to do is make the bees stop flying

And take a rest!

They don't look tired.

Then we'll make them tired!

Edweenadone! Come on...


Rabbitwhere're the bees? Did they get tired?


Rabbitaw... Cabbage!


Still not tired...



I love the bouncy bog!

Rabbitme... Too!

Whee hee hee!

Edweenayee ha!

Mousehey, the bees are good bouncers!

Rabbitbut they're still not tired.

Edweenathey will be!



Mousewait! I need a hop-stop.

Edweenaoh! Me too.


Rabbittoo bad the bees aren't!


They're louder than ever!

Now what are we going to do?

Rabbitif the bees won't stop flying around and buzzing,

Then we'll just have to ask them to leave!

Mousebut they didn't listen before!

Thundermaybe bees only listen to other bees?

Thumpeka! That's it!

We need another bee to ask them to leave!

Mouseanother bee?

What other bee?

Why is rabbit looking at me like that?

Rabbitta da!

Thundergood idea!

Ohh! (Giggle!s) oh!

I guess I'm the bee!

How's it going?

Mouse looks just like a big bumblebee!

Rabbitlet's hope the real bees think so too.

Okay, bumble-mouse, (giggles)

Are you ready to fly?

(Gulp) fly?

Pretend flying.

Try flapping your wings!

Mousebzzz! Bzzz!


Let's go talk to the bees.

Mousehi, bees! Guess what?

There's a big field of flowers over there!

So let's go buzz over there for a while! Bzzz!

Pretty please with honey on top?

Nope. No deal.

Aw, cabbage.
[ … ]

What if the bees never leave?

We'll never get to hear the end of mouse's story!


(Giggle) oh!

Now I feel more like a bat than a bumblebee.

Hey... Upside down,

That flower looks like a lion!



Hoppity, you're right!

Thundermy turn!


Wow... (Giggles)

Everything looks funny.

It wouldn't look funny to batilda.

To a bat, upside-down is normal!


It doesn't feel normal.

Rabbiti guess we'd have to be bats to understand.

Have to be bats to understand...

That's it!

Hey, guys... Listen!

Sleeping upside-down is strange to us,

But it makes sense to a bat, right?


Just like we think it's strange

That the bees are buzzing around edweena.

But to the bees, it must make sense!

You're right!

There must be a reason they're bugging edweena!

Edweenalike what?

Rabbitthat's what we have to figure out.

With a hop-think!

The question is...

Why do the bees want to hang around edweena?

Because they like her?


Mouseof course!

But what do they like about her?

Rabbit(gasps) her beautiful ears?

Mousethe way she whistles?

(Sniffs) maybe it's because she smells like flowers?

I do? (Sniffs herself)

I do!

Of course!

I saw you napping in a flower patch this morning.


Bees love flowers.

They're buzzing around you

Because they like how you smell!

Mouseso to get rid of the bees,

We have to get rid of the flower smell!

Edweenano problem!


Thunderum... You could roll in some skunk weed?

Rabbitor stink cabbage?

Mouseor you could just take a bath?

(Gasps) a bath!

It's a deal. Woo hoo! Yeah!

Rabbitrace you to the pond!

(Laughing and splashing)

Hey guys!

How's the flower smell?



Edweenaall gone!

Thunderand so are the bees!

Allhooray! Woo-hoo!

Rabbithey, you know what that means?

Allstory time!

Mousewhere was i?

Oh, right.

Um, woodpecker didn't understand

Why batilda was sleeping upside-down

When she was supposed to be having a party,

So he woke her up to ask her.

Guess what she said?


It's a sleep-over party!


Thunderthat's funny.

So that's how we finally got to enjoy batilda's story.

Once we started thinking about

Why the bees were hanging around edweena,

We solved the problem!

I guess sometimes it helps to look at things a new way.

Ha ha ha! Wheee!

Thunderhey, you're upside-down!

Hee hee!

Edweenano, you are!

No, you are! (Laughs)


(Giggles) and it's fun, too!

That's why we're playing bats now.


Thunderwhoa... Oof!

Woopsie. Hee hee!

(Wind gusts)

Have you ever really wanted to do something,

But it seemed like you were just too small?
[ … ]

That's what happened to me today.

It all started with my friend rabbit's new invention...

Thunderwhat's it called again?

Mousethe flighty-fly.

Rabbit invented it.

Thunderand it really flies?

Rabbitnot by itself.

The wind blows it up in the air

And keeps it there -

And we steer it!

That's the fun part.

There it goes!

Mouselook at it go!

Thunderooh, it's flying!


Rabbitwant to try it?

Mouseoh, yes please!

Thunderyeah, yeah!

Mouseyou can go first.


(Laughter) woo hoo! Yipee!

That flighty-fly looks like more fun

Than a puddle of pollywogs!

I can hardly wait for a turn!

Thunderooh! Rabbit's right,

The wind holds it up!

Try it, mouse!

(Gasps) yipeee!

(Wind gusts)


How do you steer this thing?

Rabbityou have to stay on the ground to steer!


Rabbitdon't worry!

We've got you!

(Effort grunts)

Oh, my whiskers!

Did you see that?

I was almost gone with the wind!

Looks like I'm too small and light

To fly the flighty fly.

You'd better play without me.

Without you? That's no fun.

There must be a way for you to fly it!

We just have to figure it out.

But I can't fly it if I can't steer it,

And I can't steer it if I can't stay on the ground.

Then let's find a way to keep you on the ground.

Time for a hop-think!

The question is...

How can we help mouse stay on the ground

So he can fly the flighty-fly?

Thunderi know!

The wind blew mouse up in the air,

So we should try and stop the wind from blowing.

But we need the wind to fly the flighty fly.

Rabbitand we need to find a way

For mouse to stick around on the ground long enough

To fly the flighty-fly.

Thunderstick around... Stick...

Stick... Stick... Sticky...

I got it!


Oooh! Honey!

My favourite!

(Slurp) yum!



The honey was for sticking you to the ground,

Not for eating!

Oops! (Laughs)

Sorry. (Laughs)

Do it again.

I won't eat it this time, honest!

Rabbitwe can't.

We're out of honey.

But we're not out of ideas!

(Wind gusts)

Thunderha ha! Woo hoo!

Rabbitthere! That'll keep you on the ground.


Rabbittry it now!


Mouseoh! I'm doing it! (Laughs)


Oh, cabbage! Mouse!

Thunderoh oh!

Rabbit(effort grunts)


I thought that would work.

But I'm just too light!

Rabbitdon't give up!

All we need is something stronger

And heavier than grass...

Thunderstronger and heavier...

Oh! I know!


My cuddle rock is strong and heavy!

And very cuddly.

[ … ]

There's no way you'll blow away now.

Here, try it again.

Mouseoh! I'm doing it!

I'm flying the flighty-fly!

(Wind gusts)

Hey! The wind is changing...

Rabbit(gasp) don't let the vine rub on that stump!

What do I do?

(Snap) oh oh!

Rabbitit's getting away!

Oh no!

I broke rabbit's flighty-fly!


(Playful laughter)

Pearlit's so breezy and blowy!

Amberperfect for leaf-chasing.

Corali caught a leaf!

Jadea leaf caught me! Get it off!


Coraloh my!

Amberwhat is it?

Pearlwell, obviously it's a um...

You tell her.

Corali don't know!

Jadedon't look at me.

Rabbitthere it is!


Mouseis it okay? Can you fix it?


I'll just tie the vine back together

And it's good as new.

Pearlwhat's good as new? What is it?

Mouseit's rabbit's new invention.

The flighty-fly!

Thunderthe wind blows it up in the air,

And you have to hold on to the vine

To keep it from getting away.

Then what's it doing here?

Rabbitit got away.

Mousewe were trying to find a way for me to fly it,

So thunder tied me to a rock

To help me stay on the ground.

But then the wind changed,

And the flighty-fly headed for a tree!

Gibble-goose girlsoooh!

And I couldn't run to stop it,

'Cause I was tied to a rock!

Gibble-goose girlsooooh!

Mouseso the vine broke.

Gibble-goose girlsaww.

Next time you should attach yourself

To something that can move.

Like me!

I think we'd still be too light.

Coralwhat about all of us?

Amberthat would be heavier.

Jadeand we can move.


Mouseall of you?

That just might work!

Rabbitlet's try it!

Rabbitokay, now when I say, radishes,

Everybody run!

Running helps the flighty-fly catch the wind.

Coral(giggles) radishes?

Mouseokay, rabbit!

Ready? And... Radishes!

(Wind gusts)

Mouseoh! Oh! (Laughter) we did it!

It's flying!

Uh-oh. The wind is dying down!

Keep running!

Mouse, gibble-goose girlsooph! Oops! Ow!

Mouseno, this way!

Gibble-goose girlsthis way! That way! Which way?


(Wind gusts)


Here I go again!


Errg! For something we can't even see,

The wind sure is strong! Wak!


Rabbiti've got you!





Oh my whiskers.

Rabbitmouse! Are you okay?

Yes. (Giggles)

It was kind of fun!

Rabbitfun? Thumpeka, that's it!

Instead of flying the flighty-fly,

Maybe you could fly on the flighty-fly?

Fly on it?! Yeow!



I've added a stick for you to hang onto.

Right here, see?
[ … ]

Thunderoooh! Neat.

Pearlwow. I can't believe you're going to ride

On the flighty-fly!

I can't believe it either.

Oh dear.


Rabbithang on tight!

(Playful laughter)






(Laughing) woopee!

Yippeee! Yeehaw!

Whao! This is fun!

You all look so small from up here.

(Playful laughter)

Even smaller than me!

Hi! (Chuckles)

Are you sure that worm is the right size for you?

(Gasps) quiver my whiskers!

That's it!

Rabbit, quick! Pull me down!


Rabbitokay mouse! Erf! Whoaoa! (Giggles)

Mousei've got it!

I know how I can fly the flighty-fly!

Rabbitwell, stop my hops! How?

What if the flighty-fly weren't so big?

What if it were small like me?

It's like those birds.

Big worms are better for big birds.

And little worms for little birds!

Rabbitso thunder and I can fly a big flighty-fly

Because we're big,

But you need a little one...

Because I'm little! Exactly!

Rabbitno problem!

One mouse-sized flighty-fly coming right up.

Thunder, you find some twigs...



Pearland we'll get you some leaves!

Gibble-goose girls(laugh)

Aw, my friends are great!

They wanted to find a way for me to use the flighty-fly

And they wouldn't give up.

And now they're making a new one -

Just for me!

Thunderwell, toot my horn!

Gibble-goose girls(laugh)


A mouse-sized flighty-fly!

Aw, it's so little.

And cute.

Just like mouse!


Mousewow. Thanks everyone!

Ready mouse?


(Effort grunts)

I did it!


Rabbitall right, mouse!


So being small didn't stop me

From flying the flighty-fly after all.

I even got to do something rabbit

And my bigger friends couldn't do -

Ride on the flighty-fly!

Rabbit thought that looked like loads of fun.

So guess what he's doing?

He's building one big enough

For all of us to ride on!


I think we're going to need a few more leaves,

And a lot more wind! (Giggles)

(Chatting and laughing)