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02x07 - Edweena's New Friend / the Big Goose

Posted: 03/15/24 08:50
by bunniefuu

♪ You use your head I'll use mine ♪

♪ We'll put them together and what do we find ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ We have fun whatever we do ♪

♪ Let's keep thinking 'til we think it through ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ I've got an idea

♪ And though we might mess up

♪ We'll put our heads together

♪ And we won't give up!



♪ We're a team with lots to share ♪

♪ It's not where we're going

♪ It's how we're gonna get there ♪

♪ We can do it

♪ When we do it together

♪ We can do it

♪ Me and my friend rabbit


Have you ever had something happen

That seemed impossible?

A mystery that no one could find the answer to?

That's what happened to us

When hazel was collecting acorns for the winter.


Put them here, get more...

Or take them to my tree and come back?

Hmm. Get more... Come back...

No. Get more!

(Smacking lips)

Rabbit and mouse(giggling)

Rabbit and mousewacky-walky, you and me.

Wacky-walky, what are we?

Wacky-walky, can you guess?

We are spiders, yes, yes, yes!


Hi, hazel! Want to wacky-walk with us?

Sorry. Very busy day.

(Hazel screams)

Mousehazel, what's wrong?

My acorns! They're gone!

Uh... You're carrying them.

Not these ones...

The ones I left right here!

Gone! Vanished! Disappeared!


Are you sure this is where you left them?

Right by the stump.

Well, stop my hops!

Now don't get into a fur-fuffle

There has to be a good reason they're not here.

What reason? Acorns do not disappear!

It''s impossible.

Hazel, there's a hill here.

Maybe they rolled down.


Rabbit and I will help you find them.

Thanks. I'll leave these...

Right by this stump.

Zoe has a dimple, zelda is missing her hat,

And zack has the green stripe.

Hmm... Now if I were an acorn, where would I roll?

Let's find out!



Sheldongoodness golly-gosh!

More acorns!



Acorns fall so neatly in this part of the forest.

Mousequivering whiskers!

We didn't find a single acorn.


Zoe, zelda, zack... They're gone too!

Quakin' acorns!

Oh, my whiskers!

Those acorns couldn't have rolled away.

They would have rolled right past us.

We would have seen them.

It's impossible!

It's a tail-twitcher!

It's a mystery!

Maybe someone took them.

But who?

Hmm... We all know acorns are for squirrels.

Birds, maybe?

(Birds chirping)


Oh, now I'm really in a fur-fuffle.

All that hard work for nothing.

But hazel,

You've been gathering acorns all summer.

I know, but winter's coming.

Have you ever found an acorn in winter?


And why?

Because there are no acorns in winter.

So what does a poor little squirrel like me eat?
[ … ]

The acorns in your tree.

Exactly! And that's why...

Every acorn counts?



Don't worry, hazel, we'll help you find them.


Mouse and I are carrotastic acorn finders.

Heh... It'll be fun!

Acorns, you may roll, but you can't hide!

Thank you.

(Singing) ♪ an acorn here, an acorn there ♪

♪ Find an acorn anywhere

Thunderhi, hazel.

Huh? Whoa!


(Gasps) wait!


Hey! You're not hazel!

I'm sheldon.

From the other side of the forest.

Well, toot my horn!

Welcome to this side of the forest

I'm thunder. She's edweena.

Nice to meet you.

I came over here to find some acorns.

There was a small forest fire

Out our way.

Now there aren't enough acorns

To last me through winter!

Thorny horns, that's terrible!

But we can help you find the one

That rolled down there.

That's really and truly very kind of you!

Let's go.

It rolled a long way.

(Edweena humming)

Rabbitlook! Finding acorns is easy.


This is zoe with the dimple

And zack with the green stripe.

How did they get here?

And where's zelda?


Very strange.

These acorns were way back there.

Now they're here.

Could they have rolled here?

Too far.

Maybe someone's playing a trick!

(Angry) if they are, it's not very funny!

I don't think anyone

Would play a trick on you, hazel.

Well, I'm going to hide these before they disappear again.


Mouse and I will split up and find more acorns.

That would be great!

Bring whatever you find to the big rock.


Sheldonwho would have thought an acorn could roll that far?

Ahh! Look!

At what?

I don't see anything.

That's the point!

Oh... No acorns!

Did they roll away?


Ooh! Maybe a spider took them.

Edweena and sheldonuh-uh. Impossible!

Oh, what am I going to do?

Do? Do? We'll find more!


That's it!

We'll split up and look everywhere.

And we'll meet at the fallen log.


Sheldonthank you!

Oh, th-thank you.


Thunderhi, mouse.

Whatcha doing?

Hi, thunder.

I'm trying to get those acorns down.

I'm doing acorn finding too!

Did you try shaking the tree?


No, doesn't work too well.


That works better!

I'm glad you're helping.

We need all the acorns we can get.

Yes, winter's not nice if you don't have enough food.

Why don't you take these back,

And I'll keep looking.

Okey-duh- dokey-dokey-do!

(Edweena humming)


Oops, sorry. Looking for acorns!

Me too!

Thumpeka! Look at those!
[ … ]


Allow me.


Ha! Gotcha!

(Chuckling) you too... Come to rabbit!

Woo! Oh, yeah! Hoptastic!

I'll take these back to our friend.

You keep looking!


(Sighing) didn't you find any?

Just the ones thunder brought back.


I haven't seen thunder all day.

But he said he was finding acorns for you.

Look what edweena and I found!




Something strange is going on.

Why was edweena looking for acorns?

And what about thunder?

Where did he go with the acorns we found together?


We need a hop-think!


Where's rabbit and our acorns?

Rabbit? Don't know.

I found these acorns with mouse.


Who are rabbit and mouse?

Our friends.


This is strange. What'll we do?


Heh... What's a hop-think?

Someone asks a question...

We think about it together.

Share ideas...

Try them out...

Make them better...

Get an answer!

Start like this.

The question is, what is going on?

Thunder and edweenahmm...

What is going on?

What do we know for sure?

My acorns disappeared twice.

We found some of them again...

But not all.

Edweena was acorn-finding.

So was thunder.


Why would this rabbit and mouse want acorns?

Maybe they're playing a game.

Yeah! They like games.

They like to help too.

But why would they help me?

Thunder and edweenayou need help!

Sheldonbut they don't know that.

They've never met me.

Maybe they're helping someone else.


Who's hazel?

Our friend.

She's a squirrel... Just like you.

Thunder and edweena wouldn't collect acorns for themselves.

Maybe they're collecting acorns for hazel,

As a surprise!

Aw, that would be just like them.

If they are, they'd take them to hazel's tree.

Thumpeka! Let's go there.

Do you think the acorns

I found on the path were hazel's?

Thunder and edweenauh-huh.

And she took them back after I put them down?

Thunder and edweenauh-huh.

And rabbit and mouse were helping her?

Thunder and edweenayup! Mystery solved!


Hop-thinks really work! (Giggles)

But that means these are hazel's acorns.

Yeah, but you need them.

But I can't take another squirrel's acorns.

That's not fair!

Let's go talk to hazel.


Hey, guys!


Oh! You're hazel,

I'm sheldon,

From the other side of the forest.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know I was taking your acorns.

We were bringing them back to your tree.

Hazel, sheldon doesn't have enough acorns

To last the winter.

There was a fire!

Bothwhat? That's terrible!

Sheldon, I'm so sorry that there was a fire.

And... Well...
[ … ]

I'd be happy to share my acorns with you!

Aw, that's very kind,

But you need them.

Don't worry.

We'll find lots of acorns

Now that we're all working together.

Thunderyeah, hooray!

Edweenaoh, yeah!


To solve the mystery,

We thought about everything we knew,

Put all the pieces together,

And figured out what was happening.

(Acorn bouncing)

Now hazel and sheldon will both have enough acorns

For the winter.


Mouseand it's fun, too!


You pile your acorns up?

Don't you?



Did you ever wish you were bigger?

I mean, all grown-up so you could do

All the carrotastic things that someone older can do?

That's what the gibble goose girls were wishing...

A lot, especially jade.

Jade couldn't wait to fly.


Ambertry a flutter.

Coraland a flap.

Jade(impatiently) it's time to go!

Pearli know... I know.

(Pearl grunting)

Amber, coral, jadeooo!

(Cheering and giggling)

It's my turn now!

Flap and leap...

Then take a bow.


Coral, pearl, jadeooo!

(Cheering and giggling)

I'll flap, I'll flutter, and I'll have fun.

And my turn's after you are done.



All(cheering and giggling)

My turn at last...

Fast, jade, fast!

Now, flap-flap-flap!

Pearl, amber, coralwoo!



Did you see me? Did you? Did you?

We did! We did!

You flapped so high!

You almost flew!

(Gasping) look at that!

Look at what?

Up there!


(Panting) heh!




(Splash) ah.


Hi, I'm tony. Nice pond you've got.

I'm jade.




Jadeand we're known as...

Allthe gibble goose girls.

Hope you don't mind me dropping in.

I was practicing flying,

And I went a little farther than I thought.

Jadewe can't fly yet.

Pearlwe're too small.

Amberbut we practice lots.

Wanna see?

(Jade panting)


Amber, coral, pearlooo! Uh-oh.


Amber, coral, pearlouch.


Good try, jade!

It was awful.

Oh, piffle-fluff.

Every practice teaches you something.

What did that teach me?

How to splash-land! I'm an expert at it.


I'm still new at flying.

I need to practice every day!


Still practice?

Every day?
[ … ]

But you're so good!

That's because I practice!

What's it feel like to fly?

Oh, it's the best!

Once you get the hang of it.

I love to soar up in the sky...

Way up high.

Then dip down low.

And when you fly right into a cloud,

It's all fluffy and feathery

And you can't see anything.


Until... Suddenly, you burst out of the clouds

And you can see everything again.

All(awestruck) whoa!

I can't wait to fly.

But you have to wait, jade.

Trying to fly before you're ready

Can be dangerous.

You could fall!

Your wings have to be big and really strong.


Well, time for a little more practice...

But maybe I'll drop by again. Bye!

Gibble goose girlsbye!

I wanna fly now.

But our wings aren't big...

Or really strong.

We have to wait.

Maybe rabbit and mouse can help us fly!



(Bee buzzing)



You want to fly?

Are you sure you don't want to follow bees with us?

No, we wanna fly.

And not wait...

Till our wings are strong.

'Cause that will be...

Much, much too long.

I know how you feel.

When I was a little rabbit,

I wanted to hop really high,

But my big feet got in the way.

I had to wait until my legs grew up.


Hii-ya! Woo!

I had to wait to do this:


Isn't there any way we could help the gibble goose girls?

Let's hop-think!

Questionhow can the gibble goose girls fly?

Mousewell, their wings are too small right now.

Thundercan we make their wings grow?


Mousemaybe rabbit could make bigger wings.

Rabbiti don't think so.

Wings have to be part of you.

Thundermaybe you could pretend to fly?


That's it!

We can help you pretend.

Amberi can see the whole pond!


(Chuckling) wooo!


Gibble goose girlsyeah!

That was flutter-iffic.

Whoa! It made me dizzy.

Pretending is fun!

Not over! Time for clouds!

Gibble goose girlsyay!

(Thunder giggling)

Rabbit(laughing) woo-hoo!




Pearland I can't see...


Mousewas that good pretending?

Coralvery good!

Pearland fun, fun, fun!

It feels so real.

Thanks, everyone!

Rabbitit's not over yet!

We still have to see how fast you can fly.

We're going to fly fast?

Rabbitready? Liftoff!

Amber(giggling) whee!

Thunder(laughing) whoa!


Pearllook out below!



(Grunting and giggling)

Bothgo, jade, go!


I think my ears are all flipped out.
[ … ]

Jadethank you, rabbit.

It wasn't real flying,

But it was the next best thing.



Amberjade really wants to fly.

Coraleven more than us.

Pearlshe can't wait to grow up.

I know, but you can't hurry growing.


Grow... Grow!

I wanna fly.

I know it's hard to wait, but be patient, it'll come.

When you're closer to my size,

You'll be able to fly just like me.

I've got such a long way to grow.

Oh, not that long.

And meanwhile, there are lots of things you can do

To help you grow strong and be ready to fly.

Really? Like what?

Well, I used to practice deep-diving.

Wanna see?

Oh, yes please.

Wait... Let me get the others.

Tonythis is the deepest spot in the pond.

I can tell that from the sky.

(Taking deep breath)

Tony is taking a long time.

It must be very deep.

Tony's strong. She'll be okay!

Ah, here she comes!



Wow, you girls are lucky!

Your pond is just as pretty at the bottom

As it is up here.

Well, gotta fly!

Let's deep-dive!

We're too little.

We can practice...

It'll make us stronger.



How deep did I get?

Your tail got wet.

It's a good start.

I wish we could see the bottom.

We could pretend.


With help... Lots of help.

We're ready!

Edweenaopen your eyes!

You're underwater!


Coraloh, look!

Pearla fish!

Hi, fishie!

I've never seen that kind before!


Whoosh! Whoosh!

Edweenabetter bring them up so they can breathe.

Gibble goose girls(giggling) yeah! Yay!

Jadethanks for trying, edweena.


Tony(grunting) I'm back!

Hi, tony.

Hey, jade. What's the matter?

We have such nice friends.

They helped pretend we were flying,

But it wasn't real flying.


Then they helped us play deep-diving,

But it wasn't real deep-diving.

I see.

I want to do what you do...

For real.

Well, how about gliding?

You know, paddling with your feet

And then holding steady?

Come on!

I guess...

But I want to go fast!

Fast? Hmm.

Did you know the first step in flying

Is speed-paddling?

I'll bet you're strong enough to speed-paddle right now.


I can do that!

Tonysure you can!

Let's get the others, so everyone can try.

Thunder and edweenayay, tony!

Mousego, girls, go!

Rabbitlet's go!

Jadewe're doing it! We're doing it!

Tonyyou got it!

Hey, girls... Try this!

(Tony panting)

It's a great way to get your wings really strong!

That's how you take off!

Tonykeep practicing, girls!
[ … ]

Gibble goose girls(giggling)

Sometimes it's hard to wait till you're big enough

To do the things you want to do.

But practicing the things you can do

Will get you ready to do grown-up things later...

Like jade, speed-paddling.

That's the first step in learning to fly.

Rabbitall right!

(Giggling) not that everyone's gonna learn to fly...

Rabbit(laughing) woo-hoo!


(Rabbit panting)

I'm doing it!

I'm gonna be just like tony!



(Tony panting)

Did you see me, tony? Did you? Did you?

Tonynice one!

You'll be up here with me before you know it.

Goodbye girls, gotta go!


Jadefly with you soon!
