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02x09 - The Hoppiest Wish Ever / Mouse's Mysterious Something

Posted: 03/15/24 08:51
by bunniefuu

♪ You use your head I'll use mine ♪

♪ We'll put them together and what do we find ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ We have fun whatever we do ♪

♪ Let's keep thinking 'til we think it through ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ I've got an idea

♪ And though we might mess up

♪ We'll put our heads together

♪ And we won't give up!



♪ We're a team with lots to share ♪

♪ It's not where we're going

♪ It's how we're gonna get there ♪

♪ We can do it

♪ When we do it together

♪ We can do it

♪ Me and my friend rabbit


Mouse(grunts of effort)

Oh, hi!

Have you ever made a wish sooo big

It seemed impossible?

That's what I did.


And I thought it would never come true.

Rabbitcome on, mouse!


(Panting and giggling)

Rabbit and mousestump, stump, stump, jump!

Stump, stump, stump, jump!

Whew! (Pants)


(Exhausted exhale)

(Exhausted pants and groans)

Stump, stump, jump!

Stump, stump, stump, jump!

Mouseoh, rabbit! (Pants)


Mousei just can't jump from stump to stump.

No problem, mouse,

We'll just change the game from to "stump jump"

To "stump, rock, stick, grass,

Another rock, then stump, jump!"

Oh. (Laughs) okay!

Stump, rock,

Stick, grass,

Another rock, then stump, jump!


Rabbit and mousewoo hoo! (Giggles)

Rabbithoptastic, mouse!

You are so good at this game!

(Laughs) yeah, woo hoo!

(Amazed) whoa!

I wish I could hop like that!

(Giggling) splashy-splash!

Look, hazel!

Sploosh! (Giggling)

That's great, thunder.

Rabbit and mouse(laugh)

Stump, rock, stick, rock,

Stump, jump!

Hey, hazel. Hey, thunder.

Whatcha doing?


For a wishing apple.

A wishing apple?

What's a wishing apple?

That's when you catch a falling apple

Before it hits the ground.

Then you get to make a wish!

Wow! I wanna catch one!

Mousehow can catching an apple-

(Awed gasp)

Rabbitmouse! You caught one!

Make a wish! Make a wish! Hee!

Come on, mouse! What have you got to lose?

Mouseokay. What should I wish for?

Something you really want!

Something really carrotastic!

(Unsure) oh...

I want, I want... (Grunts)

I want to be...

The hoppiest hopper ever!

Ooh! Good wish!

Okay. Let's see...


(Groans) oh...

Hazelwell, sometimes it takes a minute...

Or two.

Mouse(hopping grunts)

(Sighs heavily)

Looks like the wishing apple didn't work.

But how do you know?

Yeah, mouse.

How can you tell when you're the hoppiest hopper?


The hoppiest hopper has to be able to...
[ … ]

Hop way up into the air,

And land really, really far away!

High, like over trees?


Far, like over rivers?

You bet ya! And even higher!

Even farther!

(Grunt of effort)

The hoppiest hopper has to be able to hop over...

A mountain!

A mountain? That's impossible!


That's for sure. (Laughs)

This apple wishing can't work!

But, that doesn't mean

Your wish won't come true, mouse!

What? How?

I'm not sure,

But we can figure it out.

Let's go!

Rabbitokay, if mouse wants to be the hoppiest hopper,

What's the first thing he has to do?


Hop over a tree.

Hazelhmm. You sure picked a tricky wish, mouse.

Mouseand I'm so little

I'll never be able to.

Wait a minute! I have an idea!

Mousewhy did you bring us here, hazel?

Yeah. There aren't any trees.

Hazelsure there are! Look!


These are trees?

But they're so small.

They're saplings. Young trees!

Oh, I get it!

Come on, mouse,

You can jump over a sapling!

Well, I guess.

Thunderthis one is really itty-bitty.

Well good,

'Cause I'm itty bitty myself,

But I don't think I can jump over it -

Wishing apple or no wishing apple.

Oh well, here goes!


A little hop-helper. (Chuckle)

Okay. Hm!

One, two, hopperoo!

(Giggling) ta-da!

Rabbit, hazel and thunderyay! You did it! Carrotastic hopping, mouse!

And nice thinking, hazel.

You figured out a really hopperiffic way

For mouse to hop over a tree!

Your wish is coming true, mouse!

Well, I guess,

But I still have to hop over a river.

How can anyone do that?

Hmm. Good question.

I know what to do!

Let's ask jasper!

Jasperthe hoppiest hopper ever!

Mm-hm! Now that's some wish!

Mouseif it comes true!

Rabbithazel found a sapling for mouse to hop over.

Good thinking! A sapling is a young tree.

But we don't know where to find a young river.

Hmm... I have an idea.

Streams are just really small rivers, after all,

And I know a place

Where the stream is very narrow.

Hazelwell, it's narrower.

Mousei'm not even gonna try to hop over that!

I could get my feet wet!

I could get all wet!

Horrible! Horrible!

Rabbithang on a hop.

Hazel, can you run up this tree

And tie the vine to a high branch?

Sure thing!

Done! Ha!

Here ya go, mouse.

What's this?

Another hop-helper.

Just hold onto the end and hop!


Well, okay, but I don't see-

Whoaaa! Whoopee!

All(laugh and cheer) woo hoo!

One, two, hopperoo!

Thunder and hazelwhoa-ho! Yippee!

Nice hopping mouse! (Laughs)

All(laugh happily)

Mousethank you, thank you, thank you!

Rabbityou did it, mouse!

You are the hoppiest hopper.

Unh-unh! Not quite.

Sure, I jumped over a tree and a river,

But, for my wish to come true,

I need to hop over a mountain!
[ … ]

How can we ever make that wish come true?

Well, hazel and jasper thought up carrotastic ways

For mouse to hop over trees and rivers.

Jasper and hazelit's true! We did!

Rabbitso, we need a really hoptastic way

For mouse to hop over the mountain.

And you know where hoptastic ideas come from...

Jasper, hazel and thunderhop-thinks!


All the hop-thinking in the world

Won't get me up that high!

How can mouse hop over a mountain?

The same way he hopped over the tree and the river.

We found a small tree.

Rabbitand jasper found a small river.

So maybe we can find a small mountain.

Even if you find a small mountain,

Remember, I'm really small!

Tiny! Mini!

(High-pitched tone) itty-bitty!

Hazelwe'll need a hop-helper.

Thundera really big hop-helper!

Jasperand a really small mountain.

Rabbitthumpeka! That's it!

Mouse, you wait here!

Everyone else, follow me!

Thunder and mouse(giggle)

Heh! They'll never find a mountain that little.

I'm as small as a mouse! (Titters)

Because I am a mouse! (Giggles)

Hazeloh yeah, that's perfect!

Ohhh! It's perfect!

Yup! Okay. Let's cover it up

So it'll be a big surprise when mouse gets here.

Hazel, you go and get mouse.

Thunder and jasper, you come with me.

Where are we going?

Rabbitto get the hop-helper!



Thunderjasper, are you sure this will work?

Oh, yeah.

Nothing bouncier than bouncy bog moss.

Hazeljust a little farther, mouse.

Mousewhatever you say, hazel,

But I know this is just a hill,

Not that I could ever hop over a hill either,

Now that I think about it.

(Gasps) wow!

Now that's a mountain!

And a river and trees too!

It's absolutely hoptacular!

Thank you!

We used a little puddle thunder dug.

I made it for my pine cones to swim in!

Then we added a few twigs as trees.

And then we piled up rocks...

For a mountain!

It's perfect!

Only, I don't think I can hop over it!

It's still too big and I'm too small!

Not to worry, mouse!


Bouncy bog moss. Hee hee!

The hoppiest hop-helper ever!

Give it a try!

One, two, hopperoo!

(Jumping grunts) woo hoo!

You hopped over a mountain!

You got your wish!

Mouseit's true! Look at me!

I'm hopping so high!

And so far!

I'm the hoppiest hopper ever!

All(cheer and laugh)

See? My wish came true.

My very smart friends worked super hard

To think up hoptastic ways

For a little mouse like me to hop over a tree,

A river and even a mountain!

They just wouldn't give up!

And in the end, it was so much fun

I had to give them all a turn!

All(laughing and cheering)

(Laughing and cheering)



A wishing app!


I've always wished I could hop over the moon.

Mousecome on, rabbit!

Let's make your wish come true!

Rabbit and mouse(laughing and cheering) woo hoo! Weee!

All(laughing and cheering)

Rabbithere we go!

(Laughing and cheering)


Mousedid you ever have something you liked sooo much

You wanted to keep it all for yourself?

I found something like that today -
[ … ]

A mysterious something.


Rabbitmouse! Where are you?



Hi ya, mouse! I'm on the island!

Phew! There you are!

What are you doing?

Finding things that might be handy

For making inventions.

Come over and help!



Um... What if I play "finding things"

Over here?

Carrotastic idea, mouse!

You look there and I'll look here!

Hmmm... Things for making inventions.

(Grunt of effort)

Hey! Those might be good!

(Running grunts)

Whoops! Whoa!

What's that?!

It's a mysterious something.


Whoops! Hey, I'm stuck!

Um... Rabbit?

Pardon me. (Grunts)




Mouse? Is that you?

That's your tail, but where's your top part?

Mousein here, stuck inside this mysterious something!

Oh! Is it fun?

Not really. Can you get me out?


Mouseit opens. Just pull!

Whoa! (Dizzy moans)

Hey! It stretches out!

Yeah, it's really bendy!

What is it?

Tree bark, I think. But it's all soft.

Ohhh... Look!

Little pieces flake off, like snow.

And there's a hangy down piece here.

I bet I could invent something great with this!


But... Um...

I found it, so it is mine, really.

Huh? Oh, heh. Right you are, mouse!

My very own mysterious something.

Hey! Let's ask jasper what it is!

Good idea!


Rabbithi, thunder! Look what mouse found!

Mousea mysterious something!


That's a very nice something, mouse.

What are you looking for, thunder?

Oh, I want to do picture making.

I have colour

And something to put the colour on with,

But I don't have a picture place!

What about the ground?

Ground pictures don't last.

They get walked on.

Mousedo your picture on this tree then.

But if thunder paints a picture

On the tree,

It might wash off in the rain.

Too bad.

Bark is good for pictures.


You said the mysterious something is bark.

I did?

I did! Uh, and if it rains,

Thunder can just roll it up!

But if I share some with thunder,

Then I won't have as much.

Thunderpretty, pretty please?

But... (Hesitant whine)


Thunderyippee! (Giggles)

There you go, thunder.

Oh... (Squeezing grunt)

Thank you, mouse!

Awww... (Giggles)

That's okay.


Hey! You guys wanna watch me paint?

No time for pictures, thunder.

We've gotta find jasper.

Rolling rutabagas.

Now I don't have nearly as much as before.

I know sharing can be tricky, mouse,

But it's so much fun once you get the hang of it.

How can I get good at it?

Well, let's have a hop-think!

How can you get good at sharing?
[ … ]


Maybe you could start by remembering

All the times you shared.

Let's see. There's, um...

Um... Mm...

And then there was the... Oh, oh...

I think I need a little more practice.

Thumpeka! That's it!

Practice sharing?


Now we just have to find something

That we could share.


Here you go, mouse.

Have some berries!

Oh, thanks, rabbit! Yum!

(Crunches and gulps)

Now you share with me.

Oh, okay.

(Deep breath)

Here, rabbit, have some berries!

(Crunches and gulps)

Thank you, mouse!

(Chuckles) that's so nice of you!

How did that feel?


Now, can you please share

Your mysterious something with me?

No way!


I think you still need

A little more practice, mouse.


Hi, edweena!

Hi, rabbit.

What are you making?

A daisy chain.

(Gasps, saddened groan)

Heh, uh, it's nice.

Is it supposed to fall apart?

No. It won't stay together.

You need something long and skinny

To hold you daisies together.

Hey! Maybe we could use some vines!

I tried that. The vines are too thick!

Long and skinny. Hmm...


The mysterious something!

Not again!

Just one little skinny piece.

Please, mouse?


Sure, edweena.

You can have some of my mysterious something.


(Hesitant whine)

Here you go, edweena.


Thanks, mouse!

(Big kiss) mmmmuah!

Oh! (Giggles)

You're welcome, edweena.

Wanna make daisy chains with me?

Rabbitlove to, but we can't.

We're off to find jasper!

Good sharing, mouse!

How do you feel?

Well, it does feel good to share.

Even my mysterious something.

I'm proud of you, mouse!

Soon you'll be a great sharer!

Pearloh! This isn't right!

Amberthat's for sure.

The gibble goose girls!

Rabbitcome on, mouse!

How's that? Any better? Comfy now?

Definitely not!

Hi, girls! What's wrong!

Pearlwe made a new nest...

Coralwe thought it was perfect...

Amberbut no matter what we try...

Jadeit just isn't comfy!

Hmmm... Did you try cattail fluff?

Too tickly.

Dandelion seeds?

Pearltoo floaty.

Mousecushy moss?

Jadetoo scratchy.

Hmm... Something soft and smooth.

(Sighs) like my mysterious something?

Jadeyou want to put that in our nest?

Not all of it, just some fluffy flakes.

If it's okay with mouse -

It is his mysterious something after all.

Oh please, mouse?

Just a tiny bit?

We'd be ever so grateful.

And have such a nice nap.


(Hesitant) oh...
[ … ]



There you go, girls. Try that!

Pearlahhh... Magnificent!

Amberahhh! Splendid!

Coralahhh! Superb!

Now we can nap!


Shhh! Amber's asleep already!

Jade(whispers) would you like to have a nap with us, mouse?

(Whispers) sorry, jade, no time.

We're off to find jasper...

Rabbit(whispers) to ask him what this mysterious something is.

Mouselook how small my mysterious something is!

But mouse,

You're getting to be such a good sharer!

All because of your mysterious something!

Yeah, I didn't think of that!

How does sharing make you feel now?


Well... Um...

Not good 'cause my mysterious something

Is almost a mysterious nothing.

But I do feel good inside.

That's just how sharing should feel!

Rabbithey, jasper!


Rabbitlook what mouse found!

Mousea mysterious something!

Let's see. Oh!

Birch bark!

Birch bark?

Yes, a very special kind of bark

That grows on birch trees.

Then maybe we can get some more!

Well, it's okay if you find birch bark on the ground,

But you should never peel it off of the tree.

They need it for protection.

Oh. Well,

I found this piece on the ground

And it used to be really big before i...

(Chuckles) shared it.

Mouse shared birch bark with thunder.

We thought it would be just the thing

To paint pictures on.

And edweena got some to make her daisy chain.

And the gibble goose girls got some for their nest.

You made everybody feel great!

Yeah! Who would have thought that my mysterious something

Could make so many of my friends happy?

I think the sharing made them happy, mouse,

Not just the bark.


Look at the great picture I did!

And see? Pretty me!

We're so rested...

After our nap.

Now we want to share something with you!

Gibble girls(giggle, big kiss)

Thunder and gibble girls(squeezing grunts)


Mouseawww... (Titters)

Thanks for the hug, everybody!

You still have a little bit

Of bark left, mouse.

What are you gonna do with it?

Mouse(gasps) I have an idea!

So even though I didn't really want to share

My mysterious something at first,

It turned out that everybody got something great.

Especially me!

I got such a nice hug!

And a way to get to rabbit's island

Without getting my feet wet!

Rabbitcome on, mouse!

It's time to play more "finding things!"

Rabbit and mouse(cheering and laughing) woo hoo! Whoopee!