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03x03 - Kenta and Sora

Posted: 03/15/24 10:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Let's fight an epic battle

♪ Faceoff and spin the metal

♪ No time for doubt now

♪ No place for backing down

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip!

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Spin out the play now

♪ Bring on the power

♪ Right to the top, yeah!

♪ We're never giving up

♪ Here it comes

♪ Here it comes

♪ Metal fusion!

♪ Let's go beyblade, let it rip! ♪

♪ Metal fusion, let it rip! ♪

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ This is it!

♪ Get a grip!

♪ Let it rip!

Narratorlast time on "beyblade":

Tetsuya is racking up the points,

And the sympathy of the crowd,

In the latest challenge match.

Tetsuya wants more power though,

So he seeks out doji's help.

Doji puts tetsyua's bey mad gasher

Into a high tech remodeling machine.

When it's done, his blade has been changed

To dark gasher.

Using his new bey, tetsuya enters another match,

Where the dark gasher scores a victory over benkei.

An over confident tetsuya now faces gingka

In the final battle.

Pegasus and gasher battle hard,

But gingka has studied tetsuya's moves,

And his superior skills,

To knock gasher not just out,

But through the wall of the stadium!

Gingka wins!



Hey, hey, hey! Spinners and winners!

We're just steps away from battle bladers,

And you can see the place is jumping!

Challenge matches are heating up

More and more, every day!

Today we're shining the spotlight on someone

Who has been earning points non-stop!

His name is...kenta!

He may have a small body, but this kid's got a big heart!

One attack from his sagittario flame claw

Can shut anyone down!!

(Beys clash)

What is beyblade to me?

Hmmm... Let me think.

It's about friendship, and you know,

Being with friends. Uh yeah, the friend thing.

Uh, if I go to battle bladers,

I can see my friends.

And in order to get to that high level

And battle my friends,

And test those bonds,

I've gotta keep winning!

(Crowd cheers loudly)

We're ready for our next battle here,

At the beach side arena!

And the next blader to enter is...


(Crowd cheers wildly)

Hey, we've been waiting for ya!

Yeah, I saw you on tv! You look smaller in real life!

Yeah, he's so cute!

(Laughs shyly)

Right now, kenta is a crowd favourite!

But we'll see how long that lasts.

The other competitors won't be defeated so easily!

Who will it be that wins this challenge match

And moves one step closer to battle bladers?


Begin the battle!




Kenta and opponentlet it riiiiiip!

(Beys clash)

(Crowd cheers loudly)




(Stomping loudly)



Blader djthere you have it!!

Kenta will move on to the third round!

(Crowd cheers wildly)

It's an exciting match up, as kenta joins his competitors.

The first battle of the third round...

Will be kenta yumiya versus atsuya oki!


Sorammph! Mmph!

Kenta sped through the first and second rounds

With absolutely no problems!

Can he do the same here, and possibly move on

To the semi-finals?

Kentajust wait gingka, I'll catch up to you soon!


Hey you, stop there!

This entrance is for competitors only,

You got it?

If you wanna watch the battle,

Go around to the stands.

Soraoutta my way!




Let it-



Spectatorswhy's he stopping? What's happening?

What's going on, why have they stopped?

Who is that guy?

This guy's- whoa! Check out that guy!



You look like you're having a lot of fun, there.

But it would be more fun if you battle with me!

(Bey glints)


An intruder has walked right into the battle area!

But the tournament has already started!

A new competitor can't join halfway through!

Th-that's right!

Everyone here has worked hard to make it this far.

So if you want to battle in a tournament,

Go back to the first round, why don't 'ya?

Hmph! No way, that's no fun at all!

I want to battle with strong opponents.

Are you stronger than you look, kid?

Huh? Wha-? Me?

Spectatorhe's really strong!


Spectator he's so super strong, you'll never beat him!

Hey kenta, get rid of this guy,

And get back to the battle! Come on, you can do it!

Spectator we're counting on you!

Okay then, you'll do.

I, gingka's number one apprentice sora,

Will be your next opponent!

Huh? Gingka's what!?

Spectatorlike, this is too weird!

Spectator what is that guy doing now?

(Crowd murmuring excitedly)

Hey, move it!

Huh? Oh, oh, okay.

Here we go!


Kentahah! Soratwo!!


Kentahuh? Soralet it riiip!





Unh! Heh-heh-heh!

In the history of beyblade competitions,

I've never seen a launch like that before!

Talk about speed!

Oh man. That's no ordinary guy, you know.

I don't know what this guy is up to!

His bey is an attack-type I've never seen before...

It'll be tricky to go for an attack, sagittario!

We've gotta be careful!

Check it out!

Rip up those rule books,

'Cause this unplanned battle has begun!

Sagittario is holding its ground

At the center of the stadium!

Is he planning to drag out the battle

While watching the opponent's moves?

If you think I'm going along with that,

Guess again!

The real fun of beyblade is having speed

Too fast for the eye to catch.

An attack so fierce, it seems like it's on fire!

Finish this with one hit, cyber!!

(Bey whooshes)


Okay, get ready for it!

Special move! Cyber starblast attack!!

Crowdhuh? Blader djwhat's this?

Cyber starblast attack?

The same move as gingka!

Hmph! I am gingka's number one apprentice!

I can do any and all of gingka's moves!

But that's not fair.

(Bey glints)


(Crowd and blader dj gasp)

Blader djwhere did it go?



Double huh! Huh?



Ladies and gentlemen, looks like it's a stadium out!

Ah, man! It jumped too far!

(Crowd laughs)

What was that!?

So, is the "real fun of beyblade"

Self-defeat with a stadium out!?


(Crowd laughing)

Hey, can it!

Zip it, will you?

Come on! Why did this happen!?

Blader djanyway, uh, the-the winner of this is extra,

Unexpected match, is kenta!

Ah, ha ha...

Ha! Fine then, whatever!


Hey, you know what?


Next time we meet, it'll be a lot different!

Remember that!

Soramove it! Atsuyauh, uwah!

Ah, hold on, wait!

Ah ha ha ha ha! Oh...hi!

Ahem! I'm okay.

So, that ends our entertainment portion of the tournament.

Now for some real battling,

With kenta and atsuya!

Kentahis cyber starblast attack was just for show!

Gingka's move isn't something

That just anyone can easily copy.

But that physical strength!

It's unbelievable!

Sora, is he really gingka's number one apprentice?

I don't know what to believe anymore!

(Bey whooshes)

Soracome on!!

(Bey clashes)

Do it right this time!

Cyber starblast attack!

Aw, man!

Argh! Epic fail!!




Whew! I finally found you.

What do you want?

Are you here to laugh at me?

No, I'm-

Hmph, you can if you want to.


Laugh now, but once I master

This cyber starblast attack,

It won't be funny!!

Waahh!? Huaaaaah!


Ah!! Gah.

Kentahuh? Soraargh!


Aw, man! Why can't I ever get it right!

Kentaum, about that.

That move, when did you learn it?

Learn it?

I didn't "learn" the special move.


But you said you're gingka's number one apprentice!

Yeah, but that's something I decided myself.

On my own.


It all happened when gingka came to my town

To compete in a tournament.

The first time I saw gingka's special move,

I was blown away!



Special move!

Pegasus starblast attack!!

(Bey whooshes)

(Beys clash)

No way!


Ha ha!




Sorathat time,

Gingka looked right at me.

Of all the spectators filling the stands,

He looked only at me.

Even without saying a word,

I got what gingka was thinking:

"Hey kid, I notice how you love beyblade.

Work as hard to be as strong as me!

From today, you are my number one apprentice!"

That's right!

That's what gingka's eyes told me that day!

So, he didn't actually say it...

No. Anyway he saw that potential in me,

And so I must live up to it,

I can't let him down!

When he looked at me, I decided at that moment

To become a cool, strong, blader like gingka!

Yes I did!


Yes, it does.

Because a beyblade att*cks you here.

Well, go for it then!

So as long as you believe in your bey

And your own power,

You can do it someday!

Because beyblade hits with the heart.

The heart?

When I first met gingka, he taught me that very thing.

Gingka taught you?

So what you're telling me is that you know gingka?

Mm-hmm! Yeah, we're friends.

What? What's that?

Gah! You're friends with gingka?


Sorabut, you let me talk on, and on, and on!

Unh! If you're gingka's friend,

Why didn't you say so from the beginning,

'Ya goofball!


No-no-no reason...

Well, that's okay.

From now on, you and I are friends, too!

Glad to know 'ya, kenta!


Me too, mr. Sora.

That's too formal, just call me sora!

Okay? Got it?

Ugh! (Coughs)




Sorago! Cyber starblast attack!


(Bey whooshes)

(Bey hums)

Huh! Awww!

I failed again!

I don't know what I'm doing wrong!

Well, at least you're not giving up.

It's good that you're working so hard,

But shouldn't you take a break?

I vowed to become a blader like gingka

As soon as possible, kenta!

I just don't have the time to rest!

That may be true sora, but...

It has to work!

Let it rip!

(Bey whooshes)

But, you...



Soraoops! Sorry, kenta.

Can you pick up cyber for me?

Sure thing.

(Bey glints)

Hey, what's wrong?

Just give it to me, already.

You know sora,

I'm wondering if becoming a blader like gingka

Means being able to use the same exact move as him.

Are you saying it isn't?

Watch this.


Let it rip! Yeah!

(Bey whooshes)

Go, go, go!

Special move! Sagittario flame claw!!

(Flames roar)

(Loud crash)

That's awesome!

Is that your special move, kenta?

Yeah it is!

My sagittario has its very own way of battling.


So don't you think that cyber

Has a style of battling that only cyber can do?

But isn't cyber a lot like pegasus?

Mm-hmm! Yeah, it's true that cyber

Is an attack type like pegasus,

But that doesn't mean that everything about it

Is identical.

Also, gingka's power and your power

Are different, right?

Sorai-i guess.

Kentathen sora, I think the best thing to do

Is to create an original move just for cyber!

You won't have to catch up to gingka

Just by copying him, then.

Uh, but isn't it really hard to create

A totally original move?

It's not easy,

But I was able to make one,

So you should be able to as well!

Sora, put all your heart into your bey,

And attack!

Put my heart into my bey...

(Bey glints)

Yeah. That is something gingka said to me as well.

See sora, take a look into the sky.


Gingkaa beyblade's true strength

Has nothing to do with attack power or stamina.

It att*cks using the feelings of the blader

Who is connected with it.

As if all of the power in the cosmos

Was being poured into it.

You must put your heart

That is as big as the starry sky into it.

A heart that is as big as the starry sky...

(Crowd cheering)

Blader djgo, battle bladers competitors!

The challenge matches continue to be fierce!

Today we are coming to you live from the zidoriyama arena!

The rules are simple!

Clear the obstacles you see

Before using your bey technique.

The first to reach the flag at the top of the waterfall,


(Water thunders)

The winner will get a whopping bey points!

(Crowd cheers wildly) blader djoh yeah!

All right, I'm gonna do this!

Those points are mine!

Sorawhat? This match isn't a battle?

Looks like it. That's great!

We came all the way here to try our skills

In a challenge match,

But we can't even battle!

What a drag!

We might as well compete,

Since we came all this way.

Maybe by using cyber in a different way than usual,

You'll be able to find a new move for him, sora!

Something only cyber can do!


Okay, let's begin the spin!


Crowdtwo! Soracyber's move...

Something only cyber can do...

Competitorsunh! Kentasora!!

Oh! Ulp!

Oh no!!

Check it!

This time sora has formally entered the competition!

But is this guy already too late to start?


Bladersgooo! What are you waiting for? Come on, come on, come on!

Go, go, go, go, go!

Yeah, go!

Chase after them, cyber!


Oh boy!

Sora's cyber isn't dodging the pylons,

With amazing power, it's actually kicking the cones

Out of the way!

No way, is that allowed?

Heh! I can't help it if you guys take too long!

In a way, this is cyber's own style of battling.

I guess...

(Beys whoosh)

(Pylons thunk)

(Beys whoosh)


(Beys whoosh)

Get outta the way!!

(Loud thunk)

(Loud whoosh)

(Beys clash)

Just stop it!

My-my-my bey!

Wipe out!

I've got you!

Kenta, your sagittario is next!


(Cyber whooshes loudly)


(Sagittario grinds)


You dodged trouble that time!


(Bey whooshes)

Blader djcyber impressively rallied all of its strength!

But was it too much power?

Making it lose complete control?

Now, sagittario!

Blader djsagittario uses this chance to close the gap!

It has regained the lead from cyber!

Grrr! As good as always!


Sorakenta knows all about sagittario's abilities!

But i, on the other hand...

Blader djokay now, if someone climbs the final barrier-

The waterfall- they will be the winner!

Kentaif cyber catches up, it'll be the end!

Okay. Sagittario!

(Bey whooshes)

You can do it, sagittario!

(Water roars)

Gaaah!come on! You can't lose, cyber!!

(Bey whooshes)

All right! Pass him!

Hang in there, sagittario!


Kenta and sorahuh?! Wha-?

Yikes! Sagittario flame claw!

(Flames roar)


Push it back up!

Grrrrr! Sagittario...

(Loud boom) kentahuh?


Blader djwow! Cyber is actually attacking the log!!

All right! Cyber, give it your all!

Huh? You're on it, sagittario!

Blader djlook at this!

Cyber and sagittario are combining their power

To push the log!

(Log thunks)

Kenta and sorahuh?

Blader djooh boy! They're in serious trouble now!

Oh, no!

Sorai don't know what to do!

You won't have to catch up to gingka

Just by copying him, then.


Don't you think that cyber

Has a style of battling that only cyber can do?

Okay! But, how?

It att*cks using the feelings of the blader

Who is connected with it.

As if all the power in the universe

Was being poured into it.


That's it!

I have to hurry and catch up to gingka

To surpass him!

I don't have time to waste here in this place!

Not at all! Gooooo, cyber!

Soraspecial move! Avalanche move!

(Loud boom)

Uwahhh? What is that!!


(Bey whooshes)

That's amazing!


Truly exciting, bladers!

Will this new move hand sora the win?

Spectatoruh, hello!

Blader djwait, huh?

Blader awhat is it?

Blader cit's not coming back?

Blader ejust how far did it go?



(Counter chimes)

Kentauh, heh heh... Uh, sorry about this.

Uh, looks like I kinda...won.

Awww! If I had just figured out the landing!

I'm just not getting it!

You just gave off too much power in the end.

I-if you keep on trying,

I'm sure you'll make it

To the battle bladers too, sora!

No, I'm just not good enough yet.

I don't know my own bey like you do, kenta.

I'm not using enough power!

The way I am now,

It would be ridiculous for me to even be

In the same tournament as gingka!

I don't think I'm ready for that!

You just have to keep doing your best each time!

I'll help you, too!

No, I've gotta leave you here, kenta.

Huh? Why's that?

Kenta, you must travel your own path!

I'll travel the path that I believe in!

And one day, let's meet as rivals again!

Uh, sora!

But what is beyblade to me?

Hmmm... Let me think about it.

It'd have to do with a bond, I guess.

Beyblade is something that widens my circle of friends.

A special tie that connects my heart

With my friends,

Who are now far away.

Let it rip!


Kentalet's meet again soon, my friend!

Do your best, sora!