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03x11 - Rock Scorpio's Deadly Poison

Posted: 03/15/24 10:11
by bunniefuu
♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Let's fight an epic battle

♪ Faceoff and spin the metal

♪ No time for doubt now

♪ No place for backing down

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip!

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Spin out the play now

♪ Bring on the power

♪ Right to the top, yeah!

♪ We're never giving up

♪ Here it comes

♪ Here it comes

♪ Metal fusion!

♪ Let's go beyblade, let it rip! ♪

♪ Metal fusion, let it rip! ♪

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ This is it!

♪ Get a grip!

♪ Let it rip!

Blader djlast time on "beyblade":

The roof of the dark nebula headquarters

Has become a b*ttlefield.

Ryuga and l-drago are close to crushing tsubasa and eagle

When phoenix enters with fireblaze

To save eagle from defeat.

Phoenix grabs a shocked tsubasa and jumps from the roof,

Soaring to freedom below.

Ryuga cannot believe that his victory

Has been snatched from him.

Meanwhile, gingka finds himself

Facing a new foe at a tournament

In the form of tobio.

Tobio is a member of the dark nebula

And he and his bey capricorn

Are desperate to please ryuga with a victory.

However, even a tricky stadium with moving walls

Is no match for gingka's blading skills.

In the end, gingka wins,

And tobio will have to answer for his failure.


(Wind gusts)

Kentaman, what a lonely looking place this is.

The stadium is supposed to be right here.


That can't be it.

This stadium looks deserted.

I don't think it's even open.



Kazukiy-you there... You're a blader, right?!

Yuiyeah, a blader, right?


Kazukiif you're a blader, then battle with me!

Yuiyeah, battle!


And if I win this battle I'll get all of your points!

Every single one.

Yeah, all your points!


Here I go! Let it rip!

Wha? Wait! Uh, let it rip!

Huh! Ah!


Big brother... It's my turn to shine now!

Wait! What are you doing?

Let it rip!

Let it rip!

Kazuki and yuiahhhh!


Um, uh...


Big bro, it looks like our stadium is lost forever!

Kazukidon't say that, yui!

We have to keep trying.

We'll get it back one day.

So, don't cry anymore.

Yui(crying) big bro...


Uh, excuse me, guys.


Kentai have no idea what's going on here,

But I'm all ears if you want to tell me about it.

(Excited chatter of kids battling)

Kentawhat do you mean the stadium's been taken from you?

(Sighs heavily) okay, it goes like this:

The kids in town would battle there all the time.

We were just learning, but...

We tried our best to become really good bladers -

Good enough to go to the battle bladers one day.

And then they showed up...



Well, isn't this a nice stadium!

I quite like it. Yes, I do!

Mr. Busujima, it's ours?

Yeah! From now on, this stadium belongs to me!

All(gasping) what?

Busujimaall you babies hurry up and get outta here!

No! No way!

A stadium is something that belongs to everyone.

You can't take it all for yourself!

Yuiyou can't!

Hunh! Oh?

And who's gonna stop me?

Not you little rugrats,

Are ya?!


Then why don't you come at me all at once,

You toddlers!

Send 'em flying, rock scorpio!

Let it rip!

(Crazed laughter)

Kazukibusujima and his g*ng took control of our stadium

And began using it just for themselves.

He said that if we wanted to use the stadium,

We had to give them all our points.

That's awful!

(Loud crash nearby)


Kazuki, kenta and yuihuh?!

Aw, this thing is so crummy...

I wish we could go back to the bey stadium one day.

(Disappointed groans)

Kidn-not g-good!


Kid kazuki! Busujima's at it again!





Busujimaheh-heh-heh, what's the matter?

You acted so tough coming in here,

But really you're an amateur.

Don't you know you can't beat my scorpio

With those pathetic moves?

Sorai'm going to make you eat those words!

Better buckle up!

Go, cyber!



Heh! You're trying to attack me with that, huh?


A kitten can hit harder than that

With its fuzzy little paw!

Lackeys(laughing) meow!


Busujimaor are you so scared you can't make a move?!

Run along home and cry to mommy!

You'll be sorry you said that!

I said that's not gonna work, kid!


All right, toss him!




Oopsie! Clumsy me!



Lackeyget that outta here!


Why did you do that?!


Looks like I win.

And like I said...

I'll take all of your points now!

How do you like those apples!

Forget it, pal.

This battle was totally rigged!

Let's go for round two.

Busujimathat's fine with me,

But next I'll be taking that bey of yours!

Hunh? Not cyber!


So, what will you do?!

Sorai accept your challenge!

Because this time you're going down, buddy!

Kentano! Don't, sora!

Sorahuh? Kenta?!

Kentait's exactly what he wants you to do.

Back off for now.

Sorano way! I can take this guy, I know it!

Kentanot this time sora, not now!

Soralet go of me!

Kentajust trust me on this!

So what's it gonna be?

You battling

Or are you just gonna stand there?

Kentano thanks! Gotta go home for dinner!

Sorahey! What dinner?

That kid just now...

I feel like I've seen him before.

Kentaso that's the , sora?

You heard what happened in this town

And tried to defeat busujima and his g*ng?

Sorayeah, I mean, I just couldn't ignore it, right?

Gingka would never have accepted this.

Look, I can't just sit here doing nothing.

Better keep your head up.

Busujima, I'm coming for you!

Kentano! Sorahuh? Wha?!

Why do you keep stopping me?!

Just cool down a little, all right?

Don't forget about what happened last time!


Oopsie! Clumsy me!


Kentatry to learn from your last battle!

Those guys will use every dirty trick they can to win.

If you just rush into another match

All hot-headed,

You will lose for sure!


So... So... You're saying

That I should just let them get away with it?

I can't believe that you feel that way, kenta!

I misjudged you!

Kentano you didn't.


I'm not gonna let them get away with this either!

And I say we fight them all together!

Kazuki, yui and kidshuh?!

Together, with everyone?!

Us too?!

Hmph! That stadium belongs to everyone!

So let's combine all of our strength

And take back the stadium from busujima.


All together?

Take back our stadium?

Right! Everyone's stadium!

Yeah. Everyone's stadium.

Yeah! Everyone's!


You're right! Let's all do it!

Kentayou bet.

Soraall right then!

We have to start training together

Right away!


Kidsthree, two, one...

Let it rip!

Sorago, cyber!

Kazukii won't lose!

All right, I'll finish in one go!

Sora, you're gonna lose!




Kentacyber is weak!

Yuiweaky-leaky, silly-willy!

Sorawha-what did you say? Try sayin' that again!



I win big time!


We're trying to help.

You can't get distracted

By what people around you are saying!

Yuiyou have to focus, sora.

Come on, one more time!

Kenta, sora and kazukilet it rip! Yeah!

A bey's power is decided by the launch!

We have to use the correct angle

To produce the fastest rotation speed!



Urgh! Take a look at this, busujima!

Agh! Ugh!

It's no use.

Don't give up now, kazuki.

If we lose this,

Who do you think will take the stadium back then?!


We will beat busujima!

The whole town, together!

Hm. You're right, sora. I'm ready now!




Lackey those guys are getting serious;

They're doing some special training

Or something!

Lackey big deal! Whatever they do they'll be useless.


Busujimanow I remember!

Lackeyshuh? What?

Lackey mr. Busujima?!

Where I saw that kid... I remember now.

I saw him on tv before.

He's supposed to be a pretty strong blader.

Lackeysoh?! Really? No kidding.

Busujimawhich means he'll have a ton of points.



And those points will soon be mine!


Kazukihurry up, yui! Sora and the others are hungry!


Wait up, big bro.

Do you really think we'll be able to play

In the stadium again?!

Sure! If we all work together and combine our strength,

We can't lose! Okay, yui?!



Wh-what do you guys want anyway?!

Busujimai hear you're doing some special bey training.

Yuino! Kazukiwhat?

Why don't you show me what you've learned...


Kentathat guy is a menace!

What did he say?!

Kazukibusujima, said that this is what will happen

If we challenge them.


(Laughs) remember to tell your friends...

Kazukistop! Busujimaoops! (Smash)

(Groans) that busujima stinks!

Hmm... Wait. Where's yui?!

They took her with them!


Kazukiif we want her back,

He said we have to give him all of kenta's points!


He is a menace!

Let's go!



Lackey hey! Where are you kiddies off to in such a hurry?

Why don't you hang out with us for a while first?

Kazukigi-give yui back!

Oh look who it is, mr. Beyless!

(Lackeys laugh)


I'll take care of this.

Sora, you go find busujima and get yui back!

I'll stay here.

Huh? B-but...

Kentayou've worked hard for a chance to defeat busujima,

Haven't you?!

Show me the results of your training!

Are you sure, kenta?!


You know what to do now, sora.

You won't lose to a guy like him!

I'm on it! Don't worry.

Okay, good luck, kenta!

Leave it to me, sora!


That's a great idea,

Send a guy who's already been defeated by busujima.

(Laughing) nice!

Lackey yeah, and do you really think you guys can defeat us

All by yourselves?

I could beat you guys easily with my eyes closed.


But I don't like to show off! Ready?

Let it rip!

Where are you, busujima? Come on out!


Busujimawhat are you doing here?

I wanted that kid kenta to come, not you!

I can't believe they sent a little squirt like you!

Soraoh yeah? Just wait!

Where's yui?!

Busujimadon't worry!

We gave her the best room in the place!

Yuibig bro...

I was planning to take a whole whack of points

From teeny-weeny kenta,

But I'll warm-up on you first! Yeah!

Just keep talking, busujima,

Your breath keeps the bugs away!

Busujimathree! Soratwo!

Busujima and soraone! Let it rip!

Go, cyber!





(Hysterical laughter)

I wouldn't want to bore you

By having the same battle again!

This time the match is on a super slippery

Field of oil!


Busujimaoh yeah! And scorpio's performance tip

Is covered in spikes,

So it's not affected by liquids like water or oil!


(Breathes a sigh of relief)!

This is against the rules, pal!

What's it like to have no honour?!

It's great!

I do whatever it takes to win, get it?!


Busujimatake that!

Scared? Why don't you run home and get your diaper changed!

(Frazzled) I don't wear a diaper!


(Beys clash)

Must calm down...

If I don't keep my cool, I won't be able to win!

Hey there, buddy,

Where did all that big chit-chat from before go, huh?

You said you'd beat me,

Or was that just a widdle tantrum?

Sorathis is his strategy. Stay calm.

Don't listen! Focus! Focus!

I guess it's just the way it is.

You and the people of this stinking town

Are just a bunch of whining little fools

For a guy like me to stomp on big time!


I'm gonna destroy your bey,

Just like I did to that lightweight, kazuki!




He looked so sad and pathetic

When I crushed his bey! Wah-ha-ha-hah!

Some people have absolutely no right to use a bey!

They only have a right to be silent

And do exactly what I tell them to!


Busujimago, scorpio!

What's this?!

You know nothing!

Kazuki worked really hard to fight for everyone's sake!

Got it?

He trained with us and tried his very best.

The opinion of a guy like you...

Means nothing at all!



Is that so, my friend?

There's only one place, it's first place!

No one cares how you win, as long as you win!

Don't you get that?

I don't believe that at all!

I'm fighting for the people of this town;

For kazuki, who tried so hard;

And for my friend, kenta, who believes in me.

So I'm gonna win for them!

That's so sweet!

And silly me here without a spare hanky!

(Splash, flames whoosh)

Grr! Oh!

(Everyone gasps)

What's with all the smoke coming from the stadium?!

Lackey I'd focus on this battle, kid!


(Beys whoosh)

Lackey it's not over yet!


Whoa! There's just no end to them!

Kenta! Huh?!


Kazukithey're coming from there too!



Wh-what just happened?!

Hey! Look!


Kenta(gasps) gingka!

(Beys whoosh)


Mr. Busujima, this is dangerous!

(Crazed laughter)


Too bad!

I've been waiting for a battle like this!

If you wanna run away, then go ahead.

I'm not going anywhere

Until I finish things with him, okay?

I am just... Warming up!

(Laughing maniacally)

Oh yeah?

If ya can't stand the heat, get outta the stadium!


Hold your ground! Don't give in!

(Laughing maniacally)

Soup's on everyone!

I hope you like your bey well-done!

Don't give up, cyber!

This shouldn't be the limit of our power!

You can do it!


Soon your bey will be burnt to a crisp, got it?

If you want to save it,

You'd better hurry up and quit the battle!


Busujimawha?! Ahh?!

Beyblade is all about a blader's spirit!

I won't give in to a guy who has no respect for that;

Who thinks it's a joke!

I absolutely will not lose!


Gingkayou tell him, sora!



Whoa! Can it really be?

Wh-who are you?!



My name's gingka!

It's g-gingka?! R-r-really?

Gingkayou've done well.


Let me take it from here, okay?!

(Nervous, excited laughter)

G-gingka?! Here and now?

Let it rip!

Special move, pegasus storm bringer!



Ah! That's awesome!

Gingkanow it's your turn, sora!


Uh... Uh...


Wh-what?! All right!

If you're gonna come at me, then bring it on!

But I can't guarantee yui's safety.

Things could get kinda dicey!

I almost forgot!

You really do stink, busujima!

(Laughs) sticks and stones, kid!

Yuii'm okay now!


We rescued yui, she's fine!

She's safe! Just battle, sora!

Kenta, kazuki!


Goody for you. Let's get back to business.

Go, scorpio!!

Not this time!


Special move, o.v. Drive!


Allyeah! Gingkahmph!


(Beys clash repeatedly)

(Glass shatters)

(Busujima howls)

Oh yeah!

I won this!

Cyber and I won! We did it!

(Angry growl)

I'll get you for this!


Uh... Um...


Are you really him?!

Are you really gingka?!

This isn't a dream, is it?!

Hmm. Ah?!

You did it!





Sorathis is like a dream come true!

I can't believe I got to meet gingka!

Next time, I'm gonna battle with gingka!

I'll become strong enough to match him in battle.

Better yet,

I'll become strong enough to beat him in battle!


