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01x16 - Manners Meltdown

Posted: 03/15/24 11:30
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

(Custard meowing)

Strawberry: no, custard.

This isn't for you.

(Chuckling) c'mon, custard. Down you go.

So you just squeeze the bag gently...

Make the frosting come out as you go. Like so!


Really nice. You're so good at that.

Oh, pretty!

(Chuckles) just takes a little practice. Anyone want to try? Lemon?

Ooh, I just know I'm going to mess up your pretty cake.

Don't worry. No matter what it looks like,

It'll taste the same.

Hey, these don't look half bad!

(Door opens) whoa!

Girls! Guess what!


Plum: well, she didn't mess up the cake.

Oh, I apologize for bursting in!

I'm just excited because I have some special news!

Sounds like something berry special! What is it?

We berrykins are bringing back an old berrykin tradition:

The berry bitty buggy derby!

Oh, I remember hearing about that!

I don't. What is it?

The berry bitty buggy derby used to happen every year.

Berrykin drivers raced their cars around a track

For a championship trophy!

That sounds neat! Why did they stop doing it?

We got too busy with the harvest for a few years.

Everyone sort of forgot about it. It's a shame.

You sure seem to have high hopes for it now.

Oh yes. It used to be so much fun!

If things go well this year,

Maybe it could become a regular event again!

Oh, wow. That'd be so nice for you!

Why do you keep frosting me? Do I look like a cake?

(Laughing) you do now.

Princess berrykin: the berrykins are getting the race track ready.

Would you girls be willing to arrange all the social events

That happen before the race?

Orange: sure will!

Yeah! Raspberry: it'll be fun!


Oh, uh, if I remember correctly, the derby was very formal,

With a lot of peculiar traditions.

Yes, that's true. There are some very formal manners

Associated with the derby.

Manners that we rarely use in everyday life.

You might want to--

Blueberry: oh, girls, I'm sorry I'm late!

I was researching cake decorations

And forgot about the time! Is the demonstration over?

Blueberry, you interrupted the princess!


Oh! I'm sorry for interrupting!

I didn't see you!

That's all right, blueberry.

Now, as I was saying, manners! (Chuckles)

I'm sorry, blueberry, I was only kidding.

You gave me a perfect opportunity for a joke!

Yes, we all know it's very unlike you

To be late or interrupt.

I was just about to say to you all,

You might want to brush up on the traditions and etiquette

Of the derby while you're preparing.

Here's a schedule of the events to be planned.

Thanks again!

You're welcome, princess!

Planning? What are we planning?

The bitty berry buggy derby!

You mean the old berrykin car race? I've read about that!

Great! You can help us plan the events!

Lemon reading: the introduction ceremonies,

Where the drivers show off their cars.

Raspberry: oh and the buggy ball.

Oh! I bet everyone gets to dress up!

Orange: decorations for race day itself!

Ooohh!! I've got some great stuff in my store!

Let's make this the best derby anyone's ever seen!

For the princess!

Lemon: yeah! So she can get her wish to have it every year!

Plum: (race car noises)

Actually, that's starting to be my wish!

I want to help the princess too. It would help make up

For having such bad manners and interrupting her.

Don't worry, blueberry.

You're about to become our resident manners expert.


Of course! I'm sure you're the only one here

Who would have a book about derby etiquette,

You know, proper manners and behavior for the derby.

Actually, I think I just might!

(Door slams)


Blueberry: well it took a while to find, but...

Plum readingthe big book of berry bitty buggy behavior.

This should tell us how to act in any buggy derby situation.

Oh, look!

It says that on berry bitty buggy day,

Everyone is supposed to bow before talking to the princess.

Why? Nobody usually bows to her.

It's a formality. Kind of...

A special set of manners just for the occasion.

But aren't manners something you do

To make people feel comfortable?

Yeah. If the princess isn't usually uncomfortable

When we don't bow, why would she be uncomfortable now?

Well, it's also a tradition,

Which is a way to show respect for how things used to be done.

Oh. Here you go...

For the introduction ceremony,

It's traditional to wear one pink flower.

Why pink? It may not match my outfit that day.

Because that was the favorite color

Of princess bertha berrykin,

Who had the idea for the race!

It's kind of a way of thanking her.

Orangeoh! That does sound nice!

Okay, so we gotta remember to bow, wear a pink flower...

What happens if we forget and do something wrong?

It's okay, blueberry. Don't worry about being perfect.

We'll just do our best.

Now let's go, we've got lots to do!

But keep researching, blueberry, and we'll see you later.

(Girls saying bye to blueberry)

I don't care what strawberry says.

I don't want to goof up in front of the princess ever again.

The derby is the perfect opportunity

For me to prove I can have perfect manners!

The stage looks beautiful, girls!

Oh, that was all orange.

She has some amazing decorations at her store!

Well, for all of your help,

You girls will be the first ones introduced

To the drivers when they arrive!

Okay, I don't understand this one either.

Why do we have to be introduced to the berrykin drivers?

Yeah, everybody knows everybody in berry bitty city!

Acting extra polite can make an event feel special.

It's just another tradition.

Baby berrykin: oh! Stwawberry?

Oh! Hi, baby berrykin!

What's a..."Twadition?"

Well, a tradition is...

Something that keeps being done the way it was in the past.



Traditions are...a way to remember the past,

And to celebrate it.

Ooh, I like celebwations! (Giggling)

(Chuckles) me too!

Orange: speaking of traditions,

I hope I can remember all the ones in this ceremony.

Yeah. That's why I read the whole derby book

Three times last night.

(Girls gasp)

Okay, bowing, handshake, flowers, headstand.

No, not headstand. Where did that come from?

Look, here they come!

Why does every car have three bows on it?

Ooh! I know! I know! Because the very first race

Included only three racers!

So we remember them with the three bows.

Umbrellas! Time for the umbrellas!

Okay, now this tradition really makes no sense.

Why would we open up umbrellas just because--

--Someone is driving.

'Cause it's a twadition! (Giggles)

Very helpful. Thank you.

Welcome, everyone, to this year's berry bitty buggy derby!


Princess berrykin: you're all going to have a wonderful time.

So please help me welcome

The official berry bitty buggy derby drivers!

Ladies, allow me to present our esteemed derby drivers.

Oh no...they've forgotten how to do the introduction!

(Blueberry whispering)

Oh yeah! I remember now!

Raspberry: thanks, blueberry!


Almost done.

(Gasp) I bet she forgot!


And with this traditional ceremonial derby scepter,

I hereby declare that the derby has begun!


What a wonderful ceremony!

Just like the old days! Thanks to you, blueberry.

I think you've shown the princess very good manners

By so closely following the traditions

Of her favorite event.

Thanks! I do feel I've made it up

To the princess for my bad manners earlier.

At least a little.


And I bet I can do even better.

Lemoni can't believe you whipped up these dresses for us

So quickly, raspberry! They're beautiful!

And so fancy!

(Chuckles) gee...well, thank you.

I mean, it's just what I do.

Where's blueberry? What's she wearing?

A lot of notes.


(Reciting) good evening mr. Bumblebee,

My you're looking well this evening.

Er...well, thank you blueberry.

You're also looking--

(Reading) "offer to shake hands"

Oh yeah.

Blueberry, what are you doing?

Good evening, miss pudding.

My, you're looking well this evening.

That's what you said to the postmaster. It's me! Plum!

I just want to have the best manners possible.

So everything goes well. For the princess?

Don't you think you're overdoing it just a little bit?

When it comes to good manners,

There's no such thing as overdoing it.

Hi berrykin bloom!

Don't forget to shake hands!


This is the derby ball, after all. We have to be proper!

Raspberry! It's impolite not to wait your turn.

But...jadeybug told me to go ahead of her,

Because she's still deciding.

No, no, no. No bad manners at this ball!


Orange, what are you doing?!

Oh, I'm just going to rest a second.

(Sigh) I was dancing my feet off out there!

But...but you're slouching!

That's not good manners!

It isn't? Oh. Oh it's okay. No one can see me.

But somebody might! And what if it's the princess?!

There! Perfect!

Blueberry: psst! Plum! Is your napkin in your lap?

Uh, yes.

Don't chew with your mouth open.

Wasn't going to.

No elbows on the table.

Do you see them on the table?

Be sure not to slurp your tea.

(Annoyed) anything else?

Yes! Sit up straight!

Hey, where's blueberry?

She's busy. Minding everybody else's manners!

What's that?

Well, you see, she's been running around

Correcting everyone's manners whenever they make a mistake.

She corrected me before I even made a mistake!

Orange: she really needs to relax!


Hi there, blueberry. Enjoying the ball?

Why not?

Oh, strawberry. I'm just so worried

Someone is going to offend the princess with bad manners.

I think you should just try to have fun.

You don't need to worry about how things are going.


Just as soon as I finish the chapter on:

(Reading) "the salad fork: the misunderstood utensil."

Go! Go! Go! Woo-hoo!

Uh, plum, nothing's happened yet!

I know! But I'm so excited I can't wait to cheer!

Crumbling muffins, blueberry!

You look exhausted! What happened?

(Sighs) late night. Up studying.

What were you studying?

All the different times that it's good manners to say

"Please" and... (Yawning)

...thank you.



What is it?

I yawned! At the derby! I yawned!

Oh, strawberry, do you think anyone saw me?

The book says that's terrible manners!

I really think it's okay to--


What? What?

Raspberry's standing in front of someone shorter than she is!

She may be rudely blocking his view!

Bad manners! Bad manners!

Bad manners!

Uh-oh! Manners maniac coming our way!

Quick! Hide!

Where'd they go?

I could have sworn they were here a minute ago.

Hello everyone, it's just about time for the race to begin!

Before we begin, I just want to let everyone know

We berrykins could not have done this race

Without the help of strawberry shortcake and her friends!


I also wanted to say,

I've so enjoyed having the race back again.

I hope you've enjoyed it too.

Maybe next year we can repeat it!

So without further ado,

I believe it's time for us to start!

Oh no...that driver is about to interrupt

While the princess is talking.

The worst manners mistake ever!

And I should know!

Driver! Don't interrupt when the princess is talking!

It's bad manners!



Oh no!

But, uh, a-all I was trying to say is...

We can't start the race because this driver has a flat tire!

Oh dear, oh my. I...i guess I wasn't paying attention!

Thank you for letting us know, sir!

Driver: I have never been so embarrassed in my life!

Oh, no! Please don't leave! I was only trying to...

(Disappointed sigh)

But it was bad manners!

Lemon: but pointing it out to him in front of everybody?

Orange: it hurt his feelings.

And now he won't even come out of the cafe!

And it's holding up the race!

The rules say they can't start

Unless all the drivers are there!

But I was just trying to make sure everything went well.

I mean, why is the driver upset?

He's the one who goofed up his manners!

Um...actually, blueberry, it's even worse manners

To correct someone's bad manners in front of other people.

Oh no. I've been doing that to all of you, haven't i?

Well, not exactly...i mean not really, I mean uh...


Girls: yes.

I'm so sorry! Can you ever forgive me?

(Giggling) of course, blueberry, we understand.

Learning the right manners can be very confusing.

Oh! And I'd better apologize to the driver, too!

Now that's good manners.

Excuse me, sir?

I just...i mean...

I wanted to apologize for embarrassing you like I did.

In front of everybody. I was nervous and just...

Was trying too hard to make everything go right.

I'm sorry.

Well uh, thank you. I, uh...

I know what you mean about being nervous.

This is the first race I've ever been in.

I was pretty nervous, too!

Well, do you think there's any chance you

Might be willing to go back and finish the race?

Yep, I'd say those chances are pretty good!

(Crowd cheering)

(Engines buzzing)


(Engines buzzing)


(Engines buzzing)

We have a winner!

(Excited cheers)

Uh oh. Is this bad manners?

(Laughing) well, maybe. But I didn't mind.

I'm sorry. The race was just so exciting I forgot!

I'm so glad you guys can understand

And forgive me when I goof up!

What can I say? That's what friends are for!

(Chuckling) now that was the most fun I've had in ages.

Somebody ought to tell the princess

That we should do that every year!

Did you hear that? The princess will be so happy!

Hey blueberry, you know what else friends are for?

(Laughing) celebrating when something great happens!

(Girls cheering)

♪ We are one of a kind ♪

♪ Unique in special ways ♪

♪ Like snowflakes ♪ ♪ we're all different ♪

♪ But deep down ♪ ♪ we're the same ♪

♪ Find your light inside ♪ ♪ and let it shine 'cause ♪

♪ We're all stars ♪

♪ We're berry special girls ♪

♪ Be a friend ♪ ♪ do your part ♪

♪ Let's brighten up the world ♪

♪ Love who you are ♪ ♪ and celebrate ♪

♪ Your friends ♪ ♪ and neighbors too ♪

♪ Reach out ♪ ♪ don't be afraid ♪

♪ To make a dream come true ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Let our brightest ♪ ♪ starlight shine 'cause ♪

♪ We're all stars ♪

♪ We're berry special girls ♪

♪ Be a friend ♪ ♪ do your part ♪

♪ Let's brighten up the world ♪

♪ We're all stars ♪

♪ We're berry special girls ♪

♪ Be a friend ♪ ♪ do your part ♪

♪ Let's brighten up the world ♪

♪ We're all stars ♪