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03x06 - The Littlest Berrykin

Posted: 03/15/24 13:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl with berry-big possibilities ♪

♪ and fruit-filled fun is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small, no task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud, just give her a call ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl, with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She may be small, but no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry Shortcake ♪♪



Thank you!

Glad I could help.

This is a pwesent for Bluebewwy.

For reading us our favorite story at story time.

Your favorite story?

[gasp] Favorite story.

Wait! Which is your favorite story?

Huh. "Beauty and the Berrykin Beast?"

Nah...Berrykins are too cute to play beasts.

"The Berry Sleepy Berrykin Princess?" Huh.

Hiya, Plum.

I'm still trying to find the perfect berryfairytale

to do as a surprise play for the Berrykin kids.

Well, I just heard they have a favorite story.

They do? Which one is it?

Wait! Don't tell me!

Is it...Goldilocks and the Three Berrykins?

Wait. Wait. The Berry Frog Prince?

No, but I--

Wait. I know this. I know it.

Uh, It's...Little Redberry Riding Hood!

Jack and the Berrystalk!

Ah, I give up. Which story is it?

I don't know.

What? I thought you said

the Baby Berrykins have a favorite story.

Well, they do. I just don't know which one it is.

Well, we can't ask 'em, it'll spoil the surprise.

How do we find out?

[gasp] I think I know who to ask.


Bye, Bluebewwy!

See you next time!

Thank you for the berry beautiful berry!

[phone ringing]


I got your text.


I just read them their favorite berryfairytale today.

It's, "The Littlest Berrykin."

Of course you can borrow it...

Come on over.

And they lived happily ever after.

I love it! So cute!

I've never heard that story before.

Has there ever been a play version of it published?

Let's do a search.

Hmm. I don't see that there has.

Well... could you and Huck

adapt this story to a play for me?

Of course!

[excited chatter]


I know just the berryfairytale to turn into a play.

So, welcome all to the first reading of our version

of "The Littlest Berrykin."

Use your imaginations to picture the story.

Imagine our stage, and a backdrop like this...

(Huck) The narrator begins. Orange, this will be your par.

Once upon a time, there was a King and Queen...

Played by me and Blueberry.

The King and Queen were ready to retire to the tropics,

but before departing, it was necessary to pick

one of their three daughters to rule the kingdom.

It all began one day as the princesses were playing croquet.

Of course, they'll pick me.

I'm the oldest.

Well, you are the oldest,

but that doesn't mean you are best fit to rule.

The obvious choice

Ugh. It's hot! I'm roasting out here!

Sorry, Your Royal Highness.

Is that better, Princess Raspbellina?

Cooler now, your Royal Highness?

Well, I am the prettiest!

Therefore, it should stand to reason,

mummy and daddy will pick me.

Your turn, Strawberrita.

Hurry up, little sister.

Ugh, she's soooo slow. They'll never pick her.

You're not so speedy yourself, Lemonella.

Ooolalaberries! I've never heard such nonsense!

Well done, Princess Strawberrita!

You did it!

[giggle] Thank you!

I think she cheated.

My thoughts exactly.

Lemonella, how can they be your thoughts

when they were my thoughts, and my thoughts first?

Raspbellina, just because you told me your thoughts first,

doesn't mean you thought them first.

(Raspbellina) Oh, you are such a dunderhead.

Mummy and daddy will never pick you to rule the kingdom.

(Lemonella) There is no other choice but me

because I am the choice that is best.



Sisters, please.

There's no need to fight.

Our royal parents will make the best choice,

and whichever of us they choose, the others will support.

Are you a cuckaberry?

I've had enough of this.

Let's go ask them now.

[loud snoring]

(Huck) And so the impatient Princesss Lemonella and Raspbellina

asked the King and Queen if they had come to a decisio.

[snorts] Huh? Heh? What?



Well? Whatcha waitin' for?

Have you decided to give the kingdom to me or what?


Is that any way to speak to your royal parents?



How should we speak anyway?

Good afternoon, Your Majesties.

Like your sister, Princess Strawberrita.

She's always so respectful.

She cheats at croquet!

Yep. That's right. She sure does.


Now, Princesses, your mother and I have made a decision.

[sighs] It's about time. Gimme that crown.

Do you mind? [clears throat]

Our decision is this... [clears throat]

Whichever one of you can bring us back

the Royal Goldenberry will be awarded the Kingdom.


Royal golden-who?

Well I never!

Better get started! It's a long and challenging journey

to find the Royal Goldenberry.

[both gasp]

Well! What are you waiting for? Go fetch me that berry!

Don't listen to her. Go fetch me the berry.

The berry is mine, so mine it must be.


Perhaps you weren't listening, my dear daughters.

You must fetch the Royal Goldenberry yourselves.

You each may bring only one Berrykin-in-Waiting with you.

[angry sighs]



That's right. You.


Step lively! You're coming with me!

Y-Yes, your Highness.

That's your Royal Highness to you, Buster.

Um, yep. Sure thing.

Anything you say, your, your high royal...ness,

royal high...ness.

(Raspbellina) You there!

Let's get going!

Excuse me, your Royal Highness?

I'd be happy to help you find the Royal Goldenberry,

but you might not want me... because everyone knows,

I'm...the Littlest Berrykin.

Littlest Berrykin, I would be honored if you would help me.

And so, each accompanied by their Berrykin-in-Waiting,

the Princesses set off on their journey.

A journey that is sure to reveal who is real ruler material.

The princesses are soon confronted by

the first in a series of challenges:

The road through the berry patch is blocked

by a tollgate guarded by a Troll Gatekeeper.

The troll will be played by Berrykin Bloom. Jack of Diamonds.

Snarls and fleabites, what I need is a Queen.

But oh, no. That won't work, now.



What's the big idea?

Well, now, you see, uh... toll please.

Look here, Troll. Do you know who we are?

I am Princess Raspbellina.

And I am Princess Lemonella.

You must do as we say. Raise that bar.

Let us pass. I command you as a Royal Princess.

That's right. Do as your told, Toll Troll.

But you must pay the toll.

Listen, toll who takes the troll,

I order you to do as we say!

Hmm, oh my.

In all my days as the troll who takes the toll

have I ever been treated in such a rude and unbecoming manner.

The haughty princesses huff and puff

and kick at the ground like goats,

snorting and barking in an ever so unbecoming manner...

and still refuse to pay the toll to the troll.

[all giggling]

They say...

[both grunting]

Who needs your silly road, anyway?

We will find our own way!

(Huck) And what do you suppose,

but they got stuck in a bramble bush!

The troll who takes the toll could hear the Princesses

doing all kinds of mean and nasty yelling from the bush,

very unfitting for princesses indeed!

Brambley stickerberries! Rotten bitterberries!

Curses on that troll!

[both grunting]

Oh, not another one.


Oh my. A tollbooth. What shall I do?

I cannot pay the toll. Well, we'll have to go around.

If you don't mind a suggestion?

Not at all, Littlest Berrykin.

Maybe if you ask the troll nicely?

Excuse me, sir?


I haven't a token.

But I have a long journey and don't know any other way

through the berry patch. If you let me through,

I promise to return another time and pay you the toll.

Well, that's more like it!


Oh, thank you, sir, ever so kindly.

Thank you, and come again!

(Blueberry) Presently, Princess Strawberrita

and the Littlest Berrykin arrived at a vast lake,

with no way across...

but the Littlest Berrykin noticed a boatberrykin,

who will be played by Princess Berrykin,

pulled up at the dock.

You must be hungry, Littlest Berrykin.

Perhaps we should have our picnic here,

then walk around the lake?

If you wouldn't mind a suggestion?

Of course not.

Perhaps if you offer to share our lunch with the captain,

she'll take us across the lake in her boat.

That's a very nice idea.

We should share our lunch with her either way.


Huh? Ahoy!


I hope we didn't wake you, ma'am.

Why no, me lasses. Just taking a wee nap.

I am Strawberrita. And this is the Littlest Berrykin.

Would you like to share our picnic?

It's such a nice day for one!

Arrr, n' that's mighty generous of ye.

Don't mind if I do.

[sputtering and spitting]

(Lemonella) Mildewed myrtle berries!

How are we supposed to get across this lake?

Let's order that scroungy old captain to take us.

Good idea. I had that idea too,

I just didn't say it as fast as you.


Ahoy, me hearties!

Ahoy, Your Highnesses, don't you mean?

Highness or lowness, make n'difference to me.

I've just had a lunch what'd make a salty sea captain

do a hornpipe on a yardarm, arrr.

So! Have ye brought me dinner?

Dinner? My daddy the king will feed you to the fishes

if you don't take us across this lake in your boat,

if you can call that a boat, at once!

[gasp] Shiver me timbers. Belay that talk!

Who do you think ye lubbers be in your long clothes,

bossin' me about?

We are Royal Princesses.

Get a move on!

What be ye doin' in me vessel, you rapscallion?

Did I give ye permission to come aboard?

Arrr, what kind of rig ye trying to run?

And ye don't even offer me any grub,

like that charming lass what set sail to yon far shore afore ye.


Oh no! Did you hear that Raspbellina?

Strawberrita was here ahead of us! Hmph! Sourberries!

If you took her across, you simply have to take us.

Argh, what care I if ye be marooned?

I'm tardy for a game o' darts at the Jib n' Tops'l.

Gangway, ye hornswagglers!

Wait! Come back!

Now what?

You two clowns. Get in here and row us across.

Uh, but that's stealing

That boat doesn't belong to us.

We are princesses, everything belongs to us!

Now get in.

(both) Huh?

Move over, I want to sit in front!

There's no room for you!



Now look what you did!


Yes, you!

[berrykins panting]

Look, Littlest Berrykin! It's the Royal Goldenberry!

(Littlest Berrykin) Oooooooh! Pretty!

Whoa! Oh.

This is going to be berry difficult.

These poor plants. They need water.

Your Highness? If you wouldn't mind another suggestion?


Come with me.


(Berrykin #) The Royal Goldenberry!

Royal Raspberries! We got here before Strawberrita!

Well? Go up there and get it for me!

For you? You mean for me!


What are you waiting for? Chop, chop!

Chop, chop.

[gasp] I know!


Hey, I said "chop, chop." It's my idea.

Get out of my way.

Uh, your highness? Royal ones?

We don't treat berry plants that way.

(Berrykin #) I wouldn't do that if I were you.

[screaming] Run!


[water splashing in basket]

I knew they were thirsty!

[giggling] Weeee!

[gasp] The Royal Goldenberry!

Hmm. Knight to Queen's Four.



[berrykins shout for help]

[dogs barking]


Oh, muffincrumbs.

[horns blowing]

The Royal Highnesses, Your Majesties.

Mummy! It's not fair

It's all her fault!

She told me to go around the toll booth!

It was my Berrykin-in-waiting.

She wouldn't do what I told her!

I want a do-over!

Yes, we demand a do-over.

Now, daughters, calm down.

Have either of you the Royal Goldenberry?

(both) I woulda had it, but she...

...sat on it! ...ate it!

Did not! Did too!

(Strawberrita) Here it is.

[dogs barking]

Well done, Strawberrita.

Ever so clever of you, darling.


In each of your challenges, you showed kindness,

generosity and resourcefulness.

All virtues becoming to a ruler of a kingdom.

She cheated! She didn't show any of those...those...


Yeah, things. Whatever. She cheated.

We know. We were there!

(Troll) As was I.

The troll who takes the toll

was kind enough to give us a report of your behavior.

Lemonella? Raspbellina?

I am ashamed by your lack of manners.

He wasn't there when we had to cross the lake!

(Boatberrykin) Arrr, but I was.


Toss me overboard n' sink me, it's pure bilge they speak.

These two swabs were very rude,

while Princess Strawberrita was a sweet lass

who shared her lunch with a sea dog.

I'd scupper those two scallywags...

and promote this lass to Captain, aye.

[clears throat] Excuse me, Your Majesties,

but I cannot take credit for the Royal Goldenberry.


You see, there was someone who guided me all along the way,

and gave me good advice.

And that was... the Littlest Berrykin.

(berrykins) Ahhhh!

This Royal Goldenberry should belong to you.




Who...what... who are you?

I am the Royal Goldenberry Fairy.

And I know everything about you, Princess Strawberrita.

You are not only kind, giving and clever...

And humble.

Did I mention honest?

Well, honest, too.

By giving credit where credit is due,

you have passed the final test and proved that it is you

who are worthy to rule the kingdom.

[joyful gasp]

Aw, bitterberries!

We've been royally foiled.


Well, darling?

It's off to the islands!

[berrykins all offer to help]



Thank you, my beloved Royal Subjects.

My first royal decree is to promote the Littlest Berrykin

to Royal Counselor.


(Blueberry) And so, the Littlest Berrykin proved

that it doesn't matter how little you are,

you can still do berry big things.

And so...

Under the kind, generous, wise and humble rule

of Queen Strawberrita,

the Kingdom flourished and everybody lived...

Berry Happily Ever After!

Well, not quite everybody...

You told me we'd reach a stellar kingdom

run by a knock-out prince by nightfall.

And it's getting dark now.

I said no such thing.

That was your idea.

It wasn't. I'm hungry.

It was! This is your fault and your fault only.