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03x09 - The Berry Scary Fun Adventure

Posted: 03/15/24 13:12
by bunniefuu





Strawberry Shortcake




all right We've Got Till Dawn to find

the source of this power outage let's

get digging

thank you thank you

excuse me strawberry can you read this



no it's the most practical game for a

nighttime campout is Pick Up Sticks

I thought it said trail mix I got the

trail mix and the cereal celery soda

crackers wheat crackers the crackers

with pepper sprinkles and Cherry likes

firewood playing cards sunscreen extra

socks bandages sandwiches hand sanitizer

trail mix oh wait I said trail mix

um apples and orange this is just an

overnight campout they'll have the power

fixed by morning and we can move back

into town

peace and quiet of the wilderness


I know Hannah you think it's fun having

all the lights out huh

oh scary can I can I find my nails

gracious ghost berries

lemon ready to go

we've got all your stuff oh

um thanks but um I think I might stay


just can't get enough of the peace and

quiet here huh I've gotten used to it

is there some other reason you don't

want to go camping uh it's just

are there creepy creatures in the woods

at night creepy creatures what gave you

that idea lemon

oh story blueberry gave me that was

worth fairy tales fictional as in not

real each it should be fine out there

in the dark

skills what uh maybe lemons got

something there we could go get some

peace and quiet at the berry bitty Dale

Inn I hear they serve a mean breakfast

buffet hmm Hi man we've been camping at

night before it's always been fun listen

I have an idea remember how much fun we

had on our relay race and treasure hunt

let's make the creepy Woods into a

challenge we have three tents let's

break into three groups and see which

group is brave enough to camp out the

longest oh a dare I'm in me too I love

an adventure lemon you and I can share a

tent we'll be team one tent livingberry

team two rocks will be tent very plummy

and orangey

raspberry Cherry we're Team three tent

very tough

all right this is gonna be so very fun

welcome to team threesome well okay it's


that should do it Tom Tom thanks for

helping well let's get back on the road

what is it boy


you smell something oh I know what you


we're not far from berry bitty city how

about stopping by and visiting our

friends there I have a book I can return

to Blueberry hope it's not too late to

pop by


ah mud pies how do we end up at this

dead end I must have turned the wrong


so dark out here I don't get it I could

see berry bitty city right in front of

us then all of a sudden I couldn't see

it anymore

hmm well there's something over there oh

here's the trail let's see where it

leads come on Tom Tom

what's wrong boy you're not afraid of

the dark are you it'll be an adventure

I've got snacks


I think it will be fabulous fun to sleep

under the stars we don't need the tant

unless unless what you know if there

might be or like if there might if any

kind of well if a sort of creepy kind of

creature happened to be around now we

can't think like that or we'll never win

the challenge we're gonna be the bravest

of the brave are we not uh sure but some

distraction would be nice

how about we sing a campfire song it

might hear us it

maybe we should turn out the light so it

doesn't see us


hey what happened to that light

don't worry boy we'll just follow this



this is the life it is

wanna roast marshmallows okay sure

anything to take my mind off whatever

might be out there

help me find some sticks for the

marshmallows huh


a good one

what did you say

no strawberry I'm certain I just saw a

creepy creature path by a minute ago are

you certain

a creepy creature well what did it look

like well I didn't really see it I guess

could it have been something else like

maybe still a creature but not a creepy

one for example could it have been a

bunny rabbit oh

it could have been a creature that is

not creepy perhaps well then let's get

roasting hey where did the marshmallows

go hmm

cake hello


they didn't take them

weird yeah where


I'm running out of juice


but that's okay more Adventure in the

dark snack time


I'm actually not scared at all me



I'll get it Hey where's marmalade


there you are

no wandering off please

where are you down here where'd it go I

don't know it's like it just got

swallowed up swallowed up you know

disappeared swallowed up by what oh I

didn't mean it that way but you said it

you must have had a reason a feeling no

it's just a way of saying went missing

you know I didn't mean I really thought

something actually you know ate our

horseshoe I mean who would eat a

horseshoe anyway hmm a creepy creature

that's who how do you know creepy

creatures don't love horseshoes

so stealthy

I know

did you hear that sounds like something

eating a horseshoe

those are good

where is Blue Bandit

I think she's to the right of her flag

maybe one of us should go back and guard

our flag let's

I mean is that really fair because

there's only one of her and two of us

she didn't say we couldn't split up okay

but I don't want to be alone

okay don't worry uh-huh

hey blue Bandit is making a move for our

flag let's get hers

go go

we capture your flag

I captured your flag


ah it's a tie

I would share one of you is gonna Ambush

me over there on your side

that was so fun let's do a tie breaker

definitely hot chocolate break first

yeah great idea

excuse me chiffon hot chocolate time




the wild Outdoors


well ready for another game yep sure

where are the flags


guys guys

calm down

we gotta get out of here it stole our

flag right under our noses it's too

spooky out here someone or something is

trying to sabotage our camp out well

let's calm down and just review the


our horseshoes got eaten eaten well they

definitely disappear our Capture the

Flag Flags disappeared also

and our marshmallows and roasting sticks

did go missing too except this one oh

just let that creepy creature try and

take this one

that's the spirit lemon we may have a

thief among us but why should we let

that spoil our camp out let's make it

part of the challenge

hmm staying out here with a creepy

creature Thief is challenge enough

I'm thinking instead of which team can

stay out here the longest which team can

catch the culprit

how do you catch a creepy creature

horseshoe eater

well I guess it's up to your team


I've got it


I know how to catch


lemon what do you see

you're right strawberry no one is gonna

stop me from having a roasted


you're right Lemon Let's capture that

marshmallow Thief




no creepy creature is gonna creep past




you're supposed to stay in the tent

what was that come on we'll find out


can't sleep me neither

excited I hope we catch the creepy

creature I'm thirsty want some water I'm

having a hot chocolate craving oh why

are we whispering

blueberry cherry and raspberry have hot

chocolate they do three whole thermoses

of it I'm gonna go get some

careful not to get caught in our

creature trap wouldn't that be

embarrassing getting caught in our own



what is it I forgot to give the other

teams their thermoses of hot chocolate

I'm gonna go take it to them that's nice

of you want me to come with you well

who's gonna stay here with me you have

the puppies and a whole moat to guard

you it's okay Cherry I'll take scouty

come scouty

come on boy walk go for a walk

drawbridge milady

why thank you don't mind if I do

you can do it scouty


hmm let's check that out


I thought I heard something

somebody's following us

ah mud pies I don't hear the whistling


now which way do we go


get out of here


let's take a walk and look around

hello there cherries


Cherry no strawberry don't come anymore

hello sir


did we did you listen oh my what do we

catch strawberry



very clever wish we thought of this

easier than digging a moat

creepy creature



you we thought you were the creepy


you don't really think we're gonna catch

something do you

I brought you hot chocolate


they caught him the creepy baby creature

come on Hannah



lemon careful of the string

did you catch it

maybe that's it

where is it

we didn't catch anything but ourselves

you got caught in your own trap yeah

what happened to you strawberry I got

caught in their moat

huh I feel short Change we haven't

caught any one

help me

I didn't know better I'd say that

sounded like


believe in our creatures creature trap

not much

I was delivering pups for adoption and I

thought I'd stop by and say hi and then

the lights all went out and well


I got lost


free I don't know have you been stealing

our marshmallows and our horseshoes and

there Capture the Flag Flags huh

okay so here's my plan we all pretend to

go to sleep and we leave lemon stick and

when the culprit steals it we'll hear

the bells and

mystery solved

I don't know if I can pretend to be

asleep I'm so excited people people

remember acting lessons just relax your





hey girls wake up the stick the stick


IES wait listen


what do you think it is I hope it's not

a creature

hurry it's getting away it's



marmalade what in the very bitty world

are you doing

did you hear that sound this is the

source of a power problem

thank you


my tennis balls our flags our horseshoes

the marshmallows

marmalade you silly puppy so this is

where you've been putting everything

it was the fountain clog that bundled up

the juiceberry power grid problem solved


yeah I hope this doesn't mean the end of

our cap out of course not we haven't

roasted marshmallows yet


thank you


