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04x06 - Berry Big Tale-Teller

Posted: 03/15/24 13:16
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit filled fun ♪

♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪

♪ Just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ Strawberry Short... ♪

♪ She may be small but... ♪

♪ no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry ♪

♪ Shortcake ♪♪

(Happy chattering)



Apple! Why don't you come sit with us? The marshmallows are berry delicious!

Uh... sorry, Strawberry. But I'm really on a roll over here.

Almost halfway done with the my "Step-by-Step,

How to Set Up a Tent" segment of my instructional video.

Well, I just have to say, Orange, Cherry and Plum...?

Those were some great stories you told.

Oh, yes! Wonderful!

Ehh, I wouldn't say that.

Oh? Why not, Sour?

Ohhh, nothing, really. Just that... well,

my sister Sweet and I have a much better tale to tell.

We do?

Don't you remember?

Remember... what?

Our 'way more awesome incredibly dangerouss-and

gigantically exciting adventure than they had story?

Let's hear it!


CherryCan't wait! -OrangeDo tell!

Nah, just relax. Make it up as you go along! Like your cooking.

I do not "make up my cooking as I go along!" I follow the recipe exactly!

Yeah, I've noticed. A real chef knows how to improvise.

Did i hear someone say something about topping our stories...?


You did indeed.

Take it!


(Nervous chuckle)

(Clears throat)

Well... Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, um...

There were two little girls named Sweet n' Sour!

And they--

-Can ya give it just a little more... punch?


Y'know... Sock. -Uh?

...Zip? Sizzle? ...Pizzazz?


Here. Watch.

What my sister meant to say was,

this... is the story... of something that happened to us a long time ago...

But not long enough!

It's burrrrned everlastingly into our memory.

...It is? I mean it was?

Help me out here, will ya Sweet?

Yes! Yes it was! I mean is! Everlas.. last, ever... what she said.

Gahhh, it makes me tremble to think of that night.

That dark, dangerous night in Berry Deep Dark Forest...

SourThat night was just a job like any other night. Full of risk.

Full of danger.

But someone had to do it. And that someone was...


There wasn't a moment to lose. We were on a mission of mercy.

An expedition of the Berrykin Exploration Society was stranded

in the Berry Deep Dark Forest. Without the food supplies in our truck

they'd have to go to bed without dinner.

(Stomach graon)

And that was something we had vowed would not happen!

PlumUh, excuse me...?


where was Sweet?

Uhhh... Me? Well, I waaass...



Off in dreamland. Out like a light.


SourWhile Sweet snoozed, I raced us down the road on our mission of--

Orange-'Scuse me...?

(Sigh) Question...?

Just askin', just askin'... But, uhhhh... with all that bouncing and noise...

how could she sleep?

She'd just eaten a very heavy meal okay?.

Why... yes! A very heavy meal.

That's right. So I--

-It started...

...with a watercress salad tossed with a rich raspberry vinaigrette dressing,

topped with a sprinkling of crispy croutons.


-Next came a savory noodle soup with lentils, peas, celery and carrots, gently ...

...simmered in a broth of--



(Embarrassed giggle)

Ugh! Where were we? Oh, yeah,

on a mission of mercy!

SourEverything was going simply swell.

Until, all of a sudden...

It wasn't.

We were stuck in the mud.


We weren't stuck, we were sinking! And this wasn't mud... was a bottomless pit of Very Berry Quicksand!

There was only one thing to do.

(Heroic music)





The danger was over. But only for the moment. It would not be over over

until I got the truck out of there.



But even with my magnificently muscle-toned strength, it wouldn't budge.



I was facing a serious problem. And then...

I had it!

I would go for help!

Uh-oh... I'd have to go for help fast! If the vine broke,

the truck would sink,

and the berrykins would go to bed without any dinner!

Oh yeah, and I'd never see my sister again.

And so, I set off alone.

One girl against the wilderness.

CherryUh, excuse me?


Why didn't you just wake her up?

Yeah, why not wake me up?

Are you kidding? Do you know what you're like when someone interrupts your naptime?

You are bad news! MM-MM! No, thank you! HUH-uh!

I am not!

Are too

Am not.

Too -Not

(Tsst), Win...

Now where was I...

Going off against the wilderness.

Ah, yes. There I was... "One girl, against the wilderness."

One girl, deep in the dense... daunting... darkness.

And did I say...





And I've been on plenty. An avalanche in the Berry Big Mountains...?

(Pfft!) Trapped aboard a sinking ship in a hurricane..?

(Hah!). This one topped 'em all.

Jump in anytime, will ya?

I would, if I knew where you were going with it!

Well, how'm I s'posed to know? This is called "improv" dontcha know.

As I was saying, I had to get help, and fast. But where?

SourIt was a big forest.

A very big forest.


I'm tryin' to navigate, d'ya mind?

Expert tracker though I was, it was no use.

The stars could tell me which way was north...

If only I could see them.

They say moss grows on the north side of trees.

But in this forest, it grew on every side.

There was no use denying it.

I was absolutely...




You're not the only one...

And then...


All(Startled shriek!) (Giggles)

Heard what?


(Woodpecker pecking)

PinkieNo, no, NO!

It's "ba-dah CHING! ba-dah CHING! ba da-pah, ba-DOO!

Patti(Gah!)Pinkie, that's what I just played!

PinkiePuh-leese! Not even clooosse!

PattiOkayyyy, I'll try it again...

One. Two. A- One, two, three, four...

SourI couldn't believe what I was seeing.

What was it?

Wild animals?

A lost civilization?

SourNo, this stinkin' overgrown forest!

But now I really couldn't believe what I was seeing!

Wild animals or lost civilizations I could buy, But this?

No way.

AllWhat was it?!

Don't ask me.

I'm asleep in the truck, remember?

I'll tell you what it was!

It was...

It was!!!

SourA rock band.

(Woodpecker pecking)

No, no, NO! You did it again!

She's doing it again! You hear that? She's doing it again!

Day after day, week after week, year after year!

Why can't you keep the b*at?!

It isn't me,

it's that woodpecker! Every time I get a good b*at goin', he messes me up!

(Woodpecker pecking)


And I keep tellin' ya, ignore him! Stick your fingers in your ears and go LA-LA-LA!

If you don't find the b*at, we don't get the gig!

You want to spend the rest of your career playing for crickets and frogs?

Frogs stopped comin' a month ago. Just crickets now.

Oh, n' that rabbit who keeps requesting "Row, Row, Row Your Boat."

SourWell! This was just what I was looking for.

A bunch of people who weren't doing anything important,

and who would be thrilled to help me a bunch of Berrykins from a fate worse than no num-nums.

Oh, n' save my sister from sinking in the bottomless thingie.



So what'd you do?

What anyone who was lost in the woods would do?

SourI called for help!

Um... Hellllp?





Hello hello hello! -We're Pinkie n' the Ponytails,

she's Pinkie.

I'm Penny, that's Patti.

Music, mirth n' merriment is our thing!

So sit right down,

the show starts now!

Um... But I... see, I...


Is this thing on? (Chuckles)

(Rim sh*t).


'Scuse me? I was wondering if you could help me with a little

problem I have back there, see I--

(Guitar stroke)

(Woodpecker pecking)



He did it againnnn!

I keep telling you! Fingers in ears! LA-LA-LA!

There goes our audience...

I was so outta there. Or so I thought...

No! No! Don't go!

Show's just starting!

We're just warmin' up!

Here, we'll do one of our biggest requests!

And a one, two, three, four!

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily,

merrily, merrily. Life is But a dream....


Come back! Come back! YOU GOTTA HEAR THE NEXT VERSE!

I heard it!!! LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!

I mean, this was getting a bit too much.

I was just this far from telling the berrykins to go gather their own grub.



And then, there was my sister. Sweet(Snoring)


(Vine sproinging)

I mean, could I let her down?



Well, thanks for that, anyway...


So whatever did you do?

Well, what else?

The only thing a hero can do in a case like this. I...



...Ran for my life!


SourPinkie and the Ponytails weren't going to catch me.

Not this graduate of the Berry Bitty...

...Correspondence School of Superheroics!





This thing on? (Chuckle) Y'know, we love to play the great outdoors

the other day Patti pretended she was a tree,

I said why don'tcha make like a tree and leaf?



And a-one, two, three, four!!

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily,

merrily, merrily. Life is But a dream....

SourWell, there I was. No way to escape.

I was doomed!


How did you get out of that one?

How, indeed, you ask! (Chuckle)

Well! I...


I didn't do anything.


I didn't know what to do. (Sigh)

Fresh out of ideas.

Then how'd you escape?

She saved me.


So you're the hero!

C'mon, tell us!

How'd you do it, Sweet?

Well, it's... sorta hard to remember...

Can't blame ya, it's almost a blur to me, too.

Well, there I was...

...In more misery than the day I had nothing for breakfast, lunch and

dinner but brussels sprouts n' lima beans...

when all of a sudden we heard it.


Hey! Who's playin' that, oh yeah, great b*at?

It was my sister Sweet. Woke up from her nap and was waiting for me to return.


Well, Sweet's b*at just b*at that woodpecker all to pieces...

...And Pinkie n' the Ponytails found their b*at.

There was just one more problem to take care of...






AllThat's so sweet!

She certainly is. Thanks to my sister, Pinkie & the Ponytails found their b*at,

and the Berrykins got their dinner.


That's great

What a great story!


So everything ended happily!

Yea, ih wah... uh...

Why... yes! Pinkie and the Ponytails had a hit record and, um...

became mega-stars, and... they were so grateful that they

changed their name to... "Two Sweets and a Sour."
