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04x11 - The Berry Bitty Dance Disaster

Posted: 03/15/24 13:19
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit filled fun ♪

♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪

♪ Just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ Strawberry Short... ♪

♪ She may be small but... ♪

♪ no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry ♪

♪ Shortcake ♪♪


Hey guys! guys?

Hey what's goin' on?

Oh hi, Apple!

What's with all the excitement?

I haven't heard this much cheering since I saw the

Boysenberry Boys perform live in Sugar Apple City!

Today's the big berryball championship!


Oh. Yeah. Berryball. Heh, of course.

You've been all over the world and never heard of berryball?

I've heard of beanball, bananaball,

broccoli ball I don't personally care for broccoli ball why,

I even once played bok choi ball in the jungles of

Plantain Province and let me tell you, heh...

Mmmaybe later. But if you've never heard of berryball then you're in for a treat.


(Panting and grunting)



And this is just a practice game!

Wait'll tonight when they play for the championship!

This town is gonna go GAGA!

Gallopin' gooseberries, berryball is a blast!

I wanna play!

Apple! Wait!

(Whistle blow)

All right team, huddle up!

(Mutterin' & murmerin')

Tonight's the night we have dreamed of all our lives.

Why since I was just a wee Berrykin and stood ankle high

to a baby grasshopper and seriously, I did that on a regular basis--

-Excuse me...

-I have looked up in wonder to the towering berryball heroes of the past.

I mean sure they weren't actually all that tall, but--

-Excuse me!

...My point is that all our lives we've been waiting, practicing,

dreaming about this day. Remember your training team!

Remember your dreams! And let's mash our opponents to a pulp!!!

(Gung-ho cheering!)

Alright! Yeay, let's do this! Ha ha.

WHAT is such a big emergency, that you had to interrupt my BIG speech?!

Oh. Uh, I'm sorry, Apple, but--

-Now, I know what you're thinking "She talks tall, but can she move the ball?"

Well! (Giggle) You. Are looking at the all-time high scorer in

fig football at the Mount Filbert Championship!


-I've quarterbacked kiwi kickball in the Kumquat Keys--


Why I was even goalie once for the Jelly City Jammers.

It's not that, y'see... Berryball is for berrykins only.

...It is?

I'm sorry, but you just can't play.

...I can't?

That's the rules. I don't make 'em, I just enforce 'em, and--

-Berrykin Brad, You call that hustle?! I've seen slugs with better hustle!

Sorry, Apple, I gotta...

That is not the BERRY BITTY Bomber way!

Okay... I guess I'll just..uh... stay outta the wayyy...

mosey off...Heh, heh this is me...


LemonIt's so hard to think about anything but berryball!

I'm so excited!

I know, but meanwhile we've got a day full of things to finish off.

LemonYou're right; I've gotta concentrate.

This will not be easy.

You guys ready to dance?

(Sigh) As ready as we'll ever be.

Sweet sugar-snap peas!

Dancing?! I love dancing!

Ooh can I dance with you guys, huh?

Um, well...

I mean I've danced lots of places, but never here.

A video of me dancing Berry Bitty City-style

would sure look great on my BerryBestBits page!

You see, Apple, we're not just dancing, this is a ballet class and--

I once danced with the Melon Men of Mango Mesa.

It was a bright and moonlit night on the moors of Mango Mesa.

The bongo beans had just begun beatin' a boogie-woogie b*at,

when all of a sudden out of nowhere, I just...


Hey, wait up!

I'm sure you're a great dancer, Apple. It's just, well...

This is really going to be a challenge.

See, this is a "black ribbon" ballet class.

It's the highest level. We've all had to work our way up.

Oh you know what I mean!

And we'll... arabesque, glissade, tour jeté, pas de bourrée,

pirouette and chaînés off.

Got it?


PlumbArabesque...glissa ad de!

Tour jeté!

Pas de bourrée!


And chaînés, and next...




You know, Apple, you do have some talent.

You're welcome to try my other ballet class,

it starts right after this one.

Oh yeah? What color ribbon do they wear?!

Baby blue?

(Excited cheering)

Stuck in a class with a bunch of babies... Dopey ol' baby blue ribbon...



Prancin' peach pits... I've danced all over the world but no,

I can't dance with the big kids...

Oh, goodness no! Please no walking on the berryball field! If you don't mind, dear.

Oh, sorry, Berrykin Bloom. I didn't mean ...

Now off you go now. Everyone will be

showing up today expecting my field to be pristine!

I thought they were showing up to watch the berryball game.

Oh, that too I suppose. Uh, but, please steer clear, m'dear.

Uh, uh, shoes leave footprints!

Unless you've got some kind of magic shoes!


Magic shoes, yeah right.

Wait a minute.

Magic shoes!


And now to download your groove.

From the berryweb's berry biggest database of dance moves....

Soak it up, my little groove booties.

Let the boogie fever flow through you!

(Beep beep beep)



(Giggle)Hey! C'mere! Just cuz Strawberry said I could live

with her does NOT mean we can walk all over her furniture!


And now... for the final test.


WOO HOO! Bye bye baby blue! Just wait till they see me now!





Wow, Apple, I don't know what to say!

Clearly I underestimated you you're a regular dance master!

Yeah, that was awesome! But...

How'd you get so good so quickly?

Oh, well... uh... I was so busy thinking about Mango Mesa I forgot all

these sweet skills I picked up in... uh...

Dansylvania! Yeah! And I hadn't stretched yet, see...

...And you really can't dance without stretchin' I riigghhtt!

Oh well, got more dancin' to do, can't stop till ya drop as we dancers always say!!

Hey all you loyal viewers on my BerryBestBits Page, today I'm in the berry exciting

Berry Bitty City, where I'm bringing you all

the latest and greatest dance moves. Just watch me go!

(Ooo's and cheering)

Oh yeah! That's right! I've got the moves! Look at me,

I'm a dancin' machine! Woo hoo, they love me!

Whew! That's enough for now. Dancing is fun, but it sure can be exhausting!

All I've gotta do is go home and upload this video to my page

and I'll be a Berry Bitty World-wide sensation!


Okay, lookin' good. Now to upload my smooth moves and post 'em on my site!


Hey wait!

Stop that, you groove booties, that's not even music!



Groove booties!... Dance!... Too MUCH!







Now to just hook 'em up...

And reprogramming begins in five, four, three, two...

(Phone ring)


My phone!

No! Be quiet! Please! (Gasp)

Oh no you don't!


Huh? -Hey! Come back here!

Were those... dancing shoes? A-and I don't mean

"dancing shoes," but shoes that were dancing?!

Uh... well...


Okay, I made some groove booties to help me dance better.

I didn't wanna dance with the baby berrykins, I wanted to dance with you guys!

Only I kinda took a shortcut.

But those shoes aren't even on your feet!

Yeah they kinda do their own thing when they hear a b*at.

Actually it's pretty impressive when you think about it.

I mean boy those things can find a b*at in anything! Reminds me of the

bouncing blueberries of Grapefruit Grotto--

-Apple! The shoes?!

Oh yeah!


(Ahh!) Help! What's happening? Stop!

(Wailin' & hollerin')



(Boing boing)

(Straining and grunting)

With my new sprinkler timer, y'see, my playing field will get just the

perfect amount of tender loving care it deserves!

Oh goodness. NO! Not on my beautiful grass! (Sobbing)



(Sobbing) Oh my perfect field


This is it! Today's the day! The day we kick the ball and pass the ball

and score the points and mash 'em and smash 'em and

squash 'em and dash 'em and I tell you now...

Nothing is gonna stop us!

Berry Bitty Bombers! Berry Bitty Bombers! Fight Fight Fight!


Now let's go suit up for the game!

They came this way!

It's like they just... disappeared.

Well, glad that's over with. Like the locals always say

beneath the peaks of Mount Killamanjellyjar.

Worry? Why worry? Our troubles are all behind us.


(Game bell)


This is where it all happens, fellas! Let's score those goals!

(Game bell)

There they go second quarter!

Look! Here comes Berrykin Bruce!


Oh no...


Think I found my groove booties. Look!



(Excited cheering)

Did you see him move?!

He's like some kind of super athlete!





Both (Gasp)


You're headed the wrong way!



What's he doing?!

He just scored for the other team!

(Ugh!) I can't control my feet!

-After him! -Stop him!

Somebody's gotta help him!

(Game bell)



Thank my lucky loganberries. It's halftime!

Uh-oh, that means HALFTIME SHOW!


(Laughter and cheering)

This! Isn't! Funny! My! Lifelong! Dream! Is! Falling! Apart!

What do we do what do we do!

We need to figure out a way to get those dancing booties

from Berrykin Bruce and turn them off.


I've got it! The groove booties are powered by sparkleberry juice

if we can freeze the juice, they'll stop!

Excuse us.

Could we borrow one of your ice chests?



(Sigh) Oh, merciful mushmellon. I'm cured!

Wheeeee! Wheeeee!


Oh don't worry, ya see I did that dance on purpose!


I'm sorry my grove booties ruined your big game, Berrykin Bruce.

No harm done the score is even and we've got half a game to go!

(Game bell)

And it's time to go!

Thanks for your help, Strawberry.

No problem. But we better keep these on ice!


Boy that was a close one.

Best! Berryball game! EVER!

And I almost ruined it.

Well, hopefully you learned your lesson.

All I wanted was to do what everyone else was doing.

And okay, maybe show off a little along the way.

Come back to dance class, I think this time you'll like it.

With all those babies? No way!

I know the baby blue class isn't advanced enough for you, so I've decided to create

a new class between beginner and advanced.

Hot pink! Oh boy!

Sour, Sweet and Blueberry have already signed up.

(Excited cheering)

Well, the excitement's over. I've got a whole year to heal this poor field and

get the grass ready for the next game.