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04x13 - No. 13 Baby

Posted: 11/02/13 18:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on Covert Affairs...

I don't ever expect you to forgive me.

It's too late.

You and Arthur hired Helen.

She's following Henry to Geneva.

We thought she might be able to shed some light on Henry's finances.

Henry took a dozen trips out to a patch of park land in Virginia.

Camp Hillcrest?

This is where Henry took Jai camping as a boy.

Your name?

Jessica Matthews.

I'm sure you wouldn't want anything to happen to Violet, would you? Do you know who Violet is?


My name is Andrew Goodman.

Henry ordered that helicopter shot down, and you were the one that fired the m*ssile.

I'll k*ll you myself!

Donna. Donna!


I'm gonna find Jessica Matthews and k*ll her.

[Knock at door]

It is 5:30 in the morning.

Who is it?

Auggie, It's Helen.

We need to talk.

I thought I made things pretty clear the last time that we talked.

I just got back from Geneva.

Yeah, Joan told me. You were tracking Henry.

You just got back now?

Yesterday, but I couldn't exactly see you at work.

Well, what'd you find?

There was another operative besides me following Henry.


She's alive.

I thought about not telling you, but I don't want to lie to you anymore about anything.

No. You did the right thing.

Did you speak with her?

She didn't see me, but she was fine.

You knew she was alive, didn't you?

Yeah, I did.


Even when I came here to tell you I wanted you back?

You know I couldn't tell you.

No, you're right.

But it doesn't change how I feel about you, Auggie.

Why don't you tell me what else you found in Geneva?

[Engine idling]

So you're telling me three-year hotel surveillance, you overheard Henry talking to his money guy Nelson?

I only heard Henry's side.

But he needed Nelson to get him $3 million.

Henry sounded rattled.

Annie's pushing his buttons.

How do you know?

Because that's what she went dark to do.

And when Annie puts her mind to something, there's no stopping her.

I'm gonna go.

What are you gonna tell Joan?

Nothing about Annie.

If there is anyone who can relate to what she's going through, it's me.

And I know things are complicated.

I'm here if you want to talk.

I'm afraid this couldn't wait, Mr. Michaels.

When you go in to work, you'll hear about the death of one of our own--

Deric Hughes.

I don't know the name.

You shouldn't.

Hughes was an extremely deep cover CIA operative.

Reported directly to D.C.I.

His missions were completely off book.

His star will not have a name next to it for a long time.

What happened to him?

A few days ago, he was brutally m*rder*d in Geneva.

Hughes's k*ller is still at large, but my friends in Geneva have already identified a person of interest-- a woman.

Her name is Jessica Matthews. Have you heard of her?

Doesn't ring a bell.

Name's likely an alias.

So what are you asking me to do?

I want you to let me know when you find her.

I'm gonna need more than that if I'm gonna give you access to an internal agency investigation.

Eric Braithwaite's proving he's not the man for the D.C.S. job.

I'd be surprised if he lasts till the end of the month.

There's going to be a vacuum.

Maybe you and I can fill it together.

[Car alarm chirps]

There's a lot of ghosts in here.

It's nice to not be the only one.

Ghosts are supposed to be invisible, remember?

We gotta show our face sometime.

♪ Covert Affairs 04x13 ♪
No. 13 Baby
Original Air Date on October 31, 2013

Reaching out like this, puts us both at a big risk.

I'm assuming you have the evidence to take down Henry Wilcox-- am I right?

This belonged to the man who shot down the helicopter in Copenhagen.

He worked for Henry. His name was Andrew Goodman.

His name was Andrew Goodman?

He I.D.'d me in Geneva. I was supposed to k*ll him.

So I'm guessing you're Jessica Matthews.

That was my cover.

Well, Henry just told me about a woman of the same name k*lling a man in Geneva.

So you two are buddies now?

I k*lled you, remember?

It gave me the opportunity to get close to him.

Careful, you are dancing with the devil.

I like to dance.

But it's Jessica Matthews who needs to be careful.

Henry wants me to find her.

He also gave me Goodman's real name.

It's Deric Hughes.

He was a CIA deep-cover op.

That's why Auggie and I could never I.D. him.

Okay, I'm gonna get this to Auggie and have him dig through it right away.

Or have you reached out to him already?

No. Reaching out to him puts him at risk.

So you're worried about his life, but not mine, huh?

I told myself I'd never reach out to Auggie when I went dark.

You need to leave town today.

I know what I'm doing.

So you changed your hair.

Changed your modus operandi. Okay.

But if Henry Wilcox puts together that Jessica Matthews is really Annie Walker, he's gonna know that I lied to him about k*lling you, and try to put a b*llet in both of our heads.

[Church bell tolling]


Calder, you driving the company shuttle today?

Get in.

I need you to run all the data recovery programs you have on this thing. Take it apart.

Find anything that connects to Henry Wilcox.

Where'd you get this?

Geneva station.

CIA Geneva station?

CIA Geneva station chief sent it over this morning.

It belonged to a deep cover op named Deric Hughes.

I discovered he has close ties with Henry.

You can't analyze it at Langley.

Take it home.

Back from Geneva already?

I go where Henry Wilcox goes.

I knew Sana had to be involved.

It's all in the report.

Including the transcripts of two phone calls Henry had with a money man named Nelson.

Good work.

We gave you a tall order, and you delivered.

I am good at what I do.

Yes, you are.

I want back in.

I want back into Langley.

Look, I know that this is difficult for you.

I know how much you've sacrificed.

But now is not the time.

Mission first.

Man, there's a lot of stuff here.

What are we looking for?

Any file or deleted file that mentions Copenhagen or Medellin.

Copenhagen and Medellin.

Hold on, I got something.

It's an embedded email to Henry Wilcox.

It's encoded.

Okay, well, let's decode this rascal.

I'm gonna upload some decryption packages.

No, it's a one-time pad. We need the cipher.

Old school, huh?

Any idea what they'd use as a key?

They're often books, but that doesn't narrow it down much.

No, not much at all.

Look, we need this key.

This is a direct communication from Henry Wilcox to one of his top lieutenants.

This is the best lead we've had in a long time.

We have to know what's in this message.

Yep. Okay, man.

We'll figure it out. Don't worry.

If it's any consolation, man, I just found something else here.

Looks like a contact list.

Most of the names are still jumbled, but dollars to doughnuts I can rebuild it with a little elbow grease.

I got your message. You wanted to talk.

I found the last name of your guy Nelson.

His last name is Smith.

But we know he's in New York based on a partial phone number.

How'd you find it?

Got it off the laptop of Henry's man in Geneva, Deric Hughes.

From Annie?

I think so.

The laptop had a coded message on it.

Annie might know how to find the source key, and I think she's in D.C.

We need to find her.

So you haven't seen Annie?


I think she can help us with this.

I'll find Annie for you.

If that's what you want me to do.

Follow Calder.

He'll lead you to her if she's still in town.

And then what?

And then I want to talk to her.


Hey, Helen.

Thanks for doing this.

I know it isn't easy for you.

You're welcome.

Violet Hughes?


I'm Susan Chandler with Preferred Life America.

Our condolences for your father.

My father?

Deric Hughes.

He had a life insurance policy with us that named you as the sole beneficiary.

Yeah, I don't--I don't know anything about that.

And I'm late to class, so I'm just going to--

The policy is worth half a million dollars.

Violet, when was the last time you spoke with your father?

It's been a while.

Did he tell you about the policy, or did you guys--

Just leave me alone, okay?

I am not here to hurt you.

You are hurting me!

You are not from a life insurance company.

No, I'm not.

Your father gave you that backpack, didn't he?


He told you to run if anyone ever asked about him.

He wanted to protect you.

I am really not here to hurt you.

I just need some information about your father.

What kind of information?

We could start with where he told you to go if anything happened to him.


He told me to go to a place called Hillcrest.

Camp Hillcrest in Virginia?

There's a cabin there.

The guy that owns it is supposed to help me.

Violet, don't go.

It is safer for you here.

I promise you will never see me again, and I will not tell anyone I saw you.

Just stay here and live your life.

You understand?


[Mechanical hum]

[Keys jingle]


Thanks, Bianca.

Helen's back from Geneva.

Looks like she's identified Henry's money man, a guy named...Nelson.

Judge Sanders denied our final motion for dismissal.

Trial date has been set for six weeks from today.

That was fast.

D.O.J. is very confident.

Their case is stronger than ours.

They have affidavits specifying Teo's position in the A.L.C.

They have witnesses who swear they saw he and Annie together in Copenhagen.

Henry has been a step ahead the entire time, and I can't think of a reason why it--

We have transcripts of Henry's phone calls in Geneva.

We have photographs of him with his contacts there.

Helen has given us some very good intel.

What good does that do us unless we start going on the record with it?

We need to tell the world what Henry's done before this trial starts.

You mean go to the press?

No, no. I-- I want it to be official.

I want us both to give new depositions, and this time, we hold nothing back.

I have to believe that if we plant even a small seed of doubt in the prosecution's case, I'll stand a better chance than I have now.

Arthur, I'm trying to stay positive.

But sometimes I lie awake at night imagining what life will be like for me and the baby without you.

And--and I don't like how it feels.

This is the right move.

I'm convinced of it.

[Engine revs]

[Tires squeal, horns blare]

Oh, you want to do this?

Come on, let's go.

Get out of the car!

[Tires squeal]

You're late.

Hit some traffic.

Why are you still in town?

What am I looking at?

A few months ago, Auggie and I pulled the G.P.S. data off Henry Wilcox's car.

It showed him going to a Camp Hillcrest in Virginia at least a dozen times.

He said he took Jai camping there, which is true, but he's also been doing other things there.

Like what?

Like meeting with Deric Hughes.

Hughes told his daughter to go there if anyone ever came asking, and I came asking.

Annie, that girl can I.D. you.

You should have let me talk to her.

I gave you the laptop because I needed a specialist like Auggie to analyze it, and I am telling you about the cabin because I can't raid it.

The place is secure as a bank.

But getting intel from someone like Violet Hughes, that's something I do best.



I'll check out the cabin, but it won't be easy.

I think Henry just had me followed.

Henry tailed you?

Halfway across D.C.

It's too obvious. It's not his style.

It had to be someone else.

Auggie knows I'm here.

He followed you to try and find me.

That's a big leap, because I haven't told him-- just the way you wanted it.

He knew I was in Geneva.

He put two and two together with Deric Hughes's laptop.

Maybe I should have brought him in directly.

I mean, we found Hillcrest together.

Would you stop?

You cannot speak to him, for all the reasons you told me.

Coming back is harder than I thought.


Auggie's a soldier.

He knows what this is.

Let him go.

Follow your own rules, and we'll all get out of this alive.

All right?

Mrs. Campbell, I'd like to go back and clarify a few things regarding your relationship with Teofilo Braga.

That's fine.

When exactly did you first learn that Mr. Braga was your husband, Arthur Campbell's son?

June 9th in Arthur's hotel suite.

That's when he told me he had a son named Teo.

According to a mission report dated June the 12th, a CIA Black Ops team raided the A.L.C. stronghold where Mr. Braga was located.

At that time, did you give operative Walker approval to use extraordinary measures against him?

Did you sanction Annie Walker and a CIA Black Ops team to t*rture Teo Braga with full knowledge that he was your husband's son?

Yes or no, Mrs. Campbell?


And did your husband know that you gave these orders?

No, he didn't.

But he will now.

[Telephone rings]


We need to talk.

Over here.

Are we alone?

Yeah, we're good.

This isn't smart.

No, what isn't smart is you putting a g*dd*mn tail on me.

Who have you read in on this?

Why don't you ask the station chief in Geneva?

You know, the one who gave you that laptop.

You know it was Annie.

Wasn't hard to figure out.

I need to talk to her.

No, you don't.

You gotta be loving this, Calder, being the nexus of information.

But you're preventing the people who need to talk from talking.

I'm not preventing anything.

I'm trying to keep feelings out of this mission.

I know what a mission is.


And this is not your call.

I know. It was hers.


She's the one who didn't want to see you, she told me.

You're lying.

No. No, I'm trying to protect you.

Protect me from what?

I need you focused, Anderson, or else I'm gonna end up in a cell right next to Arthur Campbell, and I ain't too good with roommates.

So this is all about you again.

No, it's about you and her.

Let her go.

You're putting us all in jeopardy, Annie most of all.
[Engine revving]

[Footsteps approach]

So it's all on record now.

I can't say that the truth didn't give me a few surprises.

I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

How could you sanction the t*rture of my son?

Because I thought I was preventing a t*rror1st attack.

The intel said Teo had a cache of b*mb-making materials, and there was a threat on an American target.

I was doing my job.

What if the t*rture led to his death in that black site?

It would have been on your hands, Joan.

And I would have felt terrible.



Just how I felt when we really did lose him.

But that wouldn't have made my decision the wrong one.

[Cell phone rings]

Text message, number 212-555-0187.

"I need to see you.

Take the 52 Metro bus to 14th and Harvard."

[Brakes screech]

14th and Harvard Street northwest.

[Brakes screech, hiss]




Look, I--

I couldn't find Annie.

Calder gave me the slip.

Yeah, no, I, uh, I know.

He told me.

Listen, you shouldn't text me directly if you want to stay dark.

Where are you taking me?

Someplace I've been wanting to show you.

This is where I live.

I mean...

[Door clicks shut]

Where Teresa Hamilton lives.

Helen, I shouldn't be here.

It's a risk for your cover.

I don't care.

I don't want a cover anymore.

I want a life.

I want a home.

And part of what makes a home is having someone to show it to.


Show me this home.

It's not much.

This is the table by the kitchen.

Feels like a chair.


Well, here's the table.

Okay, um...

You good?

Hold on.

I promise I'm not gonna fall.


I'm just getting used to all of this.

That's okay.

Um, low table.

[Bangs on table]


And here is the couch.

Bedroom, bathroom to the left.

What is it?

It smells like you.

Do you want a drink?

The wine--oh, wait.

[Glasses clink]

I want you to know I'm sorry about Annie.

I know how much it meant to you, and I did try.

Calder got her the intel.

That was the important part.


When I told you our marriage wasn't real, that it was a cover, I was lying.

Those are the kind of lies you need to tell yourself to survive the way I did.

I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you.

I truly am.

I'm glad you're here.

In D.C.?

In D.C.

In this place.

I'm glad you're alive.

You don't know what it means to hear you say that... to have you close to me again.

Both: [Breathing heavily]



Sleep okay?


I had a lot on my mind.

Why don't I make coffee?



I don't want to have this conversation like this.

Do you know how much I wished for this?

You and me together in the morning, just drinking coffee.

Yeah, it's not fair for me to do this to you.

It's not fair for me to try to make this work.

When you're still in love with someone else.


What we had in Rome was real.

I never would have let last night happen if it wasn't.

But it's not the same for you now.


I can't pretend I didn't know that.

I just wanted to get us back.

My heart broke for you.

But you did give me the chance to let someone else in, and I just want you to have that same chance.

[Cell phone rings]

Incoming call.

Eric Barber.

If he's calling this time of the day, it must be important.

You should take it.


Yeah, Barber, what do you got?

You wanted me to let you know if Calder made any sudden moves, right?


Well, here's one.

He's organizing a team to check out a fortified cabin somewhere out in the sticks first thing this morning.

Someplace called Hillcrest.

How did he find Hillcrest?

That's above my clearance, man.

All I know is he's leaving within the hour.

All right, listen.

I need you to get yourself on that team.

Yeah, done and done. He needs a tech guy.

Call me immediately when you get back.

Let me know what you find.

Barber said they found a cabin at Hillcrest.

Is that important?

Annie and I were out there four months ago.

I knew we missed something.

She must have found something this time.

I need to get back to my apartment.

I gotta scrub through that laptop data.

Maybe there's a reference I missed.

Of course.



It's the right thing for both of us.

Jones, Marshall, circle around the flank.

Rittenhauer, Simms, disable security.

Barber, behind the trees.

Fall back!

Everybody okay?


I was told Braithwaite wanted to see me.

He's indisposed.

What were you doing at Hillcrest, at my cabin?

I had no idea it was your cabin.

But you went up there for a reason.

And you set it to explode for a reason.

We're lucky no one was k*lled.

I'm not going to apologize for defending my property.

Is that what you call it?

I want to know why my cabin in the woods is of such great interest to you.

I was following your suggestion.

You asked me to find Jessica Matthews.

She led me there. And where is she now?

I lost her in the woods.

Convenient for both of you.

You might want to check your security cameras.

If I thought you were a liar, you would already be back in Medellin.

You realize that I wouldn't put anyone in a job if I couldn't get them out swiftly.

I think you know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, I know what you're talking about.

What did she look like?

Didn't get a great look.

Caucasian, dark hair. That's all I saw.

You need to do better than that.

Find her again.

This time, don't worry about bringing her back.

Yes, sir.

What'd you find at the cabin?


Went off like a b*mb.

Henry knows we're on to him.

If he didn't, he knows now.

What do you mean?

He knows you were at the cabin.

You gave me up?

I gave Jessica Matthews up.


The truth bought us space.

I told him Jessica led me there.

You are already here.

Who's in there?

Not you.

And if she's ever exhumed, we'll both be in trouble.

They'll be digging two more of these.

We're in this together, Walker. Never forget that.

What was Henry's reaction when you told him Jessica Matthews was at his cabin?

Shit, never saw him so angry.

The pressure we're putting on him is working.

We have to keep it up.


You going to New York to track down Nelson Smith?

It's better I don't tell you.

Take this. No serial number.

You know, I saw the look in his eye.

It's not a question of if he finds you.

It's a question of when.

[Car door slams, engine turns over]

Come out, or I'll sh**t and ask questions later.

It was you following Calder.

I tracked Henry to Geneva for Joan and Arthur.

I saw you there.

I know about Jessica Matthews.

Do Joan and Arthur know I'm alive?


Did you tell Auggie you saw me?

I promised him I'd keep your secret.

Look at us. Two ghosts in a graveyard.

Do you have any information about a cipher?

The one from the computer?


I gave it to Calder because I can't break it.

Auggie's working on it. He's very good.


I saw you with him.

Are you here to tell me I should stay dead?


But you just need to know, the longer you stay dark, the harder it gets to come back.


Auggie's still in love with you, Annie.

If you have any desire to be back with him, don't wait too long.

Run it again.

[Banging at door]

Anderson, let's do this.

Thanks for telling me about Hillcrest.

Don't worry. You didn't miss much.


Did you bring the pictures Annie took of Henry's cabin?

Got 'em right here.

You see any books in there on a table or a bookcase or--

There's a bookshelf.

Yeah, great.

What's on it?

Want the titles of the books?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We got Machiavelli's The Prince, The Art of w*r by Sun Tzu, Ideas Have Consequences by Richard Weaver, uh, "Le Bible," a Bible in French, Graham Greene's Our Man in Havana--

Wait a minute, why-- why does Henry have a Bible in French?

Good question.

Vie nouvelle.


Hold on.

In the evidence photos of Deric Hughes's hotel room, there was a French Bible in the nightstand, but when I saw it, I figured it was just a Gideons' Bible.

No, we may have just found the key to our one-time pad.

I was able to find the surveillance camera from the bridge you were looking for by Cape Hillcrest, Mr. Wilcox.

Were you able to isolate the hours I requested?

Yes, sir. The link's already up.


Stop! Punch in.

Roll forward.

How long is this gonna take?

Look, it'd take a hell of a lot longer without that algorithm.

Just let the computer do its work.


Again, tighter.

We need to find this motorcycle.

Here we go.

"Stinger secured.

"Need 10 million more for Copenhagen.

"Old account not viable.

Send new instructions to receive funds."

This proves Deric Hughes was involved in that Copenhagen attack.

Yeah, but how do we prove Henry's behind it?

Nelson Smith, I hope.


Good work, Auggie.

New York.



Ms. Hansen. Isn't this a pleasure?

I've been wanting to meet you ever since I saw photos of you with Arthur Campbell and Teo Braga.

You've been doing Arthur Campbell's dirty work for him, haven't you?

Long enough to know you're guilty for what happened in Copenhagen, Medellin, and Geneva.

Long enough to know you'll never get your ex-wife, Sana, back.

And long enough to know how much that destroys you.

I don't know what you're talking about, Ms. Hansen.

Or do you prefer Jessica Matthews?

That's right. I'm Jessica Matthews.

You've found me.

But it doesn't matter, Henry.

What we have on you is enough to bring--

Shut it down. Shut everything down.

[Indistinct chatter]

Somebody call 911.

She's dead.

[Indistinct speech on radio]

Oh, my gosh.

Who is it?