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Part 2: 01x04 - Rule Duel

Posted: 03/16/24 07:55
by bunniefuu


(Tori) Yuma, wake up!




I lost to Yuma!?

This is a sad day for student government.

Hey, you guys, let's hear it for

our new class representative.

(all cheering)

Wake up!

The election is over.


For class representative and you won.



♪ Still together as one

♪ 'Cause divided we're none ♪

♪ Ready to go we feel the flow ♪

♪ So don't stand in our way ♪

♪ You know we ain't afraid

♪ This is our time we're in control ♪

♪ If I trip up today

♪ And just wipe it away ♪

♪ All of my fears are gone erased ♪

♪ Let us tear down the walls 'til the final night falls ♪

♪ The bonds of our souls can't be replaced ♪

♪ Let us fight together

♪ Regretting never our dreams will be ♪

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ Our light comes shining through ♪

♪ Reach down deep

♪ Big defeat

♪ Do all that we can do ♪

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ We've got nothing to lose ♪

♪ Keep breathing

♪ Believing

♪ Halfway to forever ♪


Is this a joke?!

Hope you don't mind,

but I nominated you to be our class rep, Yuma.

I can't believe you did that without asking me!

Well, I can't believe you actually won.

I didn't vote for ya.

Maybe I should ask for a recount.

Yuma, I'm sure you're just the one

to shake things up around here.

Yeah, we want change!

This school's way too strict.

Things will improve if students have more say.


So you guys want me to lead this fight

to make the school better?

(girl) This is the year for change.

I am not sure you are ready

for the responsibility of being a leader.

I accept!

For my first act, I promise you

to get all veggies banned from the lunch menu!

And instead of classes, we'll have duels all day!


(Caswell) After all my hard work,

I can't believe my class voted me out of office.

(girl) This is so great.

Yuma deserves to be class representative.

(Carlyle) Yuma Tsukumo on the student council!?

He constantly shows up late for school.

And eats his lunch in class.

Plus, he talks to himself all the time.

Yuma's a disgrace to this school,

yet his classmates elected him as a representative!?

Yuma must be stopped!

Yeah, you got that right!


I agree with you, Carlyle.

Yuma Tsukumo is a threat.

As student council president,

you should be keeping these kids in line.

Yes, I know that.

Well then?

Have you come up with a plan to

stomp out this Yuma character?

Yes, I have one.

It's a great plan.

Ever since I entered this school

and became the student council president,

I've won the love and devotion

of the whole student body.

So no one will dare oppose me when I crush Yuma.

With a little help from the card

that you gave me, Gilag.


Just make sure you don't fail.

For Barian!

(all) Long live Barian World!


You want me to be the student council's

new disciplinarian?

Yes, you're perfect for the job.

You see, I need someone of great integrity

who understands the importance of order.

I can't believe, from all the students here,

you picked me, Mr. President!

I'm unworthy, but I accept!

I'm counting on you to make sure

our fellow students all stick to the rules.

Got it?

Yes, sir, I won't fail.




You made a membership card?

Yeah, to show I belong

to The Super Secret Number Card Investigation Club!


It looks like you had it made professionally.

I whipped up cards for you guys, too!


My pleasure!

I love my photo!

Hey, Bronk, I wanna join your club!

Please can I join, huh, please, come on!

Uh, maybe...

I'll have to have a powwow

with the membership committee.

(whistle blowing)


(Tori) Is that you, Caswell?

Yo, you gave us a scare.

What's with that goofy getup?

This "getup" is my official uniform.

I was just made the student council's chief disciplinarian!


This has to be a joke, right?

I don't get it.

My job is to make sure all of you

obey the rules in the student handbook

and to hand out Misconduct Cards

whenever the rules are violated.

For instance, Bronk brought non-approved items to school

so here's a Misconduct Card!

Earn ten of those and you'll get suspended.

If you have cards, you'll be expelled from school!

I like the old Caswell better.



(Cathy) Oh, really?

Well, good for you.

I hope those dogs learned their lesson!

Huh-- ahh!

Fraternizing with felines is against the rules!

Did you hear what happened in gym class today?

(whistle blowing)

No gossiping!

(girls) Oh yeah!?

(whistle blowing)

No evil scheming!

I demand to talk with my lawyer immediately!

I'm late again! (whistle blowing)

That's against the rules!

No eating in class!

That dive was unsafe!

Yuma, that's a zipper violation!

Making a mess is a misdemeanor!

I'm citing you running too fast,

for not flossing, for blinking excessively!

That does it!

Caswell, you've gone too far!

Just what do you mean by that?

No matter what I do, you say I'm breakin' the rules!

You have to follow regulations

like everyone else, Yuma.

Yeah, but you gotta ease up a little!

I'm simply doing my job.

I was assigned to this office

by the student council president

and you have no right to question my authority.

I do have the right, Caswell.

I'm the class representative!

(Carlyle) Yuma Tsukumo!

(Caswell) President Chesterton!

It seems Yuma Tsukumo

has an objection to the council's decision.


Then there's only one way to resolve this.

With a duel.

I'm sure you won't object to that, will you?

If you win, the council won't have disciplinarians

for the school anymore.

Sounds good to me!

Now let's start dueling!

One more thing, since this duel

will be held on school grounds,

it must stick to all school rules.

Do you agree?

You're on!

Attention, Disciplinarian Caswell.

Make sure all rules are strictly followed

and enforced during our duel.

Yes, sir!

Let's start!


Duel Disk, go!

Duel Gazer, let's roll!

(woman) Augmented Reality Vision Link established.

Let's duel! Let's duel!

I'm up first, Carlyle!

It's time to draw!

To start, I'll summon Gagaga Magician!

I'm countin' on ya, Gagaga--

(Caswell) Not so fast!

Hold it right there!

You broke the rules!

But how?!

I just got started!

There's no chains allowed in school!

And no bling either!

Plus, faces cannot be covered.

Even monsters have to obey the dress code!

Those are serious violations.

What's the penalty, Chief Disciplinarian?

a*t*matic suspension!

That Gagaga has to go back in your hand!

But that's totally unfair.

Not at all, Yuma.

I told you our duel had to follow all

of the school rules.

Which means you cannot summon

any monster that violates those rules.

Well, that's not good.

Try using your brain

before agreeing to suspicious duels.

Thanks, now you tell me!

I'll have to end my turn for now

but that doesn't mean I'm giving up.


I'm taking over.

I draw!

And right at the start, I'll activate

my Mirror Stage of Discipline spell card.

Once activated, this spell returns all the monsters

on my field

to their original attack and defense points.

And next I'm summoning Tamagushi, the Righteous!


Hold on!

You can't summon a Level monster

without tributing anything!

(Astral) He can if he lowers its attack points to zero

Well, at least it's weak.

Not for long!

Remember my Mirror Stage of Discipline spell?

It returns Tamagushi to her original attack points.

So there is no violation.

(Caswell) That's right, Mr. President.

This is all part of Carlyle's strategy.

Next I bring out my star pupil,

Sakaki, the Honor Student!

I can summon Sakaki whenever Tamagushi's on the field.

Both of those monsters are Level !

Prepare yourself, Yuma.

Now watch as my Level Tamagushi and Sakaki

earn themselves an "A-plus" for teamwork!

For extra credit, these two perfect pupils

will build the Overlay Network!

I Xyz Summon Norito the Moral Leader!

Get ready, Norito the Moral Leader.

Strike at Yuma with all your might!


I'm activating the trap card Impenetrable Attack!

It shields me from your attack

so I take zero damage!

You can't escape punishment so easily!

Norito, use your special ability!

By using one Overlay Unit, Norito negates your trap

and then zaps it out of existence.

Now do your duty, Norito.



Maybe now you'll learn to respect the rules, Yuma.

I end my turn.

I draw!

Please wait.

If you summon a monster that breaks school rules,

it will be removed.

Yeah, but that's practically all of them!

Then again, as long as they

don't catch me breakin' the rules,

I should be okay!

I'll put a monster facedown in defense mode!

Take that, Carlyle!

You can't penalize me when you don't know

if I broke the rules or not.

Wait, I'm making a surprise inspection!

I can use this trap

to take one monster that's facedown

and flip it face-up!


Uh-oh, hide, quick!

(whistle blowing)

Rule violation!

There are several, in fact!

For one thing, that scarf is way too long,

plus, she has an oversized ribbon

and her accessories are an eyesore!

In fact, her whole outfit flouts the school dress code!

Especially that hideous hat on her head.

How would you advise us

to handle this matter, Chief Disciplinarian?

The penalty is clear.

It's suspension!

She must leave the field at once!

Not if I use my Clear Robe spell

to cover Gagaga Girl up!

This card lets my monster stay on the field

by lowering its attack and defense points to zero.

Now you see it, now you don't!

Oh, yeah!

Since Gagaga Girl and her attire are now invisible,

she cannot be suspended again, unless...

Always trying to bend the rules.

But it won't work, Yuma.

You can't hide your rule-breaking from me,

because I activate Norito's special ability.

It'll use an Overlay Unit to destroy your spell!

I'm afraid Gagaga Girl is in detention.


No fair!

I can't use any cards!

Calm yourself and try using Tatakawa Knight.

Oh, yeah.

I activate Tatakawa Knight's

special ability from my hand!

When you negate my spell or trap

and you're the only one with monsters on the field,

I can send this card to the graveyard

and you get walloped with points of damage!


Stay on the offensive and you can win this battle.


You act like a perfect student,

when all you're really doing

is twisting the rules around to your advantage!

I'll use Monster Reborn

to summon Tamagushi from your graveyard,

but now it's in defense mode on my side.

You-- you can't do that!

Yes, I can.

And since this monster was yours to begin with,

I'm sure it doesn't break any rules, now does it?

I didn't think so.

It's your turn, Carlyle.

That's it!


You crossed me for the last time!

Chief Disciplinarian, you saw Yuma

directly attack me on school grounds--

a major offense!

I demand those points back!

Then again... you also made a direct attack

on Yuma using your Norito card, sir.

I don't care!

Didn't you just witness Yuma stealing my monster?

We can't allow a thief in our school.

Yuma Tsukumo must be expelled permanently!

Mr. President, that's going too far!

That's right, Caswell, way too far!

He's been acting like a tyrant

so why are you helping him?

Why did you all of a sudden become his flunky?

What choice do I have, Yuma?

After all, you were elected class representative

in my place and I was left with nothing!

I agreed to serve as the school's

chief disciplinarian because I still wanted to be

important around here!

And that's the reason you're doing Carlyle's bidding?

Listen, when you first ran for class representative,

was it 'cause you wanted to be important then to?

No, I just wanted to help the other students.

By serving as class representative,

I thought I could make the school a better place.

That's why I ran for office.

To help the school... yes, that's why.

Who cares if you're on the student council?

You can still help the school.

If that's your dream,

don't give it up no matter what!

It's true.

That is my dream.

Helping the students here is what counts.

As for this uniform...

... Carlyle can take it back!


Way to go!

You're going back to regular dueling rules now!

Now go school our student council president

in how to really duel!



You'll regret betraying me, Caswell!

I'll take care of you after I crush Yuma!

I activate a spell from my hand.

Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force!


Barian? Of course.

It gives me unbeatable power.

This Barian spell ranks up my Xyz Monster

into a Chaos Xyz Monster!

Now I'll use Norito The Moral Leader

to rebuild the Overlay Network!

Go, Chaos Xyz Evolution!

Your judgment is at hand, Yuma!

You'll get no mercy from

CXyz Simon The Great Moral Leader!

You're finished!

Watch as Simon's special ability activates!

Using one Chaos Overlay Unit,

my Moral Leader

switches your monster from defense to attack mode.

You're about to get booted out of this school, Yuma!

CXyz Simon The Great Moral Leader,

eliminate Tamagushi!

(Carlyle) You're about to get booted out of this school, Yuma!

CXyz Simon The Great Moral Leader,

eliminate Tamagushi!

There's gonna be one less problem student around here.


That almost worked, Carlyle.

But luckily I activated my Half Unbreak trap

right before you att*cked Tamagushi.

(Astral) Very clever, Yuma!

The card's effect saves Tamagushi

because it can not be destroyed in battle this turn.

And Half Unbreak reduces the damage

that you took by half.

So you held out.

But not for much longer!

I'm activating my spell Double Check!

It wipes out one monster

that wasn't destroyed in battle this turn!

So long, Tamagushi!

Yuma's putting up a fierce fight,

but he only has life points left!

It's not enough.

I'm sorry I got you in this mess, Yuma!

I'm still in this duel, don't worry!

Being down a few points just makes it more interesting.

It's my draw, Carlyle!


Go for it, Yuma!


Gagaga Magician... you're on!


And next I'm activating, the spell Gagagawind!

I can summon a Gagaga monster

and raise its Level by !

Your Suspension is over, Gagaga Girl!

And now that they're both back,

I'm gonna Overlay my Level

Gagaga Magician and Gagaga Girl!

With these two monsters

I build the Overlay Network

and Xyz Summon Number Utopia!


It's clearly not powerful enough

to beat Simon The Great Moral Leader!

It is with Gagaga Girl's special ability!

When she and Gagaga Magician become Overlay Units together,

then the attack points of your Xyz Monster

on your field are zeroed out!

So your Great Moral Leader isn't so great anymore.


It is vulnerable now!

Utopia, get ready to make your attack!

Overpower Carlyle's Great Moral Leader

with Rising Sun Slash!




How did I get here when I should be in the study hall?

He, like the others, has no recollection.

(Tori) Yuma!

(Bronk) When we heard what was goin' on, we hurried over!

Is everything okay now, Yuma?

We were really worried!

You guys!

Forgive me!

I know I treated you all terribly.

In the end, if you don't wanna

be friends anymore, I'll understand.

(Bronk) Chill out, Caswell!

We'll always be your friends.

Even when you make a complete fool of yourself

by putting on a goofy uniform

and acting like a megalomaniac!


We're gonna just move on like it all never happened?

I think that's the idea.

(Bronk) Forgive and forget!


Unless there's some kind of rule against it!

(all laughing)

(Yuma) We can rip up those Misconduct Cards you gave us, right?

Yuma, I can't believe you resigned

as class representative.

You served for what?

Less than hours?

Nobody told me part of the job

was going to student council meetings.

Unlike me, Caswell actually likes sitting in meetings!


I have an important announcement!

The after-school bake sale

will be held outside the cafeteria next Tuesday.

(Gilag) I can't believe Yuma broke my hold on the student council.

I gotta find another spot in this crummy school for my HQ.


Can I help you?

(Gilag) Yeah.

I'm lookin' for somebody.

The artist who drew this picture of me.

Well, it--

it was me.

You've got talent.

I could use a creative guy like you.

