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Aftermath (2024)

Posted: 03/16/24 16:17
by bunniefuu
[somber orchestral music]



[somber music]

- [Reporter] Throughout

the history of medicine,

we have witnessed some incredible

milestones and miracles,

but now it looks like

we may be on the verge

of one of the most important

medical discoveries

of the century, thanks

to Dr, Jane Dunning,

also known as the mother of neurosurgery,

and her team of researchers,

- Thank you very much, on

behalf of my colleagues,

Well, let's just say that

we may have already crossed

the threshold, although it's

taken us nearly 10 years

and the whole story is

still rather experimental,

[Jane chuckles]

After many obstacles and dead ends

this Aftermath Project has encountered,

we are now able to really

get to the bottom of it all,

for the first time,

We had to realize that we

only saw a very small part

of the entire picture, so far,

[Jane chuckles]

Several tests and the

most accurate calculations

are still needed to be able to say

exactly what we have

achieved, but I dare say

that we have managed to

reach new dimensions,

[brooding orchestral music]

[brooding orchestral music continues]

[muffled heavy metal music]

[engine revs]

[muffled heavy metal music]

She'll give you a shudder than

you'll never forget, no no

When the night comes

[phone rings and vibrates]

- [Kate] Kate speaking,

- [Robbie] Kate, what

the hell is happening?

You were supposed to hand

in the material last night,

You know very well that

this was the third deadline,

- I am well aware of that, yes,

- [Robbie] But then-

- Do you know why I know that, Robbie?

It's Robbie, right?

- [Robbie] Um, yeah, but-

- 'Cause probably I'm the only person

who's been working on this

crap for nearly five years,

while board members are being changed

like b*tches in the Hefner house,

- [Robbie] Kate, I didn't,,,

- I'm sure you do not,

How long have you been the head of R&D?

For three weeks?


- Two and a half, but-

- Exactly,

If I had a dollar for every

deadline I've been screwed with,

I could retire,

So tell the CEO and everyone

else that it will be ready,

because I always deliver,

And thanks to my work,

we'll be able to throw

hundreds of thousands

of dollars in commission

at each other at the end of the year,

while I've been working on

the same crappy computer

for what, five years now?

So, do me a favor and don't

call me every 10 minutes,

[phone bleeps]


[dark orchestral music]

[coffee splashes]

Oh, sh*t,

[keyring rattles]

[muffled horn honks]

[tires screech]

[dark orchestral music continues]

[interference crackles]

[wind blows]

[faint eerie music]

[faint wood creaks]

[Kate gasps]

[Kate sighs]

[Kate grunts lightly]

[Kate breathes sharply]

[eerie music continues]

[Kate breathes heavily]

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[leaves rustle]

[g*n fires]

[Kate wheezes]

[eerie music continues]

[footsteps approach]

[g*n barrel thuds]

[footsteps recede]

[Kate groans lightly]

[Kate breathes heavily]

[footsteps approach]

[ominous music]

- [Beta] We knew you'd come

[g*n fires]

[Kate wheezes]

[footsteps approach]

[ominous music continues]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[g*n fires]

[Kate groans]

[Kate pants]

[Kate pants]

[fist thuds]

[high-pitched tone rings]

[Kate breathes heavily]

[Kate pants]

[g*n fires]

[body thumps]

[eerie music]

[birds chirp]

[footsteps approach]

[stranger pants]

- Come with me,

or else there'll be nothing

left of you by tomorrow morning,

- Thank you,

Thank you for saving me,

- It won't be worth much,

if you don't get up now,

and we don't get out of here,

Let's hurry,

They'll be here soon,

[footsteps recede]

[birds chirp]

- [Kate] Wait a minute,

- If you don't want to get

caught by those arseholes,

you better hurry up,

There's a hideout not too far from here,

where we can rest for a while,

- [Kate] What is this place?

- I don't know,

- How did you get here?

- I woke up here,

I can't remember anything at all,

I don't know what happened to me,

I only found a necklace and a

photo of a woman in my pocket,

Have you checked your pocket?

[dark music]

- [Kate] This is me, and also my,,,

[Kate groans]

[high-pitched tone rings]

- Don't close your eyes,

It will only get worse,

Don't close your eyes,

It'll go away on its own, in a minute,

[dark music swells]

[eerie music]

- [Kate] How did you know that?

- I had the same thing happen to me,

[dark music continues]

Your family?

- [Kate] I don't know,

- She's a beautiful girl,

[dark music continues]

- "Sophie, Kate and Peter,"

- You remember your name now?

[eerie music]

- [Peter] Kate, honey?

- Yes?

[Kate gasps]

- Kate,

My name is Kate,

- That's half the battle,

- What's your name?

- Bubba,

- And your memory?

I mean, you know who you are?

- Let's go,

The hideout is not far from here,

[Kate sighs]

[faint eerie music]

- [Alpha] She has a companion,

- [Gamma] More fugitives

have been caught, sir,

- [Alpha] Go back and wait for the order,

- [Gamma] Yes, Commander,


[eerie music continues]

[button clicks]

[hologram chirps]

- Status report,

- We're very close, sir,

- I'm sure I don't need to

tell you how important it is

we find this target,

- [Alpha] I am aware of the

gravity of the situation,

- You'll only really know, Commander,

when the target starts to remember,

And have no doubt, she will remember,

- [Alpha] We will stop her, sir,

- Sooner or later, she

finds what she's looking for

and that could be fatal for

this place, and for all of us,

The clock is ticking, Commander,

[birds chirp]

[Bubba sighs]

- Take this,

I took it from one of the soldiers,

- Thanks,

[Kate gulps]

[Kate gasps]

Thank you,

[Kate gasps]

How did you find this place?

- Like I said,

I woke up not too far from here,

- What is this all about?

I mean,,,

What is this place?

And why us?

- I don't know,

But that's not the only interesting thing,

Do you have a watch?

What's the time?

- [Kate] 11:07,

[Bubba gulps]

- And now?

- But I just-

- And now?

- [Kate] What the hell?

What the hell is happening here?

This is impossible,

- I'd be worried about that, too,

Not just those dickheads,

- Maybe this is all

some kind of experiment,

and we are the subjects,

- Maybe,

We can't rule that out,

- Have you seen anyone else but us?

I mean people who didn't

have itchy trigger fingers,

- No one,

Could she be your wife?

- I don't know,



I just feel that she's

very important to me,

Deep inside,

These photos cannot be coincidental,

A memory for you, a memory for me?

There must be a reason,

[Kate winces]

[dark music]

[high-pitched tone rings]

It's almost over,

It's almost over,

[dark music continues]

[engine roars]

It's almost over,

- It was an accident,

I was sitting in my car and

suddenly there was another car,

right in front of me,

- When I woke up,

where I woke up-

- Yeah?

- There was a car,

The front was damaged and

there was a big smoke,

I wanted to take a closer

look, but I got distracted,

- Do you know where the car is?

- Yes, I do,

It's not too far from here,

- Then let's go,

Let's not wait any longer,

Come on!

Let's go, now,

- I have to find her first,

From here, if you go straight ahead,

you have to cross two small clearance,

After the second one,

keep right along the forest

path and you'll find the car,

- What about you?

- I can take care of myself,

Take this,

It's easy to handle,

Aim and sh**t,

But you only have three b*ll*ts left,

So be careful,

- We shouldn't split up,

- I know,

Find the car,

See if you can find the

answers to your questions,

And we'll meet back

here, in two hours time,

Be very careful,

They may be watching you from the air,

If you see them, hide,

We have to focus on

finding a way out of here,

We don't stand a chance against them,

[faint eerie music]

[footsteps approach]

[lid clacks]

[flask clinks]

[Kate gulps]

[Kate sighs]

[Kate pants]

[phone keypad bleeps]

[phone rings]

[phone bleeps]

[phone keypad bleeps]

[phone rings]

[phone bleeps]

[Kate sighs]

[melancholy piano music]

- [Kate] These are my photos,

[melancholy music continues]

[Sophie giggles]

- Hi, Kate,


- [Kate] Dad?

- Martin,

Your phone is switched off, so,

I'm trying to send you this message,

Pete just called a few minutes ago,

Look, [sighs]

I don't know what's going on

between you two right now,

and I wouldn't like to get into it,

I know it's not my business anymore,

but as soon as you get this

message, give him a call,

He is

very worried about you,

I can hear it in his voice,

[Martin sighs]

They are your family, Kate,

They love you very much,

[Martin breathes deeply]

Okay, um,,,

We should also talk again at

some point, like we used to,

[Martin sighs]

Like father and daughter,

Call me anytime,

I'm always here,

[Martin chuckles]

Bye, little girl,

[birds chirp]

[distant twig snaps]

[footsteps approach]

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music continues]

[g*n cocks]

[g*n fires]

[body thumps]

[g*n fires]

[footsteps approach]

[faint eerie music]

[magazine clicks]

[distant g*n fires]

[jacket zips]

[distant g*n fires]

[dark music]

[g*n fires]

[g*n fires]

[g*n fires]

[g*n fires]

[dark music continues]

[hologram chirps]

- Commander,

- [Alpha] We have

terminated four fugitives,

- And the woman?

- We're looking for her,

- That's not good enough,

He k*lled Beta,

Don't wait until her

memories come back, because,

the consequences will

be severe to our world,

Failure is not an option,

[dark music continues]

[birds chirp]

[suspenseful music]

[force field drones]

[force field drones]

[Kate groans]

[Kate groans]

- [Kate] f*ck,

[Kate groans]

[force field drones]


[force field drones]


[Kate pants]


[Kate sighs]

[Kate whimpers]

[birds chirp]

[melancholy orchestral music]

[Kate sobs]

This isn't happening,

This is impossible,

[Kate sobs]

This is impossible,

This cannot be happening,


Why me?

[Kate sobs]

[melancholy orchestral music continues]

Can please someone help me?

I don't know where to go,

[Kate sobs]

[Kate sobs]

[melancholy music continues]

[Kate gasps]

[birds chirp]

[ominous music]

- [Alpha] "Kate",

I know where she's going,

In fact, I always knew,

Let's go!

[distant g*n fires]

[brooding orchestral music]

[distant g*n fires]

[footsteps approach]

[door creaks]

[drone whirs and chirps]

[drone whirs and chirps]

[jets whoosh]

[door creaks]

[door closes]

[suspenseful music]

[door creaks]

[suspenseful music continues]

[g*n cocks]

[Bubba chuckles]

- Kate!

[g*n fires]

[tense percussive music]

- Bubba,

[melancholy piano music]

Oh, my God,

- Don't mind me


- I won't leave you here,

- The way out is there, somewhere,

I followed the bastards here,

Go on,


You are the key to all this,

One room, one look or another,

holds the answer to everything,

Go on,



[Bubba pants]

[Bubba pants]

[Bubba pants]

No one,,,

No one is going past me,

[Bubba chuckles and pants]

[tense orchestral music]

[g*n fires]

[dramatic music]

[g*n fires]

[g*n fires rapidly]

[body thumps]

[Kate pants]

[dark music]

[g*n cocks]

- [Alpha] I have no business with you,

You proved to be a great fighter,

You deserve not to die alone,

[dark music continues]

[Kate pants]

- [Peter] Kate,

- Peter?


Peter, where are you?

- [Reporter] Throughout

the history of medicine,

we have witnessed some incredible

milestones and miracles,

But now it looks like we

may be on the verge of one

of the most important medical

discoveries of the century,

Thanks to Dr, Jane Dunning,

also known as the mother of neurosurgery,

and her team of researchers,

- [Jane] Thank you very much

on behalf of my colleagues,

Well, let's just say that we may have

already crossed the threshold,

Although, it's taken us nearly 10 years

and the whole story is

still rather experimental,

[Jane chuckles]

After many obstacles and dead ends

this Aftermath Project has encountered,

we are now able to really

get to the bottom of it all,

for the first time,

We had to realize that we only saw

a very small part of the

entire picture, so far,

[Jane chuckles]

Several tests and the

most accurate calculations

are still needed to be able to say

exactly what we have

achieved, but I dare say

that we have managed to

reach new dimensions,

and to transform them,

The Aftermath Project has succeeded

in modeling the brain

activity of comatose patients,

and actually put their

minds in a new environment,

It's worth thinking of it

all as a kind of cryo-state,

in which the patient

can live a sort of life,

while their body and mind

continue to struggle to wake up,

However, the most effective way to do this

was always to place the

consciousness in question

in a familiar and usual context,

[static crackles]

[Sophie giggles]

[static crackles]

[Sophie giggles]

[somber piano music]

[spoon clinks]

[spoon clinks]

- Can't you see what is

happening to our family?

[Kate sighs]

- I don't wanna rot here, do you?

I'm just trying to do

what's better for everyone,

I'm just thinking of Sophie, you know?

So, we'd have a better life?

Don't you think that we deserve

something better than this?

Because I do,

I would like to give her everything,

and I don't think that's too much to ask,

- But you have neither night, nor day,

Last week, she was waiting

for you until midnight,

She couldn't sleep a wink,

On her own birthday, she

made a present for you,

"Mommy's coming home," [scoffs]

- What?

- [Peter] She gave it this title,

[footsteps approach]

[somber piano music]

[footsteps clack]

[melancholy music continues]

[melancholy music continues]

[car horn blares]

[cars clunk]

[glass shatters]

[car thumps]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- [Doctor] Mass accident,

One of the cars was trying

to turn around on the road,

but it stalled when the accident happened,

None of the passengers

were wearing seat belts,

and all four suffered

severe head injuries,

and d*ed before the ambulance arrived,

[dramatic orchestral music continues]

The driver of the other

car, a young woman,

is in a coma, but in a stable condition,

We revived her three times,

[dramatic orchestral music continues]

A motorcyclist was also

involved in the accident,

He slipped on the spilled oil,

His wife is waiting in the corridor, so,

please keep her informed and

tell her that we are doing

everything that we can for her husband,

- [Peter] Wake up, Kate,

[suspenseful music]

- [Alpha] It's an interesting situation,

We must let you live, so

that we can live, too,

After all, everything depends on you,

[life support machines bleep]

- Kate,

- Then I have the power to end it all,

- [Alpha] Do you hear it?

That's it,

Me neither,

Nothing has changed,

You are here,

We are here, and this world is here,

and all because you can't change a thing,

You have become an undeniable

part of this world,

and now you are coming with us,

[brooding orchestral music]

[machine bleeps rhythmically]

- Sophie,

My baby,

[machine bleeps erratically]

- Somebody, help!

[g*n clicks]

[g*ns fire rapidly]

[g*ns fire rapidly]

[brooding orchestral music continues]

- [Alpha] Oh,,,


[g*n fires]

[brooding orchestral music continues]

[brooding orchestral music continues]

[birds chirp]

- [Peter] Have you given

a title to your painting?

- [Sophie] "Mommy's coming home,"

- [Peter] [chuckles] That sounds good,

[chain rattles]

[birds chirp]

[gentle piano music]

[machine bleeps rhythmically]

[wind blows]

[wind chimes ring]

[trees creak]

[water splashes]

[drawer slides open]

[dark orchestral music]

[drawer closes]

[footsteps approach]

- [Peter] Hi, honey,

- [Kate] Oh, hi,

- Finally, no rides for a week,

No ports, no traffic jumps, no hassle,

- I'm glad you're finally home,

[music plays from phone]

[Peter sighs]

- Sorry, I need to pick this up,


- [Jane] In which the patient

could live a sort of life

while their body and mind

continue to struggle to wake up,

However, the most effective way to do this

was always to place the

consciousness in question

in a familiar and usual context,

[footsteps approach]

- [Peter] Sorry, Just a call from work,

- It's okay,

- All right, I solved it, though,



- What happened up there?

- I don't understand,

- I'm almost completely

used to this place,

Sophie's paintings,

Repeating after a while,

Your exact work schedule,

The fact that I have to

scroll through the calendar

less than usual,

Strange, but it all felt so real,

And yet,,,

What happened up there?

- They warned me that this day might come,

- Who?

- It's all part of an experiment,

It's in its third phase,

so it cannot be perfect yet,

Its leader has volunteered to

supervise everything with you,

after he fully recovered

from the accident,

- Volunteered? Who?

- Dr, Bubba Edwards,

He and his wife have

taken over the project

from the woman who dreamed it all up,

With him on board, it

progressed more in a few weeks

than ever before,

He told me that he met you

at the moment of your death,

I couldn't believe him,

For a while,

- What happened to me?

[somber piano music]

- You woke up from the coma,

But your condition rapidly worsened,

And you had to be put

back on the machines,

Shortly afterwards, I was

contacted by Dr, Dunning

to authorize your participation

in the Aftermath Project,

In return,

I have occasionally been part

of their simulation for,,,

For all these years,

- For years?

- Yes,

- How long since then?

- Kate, I-

- Peter,

How long?

- The simulation has been running for,,,

[Peter sighs]

For five years and three months,

According to the timeframe here,

Up there, days go by

four times as fast, too,

- 21 years?

- Yes,

- And Sophie?

Is she okay? How is she doing?

Is she happy?

[brooding orchestral music]

[Kate chuckles]

- Here's our grandson,

His name is Peter, too,

I couldn't talk her out of it,

[Kate chuckles]

She insisted on the name,

- They're so big,

And they are real,

- Kate,

[Kate chuckles]

- Please tell Bubba that

I appreciate everything he did,

I'll be forever in his debt,

Seems he saved me twice, [chuckles]

And thank you, too,


You have to let me go now,

For Sophie,

For Peter,

For yourself,

For the two of us,

You have to let me go,

You have to let me go,

You have to let me go,

[computer crackles and whines]

[computer crackles and whines]

[brooding orchestral music continues]

[machine bleeps]

[moody acoustic guitar music]

A little more than saving words

Found another way to feel all right

It doesn't really matter at all

That we're not gonna say

what it's doing to me

Maybe I'm a little sour

From the mention of a beautiful life

Feeling that I'd forget it all

For the one who dispelled

all the anger in me

Thinking about somebody else

Maybe I'm wrong

Your heroes are dead

We buried them 100 miles ago

I know I see you terribly alone

Running out of time and dusty light

Filling in the seams

with borrowed spite

And though it's cold here

For a moment just to see

Soul expl*si*n far away from me

Old and sour

Like it never slowly breaks

I wanna run away from here

Back rearrange your place

Fly off into space

[moody acoustic guitar music continues]

Maybe in a different world

There's a fire burning

deep in our eyes

A symphony of dark and strange,

feeling feelings of love

Watch you struggle to say

An ordinary touch of wool

Softly settled with

a need to our lives

In absence of a morning's

view, tattered pages of truth

That we lost in a dream

Thinking about somebody else

Maybe I'm wrong

Your heroes are dead

We buried them 100 miles ago

I know I see you terribly alone

Running out of time and dusty light

Filling in the seams

with borrowed sight

And though it's cold here

For a moment just to see

Soul expl*si*n far away from me

Old and sour

Like it never slowly breaks

I wanna run away from here

Back rearrange your place

Fly off into space

[moody acoustic guitar music continues]

A little more than saving words

Found another way to feel all right

It doesn't really matter at all

That we're not gonna say

what it's doing to me

Maybe I'm a little sour

From the mention of a beautiful life

Feeling that I'd forget it all

For the one who dispelled

all the anger in me

Thinking about somebody else

Maybe I'm wrong

Your heroes are dead

We buried them 100 miles ago

I know I see you terribly alone

Running out of time and dusty light

Filling in the seams

with borrowed spite

And though it's cold here

For a moment just to see

Soul expl*si*n far away from me