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01x09 - Nothin' But the Tooth/Special Delivery

Posted: 03/16/24 20:30
by bunniefuu
pb&j! Yay!

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪


Stand back, everybody.
This isn't gonna be pretty.

Wait, jelly.

Instead of smashing
a perfectly good bank,

Why don't you just
take out that little plug
that's on the bottom?

There's a little plug
on the bottom?

Wow! Good thinkin',

That's exactly the kind of
thinkin' we need to figure out
mama's birthday present.

Gotta be somethin'
awful special.

- Gonna be hard.
- Yep. Good thing
we've been saving.

I think I got a leak
in this thing.

We have been saving,
haven't we, jel?

Ooh! Cookie.

i was wonderin'
where I left that.

Oh, man! We're broke!
Now what are we gonna do?

hey, otters! Wait till
you hear what happened to me.

- [Together]
what happened?
- I've got a bum chicle.

- Huh?
- A wiggly chomper!

a loose tooth.

and you know what that means.

It means you can't chew gum
on that side?

Cheese and quackers.
That's not it.

It means I'm gonna get a visit
from the tooth fairy.

the tooth fairy?

You mean the tooth fairy who
leaves money under your pillow
when you lose a tooth?

Yep! I'm one lucky duck.

'Cause soon as it falls out,
I'll be knee-deep in mazuma.

Don't you know
anything, otters?

I'm gonna get
a ton of money! Ooh-a!

Look at that.

hello, pb&j.
hello, flick.

Would you all care for
a nice piece of homemade pie?

Hey, pinch.

Don't mind if I do--
wait a minute.
You can't eat that. It's mud.

I'm playing pretend, flick.

Just make pretend
you're eating it.

No way!

Soon as my tooth
falls out, the tooth fairy's
gonna leave me...

Enough money
to buy some real pie.

- Tooth fairy?
- Flick's got a loose tooth.

Wow. Can I see?

can cash 'em in.

What makes 'em
fall out anyway?
I don't know.

Me neither.
Let's go ask my mom.

After all, we raccoons are
famous for our nice teeth.

I thought you were famous
for knockin' over garbage cans.


Hey, I meant to do that.

Hello, kids.

Hey, ms. Raccoon!

Can I interest anyone
in some nice fruit?

Just washed it
for the sixth time.

Will it make
my teeth fall out?

Well, of course not.

In that case, no thanks.

Mama, why do teeth fall out?

Your baby teeth
fall out to make room
for your new adult teeth.

It's out! It's out!

All right!
Hello, moneymaker!


I'm goin' to bed,
so I can cash this baby in.

Cash for teeth.
Cool deal.

i hereby call
this meeting to order.

All those in favor
of discussing our mom's
birthday present, say, "aye."


What do you mean,

eyes. Nose.

uh, yeah, anyway,

I've called
this meeting tonight...

Because I know
exactly how to get money
for mom's present.

This doesn't have
anything to do with
the tooth fairy, does it?

You bet it does!

How do we know
there is such a thing?

Flick said somebody
saw her at the mall once.

Did he say what
she looked like?

Nope. But I bet ya she had
a big ol' bag of money.

i bet she twinkled
like a bunch of stars,

all shimmery-like,
and flew around in the sky--

carryin' a big
ol' bag of money!

Ooh! Ooh!

Oh, peanut!

I wonder how she figures out
how much to pay anyway?

i bet you
the bigger the tooth,
the more the money.

- Hey, that's it!
- What?

Mayor jeff has a whole box
full of big shark teeth.

They'd be perfect. I bet
big teeth like that must be
worth plenty to the tooth fairy.

At least enough
to get mom a good present.

Okay, so that's
our plan.

Tomorrow we'll
go to mayor jeff...

And see what
we can trade him for
some big ol' shark teeth.

Meeting adjourned.

Let's see here.
There you go, kids.

These are the biggest ones
I've got.
Great, mayor jeff.

What can we trade you for 'em?

- Well, let's see.
Got any doorknobs?
- Nope.

- Toilet seat covers?
- Nope.

Hmm? I do collect purple
pompanut pinecones, you know.

You get me a purple
pompanut pinecone,

And you'll be swimming
in shark teeth.

- Deal?
- Deal!

- Mm-mmm.
- Uh-uh.

- uh?
- um?

Oh, man.

Finding a purple pompanut
pinecone could take weeks,
maybe even years,

And mama's birthday
is tomorrow.

Then there's only one thing
left to do.

- Noodle dance?
- No. Give up.

I'm not giving up
without a noodle dance!

Come on, butter!
Hit it!

Oh, all right.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪


I've got it!

Peanut, peanut, peanut!
What? What?

First, we get a pompanut
pinecone copter...

with an electro
cone color decoder,

and we fly in real low
under the radar, and boom!

- Mmm! Hey, look!
- Pinecone.

I wonder if we made a picture
of a purple pompanut pinecone...

And then gave it
to mayor jeff--

But it wouldn't be
a real pinecone, peanut.

No, but it still
might be something he'd want
to have in his collection.

But do you really think
he'll like it?

I don't like this, kids.
You don't?

I love it!

All right!

A deal's a deal.
Here's your shark teeth.

By the way, what do you
need these shark teeth for?

We're gonna leave 'em
for the tooth fairy,

So we can get money to buy
mama a birthday present.

That's mighty nice of you,
but you know that tooth fairy
is pretty smart.

I bet she's gonna figure out
that these big shark teeth...

Didn't come from
any little otters,

And she may not like you
trying to trick her.



♪ I've learned a lesson
that I use ♪

♪ To help me think
which way to choose ♪

♪ I've found out things
will run real smooth ♪

♪ As long as I jump
down on the truth ♪

♪ He found out things
will run real smooth ♪

♪ As long as he jumps
down on the truth ♪

♪ If you're doin' something
kinda tricky ♪

♪ It can suddenly
get real sticky ♪

♪ You need cash
from lady tooth ♪

♪ I wouldn't give her
anything but the truth ♪

♪ He wouldn't give her
anything but the truth ♪

♪ I found out things
will run real smooth ♪

♪ Long as we jump
down on the truth ♪♪

But, mayor, we're doing it
for a really good reason.

Well, maybe, but tricking her
is kind of like lying to her,

And lying is never a good idea.

Oh, no! If the tooth fairy
gets mad at us for playing
this trick on her,

Maybe she won't come to visit us
when we really do lose a tooth!

But if we don't at least try,
we'll never be able to buy
something for mama.

But you don't have to try
to trick the tooth fairy,

And you don't have to buy
a gift for your mama.

You can make her
something special,
just like you made for me.

Hey, peanut, are you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?

Yeah, this time
I think I am.


Happy birthday, mama!

mama, mama!
and this is for you!

Special for your birthday.

Yeah, mom,
we made it ourselves.

Ooh, well, let's see.

Oh, my, pb&j, it's just
what I've always wanted:

A picture of
my favorite three kids.

But, mama, we're
your only three kids.

[All laughing]

Happy birthday, mama.

And we did it
all by ourselves!

Well, the mayor helped
a little with the frame.

Happy birthday, opal.

Oh, thank you, ernest,
all my favorites.

Boy, that toast
sure looks tasty.

Mmm! Eggs!

Oh, my, you kids
certainly do wake up hungry.

Looks like I better go
rustle up some more breakfast.


What is the matter?

Look, mom!

a tooth!
Oh, wow!

Well, gracious.
Looks like you're due
a visit from the tooth fairy.

All right!

hey, let me try a bite
of that toast.

now, jelly.

[all laughing]



Well, it's about time.
Here it comes.

What? What?

Come to peanut.
I don't see anything.

There! It's the mail boat.

Wow. Good eyes.
Oh, wow.

Hey, ms. Raccoon.
[Both giggling]

Morning, kids.

Oodle-ay, ms. Raccoon!
Do you have
my package today?

Sorry, peanut.
Still nothing for you.


♪♪ [Humming]

Still hasn't come, eh, son?

Is that what you
sent away for?
Yeah, that's it.

Mind if I take a look?

"Yours absolutely free, free,
free with just six box tops.

"Be ready for action
with your--

frosted fish flakes
super spy magnifying ring."

Yeah. It's got
a built-in compass...

And a secret compartment.




Ooh! Wow!

This is the coolest boat,
and it came from a ring!

Hey! Cool ring, peanut!
[Voice echoing]

peanut? Peanut?

Cool ring, right, dad?
But it's taking forever
to get here.

It does say allow
a few weeks for delivery.

But, mom, it's already
been two weeks.

And that's nearly forever!

While you're waiting
for your dinky ring,

Do you wanna
go play some games?
It's not a dinky ring.

- Is too!
- Is not!

watchbird alert!

This had better
be good, cap'n.

Remember that package
little peanut otter's
been waiting for day after day?

Oh, yes?

Well, it still
hasn't come.
You don't say.

Sort of reminds me of the time
I ordered you an anniversary
present out of that catalog.

- You mean the one
that still hasn't come?
- Exactly!

Oh! Speaking of presents,
I just bought you one
the other day.


I ordered it
from that same catalog.

Come on, peanut.
You'll love to play
spot the bug.

Let's play it
right now.

Here's one.
I spy with my little eye...
A ladybug!

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
a ladybug with six spots,

Two trees down,
third leaf from the left.

Wow! She does
have six spots.

Wow! Good eyes, peanut.
Now, you pick one.


Nah, I gotta go down to the dock
and see if the mail boat's
headed back this way.


Sorry, kids, but I'm afraid
we're hopelessly lost.

Your mother will have
to eat dinner without us.

If only we had a compass!
[Clears throat]

Have no fear, everyone.

My frosted fish flakes
magnifying ring has
a built-in compass!


Plus, as you can see,
my ring comes with a small
but powerful flashlight.


I will signal mom
and let her know...

We'll be back in time
for dinner, after all.

Hooray for peanut!
He saved us!

♪ Hooray for captain peanut
he's here to save the day ♪

♪ His super ring
has a compass thing ♪

♪ So he always knows the way ♪

♪ hooray for captain peanut
he always leaves his mark ♪

♪ with an out-of-sight
tiny power flashlight ♪

♪ blazing through the dark ♪

♪ Hooray for captain peanut
he never, ever stops ♪

♪ and his frosted fish flakes
super ring ♪

♪ only cost him six box tops ♪♪

Come on in the house, honey.
Tomorrow's another day.

Maybe the mailman
lost my letter.

Maybe they never
even got it at all.

Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!
Wake up, kids.

Anyone interested in going to
the post office with your dad?

the post office?
oh, boy!

I've got to buy some stamps
and drop off some packages.

We'll get there before
ms. Raccoon starts her morning
deliveries, won't we, dad?

Yep, I reckon.
We can find out
if there's any mail for me.

I thought you might
like that, peanut.

Hey, butter. Hey, jelly.
Ready to go for a ride?

wait for us!

By the way, peanut, just
what is it about this ring that
makes it so important to you?

I guess it's like the ad
on the cereal box says,

"If I had one,
I'd be ready for action."

Hurry, dad.
Oh. Come on!

Dad, come on!

What kind of stamps
have you got for me
today, wanda?

These are the latest things.
They're musical stamps.

Or how about some of
these self-licking stamps?

i don't know.

How about this
brand-spanking-new idea?

- Stamps you tear off
and lick yourself.
- What'll they think of next?

Now let's see if any mail's
come in for peanut this morning.

Would you look at that?

"Mr. Peanut otter."
Anybody here by that name?

Me, me!
It's here!
Yea! Yea! Yea!

Yep, this baby has it all.

Look at this.

Pretty cool, huh?
And how about this?


That's it?
Oh, wow!

Yep. Worth waitin' for.



Whoa! Whoa!

What's happening, dad?

The steering wheel's come loose.
I need a screw
to put it back on.

We're going round and round.

Don't worry.
I've got spare steering wheel
screws right here.

- Oh, no! I'm all out!
- What'll we do now?

I gotta find that missing screw.
Aw, shucks. I can't
even find my glasses.

Never fear.
My frosted fish flakes
super spy magnifying ring...

With built-in compass
and secret compartment
will save us!

See anything?

Nah. It's kinda hard
to see with this thing.

I guess it doesn't work
the way I thought it would.

Whoa! Whoa!

Hurry, kids!
We've got to find that screw.

Oh, peanut, we'll
never find it this way.

Have you got
a better idea?

Let's do the noodle dance.
It's our only hope.

Noodle? Yes.
Dance? No way.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪


I've got it!

You, peanut,
must trust in the power
of your own otter vision.

Jelly, why are you
talking like that?

I'm just saying,
use your eyes, peanut.

You've got the best eyes
of anybody.


Yeah, I can do this.


There it is!

Yea! Yeah, whoo-hoo!

You found it!
Great work, peanut.

I knew you could do it.

There. Got it.

[Jelly] yea!
all right, peanut.

What's wrong?

Hey, opal!
Wait till you hear
how peanut saved the day.

Saved the day?

We lost the steering
on the store boat.

if it hadn't been for peanut,
who knows what would
have happened?

Talk about
being ready for action.

I bet you got that ring
of yours, didn't you?
Um, yeah.

Did it come in real handy
in the emergency?

Not exactly.

What do you mean?

It's really small
and "plasticky."

The compass is stuck
pointing west.

And that magnifying glass
isn't any good at all.

That's too bad.

But peanut didn't really
need that frosted fish flakes
spy ring to be prepared.

He was prepared
just by bein' peanut.

Yeah. Thanks, dad.
I think I learned something
really important today.

What's that?

I should have
sent in 12 box tops
to get the deluxe version.


No, really.
The deluxe version
comes with tweezers,

A jet ski attachment,
phillips head screwdriver,

Super magnets,
metric conversion chart,

Interstellar satellite
gravity boots,

Freeze-dried powerbars,
a collapsible rocket launcher--