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01x10 - Soap Box Derby Day/Howdy Hoohaw Day

Posted: 03/16/24 20:31
by bunniefuu
pb&j! Yea!

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪


Watch this!
Look at it go!

Mine went farther.

Did not!
Did too!

Well, mine's the prettiest.
I'm not gonna throw it at all.

Hey, flick!
What's that?

This? Oh, it's
the latest mallard man.

- What's that?
- It's a comic book.

Am I the only one around here
who wants to improve himself,
for cryin' out loud?

Whoa, cool!
I wanna do that.

You don't do mallard man,
peanut. You read it.

No, I'm talkin' about
the soap box race
on the back here.

Hey, guys, let's have
a soap box derby.

- [All cheering]
- hah! Big deal.

- Who cares about that?
- Me, that's who.

♪ Soap box derby
soap box derby ♪♪

Oh, it's gonna be
so, so great.

[peanut chuckling]
look at us!
we're wearing soap boxes.

[All laughing]

All right!
Got my soap boxes on.
Eat my bubbles!

[male voice]
on your marks, get set,


Wow! I gotta ask mama
to get some more soap.

What are you talking
about, jelly?

A soap box race
is where you build
your own race car...

And roll it down
a great big hill.
Ohh! Cool.

- No motors, no pedals.
- Nope!

Just you, your car, a hill
and a funny noise you make
like this--

engine revving]

♪ Hoohaw, what you know ♪
♪ grab a paw, let's go ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be
a soap box racer ♪
♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ nothin' like the speed
racin' down the hill ♪

♪ everybody pacin'
like an automobile ♪
♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ cruisin' down the course
chasin' such a thrill ♪

♪ racin' past the others
till you're queen
of the hill ♪

- [peanut]
♪ hoohaw, what you know ♪
- ♪ grab your saw, let's go ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be
a soap box racer ♪

♪ zoom, run, run, racer ♪
[Gasps, screams]

♪ Ooh, like a rocket chaser ♪

- ♪ Soaring like a meteor ♪
- ♪ goin' faster more and more ♪

♪ Everybody's gonna be
a soap box racer ♪♪

Cheese and crackers!
I'm glad I thought of it.

I'm going home to start
making my car right now.
[Imitating engine]

Me first!
[Imitating engine]

[all imitating engines]

Man, my car's
gonna be so cool.

[Car engine

[imitating engine]


[Both coughing]

oodle-ay, pb&j.
how's it goin'?

Great, dad. We're gonna
have a soap box derby.

I used to race soap box cars
when I was a kid.

speed five.
won every time.

speed five?
yep, she was a honey.

Boy, was I proud
of that car.

Did you make it yourself,

You bet I did.

I still have it
around here somewhere

If you kids want
to do something with it.

All right!

Well, come on, then.
I think it's still
in the shed.

Ah, here it is.

what a beauty.
that's it?

i know she's
in rough shape right now,

But with a little work,
she'll be a winner again.

Gee, thanks, dad.

Um, I'm sure we can
put it back together.

Thanks, daddy.
Thank you.

No problem, kids.

Well, gotta run over to fix
the snooties' new digital
donut-making machine.

You guys have fun.

Hmm. Are you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?

That it would be great
to have a digital
donut-making machine?

No. I'm thinking--

I know! You're thinking
we should do the noodle dance.

I'm thinkin' it's gonna be
really, really hard to put
speed five together again.

So, we need to use
our noodles. Come on!


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪



- What? What is it?
- I've got it.

What if the soap fairy
came down...

and waved her magic wand,
and boom--

the perfect soap box car!

Great idea!
If only there was such
a thing as the soap fairy.

Oh, yeah. I forgot.
Well, what do you think
we should do?

We're just gonna
have to start working.
That's what.

we could do that.





Hey, an otter's
gotta eat.

[Gulps, sighs]

Hey, peanut, what if we put
some glue on the wheel?

How come?
So it won't
fall off.

Jelly, trust me.
That doesn't make any sense.

Glue on the wheel?
Come on!

Why don't you ever
listen to me, peanut?

Why do we always, always
have to do things your way?

Well, let's just think
about it for a moment.

Who's older,
you or me?


Don't listen to me.

I'll just make
my own car.

Butter, would you hand me
that screwdriver, please?

- Yeah.
- [Croaks]

Oh, man!

Watchbird alert.
Watchbird alert.

Connie, you've gotta see
all these crazy cars
the kids are building.

i'm sure they're
very nice, dear.

flick's making himself
some kind of bathtub thingy.
would you look at that.

oops. [Chuckling]
and munchy's got some sort
of wooden contraption.

hey, you don't think
he's gonna--
oh, he just ate part of it.

oh, and look, pinch has so many
pretty little bows on her car,
you can hardly see it.

I tell you, connie,
this soap box derby's
gonna be somethin'.

Those kids will be
driving the nuttiest cars
you've ever seen!

I'm glad you're excited, dear.
Now, would you please stop
driving me nutty?

Man, I'll never get
this thing together!

I'll show peanut.
I don't need speed five
to win the race.

I've got my very own
turbo scooter!

Supper's ready!


- Hmph.
- hey, kids.

How's the soap box derby
comin' along?


I'm gonna beat ya.

Are not.
Am too.

Are not!
Am too!

Are not infinity!

okay, kids.
is everybody ready to race?


Then please start
your engines!

[All imitating engines]

On your marks, get set,


[cap'n crane]
and they're off!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen,
the lake hoohaw soap box derby
is underway.

flick duck quickly takes
the lead in the flickmobile,

with peanut otter
gaining on him in speed five.

[Imitating engines

munchy beaver's in third,
with jelly otter and pinch
raccoon bringing up the rear.

but wait--
all right.
Let me see.

what are you doin'?


I don't believe it.

Ladies and gentlemen,
jelly otter is zipping
right past munchy beaver.

go, jelly!

[cap'n crane]
jelly's pulling ahead
of peanut now.

[connie screeching]
you go, girl!

[cap'n crane]
she leans forward,
picking up speed.

whoa, she's really zoomin'.
otter power!
otter power!

[Wheel squeaking]

[cap'n crane]
oh, no!

looks like peanut's
lost a wheel.
[wheels screeching]

he's skidding towards the edge.
what's the young otter
gonna do?


hold on, peanut!

I gotcha!


Wow! Thanks, jelly.

I guess I should have
listened to you
about using the glue.

You know what?
You're right.
Now, come on!

We've got a race
to finish.

All right!

[cap'n crane] it's flick duck
who's the big winner today,
comin' in first,

followed by munchy beaver
in second place
and pinch raccoon in third.

All right! I won!
Yea, me!

I came in second?

Well, what do you know?

I think the third-place ribbon
is the prettiest anyway.

[cap'n crane]
and last but not least,
it's peanut and jelly otter,

comin' in
on turbo scooter.

Hey, jelly,
thanks for the lift.

Don't mention it.
That's what buddies are for.

how did the race go,

- Great!
- Did good old speed five
do you proud?

Yes. Who won?

Not me.
Me neither.

But we're gonna win
the next one.

- 'Cause you know what we're
gonna make next time?
- What's that, son?

We're gonna make
speed six--


♪ Hoohaw, what you know
shake my paw, let's go ♪

♪ Everybody's gonna be
a soap box racer ♪

[all laughing]
♪ nothin' like the speed
racin' down the hill ♪

♪ everybody pacin'
like an automobile ♪♪

time for the howdy
hoohaw day tryouts.
testing, testing.

Is this thing on?
One, two--

Hey, mayor jeff.
Who's gonna play
the captain?

I could do it so good,

Yo-ho-ho, I'm captain gazpacho,
world's greatest explorer!

Hold on, peanut.
I need all the howdy
hoohaw day actors on stage.

[All laughing]

Is it me, mayor jeff?
Huh? Huh? Am I going
to be captain gazpacho?

Just a minute, peanut.

In honor of howdy hoohaw day,
tonight we're gonna act out
the whole story...

Of the founding
of lake hoohaw.

After a lot of thinkin',
I've finally decided to--

Mayor jeff,
I know I could do it.
All I need is a break.

Give the biggest part
to the loudest kid
on the lake.

Congratulations, peanut.
You're gonna play
captain marigold gazpacho.

- Yea! Yippee!
- [All] yea!

Mom, I got it!
I have the biggest part
in the whole play!

Oh, peanut,
that's wonderful.
Dad! Dad!


I'm gonna be captain gazpacho.
It's the biggest part
in the whole play!

Peanut, that's just--
whoa, watchbird,
spread the word!

Peanut otter as captain
gazpacho, one night only!

Here you go.

- Let's go, matey!
- Hold on there.

First, I need to give out
the costumes and tell everyone
else what they're gonna do.

Aye, aye, mayor.

Jelly, you're gonna be
spunky old granny gazpacho.


[Feeble voice]
yes, sir, that's me.

You young'uns listen
to granny, you hear?

And pinch, you're gonna be
a very, very old raccoon lady.

A what? I don't think
I heard right.

Uh, how about a beautiful
raccoon princess?

well, okay. A beautiful
raccoon princess.

Now, you all know
this story.

Two hundred years ago today,
a boatload of otters...

Sailed down crickly creek
to find a better life.

finally, after many days
of paddling,

they saw the rock
which sits on the far shore
of our dear lake.

ooh! Ahh!

and when captain gazpacho
saw that rock,

he was so excited
he cried out--

And that's how
we got the name
"lake hoohaw."

No way!

Now, baby butter,
I want you to be the rock.
Rock, rock.

Okay, now, let's get to work
on the part where peanut says,


- It's the most important line
in the whole play.
- [Gasps]

everyone's gonna be watching
when you say it.

Wa-watching me?

yup, your ma and wanda
and shirley, your dad
and walter and munchy,

the snooties
and the whole g*ng.

What do I say again?

You see the rock
and you say, "hoohaw!"

Oh, yeah. H-- h--

- [Knees rattling]
- [heart pounding]

Peanut, peanut!
What's the matter
with you?

Nothing. I'm fine.

Well, practice
makes perfect.

Let's try it again,
H-- h--



Um, I gotta go help my mom.
Be right back, mayor jeff.

where are you going?

what's the matter?

My tummy feels weird.

Well, look at you.
You're soaking wet.

You must be coming down
with something.
Yeah, I guess I am.

You're going
right to bed.

But mama, what about
howdy hoohaw day?

- He's captain gazpacho.
- [Groans]

He can't be in the play
when he's feeling so bad.

I can't?

I'm sorry. I know how much
you wanted to do it, peanut.

But I'm gonna have to tell
the mayor to get someone else
to be captain gazpacho.

I wanna do it, jell.
I do.

It's just that I'm
real, real sick.

- But you were fine
just a minute ago.
- Yeah, well--

these things
come on real fast.

Please, peanut,
we need you.

You're our captain.

Look, I can't do it.
You're just gonna have to
put on the play without me.

- I'm not doin' it either.
- What?

I'm not goin' on that stage
without you, peanut.

why not?

Well, when I'm
up there on stage,

I get this real weird
feeling in my tummy.

It feels like
there's all these fish
jumpin' around inside me.

That's what happened to me.
Do you get real sweaty?

Oh, man.

I bet I'm sick with
the same thing you have.

my tummy hurts.

But you were fine
not two minutes ago.

But see--

It gets worse when I
have to go on stage.

Yeah, I think we're allergic
to the theater.

Well, maybe it just feels
like you're sick...

Because you're afraid
you might mess up
in front of everybody.

That happens to a lot of people.
It's called "stage fright."

Well, I don't like it.

Yeah. How can we
make it go away?

I bet you kids
can figure it out.

Why don't you try doin'
one of those "oodle-doodle"
dance thingies of yours?

Noodle dance.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪


I've got it!
Maybe we can ask everybody
to wear blindfolds...

So nobody
could see us.


But we want them to see us,
or they'll miss the play.
Oh, yeah.

I'll tell you what I do
when I get stage fright.

I just take a deep breath
and count to three.

One, two, three--

Look at butter.

She's silly.

[all laughing]

♪ Look at me
I'm silly ♪

♪ Sitting with a loaf of bread
on my head ♪

♪ Hey, look at me
I'm wacky ♪

♪ Chattin' with a bath mat
for a hat ♪
[all laughing]

♪ Look at me
I'm kooky ♪

♪ With two shoes
looking like a moose ♪

♪ Look at me
I'm goofy ♪

♪ With little bitty nutty butter
on my head ♪

[Butter giggling]

♪ If you've got the itches
to put someone in stitches ♪

♪ Put on something
which is ♪

♪ Really, really silly
and you giggle away ♪♪
[all giggling]

You know what?
My tummy ache's gone.

Mine too!

Hey, maybe we could
just pretend that everybody
who's watching us...

Is wearing something
real goofy on their heads.

And then we wouldn't
be so scared.

Who could be scared
of looking silly when
everybody else looks silly?

Now that's using
your noodles.



These use to fit.

Ahoy, mayor jeff!
Peanut, I thought
you had a stomachache.

Well, I had a real
speedy recovery.

Oh, thank goodness!

Music, please!


to howdy hoohaw day,

The 200th anniversary
of the day our ancestors
found lake hoohaw!

[All cheering]

And now,
may I introduce to you...

The stars of our show,
pb&j otter!

afraid? No.

A long time ago,
before any of us were born,

Our fore-otters came
from way over yonder
to find a better life.

I sure do wish
we had a better life.

Me too.
Let's go find one.

[mayor jeff] after sailing
for many moons, the
otters finally saw the rock.

Captain marigold gazpacho
was so excited...

that he yelled--

Hooray! Whoopee!


Butter, shh!
You're a rock,

And the old, old--

I mean beautiful,
young raccoon princess,

Was waiting for him
with a big plate
full of biscuits.

now, captain gazpacho
and the other otters
knew how to make gravy,

but they'd never seen
biscuits before.

Have a tasty biscuit.

The otters showed the raccoons
how to pour gravy
all over everything.

You're gonna love it!

and they shared their first
meal as friends that very day.

[Burps, coos]

Soon folks from far and wide
came to share biscuits and gravy
with one another.

Beavers, otters, ducks,
raccoons and cranes.

Gravy was the glue
that bound 'em together.

mmm! Gravy!

And that, my friends,
is how lake hoohaw came to be
the place we know and love.

Hit it, boys!

♪ The sun shines bright
skies are blue ♪

♪ Gravy, biscuits
are our glue ♪

♪ Friends we are
wing and paw ♪

♪ On the shores
of lake hoohaw ♪

♪ Fish and water
frogs and trees ♪

♪ We're one humongous family ♪

♪ Howls and growls
squeaks and caws ♪

♪ Echo over lake hoohaw ♪♪

[all cheering]