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05x16 - The Williams Family

Posted: 03/17/24 11:47
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny," jo returns to the u.k.

On a mission to save a family on the brink.

I can't believe you've got a trolley in your garden.

Ha ha!

The williams house is in chaos.

You do not get out of bed!

[Screaming] mom, get out! Now! Now!

With children under ,

Life is hectic and stressful.

I just don't know what to do

Because I just feel that I can't control them.

You big fat [bleep].

Mom's at breaking point,

And supernanny is her last hope.

Tyler, that's naughty behavior.


But it's not only the children that need disciplining.

[Woman] martin, for goodness sake.

There are definitely times

When natalie's with the four kids

And martin becomes the fifth.

Dad is in for a major shock, too.

If you mean what you say, then follow through.

Martin, you're , not .




So we're in birmingham,

The second biggest city in the u.k.

Let's take a look at the family that needs my help.

My name's natalie, natalie williams.

Um, I've got four children--

Bethany, she's ,

Tyler's , lori's

And tia's .

Kids under -- that's a handful.

I work for a fast food restaurant.

My shifts are quite all over the chart--

Early mornings, late nights.

A good two, three hours per day

I'll be with the kids on my own

Because, obviously, martin's shifts do vary a lot.

That's naughty. Daddy keeps telling you not to do that.

I just feel like the children

Have got no respect at all for anything in the house.

Ha ha![Laughs]

The kids just trash it.

Stop it!

When I get up in the morning, I feel quite anxious.

No. You--

[Natalie] tyler just will not get dressed.

Get dressed.


[Screaming] don't!

Mommy! Stop it!

Look at the chaos in the morning.

How do any of them get ready?

[Screaming] mom, get out! Now! Now!

[Natalie] that behavior

Tends to come out, um, with tia and tyler, mainly.

When tyler's going off in a tantrum

And same with tia, they will tend to smack me

And kick me, throw things at me. [Crying]

Just look at the way these kids are behaving.

Discipline, discipline, discipline--

Where is it?

The kids have--have now started to get, um, physical,

Mainly with me rather than martin--

Pinching, slapping...

[Grunts] punching...

No! Pushing.

[Grunts] [screams, cries]

It's like I don't want to be with my own children.


[Tyler kicking the door]

Martin thinks that the children are just being kids

And, oh, they fight, they argue.

They're allowed to do that kind of thing.

I don't think it's as bad as she makes it. [Cries]

I think it's so funny.

I feel that the only way forward

Is to have supernanny come into the house,

Um, and it--not only is it gonna help us

As a couple

Come together and discipline them,

But hopefully, give the kids a better family life.

Well, family, brace yourselves

Because I'm on my way to help you.



Pleased to meet you. I'm are you?

I'm natalie.hi, natalie.

My first impressions of jo--

I thought, you know, she was rather lovely,

And to be honest, I just can't wait to see the results

Of what's going to happen in the next few days.

Hi. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.martin. How are you?

Hi, martin. Very well. Thank you.

I think supernanny will be able to help,

But I'm not as into it as nat.

She's dead set this is the route to go,

And I'm just not.

Hi. Hi, tyler. Pleased to meet you.

How old are you?.

. And how old are you, bethany?


And how old are you, lori?


Hi, tia. And how old are you then?


What I'm gonna be doing today

Is observing and watching you guys as a family,

So I'm gonna place my bag down

And let you guys get on with things for Okay.

Good with that?yeah, that's cool.

[Martin] sweet. Yeah.


Not long into observation, I did get the opportunity

To see exactly how flustered natalie gets

When she has to get the children ready in the morning.

[Martin speaking indistinctly]


[Laughing]tia, no.


Mom's certainly losing her patience.

She doesn't have much energy.

I mean, she constantly has to fight with the younger ones

To get themselves ready.



You can go get your socks from outside,

And then go upstairs and get some clean ones.


For the most part of the morning,

Natalie's trying to manage all the kids,

And martin's on the computer.

[Natalie] lori!

[Lori] mom.come get your shoes on.

[Jo] mom's really frustrated

Because tia is not listening to her,

And actually, she's not the only one who's playing up.


It's just, it isn't, because this is clean.

Stop it.

Tyler, will you stop it?


What are you looking at there, martin, on the computer?at go-karts.


Martin's had his bottom stuck to a chair

In front of the computer.

I-i just find it absolutely ludicrous

That he can see what's going on in front of his own eyes

And completely ignore that.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Dad is in the hot seat...

Martin, you're ,

Not .

And mom is crushed by what jo has to say...

[Jo] I'm telling you how it is

Because the truth is a powerful thing,

And you need to hear it.

When "supernanny" returns.

I know those words pretty good.

[Jo] I'm in the u.k. Helping the williams family...

Got it.[Laughs] I don't.

And while things are quiet right now,

I think I'm gonna take a look around the house.

I've just walked through the house,

And I've noticed debris everywhere,

And I mean, look at the garden.

There's just--swimming pool is broken, pieces of toys,

And when you see bric-a-brac everywhere,

It's showing that if the parents can't make an effort

To look after property,

Then what are their children going to do?

How are they gonna learn

How to respect their own belongings and others

If they look up to their parents,

And their parents couldn't give a hoot?

What's the time, mr. Wolf?

[Jo] so I'm back inside the house now,

And martin is still on the computer.

I've said no. Now stop it.

Get off the table.

Martin, get him off the table.



There are definitely times

When natalie's with the four kids

And actually martin becomes the fifth,

So I'm gonna ask him why that is.

[Sighs] come sit down.

I need to see martin being more responsible,

Stepping up to that plate.

What do you find difficult

During the day

When you've got the children?

So she undermines you in front of the kids--

Yeah. So it just-- you know what I mean?

Have you just kind of got to the point

Where you've just given up really with how she is?

[Jo] he's justified to himself

That natalie's always on his case,

And so he's thrown his hands up,

But he's gonna let her deal with everything.

It's so obvious from talking to martin

That both himself and natalie are not on the same page.

In actual fact, they're reading separate books.

[Tia crying]bedtime's approaching,

And tia is fully aware of that,

And she has started to play up.

[Crying][natalie] tia, come on, please.


[Tia screaming] I'm not--no!

How many times a week do you go through this?

I'd say about three or four.

So I mean, if it's not bath time,

Then it's just generally bedtime,

So I mean, bedtime is a struggle every night,

So--with all of them.

There is no story time.

There is no-- there's no blanket of security

That comes from mom and dad before they go off to bed.

It's--it's a chore.

It needs to get done so they can have their evening,

And the children are very, very aware of this.

So mom and dad have put tia down to sleep,

But she's refusing to stay there.

I mean, she's constantly getting out of bed.



[Crying] don't leave me!

[Crying] mommy!

Mama! Mama.


[Jo] she's screaming for mommy.

Is that why you're doing it rather than nat?


Martin's put tia to bed,

And now she's crying it out...[Tia crying]

But I don't know if natalie's happy with that.


I think that she'd benefit from me going up

And giving her a cuddle to... [Speaks indistinctly]

[Martin] you have got to go away then.

The moment, you come away from her,

She'll be a million times worse.

Look, she's tiring out now

'Cause she's just whimpering now.

But she's coming back down the stairs.

Yeah, but she'll go in a minute.

But all she wants is a cuddle.

Well, go and give her one then and see what happens.

Go on. Go on then. You sort it out.and that's all she wants.

[Crying]come on.

[Jo] we're seeing two parents not working together here.

They're not following through.

We're not seeing any consistency with a bedtime routine.

Martin and natalie need to recognize

That they need to parent together as a team

If they're to make any drastic changes in this house.

Well, I've seen enough.

I do need to come back tomorrow to help this family

Get on the right track with changing things.

I'm here today

To talk to the pair of you about the issues

That I feel seriously need to be addressed.[Clears throat]

As much as you both love your children,

You're treading deep water.

At this point...

I'm looking at one person

Who's in denial at where they're at

And another person who's being very realistic

And knowing exactly where they're at.

Do not agree with what I'm saying, martin?

I do and I don't, do you know what I mean?

Are you?yeah. I am, yeah.

Is that all that matters?

No, it's not, but you know what I mean?

What part of you

Feels that it's acceptable and okay

For you to sit on that chair all day

And turn a blind eye?

Talk about that then.'Cause if--if I go in and try and discipline them,

She just--i've done it all wrong.

Is that why you've given up?well, what is the point? Do you know what I mean?

Martin, you're ...


Not .

What's the relevance in what martin's saying here?

Yeah, I can--i can see what you're saying,

And yeah, I suppose I do agree with you to a point.

The children need to see the solid rock,

That united front.

Martin needs to be able to feel equal

As a parent in this house

Without you undermining him.

Natalie needs to feel like you're there with her

As a proud parent,

But I don't see nobody feeling proud

About being a parent right now.

There is no discipline in the house.

The children haven't learned consequences.

Anything goes in this household.

You are not doing the best that you could do as parents,

And that means you're failing your children.

They're not that bad. I don't think they're that bad.

You don't think they're that bad?no.

You think that tia punching and kicking...[Clears throat]

Is acceptable?

Every time she kicks off, she will get her own way...yeah.

Because that's what she's been taught.

You think it's okay for tyler to be having, it's--

And shouting is acceptable?

And I'm telling you how it is

Because the truth is a powerful thing,

And you need to hear it.

And you need to change.

You both need to change.

I want to.

I'll give it a go. I will try, yeah.

Okay, so today,

We start.[Sniffles]

Lots of work to do...yeah.

So let's get

Coming up, the kids aren't the only ones

About to get a dose of discipline...

[Jo] excuse me?

But will martin give up or go along with the plan?

[Jo] back to the naughty chair, martin.

When "supernanny" returns.

This family really struggle

With getting themselves organized in the morning,

So the first thing I'm gonna do is go in

And give them more structure to help them do that.

This is what we're going to do--

The "get up and go" chart.

You see at the top here--

"Wash face, teeth, get dressed, make bed,

"Pack bag and put on your shoes

And get off to school."

I'm going to put this up on the mantelpiece

In this room,

And when you've washed your face,

You're gonna come back down here

And you're gonna find the right picture,

And what's this?washing the face.

Good boy. Washing the face.

I think the technique will be a great idea for them,

Because they'll be able to check against this visual routine

Of how well they're doing,

And it will keep the focus on that

Rather than the nit-picking they do in the mornings.

Get set...

And let's get up and go!

One, two, three... Go, go, go!

And the kids are not the only ones

Who are gonna be busy this morning.

Martin, glad to see you up this morning, mate.oh, I know.

Tyler, what have you got to do now?make bed.

Off you go then.

Anything you can do

That will keep more structure

And keep you organized

Is gonna keep you on top and your head above water,

Because there is no room for that

When you've got four kids.

Have you made your bed? You haven't!

I've got to go and see this one...

Go upstairs with mommy. Show mommy you've made your bed.

Say, "look, mommy. Look what I did."

Wow, that's great, though, isn't it?

Yeah.fantastic. You did that really, really quick.

Good boy.

For the first time, we're seeing the williams family

Up, dressed and out the door ready for school on time.

Who? Who surprised you the most?


[Laughs] tyler?

Yeah, he never gets dressed, never. Not for any of us.

He's doing all right, isn't he?yeah.

You proved me wrong, woman. You proved me wrong. [Laughs]

So natalie comes back from taking the kids to school,

And I set mom and dad a-task, and that was to do something

They obviously haven't done for eight years

And that was to clean up.

You can't expect your children to tidy up their room

Or to have any sense of pride in their own belongings

If actually they look up to their mom and dad,

And they haven't got any either.

Like I'm looking at... The pair of you.

So are you ready?cheeky character, are you? Right then.

[Laughs]are you ready?

I can't believe you've got a trolley in your garden.


It's been a lot of work.

There's no two ways about that,

But it is about natalie and martin leading by example,

And so when the kids get home from school,

They're gonna exactly see that.

I'm happy!

See, it was worth it, wasn't it?

Ahh, look at you smiling now.

It was worth it. Look at the smiles.i don't know about that.

I like the playhouse.

[Jo] now the house

Is straightened out a little bit,

What will be important will be to teach natalie and martin

Some correct discipline.

Naughty chairs...

For discipline.

This is a place of reflection

For them to understand

That you've just drawn a boundary line...yeah.

And they need to understand that there's a consequence for that,

And that's exactly what you guys

Are gonna do as parents with these naughty chairs.

[Jo] so the whole family sat down to eat,

And tia decided to faff around,

So her parents had a chance to practice discipline.

Tia, sit down, mate, now, please.

[Jo] okay, martin,

That's where you would give her a warning,

So we're looking for that low, tyrant, authoritative voice.[Clears throat]

[Natalie] come on, then.don't interrupt.

Martin's quite capable of doing this.yeah, shut it.

Come on then, tia. Come over and sit down.

I want you to follow through

With the naughty chair, okay?

Pick her up, take her to the purple!

And explain why you've put her!

Come back down to her level.

If you don't want to sit down, tia,

You're gonna have to sit here, okay?

Daddy put you on this naughty chair

Because why?

Because you wouldn't sit down at the table, mate.

You can stay there, all right?


[Jo] martin has taken tia to the naughty chair.

However, I do believe this little girl

Is gonna give martin a run for his money.

[Jo] okay, martin.

Yep, she got up.[Tia] that's for me. That's for me, that...

Yep, so don't talk to her.

Just place her back onto the chair.daddy.

I'll eat then. [Laughing]

Then come back.

[Martin] sit down then and eat it.[Jo] excuse me?

Well, she sat down now.

Why is this man giving up

On a technique that he knows would work

If he just followed through?[Martin] sit down then and eat it.

If you do that,

You show her that actually, you're full of hot air.

If you mean what you say, then follow through.

That's why there's no discipline in the first place

Because you didn't follow through.

Back to the naughty chair, martin.

She knows how many times she needs to get up

Before you give in...[Clear throat]

And that's what she's doing with you.

She's saying, "how far are you gonna--

How far are you gonna come?"

Come on, martin. Come on. No, no, no. Keep going.

You could do it for an hour, but I'll be here with you, mate.


Martin, you've not even tried yet, mate.

Keep your patience, mate, and follow through.

Bring her right in. You're doing good, mate.

[Screaming] no!this hand,

[Tia coughing]when you hold it,

Shows that you're on her side.

Whose side are you on?[Crying]

Okay, she's done something wrong...yeah.

And she needs to have discipline.


Wow.see what she's doing?

She's going to you hoping--

She's waiting for you to override martin,

But that's not happening this time...

No.'Cause you'll support him.

I did not!i'm asking you nicely.

Get up. Get up.[Laughs]

Leave me alone.

[Crying] no.[Jo] right. Well done, martin.

[Crying] mommy. Mommy!

I think he's coping quite well,

Although, I feel like he would have given up by now.

[Screaming]i don't feel that he wants to carry on with it,

Uh, by his facial expressions.

[Squeals, laughs]

Martin's doing really well with the naughty chair,

And as tia has been running over to natalie,

She's showing her that she's not going to pacify

The discipline being given.

What this shows

Is that natalie is supporting martin's decision.


Tia has put up a fight, one that lasted over an hour,

But she is staying in the chair now,

And it will be up to martin to go over

And follow through with the last two steps of the technique--

Apologies and hugs and kisses.

Firm voice then, martin.

Tia, I want you to tell daddy that you're sorry.

Sorry.give me love.

You gonna sit down at your dinner now?


Um, I had to do that naughty chair with tia

For about an hour.

I walked about miles, kept putting her in the chair.

So it seemed to work in the end.

If it didn't...

Coming up on "supernanny,"

After martin has disciplined tia,

It's tyler who gives mom and dad a whole new challenge.

And you're a [bleep].

When "supernanny" returns.

So I'm here in the u.k. Helping the williams family.

We've seen martin successfully do the naughty chair with tia,

But now we're gonna be watching mom do it with tyler.


Tyler, mommy's sitting you on the naughty chair

Because you wouldn't share with lori.[Screaming]

Now look at me, please.

And then you went to kick me in the face.

Mom did very well with the naughty chair.

However, when she went back to get an apology,

This bundle of anger just exploded in tyler.

Right, on the chair--mommy sat you on the naughty chair

Because you would not share with lori,

And you went to kick me.[Jo] tell him to look at you.

Now I want an apology.hold on a moment. What's this?

Tyler, you do not put your foot up

At your mother's face.

That's naughty.that's naughty behavior,


He's not going to get it, is he?

So you leave him there.

So tyler's kicking off right now,

And he's extremely angry,

And he's gonna have to stay where he's at

Until his mother gets what she needs from him.


Can you give mommy an apology, please?no.

Natalie went over to tyler and asked for an apology,

And he refused to give her one,

And so he started to be very defiant

And was running away from the chair.

[Blows raspberry]all right, then.

At one point, tyler got so angry,

He started to really get aggressive with the chair,

And so we had to take it away.

Put the chair away.

He can't obviously use the chair, can he?

'Cause he keeps throwing it. He'll sit on the floor.

You're doing really good.

You're staying focused. You're staying strong.

He's angry.

You stay calm...yeah.

And you teach him

That he has to learn to respect you.




What do you want?

I'd like you to say sorry, tyler.

I will not!

I've already told you!

No. No. [Crying]



I hate you, you big, fat, big, big [bleep].

[Natalie] oh, there goes the mouth.

You big fat [bleep].

[Jo] where did your son learn that language?

Martin used to call me a [bleep] all the time,

So the man of the house never used to have respect for you,

And neither does your son

You're nothing but... [Bleep]

Once mom had confirmed what I already knew,

It was important for me to take both parents away from the kids

And have an adult conversation.

Bethany...bethany, go in there in a minute

So we can talk to jo.just give me one moment.

What I'm seeing from tyler

Is behavior that he's seen from the pair of you,


His mouth has become very abusive,

And he's become physically aggressive.

And it's because he's seen that happen

With the pair of you two,

And that's a fact.

So stick around,

Lend your support,

And I want tyler to recognize

That you are backing up mom here.

Martin and natalie certainly need to change the way

They treat each other

If they are going to stand up as parents and lead by example,

So their children's behavior can change.

Okay, martin, what I'd like you to do here

Is just to take...


And just kind of take him back to the corner,

Because he's obviously, still very angry.

[Crying] I'm not going.

I'm not going.

I'm not going.

Just while she's getting her breath back.



And you're a [bleep].


I won't!

I can't remember.

Yeah, well, today it starts.

[Screaming, crying]

After watching tyler, for a good amount of time, be so angry,

He starts to calm down.

[Crying] mama!





Sorry!what did he say?


He said sorry.

Come over then. Come over here.come here.

Now come here and do what I say.

Mommy would like you to say sorry.

I would like you to say sorry now, tyler.



Go ahead.can I have loves?

Do you know why I put you there? Yeah?mm-hmm.

You've done that already.come on. Big loves.

Hugs and kisses.good boy.

[Jo] mom and dad have certainly made progress

In following through with the steps.

However, they are gonna have to do bedtime,

And that's gonna be challenging for them.

Martin and natalie,

What we are going to do now is the bedtime routine.yeah.

We're going to create the tranquility,

Keep everything calm.

Come on, tia.i'm not coming.

No, I'm not coming.

There wasn't a structured bedtime routine

In this house before,

And martin wasn't really pulling his weight,

With retrospective,

Helping natalie get the bedtime routine

Down to a point where there was more peace.

[Hairbrush squeaking]

[Jo] and now dad's bathed the children,

Mom is doing the stories and putting them to bed,

So they're working well together as parents,

And the children get to have mom and dad at bedtime.

Come on, bethany.

[Natalie] "there were humans on board.

"One of them was very handsome.

Ariel heard the others call him prince eric."

This is very lovely to see--

Mom and the girls reading stories.

They're very tired and ready for bed.

Look at the result here.

[Natalie] "he'd arranged to give a special concert

To show his daughter's wonderful talent to all the merfolk."

Today's been a long day for the pair of has, yeah.

I'm sorry?


Hold on in there. Hold on in there.

They've gone off, though. You've done really well.

Today, I'm gonna create an opportunity

For this family to smile, laugh and have some fun together.

They so desperately need it.

[Bethany] that's a chihuahua.[Tia] yay!

A butterfly!

[Jo] just giving this family an opportunity to come together

And have fun is what the kids need.

They need to see their parents involved,

Enjoying time spent with them.

This family are having a wonderful afternoon

Painting together,

Spending that quality time together,

And a lot of families don't do that.

They're worried about the mess.

They're worried about the paint

Going all over the kids and everything else,

But this family's just got straight in it

At the deep end as such, and that's good to see.

I'm finished.

[Natalie] I enjoyed it, really.

I thought it was a good idea of jo's

For us to spend more time as a family

'Cause I don't feel we do it enough.

You know, it's either one of us with the kids

Or the other one with the kids.

It's never both of us, so I thought it was really fun.they are more relaxed.

They are more just responsive when you tell them to do stuff,

So it seems to be working, annoyingly.

Dad has left for work, and I'm about to say good-bye.

I'm not gonna be back for a couple of weeks,

And I am worried that natalie is gonna be taking on too much.

I just hope that martin can really step up

And do what he's supposed to be doing.

Keep up the praise.

The children can't get enough of it.

Keep it up constantly, okay?

But at the same time,

Remember that they'll push those boundaries...

Mm-hmm.and follow through with the naughty chair.

Yeah.i will see you in a couple of weeks.

One step at a time. That's all you can do, all right?yeah.

See you soon. Bye!say, "bye. See you soon."

Coming up on "supernanny,"

With jo gone, can these parents keep it together?

I'm sitting you on the naughty chair.i'm not listening!

[Crying] no!or will things go terribly wrong?

When "supernanny" returns...

It's been weeks

Since I've left the williams family in the u.k.

I am very curious to see how they've done without me.

Right, natalie and martin,

Let's take a look at this footage,

Because whilst I've been away,

You guys have been busy.all right.

[Natalie] tia, make your bed.



You put all those on there?

That means we've done everything, doesn't it?

Now how quick did we do that?

So fantastic.

Okay, that was good.

They've been really into it.


"Can you guess what noise it was?" was christmas eve.

Of course. [Laughs]of course.

Martin reading...

Good to see.

[Laughs]good to see.


Come on.


What was that, "and I let you live here"?i let you live here.

I told him I was gonna kick him out some nights.i'm sorry?

He had a fight with the captain just today.

I wasn't gonna kick him out, man, I swear.

But you can't go saying things like that to him.

What it does is it damages

Their self-esteem and their confidence.

Ultimately, he wants his time.but I've read with--

That's the night I read with

So i--he wants your attention, and that's what he's doing.

He's starting deciphering to getting it by hitting you.

So you see his behavior?

Do you see the way tyler behaves

To try to get your attention?

Just shut up!

All right, you will go and sit on the naughty chair.mama.

I'm sitting you there, tyler,

Because you keep hitting everybody, right?

Just bloody once, I threw the towel.



I can't do this, and now I'm in one of them moods.

What mood's that?

I just didn't have the patience for him,

Because as soon as he's coming from school,

He was just pushing me and pushing me and pushing me,

And he knew what he was doing.

I ain't lifting you up because you're too heavy.

No! [Crying]

There is a cycle here.

There is a destructive pattern here

In how they get your attention.[Martin clears throat]


I'm not listening!

I'm not listening! I'm sitting you on the naughty chair--

See, both your behaviors are repetitive.[Natalie] mm-hmm.

You behaved the same way, and nobody's changing.yeah.

And it's got to be you that changes.

It's got to be the adult.yeah.

Just stop it! No!

If he continues

To have a relationship with you like this--

Very volatile--how do you think he'll grow up

As a young man in his adulthood?he'll be the same.

How do you think he'll view other women?

He'll think that it's okay.

Why is he not being corrected, natalie?

Don't know. Because I feel like I'm trying.

The relationship I see with tyler

And you, natalie,

Is not going to bring you closer together

As mother and son.hmm.

What needs to happen is a lot of trust,

And we need to change that relationship.

Um, martin, I'd love to see today

You spend some time with tyler.

He is the only boy,

And it's so important for tyler

To have that positive male role figure in his life.

And ma-- let's make the most--

Let's please make the most of this opportunity.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Jo has one last chance to bring mother and son together...

[Jo] you're gonna play a game with mommy.

But will tyler go along with the plan?

And you have to do it blindfolded.

When "supernanny" returns.

After watching the dvd, I know that it's important

For tyler to feel that he can trust his mother,

So I set up a game for them in the backyard to play together.

Are you ready for some fun?yeah.

You're gonna play a game with mommy.

You have to do it blindfolded,

Which means you have to listen to mommy.

[Laughs]can you see?

No, I can't.

It will be important for tyler

To take direction and listen to natalie

With her articulating what she needs.

I want you to move forward ten steps.


Three, four...[Jo] in order for this to work, it means that...

Five, six, seven...natalie's gonna have to be very clear with what she says.

Now turn to your left-- well done--

And put it in the pushchair.

Wow. Yay! Well done, tyler.

What we're seeing here is a wonderful opportunity

For tyler to spend some good time with natalie...well done. Well done.

Just bonding together

And learning to trust one another and to listen.

Turn right, tyler. You can't peek.

Turn right.

Right. Well done.

To your left, tyler. That's right.

Well done. That's three yellow balls.

Okay, now this is good because you're communicating.

Put it in the bucket.

Can you feel it? Feel for the bucket. Well done.

Under the slide.

Wow! Clever boy!

We did that together, didn't we?

Yay! Give me a hug.

Mm![Jo] and just for fun,

It will now be tyler's turn to do it with mom.

All right. Good job there.

Forwards... Three-- three times.

Two, three...

Where am I going, ty?hmm...

Which way?hmm...

It's that forwards?

Turn right.right?

One, two, three...

Where are we? Ooh! Ooh! Whoa!

We're in the garden.did we get into the garden? good was that?

This kind of stuff is gonna always allow you both

To communicate with one another,

Use skills as listening, taking direction

And also build your own relationship

Because you're working together.

It's team-building material.yeah.

And as you can see,

We've just used what you've got in your garden.yeah, that's it.

Well done.high five.

Yay!well done, the pair of you.

You did really well together.

I am better friends with mommy

Because she's better, and I'm better, too.

After natalie had had her time playing,

I wanted tyler to actually have some fun with martin.

Lori, bethany and tia,

You're gonna have some special time with mommy.

We're gonna do some girlie stuff,

And the boys

Are going to play darts.

Okay, it's really important that tyler gets to have

Some time with his daddy and develop that relationship.slowly turn him.

Every one give praise.

Every one is gonna build his self-esteem.

It's gonna really make him feel confident.

Come on, keep going. Keep going.

He just wants to be a mini you at playing darts.

[Laughs][martin] a .


That was good, that one.

Tyler has certainly been impacted

By his mom and dad's arguing,

And we've seen that through tyler's behavior,

And so I believe it's very important for tyler

To nurture his relationship with his father

And for martin to give him time of day to be able to do that,

Because martin has been not involved,

So for tyler to receive that from his father

Is the beginnings of healing their relationship,

So it can be in a better place.


But you've got some on your lips

That holds to itself with me.

This could go in bethany's hair

Because bethany's got long hair.

[Jo] what's really beautiful

Is that they're really just opening up the communication

Between all of them as a family.

I look nice. Mommy.

Oh, wow, you look beautiful, don't you?

You should throw it with them up like that.

[Jo] I've seen laughter,

They're talking about different things,

And it's just making time to join in as a family

And open up their communication.

Have I got another one?wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Today has been a successful day

Because martin and natalie have started to learn

What is necessary to create

More equilibrium and harmony in their home,

But what I am going to do is to give them a booklet

So they can refresh themselves

And continue to do what they're doing.

I want to be able to give you

This "supernanny handbook" to the pair of you.

Please look over it time and time again.

In the morning, in the nighttime--

Make it regular, because once it's up here...yeah.

Then it's underneath your belt.

And so who's going to take this handbook?count on it, okay?

That's what I like to hear.[Giggles]

[Jo] it's time for me to leave.

[Makes kissing sound] hey, give jo jo a big love.

Give me

I think the most important thing

For natalie and martin to remember

Is that they have beautiful children who look up to them

And to recognize the importance

Of being very positive role models

In their children's lives.

Take good.

Yeah. Be sure to take care of yourself, mate.all right.

I may not be here,

But I hope my spirit's here...yeah.

When you're feeling like today's a challenge.


I think me and martin really turned a corner.

I can see, like, a future for us both now,

And it's good to think that.

[Laughs] I'll see you. Thanks a lot.take care of yourselves.


Well, it's certainly been a rocky road for this family,

To say the least.

I mean, trial and tribulation for both natalie and martin,

But the key point here is for them to work together.

And if they just work together

And recognize what they need to do

To be able to turn around their family dynamic,

They're gonna hit jackpot.

It just takes a lot of work, a lot of commitment,

And let's hope they continue to do that.

Tyler, running time.yeah!

Oh, jeez.


Mine, please.


[Laughs]mine now.



All right. [Singing]