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06x06 - The Beck Family

Posted: 03/17/24 15:09
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny"...


It's "oh, my"...aah!

When jo lands in the o.c.

And finds two hardworking parents

At the mercy of a terrible trio of boys.

Pay attention to me, please.

The oldest struggles with an attention deficit disorder.

Shut up.

The one in the

Won't do as he's told.

You need to put the pillows back on the couch.

And the youngest is a foul-mouthed handful... stupid ass!

Ohh. Who next?[Spits]

Who just got expelled from preschool.

He was aggressive toward a staff member.

Every day is a slug fest...


And mom's at the end of her rope.

This is the most important job I have,

And right now, I feel like I'm just setting 'em up for failure.

Can jo reach these boys in time...

Know this, boys. You will do time-outs.

Or will they stay on a collision course...

You're past your boundary.with disaster?


So, guys, I'm in orange county, california,

Waiting to help a family who desperately need my help.

Let's take a look.

Hi, we're the beck family from orange, california.

I'm nicole.and I'm nate. We have three kids...

Hunter, who's ,

Pierson, who's ,

And bronson, who's .


Shut up.


I'm a home theater installer.

I'm a full-time fashion design student.

Be good for daddy, okay?

And I work part-time in the evenings

At a local coffeehouse.

Going to school full-time and being a mom full-time

And working...all right, be good, okay?

Sometimes feels just really overwhelming for me.

I'll basically get home from work,

And I have the kids to myself.

No more warnings.[Spits]

Ah, I get it-- tag-team parenting.

Would you like orange juice or milk?no!


Bronson is the most difficult child for our family.

Sit down, please.[Spits]

[Nicole] if he doesn't get his way...

Oh, hon, unh-unh, I don't think so.

He's looking to hit you, like shout out a bad word.


Look at No!

Put your hands down.

Pierson's biggest issue is his--his, uh, stubbornness.

Hey, stop. I mean stop.


If you're asking him to do something

That is not what he wants to do...

Do you want to sit down and get it done?do your homework.

He will not do it. Ready to do your homework?


Take out your homework so I can check it.

When hunter was , he was diagnosed with, uh, a.d.h.d.

Have you done ?

It's difficult for him

To sit still and get his homework done...

You only had math homework today?yeah.

Saying that he's completed everything for the day,

Which isn't always true.

So if I talk to your teacher, she's gonna say,

"Yes, I already have hunter's completed math homework"?

So it's been really difficult.

No, no, no, no.come on.

The discipline will range from yelling...

You cannot play with him. Do you understand?

Penalty box...

Penalty. You're gonna be in the penalty box.

Add it to your penalty.our penalty box is our time-out area.

[Crying]you cannot cry.

Stop yelling. Sit here quietly.i can't!

It's not effective, and it seems to be a waste of time

And really escalate the situation.


I mean, I can see that they're trying with their discipline...

You can sit in there five minutes,

Or we can go for six minutes.

But they're not getting it right,

And that's why it's not working.

Thank you for sitting down.


Come on.i won't sit! No, I won't!

Whoo! I don't want to feel like,

"Oh, i-i'd much rather be at work than home."

Park it now.i don't need to park it.

I'm always anxious.

I'm always waiting for the next fight to break out,

And it just wears me down

Mentally and physically and emotionally.

[Screaming]please come help us, supernanny.

We're at our wits' end

And don't know what else to do and who to turn to,

And we really need help to save our family.

Okay, mom and dad, I know you're at your wits' end,

But if you'll just hang on a little bit longer,

I'll be there soon.


Hello.hi, how are you?

Very well. Pleased to meet you. Jo frost.nicole beck.

Hi.having jo in my house feels surreal.

I felt a little vulnerable.

So what's your name?bronson.

Bronson, hi, pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you. Jo frost, pierson beck.

How you doing, hunter?good.

After greeting the family, I took a tour around the house.

I saw that the master bedroom

Is a true reflection of where this family are at--

A messy place.

Is this where you sleep?yes.

Oh, dear girl, you've got some tidying up to do, don't you?

Oh, lots of it, yeah.yeah.

It's been, like, the last room on the list.

Who did all the artwork on the wall there?

Bronson, was that some of your handiwork down here?

That's bronson's, is it? Come and show me your artwork.

What did you do? Which one did you do?

Like, right that pink one yours?

Is it? What about you, hunter? Where's your picasso?

They then started to brag about their own artwork.

"Well, I did that one with the red pen,

And, um, yeah, it was me that did the one with the blue pen."

What are these parents thinking,

Allowing their kids to draw on the walls and the furniture?

Hey, the bat's for hitting a ball, not your brother.

Sorry.nobody's for hitting.

The ball is for hitting, okay?

As I continued to observe this family,

I saw that the younger son bronson

Is quite aggressive.

[Speaking indistinctly] aah! [Groans]

[Bronson laughs]

I wondered if there was more to it,

So I questioned mom about it.

He had, um, a few incidences one week at school

Where he was aggressive toward a staff member

And threatened to pick up, like, a small children's chair

And throw it,

And so at that point, he was asked to leave the program.

Well, how long has he been suspended for?

Um, he--indefinitely from that particular preschool.

[Jo] bronson's nursery school has expelled him.

It's a real shame, but I know that I can help him.

And then mom went on to tell me

About bronson's speech difficulties.

Um, the problems, like, just with, um, a slurring sound,

And he'll put the s-h sound on a lot of words...[Jo] yeah.

Just as of recently.

I wonder if bronson's aggression

Comes from not being able to communicate cleary

With his parents,

Although later on, he was very clear in his communication.

Good-bye, you stupid ass!


You don't talk to mommy like that,

And those words are yucky, dirty words.

[Jo] mom put bronson into a penalty box, their time-out.

And you're not getting up.but then he got up.





You need to sit here quietly.

[Jo] back and forth, back and forth,

And then we saw bronson run out of the door.


The street is right there. You're not to go this way.

That is not safe. Look at all these cars, okay?

He came so close to that main road

That it was frightening.

Quite frankly, I'm not taking no chances.

I'm taking my shoes off in case I've got to run out myself.

Look at my arm.let me see your arm.

Having bronson call supernanny an [bleep]

And other swear words,

I felt mortified.

Milk or water?

And just when we thought it was over,

He took a break for it again and grabbed a scooter.

[Nicole] stop on your scooter now.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Can hunter do homework without heartbreak?

That's not it!

And the pressure gets to mom...

This is the most important job I have.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Nicole] stop on your scooter now.

Once again, bronson broke out of his time-out,

And he was heading towards the traffic,

But this time, he was on a scooter,

Giving his mom a challenge to catch up with him.

You are not to come out of the house, okay?

You're to sit down in penalty...

How many times is this child gonna run out of the house

And are we gonna be lucky

Because he's not been hit by a car?

I mean, at that point,

You realize there can't be any more time-outs.

So I'm actually gonna make a decision here on observation.okay.

You're gonna forget about time-out with him today...mommy! Mom.

Okay.because I've seen how you handle time-out.

Mommy, mommy!okay.

When jo had me stop putting bronson in the penalty box,

I felt like a failure.okay.

Mommy.but let's take away this situation right now...

All that?because it's too dangerous...

Okay. Okay.far too dangerous.

Later on, mom sat down with hunter to do homework.

He is a boy

Who has attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder,

So I was very interested

To see exactly how she would handle the situation.

Read it over.i'm not gonna read it. I'm asking you.

What's the first question?it doesn't say.

It doesn't say? What does it need?i'm--

[Bronson] now we do this.i said, "read me what the first question is."

What do we need to find out?there is no question!

What's the first bit of information?

What do you need to list first, hunter?i don't know.

Am I acting like that with you?how about you read it?

I am sitting here offering help, okay?

[Jo] mom felt like she was listening to him,

But he was like, "I need help,"

And she's like, "I'm helping you."

What's it asking you to do first?it--it does not say!

So, really, they weren't achieving anything.

Nothing productive was being done.

What are we doing?that's not it!

I could see that mom's life right now

Is completely exhausting for her.

I did have a chance to talk to her on the front lawn,

And she's paying a high emotional price for this.

So you go to school all day.

Then you come back, and then you go to work all evening.right.

Of course, there's a house to be run, so who does that?

Right. Um, when I'm not here, um, it's my husband nate.

[Hunter] help.and significantly, have you seen change

In the children's behavior...absolutely.

And yourself since you took on more?yes.

At first, I thought it would be really manageable

And that I could do it and do it well,

But as time's gone on,

Little things have started to give.

It's frustrating.

It's--i don't feel like myself,

And, you know, with the kids,

It's like-- it's just a lot, so...

And personally, does that bring on

Mood swings and irritability and...

Um, it's hard, you know?

It's like, you have to be the best person for yourself

In order to be the best for them,

And, like, this is the most important job I have

Is their mom,

And right now, I feel like I'm just setting 'em up for failure.

Mom's dealing with work, family, school.

With so many commitments,

She's hanging on the edge.

It's not gonna be long before she ends up falling off.

As we finished our talk, dad arrived home.

This is my husband nate.yeah, this is.

Hi, nate. Pleased to meet you. Jo frost.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

And just like millions of other american homes,

It was time for a shift change.

With mom heading off to work, dad started to get dinner ready.

And, dad, that one.yeah, you know what? This one will work. Uh, yeah.

But bronson started again.

Well, am I gonna eat in the air?[Grunts]

[Hunter] I gonna eat in the air?

Oh. Who'd you hit?pippy.

Yeah, are we allowed to?no.

What's the rule? What's the rule?hit...

Yeah, exactly.

[Bell dinging]why is it making that sound?

I added time.


Stop talking.


[Jo] every time bronson opened his mouth,

He got another three minutes, another three minutes.

I mean, we were watching the penalty box

With bronson in it for over minutes,

Which was absurd, really.

I mean, this is a boy who's years old.

It should have taken three minutes.

After bronson's time-out,

Dad was just able to enjoy the evening.

Mom and dad are a decent couple.

They've just got some serious challenges at the moment.

They've got a boy who's got learning difficulties,

Another one who doesn't listen

And a -year-old who's just been expelled from school,

And they need a little bit of help.

It's been great, actually, to watch you tonight with the boys.

Okay.what I am looking forward to tomorrow

Is actually sitting down and having a family meeting.

So that will happen.i'm really looking forward to it.

I'm definitely, you know, anxious for, you know,

To hear what jo has to say, both nervousness and excitement.

I love the fact

That you guys are very enthusiastic with your family.

You certainly want the best.

The problem is it's all out of balance.

Very much so.

Let's talk about something very pressing,

And that's safety.


I told you, "let's not do time-outs."

Right.for me to say that, that's pretty big,

Because time-out's necessary.right.

If you know me,

You know you need consequences and discipline.

But when I was faced with little bronson running out--

And yesterday, he was extremely close

To that main road out there--

That was seriously dangerous.this isn't an excuse,

But--and bronson typically-- he hasn't gone that way,

And then, you know, he'll get a smack on his bottom,

And I'll tell him, "you cannot"--and the big boys--

You know, "you cannot cross."

You know, those are bigger worries.

But it's--it's--it's how you're saying it.

You don't have to be aggressive. You have to be assertive.

You have to recognize that that's a danger zone

And by no means is that acceptable.

They need to be able to listen to you, but they don't,

And the reason they don't is discipline.okay.

It's a bit of a muck-up, isn't it, discipline?yes.

I'm here to set the record straight

Of why your penalty box isn't working.

You guys do not give your children a warning,

So you never allow them to think for themselves

And to make choices for themselves

That then allow them to be accountable

For their consequences.

Yeah, and that's--

I mean, yeah, that makes a lot better sense to me.

The second situation here

Is that when they're in the penalty box,

If they just move an inch

Out of the little square that you give them,

You place them back.

So, of course,

The time escalates again and escalates again.

So you guys go around in circles

To the point that you then become inconsistent,

And when you're inconsistent,

The message the boys get--

"Today, you may stick to your g*ns.

Tomorrow, you might not."

So we do need to tweak the discipline,

And we'll do that with your penalty box,

Because it's there, and it's in place,

But we'll use it properly.

So let's talk about homework,

Because homework's like a big black cloud

In this house.

It rains every day...yeah.

When it comes to homework.

When dealing with hunter, who--

You've told me he's been diagnosed with a.d.h.d.

So you know that, but you get agitated. You get frustrated.

He needs a mature parent around.

I mean, yesterday, listening to you at the table--

Like, "I do help you. What do you mean I don't help you?"

You know, i-it's not about that.

It's about, "what can I do to help?"

I'm all about getting busy and doing some work,

But obviously, I can't do it by myself.

I need two parents who are willing to put that work in.

So do I have two guys on board?you do.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.all right, because you've got three children

That desperately need it.definitely.

Let's do it.okay, thank you very much.

Thank you.thank you.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

Place him into the penalty box.

Jo learns not only can bronson say it...

He can spray it...[Spits]

Stop spitting at mommy.[Spits]

When "supernanny" returns.


The first thing that this family needs is some house rules,

So I'm gonna bring that in to put everybody on the same page.

Rules and perks--

What are house rules?

Perks are the things you're gonna get to do

When you behave and you show what good boys you are.

These kids know what they shouldn't be doing,

But when you don't have parents

That hold that picket line in place,

They kick it down.

So what could be some rules?

What are some things that need to be rules?listening.

Listening.behave well.


No hitting.that's a good one right there. I like that one.

There's never been, really, a set of rules in the house.

So doing that together

Was really, I think, meaningful for the kids.

What are things that-- that you'd love--

You guys would like to do?

Park.go to the park. That's a great one.

I think all three boys definitely understood

That if you follow all the rules, y-you do get a perk.

Take a bike ride to get ice cream?

I think that's a good idea.

Bike ride and an ice cream-- cheerio, yeah.

I think it was a good idea

Because we get more treats.

Dad put the rules up on the wall

So everybody could see them,

And, of course, we got a chance to test it quickly.

No, no.[Speaking indistinctly]

Oh.look, we do not hit.

That's in the rules.we do not hit. Can you read this for me?

I want you to read this for me right here.

I hate the house rules...

What's the very first one, pierson?

Are we allowed to hit?

No.we do not hit.

[Jo] it seemed like everybody

Was making good use of that board,

So whilst dad went off to work,

I got on with the next technique.

Now they--

Now he just hit me, so...correct.

Okay.and you will say to him

That if he wants to sit up there

And watch what you're doing, he can...okay.

Or he can go and play,

But you don't want the hitting.okay.

If you would like to sit on the counter

Next to mommy and jo jo and watch, then you can,

Or you can go play play-doh in the other room.

But bronson had his own agenda for us.

Once in a while, they'll buy lunch,

But typically, they bring their lunch to school. Do--

He's going through the motions with you...okay.

'Cause he wants to see what you're gonna do next.[Spits] give him a warning for his behavior.

Okay. Stop spitting at mommy...[Spits]

Or you will go into the penalty box.

[Spits]all right, stand up.

What you're going to do is to place him into the penalty box.

Okay.okay? And you're gonna tell him why he's there.

Mom!you're then going to ignore him completely,

And you're going to set the alarm

For three minutes, okay?okay.

You're sitting in here for hitting and spitting at mommy,

And you're gonna sit down--

Oh, that voice is not good enough. Oh, no.

Okay.[Authoritatively] this is what I'm talking about, this voice.

You're sitting in penalty box for spitting and hitting mommy,

And that's not acceptable, and you're gonna sit down...

No!for three minutes and not get up.

Stupid ass.ignore the profanity. Don't even worry about that.'s all for a reaction.

Kids use bad language to get a rise out of the parents,

So the quickest way to eliminate that is to ignore it.

Okay...[Bell dinging]

He got up from that penalty box over times.

[Bell dinging]

Bronson's most challenging with time-outs

Because he's continuously getting up

And running in all different directions,

And he can outlast me.

You're responding to his naughty behavior,

But you're not reacting to his outbursts of profanity.okay.

It wouldn't be the first time

That I've heard children swear at me

And call me every name under the sun,

And I'm sure it won't be the last, either.

Bronson felt very threatened having jo in the house

And helping me with the penalty box.

It was challenging, but she followed through,

And eventually, she got to the bottom of it

Where he had to do his time.

[Timer beeps]

Mommy put you in penalty time

For hitting and spitting at mommy.

[Crying] I'm need to tell mommy you're sorry.

I'm sorry.i love you.

It was really a challenge for me,

But when it was all said and done,

It was a big relief.

Come outside.

[Jo] when dad got home, I wanted to discuss

A very serious situation with him and mom.

And when you've got kids running near a road,

You need to look out,

And so I need to put safety measures into this house.

Every day when you come out to play,

Mom and dad are gonna show you where you can go up to

By using this ribbon.

Know this, boys.

If you go past the ribbon,

You will do time-out.

These kids have got to recognize that there are

Certain boundaries in which they can play in...

So you have to stay...

But anything beyond that is gonna be unsafe for 'em,

And it's the parents' responsibility

To make sure these kids understand that.

You're taking ownership now of this.sure.

Okay, thank you.all right?

It's gonna be tough at let's do this.

But I think it'll work out well.

All right, come on my side, bronson. Come back over here.

The biggest concern I have with bronson

Is that he would be hit by a car.


So I was really excited to have a safety boundary

Started this afternoon with the kids.

So where do you guys get to play?

[Voices overlapping]

[Jo] as it works out,

Hunter and pierson were very cooperative,

But that left bronson.

[Nate] bronson!

As soon as the ribbons were placed on the trees,

Bronson got on his little tricycle

And went totally over the ribbon.

You're going to penalty because you went past that marker.

I think he was a little bit shocked

That he was pulled off his bike

And marched into the house for penalty box.

Bronson, we just set up those markers.

Bronson is going

To disrespect every new thing that's put in place,

But it's also quite natural for a child of his age to do that.

If he gets up from the dishwasher door,

Because that's where the penalty box is,

You'll place him back without talking to him, okay?

This was the first time that I'd done a time-out with dad,

So I wanted to make sure that he got the steps right.

A, a, e, i, e. Aah!

If you are gonna just see if he's still in the same space,

Don't look at him, but just walk past him

So you can see whether he's there or not, okay?

[Bronson] I see.okay.

E, i! [Blows raspberry]

Now another thing would be being that he's sitting there,

And he is--he's still talking a lot, does...

Just ignore it.okay.

That's what had you in the first place.okay.

[Timer beeps]

Bronson did his time, and dad did the final steps.

Do you know why you're in here?

Exactly, you passed the ribbon.

What do you say?

Dad did a fantastic time-out,

And then he took bronson outside to try all over again.

Look, look, you see the ribbon?

Where's the other ribbon?

Over there. We have to stay in between the two.

I think it's teaching him that it's not a game.

You know, it-- this is for his safety.

Give me a high five. Let's go have fun.

You know, if you're not listening, you could get k*lled.


Coming up on "supernanny"...

This is your final warning.

But I'm telling you something.

This is your final!

Does dad lose his head during hunter's homework?

And what is the breakthrough jo has with bronson...


When "supernanny" returns.


On my second day with this family,

I wanted to address the boys drawing all over the walls.

[Pierson] it's right-- it's right there.

You see this table here?

So I've created this space for them to be artistic

And stop the vandalism.

And then it was time for me

To move on to more important factors.

Next, what I really want to do

Is concentrate on hunter's homework.

He has a.d.h.d.--Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,

And it can be very challenging for him

To focus at any length of time,

Which creates a lot of frustration

Between himself and his parents.

All right, hunter, this is what I've got here, okay?

Homework tips. Guess who they're for?

No, mom and dad.[Nate laughs]

"Listen and be patient. Ask what you can do to help."

Lots of praise for what a good job.

What do you think about those, hunter?

Do you think mom and dad need 'em?

Yeah, give me five. All right.

[Chuckles] go on, hunter.

Hunter was so excited that, you know,

We had homework tips, too.

[Jo] so whilst I went into the living room

To play with bronson,

Dad sat down to do a math assignment with hunter.

I actually thought it would go pretty easy,

Considering the tips were right in front of him.

Which one's higher, . Or .?

This one is higher.


Number seven is wrong,

And I want you to tell me why after we--you redo this.

Seven is wrong.

Eight's wrong.

Pay attention to me, please,

'Cause this is--this is what you don't understand.

[Jo] dad was already forgetting the first tip--

To be patient,

And he and hunter were getting more and more frustrated.

I didn't know about that.but, hunter, now you're arguing.

She didn't even teach us about that.

Would you like to sit in time-out?

No.this is your final warning.

But I'm telling you something.

This is your final warning.

This is--no, I'm gonna correct 'em.

That's enough. You're ripping my paper.

No, I'm not moving your paper. You're moving it.yes, you are.

I'm not moving my hand. You're trying to grab it.

Look right there. See, that's what you did.

Come on, let's

Yes, let's go. Let's! No!

Let me do my homework.let's go.

Let me do my homework!let's go.

[Jo] not only did dad lose his patience,

But he escalated the problem

By placing hunter into a penalty box.

Dad really needs to understand

How difficult it is for hunter because he's got a.d.h.d.,

And quite frankly, I think he overreacted.

I do need to step back in.

In this particular circumstance,

This would have been about giving him space

To just cool off, okay?

'Cause at this stage, you both are feeling agitated.

This is a no-win situation here.okay.

We want a win-win always.

After our little chat in the kitchen,

I saw a marked difference in dad

And a different response from hunter.

Let me have you tell me what I'm supposed to do.

[Nate] the homework tips definitely help you with--

With a-a child with a.d.h.d.

Be patient-- that's the number one thing.

Okay, we got ., And then...

... Is the next one.

[Jo] now that dad was concentrating on the tips,

It was helping hunter to stay focused on his homework.


And ..

Everything is perfect on that one right there, okay?

At first, my dad didn't listen

When I was doing my homework,

And then he wouldn't be patient.



I showed him what to do,

So then he was listening and being patient.

That's it, dude.done?

Done.well done, the pair of you, seriously.

[Bronson] aah![Jo] later on in the afternoon,

Bronson started to play up again.[Speaking indistinctly]

His inability to communicate with his parents

To the point where they understand him

Is creating these meltdowns,

And, really, mom needs to understand that.

Hold me!no, no, hold on a minute. Hold on a minute.

[Screams]hold on a minute, 'cause he's talking to you.

Okay.okay? Come down.

Right.when he's shouting, just come down and listen to him.

Okay.when you don't understand what he's saying, just tell him.

Say, "I don't understand you. I can hear you."

And that way, we can then get him to start talking more.

And engage him in that conversation from the start.yeah,

Because when he feels like he's ignored, it freaks him makes us--okay.

I really wanted mom

To recognize the importance of spending time with him...

Did he do that?

And really doing all the things

That are key to his early development.

This little one needs time.

Okay.and just sitting down and having a conversation

And having him watch your mouth...

I believe that a lot of bronson's aggression

Comes from the fact

That his parents don't understand what he's saying,

And he gets frustrated.

Jo jo's t-shirt is what color?'s red.

His speech is slightly delayed.

His pronunciation is not as good as what it could be.

And your t-shirt is what color?

Blue.good job.

Buh-lue. Buh. Say "buh."Buh.

Eye contact

And being repetitive with your vocabulary...

Buh blue.

Blue.that's the only way, really,

That we see children enhance in their vocabulary and speech.

Old macdonalds had a quack, quack, quack.

Oh, old macdonald.

Oh, old macdonald. You said "old"?

Old macdonalds had a quack, quack, quack.

Watch jo jo's mouth. Old.

You say it. Old. [Laughs]

[Nicole] it was really interesting

When jo and bronson were working together

That he placed his hand over her mouth.


Good boy! Mac...



Yeah! Yeah!good job, buddy.

That moment, for me, was--was very special.

Oh, you need to be doing this.right.

You know, you see what this young boy is capable of doing

If the parents only just put that time in.

That's--that's precious.

Watch jo jo's mouth. Three.

[Nicole] jo made a correlation between bronson's aggression

And his speech development.

So that's been, you know, a big eye-opener for us.

Three. You say it.


We could understand what he was trying to say.

It made me feel really good, and I know it did to him, too.


Give me five! Right on!

[Jo] I'm going for several days.

Okay.i'm leaving you guys

To remember the techniques that have been put in place.

They've had me around supporting them,

But this is about them supporting each other now

And doing it on their own.

Follow through with the penalty box...okay.

Boundaries outside.

Homework tips are a must.

I think I'm most nervous,

Um, having jo gone with bronson

And having to deal with him.

Bye, jo!thank you, jo.

Can you show us?bye-bye. Bye!

[Nicole] seeing jo walk out the door

Was a little bit scary,

And I feel unsure of, you know, the next few days.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Pierson pushes mom's buttons.

You need to put those pillows--i don't gotta!

And bronson's back to his old tricks...

You're past your boundary.

When "supernanny" returns.


How can you stop your younger children

From constantly interrupting your conversations

When you're on the phone?

"A"--while you're on the phone...

"B"--if they interrupt...

"C"--start creating invisible boundaries

And explain the importance of them.

Find out the answer when we return.


How can you stop your younger children

From constantly interrupting your conversations

When you're on the phone?

"A"--while you're on the phone...

"B"--if they interrupt...

"C"--start creating invisible boundaries

And explain the importance of them.

The answer is "c"--

Start creating invisible boundaries

And explain the importance of them.

Before you take the phone call,

Explain that it's polite

For them to wait until you're finished.

This is something children learn

When you put boundaries in place.

It may have to be repeated for a while,

So keep explaining. They will get the hang of it.

Hi.hi. How are you?

Very well, thank you.

I've been away from the beck family now for several days.

I really hope that they kept themselves on track.

Okay, so are we ready to take a look at this dvd?

I think so, yeah.i think so.


What's up?

[Grunts]oh, we don't hit and then say sorry.

[Crying]bronson, you need to come here.

You're past your boundary.

No! That is not acceptable, ever.

You're going to the penalty!


Let's just go back a bit. When he dropped the grapes,

You could actually have said, "we don't have to hit.

"It's not necessary to hit, okay?

"If you're angry because that's happened,

We don't have to hit, okay? Just apologize, please." then he doesn't feel like,

Oh, you're gonna tell him off, what are you gonna do?"

And then he goes off, and then he runs off,

And then you're having to chase him.

Hunter's homework.

Are we doing math first?

Okay, so we already know what that decimal is, right?

So what is this decimal?..

Okay, write it down.[Pierson] will you help?

You might want to keep 'em

A little bit more spaced apart, okay?

So we--two, four, five, six.

Yeah, there you go.

Don't get down on yourself, okay?

It was a mistake. It's fine.

And the man with hunter was who?


Was that you?it was.

Oh, that was.

Seriously, when you decided

"I'm gonna read and take in those tips,"

Look at the difference.we go through 'em every--every day.

I'll, you know, we set those rules up there,

And h-h-hunter--hunter brings 'em to the table with his materials,

And he sets it right up where we sit, so...

And I just kind of go through 'em every time. I...

He's like, "dad, I need you...right.

"To read these and stick to 'em,

Because that's how you help me."Right, yeah.

Beautiful to see.

Bronson's speech.

One. Say it.

One.and then...



What is this?

A three.four. Good job. What is this?

A spoon.spoon.

What color is this one?


No, dude! You're so doing well.oh, here's a turquoise.

Hey!you're doing so well.

I love it. So good to see.


What was different about yourself

When doing speech with bronson?

Well, I took the--the time

To, you know, uninterrupted with patience.

You didn't get angry with him. You can't teach that

And so you were more composed.

Your whole attitude was very, very different.

Wonderful piece of footage, it really is.

Those are couch pillows,

And they don't belong on mommy's bed.

Get back.out of my room...

[Screams]and get the pillows off.

I can't!put these on the couch. You can do that.

Off the bed. Put these back on the couch.

Pierson, you can come here

And put these back on the couch like I asked.

You need to put those pillows back on the couch.

No, I don't gotta!those are couch pillows, okay?

I asked you to put them back on the couch.

I don't gotta!you need to put those pillows--

I don't gotta!this is your warning.

I don't gotta.stand up.

Okay, you need to put the pillows back on the couch.

Ow. [Cries]


So you're asking pierson to put the pillows on the

You're giving these kids instruction

To do certain things.

You're not giving 'em a chance to do it.okay.

A couple of times you ask, step back.

And then comes the warning, and then--okay.yeah.

There are things

That we do need to knuckle down and do this afternoon.

Mom needs more work on clearly giving these kids instruction

Rather than snapping commands,

And certainly, bronson needs help

With learning to talk more

So that he doesn't become so aggressive.

They're not out of the woods yet.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

With one day left, can jo reach bronson?


Or will disaster strike first...

[Bronson screams]

When "supernanny" returns.


[Voices overlapping]


There's a section on the dvd

That shows mom repetitively asking the children

To do the same thing over and over again.

Put these on the couch. Put these back on the couch.

Put those pillows back on the couch.

She doesn't actually leave any time

For them to get the job done.

"No more hot air."Good.

So today, I went in with an exercise

Shaped like a hot air balloon

To show her that enough of that now.

"Say" whatever it is that you need.okay.

"Walk away." Allow them the chance to be able to do it.

If you see it's not done, then "put technique in play."

If the child decides to ignore mom,

Then she can give a warning

And ultimately, a discipline if necessary.

If you have to repeat yourself,

Know that it's more direction.

And if it's where you need to put a technique in play,

Trust me, it'll probably be a warning.right.

I didn't realize how often I ask the kids to do something

And that the kids aren't even listening at all.

No more eight, nine, ten times.right.

So there's a lot of changes needed to be made on my part

To ensure that, you know, they actually listen actively.

You need to take your cup and your spoon over there

And take it to the kitchen sink

And put it in there for me, please.

When you do step back,

You basically give your kids a chance

To do what they've been asked.

I'd like for you to go in the kitchen

And put the step stool over by the dryer for me, please.

Hey, bronson, you need to put this

In the kitchen on the table for me

'Cause I need to clean it!

It was going pretty smoothly

Until bronson decided to rebel.

I got it.

Pierson stepped in to help.

Okay, so take it back out again.

And I needed to remind mom who she'd asked to help.

Bronson, mommy asked you to put this in the kitchen

So that I could clean it.

Mom--this is your warning.

I'm gonna just make it like my mantra,

"Say, walk away and put the technique in play."

I'm looking forward to just keeping that in mind

And making a lot of progress.

High five. Good job.

[Makes kissing sound] I love you.

Okay, I can't hear you when you're shouting.

I can't understand you when you're shouting.

Please help--help me with pippy's bike.

Sure, I can help you stand up pippy's bike.

[Jo] a lot of bronson's aggression

Comes from his inability to communicate clearly,

And when bronson and pierson

Started to fight over the drinking cups,

I got a chance to show mom and dad how to deal with that.

[Bronson] aah!whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

[Crying]whoa. What's going on?

I said that...

Who got 'em out? ask bronson what happened...

Bronson, what happened?

So he can use his words.

He got 'em out.shh. You got 'em out?

And then you're telling me you got 'em out, huh?

Are you sure you got 'em out?

What's normally the rule on who gets 'em out?

They get to pick.look at the difference.

Pierse would have been the first to talk,

And you'd have been all ears.

And nobody would've given bronson a chance.

Because you know what? Bronson wasn't really talking much,

And we just thought, well, we'll leave him there.

We won't even ask.

See, now you're giving bronson a chance to talk,

And so there's not this anger.

And you hear both sides,

Which is what you're supposed to be doing.

There you go.[Nicole] with bronson, he has shown improvement

With his anger and aggression

And really with his verbal communication.

He can talk things through,

And he does not have to always, you know,

Feel like he has to hit somebody or throw something

Or have this big meltdown.

I told you it's time to come in,

So we're going to go-- go inside...

No. No. [Whines]

Or you're gonna go into a time-out.

Bronson may still act out every now and then,

But if he continues to communicate clearly,

Bronson's gonna be more receptive to discipline,

And his parents got a good chance to see that.

I put you in penalty because you went outside...[Cries]

Your--your area where you're allowed to go,

Your visual boundaries.

[Crying]you're now gonna be in here for three minutes.

[Jo] bronson got up once,

Which is absolutely brilliant.

I mean, we have seen bronson get up so many times

That I've lost count.

So to see him go back once and then actually do his time

Was a big deal today.i put you in the penalty box

Because you went outside your visual boundary.

And I told you to come inside,

And you continued to run off.

When we first started the--our time-outs with jo,

They were lasting, you know, upwards of minutes.

And to have, you know, today's time-out,

You know, be under six minutes, it's awesome.

Tell daddy you're sorry.sorry.

Now give me some kisses and hugs.

With the improvements that I've seen with bronson,

I look forward to, the next few months,

Really getting him prepared and his aggression under control

So that when fall rolls around,

He'll be ready to go into a preschool

That's a great fit for him,

And he can really shine there

As well as he's gonna do at home.

Come over here, 'cause jo jo wants to give you all a big hug

Because I'm going home now.

Aw. [Kisses hunter] [laughs]

The beck family have

An older child who's got a.d.h.d.,

A younger child

Who certainly had delayed speech development...

I'd like to give you one, too. [Squeals]

And also a middle child who just wasn't doing as he was told.

Nicole and nate worked extremely hard,

And look what we've seen in a short space of time.

It's been no picnic, has it? But look at the results.

Right.let's face it.

I can see that it's gonna work out, and we're gonna do it

And have the life that we want to have as a family.

When you're not frustrated, we see a whole different nate.

I'm definitely not the dad

That dreads coming home from work anymore.

I'm, you know, the dad

That's gonna be looking forward to coming home.

Is this a present for jo jo?yes.

Thank you so much. That's it. Thank you.

Thank you so much for everything.

Before jo came, I was at the end of my rope.

I didn't feel comfortable being, really, a mom at that point.

Thank you very much. Thank you so much.nate, take care, mate.

Jo has given us so much,

And it's almost like a piece of your family is leaving.boys.

Say bye.bye-bye!

Thank you, jo, for helping us.bye, jo jo!

Aw.i'll miss you, jo jo.

Bye, jo.bye, jo!

I love you, jo jo.