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07x07 - The George Family

Posted: 03/17/24 15:23
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny"...

Nobody's talking to you! Shut up![Man] okay.

Jo visits the george family...

I'm gonna slap your face.[Man] stop already!

And meets a mom who became a grandma by the age of .

We feel like we failed with samantha.

Their first daughter sam got pregnant at ...

[Wailing]no, you're gonna stay right there.

And the parents are still in denial.

If I talk to her about sex,

Then she thinks it's okay to have it.

Can jo open their eyes before the younger girls follow suit?

You're copping out of your responsibilities.

The two oldest girls despise each other.

Shut the hell up. Shut up.wait. Yeah, well, quit being a crybaby.

Can jo heal the relationship or will the hatred continue?

I don't understand how she can. She don't talk to me.

The younger girls act up...[Sam] can you all stop?

While mom and dad sit by.none of you want to do the hard work.

Can jo get these parents to put their foot down...

No disrespect or nothing, glenn,

But discussion ain't working, mate.before it's too late?


Hi. I'm in san antonio, texas,

Ready to help a very large family.

Let's take a look.

[All] hi. We're the george family.

I'm joey-lynn, the mom.

I'm glenn, the dad.

And I'm samantha, their oldest daughter. I'm .

[Joey-lynn] we have five daughters

And one granddaughter. Brooke is ,

Savannah is , hailey is ,

Haidyn is a year and a half

And our granddaughter krissy is .

And we all live together.

[Joey-lynn] I was years old

When I got pregnant with samantha.

My whole goal all these years

Was just to get samantha through high school

And to enjoy life,

And it backfired.

Well, then you better behave.

[Sam] I got pregnant with krissy at ,

Had her when I was . I gave up cheerleading.

I didn't go to school like I planned to right after.

[Joey-lynn] I'll never forget thinking to myself,

"I'm years old and gonna be a grandmother."[Glenn] as a parent,

It's one of the most difficult things that...

Y-you can do.

[Joey-lynn] my granddaughter is actually older

Than our own daughter.

Finding out I was a grandma was the worst day of my life.

Don't hit the baby's legs![Screaming]

I'm the assistant director for a water company.bye, guys.

I spend most of my time at work, hours a're gonna stay right there.

I work seven days a week...

Bye. I'll see you all later.

So I leave my daughter with, um, my mom.stop!

I'm a stay-at-home mom and grandmother.

And I'm here alone, taking care of all the children.don't bite!

It's hectic, it's hard,

It's stressful and overwhelming.

Okay, but I can't carry two of you.tyrant.

I'm gonna slap your face.[Glenn] stop, already!

The constant fighting in this household...[Joey-lynn] can y'all stop?

Is an everyday an everyday ordeal.

She has no right to be talking.why not?

Uh...there's a lot of name-calling...

[Brooke] he's not even yelling at her 'cause of that,

You idiot!teasing...

You're ghetto.[Savannah] you're ghetto!

Everybody's seriously angry in this house.

It's mainly samantha and brooke.

Sam, nobody's talking to you. Shut up!okay, hold--

Mainly are the biggest bitchever.

[Glenn] they call each other from the "b" word

To the "f" word.can't y'all just get along, please?

[Sam and brooke] no.the verbal abuse-- it's in every sentence.

You think that hurts, wait-- well, quit being a crybaby.

Sam, shut the hell up. Shut up.

[Sam] the little ones are watching,

And they're just doing exactly the same're a idiot!

Brilliant. Now everyone's arguing.

Listen to me, savannah. Savannah, I mean it. Stop.mommy.

When it comes to discipline, they don't take it seriously.savannah, stop.

Get down! [Laughs]

[Joey-lynn] I do let them get away

With more than what they should.

Why do you gotta make it so difficult?

Stop it! Just put them! I wanna hold 'em!

They know how to play and push my buttons

And to get what they allow it a little, and it just gets out of hand.

Don't hit her!don't! Don't!

They know that you can't discipline them.

How come there's no discipline? I mean, no follow-through?

How are these kids meant to learn?

I not be hitting me!

[Girls scream][savannah] gimme the ball!

[Sam] no.if this doesn't work, we're all gonna lose it.

[Glenn] quiet down, please!aah!

Supernanny...[All] we need you now.

You guys seriously need help.

Hold on. I'm on my way, before you k*ll each other!

[Rings doorbell]

Oh, my god. Is it really her?


Hi. Pleased to meet you. Jo frost.

Hi, I'm joey-lynn. Come in.hi. Thank you.

[Joey-lynn] I was excited to meet jo,

And behind the excitement, I was nervous.

I felt like a child in trouble.

She's gonna straighten you guys out.come meet the family.

Thank you.we have guests.

Hi, I'm glenn. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Hi. Jo. Nice to meet you. Hi.

Okay, well, here you go. Here's the

And me and my wife will be back.

Hi. I'm samantha. Hi. Nice to meet you.

Hi, samantha. Nice to meet you. Hi.

And you've got a little one, right?

Yeah, this is krissy. Krissy, say hi.

Hi, krissy. Hi. How are you?hi.

I was happy that she was there,

But nervous at the same time-- didn't know what to expect.

Hi, hailey. How are you?

Hello, I'm brooke.hi, brooke. Pleased to meet you.

This is haidyn.hi, haidyn.

The pleasantries were wonderful, but trouble was arriving,

And it was coming in full force.


What are you doing?

I noticed right away that mom and dad was letting

The younger children run completely wild.

And when savannah jumped up on the pool table,

Her older sister samantha

Didn't really do much about it.

Get down before krissy sees you and hailey and they all want--

Savannah, get down.[Savannah whispers] ya.

Just answer me. Why don't you listen?[Girl] no.

She did give up, and she called for dad

Who was playing with the younger ones in another room...

Yeah, well, wait till dad sees you.[Glenn] that's right, krissy.

But all he does is yell.[Glenn] get off the pool table!

Man, I mean it. You better get off of there.[Savannah laughs]

There was no follow-through at all.

Next, hailey started aggravating her sisters

With some foam puzzle pieces.

Don't hit. You better not.

Don't hit me. I'm gonna hit you back.[Screams] mommy! Mom!

Why-- let it go.mommy, my arm!

The older sister samantha

Was messing around with the kids,

Dad wasn't lifting a finger, and in the end,

It was brooke who disarmed hailey,

Who then went running off to mom for sympathy.

[Hailey] mom! [Yells indistinctly]

[Sam] put 'em in there or up there.

Mommy, nobody--stops![Imitates hailey] stop!

Stop teasing her. Why are you teasing her?[Crying]

Why are you making her cry?i amsoat my wit's end that it needs to change.

I cannot continue to live this way.

It's where I'm getting headaches every day.

No, no, no ba-ba. No ba-ba. No, no, no.

[Smack]haidyn, no!

[Jo] then things started to calm down a little bit,

And dad used an old trick to get some peace.

[Glenn] let's play the quiet game.

Let's see who can be the quietest.ready, set, go.

I actually thought it was a good time

To get his perspective on the girls.glenn, what do you see

When you look at these four on the sofa,

And you look at your daughters here, what do you see?

I see that each one wants my attention--

Some form of way that I can't give.

What can't you give?

I can't give my undivided attention.

Glenn doesn't feel that he can give his girls

The time and attention that they need.

But if he doesn't,

They're gonna start to get it somewhere else.

You want some juice?i couldn't help but notice,

Haidyn spends a lot of time attached to mom's hip.

This.all right. Do you want that cup?

[Joey-lynn] I feel like I'm not supposed to put her down,

I'm not supposed to let her cry.

What? Lookit. The water's boiling

And I'm not ready--hot?

It's hot, yep. It's hot.

Mom passed off haidyn to dad, but that's no real solution.

That's going from one hip to the next.

I guess it's kind of hard to make the food

If you got a little one on your hip. Yeah.

Exactly. And she knows it's hot.

And that's why I have to tell them,

Because she'll be right here, and it's--it's too hot.

Mom also realizes it can be a serious safety issue,

So I am gonna have to teach her how to get haidyn off her hip.

I wanted to find out more about this broken-down relationship

Between the two older sisters-- samantha and brooke,

So I decided to sit down with brooke first.

You're feeling in a lot of pain

Because you're not feeling like you're connecting.

Sometimes I feel I can't even go to her.

And you're supposed to go to your sister, you know?

But, like, she'll yell at me like if she's my mom.

Like, I look at her and I'm just like, "you're not my mother.

Like, I don't even know why you try tobemy mom."

And then it was time to get the other side of the story.

I can't give her no kind of advice.

If I go up to her, she just blows up.

"It's nobody's business. Nobody can tell me what to do.

This is my life. Why do you all care?"And there's almost, like,

You're talking through a lump in your throat.

What is it you feel sad about?[Sniffles]

I don't understand how she can't--she don't talk to me.

[Sniffles] she won't talk to my mom.

It's like she has nobody to go to.

Did your parents kind of preach abstinence?

Like, "don't have sex at all with boys."

Or did your mom and dad ever talk to you about, kind of,

The responsibilities of it?they've never explained the responsibilities

Or talked about, "do it this way" or "this is the safe way,"

It's just, "don't do it."

The fact that mom and dad were teenage parents themselves

Means that they should be having a very open conversation

With their teenage daughters about sex.

So I know at some stage, I'm gonna have to sit down

And have this conversation with them all.

Coming up on...

Where did we go wrong?

Mom makes a stunning confession...

We feel like we failed with samantha.

But jo is accepting no excuses.

My kids know how to manipulate us.

Oh, please, glenn. Glenn, you allow it.

That's-- that's what they do.

When "supernanny" returns.


Later on in the afternoon, savannah started to create

A little bit of mischief with her younger sister hailey.

Even after I tell savannah to stop it three or four times...

Don't hit me.mommy, savannah's hitting me in my face!

[Joey-lynn] savannah, leave her alone!

Savannah keeps on continuing to tease hailey.

Ugly face!ow!


Daddy's coming!

Daddy's coming.[Jo] I mean, is this really happening?

Mom doesn't want to step up

And take responsibility in disciplining these kids.

She wants to pass the buck on to Mnh-mnh.

Well, he's not effective, either.come on.

Discipline in this house is completely lacking,

So I know I'm gonna have to address this with them.

Later on in the afternoon,

I got a chance to really sit down with mom and dad

And talk about samantha being a teenage parent.

I did everything to prevent that from samantha.

I had her involved in cheerleading,

I had her involved in sports.

So you got her involved in--in doing lots of sports

So as that she wouldn't have sex and fall pregnant?yes.

[Joey-lynn] I don't want savannah and hailey and haidyn

To think, "oh, well, when I get in high school,

I become a senior and I get pregnant."

We feel like we failed with samantha.

Is it something me and glenn are doing?

[Glenn] we thought that samantha, if she had questions,

That she would come and ask.

So now we'd say, "where did we go wrong?"

So do we just continue living the way we do,

And when that happens again, we just accept it?

[Jo] what theycando as parents

Is talk about accountability

And responsibility in sexual behavior

As children are teenagers and become young adults.

Noneof that had been done.


Tomorrow morning, we are gonna have a meeting...uh-huh.

Because I certainly do need to speak to those with children.

Which means, samantha, you're in. Okay?

[Glenn] I know that the time is coming

When she's gonna come out just laying the hammer down,

J-just like going to the death chamber.

All right. Good night, everybody. Thank you.

Thank you very much.[Joey-lynn] I was sitting there thinking to myself,

"What is she gonna come and tell us tomorrow?

What is she gonna tell me?"

I was scared to hear that. I was fearful.

Now it's the ass-whippin' time now.[Sam laughs]

I'm really looking forward to sitting down

And having a family meeting with these three parents--

Mom and dad and sam.

I tell you, it can't come soon enough.


Hi.[Glenn] hello.

Hello.hello. So what I want to talk to you about

Are the issues that I've seen.

When I walked into this home,

I was hit straight in the face

By so much animosity

And hostility and anger.

Nobody talks.

When you get angry, nobody sits down and talks.

Been a lot of yelling and shouting

Where it's become aggressive.

And you're-- you're breeding that aggression

Throughout the whole of the family,

Down to haidyn and krissy hitting each other

Because they've grown up with it, they've seen it.

It's just a cycle that-- it's normal.

Which is absolutely crazy.

Discipline's a-a big issue here

Because nobody is stepping up of authority here.

Nobody's taking charge.

Nobody's laying down any foundation.

My kids know how to manipulate us.

Oh, please, glenn. Glenn, you allow it. You allow it.

That's-- that's what they do.

Yes, we allow it. You're right.

So what do you both do to sit down and say,

"Look, this is what we need to realize ourselves.

These are our ground rules"? We can't put our hands up

And then go, "oh, well, you know what? They bent our arm"

And, you know, "they know how to do this."

No, because you allowed it. So really what I'm hearing is,

"Our kids know how to get their own way

Because we wasn't responsible or accountable."

You're copping out of your responsibilities.

None of you want to do the hard work.

I want to. I want to do that.

How badly? Because I don't see you doing it.

I don't know how. [Chuckles]then you'll be taught how.

Let's talk about samantha and brooke

Not connecting as one should as close sisters.

Brooke will say, "I can't go to sam

'Cause sam will go and tell you."

Like, she's not their sister. She's one of the parents.

I wish I was a lot closer to brooke.

And she tells me numerous times, you know, "I can't even

Run to you, I can't even tell you anything."

So I feel more like I'm pushed away because of that.

The reality is--how much trust is there in this family?

I'll answer that question. There's none.

None of you trust each other.that's the truth.

I wanna talk about teaching responsibility.

You're talking in front of samantha

Like she's a failure.

She got pregnant.

But there was no grounding teaching her as a-a young woman

About responsible decisions and planning.

I thought to myself, "if I talk to her about sex,

Then she thinks it's okay to have it."

So no conversation about it,

And just telling her to abstain from any kind of sex

Led her to being pregnant.

I'm not sitting here saying that it's acceptable

For young teenagers to be having sexual activity,

But you gotta be talking.

Now let's stop talking and let's start working.

I'm willing to bend in any direction I have to.

Good. 'Cause, trust me, I'm gonna bend ya.

Trust me. And I can bend you as well.

Oh, I'm gonna bend. Yeah.

So I look forward to seeing you very, very soon.

Coming up on...

No! Stop!

Jo gives dad a wake-up call...

I had a discussion with her yesterday.

But discussion ain't working, mate.

And puts savannah in her place...

Every time you behave that way,

You are gonna be disciplined. Do you understand me?

When "supernanny" returns.


The first thing I want to do with the george family is

To establish some house rules.

I have here "get with the memo," okay?

Just a little british saying. We say, "get with the memo."

And, uh, this memo is all about house rules.

So let's throw up some ideas.the house rules was something we really needed,

Something that has never been there."No yelling."

How could we discipline somebody

When they don't know that they broke a rule?

[Jo] the three parents filled out the rules,

And then I had them explain it to the other kids.

The first house rule,

And this is foreverybody,

"No cursing."

"No name-calling."

[Joey-lynn] they seemed to be in shock.

Like, "what? We have rules in this house?

We're gonna have rules?" They were in disbelief.

No getting on top of the furniture.

No getting on top of the counters.

What if I need to reach something?

No jumping on sofas. Ask.[Glenn] the demonstration of the memo--

I think it is gonna work.

Along the way, we're gonna derail from those,

But we're gonna pick each other up.

We're gonna get right back on the trail.

[Jo] now with rules in place, these three parents

Do need to be taught how the time out works

And the importance of discipline,

Instead of passing the buck.

At snack time, I had the opportunity

To teach samantha how to give a proper warning

To her little one--krissy.

Hey, you don't say that, okay?

Jo explained to us that when they break a rule

Or they're doing something bad,

That you go down to their level, make eye contact.

Hey, do you want me to put you in the naughty spot...[Jo] don't--don't threat--

On the stairs? Do you want to sit there?

Don't thr*aten it, but just move her around and say,

"No saying that. If you talk like that--being rude--

Then I'm putting you straight on the naughty step."

Okay? So don't thr*aten it.okay.

Deliver what you're gonna do if she continues.okay.

So follow through on that with her.

Hey, I'm gonna sit you on the naughty step

If you say that again. I don't want you to say that.

That's a bad word, okay?[Jo] krissy got the message pretty fast,

And she stopped that behavior.

And then samantha went off to work, leaving grandma in charge,

But that's when krissy started to play up again.[Krissy speaks indistinctly]

Ow!what did-- what did she do?

She--i think she bit me or pinched me.

You don't pinch hailey or bite...

No! [Yells indistinctly]or I'm gonna put you on the naughty step.

No! No, no!nope.

And when krissy kept hitting, it was time for grandma

To step up and follow through with time out.

Sit her on the step. Explain why she's there.

Come on, krissy. Come on. You're gonna come sit

On the naughty step because you were hitting, no! No, no!

Yes, come on. Come on, come, no! No, no! [Crying]

[Jo] sit her on the step, explain why she's there.

Come on, listen. Listen to grandma.

[Wailing] I don't like that!

Listen, you don't hit hailey.

You have to sit here.[Yells indistinctly]

Because you hit hailey. Stay right here.[Continues wailing]

[Jo] right, move away. Move away. Set your alarm.

It was kind of hard because that's my granddaughter.

She's my baby.[Jo] walk her back.

Come on.[Jo] sit her on the first step.

[Wailing] no, no!come on. We have to start--

Stop. No talking to her, mom. No talking to her.

[Jo] just put her straight back on the first step.

She kept crying after me, after me,

And I just wanted to cry.[Screaming]

Move away, just move away.

And every time she'd cry out to me,

It was hurting, breaking my heart.

Mom, look, watch. Look, hands.[Continues wailing]

[Jo] I showed mom exactly what to do,

And I took krissy by the hand and placed her on the step,

Where she stayed for the two minutes.

The two minutes are up. You go back

And you explain again, okay?okay.

"Sorry," hugs and kisses,

And then she can get back up again. All right?okay.

Grandma put you on the naughty step

Because you hit hai-- 'cause you hit hailey, okay?[Crying]

Tell grandma you're sorry. Say you're sorry.

[Speaks indistinctly]you're sorry? Okay, okay.

[Jo] hugs and kisses.she still loved me.

I disciplined her, and she still loved me.okay, okay.

That just leaves dad. He had an opportunity to discipline

When his girls were playing outside...

Dad! Stop! No![Laughing]

But he doesn't seem that interested in doing anything.

Savannah's behavior-- why do nothing about it?

I am. I was just--i'm busy calming these girls down.

[Jo] warning--go over and give her a warning.

That's--that--that's your warning, right there.

Go over and give her a warning. These kids are fine.

Go and give her a warning.[Jo] dad gave savannah a warning about her bothering her sisters,

But she didn't listen to him at all. And so he decided to

Take all of the girls inside and do what he thought

Was best--more talking.what I don't want you to think--

That it's okay to smack hailey--

Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Time out.

She knows it's wrong to hit hailey...

[Glenn] right. She does.

But she does it anyway.i had a discussion with her yesterday.

But discussion ain't working, mate.

No disrespect or nothing, glenn, but you've been using this

Chitter chatter, chitter chatter for how many years?

Where has it got you with savannah?

Like, seriously, where has it got you with her?

Dad just needed to stop talking and take action,

So I decided to show him what that entails.

Savannah, come here, please.

On the step, right now.

I do not find it funny

That you think it's okay to hit your sister...

Across the head. It's unacceptable behavior.

I expect you to sit here for ten minutes

And think about what you're doing.

Because every time you behave that way,

You are gonna be disciplined. Do you understand me?

I expect you to use your voice.yes.


That was a rude awakening, not only for me

But I think for savannah.

Just by what she demonstrated,

That's exactly what savannah needs.

[Babies babble]you've got to put action in.

I don't want to hear too much talking.yeah.

Okay, you talk a good talk, but I want to see you

Walk a walk now.when savannah's ten minutes were over,

We went back to wrap things up.

So I do want you to apologize to your father, okay?

And you do need to apologize to your sister as well,

'Cause it's unacceptable.uh-huh.

You know, all i-- all I want is, like--

Follow the rules. Follow the steps.

How--how we were--follow the steps.

You can have a good conversation about this afterwards, okay?

Every time-- every time that you--

The steps, glenn, the steps.

Dad definitely needed a guided hand,

But he did successfully complete the time out.

Sorry.won't happen again?

He does still have a lot of work to do, though.

So it's gonna be interesting to see if he can pull it off.

Say you're sorry. Okay.sorry.

Coming up on...

"We're not the sisters I wanted us to be."

Sibling tensions come to a head...

It hurts, but I don't blame her.

And can jo get mom to let go?

It's okay. Look, mommy's right over here.[Sobbing]

When "supernanny" returns.


There's a lot of bad communication

Going on in this family,

And it's all fueled by serious anger.

We've got samantha, who's a teenage mom,

And the two older sisters are not talking to each other.

So this is what I have for you--

The george family journal.

You are going to write into this journal

All the wonderful things that you are now starting to see

And all the things that certainly need work on.

It's important that we defuse the confrontations

That are happening, like, every minutes in this house.

You will come to the family journal,

And you'll write down all the positives

And the negatives that you're seeing.

And at the end of every day,

You will sit around the table-- the four of you--

And discuss the issues that are in this book.[Jo] throughout the day,

The family wrote down the good and the bad in the journal.

So I'm very curious to see how it plays out later on.


Okay, can you put your plate in the kitchen for me?[Hailey] okay.

My next move, really,

Is to deal with haidyn being attached to mom's hip.

I mean, how can you getanythingdone

When you've got this going on? And also, it's a safety issue.

So what I want to do is to introduce

The off-the-hip technique with mom.

Put her down. Come down to her height.

Okay, and then say to her, "mommy's gonna be busy cooking.

You play with some of your toys."

Okay, haidyn, listen to mommy.

[Sobbing and yelling indistinctly]

Listen to me. Listen to mommy.

Haidyn bawled her eyes out.

You know, she wasn't happy with the idea

That she couldn't sit on mom's hips.

Haidyn, I'm gonna make ba-ba for you.

I have to make dinner.[Sobbing]

It was hard seeing my baby cry.

It's okay. Look, mommy's right over here.

That's why she was always on my hip.

I don't want to hear my baby cry.

Mommy can't carry you. I have to make dinner, okay?

It was breaking my heart, and I didn't want

To look at her face, 'cause if I saw her tears coming down,

That was gonna bring my tears coming down.gosh.

So, mom? So you're cooking here, and that oven may be on,

So, "move away from the oven, darling."

This is hot. This is very hot.

Let's--we're gonna walk over here this way.

Now just move her to the side.

It's hot. We have to stay right! [Screaming]

Okay, lovely.[Whimpering]

[Jo] if you just put your child down for one moment,

The child's not gonna feel like you don't love him anymore.

And once mom understood that, she continued,

And haidyn just gave up after awhile.

[Joey-lynn] I feel great about being able

To have haidyn off my hip.

I get freedom. I get my own little space.

I get a healthier back.

[Joey-lynn] can you say bye? Say bye!

I get to be able to accomplish something

A lot faster than it was being done before.

You did a fabulous job with off-the-hip!i know!

So keep going with it.okay.

[Jo] the next thing I really wanna work on is

This strained relationship between brooke and sam.

I do believe I have a technique that will help 'em.

I wanna give you both the opportunity

To write a letter to one another

About how you feel about each other

From here, okay?[Mouths word]

And when you've done that, bring me your letters.

Writing letters will be a way that these sisters

Will be able to express how they've been feeling,

And then they can convey that to one another without bickering

Like they have done.

I knew this is the time to say what I'm feeling.

[Brooke] I feel pretty good about saying everything

Because I knew if were to tell my sister face-to-face,

She would just fight with me about it.

So let's just read our letters and take it from there.

Let's just, uh, go with it.sam read the letter I wrote to her.

"Sam, I feel like all this time

"We've had together was a waste.

"I mean, we spent most of the time

"Fighting over stupid things.

"I felt like the only time you wanted me around

Was to watch krissy when you'd go out."

[Brooke] I could tell she was real hurt,

But I just wanted to let her know that I was hurt

By the way she treated me.

"There has been so much I wanted to tell you,

"But I couldn't 'cause it would get out and everyone would know.

"We're not the sisters I wanted us to be.

"You're like the friend I can't stand at times,

"But I would honestly like for us to get closer

And act like real sisters for once."

How do you feel, reading a letter

Like the one you've just read from your sister?

It hurts, but I don't blame her.

There's no communication. We've never talked.

It's like I've been against her rather than on her side.

It makes me want to be a better sis to her.

Wanna read yours?

"Brooke, I know we haven't gotten along for awhile.

"I hate that things are this way.

"It hurts me that you can't run to me as your older sister

"Because you're afraid. I admit that it's my fault.

"I made you feel like you can't trust me,

"Like your feelings don't matter to me, and they do.

Love you, sam."

Sam's letter said to me that she's sorry for the way she is.

She wanted to change,

And i-i like the fact that she's really trying on that.

I love you, and I would help you

With whatever you need.

You know that I would do that.

Everything you just said made me realize thatyoucare.

I never really expected you to be there,

And now I feel like you are.

[Brooke] in the future, I feel like we're still gonna continue

Being open with each other.

[Sam] I could see it in brooke's eyes that she was happy.

I felt that she understood what I was saying.

[Jo] at the end of the day,

I brought out the family journal

So that mom and dad and the two older sisters

Could discuss what they had wrote.

[Joey-lynn] "rules not followed."

This is when I was upset.

Samantha was disrespectful tome.i-i was just frustrated.

Yeah.and took my anger out on you instead of just letting you know

Why I was such in a bad mood.okay.

[Jo] and did we step up?i did. We talked.

And I talked to my dad, too, about it in the car.

Nice. All right. That's good stuff.[Haidyn] mama!

[Jo] what was really nice about this conversation

Was how everybody was talking to each other so nicely,

So respectfully, so polite and considerate

To everybody else.

[Joey-lynn] we were smiling.

We were laughing. We were communicating.

We were talking about even the bad stuff in a civil way.

Exactly. You know?and if that's gonna be the way it's gonna be,

Then it's gonna be great every day.

[Jo] I am going for several days.

In that space of time,

I am expecting you guys to really hold down the fort

With everything that's been taught.

[Joey-lynn] the biggest challenge with jo being gone is

The off-the-hip routine with haidyn,

'Cause she's my baby.

Recognizing when a warning is necessary,

Following through with discipline...

[Sam] I think my dad's gonna struggle with discipline.

And when you put anybody in the naughty spot,

You just tell them why they're in there and walk away.

Well, my dad doesn't walk away.


I hope you're not gonna keep that naughty step warm.

[Glenn] when she left us,

Joey and I looked at each other and said, "hey, it's do-or-die."

[Jo] I really do hope the george family

Keep up their communication whilst I'm gone.

Because when I come back,

This familydoneed to discuss sex education.

Coming up on...

Now you're gonna have to go and sit down for ten minutes.

With jo gone, savannah pushes mom and dad to the edge...i'm sitting right here!

You're gonna be sitting here all day long until you get it right.

And jo doesn't like what she sees.

That wasnota time out. That was pathetic.

When "supernanny" returns.

And now... Ask "supernanny"

How do you make family time consistent?

"A," cancel your kids' activities,

"B," schedule daily family dinners,

"C," get your home and work schedule in place

So it can dictate when you have time to check in as a family.

Find out the answer when we return.

And now... Ask "supernanny"

How do you make family time consistent?

"A," cancel your kids' activities,

"B," schedule daily family dinners,

"C," get your home and work schedule in place

So it can dictate when you have time to check in as a family.

The answer is "c."

Daily family dinners are a great opportunity.

However, consistent family time leads to much success

When schedules--work or home-- are in place to support that.

[Jo] this family had some serious work to do

Whilst I was gone. I wonder how it panned out.who's ready?

I'm ready.we're all ready.

Okay, our first clip we're going to take a look at

Is mom time out.

You have to--you have to listen to your mom.


That's a warning right now. And if you don't get up

And go and get it, you're gonna go and sit down.

[Savannah speaks indistinctly] what's your excuse?

No more talking. You don't have to get me the pamper anymore.

Now you're gonna have to go and sit down for ten minutes.

Okay, you're gonna sit right here.

What?! What about the stairs?

No, she is in trouble right now.

She's gonna sit there for ten minutes.

I sat you here--my arm!

'Cause I asked you more than once

To get me a pamper, and you disobeyed, correct?yes.

Okay, now you tell me you're sorry for not--[whispers] sorry.

And what are you sorry for?

[Normal voice] not getting a pamper.

Not doing as you're told.

Okay. [Kiss]


I'm actually glad that you put that into perspective,

Because, I mean, she laughed and said, "it's apamper."

But that's no different to you asking her to get something

For you that's not to do with the babies.

Which was the fact with exactly what you were saying--

"I asked you to do something,

And you just didn't want to listen and do it."

So I'd like to say, salute to yourself in doing that.

All right. So we're gonna take a look at yourself, glenn, here,

And see how well you did with the time out.

[Speaks indistinctly]ow!

I think she already got a warning earlier.[Sam] yeah.

Put your ds up. Now. Put it up now.

No, why don't you take it? Go dad.

[Grunts]and you know what? Just for that, I'm--i'm--

No. Sit're hurting me!

Well, I asked you--i asked you to walk over here nicely.

[Whining] well, you don't have to drag me! You hurt me!

[Sam] dad, don't talk to her. Walk away.

[Joey-lynn] walk away, and let her be there ten minutes.

Savannah, where are you?

[Groans]sit down on the stairs like I told you.

Every time that you move from here,

I'm gonna start the clock all over again.what if I move like that?

Just sit there.oh, dear.

I was sitting right here!you're gonna be sitting here all day long

Until you get it right.

And I'm taking this away for the rest of the stayed too long.

I'm gonna let you up from here, okay?okay.

But throughout the day, you need to keep your hands off

Of everybody. I don't want to hear any name calling,

I don't want to hear no teasing.

Now I want you to tell me you're sorry

For acting up the way you did this morning.sorry.

No, look at me and mean it. Mean it.

I'm sorry for acting up.

[Joey-lynn] are you squatting down to her and...

[Inhales deeply] oh, dear. I'm tired.

[Glenn laughs] so am word! That was draining.

I-i spent--i've spent too much time with her, um, there,

Going back and forth.ya think?

Yeah.and then your family said, "walk away,"

And you didn't listen, and you stayed there.[Laughter]

That was not a time out. That was pathetic.

Yeah, I kn--she--she actually got up from the step

And--and ran upstairs. That's why I went to go--

Glenn, it's very simple.

It's a few steps, and you follow 'em,

And done, finished.

Definitely, i-i have to change that.

You've got your family, who are remembering certain bits,

And they're actually reminding you, so take heed of that.yeah.

Um, I have a question.[Jo] yeah.

So when--i mean, just in case krissy does this--

Like when she would run up there, was he just supposed

To grab her and put her back on the step and just walk away?yeah.

Just-- you just keep doing that?

Yeah. No communication.

So let's take a look at off-the-hip.[Joey-lynn] mm.

[Water running][speaks indistinctly]

[Sam] she's on the hip, mom.yep, exactly.

But I'm just...yep.

I'm really not doing anything

[Glenn] you gonna rest?sit down while i--while i--

[Glenn] huh?stay right here until I finish, okay?

[Whines] no!i'm gonna get you in a minute. Let me finish rinsing it.

Let me finish rinsing it. Let me finish rinsing this,

And we'll get you, okay? I'm almost done.

We've come far from crying hysterically...[Joey-lynn] yes.

To, literally, her accepting the fact that you've got

Things to do.and waiting. Exactly.

And obviously, the family are doing a good job at supporting,

So just keep going with it. You know, sheisgonna get

To a point where she's gonna be too heavy,

Or your hip's gonna give.yes. She actually is already getting too heavy, yes.

There has been some good progress that's been made

With this family. And, yes, glenn is gonna need

Some more of his family's help when it comes to time out.

But right now, idoneed to talk to this family about something

Far more serious.that's good. Thank you.

Coming up on "supernanny"

There's something that I want to talk to you guys all about.

Jo saved the family's biggest issue for education.

But can she get mom and dad to see the light?

It was just never talked about with me.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Jo] why don't we just grab a cup of coffee

Somewhere a little bit more relaxed? 'Cause there's

Something that I want to talk to you guys all about.

When I first met the family, mom was absolutely petrified

Her girls would grow up following in her footsteps--

Having children extremely young.

And I know that she wants them

To certainly think about other goals.

Well, listen. I've brought you guys here to kind of wind down

And have a really nice, casual conversation about babies.[Giggles]

[Joey-lynn and glenn chuckle]

I'll define that-- sex education.

I just thought it was absolutely valuable

That these two older daughters give advice to their parents

To help them with the younger girls when it's time.

You know, there are teenagers now

Who are thinking at the age of , of experimenting.

I was just thinking that sex wasn't talked about

Amongst girls till they're, like, the age of .

Now that I see it-- or l-lived it...[Joey-lynn] lived it.

When they're at the ages in middle school--

, Years old-- that's, like, a big topic.

And then once you get to the age

Where you're thinking that they're doing it,

Is when it's just natural to them.

Like, one of my friend's little sisters--

She's in middle school, she's in seventh grade--

She's already having a baby. She's almost due.

[Jo] I mean, to have your heads in the cloud

And not be realistic

With basically what you're hearing and seeing

Is to not be responsible as a parent to educate.

There's education at school.

What age are they teaching it?[Brooke and samantha] .

Exactly. There are kids at that are--are having babies,

That are pregnant at .

As a parent, you gotta look at the things that you can control.

If we all realize that, actually, we need to be

Taking things into our own hands and having conversations

Earlier--we're not talking about hailey's age--

But you understand what I'm talking about.[Joey-lynn and glenn] yeah.

If we start having these conversations earlier,

Then we know as parents that we're doing something.

[Sam] we never talked about birth control.

I didn't even know how birth control worked.

It was never given to me. It was never offered to me.

I mean, you've never even told me, "don't do it."

It's just, like, I knew what it was.

It just never--it was just never talked about with me.

[Glenn] sometimes, it's just overwhelming.

I just want to protect them and--and, you know,

Give them the best advice that I can.

A daughter wants to please, okay?

And wants--wants that permission and acceptance from her father

Because youare the first role model

That they have with regards to men.

You become closer through having these conversations,

So that they grow into young ladies

Who are not looking, you know,

For that acceptance in--in other men,

When, really, they're looking for it with their own father.

[Brooke] at first, we really didn't think we could do it,

But now I feel I could go to my parents

And talk to them without them getting mad at me.

I feel like they will take their time out of the day

To listen to each and every one of us

If we have something to say to them.

[Jo] now that dad has shown so much promise

In listening to his daughters, I brought in a technique

That will really help him

To establish some time to give to them.

It issoimportant

That he gives them the attention that they need.

I've created this board for you

So that each day of the week here,

You can make time to enjoy

With each and every one of your children.

It's not really about the quantity of time,

But the quality. Even if it's just minutes

And it's consistent, that's what counts.

[Glenn] jo made a good point

That girls look up to their fathers.

And sometimes when that father doesn't give that attention

That the daughters are yearning for,

They'll try to find it somewhere.

Haidyn--you're always with because when you come home,

You're looking after her and you're playing with her.

So what I have here is

Brooke, savannah, hailey and sam.

So placing these cards

Into your little "take the time" board,

Allows you to remember,

"I'm gonna take that minutes or that half an hour,

And I'm gonna do something that's quality with them."

I think it's a beautiful thing.

I think that's one thing that I'm gonna stick to.

Work, it's gonna be work.

It's--it's gonna be there when I get back.

But that precious time, you'll never gain it back.

Commit. Make that time for 'em.

Let 'em know that they're special and loved.

[Jo] I believe that he'll actually

Realize how badly he needed this.

And it--it's a win-win situation

For both dad and the girls.

Oh, they're gonna be excited when they see that.

So, guys, my work's done here,

But your work's just begun.

I wish you much success.

Work together, communication,

And be kind to one another, please.

You're all on the same side.


[Joey-lynn] I have great hopes for the future.

With everything jo has taught us,

We have actually been able to communicate

Like we never have before.

Take care of yourself, okay?bye.

Keep talking to mom and dad.

I-i feel really grateful

That jo came into our lives to help us.

Everybody's a lot--they're like different people now.

Glenn, take care.oh.

[Glenn] saying bye to jo--it was an emotional moment for me.

She's taught me so much.

Remember, listen, okay?i will.

I've really enjoyed my experience

Working with this family because ithasbeen amazing

To see joey step up

And glenn understand that he needs to listen

To communicate thoroughly.

Take care of yourselves.[Joey-lynn] okay, bye.

[George family] bye.

[Jo] it leads way to how they will be with savannah

And hailey and haidyn and krissy,

And all these fabulous women in their family.