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02x18 - Umi Toy Store

Posted: 03/17/24 18:49
by bunniefuu
Team Umizoomi!

[all]One, two, three, four.

♪ Umi

♪ Zoomi

♪ Umi

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi

[Bot] ♪In a world That's not so far away ♪

[all]♪ Umi City

[Bot] ♪You can count on us To save the day ♪

-[children] Yay! -[all]♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi

[Milli]♪ We can measure

[Geo]♪ Build it together

[Milli]♪ You can help us You're so clever ♪

[Bot]♪ We've got mighty Math powers ♪

[all]♪ You can call us Any hour ♪

♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

♪ We are a tiny team

♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes

♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do

-Milli! -Geo!

-Bot! -[all] And you!

Hi, it's me, Milli.

I'm Geo.

And I'm Bot.

And together, we're...

[all] Team Umizoomi.

We're at the biggest toy store in Umi City.

[Bot] It has every kind of toy you can imagine.

Do you like to play with toys?

Me too.

What's your favorite toy?


I'll show you a toy that I like.

It's this toy piano.


I can play a song with my feet. [playing gentle piano music]


These building blocks are my favorite.

Check this out! Whoo-hoo!

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Look at me.

I'm walking like this wind-up toy monkey.


[boy] Team Umizoomi!

It's our friend Colin.


-I've got to show you something. -What is it, Colin?

-This is Sparkle Pup! -[twinkling]

[Milli] Sparkle Pup?

-Whoa! -Awesome!

He's the only one in the whole store.

There's no other toy like him.


He sparkles when you clap your hands three times. Watch!

One... two... three!

-[twinkling] -[grand music]

-Whoa! -Umirific!

Sensational sparkles!

You try it.

OK! Let's make Sparkle Pup sparkle!

Clap your hands three times with me.

One... two... three!

-[twinkling, grand music] -Amazing!

I want Sparkle Pup so much,

I've been saving my coins so I can buy him.

I hope I have enough money.

Let's check how much money Colin needs.

What number is this?

Eighteen. Yeah!

This sign says Colin needs Umi cents to buy Sparkle Pup.

We'll help you count your coins, Colin.

[Bot] One plus one plus one

plus five plus ten equals...


Eighteen Umi cents.

Colin, you have enough to buy Sparkle Pup!


Sparkle Pup, I can't wait to take you home.

I just love you, Sparkle Pup.

[marching music]

[Bot gasps]

[Milli] Uh-oh. Look!

[Colin] Oh, no! My coins!

My coins are all gone!

If I don't have my coins, I can't buy Sparkle Pup.

Poor Colin.

We've got to find those coins for Colin

so he can buy Sparkle Pup.

Yeah! Let's do it.

Colin, don't worry.

If anyone can find those coins, we can.

Thanks, Team Umizoomi.

But we're going to need your help.

Will you help us find Colin's coins?

All right!

Team Umizoomi...

[all] It's time for action!

I can use my robo-radar to help us find those coins.

-[beeping] -My robo radar detects coins...

-[beeping accelerates] -...over that way!

Come on, team.

[Milli] Who's gonna find all the lost coins?

[all] We are! Team Umizoomi!

Who's gonna find all the lost coins?

[all] We are! Team Umizoomi!

♪ We're on a mission To save the day ♪

♪ Here we come We're on our way! ♪

♪ We're gonna find All the lost coins ♪

[all] Yeah! Team Umizoomi!

-Whee-hee! -Whoa!


Dazzling desktops! The signal is getting stronger.

There's got to be coins around here somewhere.

[Bot] Where are the coins?


There they are. Come on.

I don't see the coins. Help us look for them.

When you see a coin, say, "coin!"


Yeah! There's one.

-[moo!] -[gasps] Look!

That cow has a coin.

I'll get it!

Aw, I missed it. But I'll get it when he pops back out.


Now he's over there.



Ah! Every time I try to grab the coin,

the cow pops up somewhere different.

This is like a giant jack-in-the-box game.

Don't worry, guys, I know how to catch him.

I can figure out where the cow will pop out next.

I've got...

♪ Pattern power

[Milli] The cow pops out of two boxes in this order:

orange, blue,

orange, blue.

It's a pattern.


[Milli] Here comes the cow.

-Orange. -[moo!]

-Blue. -[moo!]

-Orange. -[moo!]

-Blue. -[moo!]

-Orange. -[moo!]

What comes next?


-[moo!] -Got it!

-[musical fanfare] -That was great.

We knew he was gonna pop out of the blue box.

-[oink! oink!] -Look.

That pig has two of Colin's coins.

I wonder where he's gonna pop out next.

Let's check my dress.

[Milli] The pig pops out of three boxes in this order:

red, blue, yellow.

Red, blue, yellow.

Let's watch the pig.

-[Milli] Red. -[oink!]

-Blue. -[oink! oink!]

-Yellow. -[oink!]

-Red. -[oink!]

-Blue. -[oink! oink!]

-Yellow. -[oink!]

What comes next?

Red. Right!

-Got 'em! Way to go! -[musical fanfare]

That was amazing.

Let's count the coins with my robot computer.


[Bot] One plus one plus one equals...

three. Three Umi cents.

Colin needs Umi cents, and we found three Umi cents.

Do we have enough to buy Sparkle Pup?

Not yet.

We still need to find more coins.

Hmm, better hold on to these.

Let's find the rest of the coins so Colin can buy Sparkle Pup.

-Initiating robo-radar. -[beeping]

What is it, Bot?

I'm detecting another coin...

-over that way! -[beeping accelerates]

It looks like those ducks are going that way.

Yeah. Let's catch a ride on these rubber duckies.

♪ Count your coins To know what you've got ♪

-♪ Some are worth a little -♪ Some are worth a lot

[all]♪ There's a lot You can do ♪

♪ With the coins That you count ♪

♪ Just make sure You've got the right amount ♪

[Bot] Whoo-hoo!

[Geo] Hold on to your duckies!

[Milli screams]

[Bot] Whee-hee!

Thanks for the ride, duckies!

[quack! quack!]

Check it out. It's a whole room filled with bubbles.

-[Bot] Whoa. -[Milli] Whoa.

Colin's five-cent coin must be close.

Where is the coin?


That bubble-blowing bear has it. [chuckles]

Uh-oh. It's floating up.

[Bot] And up.

[Geo] And up.

[Milli gasps] Now the coin is stuck up there in that tree.

We've got to get that coin for Colin.

Don't worry. I'll get it back.

If a coin can ride a bubble up to the top,

then so can I.

Whoa! Whoa!

-Go Bot! -You can do it.

Just be careful.

Nothing to worry about. See?

I'll just float on this bubble up to the-- Whoa-ho-ho!

Huh, that was strange.

I was on that last bubble, and then-- Whoa!

[laughs] What do you know? It happened again.

That sure is-- Yoinks-a-doinks!

I guess if I stay on a bubble too long, it'll pop.

I wonder how long I can stay on this bubble.

Better use my robot computer.


What number is this?


That means this bubble is going to pop in six seconds.

Count down with me. Start with six.









Whew! Made it.

This bubble is a little bigger. I wonder how long until it pops.

What number is this?


Eight seconds till the bubble pops.

Count down with me. Start with eight.











We're almost there.


But this bubble is pretty small.

Let me see how long until it pops.

What number is this?


Three seconds. Count down with me.

Start with three.

Three... two... one...


-[musical fanfare] -Bouncing bubbles!

We made it, Umifriend.

-And... Ah! I've got the coin. -[musical fanfare]

Now let's get back down to Milli and Geo.



[laughs] Whoo-hoo!


Way to go, Bot!

Whew! Thanks for counting down with me.

Bot, let's count the coins with your robot computer.



[Bot] One plus one plus one

plus five equals...

eight. Eight Umi cents.

Colin needs Umi cents, and we found eight Umi cents.

Do we have enough to buy Sparkle Pup?

Nope. Not yet.

-We need to find that last coin. -[ding!]


[radio static]

[man, through loudspeaker] Attention, shoppers.

The toy store will be closing in five minutes.

Oh, no! The store is closing soon.

We'd better find that ten-cent coin fast.

Initiating robo-radar.


My radar detects the ten-cent coin

over by the board games.

It's in...

the Knights in Shining Armor game.

I know how we can get there. Come on.

This train will take us to the board games section.

-[train whistle blows] -All aboard!

[train whistle blows]

[Milli] Oh, look. Checkers.

We must be in the board games section.

Come on.

The coin we need is in the Knights in Shining Armor game.

Let's look for it.

When you see a knight, say "knight."

[Bot] Knight! It's the Knights in Shining Armor game.

Excuse me, Mr. Knight, Sir.

[knight] Yes?

Our friend Colin's ten-cent coin is somewhere in your game.

Have you seen it?

[knight] Ah, yes, indeed.

Your friend's coin can be found all the way at the end of...

the board game road.

Great. We'll just run down there and get it.

[knight] Halt!

The only way to reach the end of this road is to play...

the Knights in Shining Armor game!

Oh, so to get the ten-cent coin, we have to win the board game.

[knight] Yes.

But only the bravest of knights can win this game.

This sounds like a job for...

Knight Geo,

brave knight of the toy store.

[knight] I wish you luck on your quest for the coin.

You may move ahead four spaces.

Here we go. Count to four with me.

One... two... three... four.


Uh-oh, there's a dragon blocking our way.

Dragon, I am Knight Geo,

and I'm on a quest to get the ten-cent coin.

You may not continue on this track

unless you find my favorite snack.

Oh, look. There are snacks up in that tree.

My favorite snack is a triangle shape with circles on it.

Help me find it.

[Geo] Which of these snacks is a triangle shape

with circles on it?

The pepperoni pizza. Right!

-[boing!] -Got it!

Here you go, dragon.


Yum, yum, yum!

Well done, Knight Geo.

You may now move ahead five spaces.

Count to five with me.

One... two... three... four... five!

We're getting closer to the end of the road.


I am the Giggling Gremlin.

And I am Knight Geo. I must get past this gate.

I'll lower the gate to set you free

if you make me go, "hee-hee-hee."

Oh, he'll only put the gate down if we make him laugh.

There's a special toy up there that makes me laugh.

It's purple with blue polka dots.

Help me find the gremlin's toy.

[Geo] Which toy is purple with blue polka dots?

[cluck! cluck!]

[Geo] That one, the chicken!

-[boing!] -I got it!

[cluck! cluck!]


That chicken cracks me up every time.


You may move ahead seven spaces.

Thanks, Gremlin.

Count to seven with me.

One... two... three...

four... five... six... seven.

We made it! There's the coin inside that treasure chest.


Oh, no. It's locked.

-[twinkling] -[gasps] A wizard!

Greetings, Knight Geo.

There's a magic spell that you can cast

to open the treasure chest really fast.

To open the treasure chest,

you need the longest wand with green stripes.

This is the longest wand. But does it have green stripes?


Which wand is the next longest?

Yeah! Does this wand have green stripes?

Yes! This is it!

Very good.

Now, to open the treasure chest,

wave the wand and say the magic words.

Say the magic words with me. Say, "open sesame."

Open sesame.

[twinkling music]


You won the game!

Thanks, Wizard.

I've got the ten-cent coin.

Thanks for helping me win the game.

You were a very brave knight.

Now let's go tell Milli and Bot.

Come on.

Knight Geo returns, and he has the ten-cent coin.

Well done, good Sir.

[knight] Congratulations, Knight Geo.


Bot, do we have the Umi cents Colin needs?

Let's see.


[Bot] One plus one plus one

plus five plus ten equals...


Eighteen Umi cents.

Do we have enough to buy Sparkle Pup?

We do! We found all of Colin's Umi cents.

[radio static]

[man, through loudspeaker] Attention, shoppers.

The toy store will be closing in one minute.

Shimmering shift keys!

We better get the coins to Colin, fast.

[upbeat music]

Here I come!

Hop in, guys.

[Bot] Whoo-hoo!

Nice flying, Milli.

[all] Colin, we found your coins!

Thanks, Team Umizoomi!

Come on, Sparkle Pup. You're coming home with me.

I'd like to buy this Sparkle Pup, please.


-That'll be Umi cents. -Here you go.

[coins clinking]

You have the right amount. Here you go.

This Sparkle Pup is all yours.

Sparkle Pup!

-[Milli] Go, Colin! -[Bot] All right, Sparkle Pup!

-You bought Sparkle Pup! -Yay!

Thanks, Team Umizoomi.

And thank you for helping me get Sparkle Pup.

Let's make Sparkle Pup sparkle.

Clap your hands three times with me.

One... two... three!

-[twinkling, grand music] -Cool. Ooh! [gasps]

[man, through loudspeaker] Get a load of those sparkles!

[upbeat music]

Look, I caught one.

Me too!

Whoa-ho-ho! There's one on my head!


You're the best, Sparkle Pup.

-Hear! Hear! -Sparkle Pup is the best!

I'm so happy for Colin.

He got just the toy he wanted.

Thanks for your help, Umifriend.

We never could've found the Umi cents without you.

Oh, and thanks for helping me on those bubbles.

You're great at counting backwards.

I feel a celebration coming on...

[all] Two, four, six, eight. Let's do the crazy-shake!


♪ Let's celebrate!

♪ A job well done

♪ Let's crazy-shake

[all]♪ And have some fun

♪ Everybody, crazy-shake!


-[moo!] -[oink!]

[knight] I'm shaking my tail feathers!

-[giggling] -[growling]

-[Bot]♪ Mighty -[Geo]♪ Mighty

[Milli]♪ Mighty

[all]♪ Math powers

[Team Umizoomi]♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

[music ends]