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02x12 - Ellee the Elephant

Posted: 03/17/24 19:04
by bunniefuu
[Bot]Calling all Umis.

Team Umizoomi!

[all] One, two, three, four.

♪ Umi

♪ Zoomi

♪ Umi

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi

[Bot]♪ In a world That's not so far away ♪

[all]♪ Umi City

[Bot]♪ You can count on us To save the day ♪

-[kids] Yay! -♪Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

[Milli]♪ We can measure

[Geo]♪ Build it together

[Milli]♪ You can help us You're so clever ♪

[Bot]♪ We've got mighty Math powers ♪

[All]♪ You can call us Any hour ♪

♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

♪ We are a tiny team

♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes

♪ Bah, bah-dah Bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do

-Milli. -Geo.

-Bot. -[all] And you!

Hi. We're Team Umizoomi.

[horn honks]

And today we're going to see...

the Umi City circus!

[Bot] Look, that's the circus tent, right over there.

Have you ever seen a circus before?

Well, you're gonna love the Umi City circus.

Come on!

It's time for the circus performers

to go inside the big tent.

And there are the acrobats,

the people that do tricks.

[Bot] Here they come!

[all] Whoa!

Look, it's time for someone else to go to the circus tent.

Who do you think is in there?

Clowns! Yeah!

They're ready for the circus too.

Let's check out the last car.

Who do you think is in there?

An elephant!

[Milli] That's Ellee the Elephant,

the star of the whole circus.

[Bot] She can walk on a tightrope,

and juggle,

and blow bubbles.

[Geo] It's time for Ellee to come out.

[Milli] Uh-oh. Ellee's not in there.

She's missing!


It's the Umi alarm!

Something must have happened to Ellee.

We can see what happened to her

right here on my belly, belly...

[all] Belly-screen!

Ellee, are you okay?

Where are you?

Team Umizoomi, I'm lost!

Oh, no.

I was trying to get to the circus,

but I think I went the wrong way.

Now I don't know where I am.

Don't worry, Ellee.

We'll help you figure out where you are.

Tell us what you see.

Hm, I see a tractor,


and a big red barn.

[Milli] Where do you think Ellee is?

The farm!

The farm?

But I'm not supposed to be at the farm.

I'm supposed to be at the circus.

Hang tight, Ellee.

We're coming to help you.

Thanks, Team Umizoomi.


Please hurry.

[horn honks]

UmiCar, we've got to get to Ellee the Elephant.


[Milli] To the farm!

[Bot] Look, there's the farm.

[Geo] And there's Ellee.

Thanks for the ride, UmiCar.

[horn honks]

Team Umizoomi, I'm so glad you guys are here.

I need help getting out of here.


Don't worry, Ellee.

We'll get you out of there.

Let's all push the gate open on the count of three.

Count to three with us.

[all] One, two, three!

Look at me.


-Yay, Ellee! -All right, Ellee!

Wow, Ellee.

You really do belong in the circus.


Now I just need to get there.

[Bot gasps] The circus!

It's going to start soon!

[Milli] But the tent is all the way

on the other side of Umi City.

I'll never get to the circus in time.


Don't worry, Ellee.

We can help you get there.

You can?

Sure. We can lead you through the city

all the way to the tent.

Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

But taking an elephant through Umi City

isn't going to be easy.

We're going to need your help.

Will you help us get Ellee to the circus?


Team Umizoomi...

[all] It's time for action!

Come on!

We've got a circus to get to.


[moos] Good luck, Ellee.

[Bot] So long, cows!

♪ Who's gonna get Ellee To the circus? ♪

[all]♪ We are! ♪ Team Umizoomi!

♪ Who's gonna get me To the circus? ♪

[all]♪ We are! ♪ Team Umizoomi!

♪ We're on a mission To save the day ♪

♪ Here we come! We're on our way! ♪


♪ We're gonna get Ellee To the circus ♪

[all]♪ Yeah! Team Umizoomi!

Whoa, Umi City sure is a big place.

How am I ever going to find my way to the circus?

Don't worry, Ellee.

We know Umi City better than anyone.

Yeah! Come on, Ellee!

This way to the circus!


This street sure has a lot of cars and trucks and buses.

[Bot] Sizzling circuits!

We can't cross this busy street.

But we need to get across to get to the circus.


I see a way.

If I could just get up to that tightrope,

I could tightrope walk over the street.

Oh, yeah.

Tightrope walking is one of Ellee's circus tricks.

We just need a way to get up there.

I know how to get up there.

I can use rectangles from my shape belt

to build something Ellee can climb.



What did Geo make?


Yeah, it's a staircase.

Thanks, Geo.


Here I go!

Whoa, she's doing it.

Ellee's tightrope walking over the street.

Look at me!

Wait till they see Ellee do this at the circus.


Hmm. I hear something.


What's making that sound?

A bird?


Oh, yeah. It's a pigeon. Ha!

Hi, Pigeon.



Lots of pigeons!


Oh, no!

Ellee is losing her balance.

Each arm has a different number of pigeons on it.

That's why she's not balanced.

To balance Ellee,

we have to get the same number on each arm.

Which arm has more pigeons?

This arm.

Count the pigeons with me.

One, two, three,

four, five.

Five pigeons on this arm.

But there's only one pigeon on that arm.


We need some of you to switch arms.


Now is there the same number on each arm?


Which arm has more pigeons?


Now this arm has more.

There are two pigeons on this arm,

and there are four pigeons on the other arm.


I don't think I can do this much longer.

She's still not balanced.

Quick, pigeons. Try again!


Now is there the same number on each arm?


Three pigeons on this arm,

and three on the other arm.

That means...

I'm balanced!


-Woohoo! -Yay, Ellee!

All right!

Now let's get back down to the sidewalk.


-Whoa! -Whee!


-Hooray! We made it! -We made it to the other side!


So long, pigeons!

Thanks for helping me.

Aw, you're welcome, Ellee.

And thank you for helping us balance out all those pigeons.

I hope I get to the circus soon.

I really want to be in the show.

Let's use my robot computer

and see what's happening at the circus.

Oh, listen, the music is playing.

[Ellee] And they're putting out the flags.

That means the show is going to start soon.

But they can't start the show without Ellee.

We have to hurry.

I can't miss my chance to be in the circus.

Bot, which way should we go next?

To get to the circus,

we need to take street number...

What number is that?


That's seventh street!

When you see a street sign with a seven on it,

say, "seven!"


We found seventh street!


Circus, here I come!

♪ Well, the circus is filled With laughter and lights ♪

♪ And three magnificent rings

♪ But nothing can fill me More with delight ♪

♪ Than juggling Juggling, juggling ♪

♪ A pretzel, a ball and a bat

♪ What could be More fun than that? ♪


♪ What if we added Three more things? ♪

♪ Like a hot dog, a clock And a hat? ♪

♪ Now we're juggling Juggling, juggling ♪

♪ A hot dog, a clock and a hat ♪

♪ A pretzel, a ball and a bat

Woohoo. Six things, that's a lot.

♪ What if I add

-♪ Milli -♪ Geo

♪ Bot

♪ Now we're juggling Juggling, juggling ♪

♪ A hot dog, a clock And a hat ♪

♪ A pretzel, a ball and a bat

♪ A Milli, a Geo, a Bot


Nine things, that's a lot.


[all]♪ We're juggling Juggling, juggling ♪

[all] Yay!


[gasps] Uh-oh.

-Oh, no! -Ellee!

I'm trapped!

There, there, little fella.

You're safe now.

[all gasp] It's Door Mouse!

And it's my job to rescue all the lost dogs in Umi City,

and this little doggy was all alone.

Good doggy.

But, Door Mouse, that's not a dog.

Of course it is.

I know a dog when I see one,

and I can tell that this here's a good little pooch,

Aren't you, boy?


No, Door Mouse.

That's our friend, Ellee the Elephant.

An elephant? Ha!

Everybody knows there aren't elephants in Umi City.

But I am an elephant.

See? I've got floppy ears...


...and big feet...

Hm, those are pretty big.

...and a long trunk.


Hm. What do you think?

Is that a dog or an elephant?

An elephant.

Of course. Silly me.

Ellee needs to get off this truck,

so she can get to the circus.

The circus, eh?

Well, don't worry.

I'll just open these locks and let Ellee out.


Hm. Uh-oh.

What's wrong, Door Mouse?

I can't figure out how to get these locks open.

Maybe I can help.

You? [laughs]

No chance.

These locks all have secret codes on them.

They're impossible to figure out.

But I'm Bot.

I can figure out anything,

so long as you help too.

Will you help me open these locks?


Okay. Suit yourself.

But to open this first lock,

you'll have to find a button

that has a picture of a yellow food on it.


Which of these is a yellow food?

The banana, yes!

A banana is yellow, and it's a food.

[gasps] It worked!


You opened the first lock.

Well, not bad. Not bad at all.

Now, this second lock is a little bit tougher.

To find the right button,

look for something red that you put on your foot.

Which of these is something red that you put on your foot?

The red sock. Right.

Yay! You're doing great.

[engine rumbling]

Uh-oh. The truck is getting ready to take Ellee away!

Hurry, Bot!

Don't worry, Ellee.

We just need to open one more lock.

But this is the hardest lock of all.

To open it, you need to find something purple

that you keep in the bathroom.

Which of these is something purple

that you keep in the bathroom?

The toothbrush! Yeah!

Look at me! I'm free!

-Hooray! -Yay, Ellee!

That was great!

Thank you. Thank you.

Thanks, Bot.

Aw, shucks.

You're welcome, Ellee.

Ooh, I got to go.

So long, Door Mouse.

Good luck getting to the circus, Ellee.

[gasps] The circus!

I've got to hurry.


I hope we're getting close to the circus tent.

Let's look for it! Where is the tent?

Yeah, there it is,

just past all those tall buildings.

Sizzling circuits.

The show is about to start.

[gasps] But there's no way Ellee can walk there in time.

Walk? Who says I have to walk?


Whoa! Look at Ellee!

What's she doing?

Blowing bubbles, yeah!

We can fly to the circus

on top of these bubbles!

[all] Whoa!

It's working, Ellee!

These bubbles will carry us there in no time.

Uh-oh, trouble.

[gasps] We're heading right for a tall building!

We've got to fly over it.

But to fly higher, we need to have more bubbles.

Let's see how many bubbles we have now.

Count with me.

One, two, three, four, five!

My robot computer can show us

how many bubbles we need to fly over the building.

What number is this?


Help me blow more bubbles till there are ten.

Count to ten with us,

starting at six.

[all] Six,





Phew, we just made it.

Good bubble-blowing, Ellee.

Thanks, but we're not out of trouble yet.


Oh, no!

We're headed right for that giant skyscraper.

According to my robot computer,

we can fly over it if we have this many bubbles.

What number is this?

Fifteen! Right!

Count to with us.

Start with .

[all] Eleven,





We made it!



And look.

There's the circus tent.

[Geo] We need to get down there.

If we want to go down,

do we need more bubbles or fewer bubbles?


Yeah! Ellee's going to have to pop

all bubbles to get down to the ground.

I need your help.

Count down with me.

Start with .

[all] Fifteen,















I made it.

And just in time.

The show's about to start.

-Come on! -[man]Ladies and gentlemen!

And now the star of the show,

Ellee the Elephant!

[clears throat]

Ellee the Elephant!


Uh-oh. I don't see Ellee.

[laughs nervously]

Oh, no.

[gasps] There she is!



Ladies and gentlemen,

watch as I walk the tightrope.

Look at me!


But that's not all.

I can also juggle.


[Geo and Bot] Whoa!


And now,

for my most amazing trick of all...


[all] Blowing bubbles!

-Whoa! All right, Ellee! -Yay, Ellee!

[cheering and applause]

Bravo! Bravo!

[Geo] Way to go, Ellee!

Everyone loves your tricks.

Thanks, Team Umizoomi.

I never could have done it without all your help.

Now here's something just for you.

Hey, Milli, that bubble looks like you.

[laughs] It does look like me.

And that one looks like you, Geo.

Wow, that's so cool!

Who does that bubble look like?


Oh, yeah. It's a Bot bubble.

And this bubble's just for you.

[cheering and applause]


Thanks for all your help today.

Yeah! You're mighty good at math.

We're so glad you're on our team.

I feel a celebration coming on.

[all]♪ Two, four, six, eight

Let's do the crazy shake!


♪ Let's celebrate

♪ A job well done

♪ Let's crazy shake

[all]♪ And have some fun

♪ Everybody crazy shake


I'm shaking like crazy!



♪ Mighty!

-♪ Mighty! -♪ Mighty!

[all]♪ Math powers!