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05x04 - When God Opens a Window

Posted: 12/29/14 10:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on Lost Girl...

I have no sex drive.

Any connection between her and the other two?

(Metal clanging)

Train me.

Like you did Kenzi.


Maybe we can start with something simpler?

Wanna pack it in?

Let me help you out.

Tamsin, stop.

You're gonna k*ll her.

It's what she wants!

Bo: I lose everyone.

It's only a matter of time before I lose all of you.

Wherever you go, I go.

I'm not going anywhere.

You will never be alone.



Yes! Frank, that was a solid b-plus!

It's... it's Tad.

You're hilarious.

Ugh, I'm starving.

Y'know what... I could really use some Chinese food?

I love my roommate.

That's okay, Tamsin.

We don't need our weapons and come back to the pub, I can take down the Clurichaun all by myself, really.

Oh, yeah.

Sorry about that.

Y'know... I was totally on my way back when I just happened to bang in to...

Well, I banged this guy.



In my bed?

Yeah, that's weird, right?

But this smells good.


We could share.

Well, that depends.

Are you gonna share?

Oh, Frank!

It's your lucky night because my succubus friend got her mojo back and she's hornier than a monkey with eight dicks.

Or something feminine and sexy.


Buckle up, stud muffin.

Thank you.


This should cover it.

Exact change.

C'mon, man, I'm cold.

Come on, kid. I'm not a pawn shop...

That's my grandfather's watch. Alright?

I'm desperate.

Have a heart. Please?

When are we leaving?

When I'm good and ready. Yeah.

You know there's a lot of seats that aren't taken.

Yeah. There are.

I guess I was just taken by you.




I go by Maggy now. Maggy Dermay.

Let me guess. You're from a small town. You have a big family... A very strict family... Who didn't approve of your pregnancy so you're fleeing to the city to raise the baby on your own.

I did no such thing.

Hey. I was just joking.

Just a joke.

You're a singer, right?

How'd you know?

Maggy Dermay?

That name can only belong to a famous singer.

Everyone always said I was really good.

Ever since I was little. So...

My Uncle Leo... he got me a pitch pipe for my fifth birthday and I've been singing ever since.

Do you still have it?

The pitch pipe?


I've got it.

(Glass shattering)


So the husband says, "I want 69."

To which the wife replies,

"if you think I'm getting out of bed to make you lemon chicken, you crazy!"


Gets me every time.

Bo! Did you order delivery?



Sorry about bursting in...

Wasn't sure I had the right place.

Doesn't look like a P.I. firm.

Bo: Yeah, that's how we like it.

You wanna tell us what you're running from?

I'm not running. I'm being followed. I think.

By who?

I dunno.

What'd you do?


You don't get followed for nothing.

I didn't do anything, I swear.

Okay, I can pay.

It's not much but it's my grandfather's.

Gotta be worth something, right?

Sorry... only visa.


Please excuse my roommate.

She banged into some low hanging fruit and now she sucks.

You can keep your watch.

Where's the rest of your clothes?

You're lookin' at it.

I don't really have an address.


Well, I have a rack of men's clothes in my room...

Don't ask why.

Just go take your pick, okay?

It's the first door on your left.

I don't trust him as far as I wanna throw him.

He's trouble. Big trouble.

Trust me, I can feel it in my bones.

He's not worth the agro.

Bo: Tamsin, he's in trouble.

There's a difference.

Yeah, and what was chasing him could be right outside, and waiting.

Exactly. Which is why I wanna know what it is.

I'll tell you what it is not our problem.

Maybe it should be our problem.

I knew you were gonna say that.

Okay, look.

If we're going to be partners we need to get a couple things straight.

One. When you say you're gonna be back with weapons, you come back with weapons.

Two. We're never gonna make it unless we find a positive way to speak to each other.

And three. We help those who need help.

So deal with it!

Yeah, that tone's way less confrontational.

I'm sorry. Okay?

Something about this guy...

He's broke?

No, something familiar.

He's broke?

Look, I can't explain it!

It wouldn't be the first time I worked for free.

He's not Kenzi.

We can't keep taking every stray that comes to our doorstep.

Mark: I found a shirt.


Good choice.

Are you still hungry?

You know what on second thought, I'm just gonna go.

Hey, Mark. Wait!

It's probably all in my head anyway.

I spent a lot of time running.

A lot.

One thing I can tell you is you can never run far enough.

Whatever is chasing you will not stop until you face it head on.

See you around.

He looked in a hurry.

Wouldn't you?

Oh, Bo!

Oh, that little sh*t!


Now we do it my way.

These grounds are quite impressive.

(Phony English accent) If you don't mind me saying, Mr Base the leg is looking much better.

(In normal voice) Well, at least she's keeping a low profile now that she's human.

Make sure Bruce is fed and milked straight away.

Images of Catherine the great dance in my head.

(In phony English accent) Toodleoo, guv'na!

(Normal voice) Only I find me funny.

And then I said it doesn't matter that you didn't steal the earrings, Rosa.

I already told everyone that you did.

How would it look if I suddenly started changing my tune?

But you did the right thing?

Of course.

I fired her entire family.


So. Your assistant was m*rder*d.


I don't know what to tell you, Evony...

Lisa was a nice girl.

I left her alone, I feel responsible...

Yeah. None of the equipment I paid for was damaged I hope.

Nope. Nope.

Just one precious human life.

That's good.

And the three dead bodies that just disappeared?

Were you going to mention that?

You have eyes and ears everywhere. Don't you?


I didn't get shacked up with a fat old money buffoon with fake teeth and horrific gout to watch the clinic I opened in my name get plundered by common thieves.

I did it because I am a survivor.

And I will not be made to look like a fool.

The security system you're signing for should help ensure this thing doesn't happen again in the future.

And what about my serum?

Coming along? Progress and all that?

Oh, you know?

You can't rush science.

You think you can run from a Valkyrie?

Call me old fashioned, but I really don't like being stolen from.

Do you know what we do to thieves?

Do you want to take it down a notch?

Can I talk to you?


Yeah, like we agreed.


Go ahead.

I feel really disrespected when you back seat drive on my bad cop routine.

Okay. Well, I hear you.

But sometimes I wish you would try a different approach.

Maybe something a little sunnier.

Well, I hear you.

But I have been doing this a very long time and I would really appreciate and value your patience.

Well, I give you my patience...

(Together) Don't even think about it!

Look. Up until that... really, really weird conversation...

You both seemed like really cool chicks.

Then why did you steal from us?

To get out of town.


This belongs to my best friend.

I'm sorry. Honest.


Just how many grandfathers did you have, huh?

I'm sorry.

You guys were nice to me...

No one is, believe me...

I wonder why?

I'm not a bad guy.

Oh, no.

He's here.

Who's here?

Tamsin: Bo!

Bo: Why does it hurt so bad?

Tamsin: Stay with me.

Yeah, run! You coward.

This is gonna hurt.

No, no, no...

I don't have any money.

And I want any trouble.

Why don't you just let us inside and open that register?

No trouble just cash.

And if I refuse?

Things'll get messy.

(Metal clanging)

I can't believe you did that.

Just pulled it right out...

It was for your own good.

I need to feed.

Well, you can always ask Frank to come back here.


His name was Tad.

And don't make me laugh. It hurts.




It's back.

It's not working.

No, it is.

Here. Just feed more.

Bo, look what I got...

Oh my God. So much blood and kissing.

Bo: Lauren! Wait, wait.

I just need to get my medical kit.

Trick: We need to talk.

Trick: Dyson, don't.

Give me one reason why I shouldn't.

Trick: Just now behind the Dal.

Vex saved my life.


He came to my aid.

Two thugs were about to att*ck...

Let me guess.

He took them out to make it "look" like he's changed.


Oh, c'mon. That's a bit cynical.

Don't worry.

That thought's crossed my mind.

But I figure the safest place for Vex is with you.

The one man who will k*ll him if he's lying.

Better to have a Mesmer and not need one.

And you just might.

Three dead humans.

Happened just outside of our border.

I want you and Vex to look into it.

I swore fealty to your granddaughter, Trick.

I serve her now.

Good thing I'm the acting Ash.

And besides, Dyson.

You serve your conscience.

You always have.

Well, at least we have that in common, eh?


I just took the equivalent of Fae kryptonite out of your shoulder.

Say what?

It's a metal derived from a parasite.

What's so cool about this particular compound is that it's a mineral and it's also alive.

Every time you heal, this sneaky rascal re-split the wound.

So, that was in my shoulder?

Him and his little sister.

(Strange noise)

Oh, I might hurl.

Lauren: I know. I'm excited too.

They're attracted to each other's heat signature.

Where one goes the other wants to go.

You can bet that this squish family Robinson are looking for these two, right now.

So, it's like a tracking device?

So, wait...

This Robin hood douche knows where we are?

I'm lucky you came by.


It's my professional opinion that you've always benefited from human touch.



This is sweet but let's get this show on the road.

Places to go, people to find. Feed.

Thanks, T.

What are partners for.

So, if this archer used these bugs to find us, maybe we can turn the tables and do the same.

We need to find Mark.

Where would a young handsome Fae go in a town he doesn't know?

It's like I said.

I'm totally risk free.

I need from you is money to return to Africa, claim my inheritance and then... half of it's yours.

Okay, spill it.

Who are you?

What's going on and who's been chasing you?

I don't know.

I don't know and let's see...

I don't know.

Man, these wings are spicy.

I think schnapps can go with wings?

Stop dicking us around.

What do you care?

I'm just trouble anyways, right?

You can feel it in your bones.

Mark. I could have been k*lled.

You owe me an explanation.

Now stop acting like a child and man up.

He's a hunter.

He's been after me since I was a boy, but...

I don't know why.

Some Fae have natural predators.

What kind are you?

Kinda hoping you could tell me.

Mother d*ed when I was young.

Don't have any other family.

I keep waiting for something to change, something to happen but it never does.

Maybe there's something wrong with me.

No, it's just not time yet.

There's nothing wrong with you.

Then how come everywhere I go, I leave a body count?

Yesterday I was running to catch this bus trying to get away from the hunter, and I sat down next to this girl.

This sweet girl.

She was moving to the city to be a singer.

I thought she was pretty.

We can help you.

But you have to trust us.

No more lies.

I just kind of moved around from city to city.

Find honest work, but I guess I'm not that reliable.

It's okay. You have time to figure that stuff out.


Why does this hurt so much?

I thought you healed.

Yeah, so did I.

It just keeps splitting.

Lauren must have left some shrapnel in there.


I thought that's how you healed?

It is...

And wow.

Oh, wow.

I have waited a long time for this.


Well, we've been waiting all night.

And the Oscar goes to...

"12 years a babe."

(Tranquilizer g*n sh*ts)

Sorry. I was president of P.E.T.A in high-school.

Let's take him to my clinic. Lock him up.

We're not locking him up.

He's a m*rder*r!

(Tranquilizer g*n sh*ts)

Um. Maybe somebody else should take the g*n.


Man. Alive, these weapons are something else.

Did y'know the bone in this Kn*fe dates back to the Mesopotamian era of ancient Greece?!

How would I?

Uh... carbon dating?

Where am I?

You let me outta here.

You tried to k*ll an innocent Fae.

You sh*t me with an arrow that hurt like a bitch.

So, how about no.

That thing is anything but innocent.

I agree he's frustrating and a little bit of a scoundrel, but he's not dangerous.

Oh, you tell that to my wife!

You tell that to my little girl.

He k*lled them in cold blood.

Slaughtered them.


Him and all his kind.

They hunted us down like chattel tore them to pieces...

Feasted on them, right in front of my eyes...

That kid took my ear clean off he would've eaten me too, but I escaped 'cause now I won't stop not until he's suffers the way that I have.

Give me your hand.


Because I want to believe you.

Now tell me again about your wife.

D'you think mummies care about how they're portrayed in cartoons, you know?

All mumbling and moaning like morons.

(Unintelligible grunting)

I knew a mummy once. Yeah.

His name was Andy.

He was a tremendous chef but terrible hygiene.

As you my have guessed, mummies don't care much about mastering things like, toilet paper.

Hey, uh...

By the way, I know a few things about being bad.

What it all may mean.

The cultural significance.

My input could actually be helpful.

But, I know you're a proud wolf and you like to figure things out for yourself...



I don't want your help. I don't want you around.

All I see when I look at you is the man who k*lled my partner.

All I see when I look in your ridiculous face is Massimo's special friend.

Special friend?

He was the closest thing to a son I'll ever have.

You're not helping your case, Vex.

I raised him.

Since he was walking.

And you lot would like k*lled him.

He was an abomination.

He didn't stand a chance.

All he had was me.

I knew he was trouble, Dyson.

I knew he was bad but it didn't matter.

Nothing he did could change how I felt about him.

He was mine and I loved him.

Quite the legacy, Vex.

Oh, piss off.

You were the one who let him go in the first place.



I'm going to the clinic.

If you're here when I get back, I will k*ll you.

What is that?

What is what?

That smell.



Something bad.

Well, we're in a hospital, Dyson.

Everything smells a little bad.


So what you got, Detective?

Why these men?

Why these three specifically?

Shop at the same super Market?

Car pool friends, perhaps?

I thought I made myself clear, Vex.

Just listen to me.

I tried to get Massimo to leave town.

I tried...


But he wouldn't listen to me!

You have the same problem.

Hale was my friend, too!

Dyson: Say his name again!

Say his name one more time.

Lauren: He's telling the truth.

I was with Massimo in the end.

He was completely beyond reason.

Listen, I'm sorry!

I screwed up! Alright?

You're always sorry! You always screw up.

Do you think it's easy being the good guy?

Always doing the right thing.

Do you know how easy it would be to do the wrong thing?

How good that would feel?

Just do it.

Come on!

Pull the trigger!

Put me out of my bloody misery.

Dyson, I know that you're in a lot of pain, but Hale and Kenzi were not his fault.

Dyson, it wasn't anybody's fault.

This isn't gonna fix anything.

What happened?

Oh, you know.

You tried to k*ll the hunter, my ex sh*t you with a tranquilizer dart.

Usual Thursday fair.

I can explain.

I hope so, Mark.

Because that hunter had some pretty crazy things to say about you.

Of course he did. He's been trying to k*ll me...

He said you k*lled his wife and child.

No, I didn't.

Well, he wasn't lying.

What about his ear?

I'm suppose that just come off on its own?

Yeah, I... I bit his ear off.


He m*rder*d my mother.

What would you have done?

I was six years old, I could have done more.

She hid me under the bed and I just watched.

I just watched him k*ll her.

I swear, if you are lying...

You think I'd lie about being a coward?

I just laid there. I froze.

After he turned his back once he was finished...

I jumped on him, bit his ear off, and I ran...

I ran just like I did today when you got hurt...

Cause I didn't want him to k*ll you too.

I tried...

I tried to keep you guys safe.

You are not a coward.

You're just lost.

I'm sick and tired of running.

Of everyone around me dying.

Trust me.

k*lling that man is not the answer.

Then what is?

I don't have anywhere else to go.

I don't have anyone else to turn to.

I don't have anything but this.


You do.

I promise.

What is it about you?

(Whispering) Puttin' his hands all over me.

Puttin' his g*n to my chin.

He's lucky I don't go kung-fu on his ass.


Dyson: What did you just say?

Pig. You said pig.

I really don't think I said that.

The first Vic. His name was Patrick Murphy.

He was a cop.

A pig.

Look at this.

There's puncture wounds on both his feet.

He was hung upside down so he'd bleed out quicker.

Lauren: Like a pig in an abattoir.

The second Vic.

Shane Miller.

He was a prison guard. A bull.

Both men had their throats slit.

They were branded, organs removed and burnt, both men were hung and bled out.

In pagan religions, often the pig and the bull would be...

Sacrificed... their blood was spilled in order to purify them.

Their organs were offerings up to the gods.

What about the third vic?

No slit throat.

No puncture wounds.

But he's branded like the other two.

He d*ed of dehydration.

He was Russian.

Served eight years of a double life sentence.

Someone must have been a b-a-a-a-a-d boy.

Oh come on, copper.

We both know...

You shave that much time off a double life-sentence...

You been talking to the "right" people.

A snitch. A rat.

But a rat doesn't fit.

Yeah, but this is a Russian prison.

A snitch isn't a rat.

He's a goat.

Sacrificed to the desert to cleanse the sins in hopes of bringing good fortune.

We're dealing with a cult here.

A Fae cult.

Dyson, those three bodies from the elevator crash...

They were taken the other night.

Three ritual killings.

Three missing bodies.

There could be a connection.

You have anything with the missing bodies with the scent?


Yeah, I do.


Hey. How was your talk, Demi?

Where's Mark?

I thought he was with you?

The hunter.

He's gonna k*ll him.

You sure this is the right place?


Ah, yes.

The famed shifter nose.

Yes, it is quite the aquiline beauty if I might say so.



And strong.

Can you shut up?

Don't think I've ever tried.

(Phone ringing)


(Over phone) Dyson. My client. This kid Mark...

He's in trouble.

What'd you need from me?

If you're close, go to Lauren's clinic.

He's gonna k*ll this hunter.

That's what I smelled earlier.

I'm on my way.

I'm empty again, sweetie.

Sweetie, don't keep me waiting.

You know how angry I get.

Oh. Right.

I guess I'll get my own drink then.

Please, Mark.

What are you doing?

Why have you been hunting me?!

Hunter: You know why.

You m*rder*d my mother.

To Hell with your mother.

Please! Mark!

Why are you hunting me!

Because you're a shifter.

Who the Hell are you?

A shifter.

Like you.

This man has been hunting our kind for centuries.


It's been a long time.

We don't hunt Fae anymore, Kelly.

It's forbidden.

Especially not shifters who haven't shifted yet.

I figure since the Una Mens got all cut up, well...

It's open season.

You bastard!


I know you're mad.

I know you're in a lot of pain.

But k*lling this man won't change that.

He k*lled the only family I had.

And our kind k*lled his.

To him, we are responsible.

But we can stop this now.

This circle of v*olence can come to an end.


Get out of here.

He m*rder*d my mother!

I said go!

I'm gonna k*ll you!

I'm gonna rip out your throat!

Let me go.

Please, let me go.



Bo: I don't understand.

Why let him go?

That's a good question.

I think the answer is something here Dyson is being a self-righteous douche-bag.

But hey, I'll let him answer.

Don't wanna talk about it.

Oh. My. God. He's your...

Son. Yeah.

I smelled it when we met.


I knew there was something about him that was familiar.

Mark, wait!

Leave me alone.


Judging by your age, your mother would have to be...

Don't. You don't get to say her name.

You bailed and she d*ed.

It wasn't like that.


Then what was it like?

Oh, wait. I don't care.

She never told me she was pregnant.

She never told me about you.

But I know now.

I know nothing I say to make it right, but you can stop running.

You don't have to suffer alone.

You'd just get sick of me.

I'm trouble. Everyone says so.

I'm never gonna see you that way.

No matter what.

Because I'm your father.

Because of you, family really isn't my thing.

Oh, Evony, hi, I was...

Enough bullshit.

I tried to be your friend and be nice to you for a day.

And it got me nowhere.

Where is my serum?!

You seemed so happy with the rich hubby and the gout...

That was this morning!

Honestly, these human mood swings...

I don't know how you do it.

I wish I had better news for you but we've had some setbacks.

Setbacks. Okay.

Well, I've had some setbacks, too.

Turns out husband wants to turn the pool house into a man cave so I'm gonna have to store a few little odds and ends here at the clinic.

The clinic that I paid for.


Hello, wittle baby.

(Kissing noises)

What is that?

Oh, this old thing?

It's only the most feared creature known to Fae.

But let's just call it an insurance policy while I'm human, so nobody gets any funny ideas.

It won't be too much trouble for you to watch it for me, now will it?

What's it called?

Nobody knows.

It's that old.

Oh, I really hope something bad doesn't happen.

If it were to escape...

That would be really bad for you.

Chop chop.

That serum isn't going to serum itself.

Oh, and this little guy is running on battery...

And she be gettin' low.

I'd find a power source if I were you. Tout de suite !

Go ahead.

k*ll me.

On one condition.

I'm listening.


You leave my son alone.


You don't say.

Well, just gonna have to enjoy k*lling him even more.

Aren't I?

I thought you might say that. Vex!

I once made the mistake of letting a m*rder*r go.

Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

I won't make that mistake again.

This time I'll do what feels right.


(Scream in pain)

A son.


Like a full grown...


You can never tell Dyson that this happened.


I dunno. It is pretty great roommate leverage.

Plus I do like my collars starched?


I'm kidding!

Hey, my lips are sealed.

Y'know, there was a time when I thought me and Dyson would...

I bet there was a time for him too.

You guys are good together.

Even if it's just as friends.



I want you to know was hard on Mark for a good reason.



I was hard on him because I knew he was a liar and because I knew he was trouble.

I knew I was right because he's just like me.

When I left Valkyrie school, I hurt a lot of people.

And I did a lot of things that I'm not proud of.

You know...

You and me?

I think we're gonna be okay.




She's beautiful.


Mark's mother.

I had heard she had d*ed.

I just didn't hear she had been pregnant.

I wasn't around to know.

I wasn't big into long term in those days.

You know...

Dyson, this could be a real blessing.

You have a second chance.

And Mark is...


I love you. I do.

And thank you for stopping by.

I want to be alone tonight, if that's okay?

Hey, Bo.

Thanks for watching out for my boy.

He likes you.

And he could use a big sis.

Ha. Sis. Yeah.

You know me.

(Electric buzzing)
