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04x04 - Robo Tools

Posted: 03/17/24 19:27
by bunniefuu
- Calling all Umis.

Team Umizoomi!

all: ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Zoomi ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

all: ♪ Umi City ♪

- ♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

all: Yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure ♪

- ♪ Build it together ♪

- ♪ You can help us You're so clever ♪

- ♪ We've got Mighty Math powers ♪

all: ♪ You can call us any hour ♪

♪ Bah-ba-da Bah-ba-da, bah-ba-da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team ♪

♪ Bah-ba-da Bah-ba-da, bah-ba-da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes ♪

♪ Bah-ba-da Bah-ba-da, bah-ba-da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot! - And you!

- Hi, we're Team Umizoomi.

- Hey! - Hello!

- And we're here in our fix-it room.

This is where we come to fix things

when they're broken.

We fix all kinds of stuff.

- Yeah! Like tires.

[drill whirs]

- And engines.

[bolt clicks]

- And toys.

Do you like fixing stuff?

Great! Me too!

And check this out.

I've got Robo-Tools!

What tools do you see?

Yeah, a hammer, a wrench, and a screwdriver.

With these Robo-Tools,

I can fix anything!

all: ♪ Tools are cool ♪

♪ Oh, you know I love 'em ♪

all: ♪ Tools are cool ♪

♪ I got so many of 'em ♪

♪ See my saw ♪

♪ The way it cuts through ♪

♪ One piece of wood Well, now you've got two ♪

- ♪ Wrenches, pliers Drills, and screwdrivers ♪

- ♪ We got the tools ♪

♪ Whatever you desire ♪

all: ♪ We can fix it ♪

♪ We can make it ♪

all: ♪ Tools are cool ♪

- ♪ Oh, you know I love 'em ♪

all: ♪ Tools are cool ♪

- ♪ I got so many of 'em ♪

all: ♪ Tools are cool ♪

- ♪ we can fix anything ♪

all: ♪ Tools are cool ♪

- ♪ You make me want to sing ♪

all: ♪ Tools ♪

♪ Tools are cool ♪

- Yup, I can fix anything with the right tools.

- Bloop! Bloop! Bloop!

- It's the Umi Alarm!

That means someone needs our help.

- Let's see who it is on my Belly-Belly...

all: Bellyscreen!

- It's our friend Travis.

- Team Umizoomi, I've got a big problem.

My mom and I were driving to my soccer game,

and then our car got a flat tire!

- Sizzling circuits!

You can't drive with a flat tire.

- We have a new tire.

- But we don't have any tools to put it on.

- Don't you worry.

We've got the tools you need.

- That's great!

But you've got to hurry.

My soccer game starts really soon,

and I can't miss it!

- We'll be there as fast as we can.

- Thanks!

- We've got to get to Travis

and use my Robo-Tools to fix his car.

Will you help us fix Travis' car?


- Team Umizoomi...

all: It's time for action!

[upbeat rock music]

all: ♪ Umizoomi ♪

♪ Team Umizoomi ♪

♪ ♪

all: ♪ Umizoomi ♪

♪ Team Umizoomi ♪

♪ ♪

- Milli!

♪ ♪

- Geo!

♪ ♪

- Bot!

♪ ♪

- Bot, how do we get to Travis' car?

- According to my Robot Computer,

Travis' car is on Watermelon Street.

- Oh, look!

That sign says, to get to Watermelon Street,

we've got to follow this path

through the Horse-Park.

- Come on! To the Horse-Park!

- Hey, if we can find some horses,

I bet they'd give us a ride through the park.

- Help us find some horses.

When you see horses, say, "horses."

[chuffs] [neighs]

- Horses!

There they are!

- Hey, horsies.

We are in a really big hurry.

Can you give us a ride across the park?

- We'd love to, Team Umizoomi.

There's just one problem.

[horses neigh]

- We're out of energy.

- Out of energy?

Oh, no!

We've got to do something.

- I think those horses need some food.

That'll give them energy again.

- I bet there's some food in that picnic basket up there.

Let's check!

I found a burrito!

- [neighs] A burrito?

- I love burritos!

Feed it to me.

- No, me!

- Nay, I want it.

- Whoa, horsies, horsies, don't argue.

I can cut the burrito so you all get a piece.

Robo-Tools, activate!

I need a tool that's great for cutting things.

Which tool should I use?

My saw! Right!

Now I can cut the burrito.

But I have to make sure I cut it evenly

so that all the horses get the same size piece.

Let's see.

We could cut the burrito into three pieces like this.

Are these pieces all the same size?

No. They're all different sizes.

That wouldn't be fair.

What if we cut the burrito like this?

Now are all the pieces the same size?

Yes! Let's cut it up.


Three pieces all the same size.

Here you go, horsies.

[horses chomping]

[horses neigh]

- Thanks, Bot.

We've got our energy back.

[horses neigh]

- All right!

Let's giddyup, fellas.

[horses neigh]

- Whoa!

That burrito sure did the trick.

- Giddyup! - Whoo-hoo-hoo!

[horses neigh]

- Uh-oh.

They're running out of energy again.


- I'll get some more food.

Hey, check this out,

a grilled cheese sandwich!

- I want some!

- Me too!

- Me three!

- Good thing I have my saw.

We could cut the grilled cheese like this.

Are all three pieces the same size?


Well, maybe we can cut it like this.

Now are all three pieces the same size?

Yes! Let's cut it!

Here you go, horsies.

[horses chomping]

[horses neighing]

- Whoa!

- Ya-hoo-hoo!

- Way to go, horsies!

We're almost at the other side of the park!

[horses neigh]

- Uh-oh.

[sighs] [chuffs]

- We need to give them some more food.


A pizza!

- Pizza? That's my favorite!

- I'll take a slice.

- Me too.

- Okay, let's get cuttin'!

Are all three pieces the same size?


Let's try again.

Now are all three pieces the same size?

Nope. That's not right either.

Are they the same size now?


Let's saw!

Bon appétit, horsies.

That means "eat up."

[horses chomping]

[horses neighing]

- Hold on to your helmets!

- Whoa!

- Yee-haw!

- [neighs happily]

- [neighs]

- Here you are, Team Umizoomi.

The end of the park.

- Great!

- Thanks for the ride, horsies.

- You're welcome.

- See you around.

- Come on!

We've got to get to Travis.

The fastest way to get to Travis

is through the Shoe Factory.

Where do you see a Shoe Factory?

Yeah, right there.

- Come on! Let's hurry!

- Whoa! Guys, look!

There are robots making shoes.

- Make shoes. Make shoes.

- That one's making sneakers.

And that one is making flip-flops.

What's the yellow robot making?

Boots! Yeah, Cowboy Boots.

- [electronic voice] Boots. Boots.

Boots, boots, boots.

- The bolt just fell off that robot,

and now he's going haywire!

- [electronic voice] Sneakers. Sneak--sneak-

- [gasps] Now the Red Robot's bolt fell off.

- [electronic voice] Ee-er-ee-ah.

- [electronic voice] Flip--flip-

- And the blue one too!

[boinging and clattering]

- They're all going haywire!

Ooh! Look out!

- Oh, no!

We've got to get to that door!

- We'll never make it

with all these shoes flying around.


- We've got to fix those robots!

- Then we're gonna need those bolts.

I'll get 'em!

[upbeat music]

Got 'em.

If we can get these bolts back on the robots,

they'll be fixed.

- And I've got the perfect tools for the job.

Robo-Tools, activate!

I can use these wrenches

to put the bolts back on the robots.

- Let's start by fixing the red robot.

His bolt's shaped like a diamond,

so to put it back on,

we need a wrench that has the same shape.

- Which wrench has a diamond?

This one! Yeah!

I'm gonna put this bolt back on the red robot.

- You go, Bot!

- Whoa!

[grunts] Whoa!

- [electronic voice] Bop, bo, beep, boop, boop.

- Hold steady, red robot!

I got you!


- [electronic voice] I'm fixed. I'm fixed.

Thank you, Bot.

- No problem.

Whew! Got him.

- Nice one, Bot!

- You fixed the red robot!

- Thanks, but, uh--whoo!

We're not done yet.

- [electronic voice] Beep, boop, boop,

bop, beep, bo, boop, bo.

- We've got to fix that blue robot!

The blue bolt is shaped like an octagon,

so we need a wrench that matches.

- Which wrench has an octagon?

The one in the middle.

I'm coming, blue robot!

- [electronic voice] Bop, boop, boop.

- Steady. Steady.


- [electronic voice] You fixed me, Bot.

Thank you. Thank you.

- You're welcome.


Okay, one more robot to fix.

The yellow robot.

- [electronic voice] Er-ah-ee-ah-ee-ah.

- Yah!

And we better fix him fast!

- The yellow bolt is shaped like a pentagon.

Which wrench has a pentagon?

That one!

Here I go!

Whoa! [grunts]

Hang on!

Almost got it!


- [electronic voice] Whoo-hoo. I'm fixed.

Thanks, Bot.

- Glad to help, yellow robot.

It worked!

The robots stopped throwing shoes.

- Thanks for helping us fix those robots, Umi-Friend!

Now we can get through the Shoe Factory.

- Good-bye, shoe robots!

all: Good-bye. Thank you.

[ringtone sounding]

- Someone's calling us.

- Let's see who it is on my Belly-Belly...

all: Bellyscreen!

- It's Travis.

- Team Umizoomi, are you almost here?

- We're getting close.

- That's great,

but you've got to hurry.

My soccer game starts really soon.

- We'll be there as fast as we can.

Let's go, team!

[upbeat music]

- Oh, it's the Umi City Tram.

To get to Watermelon Street,

we have to take the tram all the way up that cliff.

- Hop in, everyone.

We'll be on our way in no time.

- Sorry, Team Umizoomi.

- It's DoorMouse.

- DoorMouse, you're the tram driver?

- That's right.

But this tram's not going anywhere.

- But, DoorMouse,

we've got to get up to Watermelon Street.

- I'd like to help you,

but this tram's engine is broken.

- Oh, no!

- We're pretty good at fixing things.

Do you mind if we take a look?

- All right. Give it a try.

[coughs] Phew.

I have no idea how to fix this thing.

The parts are all lined up in some kind of pattern.

- A pattern?


Let's take a closer look.

[gasps] Look!

One of the parts is missing!

If we follow the pattern,

we can figure out what part belongs here.

The pattern goes spring, gear, fan.

Spring, gear, fan.

Spring, gear...

what goes here?

Fan! Yeah.

DoorMouse, your engine is missing a fan.

- Ooh, okay.

I'm sure I have a spare fan in here somewhere.

Hmm, no, that's not it.


- I'll take that.

- Here you go.

- I've got just the tool we need to put this fan back in.


Now, carefully put in the fan.


- There!


- Nice work!

But the engine has two more broken compartments.

- Not to worry, DoorMouse.

Let's take a look and see what's missing

in this compartment.

Spring, gear, fan.

Spring, gear, fan.

What goes here?


- One spring coming right up.

- Steady.


- Only one more compartment to go.

Spring, gear, fan.

Spring, gear, fan.


What goes here?


- Steady.


[engine revving]

- The engine is working!

You fixed it, Team Umizoomi!

- Hooray! - Yay!

- Nice job, Umi-Friend.

- Attention, passengers.

Please, keep your arms, legs, and ponytails

inside the tram at all times.

Next stop: the top of the cliff.

- Here we go!

- All right!

- Going up!

- If you direct your attention out the window,

you will see the beautiful Umi City Zoo.

- I see the zebra!

- And the giraffes!

- Oh, there's an elephant!

- [trumpets]

- Ha!

- Here we are, the top of the cliff!

- Thanks for the ride, DoorMouse.

- Anytime.

- Come on, team!

We've got to get to Travis' car!

- Watermelon Street is this way!


The path splits.

- We can go over the hill

or through the tunnel.

Both paths will take us to Watermelon Street.

- The shortest path will get us there the fastest.

- According to my Robot Computer,

the path that goes over the hill is units long.

The path that goes through the tunnel

is units long.

Which number is the smallest?

! Yeah!

So the path through the tunnel is the shortest.

- That means it's the fastest way to go.

Come on!

- Hold on a second.

I know that sound.


- That sounds like...

all: Sticky spiders!

- Oh, no!

They're coming down that tunnel!

- Not if I block their way with this piece of wood.

I'll use my hammer

and nail this piece of wood over the tunnel.

That'll block 'em.

- Hurry, Bot!

[hammer pounding]

- Can't get us now, sticky spiders.

- Good work, Bot!

Let's keep going!


- [gasps] More sticky spiders!

- Quick, help us figure out

which tunnel they're going to come out of

so we can block it.

Which number tunnel will the spiders come out of?

Number ? Okay.

[hammer pounding]

- Whew! It worked again.

- We stopped the spiders!

- Let's keep moving.


- Uh-oh.

More sticky spiders headed our way!

- Okay.

Which number tunnel are they going to come out of?

Number .

- Go, Bot!

[hammer pounding]

- Whew!

Stopped 'em just in time.

- Come on!

We're almost at the end of the cave!

- I just hope there aren't any more...


all: Sticky spiders!

- Which number tunnel are they going to come out of?


It's hammer time!

[hammer pounding]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Good work, Umi-Friend.

- Hey, look!

It's Watermelon Street.

- [gasps] And there's Travis and his car!

- Travis!

- Travis, look!

- Team Umizoomi!

I knew you'd make it!

- We'd never let you down, Travis.

- All right.

Let's get to work and fix that tire.


I'll use this to lift up the car.

[jack clicking]

- That ought to do it.

Now, let's take that flat tire away.


- Let's use my Robo-Ratchet

to take off these lug nuts.

Count to with me.

- [ratchet whirring] - .





- Here's the new tire, Bot.

- Thanks, Geo.

. - [ratchet whirring]





Ha-ha! Perfect!

Okay, Travis, it's all fixed.

- Hooray! - Yay!

- Thanks, Team Umizoomi.

- You really saved the day.

- You're welcome.

Good luck with your soccer game.

- Oh, you guys should come too!

- Awesome! - All right!

- Everyone, buckle up.

- Seat belts on.

- Okay, let's go!

[rock music]

- Look! We made it to the field!

- We're just in time for my soccer game!

- Come on, Travis!

Okay, players, game on!

[whistle blows]

- Go, Travis! - Whoo-hoo!

- Go get 'em, Travis.

- Well, team,

looks like we got Travis to his soccer game

just in time!

- Good thing we had you to help us, Umi-Friend.

- Yeah, you're pretty handy with those tools.

- Hey, guys, look!

Travis has the ball!

- [gasps] He's heading for the goal.

- Go, Travis, go!

[whistle blows]

- Goal!

- Way to go, Travis!

- Umi-riffic!

- I feel a celebration coming on!

all: ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Let's do the crazy shake ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Let's celebrate ♪

- ♪ A job well done ♪

- ♪ Let's crazy shake ♪

all: ♪ And have some fun ♪

Everybody, crazy shake!

[all cheering]

- Brbrbrbrbrb!


all: Beep, boop, beep, boop!

- Wah!

- ♪ Mighty ♪

- ♪ Mighty ♪

- ♪ Mighty ♪

all: ♪ Math powers ♪

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Bah-ba-da bah-ba-da, bah-ba-da ♪

♪ Bah-ba-da bah-ba-da, bah-ba-da ♪

♪ Bah-ba-da bah-ba-da, bah-ba-da ♪