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01x05 - Lorimor Family

Posted: 03/18/24 12:39
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: They're every
parent's worst nightmare--

Enough already.

I told you to stop complaining.

completely out of control

and taking over the household.

These families have reached
the end of their rope.

DJ, get off.

NARRATOR: They're in
desperate need of help.


NARRATOR: They only have
one alternative left.

It's time to dial Nanny 911.

[phone ringing]


This is Nanny 911.

NARRATOR: We've gathered a
team of world class nannies

from all over the globe.

Each week, from Nanny
Central, they will watch

a video of a family in crisis--

NARRATOR: And decide which
nanny is best suited to help.

They will then have one week to
take our families from living

hell to a family bliss.

Look at me.

I'm serious.

There are going to have to be
some major changes that go on.

That's the plan.

NARRATOR: Can these
families be saved?

No, we leave her.

It doesn't have
to be this extreme.

I am trying to show you
a better way to do this.

NARRATOR: Parents of
America, help is on the way.


NARRATOR: Tonight--



NARRATOR: Ginger and Theron
Lorimor are taking a beating.

You do not hit me.

NARRATOR: Little Seersha
and Theron Junior

are out of control.


NARRATOR: And even though
Mom is a former nanny,

she hasn't got a
clue what to do.

Get back here.

You do not run away from me.

Get back here.

Get back here.


It's embarrassing for me as
a mother and as a former nanny.

Marine and treats

his kids like little soldiers.

Then go to your room.

Here we go.

NARRATOR: While Mom treats
them to anything they want--

NARRATOR: Will Stella prove to
be the nanny that knows best?

If this was you as a nanny

ex-nanny Ginger

provide too stiff a test.

You pissed me off.

To me, it's just not acceptable.

NARRATOR: It's the
battle of the nannies.

Bring it on.

NARRATOR: Tonight on Nanny 911.

[theme music]

My name is Theron.

I'm a US Marine.

My wife Ginger,
she's a former nanny.

Here you go.

My name is Ginger.

I'm a stay at home mom of two
really rambunctious children.


The two of them together
will go and destroy

whatever's in that room.

I really don't trust them.

Our two kids are
just out of control.

Theron is 3-years-old.

Theron, she can't breathe.

THERON: Don't you bite her.

Theron, she can't breathe.

He's very physical.

See, she couldn't breathe.

My concerns when
it comes to Theron

is now it's turning into more
of a hurtful and violent way.

Is it going to escalate?

Is it going to get
worse as he gets older?

Don't hit your
sister up the face.

My daughter Seersha is just
a happy-go-lucky little girl.

She can be quite devious.

She beats up on her brother,
but she does it in a sneaky way.



My biggest
concerns with Seersha

is she refuses to go to
bed without her pacifiers

and her sippy cup.

Giving it up is going
to be a huge issue.

I have fought with
my wife because we

do not need those pacifiers.

They're big kids now.

They won't go to bed without
their pacifiers, so I give in.

I give it to them.

Here you go.

My husband Theron's
way of parenting

is so different than mine.


Theron, leave
your sister alone.

Daddy Theron is
a lot stricter.

Got it?

I got it.

You better get it.

And that's where we're
clashing as parents.

GINGER: Put it back.

Theron, no lollies.

Theron Daniel.

Hand it over.

It really frustrates
me to see that the kids

walk all over her.

Theron, ah ah.

You're not supposed
to have that, mister.

She's a pushover.


Theron, you
don't need a lolly.

I hope that the
nanny can rectify

that situation with her.

I definitely think
me being a former nanny

has made things
harder because now

that I have my
own two children--

Stop it .

Pick them up right now.

I've let all limits
go out the door.

Don't push me.

I feel that the children
don't respect me as a parent.

Get back here.

You do not run away from me.


Get back here.


Get back here.

Get back.

I don't have a life.

Right now, the
children rule my life.

Knock it-- Ow.

Stop it.

I have no control
over my children,

and that's really hard to take,
and it's really embarrassing.

Theron, no hitting.

No hitting me.

Stop it.


You cannot hit
Mommy like that.

You don't hit Mommy that hard.

So what do you think, girls?

The dad's in the military,
so where's the structure?

Where did this mother train to
be a nanny, at the London zoo?

These poor children are
completely out of control.

Having reviewed
this case, I think

that Stella's tough love
and wonderful sense of humor

is just what this family needs.


name is Stella I'm

from Burnley, Northern
England, and I've

been a nanny for 15 years.

I've been dispatched to a
small town in North Carolina

because the Lorimor
family is having

some problems with discipline.

Stop kicking your sister.


Marine, is too strict.

Leave your sister alone.

That's not nice.

NANNY STELLA: While Mom, a
former nanny, is too soft.

You're hurting me.


rules and boundaries

need to be established.

I think what this family needs
is some tough love Nanny Stella


GINGER: Nanny's here.



I'm Nanny Stella.
- I'm Ginger.

Pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you too.

Come on in and meet
the rest of the family.

Seersha, come meet Nanny.

What's that in your mouth?

This is my husband Theron.

How you doing?

- Pleased to meet you.
- Pleased to meet you.

How are you?

And this is Theron Daniel.

Hi, Theron Daniel.

He's three.

So basically today, all that
I'm going to do is observe.


Is that OK with you, Theron?


that the kids have

already assessed
that I mean business,

especially if Theron Junior.

You want a piece of me?

You want some of this?

You want a piece of me?


You want some more?
- No.

THERON: You want a piece of me?

first thing I notice

is that Daddy gets the
children all riled up--

I love you.

heads to work leaving Mom

with two kids who are
fired up and don't

respect her authority.

NANNY STELLA: The children do
what they want because they

know they can get away with it.

wreaking havoc behind Mom's

back while she's
busy doing housework.

SEERSHA: The sink!

Oh, my god.

Move it.

Look at the state of the place.

Get out.

NANNY STELLA: Ginger says
she's a former nanny,

but no self-respecting
nanny would

put up with such bad behavior
from her own two children.

When Dad returns home, I can
see that he has no problem

disciplining the children.


being a Marine,

he has to be
careful not to treat

them like little soldiers.

Go to your room.

NANNY STELLA: I've seen a lot of
disturbing behavior in my short

time with the Lorimor's.


Be nice to your sister.


And an addiction to pacifiers
that should be long gone.

And Dad isn't
helping matters any.

But what's most shocking is
that a former nanny would

treat her children
like babies and let

them get away with m*rder.

Stop it.

Seersha, you come this
side so you don't get hit.




Not nice.

Oh, Theron!

The children walk over
me, treat me like a doormat.

I feel as if I'm
failing as a mother.

It hurts.

You do not hit me.

You do not hit your mother.

You stop it.

Go away.

You cannot treat me that way.

You don't hit Mommy that hard.

All right, I've seen enough.

While Dad puts the kids to
bed, which is quite a chore,

I decided to sit Ginger
down and have a chat.

So, Ginger, it's been
a long first day.

As you're aware, I've made
a lot of observations.

Some of them great.


Some of them not so great.

But tomorrow morning, I'm going
to sit down with you and Theron

and the children
and tell you my plan

of action, so I'm off to bed.

Nanny is going to be
telling me what to do,

and me, as a mother, I'm
very protective, territorial,

and I hope that isn't going
to be a huge obstacle.

morning, I'm sitting down

with the Lorimor's
to present them

with their new family rules.

It's my first time giving
rules to a former nanny.

This should be interesting.

First of all, I know
you're nervous--

I'm afraid of that.


This is the very,
very special book.

These are the family rules.

One, no hitting or biting.

It is totally unacceptable.


Everyone in the house needs
to listen to each other.

Mom, Dad, and kids.

Theron, this is a good example.

Nanny's speaking and
you need to listen, OK?


Thank you.


Parents need to work as a team.

I've seen Theron
Senior discipline

the children a little
bit like mini soldiers.

Leave your sister
alone or else she's

going to mess with you, got it?

I got it.

But then I see
them come to you

and you comfort them
and mollycoddle them.

Mommy fix it.

Mommy make it better.

You have to agree
on the way you're

going to discipline
the children and you

have to be united in it.

So this is the tough
part of it, OK?

The pacifier has to go.


Now that makes you nervous.


I'm just worried about,
you know, the whole

because it's an attachment
to them, that is

going to affect them long term?



It's just my fear.

If you don't believe me, you
can call your pediatrician.

So those are the tasks at hand.

It's going to be hard.

I never came into
your home and said

it was going to be easy.

Seersha, what would
you like for lunch?

first lunchtime together--

can already see I need

to give Ginger some direction.


This is what you do.

Theron, Theron, it's not ready.

It's OK.

It's OK.


How about you do this?
THERON: Theron?


Can I just tell you one thing?

What I need you to know.

It's OK for him to get mad,
and it's OK for him to cry.

It's just harder.

It pulls on my heartstrings.

It's just emotionally harder
when it's your own children.

It's absolutely
OK, and you don't

have to feel guilty about it.

Theron, thank you.

No, sorry.

Actually, I'm not sorry.

Give me that, please?

She was harsh, cold, and I
felt very threatened by it.

OK, you need to come away.

You need to go find
your seat for lunch.

Thank you.

It is painfully clear that
Ginger is totally unwilling

to be firm with her
children, so I'm going

to have to be firm with Ginger.

If you're going
to give in, you're

not going to achieve anything.

I feel more comfortable
if I talk about it

and say, OK, you can't have it.

I am saying you do not
have to validate everything

you do to a three-year-old.

Whatever you've been doing,
it hasn't been working.

I promise you, if this was
you as a nanny 12 years ago,

I'd fire you.

Take my word for it.

Nanny Stella and I have
already butted heads.

She's very direct, and
I'm not used to that.

If this was you as a nanny

Take my word for it.

Ginger really needs
to take control.

She needs to follow
through on her discipline.

There's no consequences
for bad behavior.

If these weren't my children,
and if I was nannying them,

I would remove them
from the situation

and tell them that this
is their punishment

and walk away and isolate them.

You keep saying to me you
know, but can you do it?

I just want it to
come out, Ginger.

You know, as they
say, bring it on.


No one is having it right now.



You do not hit me.

You are going to time out.

Good job.

Nanny Stella's recommendation
with Theron whenever

he hit me put, him in
timeout and let him

know why he's in timeout.

You will stand there
for three minutes.


Mom enforce time out,

I'm bringing in my
trusty old timer.

When this ding, ding,
dings, you can come out, OK?

There you go.

That's Nanny Stella's timer.

Whenever you hit Mommy
or if you hit anybody,

you're going to
be put in timeout

and Mommy's going to put
three minutes on that timer.

The reason why you're here
is because you hit me.

You cannot hit Mommy.

You do not hit Mommy.

You stay over here.


You need to go back
in and time out.

You need to go back in time out.

Sit down.

He finds it really hard to
sit still on a normal basis.

Three minutes, it's hard.

When it goes beep, beep,
beep, you can come out.


in time out, Theron.

I think you've done one minute.

Three minutes is a long
time for a three-year-old.

Putting him in time
out for the first time,

it was hard, as a mother.

You know, emotionally it's
hard to watch your child cry.

You'll be OK.

My husband Theron's
way of parenting

is so different than mine.

He's more strict, structured.

This way or no way.

And for me, there's always a
middle ground and that's where

we're clashing as parents.

After telling him
a couple of times

that he needed to stay there
till the bell went off,

Mommy went running
to the rescue.

Theron Daniel, you
may come out now.

You may come out.

Thank you for being a good boy.

really disappointed

when Ginger stepped in with
one minute left on the clock

and abruptly pulled Theron
Junior from time out.

When she goes against what we've
established as good discipline,

she sends the kids
mixed messages

and she goes
against her husband.

She might not mean to undermine
him, but she undermines him.

The children have a couple
of bedtime crutches,

sippy cups and pacifiers.

Ginger already sabotaged
my attempt at time out.

Let's see how she does when I
try to cut out the sippy cups.

For tonight, what I'd like to do
is to take away the sippy cups.

I have serious reservations.

Nanny is here for a week.

I don't think that
is enough time

to have them calm down enough
to where they go to bed

without them.

I have doubts whether I'll
be strong enough as a parent

to deal with their crying.

They need to lose the
sippy cups because they're

not babies anymore.

Here's your snuggle.

Ginger is a really nice lady.

Unfortunately, she's let her
children walk all over her

for too long.



Can I have a hug and kiss?

When we put the kids to bed,
it's going to be a big fight.

I feel if I'm being
really strict with them,

then they feel that
I'm not loving them.

OK, give me a hug goodnight.

I love you.


Night night.

Love you.

The good thing is we haven't
heard a peep out of Seersha.


And she was the
one who was depending

on it more than he was.

At first, the children
cried desperately

for their sippy cups.

But eventually, they quieted
down and fell asleep.

Last night we
achieved a huge step.

They went to bed without
their sippy cups.

That's brilliant.

NANNY STELLA: Hopefully,
by winning the small battle

of the sippy cups,
Ginger and Theron Senior

will realize that reclaiming
control of their home

is a fight they can win.

You already feel a little
bit more empowered?

You're proud of
yourself, aren't you?

I'm so proud of myself.

We've come a long way.

Ginger is being really positive.

First, we introduced timeout.

Second, we cut out
the sippy cups,

and now it's time to attack the
children's greatest addiction

of all, their pacifiers.

You listen to Mommy.

- Come here.
- You come here too.

Mommy has something
very important to say.

Come here.

We're going to be taking
the pacifiers away

from the children and the
nanny is trying to be tough,

but my kids are paci-holics, and
I don't believe they're going

to be able to quit cold turkey.

You know what?

Today is going to be
a huge day for us, OK?

You know what's going to happen?

You know the way Mommy has
been saying that the dodies

need to go to little babies?

Well, today is the day.

Time to give the dodies
away to the babies.



I want you to be
a big girl and you

show everyone that
you can be a big girl,

because I know you can.

Myself and Theron were very
worried about the pacifiers

because it's been their
routine for so long,

and it's been my routine.

So I just don't know
if it's going to work.

I really do have
my reservations.

It goes in the bag.

You can do it.

I don't even think the nanny
knows what she's getting into.

It's going to be just a fight.

Put it in the bag, baby.


Come here.

Be a big boy.

OK, Theron, you just take it
and put it in this bag for me,


Thank you, Theron.

Thank you.

Last one.

Thank you.

I got to go give them
to the babies now.

I'll be right back.

You're a big boy.

be Theron and Seersha's

first night without
their pacifiers

and bedtime is when
they rely on them most.

It's going to be hard.

I hope Ginger and
Theron can stay strong.

I have faith they will, but
it's going to be a long night.


Them going to bed for the
first time without pacifiers

is going to be a kicking and
fighting screaming match.


Here we go.

Lay down.

I love you.

Really good.


That's so hard for
me to hear him cry.

I know.

You know, do I give
in and give it to him?

If you do, you're
back to square one.

He's going to stay in there
and cry until he throws up.

NANNY STELLA: Theron Junior
had a total meltdown.

Started coughing, they thought
he was going to throw up.

Mom and Dad both got
pretty upset about it.

Everybody makes me aware
that I'm not the parent,

and I don't feel it,
but say you don't

do anything for
another five years,

and then he still
makes himself sick.

We understand where
you are coming from.

We do.

It's just that we hate
to see them like this.

She's only here
for a week, and she

thinks she's going to be
working miracles on my two

children in one night.

I don't believe that's
going to happen.

He's not going to sleep.

He's in there and he's--

And if you don't take
that pacifier away,

he's not going to be able to
do that till he's 17 years old.

I don't want to tell you
to go give it to him,

I really don't, because I
honestly believe that he

can do this and you can do it.

This is so harsh.

So what are you
going to achieve

if you give it back to him?

I'm just trying to find is
there a nicer way to do it?

There is no nicer
way to do it, hon.

It's clear Theron
Senior is on board,

but Ginger is still resisting my
plan to cut out the pacifiers.

Ginger, I don't even
know where they are.

And I don't want to
know where they are.

I understand.

Because I'm not putting
my kids through this again.

Ginger, honestly,
this is nothing.

But if you don't take
these pacifiers away,

they are going to be there
for a much longer time frame.


It's OK.

Come here.

I know.

I know it's hard.

It's very hard.

I know.

Just go with it.

Because tomorrow you're
going to be much happier

than he doesn't have it.


Ginger and Theron
have been really strong.

She's very upset
about it, but she

really wants to see it through.

It's OK.

I'm going to say good night.

Thank you so much.

You're very welcome.
Great job.

I really mean it.

I can show Ginger and I can show
Theron what I want them to do,

but I can't enforce it.

It has to be their
decision ultimately.

[theron crying]

Right now, the
children are just crying.


I don't know how many
times my wife has been up,

but I've been up at
least four times already.

I don't know what
time the kids are

finally going to go to sleep.

I never want to go
through this again.

Show me how you lay down.


Most of last night,
we got no sleep.

Theron Daniel was
up a lot crying.


And when we'd get
him back to sleep,

Seersha would wake up crying.

They continually like,
beg for their pacifiers,

and we just kept saying
they're with the babies.

And it was just so hard to
hear them say, you know,

take them back from the babies.

We're babies.

We need them.

It was just really, really
heart wrenching for me.

Your mommy's big boy?

You want to come up to Mommy?


Nanny Stella was
here for the easy part,

putting the kids to bed, but
then she went to bed herself.

Obviously, she put
earplugs in her ears

because she just abandoned
us, and you know,

that's just not
the way to do it.

This morning I'm going to
sit down with Nanny Stella

and let her know that the way
she approached everything,

it was wrong.

It was cold.

And to me, it's
just not acceptable.

Good morning.

As I walk in the next morning,
I can see fatigue has set in.

The Lorimor's look
ready to k*ll me.

And once again,
Theron and Ginger

are both doubting my methods.

What happened?


This is the way
he's been all night.



Pissed at me.

Pissed at Daddy.

Pissed at life in general.

He's just-- he's
really upset right now.

He's mad, and I think he
has every right to be mad.

But you two are the parents
and you are in control,

and as upsetting as this is and
as tired as you all are today,

and as tired as the
children are going to be,

the end result is going
to be no pacifiers.

It will be easier tonight.

The Lorimor's believe that
last night was a failure,

but I know that if they're
patient, ultimately,

they will succeed.

This is something
that we've held off on,

and it's going to
take more than just

one night for them to
actually get over this.

It's really draining on us.

It really is.

And I don't think Nanny
Stella realizes what you have

to go through when they're
this old, when we've waited

too long to take them away.

If this would have happened
a night that I was working,

it wouldn't have happened.

You have to
decide on the value

of what you're looking for.

The price you're going to pay.

I understand.

I am the first to
tell you, it's not easy,

but I have stomached more
babies crying in 15 years

than you've ever seen.

I know, but like,
my point of view,

you came across really
harsh last night

because your
examples were babies.

You haven't been
in the situation

that we're in right now.

That's not true.

I actually took a pacifier
away from a three-year-old

about two weeks ago.

But in our situation, it's
not one child, it's two,

and that's harder.

I think it's important for
Ginger to stop making excuses.

She just wants to
validate where she's at.

But it's a disgrace for
an ex-nanny to have her

three and four-year-olds
still using pacifiers.

From a mother point of
view, listening to your kids

screaming and crying, and that
I know that if I give them

the pacifier that they would
sleep very happily, that

was really, really difficult.

I'm just reinforcing to you--


I, personally being
here, just want you

to be wonderful at
disciplining your children.


Because you've lost
your smile again today.

You've pissed me off.

I have a habit of pissing
people off, but you know what?

It's not my job to care what
somebody thinks about me as

long as I am handling those
children and doing a good job,

and I do.

But I don't want you to
give in, because you're

back to square one.

I'm not putting my
children through this again.

I've started, so I'll finish.


It's just, I didn't think
it was going to be this hard,

but I will do it.

Good job.


We've come a long way.

Ginger is being really positive.

She's following through.

This is Theron and Seersha's
second night without pacifiers.

And for all our sakes, I hope
it goes better than the first.

Tonight is night two taking
the pacifiers away and just

now, Seersha looked
in the bread bin,

and this is where I
normally keep them.

They're gone.

Nanny has taken them, so
I'm getting really worried

that things are going
to escalate tonight

and we're going to have
another rough night.



Mom, where's my pacifier?

Well, right now, you
don't need to play with it.

You need to go to sleep.

Big girls don't need dodies.

All right?

Nanny Stella took them--


Nanny took them and give
them to tiny babies.

She told you that.


Seersha, I need
you to lie down.

- No.
- OK.

Lie down.



Mommy's-- listen.

I want to stay up.

Seersha's acting
up more tonight

than she did last night.

She's demanding her pacifier.

She's being more verbal.

She's actually being more
physical about the whole thing.



It's your decision
to behave that way,

but I'm not going
to stay in the room.

I don't know if we're going to
be able to get through tonight.

It's another struggle.


This is your bedroom.

You will sleep here.


I wish I could
sleep in your bed.


Good night.


What did Nanny do?

Nanny took the dodies and the
little babies have them now.


You're a big boy.

I love you.

I know you're Theron.

I love you.

You sleep with the angels.

On the second night
without the pacifiers,

it's even more critical that
Theron and Ginger don't give

in to their children's cries.


the possibility

that Theron Senior
could be sent away

on assignment at any time--

NANNY STELLA: Ginger must
take advantage of this chance

to grow as a parent, or
ultimately, she will be

failing herself and her family.

[children yelling]

Amazingly, they went to sleep.

It was a huge relief.

NANNY STELLA: And Ginger and
Theron Senior could finally

reap the fruits of their labor.

The children slept
all through the night

without their pacifiers, and
the next morning, Theron Senior

did something remarkable.

[rooster crowing]

his wife sleep in.

I am really surprised
because the second night they

were weaned off the pacifiers,
and I think it's going to work.

Because it's time
to get dressed, OK?


I was very proud of
Theron Senior this morning.

There you go.

See, you can do it?

NANNY STELLA: Of his own accord,
he got up early, he did chores,

and he let his wife sleep in.


The last time
I got to sleep in

was probably before
the children were born.

Doesn't she look pretty?

She was rested and she
was feeling a lot better.

I haven't seen her that
refreshed in a long time.

How excited were you
about last night because we

took away the you know whats.



It's like brilliant.

So that's it.

It's done now.
- Oh, yeah.

It's done.

We're not going back.

We have overcome
so many obstacles,

the sippy cups, the pacifiers.

It's just a huge achievement.

Both of you should be really
proud of your accomplishments.

GINGER: Oh, we are.

Because I am.

But whenever you
were like, in my face,

I just wanted to turn you around
and shove you out the door.

But now I know that you
were doing the right thing.


Well, I appreciate that.

No, I appreciate it because
I'm a better mother for it,

and I thank you for it.

You're very welcome.

I'm sticking firm
to Nanny's rules,

and we're going forward
as a family, as a unit,

and there's no turning back.

Milk comes from cows.


is like a new person.

Because that's
the way it happens.

more confident parent,

and she's even gotten
her nanny skills back.

Well, your freezing but
how about you stand still

so I can dry you quickly.

NANNY STELLA: She's becoming
the tough yet nurturing

mother I knew she could be.

Let's go.

Chickadee, up.

importantly, Ginger has finally

gained her children's respect.

GINGER: Oh, look at these.

These are fun colors.

NANNY STELLA: Consequently,
Seersha and Theron Junior have

stopped their violent behavior.

I'm just going to take
the kids out to the park.

We got about an hour.


Love you.

NANNY STELLA: Theron Senior
is now doing his share

to take the burden of parenting
off Ginger's shoulders,

and he's become a softer,
more effective father.

Good save.

Seersha and Theron
Junior have both

graduated from being babies
by cutting out their reliance

on sippy cups and
pacifiers, and they

did so far more quickly than
any of us could have imagined.

If you hold tight,
we can go really high.

You don't get to
swing, do you, buddy?

my last day here,

and I'm absolutely thrilled.

No hitting, no biting, no
sippy cups, and no pacifiers.

And Ginger's got her smile back.

This week with the Lorimor's
has been a testament

to patience and hard work.

Thank you.

I'll give you a high five.

Well done.

A high five and
what else do I get?

Hugs and kisses?


Good squeeze.


This journey is
like a rocky road.

It had huge bumps
and then small bumps.

It was a hard struggle,
but it was so worth it.

Thank you so much.

You've changed our lives.

We have all come out on top.

You know, we've won.

The children have won.

It's a win-win situation.

It was so worth it to
go through everything

that we went through.

See you later.


THERON: You want to
watch out the window?

GINGER: Watch out the window?

THERON: You want to
watch out the window?

GINGER: You watch
Nanny out the window.


NANNY STELLA: I'm confident the
next time Theron Senior is sent

away on military
assignment, Ginger

will embrace the
challenges of motherhood,

especially now that she's
got her nanny skills back.

SEERSHA: What Nanny Stella left?

GINGER: Dear Lorimor
family, today is

a very big day for all of you.

In her letter, Nanny said that
she left us some special toys.

Words don't describe
what she left us.

We opened the door.

I seen this absolutely
amazing car.

Daddy can go to work
and we can have a car.

Oh my god.

For me, the car
meant freedom, and I

thank you, Nanny, for that.

From the bottom of my
heart, I thank you.