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04x02 - The Balsamo Family

Posted: 03/18/24 13:58
by bunniefuu

NARRATOR: 'They're every parent's worst nightmare.'

YELLS Stupid!

GIRL SCREAMS 'Kids completely out of control...'


'..and taking over the household.'

I will smack you. BOY SCREAMS

'These parents have reached the end of the road.'

All right, enough! I don't care!

'They're in desperate need of help.'

Get upstairs! Back into bed!

'They have only one alternative left.

'It's time to contact Nanny .'


This is Nanny . Can I help you?

'From our team of world-class nannies

'direct from Nanny Central,

'the right Nanny will be chosen.'

'They will then have one week to take our families from living hell

'to a family bliss.'

- You're a waste of life. - 'Can these families be saved?'

I'm going to call the police.

- No! - Anthony!

I don't love you.

What you do with those children is my business.

'Parents of America, help is on the way.'

ALL: Nanny's here!

The nanny's here!

- Who's your nanny? - 'Tonight...'


- What's the matter? - 'Meet the Balsamo family.'

He hit me!

- 'With a liar...' - I didn't break it.

- '..a thief...' - You stole!

'..and a two-year-old potty mouth...'

- You bitch. Bitch. - Hey!

'..Nanny Stella's gonna have to put in overtime...'

- Enough is enough! - ' keep them from doing time.'

- I'm going to call the police. - That's what I'm afraid of.

'Next, on Nanny .'


GIOVANNI: Grabbed her head and slammed her to the wall.

Let me go!

- Let's go! - I didn't break it!

I'm tired of arguing with you all day long!

My name is Elaine Balsamo, I'm years old.

All right.

My name is Sergio Balsamo, I'm and I'm a carpenter.

- Honestly, enough! - They weren't doing anything.

My wife Elaine and I have been married for years.

We have three children, Giovanni, who's ,

Adrianna's nine, and Marco's two.

Marco, what's the matter?! 'Our family is loud.'


ELAINE: 'It's constant chaos.'

My kids cannot be in the same room together.

- I'll throw you down. - No!

- No, he hit me! - Don't pull him!

They physically hurt each other.


The way my family fight, it's like animals in the wild.

Stop starting this!

- They're disrespectful kids. - Stop!

ELAINE: Loud and obnoxious.

- You're pissing me off! - They're out of control.


Adrianna's nine years old, and she is a drama queen.

I freaking hate you!

SCREAMING Daddy! Give me my guitar!

You give it back to me right this minute!

She's the loudest, screaming girl I've ever seen.

Why don't you just get your lazy butt out!

SERGIO: Adrianna!

ADRIANNA: No, I don't wanna go to bed.

ELAINE: Adrianna overreacts to everything.

And she'll go on, go on.

Come on! I'm not dealing with this.

We had an episode where she went on for four hours.


Stop it! I'm not dealing with this.

I don't wanna go to bed!

Adrianna's my biggest problem at bedtime.

Her bedtime is usually between : and :.

And she won't fall asleep till about , o'clock.

- Get in bed. - No!

Get in bed.

Every ten minutes, there's an excuse.

Don't start the drama.

My sister waits till my parents go upstairs

and then she sneaks in my room.

Sergio, you deal with her tonight. I'm not doing this.

I just said minutes.

minutes, Giovanni! Not even one minute past.

'Giovanni is an angry child.

'He always has an attitude, he answers back.

'He lies.' I just said don't open the soda!

- I didn't open it. - He never listens.

Do your homework.

It is very easy for me to play my parents.

Is that a threat or a promise?

'When he gets angry, he gets in your face.'

I just did it!

Sometimes, the way he talks to us...

- I've done my homework. - I'll back off.

- Enough! - I'm afraid that he's gonna hit me.

Hold on!

If he's like this at , I am scared that he'll get arrested.

Marco is two years old and he's our little spudge.

Whatever Giovanni and Adrianna do,

he takes it all in and then repeats it.

Hey! Get back!

ELAINE: Giovanna, don't instigate him!

Marco has used curses.

- Don't listen to him! - Bitch. Bitch.

What'd you call me?

- Bitch. - Marco, that's enough!

In this house, we have no rules.

Make me.

GIOVANNI: Me, Marco and Adrianna run the household.

Don't push me.

GIOVANNI: We scream, yell, throw things

and my parents don't really do anything.

Move! You jerk.

That'll be my fist in your face.

- The kids do whatever they want. - You're a jerk.

- Here. - Can I have the phone? Giovanni?

- Giovanni, let's go. - I'm busy.

My kids haven't listened to me in about seven years.

minutes in your room.

The discipline doesn't work cos whatever I say

goes in from one ear and comes out the other.

No, your mother said to go to your room first.

ELAINE: We have tried everything.

Removed toys, TV, timeouts.

What's wrong with you?!


She broke the lightbulb with the pool stick!

This is one of the pieces of the kitchen cabinet.

This is the fourth door they're breaking.

- The fourth door in one year. - This is ridiculous.

The kids' behaviour has put a lot of strain on our marriage.

With Sergio, I don't get enough help from him.

He's sitting there and he's not doing anything.

I'm doing the disciplining for both of us.

- You have to call him stupid? - Yes, I do.

When I come home from work and I see the kids fighting,

I just don't wanna bother with them because I'm exhausted.

GIOVANNI: Dad, he lets me get away with everything.

He lets me do anything I want to, so he's, like, the best.

- Marco! - Bitch.

Marco, stop!

I have been called different names by my kids.

The children call me a witch, a bad mother, fat woman.

- You're a waste of life. - Who you talking to?

They do hurt my feelings.

Nobody should call their parents those names.

Elaine's right, they should have some respect for her.

- Bitch! - Keep it up, yeah.

I feel like I'm failing as a parent.

Stop... Stop it!

Giovanni, just do your homework. Honestly, stop.

I called Nanny because I need help.

It's my last... chance.

Enough! I don't care!

Nanny Stella, you've got to get to the Balsamo family and quick.

With your tough love and persistence,

there's still a chance to save this family.

- Hello! - Hi!

- I'm Nanny Stella. - Hi, I'm Elaine, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, too. - Guys, come and meet the nanny!

The first impression of Nanny Stella is, uh, scary.

She looks tough.

Adrianna, this is Nanny Stella.

- Nice to meet you. - Hi!

- Hello. I'm Sergio. - Nice to meet you.

- I'm Elaine's husband. - Marco. Nice to meet you.

- This is Giovanni. - Nice to meet you.

I think that a nanny comes to our house and tells me what to do,

I think that's ridiculous.

Are you guys ready for me?

Are you ready for them?

Do you know what happens on the first day?

I have to come in and see what you guys are doing,

where you're having problems, you know.

And then I have to see if I can help remedy it.

So, I have to sort of mill into the background and take notes.

You have to pretend I'm not here, OK?

As hard as that might be.

OK? So, what are you about to do now?

What time is it?

In a little bit, we start homework usually.

STELLA: 'It's good to hear that this mum has an agenda

'and the children have scheduled homework time.'

ELAINE: Do you know what, Giovanni...

GIOVANNI: I'm not doing my homework. Just shut up.

- Giovanni, do your homework! - Shut up!

STELLA: 'Giovanni has tuned his mother out.'

Giovanni, start your homework. Giovanni.

Giovanni, do your homework. Give me the phone!

I've had enough. I've had enough!

- Don't you dare push me. Giovanni! - I could sue you!

ELAINE: Stop, you're hurting me! Stop it!

The fight between Giovanni and Elaine was horrific.

The physical part of this is really scary.

Look what he did.

STELLA: 'Giovanni doesn't seem to care that he's hurt his mum

'and looks no closer to doing homework.'

I went for his arm just to get the videogame.

SERGIO: Are you gonna do your homework?

- That's my freakin' game! - No, no!

- Give me my game! - No, stop! Giovanni!

I'm not joking around with you. Give me my game.

- Give me my game. - I said stop.

- Give me my game. - That's enough!

- Stop! - I have to come in.

Giovanni, stop.

STELLA: 'I stepped in tonight cos it got really physical.'

One of the things about this house

is there's way too much physical going on.

I'm going outside.

OK, Sergio, just stay for one minute, please.

Please, it's OK, don't get upset. It's OK.

He doesn't listen.

It's really upsetting to see that either parent,

a mum or a dad, doesn't have control over their own home

and their kids don't respect them.

'This place is a madhouse.

'A fight breaks out every five minutes.

'Adrianna and Giovanni know exactly how to push each other's buttons.'

- Dad! - Let me see the back.

- Dad! - Let me see the back.

It's going to rip!

Let me see the back, let me see the back.

Stop! You're going to rip my book!

- Let me see the back. - Stop it!

- I'm in the middle of reading. - Give her the book back.

I'm trying to read something.

Well, you never read, so it's... Stop!

- Why won't you stop? Stop. - Get off!

- Get off! - What's the deal with you? Stop!

- You're dead. - Just go...

STELLA: 'For some reason,

'these kids don't know what is right and what's wrong.

'There's no discipline or punishments.

'Mum wants to start dinner,

'so has asked Adrianna to watch her little brother.'

ELAINE: Marco, come here.

- Adrianna, come down, please. - No!

Adrianna, come down.

- Adrianna, come down. - No!

Come on, Marco follows you. Please come down.

Whatever! I'm not listening.

Adrianna, just come down!

- Not listening! - Downstairs, Adri!

- Adri, please! - No!

STELLA: The biggest problem with the Balsamo family right now

is everybody's talking and nobody's listening.

I don't want him upstairs!

No consistency, not one consequence.

'The Balsamos surprisingly managed to get everybody together

'for a sit-down family dinner.'

Marco, you can't do that!

STELLA: 'Dinner with this family is like feeding time at the zoo.'

ELAINE: You can't spit in her food!


- You bitch. - Hey!

STELLA: 'I have never heard somebody as young as this

'have such a potty mouth.'

- Get him off, bitch. - Hey!

ELAINE: Giovanni, don't laugh, it's not funny.

You bitch. LAUGHTER

ELAINE: Don't instigate him, Giovanni.

I didn't tell him to do that. I said take...

All of a sudden, you're whispering and then he hits her!

STELLA: 'Giovanni's the puppet master.

'He's the one pulling the strings in this house.'

Giovanni, that's not nice!

Did Giovanni tell you to hit Adrianna?

You're such a...

STELLA: It seems like the children can't stay in the same room together

for any length of time before all hell breaks loose.

After dinner, the children are sent to tidy up their toys.


Marco, you gotta help me here!

I'm not cleaning up your mess by myself.

Whatever I see on the floor that's yours, I'm throwing it out.

Yeah, bitch.

- What did you call me? - A bitch.

You spit in my food at dinner, now you're calling me the B word,

I want you to sit here, stay quiet, don't move!

STELLA: 'Adrianna picks on Marco, just like Giovanni picks on her.'

I'm smarter than you!

STELLA: 'And if that wasn't enough,

'Adrianna takes some of Marco's toys as a punishment.'

My toys.

STELLA: She's not being very nice, is she?

She's picking on you, isn't she?

- Yeah, that's not very nice. - Adrianna!

STELLA: It's like schoolyard bullying.

Time to witness an average evening in the Balsamo household.

- Good night. - Night.

STELLA: 'There is no schedule for bedtime,

'so two-year-old Marco gets put to bed

'at the same time as his older siblings.'

ELAINE: Good night.

STELLA: 'Mum staying in the room with Marco is a quick fix

'to help him sleep.

'But if mum ever wants an evening to herself,

'Marco will have to learn to go it alone.

'Now all the kids are in bed except for Adrianna.'

SERGIO: Adrianna, bed.

I'm scared, Dad. I'm not going to bed.

STELLA: 'Adrianna certainly doesn't seem to be

'in the right frame of mind for bed.

'Maybe adding wind down time into her schedule would calm her down.'

- La-la-la-la! - OK, stop!

Good night! Enough!

STELLA: 'Like an endurance test.'

ELAINE: Adrianna...

STELLA: 'And I don't know why Sergio thinks it's OK

'to watch from the sidelines.'

It blows my mind that somebody can just sit there

when all the chaos is going on around them.

ADRIANNA: I'm not going to bed.

- Enough! - Ooh, I'm scared (!)

Why is she not scared if I'm scared?

ELAINE: Enough!


STELLA: 'It's been over three hours and the struggle is still going on.'

Enough is enough! Good night!

STELLA: 'And an exhausted Elaine gives up.'

This is absolutely a family on the verge.

I can't stand them.

Mum's heading for a nervous breakdown.

Are you ready for a chat?

The first thing that I notice is the volume. It's insane.

There's a lot of screaming, a lot of shouting.

- Giovanni, stop! - Giovanni!

If I hear "Giovanni" one more time tonight,

I'm gonna slit my throat.

The amount of lying that goes on concerns me.

Adrianna lies and Giovanni lies.

GIOVANNI: I didn't tell him to do that.

The other thing is there are no rules.

If you know your bedtime, you know your bedtime.

You don't push it every night.

You push it every night if you know you can get away with it.

- I'm not going to bed. - Stop!

I don't know how to make her stay in bed.

My patience has run out many years ago.

We've tried everything.

It's frustrating when I say something over and over and over

and it doesn't work.

I think you're both bullied by your children.

You've given up, you're exhausted.

Giovanni thinks he rules the world.

I mean, confidence is one thing,

but downright arrogance and rudeness...

LAUGHTER Give me my...

And he's way off the scale.

The physical thing concerns me, the anger concerns me.

If you say you're gonna do something,

you've got to follow through.

I see you, Sergio, I see you bail,

I see you evade the situation.

Your job is to discipline your children.

For some reason, you don't wanna do that.

I don't like to hear them screaming,

I just give up soon as I come home.

If you keep giving in, then you're back to square one.

You two really have to think how you want to parent your children,

cos right now, you don't know.

I've got a ringside seat to what's going on

and I'm scared half to death.

I'm scared of where this is going to end up.

OK, guys. Are you ready to make some changes?


Can I have that, please? Thank you. I need your full attention.

If the nanny comes in with rules and they don't sound reasonable to me,

I'm not gonna follow them.

Do you have rules at school?

- Yes. - Well, guess what?

Have rules at home.

The first one, no yelling.

Do you think you could all start talking to each other

in a nice voice? - Can we try it?

Next rule, no swearing.

Marco, no more swearing, OK?

You bitch. LAUGHTER

Listen the first time.

- Giovanni! Adrianna! - Giovanni.

The last one, one warning, one consequence.

Giovanni, there's going to be one warning and one consequence.

Or I am taking away your videogame. Is that clear enough?

All this screaming and shouting and disrespect has to stop.

The next thing is this - a very simple reward chart.

These stars, they're rewards, and you're gonna earn your way now.

You're not just gonna get everything that you've had before.

Giovanni, what do you think you're gonna earn?

My phone.

You're gonna earn your phone and your video time,

you're all gonna earn TV time.

None of this any more is being taken for granted.

When the nanny told me that I needed to cut down on my cell phone time,

my heart stopped beating.

I promise you, if you stick to this,

you and your family, all that screaming and shouting

is going to go out of the window.

Is everybody ready to start right now?

- Let's go, let's get started! - Homework.

STELLA: 'Not everyone is happy with it,

'but my rules are here to stay.'

Bedtime's seven.

- I don't know if I can... - Yeah, you do.

- Oh, dear! What happened, Marco? - Marco?

All right.

This is where one warning, one consequence comes into play, OK?

Marco, you know if you throw, you're gonna go in timeout.

You have to have nice behaviour.

OK, I guess you're going in timeout. Yeah.

MARCO: No, no, no!

In my house, the timeouts don't work.

Timeout. Two minutes.

I believe he doesn't understand the concept.

- Two minutes. - You walk away, Elaine.

You stay there, and when this goes off, Marco,

you can come find Mummy.

You stay there.

Elaine was under the misconception that a two-year-old

doesn't understand discipline.


Seeing him sit down in timeout and knowing when we told him

the first consequence that he was gonna get timeout after that,

it really surprised me that I was fooled by a two-year-old.

- I guess timeout does work. - I guess it does.

SERGIO: Unbelievable.


OK, Marco, sit up. Good boy. Listen, look at Nanny.

You can't hit people and you can't throw your toys, OK?

OK. If you do that again, you're gonna go in timeout.

But now you can go back and do your homework. OK?

- 'And that's not the only change.' - He's actually reading.

- Is this just for my benefit? - He never reads on his own.

Giovanni, is this just for my benefit?

No, I'm trying to kiss up right now. I'm trying to kiss up right now.

STELLA: It's all it took. I'm a bit suspicious.

I think Giovanni's good behaviour is a ploy

to get me out of the house quicker.

- Dinner time. - Hey, guys.

Brought you pizza. You guys are done with your homework?

List of rules, make sure you be extra good so I can get my phone.

- Thank you, Mom. - Please.

STELLA: 'This is picture perfect compared to dinner yesterday.'

You bitch. LAUGHTER

- This is nice and quiet. - Mm-hm.


You're making me look really good,

I'll be able to go home sooner than I anticipated.

ELAINE: This is great.

STELLA: 'This all seems too good to be true,

'and I want to test my theory and see what happens when I'm not here.'

I'm gonna take a step out.

You guys have your dinner and I'll be back. OK?

Let's see how the kids behave with Mum and Dad in charge.

SERGIO: Marco, stop.


No, don't! Marco!

- Bad boy. - Giovanni, sit down.

ELAINE: Marco!

What are you doing?

STELLA: 'Sure enough,

'the madness returns and the instigator is Giovanni.'

- You OK? - OK. I have to go.

What are you doing?

- He pushed himself cos... - No, I didn't.

OK, so we've got dinner and then we seem we're back to chaos.

What's happening?

ELAINE: I think Giovanni is trying to outsmart myself,

Sergio and Nanny Stella.

I think he thinks if he behaves this way

the next couple of days, everything will be OK.

STELLA: 'I think this family needs a reality check.'

I used up my time for this.

I wanted to give you some peace and quiet for your dinner time,

and as I'm walking out the door,

I hear the madhouse come back into play.

I mean, I haven't even got down the steps.

These aren't short-term fixes.

If you wanna kid me, just so you know,

you've got to be really good

cos I've been doing this a very long time.

Is this just to keep me quiet while I'm here?

Do you understand? It's not negotiable.

There isn't gonna be any of that fighting like before in the kitchen,

so I respect that you want to keep your phone,

but what I need to know is,

do you wanna keep your phone after I'm gone,

or do you not believe your mum and dad can follow through?

And be honest.

I don't think they'll follow through, knowing them.

ELAINE: If you give me a challenge,

I'll get the hang of it, don't worry.

Giovanni's still being cocky.

He needs a few more days with Nanny Stella.

You know, if you wanna just think,

"Ha-ha, just gonna pull it off while the nanny's here."

You've got another thing coming.

GIOVANNI: Before, that was all an act.

I really want her out of the house.

I was getting really pissed off with her.

STELLA: 'In this house, bedtime really is a nightmare,

'so I've set the Balsamo family on a much-needed evening schedule.'

We've got wind down, bath and bed for three kids,

three different ages.

'The first plan of action is to get Marco sleeping without his mum.'

It's time for bed. It's not playtime. Good night, baby.

STELLA: 'The idea is no matter how many times Marco gets up,

'we keep putting him back until he gets the message.'

No more now. Lay down.

MARCO: Mommy!

OK, this is what you're gonna do if he does come back out,

you don't talk to him,

you just take him back to his bed and put him in bed.

And then you come out.

- Lay down. No more. - Mommy!

STELLA: 'Persistence is key here and Mum doesn't give up.'

- Do it again. - No.

It's bedtime.

STELLA: 'And if that doesn't work, I step in with a fail-proof plan.'

Can I have a go?

Go on. Good night!

OK, Marco, in bed, buddy. In you go.

Nanny's gonna sit here till you fall asleep.

All right? Good night!

Good night, buddy!

'Sitting in his room is one step closer.

'Over time, Marco will get used to his mum not being there

'and sleep alone.

'Which means one down and two to go.'

- Adrianna? - Yeah!

Are you ready to go to bed?

- It's not my bedtime. - It's time for bed.

- Come on, choose a book. - I'm not going to bed.

- I'll read. - Yes, listen, you get a book.

From : to :, you can read.

:, I take away the book and you go to sleep.

STELLA: 'I want to see if adding wind down time

'into Adrianna's routine will help her relax and sleep.'

One time. Adri, I called you. Please turn around.

You have minutes and time for bed, OK?

Do not get up any more. You need to relax.

You went to the bathroom, you had your water. No, OK?

Come on. You can go to bed.

STELLA: 'Surprisingly, the only person

'that doesn't have trouble going to bed is Giovanni.'

Nice and quiet.

You check, but I think she's asleep.

STELLA: 'Things are under control,

'and Mum and Dad can see the results of a bedtime schedule.'

Elaine and Sergio are still not parenting as equals,

and with the children's behaviour getting easier to handle,

I'm actually seeing Sergio taking more of a back seat than before.

Me coming in and helping you fix these problems

wasn't just so you can escape more onto this chair.

You're not entitled to escape yet cos you haven't done the work.

I am gonna be on you if I see you living in this chair.

Parenting, you're not off the clock. You've got to be a team.

From this point forward now,

it's not me who's gonna be doing it.

You two have to do it.

ELAINE: When Nanny Stella said that Sergio's leaving it all up to me

to discipline the kids,

I was relieved because somebody else sees it.

STELLA: 'With these parents taking the reins,

'I hope Sergio takes my advice

'because Elaine needs all the support she can get.'

Hello! Adrianna, tell me how was last night.

- I slept in my room. - Are you kidding me?

- Yes! - She slept in her room.

- Adrianna didn't sleep in her room. - Yeah, I did!

- She went back. - No, she didn't.

OK, OK, all right.

I woke up three times and she was in her bed.

Of course she was.

- Is it true, Adri? - No.

Just so you know, Adrianna, you're not gonna get in trouble.

No, I didn't do that.

- OK. - I just fell asleep in my room.

I know that she was in my room cos every night

that she sleeps in my room, I ask her to give me a dollar.

- She's got to give you a dollar? - Exactly.

Well, guess what, you're going out of business.

Why should you give him your hard-earned money?

It's not my money.

Don't you get it for allowance off Mum and Dad?

GIOVANNI: No, she gets it from my mom's piggy bank.

- What? Whoa! - Wait, wait!

And he said if I don't get the piggy bank then he'll k*ll me.

ELAINE: If you take money from my piggy bank,

that is considered stealing.

And that money in the piggy bank is for us.

The lies are really getting on my nerves.

How about we have some real honesty for once?

Did you ever say to Adrianna, "If you don't get the money,

"I'm going to k*ll you"? Ever? Have you ever said it?

I've always taught my kids to be honest,

and knowing that they're actually taking money from myself and Sergio

is frustrating. It's hurtful.

STELLA: It's a simple yes or no, Giovanni.

- It's simple. - I'm trying to... Yeah.

You both lie, it has to stop.

If these kids are stealing from their parents,

what's to say they're not gonna steal from other people.

No more stealing, no more lying.

- Adrianna? - No stealing, no more lying.

STELLA: 'The children have been given chores.

'If they complete the chores, they'll earn themselves a privilege.

'This will stop them from taking things for granted.'

- You put your clothes away? - Mm-hm.

OK, there's more.

- So, you're done with everything? - Yeah. Everything's done.

STELLA: Giovanni?

There's nothing at all that you can think of

that you can do to help right now?

- No? Everything's done? - Yeah.


STELLA: 'After everything that's happened,

'I don't believe these kids for one second.

'I want to check for myself that all the chores have been completed.

'And sure enough, they've lied.'

Excuse me one minute.

I said, "Is there anything you can do to help Mum and Dad today?"

You both said no.

And Dad's just taken you at face value.

How about you take your dad downstairs

and you show him the state of the basement?

'I really have to keep an eye on them.

'They need constant supervision.'

- Good job. - You got one star.

STELLA: 'The rewards board is for everyone, including Marco.'

- Marco, do you wanna get one star? - Yeah.

ADRIANNA: You get to get a star if you put it away.

Come on.

Hey, I'm gonna give you timeout. Where do the toys go?

You don't throw the toy. No.

No, just put them in there.

OK, that's it. Now you're gonna go in timeout.

Are you gonna pick up the toys?

That's why I'm not giving you a star.

When this rings, then you will get up.

STELLA: 'Last night's chat with Sergio has hit home,

'and for the first time,

'this dad follows through and disciplines one of his kids.

'Meanwhile, Adrianna is looking for her mum.'

Do you have four quarters?

Right now, you owe me money.

So you're not getting any money.

- Am I right? - Yeah.

Elaine, I'm saddened to tell you

that your daughter just went in your wallet.

ELAINE: You went in my wallet?

ADRIANNA: Yeah, but I didn't take the money.

ELAINE: Give me my wallet. Give me my bag.

Should I count my money or trust you that you didn't take anything?

Trust me that I didn't take anything.

Well, guess what? I can't.

Adrianna, how would you like it

if everybody went in your room and started going through your stuff?

- I wouldn't like it. - Well, guess what? Get used to it.

Oh, yeah! Pyjamas, clothes.

Wonder what's in here. This is cool.

Oh, I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna play with it, OK?

ADRIANNA: I hate the nanny!

STELLA: Welcome to my world, sweetheart.

'Going through Adrianna's room was tough,

'but she needed a taste of her own medicine.'

ADRIANNA: Stupid nanny!

Adrianna? Will you come out, please?


Did me going through your things hurt your feelings?


OK, how do you think your mum feels

every time you go through her purse

or steal money from her piggybank?

- The same. - OK, so is it going to stop?


OK, well, you learnt a lesson very quickly.

- Will you come out, please? - I don't want to.

OK, well, I'll be here when you do.

'Tonight was a huge step for Adrianna.'

By listening and then talking about her feelings,

she was able to express herself without having a screaming meltdown.

ADRIANNA: I think I'm gonna stop stealing from my parents.

If Nanny Stella hurt my feelings, then I hurt my parents' feelings.

STELLA: 'Having made my point,

'I needed to know everybody had learnt a lesson.'

I have to tell you,

I'm not satisfied with the reaction to the stealing.

Adrianna, when did it start?

He started... No?

You need to tell me the truth, cos, you know if you don't,

you know what I'm gonna do?

I'm going to call the police.

A month ago, it started.

Adrianna, you stole!

One thing you can't be complacent about is kids lying and stealing.

People that ignore their children lying and stealing

are probably visiting their kids in jail.

That's what I'm afraid of.

STELLA: Well, you need to nip it in the bud.

These kids are walking all over you.

And it's not OK, Sergio.

You deserve better than that.

This family has some extreme issues and the only way

that I feel these kids can get back on track is with some tough love.

'Mum wants to start cooking and has asked Giovanni to watch Marco.'

- OK? - They're mine!

SERGIO: Can you go play with Marco?

You're really upsetting me now, Giovanni.

- You know what? - What?

- No. - I need my stuff!

I asked you to go play with Marco.

I don't want to play with Marco, I want him out of my room.

OK. No, listen. Listen, come back here.

No. I'm talking to you. I told you to play with Marco.

STELLA: 'Mum is determined to prove she means what she says.'

- Get out! - Do not speak to me that way.

- But you're still talking. - Get up!

You've lost the privilege of your phone.

I didn't think my parents would really do it,

but they followed through.

STELLA: 'This is a major step for Elaine and Sergio.'

Another thing that I would probably do with Giovanni is say,

"Well, you know what, I'm actually gonna remember that

"when you need something from me."

But you gave him a choice and he didn't want to help.

"Maybe the next time when you help me,

"I might be more cooperative."

- You've got to pick your battles. - OK.

And I know that you are trying really hard,

but the talking back, that's not appropriate.

I think Elaine and Sergio underestimate Giovanni.

I think he really is a good kid, he's just craving a lot of attention

and he's getting it the wrong way.

'It's eight o'clock, which, with the new schedule,

'means Giovanni should be getting ready for bed.'

Just start wrapping your stuff and then come back down.

- I can't. - Why not?

Cos I'm busy!

Giovanni, you got five minutes! You heard me?

- Giovanni, I'm talking to you! - You're breaking up.


Don't mess anything up! Period!

Give me my stuff! Give me my stuff back!

- Put the scissors away. Giovanni... - Give me my stuff back.

Give me my stuff back.

- OK. Do me a favour... - Give me my stuff back.

- Giovanni, stop! - Give me my frigging stuff back!

- Giovanni, stop! - Giovanni, come down!

Give me my stuff back!

- Don't you ever! - Giovanni, don't you ever what?

I'm absolutely horrified to see such behaviour,

and I'd never thought that Giovanni would hit such a low point.

'It's clear that Sergio has got to get through to his son

'before things in this house get any worse.'

- Giovanni. - What?

Can you sit down with me?

Do you think you were a big guy? Sit over here.

You talk to me like a real man.

Go ahead. I'm all ears. I'm listening.

I'm sorry.

- Do you think that was right? - No.

I'm not somebody off the street, Giovanni.

I'm your father. If you respect me,

we're going to have a different life.

The life that everybody wants.

All clear? OK.

GIOVANNI: At first, it felt kind of awkward

talking to my dad face-to-face,

cos, mostly, we do it with our hands.

You want to give me a hug?

GIOVANNI: Me and my dad really never hug.

He's usually never home or he's sitting down watching TV.

So he made me really happy.

It's :, what do you think you should do?

Go downstairs, take a shower.

- Love you. - Love you, too.

I felt my dad was proud of me for apologising.

Behind Giovanni's tough exterior

is a son who desperately needs his dad's love and attention.

'It's the final day,

'and now that Sergio has stepped up and is disciplining his kids,

'both parents are starting to take back control.'


ELAINE: Sergio, this week, has stepped up to the plate.

- He's a better parent. - I love you!

Before, my wife, she was trying to handle everything,

and now we could help each other.

- Giovanni, he made his bed. - Now, you've seen your rules?

I really need to work for what I'm getting.

I used to just whine and whine and whine.


'Now the kids earn their privileges,

'it makes them really appreciate what they have.

'No more taking things for granted.'

- Everybody gets their rewards. - Yes!

'Having proved that this family can follow through with the rules,

'no matter how tough it gets, my time here is coming to an end.'

I need you in the living room.


I think you're all excited now, aren't you?

Cos you know I'm going home.

This week has been tough.


If all the incidents did not happen,

I would never learn how to fix the problems.

Mum, it's nice to see that you've accepted there is another way,

so that's great, just keep it up.

Sergio, you do have to stand strong.

And the other thing is, you two have to stay as a team.

Adrianna, I know you can do this.

Now Adrianna is not paying to stay at the Giovanni hotel,

she's now staying in her own room.

ADRIANNA: I like how the house is. It's more quiet.

I am going to miss Nanny Stella.

STELLA: Marco has made huge steps.

- He had never been reprimanded. - If you say bad words, no.

STELLA: Even though he's only two years old,

they have to know the difference between right and wrong.

We started the timeout and I do see that as working.

Two minutes for you. Marco!

Just in a week, he has cursed less.

Beat you, bitch!


Giovanni, I want to thank you for toning things down,

but it doesn't end when I go out the door.

- All right. - OK? You've got to keep it up.

I really think that in the future, me and my family

are gonna work through what Nanny Stella's taught us.

No more fist fighting, no more pushing,

no more shoving, no more yelling.

It's gonna be hard, but we can do it.

Nanny Stella's rules have given me the guidance that I was looking for.

- Love you. - Love you, too.

I do feel like I can be a better parent now.

I do have one final thing.

'The Balsamo family still have a long road ahead of them,

'so to ensure everybody continues to try to work at the rules,

'I'm getting them to sign on the dotted line.'

This is a family commitment.

"We, the Balsamo family, will make a commitment

"to speak to each other with love and treat each other with kindness.

"We will be honest, respectful and trustworthy."

Me and my family felt by seeing that contract

we're gonna stick together on this. - Good job.

GIOVANNI: Since my family and I signed the commitment contract,

it won't be as bad as it was before.

Excellent! Now it's time for me to go.

ELAINE: Thank you.

- You're welcome. - For everything.

Thank you, Nanny Stella!

It felt difficult to say goodbye to Stella.

You're welcome, Sergio.

She made a big impact on the whole family.

- Bye! - Bye! Thank you!

STELLA: 'With the tools I've given them,

'Elaine and Sergio are well and truly

'back in charge of this house.'

- We're gonna follow it? - Yep.

I believe I see a nice future for the Balsamo family,

and I know things are gonna change.

ELAINE: If I had one thing to say to Nanny Stella,

it would be thank you.

I can't thank you enough for that.

STELLA: 'Having committed to the rules

'as a long-term lifestyle change,

'this family will be on the path to the life they've always dreamed of.'