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04x07 - The Mauro Family

Posted: 03/18/24 14:09
by bunniefuu

NARRATOR: 'They're every parent's worst nightmare.'

YELLS Stupid!

GIRL SCREAMS 'Kids completely out of control...'


'..and taking over the household.'

I will smack you. BOY SCREAMS

'These parents have reached the end of the road.'

All right, enough! I don't care!

'They're in desperate need of help.'

Get upstairs! Back into bed!

'They have only one alternative left.

'It's time to contact Nanny .'


This is Nanny . Can I help you?

'From our team of world-class nannies

'direct from Nanny Central,

'the right Nanny will be chosen.'

'They will then have one week to take our families from living hell

'to a family bliss.'

- You're a waste of life. - 'Can these families be saved?'

I'm going to call the police.

- No! - Anthony!

I don't love you.

What you do with those children is my business.

'Parents of America, help is on the way.'

ALL: Nanny's here!

The nanny's here!

- Who's your nanny? - 'Tonight...'

- Come over here and lay down! Now! -No!

' the Mauro house, Dad rules with an iron fist.'

Ed scares them a little bit more than I'd do.

You get to sleep, and you get to sleep now!

'But that only makes things worse.'

- I hate you. - You hate me?

- Nice thing to say to your father. - And?

'With parent and child pitted against each other...'

Sometimes I feel like wringing their necks.

You're raising them in fear.

'..could this be Nanny Deb's greatest family challenge?'

You don't think Daddy's gonna change.

- Nope. - That's what this is about.

I know he'll lie every time. I know he'll lie.

'That's all next on Nanny .'

CHILD YELLS Listen to me. Take a deep breath.

All right, you're gonna stay for a time out.


Bella, calm down.


I'm Kara, I'm years old.

And I've been married for almost years.



Cut it out!


My name is Edward Mauro, I'm years old,

and I work at a deli.

Come on, enough of this. GIRL CRIES

Bella, Bella!

We have three kids.

Get down!

ED: Anthony likes to play a lot of video games.

ANTHONY: Go over here, you idiot.

ED: He's getting a little older,

thinks he knows what's best for him, at nine years old.

If you do your dictionary a little bit every day, it won't be a lot.


ED: Anthony has had this attitude the last couple of months.

- Don't. - No!

Take a deep breath.

- No! - Anthony!

I think it's, you know, his age.

- Go away! - Stop throwing things at me.

- Go away. - Calm down, listen, Anthony.

I'd like to teach him other ways to get his frustrations out

than being sarcastic and nasty.

SINGSONGY: I hate my mum and dad,

they make me do division and homework.

They make me go to the sto-o-ore!

Paul, stand up when talking to you.

'Paul, my six-year-old.'

I'm telling you, one more word out of either of you,

you're grounded for a week.

'He's smart, he's a little bit of a wisecracker.'

He knows how to push buttons.

I know karate!

I guess he's what you could call a know-it-all.

- Do you understand? - I don't do karate!

AGGRESSIVELY: Paul, get to sleep now!

- You got to put your socks on. - No!

'Isabella's my daughter.'

She's the little princess.


Bella, now she's getting older and more independent,

she's learning from the boys.


My kids are the best thing that's ever happened to me.

You have to put your socks on!

But aside from that, they're the three things

that drive me to my wits' end.

Why'd you hit him?

The kids talk back quite a bit.

- Just get in the car and go. - No!

- Ant! - No!

- Fine, you're grounded. - What?!

Excuse me?!

ED: Now it's getting to that point where they just don't listen.

Sometimes, I feel like, you know, wringing their necks,

with the way they talk to us sometimes.

- Paul, your mum is talking to you! - I know!

Answer her when she talks to you!

It's disrespect for the both of us.

- Paul, Anthony! - What?

Get in bed, now!

Bedtime in our house is... is pretty stressing.

The kids just don't wanna quiet down and go to bed.

Kara will go in there a couple times first.

Lie down, just ignore him.


And I go in there.

- Move over here and lay down! Now! - No!

Get this blanket on and get to sleep!

KARA: Ed, I hate to say, scares them a little bit more than I do.

Therefore, they listen quicker.

Get your blanket, get your pillow down the right way,

and get to sleep.

They don't listen, they don't listen,

they don't listen, it gets me angry.

This is what I got to do every night, is make you cry

and get you all upset to get you to go to sleep.

It's ridiculous. I'm tired of it.

'Kids forget about it in the morning.'

But... it's tough.

Excuse me.

We're pretty much at breaking point.

I can't fight with them anymore, Kara, I'm worn right down.

I'm hoping the nanny comes in here

and gives Ed and I the tools we need to turn this all around.

I'm hoping the nanny's gonna work miracles.

Nanny Deb, your teamwork approach to parenting

is just what this family needs to get back on track.

I'm sending you to the Mauro family before they lose control forever.


- Hello! - Hi.

Hi, Nanny Deb.

I'm Kara, Come on in. Thanks for coming.

- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too.

I was nervous when the nanny came in.

I think we all were.

- Come on in. - Hello.

Nice to meet you, my name's Ed.

I'm Nanny Deb. Hi, Ed. What's your name?

- Anthony. - Hi, Anthony, I'm Nanny Deb.

- Hello. What's your name? - Paul.

Paul, nice to meet you, I'm Nanny Deb.

- Hello, what's your name? - Bella.

Bella, nice to meet you. How are you today?

- Not causing any trouble yet? - A little bit.

Oh, a little bit? Doesn't take long.

KARA: No, it doesn't at all, unfortunately.


Today, I'm just gonna observe your family, I'm just gonna watch.

So, you guys have to pretend that I'm invisible.

KARA: It's a little nerve-racking, knowing that somebody's standing

not over your shoulder, but observing everything you're doing.

Mum, can I have a turn on the computer?

Yes, you're allowed a turn. OK, Anthony?

- Argh! - Two minutes, Ant.

But Dad, I'm trying to pick my game...

I understand that, but Paul's getting his turn, too.

'I've only been here a few minutes,

'and I already notice tension between Dad and Anthony.'

OK, come on, get up.

You guys stink.

Yeah? Be nice, Ant. Don't get frustrated, Anthony.

Anthony, don't... don't go in my room.

Get out.

No, get out. No. You're not going on the GameCube.

I got here first.

If you wanna fight with me, go straight into your room.

'It seems that Dad is being overly aggressive with Anthony.

'I wonder why he uses this approach.

'Does he think it's the only way the kids will respond?'

Come on. Get in your room.

- What? - I said I hate you.

You hate me? Nice thing to say to your father (!)

- And? - Get up in there. Get up.


I care. Obviously, you don't.

'There's a lot of anger between father and son.

'It seems to have been building for years.'

"I hate you", he just said, you know.

You don't wanna hear that. You don't, as a parent.



'It's playtime at the Mauros', and immediately, chaos ensues.'


KARA: Hey, stop. Anthony, do not go anywhere near him.

I want you in your room playing.

Anthony, Anthony, Anthony!

- What? - Why are you following him?

'It seems Anthony has no interest in listening to his parents.'

KARA: All right, enough.

I'm your father.

You're supposed to listen to what I say, and you don't.

Who cares?

These children have no respect for their parents.

They have an answer for everything.

'They talk back, and they use really rude, nasty words.'

Get out of my room now.

'Dad is sort of a dad from the s, "Wait till your father comes home."'

And he gets very loud and he gets very aggressive.

And he's taken his role as a father way too seriously.

If I hear that out of your mouth one more time, I swear,

I'll take everything away from you, your sports and everything.

What's he saying?

"I hate you."

I've never seen a child say he hates his father this much.

'Later on, emotions have cooled,

'and Anthony is back to his favourite pastime, video games.'

How you doing, Ant?

You're gonna have to do some homework with Mum.

- Why? - Yeah.

We got to do this multiplication after lunch.

- Dividing, you mean? - I mean division, you're right.


Don't get fresh with me, please.

NANNY: It's become really hard to parent children

during the era of technology, but the problem is,

you have to enforce strict rules about these things.

Anthony is in the driving seat

when it comes to when he plays videogames.

He gets to do whatever he wants to do, when he wants to do it.

Eat nicely and stop making the noises

and fluttering around. - Anthony, slow down.

'The family sits down to dinner together,

'but there's something unhappy about this meal.

'It seems the parents don't let the kids enjoy themselves.'

Ant, please stop.


Bella, stop messing around.

Use your napkin.

- Anthony, Anthony! - Ant, cut it out.

Stop messing around and distracting everybody, like me especially.

These parents ride their children constantly.

These kids are constantly having someone check up on them.

You know, interfere in any little argument.

They just never let them breathe.

Good night, Bella.

I love you.

NANNY: The parents put the children to bed.

There was no books, there was no, you know, gentle tucking in.

No more toys in bed. Lie down.

OK? Go to sleep.

If I come in, you're messing around, I'm gonna take it away.


Bella, don't start.

You had your chance. BELLA SCREAMS


'It's obvious Mum's bedtime technique

'with Bella is not working.

'I wonder how it's going to go with the boys.'


KARA: Stop.

Every single time the boys made a peep, they were in there.



Cut it out, and you get to sleep! You understand me?

You get to sleep, and you get to sleep now!

Look at me when I'm speaking to you.

Look at me now!

NANNY: Dad came in and got so in his face that I was scared.

Lay down!

It was just the most intimidating, horrific thing I've seen.

If I come back in here one more time,

you two are getting it.

And that's it, that's the last time I'll speak to you tonight.

I think that when a parent loses that much control,

the child does lose respect for the parent.

And on top of that, you're ruling your children by fear.

ANTHONY: Get out of our room.

- Shut your mouth, wiseguy. - No.

These children are very angry, all three of them.

These children have no idea how to control their anger,

because there's no role model.

One of the things that Dad told me was that he was raised

in a household where his father meant business,

and those kids were afraid of him.

You tend to parent the way you were parented.

And unfortunately, in this case, it's not good.

So, obvious, when you walk into the door,

that there is a struggle going on right now,

but that the intention is good.

But there's a real big lack of respect.

You expect a three-year-old to be rebellious.

By the age of nine, you hope that that's been over.

- Get out of my room now! - I hate you.

The thing with all the children in general,

they literally do not understand the word "No".

You say no and they push and push and push and push.

And that really comes from not picking your battles.

And "No" should be said after you've thought about

whether you're gonna be willing to deal with that fight.

You ride them constantly.

- Ant, cut it out. - What?

Stop messing around and distracting everyone, like me especially.

I never looked at it as, like, hovering over them. I just...

It was kind of getting involved before it got to that point.

But when you ride them so heavily,

you're fuelling this anger and frustration.

You didn't want to raise your children in fear.

And you are, you're raising them in fear.

'I was brought up like that, with the fear.'

Of my father coming home. You know, he was...

And I don't want to do that, I don't want my kids to fear me.

I just want them to respect us.

You've got to learn how to control... your own emotion.

And that's the part that's gonna need the most work.

Today, I brought my nanny book.

And in the nanny book are the new set of rules for the family.

The first rule is, "Respect each other."

Get in your room!

- What? - I said I hate you.

That means no using mean words to each other.

And when Mum and Dad call your name

or ask you to listen, you're gonna listen.

And Mum and Dad are gonna listen to you

and speak respectfully to you, too, no more yelling.

Another rule, "No means no."

No. Where are you? Get out.

- You're not going on the GameCube. - I got here first.

Now, one thing I noticed when I was in this house

is that Mum and Dad say no a lot.

So, now, they're only gonna say no when they mean no.


Another rule, "Privileges are earned."

From now on, there are going to be chores

assigned to each child.

Those chores are going to earn you privileges.

If you don't do the chores, you don't get the privilege.

"Pick your battles."

You had your chance. BELLA SCREAMS


This one goes with, "No means no."

Mum and Dad are not gonna be on top of you about everything.

They're gonna choose certain things,

so that you know when they say no, they're gonna mean it.

Does anybody have any questions?

We're all gonna do this, we're all gone work together?


Right, boys, let's go.

We have a foundation now.

We have something to work on, build on.

Now that everyone knows the new rules,

it's time to put them in place.

You each have a chore list.

For each chore, you earn a disc,

or a ring.

Each ring is worth minutes

on either the computer games, the video games.

If you have bad attitude,

you get a warning.

The next time you have bad attitude, you lose a ring.

'I've tried to implement some kinds of chores.'

I didn't make it look as cool as Nanny did.

NANNY: Having the kids work for their privileges

will not only teach them about consequences,

but about choices, too.

ED: Take the brush first. Get a little soap on it.

'Right away, the children threw themselves into doing their chores.'

Pretty good, Paul. Good job.

KARA: It was a very odd experience to know that the kids

were all kind of taking it upon themselves to figure out what to do.

ED: I think giving them the responsibility was a revelation.

Oh, you're earning another one already? Oh, my goodness!

All right!

'Everyone is doing well with the chores,

'but I see Anthony just going through the motions.'

Pretty shiny!

'I can tell he's still unsure

'if the new rules are going to make a difference.'

You like it? Not too bad?

Wow, you're so talkative (!) SHE CHUCKLES


'With the chores done, the kids fit in some playtime,

'although it seems the kids' idea of playing

'is a bit rough for Mum and Dad.'

Mum and Dad have a tendency to interfere

when the children get into squabbles,

and what they need to do is just sit back

and let the children deal with it.

You know, she's not gonna let them get her to a place.

She's enjoying herself with this game.

BELLA SCREAMS I know, it's loud.

- Do I go in, or just let them... ? - Just let them be.

KARA: It got hard for me a little bit in the afternoon,

when the kids were off on their own.

They're your kids, you don't want them to get hurt.

But now we're thinking, like, kids have to make the mistakes.

If we're always there to catch them,

then they not gonna realise what falling is like,

and how to pick themselves up.


Give... Give Paul his book back, please.

Don't interfere. Leave them alone. They're doing their thing.

KARA CHUCKLES Don't interfere.

I don't want...

Go and relax, turn the TV on. Put your feet up.

He was going for a walk.

It was tough for me to sit back and...

let them... take over a little.

NANNY: I think Dad's struggling to find his new role in the family,

because he was the man that ruled the house with fear,

and now he doesn't know what Dad to be.

That's the new role that he has to find.

"What kind of dad am I now"?

It's time for dinner,

and as long as the Mauros keep respecting each other,

I'm confident we can get through a meal with no yelling.

I stick my face in it.

Sit the right way, please. Sit the right way.

Bella, please, don't do that, OK?

- Paul, please stop. - Paul, please stop.

This is a good time to give them a warning,

Instead of saying, "Please stop", over and over.

Mum and Dad started harping on at them again.

As soon as the children were made clear

that there was a consequence for their actions, they stopped.

KARA: Did you hear that? That's your warning.

After that, then what happens?

You lose a ring.

'Since the new rules, there's been no yelling.

'No-one's gotten out of control.'

No-one's raised their voice.

'I'm looking forward to bedtime, to see the difference

'putting some routine in this home will make.'

Bella should go to bed at her usual :.

And the boys are older, they get to stay up later.

The reason you get to go to bed later is you're older.

And now, we're trusting you.

But there aren't gonna be the issues at bedtime that we've been having.

So, now, get her pyjamas on, get all relaxed,

sit and read her two books,

then you say, "I'm gonna rub your back for a minute

"and then it's quiet time." - OK.

I was dreading bedtime for everybody.

Nanny was here with some new ideas

and I knew it wasn't gonna go over well.

- Mummy? - Yeah?

I read you your two books, honey.

You got to lie down and go to sleep. BELLA WAILS

NANNY: Now, if she doesn't want you to rub her back, rub her hair,

then you can say goodnight and you can come with me. OK?

Either one, I stay and I rub your hair,

or two, I go out in the other room, and you stay here.

- No! - Yes. Want me to rub your hair?

OK, come on, then.





KARA: I'm walking away, I'm just hearing her scream.

You know, it's heart-wrenching.


So, she cried for a little while longer,

then all of a sudden, it was just kind of like...


She was out, probably within,

I'd say, probably, like, minutes of putting her to bed.

And that's record time.

Good day today.

You did really well today.

- Good start. - Thanks.

Excellent, right? You feel good?

- Yes. - I feel good, too.

'When Mum and Dad finally get to the boys,

'surprisingly, they go to sleep without a fight.'

Seems like they're pretty good now.

Yeah, I mean, that's never happened. Wow.

Now, they're supposed to go to sleep, all is well.

So, just relax and I'll see you in the morning.


'It's a new day at the Mauros'.'

- How are you? - I'm good. How's it going?

'And despite the stress of last night, I'm encouraged

'by the progress the family has made with the new rules.'

So, today, I'm gonna pull back a little.

Just remember what the rules are.

The warnings.

I'll still be around if I feel like I need to.

But I want you to feel like now's the time to practice.

To make things work.

'I'm not going far.

'From what I've seen, it doesn't take much to set Dad off.

'Immediately, both Paul and Anthony

'are doing a good job earning their privileges.

'Paul is saving his rings,

'but Anthony is using his up right away.'

You know, you only have an hour a day of computer and TV.

So, you already used half an hour.

- Mm-hm. - All right.

'Anthony just can't resist the urge to play.'

Anthony's using up his rings to have his hour all at once.

This could lead to a potential problem later in the day.

'By the afternoon,

'Anthony has used up all his TV and video game time,

'and he's already ignoring the rules.'

Anthony, you're all done with your hour, you know that.

Remember? You're done for the day.


Oh, I'm not happy with you,

because you're not respecting us and following the rules,

and we are.

Who cares?

'By provoking his dad,

'Anthony expects him to scream like he always does.

'But Dad doesn't bite. He sticks to the rules.'

This is gonna be a warning, all right?

I'm gonna turn the TV off.

If you put it back on, you will lose a ring.


'Anthony is going to keep acting up until he gets what he wants.'

- Nah! - Anthony.

- Go take a ring off, please. - Uh-uh.

- I'll do it. - No!

- Come on, let's go. - Uh-uh.

- Go take a ring off. - Uh-uh.

Help me out here.

If you don't respect your mother - we gotta respect each other here -

you're gonna lose another one,

and all your privileges will be gone.

So, I know how many are there, so one's gone,

and you've got three more there.

- No! - OK?

Go and play.

They're not going away, not any of them.

Anthony's always seen Dad blow up and explode,

so Anthony's gonna blow up and explode.

- There's four! - All right.

We know how many you have.

No, I'm not listening!

You can't boss me.

- Yes, we can. - No, you can't!

We're your parents, that's why we're here.

NANNY: Anthony has a lot of anger, and he's deliberately trying

to provoke Mum and Dad into an argument.

So, you guys did great, you did really, really well.

The thing you have to realise is

when he starts doing the "Nyer-nyer-nyer-nyer" thing,

you stop talking to him.

He's trying to get the reaction from you that he normally gets.

So, he's pushing your buttons.

And you never let them push your buttons.

You need to maintain your control.

Walk away.

'Anthony has stopped playing video games or watching TV.

'But he's discovered a new game - provoking Dad.'

- Excuse me. - Yeah, yeah!

'But once again, the new restrained Dad

'is only making Anthony bolder.'

I'm gonna step out here for a second.

- All right. - OK?


If Ed needs to take a time out on the hour, every hour, so be it.

It's all about him controlling his anger

and making himself a role model for these children

as to what to do when you get mad.

Taking a time out for myself is not easy to do.

It's something completely on the different side

of the spectrum for me.

You just made my week.

You really made my week.

- Stay strong, OK? Good job. - Yeah.

'I'm impressed by Dad's self-control,

'but Anthony is just relentless.'

OK, I'm gonna turn it off again. Your last ring is gone, OK?

What do you mean?

Your last ring. You had...

You had one left, so that's gone.

No, I don't! I have four, see?

One, two, three, four.

'I had to grit my teeth a couple of times.'

We're walking on thin ice right now, so we got to be careful.

KARA: Gonna give everybody a plate.

He's never really done that before, where he's actually chased me.

- I'll be back. I'll be back. - All right.

- If you need me, I'll be outside. - OK.

NANNY: While Dad is trying to hold it together,

Anthony is trying everything he can do to break him.

Anthony, I just want to speak to you for a minute.



Make a break for it!


ED: I'm holding all this in.

So, I'm ready to blow.

Anthony, now, let me in, please. It's my room.



ED: I had to cool off, and I knew it.

I didn't wanna revert back to what we used to do.


'Something's going on with this child.'

And I need to get to the bottom of it.

Stop. Just stop. OK?

It's obvious that you're really angry right now,

and it's OK to be angry,

but you need to learn how to deal with being angry.

Do you see what's happening with Daddy today?

Is he screaming at you in your face like he usually does?

Is it nicer to have a Daddy that plays games with you?

I don't care.

I'm asking you a question. Which is nicer?

I got no choice of him, I'm saying.

I don't like him.

- You don't have to... - Wait, wait, wait.

Wait, wait.

You don't think Daddy's gonna change, do you?

- No. - That's what this is about, right?

- Mm-hm. - OK, you wait there.


'It was very clear the issue really is with Dad,

'and I needed to get Dad to come in and deal with this.'

Anthony is very angry at you.

And I don't think he trusts that you're gonna change.

I know that it hasn't been easy,

having a daddy who yells at you like that.

It makes you feel angry and it makes you feel sad.

People make bad choices in life.

But that doesn't mean they can't change.

You know, I always felt bad,

when I scream and yell.

I hated to do that.

I'm learning the rules, too.

And I'm trying to follow the rules to make us a better family.

I know he'll lie every time. I know he'll lie.

You know, I didn't get angry at all today with you.

I told you I'd stop screaming, and I'll do that, OK?

Why? Cos I love you. You know that. You're my son.

You're the only thing that means anything to me, you kids.


'That hurt.'

Made me feel guilty.

'I never knew Anthony felt that way.

'I get upset cos...'

..shouldn't... shouldn't have got to this point.

Like Nanny said, we make mistakes.

And you correct the mistakes and you move on together.

And we've just got to work on it.

Follow Nanny's plan and we'll be OK, I promise.

Here, give me a hug.

I love you, you know that, OK?

'After an emotional day,

'the Mauro family is preparing for bedtime.'

'Youngest, Bella, has bedtime an hour before her brothers.'

'While Paul has found a routine to wind down,

'Anthony seems restless.'

PAUL: "And I love you...

"..up to my toes."

Anthony, Ant, just do it on the carpet or something,

cos Paul's trying to read.

"I love you as high as..."

NANNY: Despite the recent breakthrough,

Anthony's attitude still hasn't changed.

OK, remember, I let you stay up later,

I trust you're gonna keep it nice and quiet in here.

- Try and get to sleep, OK? - Sure.

Goodnight, guys. I love you.

- Help me! - Dad, come on!

ED: Fighting, I think.

PAUL: Help!


I think they're fighting.

I heard.


Paul and Anthony...

He took my book again!

Get in bed, please. I'm giving each of you a warning now.

And you know what comes next, the consequence.


Dad, Paul's in my bed again!

ED: I mean, I was trying to do my best.

I'd already done the warnings,

and it was just as bad as it was before I did it.

KARA: I wasn't really sure how Ed was gonna deal with the whole thing.

I knew how he wanted to deal with it.

'For two days,

'Mum and Dad have been faithfully following the rules,

'but Anthony is still not behaving.

'I need to teach them to respond practically, rather than in anger.'

I think we're gonna have to separate them.

'By taking Paul out of the room,

'I'm hoping to diffuse the situation.'

ED: Goodnight, Ant.

NANNY: Paul is gonna sleep here.

'But I'm sensing Anthony's not done testing Dad.'

KARA: Shh!

Goodnight, Anthony. We're gonna talk about it in the morning with Nanny.


That's what me and your mother decided.

- You didn't follow the rules. - Yes, I did.

- So, you suffer the consequences. - That's a lie.

When Anthony came out of his room,

he kind of caught me offguard with, like, "I want a straight answer."

I was like, "Wow, how old are you?"

- I want Paul in his bed. - He's not coming.

Then I'm not going.

- Have some respect for me. - No.

'I didn't know how to deal with it.'

I didn't know what to think.

'And it got out of control.'

I'm not going.

Then tomorrow night, you'll go to bed :.

Ya-ya-ya. I want him in his room.

- Quiet down, please. - No!

Anthony is trying to provoke Dad to scream at him,

because then in turn, Anthony can turn around and say,

"See, I can't trust you,

"you didn't follow the rules and you are going to scream."

The father-son breakthrough from earlier hasn't stuck,

and the Mauros are at the end of their rope.

This is much more screwed up, this situation, than we thought.

You know, we thought it was bad,

and now with finding out, holy cow, it's just... it's disgusting.


You listening?

Now I'm at the point where...

- Goodnight, Anthony. - No!

What do I do now, where do I go from here?

No, I want a straight answer.

I'm giving you one right now. This is your answer.

Until you guys can fall asleep

without making a lot of noise at bedtime,

he's gonna go in there, you're gonna go in here,

and when you're both asleep, Dad will bring him back in.

- Goodnight. - I'm not...


It's got into a place where he is not comfortable when you yell,

but he's so used to it that that's what he's waiting for.

And now he's gonna test even harder.

And it's gonna take all the strength that you have... not lose your cool with him.

ED: I learned a lot of new things in a short period of time.

We have to stay in the routine.

That difficulty is gonna stay here for a while.

NANNY: It's gonna be an uphill struggle.

But we're definitely getting there.

As long as they can keep themselves calm during these situations,

I think they'll do really well.

It's my final day at the Mauros'.

Family meeting, everyone!

'And for the first time in my experience as a nanny,

'the outcome is uncertain.'

OK, we trusted you guys to do the right thing,

and I have to tell you,

I'm very disappointed by the choices you guys made last night.

I need this not to happen again.

So, I want you guys to think today

if you'll be ready to share that room again.

Do you think you'll be ready to go back to normal?

Give me five. What about you, Anthony?

Need a bit more time?

That's fine.

Everybody always gets another chance.

We can't go back and fix the past, that's done.

We acknowledge the past and we move forward.

'I know this family is going to do their best

'to carry on with the rules I've set in place,

'but I want to create a daily reminder to help them along.'

So, this is the Mauro family commitment.

When you commit to something,

that means you're gonna do it, no matter what.

I wanted this family to know that by signing this piece of paper,

they are really committed to this process

and to putting their family first.

"We, the Mauro family, commit to follow the nanny's new rules.

"We will respect each other and treat each other with kindness.

"We will help each other and put our family first."

ED: It's something the kids can see every day.

See your family now, and everybody, you know, happy together.

And it reassures you.

It's time for me to say goodbye.

I feel like the most blessed person that I was chosen

and able to come and help you guys.

This is an uphill struggle, and I just wanted to never forget

that you need to stay on that path.

Just don't falter,

cos these children are incredibly precious gifts.

New, young man, remember what we talked about, right?

We're learning to trust.

I know it's hard to trust when you've been let down,

but you can do it, OK?

You promise me you're gonna keep working?

Good boy.

And you can always call me, right?

Speed dial.

Thank you, big guy.

KARA: Nanny Deb has made a world of difference in our lives.

I see the future of our family with a lot of hope and promise now.

I think we have a real shot at turning all this damage around.


Nanny's blubbering.

KARA: I mean, it's never gonna go away. What's done is done.

But I think we can definitely come back from there.

- Thank you so much. - Thank you.

You please take care of yourself.

You are the rock here.

You're the one that's keeping it all together, and it's a hard job.

ED: I think the most dramatic change was my change in my attitude.

You've worked so hard.

You're making such a difference and I'm so proud.

- Thank you. - I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

You know, I was ready to change, I just didn't know what to do.

- I love you so much! - Thank you, Nanny.

I'm gonna call you soon, OK?

Mwah! I love you. I'll see you soon, OK?

'My hopes for this family are that they'll continue

'on the path that they're on today.'

Love you!

- Love you too! - Bye!

'A lot of work has been done with this family

'in a very short space of time.

'And there is more work that needs to get done,

'but I have complete faith that they will succeed.

'I really feel like they're going to make it in the end.'