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03x25, 26, 27, 28 - The Biology Badge/The Puddle Badge/The Game Show Badge/The Round Up Badge

Posted: 03/19/24 09:34
by bunniefuu
[teeth brushing]

[Narrator] Happy?

Isn't it time for?

[gasps] Duggee!


[joyful banjo music]

[all] Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee.


[joyful banjo music]

[all] Duggee!

[joyful banjo music]

[children laughing]

[all] Hey Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee
And The Tree Badge.

[children laughing]

[all] Yay!

[Narrator] Hello Squirrels.

What are you doing?

[all] We're running
around this tree.

[children bouncing]


But now we're...



[Narrator] Good timing, Duggee.

Blueberry juice.

Just what everyone needs.


What a perfect spot in the
shade of this beautiful old tre.

Ah, woof.

[Narrator] Duggee loves
this tree, Squirrels.

It makes him feel
quite emotional.


[Narrator] It's so
full of life.

Full of life?

It's just wood.

It's not alive.

[Narrator] No.
It's very much alive Squirrels.

But it's not moving.

[Narrator] Ah, but it is.

You just have to know
what to look for.

Duggee can show you.

-Ah, woof.
-[bell dinging]

[Narrator] He has
his Tree Badge.

Ah, woof woof woof.

[Narrator] You see, Squirrels,

it might not look like it
but this tree is moving

all the time,
because it's growing.

But my mum says you
need food to grow.

And trees don't eat.

No mouth.

Ah, woof.

[Narrator] Oh but they do eat.


[Narrator] A bit like
how you're drinking

your blueberry juice, Tag.

With a straw?

[Narrator] In a way.

Ah, woof.

Why are we going down?

Trees go up.

[Narrator] Well, trees start
underground at the roots.

Roots do lots of work.

[all] Oo!

[Tag] There are bugs down here.

[Narrator] Oh yes.

It's all very lively
around the roots.

Good day Mr. Bugginton.

Mrs. Grubsworth.

[Narrator] Because
this is where the roots

collect all the
food for the tree.

Get your nutrients.

And your minerals.

Get it fresh.

[thunder cracks]

[Narrator] And when it rains,

water soaks down into the soil.

Making it so wet.

The tree can drink water
straight through its roots.


Like a straw.

Ah, woof.

We're going up again.

[Narrator] Yes.
We're following the...


[Narrator] It gets
sucked along the roots

then up into the tree trunk.

But the tree isn't wet.

[Narrator] Because the
water is inside the tree.

Protected by the bark.

[birds chirping]

What's bark?

[Narrator] The rough
wood the tree wears.


Like a coat of armor?


What are those?

[Narrator] Insects.

What are they doing?

[Narrator] Some of them
have been collecting leaves

from the top of the tree.

And some of them live up there.

They live in the tree?

[Narrator] Yes.
Lots of animals do.

[bird pecking]

Like this woodpecker.

Do you like living in this tree?

It's one of the best around.

[bird pecking]

And what's that squirrel doing?

[Narrator] He's getting dinner.

Trees provide food
for lots of animals.

Some trees have nuts.

Others have berries.

Some trees have fruit.

And some even have coconuts.


So many leaves.

[Narrator] Which is
a good thing, Betty,

because they're very important.

Leaves catch the sunlight
which helps the tree to grow

and cleans the air
to help us breathe.

[deep breathing]

They can be food for animals...


and shelter from the rain...

[rain pattering]


or sun.

Trees are home to spiders...


and bats...

and all sorts of birds,

[baby crying]

who might stay
in the same tree...

all their lives.


[birds chirping]

[birds tweeting]

[baby crying]

And each different kind of tree

has a different kind of leaf.

Some trees lose all
their leaves in autumn.

[Betty] Oh no!

[Narrator] Then in
spring, new ones grow.

[Betty] Phew!

[Narrator] First they
appear as tiny buds,

then they grow and grow

until they're all here again.

[all] Leaves are amazing!

[Narrator] They really are.

This tree is tall.

[Narrator] It is, Tag.

And from the top you
can see for miles.

[Duggee] Ah, woof.


[Narrator] As the sun sets,
the tree is transformed

into a home of slumber,

a place to sleep,

a bed,

a safe haven away from
the hustle and bustle

of every day life.

[owl hooting]

The perfect spot
for a little rest.

Ah, woof.


Trees are amazing.

[all] Yeah.

[Narrator] The Squirrels
have learned a lot

about trees today,
haven't they Duggee?



[owl hooting]

[Narrator] Well done Squirrels!

You've earned your Tree Badge.

[all] Yay!

[car horn honking]

[Narrator] Ah.

And here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

[all] Tree hug.

[children laughing]

[all] We got our Tree Badges.


[car horn honking]

[Narrator] Bye bye everybody.


Well, that was fun
wasn't it, Duggee?




[Narrator] Roly?

Isn't it time for...

[gasping] Duggee!

[banjo music]

[all] Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee!


[all] Duggee!


[all] Hey Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee
And The Cheese Badge

[banjo riff]

Hello Duggee,
what are you doing?

A woof!

[Narrator] Oh lovely, you're
making cheese sandwiches.

[spring noise]

What kind of cheese?

Roly, everyone knows there's
only one kind of cheese.

Yes, the yellow one!

A woof, woof.

[Narrator] Now
squirrels, you do know

that Duggee is a bit of
a cheese connoisseur.

He even has...

A woof!

[Narrator] His cheese badge!

A woof, woof, woof, a woof.

[Narrator] You see there are
many varieties of cheese,

and they're not all yellow.


[Narrator] There's Parmesan,
a very versatile cheese.


Too hard.

Oh, a woof!

[Narrator] Then there's ricotta,
a lovely creamy cheese.

Too soft.

Hmm, a woof!

[Narrator] Emmental,
excellent choice, Duggee.

No, too many holes.

[Narrator] Maybe
they'd like something

a bit more complex, Duggee.




From your private
cheese collection.

[many springing noises]

[all] Oooh!


[robotic dinging]


[Robot] Voice
confirmation required.

A woof.

[metal spinning]

A woof.


[all] Yay!

-[majestic music]

[Narrator] This squirrels,
is the good stuff.

[all] Oooh.

[Narrator] A veritable
cornucopia of fabulous fromages,

here was have a vintage
brie, de le brie, de le brie.

That's a spotted
derringer dingle,

and a peppery, pickled
pecorino from Peru.

But none of these compares
to the Buckminster Blue,

the world's smelliest cheese.

It has to be kept in
a triple-glazed case

and can only be handled
by professionals.

[all] Oooh.

[Narrator] Isn't
that right, Duggee?

Ooh, hang on!

Where's it gone?


This ball,

is really smelly!

Oh, and my hands are blue!

[alarm sounding]

[Narrator] Oh dear!

Looks like we've got a
code blue on our hands!

What do we do?

[Narrator] Don't
worry, squirrels.

Duggee's been trained for
just this kind of emergency.

A woof, woof woof.

[Narrator] Yes, to
contain any outbreak,

we need to stay
exactly where we are!

Even Roly?

[Narrator] Especially Roly.

But where is Roly?

Huh, huh, huh, a woof!

[Narrator] We're going
to have to find him,

and stop the cheese
from spreading!

[alarm blaring]

[breathing noises]

Look! Roly's been this way!

[Narrator] Time to

[cork popping]

with some water,

[water spraying]

and a wipe!

[bell rings]

Ooh, clean!

[Happy] Look!

[bouncy music]

Mold blue!

I'm on it!

[water spraying]


Found some!

[water spraying]

[bell rings]

There's some here!

-[water spraying]
-[bell rings]

And here!

-[water spraying]
-[bell rings]

And here!

-[long spray]
-[bell rings]

[Duggee] A woof!

[meter beeping]

[Narrator] Looks like
there's a large beating

of blue over here, squirrels.


[springs bouncing]

A woof woof...


[locker opens]

[cat meows]


Here's the blue!

It goes all the way...



[dramatic music]

[birds chirping]

He's out here...

[bushes rustling]


[bushes rustling]

[drums beating]


There he is!

[Roly] Birds!

But how are we
going to catch him?



A woof!

[light bulb ding]

[western music]

Are you sure this
is going to work?


[bird call]

[Roly] Birds,
birds, birds, birds!

He's coming!

A woof!

Birds, birds, birds,
birds, birds, birds, birds!


[switch flipping]

[upbeat music]


[water spraying]

[sponge scrubbing]

[dryer rolling]


[horn honks]

[sparkle sound]

All clean!

[Narrator] And no more blue!

[suit beeps]

A... woof.


[Narrator] Well done,

You've earned your
cheese badge!


[car honks]

[Narrator] Ah, and
here are your parents!

Just time for one more thing.

[all] Duggee Hug!


Duggee Hug.


[all] We got our cheese badges!


[Narrator] Bye bye, everybody!

Well that was fun, wasn't it?

Huh, Duggee!

Your hand!

[alarm blaring]


isn't it time for...







Hey Duggee!

Duggee and the Radio Badge.

Hello, Duggee.

Where are the Squirrels?


Oh, they're playing

in the tree house!

We're playing
with our marble.

[bell rings]

[bell rings]

[musical tones]

[bell rings]

Oh, no.

Our marble!

[hinges squeak]

[all gasp]

What is all this stuff?




Oh yes,

this is Duggee's
old radio station.

He used to have a show
called Clubhouse Radio.

[clucking musically]

Woof, woof woof.

[needle scratching,
music playing]

During his radio show,

Duggee would play music

for his listeners,
tell jokes...

Ah woof woof woof,
ah woof woof.



Chat to callers...

[King Tiger]
And once all my chores are don,

and only then,
do I say to myself,

"You, sir,
deserve a cup of tea".

Read the news...

Ah woof woof, woof.

And the weather!


[excited squeaking]

He even had live guests in the.

Yes, that's right, Duggee.
We're putting on a new play.

No, no--
it's a musical.



-[Tino] Play!
-[Eugene] Musical!

-It's a play!
-[turns up music]


Why did you stop, Duggee?

-[all] Cheese?

Yes, Cheese Radio. You see, Sq,

while Duggee was on holiday,

-[foghorn blows]
-a new radio show turned up.

Hey, man, it's...

Cheese Radio!

[blows raspberry]



♪ Cheese, cheese,
cheese, cheese ♪

♪ Cheese, cheese,
cheese, cheese ♪

♪ Cheese, cheese,
cheese, cheese ♪

♪ Cheesy, cheesy,
cheese, cheese ♪

It was a tragically

two-dimensional show,

consisting of puerile humor...


...and cheesy covers
of classic hits.

Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!


The public lapped it up.

And, in other news...cheese!

-Cheese! Cheese!
-[blows raspberry]


By the time Duggee got home,

it was all anyone
was listening to.


[blows raspberry]

Poor Duggee.

Maybe we can help you

with a new radio show!

Happy! We don't know how

to make a radio show.

But Duggee does! Look!

He has his...

Radio badge!

Ah woof.

[bluegrass music playing]

What do we do, Duggee?

There's so many buttons!

Which one do I press, Duggee?

-Ah, woof woof--
-[Tag] This one?!

-[bell chimes]
-[gasps] Woof woof!

Sounds like your radio show

has started, Squirrels.


[Norrie] But we're not ready!

Can anyone hear us?


What do we do?

Quick, Tag! Press the jingle b.


[crashing and honking]


Good jingle, Tag!


Welcome to, um...

We know! Squirrel Radio!

Great! Now what?

Ah woof woof.


-[music playing]
-Welcome to Squirrel Radio!

on all good frequencies.

[Roly] What's "radio"?

Not now, Roly.


Roly, our resident
chatty hippo,

is here to take your calls.

[bell dings]

But first, it's Norrie
with the news.

[drum beats]

News just in:

Enid enjoys her new cat food.


-Frog's hiccups...
-[hiccups] no signs of stopping.

Tino and Eugene

finally premier
their new musical!

It's a play!

What's next, Duggee?

Ah woof.

Oh! Over to Happy
for the weather report.



No rain.

[excited squeaking]

This new show's going, uh,

surprisingly well, Duggee!

Ah woof!

-[phone rings]

Looks like we have a caller
on line one, everybody!


It's Cheese Radio, here!

[record needle scratches]


-We just called to say...
-We love your show!

We're your number one fans!

[all] Yay!

[music playing]



Squirrel Radio!


Haven't the Squirrels

done well today, Duggee?


[narrator] Well done,

You've earned
your Radio Badge!

-[Squirrels] Yay!
-[cars honking]

Ah, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

Duggee hug!


Duggee hug.

[all laughing]

We got our Radio Badges!


Bye-bye, everybody!

[bike bell rings]

Well, that was fun,

wasn't it, Duggee?

[excited squeaking]


isn't it time for...

Duggee! [laughs]

[bike bell dings]






Hey Duggee!

Duggee and the Opposites Badge.


Hello, Squirrels.

Looks like you're having fun.

[Squirrels, laughing]

What are you doing, Norrie?

I'm looking at nature.

Oh, that's beautiful, Norrie.

Can I look at nature, too?

Of course, Roly.

But, you have to be
really quiet.



You did the opposite
of what I said.

What's opposite?

It's... uh...

[narrator] I think Duggee can hp
explain what an opposite is,

because he has his...


...Opposites Badge!

Ah woof woof woof,
ah woof, woof woof.

[narrator] I ndeed, an opposite
is something

that is exactly different
to another thing.

-[Squirrels] Huh?
-[narrator] Um, I think

you're going to have
to use an example, Duggee.

Hmm. [gasps] Woof!

Ah, woof woof.

It's a potato.

Ah woof.

A dirty potato!

A clean potato!

Ah woof woof.

Clean is the opposite of dirty.


And what's the opposite of loud?

Ah woof.


That's right, Roly!

Now, maybe you could find
some opposites of your own.

Yay! [laughing]




Good morning!



Top! Whee!

Ow! Bottom!

Over, under! Over, under!
Over, under! Over--



I won! I won! [laughs]

And I lost.

Opposites are brilliant!


Imagine if everything
was opposite!

Hmm, ah woof!

Yes, left would be right.

[all] Whoooo.

So, would down be up?

Ah, woof!

[all] Whoa!

But, that means up would be...

-[all] Down!

[all] Huh?

Oh! Hard must now be soft!


So, what's the opposite
of small?



That means big is now... little.


I'll look after you, Duggee.

Duggee hug.


What else is opposite?

Let's go see!


There you go, Duggee.

Don't run off!

-Ah woof!


I know! Long is short.

And short is long!



Fast is slow?

[slowly] Hey guys, what's up
with our ride?

What a jam, Johnny!

And slow is...



Cold is hot!


Light is heavy!

And heavy is


Strong is weak.



And weak is strong.


Young is old.

I'm forty-two
and three quarters!

And old is young!


Wet is dry!


And dry is wet!


Forwards is backwards!

[all squawk]

Day is night!

Off is on.

-[all] Dark!
-[owl hooting]

-[rooster crowing]

Down! Up!

Left! Right!

Old! Young!

Young! Old!

Big! Little!
Little! Big!


Yes, you're right, Duggee.

Maybe it is time things
got back to normal.



Well, haven't the Squirrels

learnt a lot
about opposites, Duggee?


Well done, Squirrels.

You've earned
your Opposites Badge.


[car honking]

Ah, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

Duggee hug!


Duggee hug.


[all] We got our...

Opposites Badges!

[parents] Aw.

Bye-bye, everybody.

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?


Ah wooooof!

Hey, Duggee!