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03x41, 42, 43, 44 - The Counting Badge/The What Happened? Badge/The Telling Time Badge/The Puzzle Badge

Posted: 03/19/24 09:35
by bunniefuu
[Narrator] Tag,
isn't it time for...

[gasps] Duggee!

[all] Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee!



Hey Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee and
the Counting Badge.


[Narrator] Hello, Squirrels.
What are you doing?

We're seeing how many
badges Duggee has.


-Se... Huh?

What's this one?

[Narrator] That's
Duggee's counting badge.

He got it for counting to 100.

[all] 100?


But that's...


Oh, woof!

[Narrator] It's a
challenge, Squirrels,

but not impossible.

-If you can count to ten--
-I can!

[Narrator] Then counting to 100

is just counting
to ten, ten times.



Can we try?

[Narrator] Yes! Let's start
by counting up to ten.

But what should we count?

[Narrator] Anything
that's around you.

Uh, one.

[Narrator] Good start, Tag.










We did it!

-We counted to ten!

[Narrator] Now you
count the next ten.

This time up to 20.

But we've counted
everything here.

[Narrator] Then let's go to...


[all] The kitchen!


[Narrator] Ah. Now we're
entering the teens.

They can be a bit tricky.

Oh, woof woof!

Oh yeah.

-[timer goes off]

[Narrator] Very good. Now
you're in the twenties.


[Narrator] So start
with twenty...

-[Narrator] Yes! Now?

Oh woof!

[Narrator] Superb!

[all] 30!

[Narrator] Lovely.
Now what are you going to coun?



Oh such sweet counting!

Thank you!

[Narrator] And...

[all] 40!

Next is forty...


Cool man.

[Narrator] Oh, Squirrels,
you're halfway there.

Yeah. Perfect time...

for a snack, man.






Oh! 51!

Yeah! 52!

[mice laughing]

Oh yummy!

Yum, yum, yum, yum.

[Narrator] Feeling perkier
after all that food?


[Narrator] Then let's
tackle the sixties.

[all] Yay!

[all] Sixty...


Seve... Oh.

You can count me if you'd like.

[gasps] 70!

Now why don't you
count animals next?


Very interesting.


I'm seeing double.

[Narrator] Actually they
are two sheep, Nori.

Oh. 80.


[sheep bleat]

[Narrator] You're
nearly there, Squirrels.


-We can...


Don't give up now.

You're doing so well!

Think how far you've come.

You can do it man.

We believe in you.

You're right!

We can do this!

We can count...


Eighty... one!

[all] 90.

[Narrator] This
is it, Squirrels.

The home stretch.

You're almost there!

But what is there left to count?

[gasps] Duggee's badges!


Oh you are doing it!

[all] And...

[Narrator] Well done, Squirrels.


[Narrator] You've earned
your counting badge.


[car honks]

[Narrator] Ah, and here are you.

Just time for one more thing.

[all] Duggee hug!


Duggee hug.


We got our counting badges!


-[horns honking]
-[Narrator] Bye-bye, everybody.

Oh, that was fun
wasn't it, Duggee?

One, two three.

[animals] Yes!

[Narrator] Happy?

-Isn't it time for...

[All] Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee?


[All] Duggee!

[kids giggling]

Hey, Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee and
the What Happened Badge.

-He's coming back!
-[kids laughing]

[all yelling]

[Narrator] Oh dear,
what's happened here?

-We've been running.
-Because the bear woke up.

[Tag] After we found
the astronauts!

[Betty] And the book!

[Narrator] Hang on, Squirrels.

Now I don't quite understand.

[Duggee] Oh, woof woof!

[Narrator] Ah, luckily Duggee
has his What Happened Badge.

He can help you tell the story.

[Duggee] Woof woof, woof!

[Narrator] Indeed!

For a story to make sense,

it helps to start
at the beginning.


[Betty] So, we asked
Ladybird, and he said--

I did see a spaceman.

He went that way.

[Kids] Yay!

[Narrator] Hold on, why were
you talking to Ladybird?

[Tag] Because we were
looking for the book!

-[Narrator] Which book?
-Duggee's book!

[Duggee] Oh, woof woof.

[Narrator] Oh,
good idea, Duggee.

We should start at
the very beginning.

[Kids] Okay!

[Tag] Born in the early spring,
I was an adventurous baby.

[Narrator] Tag, I think this
may be a bit too far back?

[Duggee] Woof.

[Narrator] Perhaps
start a little later,

like when you were
at the clubhouse.

[Tag] Okay!

[Betty] We were playing
with our toys, and you said--

[Narrator] I wonder what Duggee
has planned for you today.

[Kids] Yay!

[Roly] And Duggee
was giving King Tiger

a box of old things.

These will be perfect for
my sovereign summer sale.

It's to raise money
for a bigger crown.

[Happy] Oh, I went
to a sale once!

With my cousin Eric,
who found

-a spork!

Which is a cross between
a fork and a spoon!

[Narrator] Happy, does
this have anything to do

with what happened today?

[Happy] No, but
it's a good story.

[Narrator] Oh, I'm sure it is,

but it's very important
to stick to the point.

-Otherwise, it gets confusing.
-[Happy] Oh.

[Narrator] Let's return
to what happened today.

[Norrie] After King Tiger
left, we asked Duggee...

What are we doing today?

Oh, woof woof!

[Norrie] He said we were
going to do something...

[Roly] From the
Squirrel Club handbook!

[Norrie] But, he
couldn't find it.

[Duggee gasps]
Woof, woof, woof!

[Betty] Duggee had dropped it

into the box he
gave King Tiger.

[Kids] Oh no!

[Roly] So we chased after him!

[Happy] And got the book back!

[Kids] Yay!

[Narrator] Wait a minute.

That's not the
whole story, surely.

Tell me everything
that happened

after you went to
look for King Tiger.

[Norrie] We got to his palace.

[Tag] And there were
so many things for sale!

Try it on for size.

It's excellent for hibernating.

Hi, King Tiger.

Was there a book in
the box Duggee gave you?

Why, yes!

Can we have it back, please?

No, I've already given
the book to Whooo.

She's in charge of
the summer sale library.


Whooo the Owl had
a gazillion books

that went on for
miles and miles!

[Duggee] Woof, woof.

[Narrator] Betty,
if you exaggerate,

people won't know
what really happened.

[Betty] Fine.

Whooo had some
books on a table.

We asked her if
she had our book.


[all gasp]

You already sold it to?

[Narrator] To whom, to whom?

-A spaceman!
-[Tag giggles]

[Betty] So we asked if
anyone had seen him.




[Betty] Ladybird said he had.

[Happy] And, he said a
lot of other things, too!

The history of space
exploration started back in...

[Happy] But, you don't
need to know about that.

And that's everything.

But where did the spaceman go?

-That way.
-[kids gasp]

We've seen lots.

Can't move for
spacemen these days.

Well, that's
gentrification for ya.

Look, there's one
with a macchiato.

[Tag] Excuse me, Mr. Spaceman.


Oh hi, Squirrels.

[Kids] Eugene!

-Why are you wearing that?
-Do ya like it?

I bought it for my new show,
"Space Race the Musical."

♪ Who's gonna get
to the moon first ♪

♪ I am, I am ♪

Oh, and I bought this for you.

[all gasp]

[Kids] And that's how
we got the book back!

[Narrator] But at the start,

you were all flying
through the air.

[Norrie] Oh, that's
because of the bear.

[Bear] This is perfect
for hibernating!

I'll take it!

[Betty] The door
knocked into King Tiger.

[Happy] And knocked the
fish bowl out of his hands!

[Betty] Luckily,
Duggee caught it.

[Roly] But stood
on a skateboard.

[Betty] And got
caught in the bunting.

You'll have to pay for those!

Oh no!


[Kids] Look out, Duggee!


Phew, man.


-He's coming back!
-[all gasp]

[Duggee yelling]

[kids giggling]

[Kids] Whee!

And, that's what happened!

[Narrator] Wow, you told
that story brilliantly!

[kids giggling]

Haven't the Squirrels
done well today, Duggee?

Woof! [Duggee panting]

[Narrator] Well done!

You've earned your
What Happened Badge.

[Kids] Yay!

[horn honking]

[Narrator] Ah, and
here are your parents,

just time for one more thing.

[Kids] Duggee hug!


[Betty] Duggee hug.

[kids giggling]

[Kids] We got our
What Happened Badges!


[Narrator] Bye-bye, everybody.

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it Duggee?,


[Narrator] Roly,
isn't it time for...

[gasps] Duggee!

[Roly laughing]

[All] Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee!


[All] Duggee!

[Squirrels giggling].

[Squirrels] Hey, Duggee!

[Narrator] Duggee and
the Telling Time Badge

Hello, Squirrels. What are you..

-[doorbell ringing]
-[Squirrels gasping]

[Squirrels] There's
somebody at the door!

[Squirrels laughing]

It's terrible, terrible!

What's wrong, Mr. John the Crab?

Nigel and I have been
together for six years.

It's our anniversary.

That doesn't sound terrible.

It is! I want to give Nigel a
surprise party at our house,

but he's always in.

How am I going to get
the guests, the food,

and the band inside
without him noticing?

-The band?

I've booked the premiere
lobster Macarena band,

Los Lobstadores!

["The Mexican Hat Dance"]

Los Lobstadores?

["The Mexican Hat Dance"]

Yes, Los Lobstadores.

["The Mexican Hat Dance"]

Nigel must go out sometimes.

Never, he's an absolute
stickler for routine.

Every day, he gets
out of bed at 12.

[Nigel yawning]

That's late.

Yes, well, he's a writer.

He then performs his ablutions
for exactly 21 minutes

and then goes to the
kitchen for breakfast,

where he has a bowl
of barnacle muesli

and protozoa milk.


At 12:45, it's time for
what Nigel calls "work."

Then, at 4:24, after
his 15-minute run,

he despairs about the
state of the nation.

[Nigel gasping]

At 4:39, he calms himself
down by meditating.

But even the smallest
sound disturbs him.


-[butterfly screaming]
-[butterfly zipping]

At precisely five,
Nigel prepares supper

for when I return at six,

for our favourite show,
"Antique Wunderbar".

It's very old.

And at this point, we jump
out shouting, "surprise!"

What about "Antique Wunderbar?"

It's fine, we'll record it.

Oh, woof.

[Narrator] Yes, getting
in Nigel's friends--

And cake.

And Los Lobstadores.

["The Mexican Hat Dance"]

[Narrator] Without him

will involve precise planning.

Here is a blueprint of
John and Nigel's house.


[Narrator] And this pepper
pot represents Nigel.

While Nigel is in the bathroom,

we will assemble outside
at exactly 12:11.

When's 12:11?


[Narrator] When it
says it on your watch.

It says it?

On your watch?

[Narrator] Oh, wait.

You don't know how to
tell the time, do you?

[Squirrels] No.

[Narrator] Well,
Duggee can show you.

He has his...

Telling Time Badge.


[Narrator] You see, on a watch,

the big numbers, from one,

to 12,

are the hours in the day.

And the little numbers,

are the minutes in each hour.

What are the arrow things?

[Narrator] They're
called "hands."

The small hand points
to what hour it is.

-[clock dinging]
-[Squirrels] 12!

[Narrator] And the long
hand points to what minute.

-[Squirrels] 10!

-You've cracked it.
-[Squirrels giggling]

[Narrator] Now listen
very carefully.

At that time, we will all
be outside John's house,

synchronizing our watches.

[John] Does everyone
remember the plan?

[Squirrels] Yes!

[Norrie] At exactly 12:15,
when Nigel is in the bathroom,

[Tag] John will let Norrie
and I into the house.

Where we'll sneak
down the hallway,

[Norrie] With the decorations.

[Betty] At 12:29, while Nigel
is loudly eating his muesli,

I will lead Los Lobstadores,

["The Mexican Hat Dance"]


Into the living room.

[Happy] Then at 12:45
precisely, Roly will ring,

[doorbell ringing]

the doorbell!

In disguise!


[Happy] Meanwhile, I will
enter with party food,

and sneak into the kitchen.

Followed silently by Duggee.

[loud thumping]

[whispers] Woof.

[Tag] At 4:03, when Nigel
is on the running machine,

I will sneak all the
guests into the house.

[Betty] And into
the living room.

[Norrie] Just in time for
Nigel's meditation at 4:39.

[whispers] When he becomes
sensitive to the smallest sound.

[glasses clinking]


[Norrie] Hide!

[Duggee gasping]


["The Mexican Hat Dance"]

[Duggee gasping]



[John] Then at 5:30,
while Nigel cooks,

we will all be in
place for the surprise.




[All] Surprise!

[Nigel gasping]

[upbeat mariachi music]

♪ Nigel, we've been
together so long now ♪

♪ And I just need
to tell you how ♪

♪ Oh, how much you
really mean to me ♪

♪ It's our happy anniversary ♪

-[All] Olé!
-[Squirrels laughing]

Thank you, Squirrels!

You timed my surprise
to perfection.


[Duggee panting]

[Narrator] Well done,

You've earned your
Telling Time Badges.

[Squirrels] Yay!

[car horns honking]

[Narrator] Ah, and
here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

[Squirrels] Duggee Hug!


Duggee Hug.

[Squirrels laughing]

[Squirrels] We got our
Telling Time Badges.


[Narrator] Bye-bye, everybody.

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?

["The Mexican Hat Dance"]

Hmm, ooh.

-[Narrator] Betty?

[Narrator] Isn't it time for...

[gasps] Duggee!

[Betty giggling]

[upbeat banjo music]

[Squirrels] Duggee!

[upbeat folk music]

[Narrator] Duggee!


[upbeat banjo music]

[Squirrels] Duggee!

[upbeat folk music]

[Squirrels giggle]

Hey, Duggee!

[upbeat banjo music]

[Narrator] "Duggee
and The Puzzle Badge."

[upbeat banjo riff]

Hello, Squirrels.

What are you doing?

We're doing a jigsaw.

And we've nearly done it.

[puzzle pieces clicking]

[Squirrels] Huh?

Where's the last piece?

Hey, looking for this?

Come and get it!
[blows raspberry]

[mice laughing]

[Squirrels gasping]
Our jigsaw piece!

-[upbeat folk music]
-[mice laughing]

[door slamming]

[Squirrels] Come out
of that cupboard!

[door squeaking]

Oh, they're not in there.

There's just this button.

[cupboard rattling]

[Narrator] Oh, dear.

[cupboard thudding]

[Betty] Look.


[Squirrels] Wow.

[Happy] These mice
have been busy.

[Narrator] Seems like
they've been making

this secret tunnel
for quite some time.

-Our jigsaw piece could be anyw.
-[Squirrels gasping]

-Or it could be...

in there!

[door rattling]

Oh it is,

but you'll have to solve

-our puzzles to get it. [laughs]

What's a puzzle?

Woof, woof.

-It's a game...

-[gasping] For your brain!

Ha, you'll never solve them.

[Narrator] Well, think again,

- because Duggee's got...
-[bell dinging]

his Puzzle Badge.

Ha, ha, you wouldn't
know the answer

to this puzzle if it was
staring you in the face.

-That's rude.

[mice laughing]

[stones thumping]

[Narrator] No, it's a clue.

Staring you in the--

[gasps] we have to
make the face again.

Move that stone there.

[Roly] That one up.

[Norrie] That one right.

-[Tag] Down.
-[Betty] Across.

-[Happy] Up.
-[Roly] Right.

-[Tag] Left.
-[Norrie] Over.

-[Betty] There.
-[Roly] And,

[Duggee] Woof.


[Happy] We solved the puzzle.

[Norrie] Now we can get,

[Squirrels] Yay, our
jigsaw piece back.

[Norrie] But where is it?

[Happy] There's just
these two pictures.

[Roly] And they're the same.

Try using your eyes.

It'll make all the difference.

[doors slamming]

[Narrator] Another puzzle.


I know, we have to
spot the difference

between the pictures.

[Squirrels] Yeah.

[Norrie] Is that mouse
taller than that one?

[Roly] What mouse?

[Betty] The ones in
the picture, Roly.

[Roly] Are they mice?

[Betty] Yes, Roly.

[Roly] Mice can't
draw mice very well.

[Squirrels] Roly!

Wait, I found it,
this nose is round.

And this nose is square.

We solved the,


[Squirrels laughing]

[Duggee] Woof!

-[gong sounding]

[gasps] Look, a door.

[Roly] And molten cheese.

[Betty] But how do we get to it?

[Maurice laughs] You'll
have to watch your step.

Don't miss a beat.

[organ music]

Another puzzle!

A musical one.

We have to stand
on the same colours

that came on above the door.

The first one was green.

[organ ringing]

-Then it was blue.
-[organ ringing]

-Then it was red.

[cheese splatting]

Ew, cream cheese!

-Betty, I think you'll find it'.
-[organ ringing]

-[Tag] Pink.
-[organ ringing]

-[Betty] Red.
-[organ ringing]

-[Duggee] Woof.
-[organ ringing]

[Squirrels] Yay!

[Squirrels laughing]

[Roly] How many more
puzzles are there?

Oh, many more,
Squirrels. [laughs]

[Betty groaning]

-[Tag giggling]
-[door scraping]

[Squirrels cheering]

[electricity zapping]

[Duggee sighing]

[Norrie whistling]

[Squirrels laughing]

-[Roly grunting]
-[inspiring cinematic music]

[video game beeping]

-[walls rumbling]

-[Squirrels laughing]

-[Squirrels laughing]

[Squirrels] Whee!

[cart thumping]


[mysterious string music]

Our jigsaw piece.

[doors rumbling]

Yes, well done Squirrels,

you have completed all our puzz,
you may take your prize.

[Squirrels] Yay!

[room rattling]

Haha, they fell for it.

Yeah, Maurice, you got 'em good.

Now let's bounce.

[mice laughing]

[Squirrels] Oh,
those naughty mice.

[Narrator] I think it's
time to go, Duggee.


[upbeat cinematic music]

[Squirrels sighing]

[Squirrels] The last piece.

[Narrator] Well done,

you finally finished
your jigsaw puzzle.

[Duggee panting]

You've earned your
Puzzle Badge.

[Squirrels] Yay!

[car horns honking]

[Narrator] Ah, and
here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

[Squirrels] Duggee hug!


[Child] Duggee hug.

[Squirrels laughing]

[Squirrels] We got our...

Puzzle Badges.


[Narrator] Bye-bye, everybody.

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?

[Three-Headed Dog slurping]

[Duggee and Narrator laughing]

[upbeat folk music]

[Squirrels] Hey, Duggee!