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04x09, 10, 11, 12 - Betty's First Day/The Choreography Badge/The Pet Badge/The Lost Property Badge

Posted: 03/19/24 09:42
by bunniefuu

Isn't it time for...


♪ ♪





Heeeeeey Duggeeeeeeeee!

-Betty's First Day Badge.

Hello, Squirrels.

What are you doing?

-We're playing Hot Grass!

We did it!
Now let's play...

Bouncy Mushrooms!

[ Laughter ]
Now let's play...

Elephant Slide!


-Now let's play...

Find the Potato!

It's there, Happy!

-[ Gasps ]

-Now let's play...

Mice in a Row!

I win!
Now let's play again!


-And to think you didn't used to
like playing games, Betty.


Remember Betty's first day
at Squirrel Club, Duggee?


-So, Betty, this is Duggee.

He's going to
look after you today.

-Hello, Captain Duggee.


-[ Laughs ] Bye, Dad.

-Have fun! [ Laughs ]

-Duggee could tell that you were
already very confident.

And you didn't seem to need
any help.

Everyone was very impressed.


-And because it was
your first day...

-A-woof, woof.

-Duggee asked
the other Squirrels

to show you
how they all played together...

-A-woof. help you feel...

[ Clattering ]

...more at home.

-Didn't Betty want to play?

-She did, but she only knew
how to play on her own.

[ Laughter ]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

-But why?

-Because, where you grew up,

there was no one to play with.


-So you were used to
doing things on your own.

So, even though you wanted
to join in...

you just didn't know how.


-Huh? [ Gasps ]

-What happened next?

-I know!

Duggee had...

-An idea!


-Duggee knew...

by teaching you
the Squirrel Club song...

♪ He could make you feel ♪

♪ Like a team ♪

-♪ Woof woof wooooof ♪

-♪ There's a special place ♪

♪ Where we love to be ♪

-♪ It's where we all have fun ♪

-♪ It's Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Where we do lots of things ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ We play, dance, and sing ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Let's all join in ♪

-♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

-Now let's sing
about our friends.

Norrie, you can be first.

-[ Laughs ]
-♪ There's a little mouse ♪

♪ Who takes good care ♪

♪ Of me and you ♪

♪ And the animals too ♪

-♪ That's what Norrie brings
to Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Where we do lots of things ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ We play, dance, and sing ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

C'mon, join in.

-♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

-♪ There's a cheery croc ♪

♪ That learnt to ♪

-♪ Now he loves the water ♪

-Splash! Splash! Splash!

-♪ That's what Happy brings
to Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Where we do lots of things ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Where we play, dance,
and sing ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Let's all join in ♪

-♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

-♪ There's a cheeky hippo ♪

♪ Who was quiet and shy ♪

♪ Then he found his voice ♪

♪ Now he jumps and ♪

-♪ That's what Roly brings
to Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Where we do lots of things ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ We play, dance, and sing ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Let's all join in ♪

-♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

-♪ There's a busy rhino
who can run all day ♪

♪ He learnt to listen ♪
-[ Laughs ]


-♪ And stay on his feet ♪


♪ And that's what Tag brings
to Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Where we do lots of things ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Where we play, dance,
and sing ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Come on, join in ♪
-♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ ♪

-Now, I wonder if
we've forgotten anybody?

Of course!

♪ There's an octopus ♪

♪ With a brilliant brain ♪

♪ Who's sunny and funny ♪

♪ And she's our new ♪

♪ And that's what Betty brings
to Squirrel Club ♪

♪ We're the perfect team ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ We play, dance, and sing ♪

♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ Let's all join in ♪

-♪ At Squirrel Club ♪

♪ ♪


-Duggee's song brought
you together,

and you spent the rest
of the day having lots of fun.

Betty even got...


-...her First Day Badge!


I love playing with my friends!

-At Squirrel Club!

[ Car horns honk ]

-Ah, and here are your parents!

Just time for one more thing.

-Duggee hug!

-Duggee hug.

[ Laughter ]

-I learnt about
my first day at...

-Squirrel Club!


-Bye-bye, everybody.

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?


-Norrie, isn't it time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

[ Laughs ]

♪ ♪





♪ ♪

Heeeeeey Duggeeeeeee!

and the Choreography Badge!

-Hello, Squirrels!

What are you doing?

-We're doing our exercises!

-With Duggee!
-Oh, dear.


-I see you still can't get
anyone moving in time.

-Who are you?


Pan-Pacific Dance Off Champion
seven years running,

winner of Absolutely
The Best Dancer Of All Time

and long-time leader of...

The Rock-Slippy dance crew!

Who once had a young dancer
in its ranks called...


-Was in a dance crew?

-Oh, yeah.
He use to be one of us.

We were a tight outfit,

but Duggee just couldn't resist
inventing his own moves,

like the spatula,
the tape measure,

and the hummingbird.

Never sticking
to the choreography.

And that's why you had to go!

What's ko-ree-og-ra-fee?

-Ah, woof-woof.

-Choreography is a group
doing something together,

at the same time.

-Like this!

Ah, oo, ee, ah, oh.


-It's the secret
to good dancing.

Something that Duggee knows
nothing about.

-Duggee's a good dancer!

-If you like it sloppy.

-His dancing is fun.

-He's got no precision!

-He's the best!

-We're the best!


-You can't choreograph, Duggee.

You're too caught up
in your own moves.


You think you can go toe to toe
with the Rock-Slippies?

Out-dance the greatest
crew alive?


-Oh, if it's like that,
there's only one thing to do.

We'll have a dance off!

Me and my crew, you and yours.

You remember the rules, Duggee?

I guess so, because you have...

Your Choreography Badge!

Let's see how much good
that will do you!

-Ha ha ha!

-Chipo takes dancing
very seriously.

-Yeah. There's no way we'll win
that dance off.

-A-woof, woof!

-Don't worry, Squirrels.

All we need a little practise.

An important part
of choreography

is dancing together.

-A-woof, woof, woof, woof, woof,
woof, woof!

-At the same time!

-Very good!

Now, let's make these moves
more fun.

-How do we do that?

Duggee thinks of a movement
he finds really interesting.

Like the hands on a clock.

Or a food mixer spinning.

Or a door opening.


-Or anything you like, really.


-Boing, boing, boing.


-Hop, hop, hop!


-Pop, pop, pop!


-Flap, flap, flappity flap!

♪ ♪


-Shuffle! Shuffle!


-That's it, Squirrels!

Now it's time to put all
our moves together for

[Echoing] the dance-off!

-So you showed up, Duggee.


-Well, then,
standard rules apply.

Champions go first,
then you follow.


-Yes, remember, Squirrels,

it's about having fun.

-Remember, Rock-Slippy crew,
it's about doing

all the moves
absolutely perfectly!

Let's go!

Electric! Fliporama!

Downsize! Hot spice!









But time for some sweet solos!


[ Baaing ]



-Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle,
shuffle, shuffle, pop!

-Go, Pierre.

-Go, Pierre! Go, Pierre!
Go, Pierre!

-[ Laughs ]

[ Beeping ]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

-Boing, boing, boing.

-Wobble, wobble, wobble.

That jelly move is sweet!

-This toaster move pops!

-Go, Pierre! Go, Pierre!

[ Both laughing ]

-You kids are happening!

-Enough! You!


-Let's dance.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

This is silly!

You're going off-piste again!

What's happening?

I don't understand.

But it's so much fun!

Toaster! Jelly!


[ Laughter ]

you and your crew have shown me

that choreography
isn't just about rules.

It's about expressing yourself!

-And haven't the Squirrels
expressed themselves

well today, Duggee?

-Woof, woof, woof, woof!

-Well done, Squirrels.

You've earned your...

Choreography Badge.


[ Car horns honk ]

Ahh, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

-Duggee hug!

-Duggee hug.

[ Laughter ]

We got our...

Choreography Badges!


-Bye-bye, everybody!

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?



Isn't time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

[ Giggles ]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪




♪ ♪

[ Laughter ]

-Heeeeeey, Duggeeeeeeeee!
-Heeeeeey, Duggeeeeeeeee!

♪ ♪

-Duggee and The Pet Badge.

♪ ♪

Hello, Norrie!
What are you doing?

-We're playing Hide and Seek,
and I'm... Huh?

-[ Speaks gibberish ]

I've found...something.

-All: Huh?!

-[ Speaks gibberish ]

[ Sniffs ]

[ Sneezes ]

-What is it?

-Why, yes, it's a Scruffalump!
A fascinating creature...

-I want to touch it!

-Well, we need to make sure

it's friendly first.

-Hello, Scruffalump.

-[ Speaks gibberish ]
-Are you friendly?

-[ Speaks gibberish ]

-Oh! It is friendly!

-Look, it's sniffing Norrie!

-[ Sniffs, sneezes ]

[ Laughter ]

-So cute!
-[ Chirps ]

-Let's call him...

[ Laughter ]

-He can be our pet!

-Ah-woof woof...

-Yes, pets are
a big responsibility.

You see, Duggee has...

his Pet Badge

and knows
they can be a LOT of work.

-A woof!
-They need...


-[ Meows ]



[ Honk ]

-Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!



[ Sheep bleats ]

-[ Whistles ]

♪ ♪

[ Brakes squeal ]
-[ Panting ]

[ Ding ]

-Oh. Pets are a lot of work.

-Well, yes...
but pets are wonderful, too.

-They help us relax...
-[ Purring ]

-[ Snoring ]

♪ ♪

-Play with us...

♪ ♪

-Make us laugh...
-Baa baa.

-Woof woof?

-[ Laughs ]

-Make us happy...

-♪ Moo ♪
-♪ Moo ♪

-♪ Moo ♪
-♪ Woof ♪

And they give us lots of love...


-So pets are lovely!

Does that mean
we can keep Potato?

-Why not?

-Scruffalumps live in the woods,
not in a clubhouse, I'm afraid.

-All: Awwwww.

-A-woof woof.
-Bye, Potato.

-[ Gibbers ]

[ All sigh ]

-I miss Potato.

-[ Gibbers ]
-[ All gasp ]


-Duggee! Potato's here!

-Oh. Where's he gone?

-[ Gibbers ]

-[ Meows ]

-Awww, he wants to make friends!

-He wants some food!

-[ Gibbers ]
[ Horn honks ]

-He wants to play!
-[ Gibbers ]

-I love you.
-[ Gibbers ]

-All: See?
He wants to be our pet!

-Er, woof...

-Yes, but it's
a big responsibility,

looking after one.

-All: We know.
You have to...

-Feed him!
Din dins, Potato!

-[ Gibbers ]

♪ ♪

-Exercise him! Fetch!

♪ ♪

-[ Gibbers ]

-[ Panting ]

-Brush him!
A little backcombing there,

some volume here,
my signature roll here...


-[ Gibbers ]

-Train him!

Potato, sit! Heel! Roll over!

Paw? Jump? Turn around!
Recline! Play! Lay down? Read?

Solve! Dance! Stay!
Oh. Good boy.

-[ Gibbers ]

-[ Sighs ]
-And clean up after him!

-[ Sniffs, gibbers ]

-[ Laughs ]

♪ ♪

-[ Gibbers ]

-[ Laughs ]

-[ Gibbers ]


-[ Gibbering ]
-How's it going with your...

new pet?

-All: OK?
[ Doorbell rings ]


Er, sorry to bother you,
but have you seen

a lost Scruffalump around here?

He's about ye high.
-And doesn't talk very much.

-[ Gibbers ]

-All: Dad!

-[ Gibberish stops ]

-[ Gibbers ]

-There you are!

-Why are you always wandering
off when we're on a hike?

-[ Gibbers ]

[ Clears throat ]

I've been observing
the local wildlife.

Fascinating creatures.

-...can talk?!

-Oh, they're so cute.

-Come on, Dad, let's get going.

-Okay! Cheerio!

-Luckily, you have
lots of other pets

to look after!

[ Animals make sounds ]

[ Laughter ]

-[ Gasps, panting ]


-[ Panting ]

-You've earned your Pet Badge!

[ Car horn honks ]

-Ahh, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing...

-Duggee hug!

-Duggee hug.

[ All giggling ]

-We got our Pet Badges!


-Bye-bye, everybody!
[ Bells ringing ]

-Well. That was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?

-[ Gibbers ]
-[ Gasps ]

[ Panting ]

-Tag, isn't it time for...

-Duggee! [ Laughs ]

♪ ♪




♪ ♪

Hey, Duggee!

-Duggee and the Lost
Property Badge.

[ Static hisses ]
-Can you hear me?

[ Laughter ]

-Yes, Tag, we can hear you.

-Hello, Squirrels.

What are you doing?

-We're playing
with our walkie talkies!


[ All gasp ]
-Blueberry juice!

[ Laughter ]

[ Static hisses ]


[ Static hisses ]
-Hurry up, Tag!

It's blueberry juice time!



[ Slurping ]

[ Static hisses ]

-Tag, where are you?

-I don't know.


-Duggee wants to know,
what can you see?

-I can see a gold cat,
the world, two statues.

[ Statue shatters ]
Whoops, one statue,

a pogo stick,
lots of umbrellas...


-Of course, Tag is in
the Lost Property room!

-...some golf clubs...

-What's that?

-It's a special room
where lost things are kept

until someone comes to get them.

-And because Duggee has...

his Lost Property Badge,
he's in charge of it.

-So, where is
the Lost Property room?


-Good question, Happy.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[ Static hisses ]
-Do you know where I am yet?

[ Static hisses ]
-Don't worry, Tag.

Duggee knows exactly
where you are.

-The Lost Property Room

was definitely around here

-[ Gasps ] Woof!

-Yes, the clubhouse map
will tell us.


-Now, where did we put it?

-Ooh, wow!


[ Static hisses ]

-Hi, Roly.

-What you doing?

-Talking to a lion.

We need to hurry!

-Don't worry, Roly.
I'm sure Tag's safe.

-[ Relieved ] Ah-woof!
-[ Gasps ] Of course! The safe!

That's where the map will be.


-Now, where is the safe?

-[ Disappointed ] Oh.

-Isn't there a lot of stuff
in here, Mr. Lion?

-It's definitely behind
one of these pictures, Duggee.


-Duggee! The safe!

-[ Gasps ] Woof!

-How do we open it?

-We just need
to put in the code.

Luckily, Duggee wrote it down
on a bit of paper.


-Now, where was
that bit of paper?


[ Organ playing ]

-Never had a lesson, Mr. Lion!

-How does he sound, Happy?


-Hurry, Duggee!


-What shall we do next,
Mr. Lion?

Ooh! Dancing shoes!


-Yes, that bit of paper
has to be here somewhere!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[ Static hisses ]
-Tag! Tag!


-What are you doing?

-Expressing myself!

-Hurry, Duggee!

-What do you think, Mr. Lion?

I like it, too.



[ Clattering ]

-[ Gasps ] The code!

The code!

[ Static hisses ]
-Tag, we're coming to get you!

Sit tight.

-Okay, Norrie!

-One, two, three, and four.

[ All gasp ]

[ Static hisses ]
-We found the map, Tag.

We're nearly there!

-Okay. No rush.

Your move, Mr. Lion.

-It says Lost Property should
be right here, Duggee.


[ Static hisses ]
-Hey, Duggee, how's it going?


-Oh, you can't find
the Lost Property door?


-Hold on, Duggee.

Take a deep breath.

-[ Inhales deeply ]

-Now, think about what you were
doing the last time you saw it.


-So, you were decorating.


-And you wallpapered
the whole hallway.


-Even the door?

-[ Gasps ]


We found you!

-Oh, hello!
Come in.

Make yourselves at home.


-Yes, isn't great
that we've also found

the Lost Property room?
-[ Gasps ]

-And your Lost Property Badge!


[ Horn honks ]
Ah, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

-Duggee hug!

-Duggee hug.

[ Laughter ]

-We got our
Lost Property Badges!


-Bye-bye, everybody!

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

-Hey, Duggee!