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04x29, 30, 31, 32 - The Difficult Badge/The Cinema Badge/The Getting Ready Badge/The Size Badge

Posted: 03/19/24 11:33
by bunniefuu
hello squirrels what are you doing we're

looking at nory's new

bike ride it I can't why because you

have to pedal and balance and

steer and

break it's too difficult don't worry

Dory even douy finds things difficult

really yes he got skateboard very well

oh he's yet to make a successful bone


sufle and he's been trying to speak cat

for years

meow you see everyone has something they

find difficult yeah I can't tie my


mom done them

a I can't click my

fingers I can't swim

this one doesn't work this one

doese I can also do a handstand use

chopsticks blow my nose do Algebra bleed

a radiator and I can even

wink see that's not winking that's

blinking what well it sounds like you

all need some help oh luckily douge has

his difficult badge

yay it's important to

remember that if you don't succeed try

again you're

right I'm okay just time for one more

thing chy hug oh doggy


when you're in the cinema it's important

to oh stay

quiet okay oh woof don't fidget or kick

the seat in front of you oh oh woof woof

and finally does anyone need the toilet

no well enjoy the

movie wow this TV is so so big almost as

big as my cousin Eric's ooh it's going

dark oh woof woof yes because the film

is about to start I need the toilet oh

woof ah just in

time enjoy the taste of nature at the

nature restaurant 5 minutes W from The

acon Exchange Cinema take service

available enjoy your

meal that film was short oh W it was

just an advert bet

oh this winter brings a film to warm the

heart when two Riders normally brilliant

with words can't find the right ones oh

after you no no uh uh off to you when it

really counts oh gosh my fault

oh uh sorry um

uh I I

I just say it already coming

soon I loved that film oh

W it wasn't the film no it was a trailer

telling us about a film that's on soon

oh just time for one more thing Tucky

hug oh oh doggy



awake it's too early happy go back to



a you're listening to physics FM it's

precisely 68.9 de fhe outside and here's

a morning Melody for all you

musicologist out


morning tag so


bright wake up wake upake

up yeah morning doggy what are we

getting ready for today then woof woof

ooh a big walk that sounds nice you'll

need lots of energy for it


so Dad for breakfast I'm having

blueberries for vitamin C fish for

omega3 toast to slow release

carbohydrates one boiled egg for protein

and water to keep me hydrated so what

are you having for breakfast dad coffee

time to get up Ry Ry rolly


rolly wa Wy wakey


splash splash puy stop playing with your



Splash breakfast ready


breakfast ah breakfast the most

important meal of the day

oh just time for one more thing chy HW

oh chy


hello squirrels what are you doing we're

having some fruit yeah I'm eating an

apple there's a spot on it I'm not a

spot huh I'm a fruit fly wow you're tiny

am I yeah well I don't feel tiny there's

lots of things smaller than me like what

doggy can tell you because

he has his son is badge oh woof woof you

see things come in lots of different

sizes woof from the very very big oh to

the very very small but I'm not the

smallest no the smallest things in the

world are

atoms tiny pieces of matter oh where are

they oh wo everywhere I can't see any

they're invisible to us because they're

so small oh but when they join together

they make molecules are they maive no

just a little bigger but they can join

up to make cells which is what all

living things are made of starting with

me what are you I'm an amiba W of the

smallest living organisms are you

smaller than fruit fly yes I mean the


s dust next it's

me a dustmite who in turn is smaller

than a grain of sand then me I told you

I'm not the smallest just time for one

more thing chy H oh doggy
