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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 03/19/24 11:48
by bunniefuu



you know you are making excellent

progress mr hills

and remember you know your wife isn't

out to her opinion but personally

i love the shoes

see you next week

okay i'm out of here any calls lisa uh

yeah your mother called your father

called your father called your mother

called and your father called

nothing from hitler mussolini huh

why are you avoiding your parents

stephen hey listen if i call them back

they will have nothing to do tomorrow

i'd take you on as a patient but i'm not

that good

freud wasn't that good yeah well uh

neither was new heart

after my psyche i'm off on a date now

with a stewardess

ingrid a dutch goddess who brings new

meaning to my cab ride through the

holland tunnel

look at you divorced six months and

already you're dating a stewardess what

a cliche yeah fine i hope in an hour

will be a smiling cliche i just hope

none of my bag it shifts around during

the flight you know what i mean


even yes

oh my ninja turtle party thing did i

mention that i had a son of mine

but he's at the sleepover he'll be back

tomorrow afternoon you will you know

because you know he's really not over

his mother leaving so like you know do

me a favor if he asks you who you are so

you're like the new gardener or

something like that

shut up and kiss me stephen

i want you oh and whoa you're gonna have


i want to do everything you've ever

dreamed of


well let me get like a ladle and some

armenian string cheese




oh god oh oh please please you got you

got to be gentle really the last time i

was with a woman i was like getting

nutrients to an umbilical cord

shut up

what's the matter with you i'm sleeping


what are you doing here maybe if you'd

answer a phone message once in a while

who is he

al mitchell my father

a man who just fulfilled my worst sexual

nightmare wow look at the size of those


don't listen to him he was raised by


i'm going to go no no wait amy please he

was just leaving i was not i was in here

quiet sleeping sound and you blotched in

judged in this is my house

call me steven we'll talk

no way david please wait

oh i had the condom ready since



maybe it's better

she looked like a screamer

and we both need our sleep

what both

i took naps all week just to prepare for


what are you even doing here go sleep in

your own house your mother threw me out

ken what did you do this time huh

nothing the woman belongs in an asylum

what stupid investment did you make now

never mind yeah come on how much did you

lose tell me

well all of our retirement money

all of it oh geez this is this is bad

well it gets worse today the bank

foreclosed on the house

what are you oh dad why the hell didn't

you come to me huh i did i'm here

this is unbelievable

does larry know

i don't want to upset you brother he's

got enough problems but you can upset me


hey you get paid for it don't you doctor

at least i'm not some idiot sitting

around watching sheep dress up and


stop making fun of my job i can't help

but that's what i do with my car

salesman i'm quick with the jokes

before you retire to retire the jokes

all right

oh god look what's happening

it's happening again you're happy you're

happy look i'm starting to twitch again

fabulous huh like that woman across the

street with a glandular problem

man look i'm gonna call mom and we're

gonna take care of all this tomorrow

morning lots of luck the last time i saw

your mother she was out on the lawn

tearing a rabbit apart with her teeth

will you just shut up and go to bed dad

all right

i'm taking your bed

and you can sleep in the room with the

cowboys on the wall

fine but i'm warning you don't scratch

any of your body parts while you're in




is that famous mitchell combination

father son they're going for the td

hey what's the difference as long as you

have your health am i right am i wrong

let me see that

damn new gardener

i promise i'll fix it

how do you want your hamburgers

hamburgers hey we don't eat beef here

dad hey danny remember the story i told

you about the sad little cow yes and

remember how his brother jacob became a

299 specialist roy rogers


no hamburg is that sorry thanks you

could have told me that before i turned

on the burner


you have fun at brett's sleepover yeah

so sometimes i wish mommy still lives

with us like brett's mommy does

yeah i know you do buddy did your mommy

and daddy ever have a divorce no no

and believe me

i begged

hey a cadillac just pulled up looks like

the one i sold your brother it is

boy sounds good

guess the front end was realigned


who's the ugly guy in the passenger seat

that's mom dad cut it out

what's she doing here quick danny hide

the silverware

invited her here dad i don't know if

you've noticed but we're having a family


oh yeah he brought the kids


you've gotten what are you now about 12


what are you feeding him larry honk ciao

where's arlene she's home fixing the

trunk hey don't look at me like that it

was fine when she drove it off the lot


well i'm here damn it

helen what do you want us to do throw

your party uh quick stephen uh put on

some rumba records

hi ma

what is he doing here i live here

we don't live

kids here everybody just run upstairs

and and play okay and if you hear any

screams just uh ignore them unless of

course you know they're for me

don't make me go up there with them

daddy they always sit on

me promise this will not take a long


don't sit on your cousin

well what did you want i'm very busy i

need to find a cardboard box to live in


let's all sit down and know that we're

all here to make some peace huh

maybe that's what you're here for

i'm here to get in a few good sh*ts

let him talk al

god you're such an ass


what can i say


what will it take to get you two back

together come on

cancer of the liver

oh please come on look

dad's been screwing up for 40 years

you've been hawking him for 40 years why

leave him now i only stayed with him

because of you kids you have no idea

what hell i put up with to create a

loving and happy environment for you to

grow up in damn it

i'm sorry i screwed up helen okay what

do you want me to do rob a bank will

that make you happy this isn't about the

money al this is about me

finally have a chance to experience life

without this piece of baggage dragging

me down

i want thrills i want romance i want

multiple orgasms

oh that must be a pretty sight

you never satisfied me in bed al oh jeez

i satisfied you plenty

i didn't even know i had an o spot till

i was 58 years old 58 years old a lady

on a bus how to tell me

a big zero

oh uh i'm not feeling too good right now

is good sex too much for me to ask for

before i drop dead is it why don't you

drop dead and we'll find out

i mean here's a woman with no hope

reason already she's a swinger isn't she

okay there goes my sex life i guess i'll

just become a priest or something i

don't know no that's not a bad idea from

what i hear they've been getting a lot

of action lately

oh shut up al

i'm moving in with my sister adelaide

dude the mental case that's not a fault

dad a television fell on her head

adelaide has been very good to you every

time you screwed up she lent us money

hey i gave her a good deal on that el

dorado didn't i and the white walls were

free free



dad if we could just open up a line of

communication communication hey don't

throw those fancy psychology words

around with us i've been married to this

woman over 40 years and we don't have to

communicate he's right stephen there

isn't a thought that he has that i can't


except for this


hey hey wait a minute doesn't anybody


care about this family

like i do

doesn't anybody here

have any sort of you know kind loving

compassionate thought you want to sort

of like express you know

okay well then i guess mock and just go

live with crazy aunt adelaide and i can

just go live with

jack can go live

can i talk to you for a minute

hey don't be long huh she's got a

scissors in her purse and i think she's

hitting the sucky again

jeremy sat on me

ma can you please do something about

that i'll handle this


you no he's not you think i need another

mouth to feed you've seen my kids they

can wear dad's pants

but he belongs with you you have a

family life you've got more money than i

do i had more money than you when dad

blew his savings he blew my savings too

oh wait wait a minute

you let dad invest your money what are

you a

oh i guess i am stephen i guess i am

now do you really expect me to ask

darlene to share her house with the man

who cost our kids their private

educations yes yes i do i am a single

guy i cannot live with my daddy anymore

don't you understand what i want to make

love on the kitchen sink you do that oh

god and i ate off your plates

he's going with you no he's not ma let's

go i'll drive you to anti-adelaide kids

come on



grandma's sad on me that's right and

you'll never sit on your cousin again

will you

have a nice life

girl i'd like to give her one shot in

the chops

i'll call you ma

bye dad

i'll see you stephen you're doing the

right thing

he's a good kid god love him



you should be a son like that



the son that lived

hey hey hey dad you all right

yeah yeah i'm okay

it's your mother's perfume

smells like landfill

people are talking behind my back but

the thing you have to remember mr rashad

is you're a cab driver

you told your brother i'm an ungrateful

parasite hey get out

dr mitchell he's not in the group dad i

am in the middle of a session what you

mean you're not waiting for jack

nicholson and a big tall indian

i'm sorry dr mitchell i was on the phone

he just ran right by me so did the


they'll take care of this

let's take this outside huh

i'm sorry

by the way we discussed your case and

there's no hope for you


he was kidding and i'll be right back

wait dr mitchell you always tell us to

explore our emotions as they come up it

might help us to watch you explore yours

i know it would help me

mind your own business aladdin huh

by the way

7-eleven called and your camels are

blocking the island

will you just cut it out already i mean

really do you ever think before you even

open your mouth you you're like a shark

at a feeding frenzy dr mitchell you

sound so hostile

i don't know where he gets it from

oh you're kidding me uh i'll take

childhood for a thousand

maybe you two should talk it over oh no

no no no no i don't think it's a very

good idea mr leech oh what we're not

good enough to share your stinking life

with it could be helpful i know it would

help me

it's too late for you


i think your falafels are burning

you're such an ass

look at me i'm turning into mom

oh we'd better cover our eyes this could

get ugly

oh no oh no we're gonna work this

through right here and right now just

sit down

suit yourself tough guy but i have

nothing to say

what's your story

i can't get enough sex

get away from me

damn japanese i'm chinese what that's


i'll make you feel at home table 27 no


will you shut off a minute let your son

work he's a genius you know he's done so

much for me i can tell

very good choice the vertical stripes

why don't you go out the back door the

schooners are circling

dad you are absolutely you're k*lling me

you're k*lling me here real you know i'm

ashamed to be related to you i mean

you're even a bigger family

embarrassment than cousin phil you know

the guy with the with the woolen hats

and the kulas

brother doesn't talk to me like this my


let me tell you about your favorite son

he doesn't even want you in his own

house in fact he was even thinking of

repainting it in the hopes you wouldn't

even recognize it

he said

he said he didn't want me

well actually it was uh he was

more of a more of a look you know just

uh come to think of it uh you know he

maybe he was i don't know maybe a little

irregular at the time

i can't believe he said he didn't want




larry didn't say that all right he loves


he loves you he loves you very much he's

a great guy all right

he's a putts

you think i don't know what larry is why

do you think i baby him so much because

i like him

because i want to protect them

you always were able to take care of

yourself you always did

your mother and i uh we've made a lot of

mistakes along the way but you turned

out pretty good you turned out real good

how come i i never knew that you felt

like this huh

i don't know maybe you

always had an awful big head when you

were a kid


i guess you're right

it's my problem

i'll survive

i survived 25 bombing missions

your mother's hot flashes

a bad oyster

and i could survive this too

goodbye stephen

wait though don't go


wait don't sound good

what are you saying

don't go

live with us

but there's gonna have to be some new

rules i mean you cannot make any cracks

about the women i date i can do that

yeah no mocking my job i can try to do


absolutely no interfering in the way i

raised danny

definitely no problem

i'm gonna change stephen i really am i

promise absolutely

just keep me away from porky and betty

hunner over there

right zunkadin




daddy it's your life when mommy lives


which explains why our marriage failed

really brexit says it's because we're

flopping the el saco


hey danny don't sit like that you want

to end up doing judy garland

impersonations at the rainbow room


here they are

thick and juicy

and blood rare hey dad i told you about

our no beef rule what happened to the

eggplant i made uh i threw it out

looked like that thing growing on

grandma's neck

grandpa was a car salesman daddy that's

why it's quick with

he's jokes great grandpa of course they

are your father loved him when he was

your age

damn it dad danny come on what are you

doing what happened to the sad little

cow krampus of the sallow cows of wuss

and all the other cows beat the milk out

of it

right danny don't worry steven the kid

has no idea he doesn't even know what it



yes danny you're not gonna get sick of

daddy and leave like mommy did are you

no danny

i'm gonna stay here with you forever and



in fletch but on tuesday he'll be a late

night host on the premiere of the chevy

chase show

now stay tuned for tribeca

