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01x11 - Outrageous Outtakes from TV Show!

Posted: 03/19/24 11:59
by bunniefuu

I'll tell you myself I think I'm an

infomaniac then why do you think you're nomaniac yes

exactly she's not a ninfamaniac Mr Peters she's a [ __ ] old

lady she's not a nomaniac Mr Peters how do you know you pain in the

ass you don't know thanks we're not going any farther than we were supposed to I never hey I

never overdo it I don't push my luck

I [ __ ] oh look look Stephen is that your

look stevenh is that your mother over there call it please call it [Laughter]

please look stepen is that an old paint in the ass over

there never mind me what's the Lifeguard doing here ringing my bell Al he's not

strong enough to move that clanker he's not strong enough to move that

Clapper if I'm not mistaken I think my sphin did

just relaxed [Applause]

well shut up this isn't a

test Clapper Clapper Clinger sler

got 4 3

2 I don't know rud Lee what you didn't say to stop with

Japan oh sorry let's just call the show gag reel and quick oh Jesus sorry

Rickles in the clear all right like a like a real Jew I

go me I'm right away I plead guilty is it me Warden now I forgot the

rest of the spe oh who gives a crap your career stinks anyway I've been dying to tell you that

the whole guy damn day well not really but they're all

right we'll work on it now let's try to remember our ABCs let's go back to

really Grandpa D yeah D if you have your hand blocking his face when he says

really grandpa oh well I don't care about the kid that's a joke son that's a

joke word about the kid I'm getting $40 million in Vegas I got to worry about a

kid I'm trying to remember this crap so ain't got a break gos words like

wait help stop don't leave

me don't leave me don't leave me Jesus let's go again

Ste important thing oh [ __ ] pardon me now let's see if we remember our

alphabet okay the ABCs A stands for apple

Pandy app what you got you got a better

cake okay I got a got I got to get a g*dd*mn day job

[Applause] I begged the wife stay in Vegas no

schmuck I had to go and join

[Applause] him wait folks you'll see Som day when

he'll go bananas on the set now he's just Rolling Along sitting

with a steak and bugging a little

kid I know you so out coneg Hall what's next

the get ready damn it I'm coming [Applause]

out lost a whole life doing this crap okay here we

go and on the door all right looking back into open I'm sick of home this

time okay think about it you'll be good as a

butcher don't have AER look at this Saturday night at Ellis

Island your

ass put that in the show your mother has a pair of pliers

she calls them thighs funny now shut up Al or I'll choke you

with them and you know I can do [Music]

it did you get it all Rocky screw them Rocky this is it

chaplain had it and now me temp it's all in a g*dd*mn

face oh ovaries don't me a g*dd*mn the don't get up joke about the on to scene

C John you're good John you're good just your fright me

joh you got that mob look license oh do you have a license

okay you have a license

thanks we don't know give her hint we we were all friends yeah these

people they don't care they're looking at the wall oh this they're seven miles from us

they have no idea what the hell's going on they're all saying we got in

free just H the lines this license expired right from

there okay give it a little L relax

oh su1c1de alley I told you that's a lot of fiber that's where we're going fantastic who has the

license have you handed a license I don't know you're the just and

director we can't do everything for Christ's sake you want me to work the

boom you like to see my license would you like to see my license

is that what you want me to say says that's a lot of fire oh on a big joke we're going to go okay

great thank you burying the Jew

perfect right that's a lot of it was the kid's test he failed the kid failed oh

great that's a great idea I why you to go back and tell them that say that you know uh I tried to uh hey I'm a

monkey got to go back on that cuz I was right into the B speech in a second you know oh excuse me I'm sorry I ruined

your DMV DMZ outing whatever you call it well the DMZ has a DMV too keep it going

oh excuse me I'm sorry I ruined your DMZ oui oh excuse

me oh excuse me now you're really starting to piss me

off [Applause] is you excuse

me can we take I know it's some [ __ ] jerking a

booth no I'm doing it on purpose cuz I love to hear my

voice boy oh boy what I do for a lousy 100


Grand okay

Mar I open the

door you waiting for the Son of God it's to for me today oh Jesus I okay it's too

soon I know T the first line I I got to kick me in the ass I'll cooking man I

don't need your help I'm not so sure the one in the iron

lung looks a little promising she's already lying

down now that's a print hey what the hell's the problem

problem it's a g*dd*mn print we just figured something out Jim Cox came up with a great idea we should keep him on a phone and a real phone and then Jim

can give him someone can read the lines to him on the phone I come up with a better idea how about a slap in front of

the crew all of a sudden this little Jew is

turning on me he's here 3 weeks pussycat baby he loves you screw Richard it's you

and me now like a look at that I said screw Rich who said that holy [ __ ] I got to call my

doctor hello doctor the son of a [ __ ] are turning on me it's my show I found him in the gut

of that little bastard I don't know he's turning on me all of a sudden how are y stride got

a little longer somebody promis you something we don't know

about those 18 other shows that you're hoping to get make a little note little storm gets

cute with big name can't believe Cox said it not me

Jesus SP Jimmy Cox he's in a box all day what the hell is he know comes out for aare every 20

minutes Jimmy Cox said it that's the kind of guy in a prison the squeal is I didn't say it Warden that was that

little son at that little [ __ ] in that cell he's the one that poked me in the ass not

[Music] me how cool it milmore is patrolling milmore is on patrol don't

stop here we go okay what's my lines

now yeah well since that big breakthrough I since I made that big

breakthrough I I thought about getting I thought about s since I made that big

breakthrough I thought about forget what I thought about I'm not so sure the one in the

iron lung looks kind of promising she's already lying

down [Applause] sure you guys can laugh I'm the one

that's going to get three b*ll*ts in the heart as he's sitting playing with his toys in his

house just St here it's you're just kind of saying me who has me you're on the um

you're on one that you don't have to bend over Don yes when you do your hello

clear me just a little bit so clear hello ladies you step a little bit back

this way fine all right whatever you say Sir all right

where do you want to take it from how about if I go over here see your entrance you're crossing over kind of

and blocking hello Hollywood try my best to

see you okay the lights are H around you make your entrance and just make the

entrance so good I'm so good at scares me where we take that from I'm just in a

show that's going to have my whole family hurt

okay you change the pimples on your

ass you smile upon the wonderful

Sky if they ate just all those flies they'd probably weigh over 300

lb wow again ah your ass that's the deluxe model Japanese

piece of American anti crap all

right ant okay g*ng God made a mistake here we go it's called water

sir well I'm not paying the French a penny I drink tap water that's tap water

pal tap water I drink tap water life is still there still there still the St the

St the St the do the St well hit me in the head so I can keep going

the sto the St going to get on to Jerry Lewis

telephone yeah all the is very good you sound like an announcer in a bus depot

hard a track four have no idea what the hell you're

saying just lock yourself in there and hope they don't turn on the

gas don't we get to laugh folks this isn't easy CR out loud I do this for 100

grand look at that the guy in the back went he's lying he don't make

no stabbed in the back by by my own son Pete kids going

[Applause] to okay once more from the top don't

look at me I got the same [Applause]

disease if you're looking at me for help forget about

it Miss mmore would you here you have a beautiful Dame and she

makes a play for you and you say no thanks what are you a a bunker

boy so you have a beautiful Dame and she makes a play for you and you say no thanks what are you what's the matter

with you we're doing good damn it Jesus Christ what you're not used to

Comedy pain in the ass Jesus Christ can't get a break here for cl out loud

two Jews sitting here waiting for a car and he's

[Applause] Irish get three lines in a row and they stop

you I can't work with this crap anymore I can't let's get some real boo in

here I got a Betty for I'm okay

and I realized I was wrong I should have trusted you you haven't had any action since I moved in why should you suddenly

strike gold

now you got a wife Rob I wonder

why you better get married soon Rob otherwise you're going to find yourself in a room humming a lot how do that I'm sorry if you do make

a move make sure you wear those little caps my day you didn't have to worry dip

it and out quick sh*t boom boom so long

honey they're laying on the highway G he was

marvelous son of a [ __ ] was just marvelous yeah hope he drives back again

okay anyone going excuse me I'm going to die if I don't get a drink Pat give me a [ __ ]

squirrel a what squirrel a [ __ ] [Laughter] squirrel if you had to drink this stuff

you'd ask for something else too a [ __ ] did you

say just just just a line we go quickly

please you like it here in Hong [Laughter]

Kong stop it stop it


ready don't talk to me don't talk to me

bring in the

garbage he doesn't have one line and you're making him up he's got eight people making them up he hasn't got one g*dd*mn line look at this I got my fly

open I'm spitting up and nobody comes over he got 80 people working on them

like like somebody's going to recognize him Jas a thank you

Maria you came that close to losing your

cabin working on this schmu for two


bab we go no kidding that chicken's broken through the bucket and dripped me

potatoes all over the floor what the hell are you laughing at I'm acting for Christ's sake you like the show get a

seat Jesus Christ I got enough trouble she's falling on her he's that's funny

stuff I'm sorry you were funny wonderful then we'll all laugh and

[Music] go Jesus Christ okay same place hey Frank I'll sign any anything I want

out get the papers I sign I don't care take whatever you want IO hip four star

three star Lewis there's about 18 guys brick Fox 88 Partners all standing there

[Laughter] going props carry me

out anybody got any water I'll get it

let me see that uh you got a minute Brian this is Richard no no I don't need

a well I just need a drink for Christ to your people this

is may they always do what they're [Applause]

told what could they do do to me Rob me hey Vince you know it's a joke baby

you know that as far as I'm concerned marrying the

family next week I got to do that Frank that'll be a long

week can I see the strip oh

yes going to pick it up from are we going to pick it up from B yes top of 30

anything else yes we'll pick it up from your speech Mr Rickles

good gave him a little box to

talking we got to kiss his ass cuz it says director no no not you again not you I


come on Don I'm ready I'm ready well I have to go to the doctor not you you're in best of

health 67 years old now you got to walk around and tell him he looks

[Applause] good I predict this scene will take over

12 weeks to finish but you're a great audience my line you wore a tie for this

bit no no it has nothing to do with you Frank this is you're not even in this you're just going to stand on the side I'm just going to throw the camera on

you and hope the god the people remember who you

are Jesus what you do for your friends H all this hard work all the

time you know Steven isn't wrong remember what do we used to talk about

during the w*r s we were only wrestling

honest honest sge we were only wrestling sge why aren't you wrestling

now s what the hell's the matter with you for Christ sake learn the g*dd*mn

thing for man isling idiot I can't

handle you rehears you rehears get one sh*t with the guy he's wet his pants he don't know

what he knows his lines I know my lines we picture

perfect okay now he's beautiful Bonnie of great how about a

physic now that was great Bonnie you thought you'd get by you thought you'd get by I was on a roll ah we're doing

good Bonnie wait till I go in the dumper you'll take a g*n and sh**t me

hey folks this isn't easy you people for the money you're paying you ought to be on the floor [Applause]

[Music] laughing John the cameraman is still

going like it's normal like this is the show John with kidding around shut it

off John I spoke to the VA hospital I want you back

Friday funny get I want you to get away we

could can I help



you don't see many gay


Jews make up you know he's right he's right Steven you are

right we're going to have to go back there and we're really going to have to go out on the street and with this

newspaper I'm going to go to the [Applause]


toilet are we going to start or are we having Memorial

Services I mean I know we stink but you guys aren't helping

out except John on camera to

just I'm going to pound the pavement until I get the best job I

can now that's g*dd*mn

acting right [Applause]

there Jee no this is hamburger I said this is chicken I said hamburger I said

chicken burger hamburger chicken let me go

back I said hamburger not chicken chicken is cluck

cluck I want

man jeez they can make babies like crazy and you ask going to make one lousy

sandwich you forgot how to talk [Applause]

Mexican in my life I never met a Mexican that couldn't talk Mexican I swear to [Applause]

God get the Border Patrol on the phone border patrol is one that

[Applause] escape I finally got it right guys and you went to pieces

he's a good man

guys I I work with the best the best

[Laughter] okay there a duck bite in my ass or

something what

coris CIS Cory Bird

broke we were almost there that close to being a

head then I looked in Richard's eyes and it went Bingo the man's going in a

dumper okay cor what it seems Cori dropped his retainer

into the cake and

now now Butch needs an eye out I said something okay go go go keep

it going H that speech I got an

appointment not dealing with crap here a big name doing a fav didn't get a break

this I that was really good the little kid was cute but I was ding make a little

FAS kids annoying I don't want them around anymore I think I'm going to play both CS get the cost get a big old job

I'll be a frog Turtle whatever want remember those guys you got a

problem Miss with the f godamn is

buzzing I'll be back next Friday truck is stalled I got fixed what do I use in the

meantime let's make uh a tin can and a cord and see if you can reach


Rome walking around like I need this CH the wife wanted to make love L

yeah flashing flashing thanks D horn wall his men move out

ever see those Generals in history about 700 mil from the back line get from the front lines on the horse how's it going Char oh Christ

before just about 7 million men were just knocked off out damn shame going to

lunch I called the home they want you back Friday without the cowboy

suit ready for 3 years now just coming out of it you know

no here's Betty now come on get up your old

son come on Jerry's going to be coming into the living room pretty soon God put the bottle down and sit

up you what Gerald s that kind of

shape the hell are you a typewriter

Rocco Jerry lewi is act

ready okay okay another yelling running around the

couch the back is starting to go the body is starting to crumble I'm ready to roll and Stew's ready say and five and

four working with a howdy Duty director and five and four and three and

two and one roll them let's sh**t this damn

thing and Rich will be on the set soon and we'll all get [Laughter]

depressed I have to pretend we're serious about this

crap why does he get to go home you know who that is Douglas

huh hi hi I uh believe you have my son oh yes we do and we're sorry about the

mixup it's okay uh say goodbye to the nice

[Applause] man are we still

rolling ass was in front of him

if you so love me so much why don't you put a payment down on my house I got three cars and no

money want to bite a

[Applause] kid it's Uncle Don

sweetie [Applause]

this could be my kid and I don't know

it when did World w*r II end all right sett here we

go coun down five four

three here we go

I didn't lay a hand on [Applause] [Music]

it oh I got enough [Music]


trouble okay here we

go here we go [Applause]

[Music] down doing good these people are

crazy it was Turtles everywhere there was it was like the calopus

island it it it was it was it was a mistake I'm telling you Sten it was an absolute mistake and I got no idea what

the hell I'm talking about right now [Applause] Sten no absolutely no idea and get rid

of that stupid outfit you assumed you

assumed what's wrong with you don't you know what happens when you assume sure he end up pulling out the plug when all

she wanted was a glass of



you got a [Applause] minute and all and all she wanted was a

a glass of water will hold me down

he assumed you assumed huh what's wrong with you but you know what happens when you assume sure you end up pulling


the I'll tell you one thing you're never going to run my

Ranch dad you know where I stand on all this stuff come on every year I donate money to that that fund that that Pro

see I can't work with you I did it 10 times D 11 for Christ's

sake 11 starting to slip into the vapist you're the executive producer this is your life you should know everything perfect just go in your room work on

this look dad you know where I stand on know don't start I didn't do anything all right oh [ __ ] man hi yeah okay this

is my face God made it like this this is it

hey must have been on an off day all

right I hurt myself just stay away from those did he

touch you there dolls great great screw you I'm going to

my trailer go to my trailer and you can bring me that doll cuz I'm going to pump

it give it a couple of little bursts how kin and Frank Pace with it

with reg just filling on top of it I don't forget Frank I don't forget

Frank you play with babe r you got to watch the

wall tell Howard that that's why he's not here hurt oh so you're saying we're

going to do without animal testing uh no no no

no why do you people screw me up I see you undressing me with your

eyes believe me I wasn't undressing you in fact I was going to tint you in with

roaches can we take that back cuz I didn't like

it tent you in with cockroaches and you know what the crowd

bought it are you going to get lost or am I

have to going to get am I going to have to get ugly you can do whatever damn well you

want cuz you and I are going to have an

affair I'm serious getting warmer and warmer as you come near

me notice how my rod is starting to come

along it's hot out here I should have worn my bathing

suit [Applause]

she really took me up on that ouch you stupid ass I'll

say Skippy Wrangler put the cigarette out butt

bath [Music]

put the cigarette out butt breath I didn't say it right again James and and

well at this point I don't care anymore because I'm going to drink a bottle of vodka here you got to be here I need

bars come down you the call better be about 3:30 tomorrow okay you

okay what you doing sweetheart I was jering over the studio look am I right

the dancing Chopsticks I mean by the way uh I spoke to the doctor and if you get

that operation you'll be able to see just like one of us that's

wrong that's wrong [ __ ] had to throw in dancing Chopsticks

couldn't leave me alone now he's making fun of my people hey hey what are you

mad now he's making fun of my people hey what are you mad hey now he's picking on

my people what are you mad now he's making fun of my people hey what are you

mad now he's making fun of my people hey what are you mad no just a little hurt

that's all no he's making fun of my people oh

God my breast did I get you

bre Pilgrim come then I come then crew of Mayflower

come all g*dd*mn ship come there's tutor upstairs it's not

worth it I'm going out in a blaze of glory you're going out a nervous

wreck did that happen did that happen Billy after the cancellation when you got

that that's something new I didn't you never had that before

he's got a new thing now he got the notice now he's got a tick it's going back to Jersey what is

it doctor got to be like us

loose you son of a [ __ ] you swore we'd never be cancelled let's go got to

be get to be all right here we go I didn't know I threw up this much

[Laughter] Jesus doctor you said a little throwing up but this is

ridiculous there's one thing guys I'm not a bitter son of a

[ __ ] never was that kind of person give me a ravy

[Applause] sh*t Frank Pace he was the one that promised

everything like a schmuck I bought three houses I don't need

it's a lock it's a lock we're on forever left the wife I got a 12-year-old bro

sleeping Frank Pace Frank Pace that's your name Frank Pace set it all there's

no way we can lose no way 38 writers all in that room all 12

and A2 and they all raised their hands can I go to the toilet bellly not yet not yet

write another dumb line call somebody a jerk off jerk off that's

good jerk off fox loves that jerk off they love that kind of hum

Shan dinner for 30

soup one of these guys likes to go full out for the dinner party soup for

30 lot of mushrooms on the

bottom flashing who's growing H here's my new

Buick put a horn on my ass and drive me around the highway for a half

hour going to read about him I'm telling you the post office still knock off about [Laughter]

eight anybody see Lucy do over there licking a stamp

oh I was Lucy's last words

can Mark Richard D what

can't John Mark's getting ready to give somebody an Ena remember that when you kid you were

too young for that we used to have big big hose mother used to hold it up and you had a clip like put put water in your can see and they hold it up like

this and then they let the clip go and a lot of water come in you go no more stop the water no more soap all of a sudden

your ass would start the bubble and then if you didn't have any money you pretend you were in

Hawaii a little bit a little bit for the left answer at the right angle for the sh*ts

that will never be shown on TV

ever this is all being sent to Prague for their summer Film

Festival where they hear shick's a [ __ ] fful what does that mean what does

that mean shi's a [ __ ] Jesus Christ what a

cavity started out of used I don't know it's got infected

doctor well you're going to use Nova cane aren't you your's a little g*dd*mn Nova camee

with this one this one could hurt if you P it how long have you had that son all my

life did you get a lot of women no no couldn't do much I used to whistle when I made my

move boy I love Thanksgiving when I was a kid pop the way the kitchen used to smell huh the feel of an

Adelaide's dildo I felt Dan adel's dildo all gave

me gave me a chill long day here we go in how would you like it if you had to drive back to

Valencia that's a long how would you like that get through

with this crap and don't your M

Valencia with those those you have a house right the rooms are like a box you know 14 rooms Little

Boxes you go to the toilet your asses out the window you

know that's Valencia that's why the farmers love it

there people people help out with the Crocs here here's you

yesterday B scre [ __ ] son of a [ __ ]

right Jesus CHR how we CL up the ass and a [ __ ]

Catu son of a [ __ ] the show will be tonight a

legendary show with your help [Laughter]

Charlie's secure here as he goes in his room later with the lights

out why is God doing this to

me chcken pops are no

cure how can a guy live in

Valencia 30 hour 30 hour ride to Nowhere get me Carri back there please

you know I'm off it you know who is it I don't want if this is

Richards I I'll die anything he touches you're dead here

you try it give it to the black guy

only kidding Charlie I got nothing on me I'm clean have

prop Alice you looking for a ship it's coming in okay you're doing

wonderful tomorrow tomorrow you're going to walk with the old man it's going to be great shut up guys shut

up shut up down that's been my career shut up

down that's why the're stick in the toilet well get him out of here come on

we need get him out of here really I mean uh you know what's the hint what


[Applause] [Music] the I see you with a broom and a high

hat [Applause]

coming into a lot of money

okay you got to promise me don't let your anger overshadow the importance of the family today please hey don't blame

me blame

[Applause] [Music] cheese just don't make it a habit of

doing it again and again we don't like it here you understand not this we maybe you read about this show

it's if there's a few errors here and there we're going to get over it I mean to you this is a career to us

it's a way home didn't you notice when you pulled up to the studio cars were

running look around you Alice it's over you don't care about your Shyer who

gives a crap it's over nobody's going to watch this it's over guys they're putting us

on in the morning 6: a.m. relax Eddie she's trying

to send us a

message I'm going to tell Joe I'm going to tell him plenty I didn't say nothing for a half hour you've been signaling

me it's like a guy at a god damn [Laughter]

Battleship m*rder m*rder with you don't you think I feel too but we're both married we got to

fight it the hell with Barber I always felt

that way about you but now we got to keep it quiet the show's over we're going to go away

together we're going to live in aaban so your outfits fit


write that down in your next play that's

funny look at a script James Bond [Laughter]

files he doesn't change he doesn't even know it's offensive he thinks it's art

Richard you've been complaining all night let's talk about somebody besides your father why don't you [ __ ] call me Steven then I'll answer

you somebody's trying to piss me [Laughter]

off roll them let me get the underwear because

it's on the left side he hates to work on the

[Laughter] Left Right

Eddie you do since when every time I told him uh every time somebody told me to lift

up a a th000 lb uh uh Iron Rock lamp chair table Wolf g*ng

cook somebody come home the [ __ ] has his hand all over the card like a like

an idiot I can't take it I'm surrounded by Bad

actors stop kissing me I know there's a lot of problems out there you P so hilar

W dank Puck we'll be with you in a minute soon as it clean up

hockey well he's growing as a comedian could we continue on you do since when every time I'm told

that I have to lift 1,000 cast steel iron

pole it's absolutely correct that's the way I wanted to

say two morons can't stand you do since when every time I'm

told to lift 1,000

lb position since when every time I told him to lift a th000 PB cast iron statue

you get shortness of breath only when I watch Angie

Dixon you they love you

I know I know I know that if you knew if you knew

what I knew you'd be laying in bed and I'd be holding a book why am I turning on you you're my

only friend look all all the crew standing go he

stinks what's the rush we tell me what you have we have a home to

go you're going to go out in the highway with a bag help me I'll work for [Laughter]

nothing give him a real dumb look after he delivers it on you got it sweetheart okay try to relax okay think twice about

that Irish [Laughter]

broad okay here we go Sunny ain't going to be

happy oh while go come on there's all kinds of ways you can die I know oh wor

you get all your parts cut out and still go on living like me I'm a freaking

scary C scare there's all kinds of ways you can

die I know or worse you can have all your pots cut out and still go on living like me a scary human

scarecrow one more time all worse you got have all your

parts cut out and still go on like me a freaking

scary fre human scarecrow freaking human scarecrow I know it okay you want to

know that word he's trying to tie me come on or worse you going to have all your parts

cut out and still go on living like me a freaking human

scarecrow what a lovely bathroom

sorry in knocked her teeth out and

how I said I knocked her teeth out I knocked her teeth out I knocked her fillings out you dumb son of a [ __ ] can

we pick it up from there son of a [ __ ] don't make us go back think I feel

Christ I knew I'd get to knock the teeth out eventually damn it just tell me I

just want you to see it I don't want to see the guy D thing I'm tired of the scripts already 13 weeks I've been seeing it what did it get

me that's your ass don't show me the g*dd*mn script he always like that yeah

try this one tell him the one he dreamed you dreamt you dream he always like that

try this one tell him he dreamt you drowned you

drowned find a way to go Eddie he always like that yeah try this one

tell him you dreamt he drowned he drowned that was all right drowned this good Jesus Christ hurry up it's getting

late H drown this he always like that yeah try this one tell him he Dr you

Dr I don't know what the hell's matter with SE SE

Dr he d*ed I know he son of a [ __ ]

he always like that yeah try this one tell him he dreamt you

drowned I know yeah try this one tell him you

dreamt he d*ed the will come up

tomorrow for tomorrow come with me tomorrow tomorrow

I love you tomorrow and only a

day way Annie daddy's home