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01x02 - Moon Mayhem / The Great Wild Wooly

Posted: 03/19/24 18:42
by bunniefuu
♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playing all day

♫ Hooray

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And His Best Friend Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Bill] And Moon Mayhem is the name of this adventure.

- [Corky] Tonight's a wonderful night to look

at the stars, Bill.

- [Bill] It sure is, Corky.

And the best way to look at the stars is with a telescope.

- I love the stars, Bill.

- So do I, Corky.

They're amazing.

- [Corky] What do you think is the most beautiful thing

in the sky?

- That's a hard question, Corky.

There are so many beautiful things in the sky,

it's hard to pick just one.

- I think it's the moon, Bill.

- [Bill] The moon is beautiful.

- Did you see that, Bill?

- I did see that, Corky.

Something took a bite out of the moon.

- The moon's being eaten.

What can we do, Bill?

- We have to go to the moon and find out what's going on.

- But the moon's so far away.

How will we get there?

- Watch, Corky.

Do you know what it is?

- [Corky] A rocket ship.

- [Bill] We'll need a rocket ship to get us to the moon.

- And we'll need spacesuits, Bill.

- Watch your step now.

Prepare for liftoff, Corky.


- [Corky] Yee-haw.

This rocket ship looks very complicated, Bill.

- [Bill] Well, Corky, we need to make sure

we've got everything we need to make the rocket

go all the way to the moon.

- [Corky] I can't see anywhere for us to sit, Bill.

- [Bill] It's all here, Corky,

our very own special control center.

- [Corky] Wow, is this where we steer the rocket?

- [Bill] This is it, Corky.

And we've got all sorts of controls to make the rocket fly.

- [Corky] Fantastic.

- [Bill] Standby to take control, Corky.

- Standing by, Bill.

Buckle up, Bill.

- Ready for liftoff, Corky?

- Ready, Bill.

- .





- Five.





- [Both] Blastoff!

Woo hoo!

- We're going up and up, Corky.

- Higher and higher, Bill.

- [Bill] There are stars everywhere.

- [Corky] And planets too.

- [Bill] Now we have to steer the rocket to the moon, Corky.

- [Corky] Will do, Bill.

Bill, there's something strange ahead.

- [Bill] It's a satellite, Corky.

Make sure you miss it.

- [Corky] Okay, Bill.

- Look, Corky.

- Wow.

- I've never been this close to the moon before.

- It's incredible, Bill.

- We're almost there, Corky.

- Get ready to land, Bill.

- Ready, Corky.

- [Corky] I wonder what the moon will be like, Bill.

- [Bill] It'll be different from anything

we've ever seen before, Corky.

Ready to land, Corky?

- [Corky] Ready, Bill.

We're on the moon, Bill.

- Let's explore.


- Woo hoo!


Watch me bounce.

Watch, Bill.

- That's great, Corky.

But don't forget why we're here.

- You're right, Bill.

We have to find out what's eating the moon.

- I don't see anything eating the moon now.


- Over there, Bill.


What do you think it is, Bill?

- [Bill] I don't know, Corky, but it looks very frightening.

- [Corky] Is that what's eating the moon, Bill?

- I think it is, Corky.

Look at it, Corky, it's so ugly and strange.

- And scary too.

It's coming this way.


- [Both] Monster!

- Monsters!

- [Corky] Run, Bill.

- Quick, hide, Corky.

- That monster is very strange, Bill.

- And don't forget scary too, Corky.

- But we can't keep running away from it.

- Right, Corky.

We've got to stop it eating the moon.

- Let's be quiet, Bill.

- That monster could be very close, Corky.

- Those monsters could be very close.


- Monster! - Monsters!

- [Corky] Now where are we, Bill?

- [Bill] Oh, I don't know, Corky.

I think we're going down a tunnel inside the moon.

- [Corky] A tunnel?

- [Bill] That's right.


- [Corky] At least we're safe from the monster.



- Monster! - Monsters!

- Please don't hurt us, you scary monster.

- Please don't hurt me, you scary monsters.

- [Both] Huh?

- Huh?

I'm not the strange scary monster, you are.

- We're not the strange and scary monster, you are.

- You tried to frighten me.

- No we didn't.

You tried to frighten us.

- I did not.

- Yes you did.

I'm all confused, Corky.

- Me too, Bill.

- So am I.

- Just who is the strange and scary monster here?

- It's not me.

- And it's not us.

- We might look strange and scary to you, but we're not.

- And I might look scary and strange to you, but I'm not.

- And you won't hurt us?

- No.

You won't hurt me?

- Never.

- So we don't have to be scared of each other.


- I'm so pleased.

- Hi, my name's Bill.

- And I'm Corky.

- I'm Tamo.

- Nice to meet you, Tamo.

- It's nice to meet you too.

- Why are you here on our moon?

- My spaceship broke down and I had to land here.

- By why are you eating our moon?

- I eat rocks.

And your moon has very tasty rocks.


- Paint me pink.

- If you eat our moon, we won't be able

to see it in the sky at night.

- It will be very dark without our moon.

- I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

- That's okay.

We understand now.

But you can't stay here forever eating our moon.

- I don't want to stay.

I want to go home.

But I don't know how.

- That's easy.

We can give you a ride home.

- You can take me home?

- We sure can.

So let's get going.

It'll be a tight squeeze, but we'll all fit in.



- [Both] Ready.

- Blastoff.

- Home we go.

You'll have to give us directions to your home, Tamo.

- You take a right turn at the planet Mars

and then a left turn around Saturn's rings.

- [Bill] Got it, Tamo.

A right turn at the planet Mars.

- [Corky] And a left turn around Saturn's rings.

- [Bill] Careful of all these other planets, Corky.

Make sure you steer around them.

- [Corky] Don't worry, Bill, I can see them.

- [Bill] So many different planets, Corky.

- [Corky] All shapes and sizes, Bill.

- [Bill] Don't forget to tell us

when we're getting near your planet, Tamo.

- That's my planet straight ahead.

- [Bill] We'll be there in no time at all.

- [Corky] It looks like a very beautiful planet, Tamo.

- [Bill] With lots of fantastic plants.

- [Corky] I've never seen plants like these before.

- [Bill] That's the best thing

about exploring in space, Corky.

You get to see so many new things.

- [Corky] Right, Bill.

- [Bill] Okay, we're getting very close now,

so get ready to land.

- [Corky] Ready to land, Bill.

- [Bill] Out we go.


- I'm so happy to be home.

Bill, Corky, thank you for bringing me home.

- No problem, Tamo.

- It was our pleasure.

You have a beautiful home, Tamo.

- Thank you.

- But I'm all confused.

If you eat rocks, Tamo, why haven't you eaten your planet?

- Oh, that's easy to answer.


On my home, rocks grow on trees.

- So you get new rocks all the time.

- Now we understand.

- Okay, time to go home, Corky.

Goodbye, Tamo.

- Goodbye, Tamo.

- Bye, Bill.

Bye, Corky.

And thank you again.

- What a great adventure, there are so many beautiful things

out here in space, Bill.

- I'm with you, Corky.

- And I know something else, Bill.

- What's that?

- [Corky] The most beautiful thing in the sky

is our own home, the Earth.

- When you're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] Are we going to have

an exciting adventure today, Bill?

- [Bill] You bet, Corky.

It's gonna be really exciting.

- [Corky] What'll it be about?

- [Bill] It's about the Great Wild Woolly.

- [Corky] Where will we go for today's adventure, Bill?

- [Bill] See if you can guess.

- [Corky] It's not the city.

- [Bill] That's right.

- [Corky] And it's not the seaside either.

- [Bill] That's right again.

Have another guess.

- [Corky] It looks like the country.

- [Bill] Spot on, Corky.

- [Corky] It's a farm.

- [Bill] Yep.

- [Corky] It's Mrs. Whistlehead's farm.

- [Bill] You've hit the nail on the head, Corky.

Now, where's Mrs. Whistlehead?

- [Corky] I think I can see her, Bill.

- [Bill] Yep, I can see her too.

- Oh, Bill, Bottle Top Bill?

- Here I am, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- And where's Corky?

- Don't forget me, Bill.

- I'd never do that, Corky.

- Now, Bill, you will look after my sheep while I'm in town?

They're such dear little things.

- [Bill] We sure will.

- [Corky] You've got the best flock of sheep around,

Mrs. Whistlehead, it'd be an honor to look after them.

- Don't you worry, Mrs. Whistlehead, we're on the job.

- [Whistlehead] Timmy, come on, boy, off we go.

Where is that dog of mine?

- [Corky] I can see him, Mrs. Whistlehead,

he's in the sidecar of your motorbike.

- [Bill] Hello, Timmy.

- [Corky] Enjoy your trip.

- There's so much to get ready.

I'll be back soon.


- Bye, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- See you soon.

Now, Corky, let's find a nice place to have a rest.

- [Corky] What about the tree over there, Bill?

The one with the bird in it.

- That looks just perfect, Corky.

This is the life, Corky.

- But, Bill, what if...

What if we see the Great Wild Woolly?

- Oh, that's just a story, Corky.

Don't worry about it.

- But, Bill, I've seen him.

He was incredible.

Bold, living by no rules but his own.


What's that?

Quick, Bill, wake up.

Something strange is happening over there

and I don't like the look of it.


Oh no, it's him, the Great Wild Woolly.

Bill, Bill.

- What?

- The Great Wild Woolly.


He's letting the sheep out of the paddock.




- Sorry, Corky, you were right about the Great Wild Woolly.

And he's taking the sheep to join his flock.

- We have to get them back

or Mrs. Whistlehead will blow her top.

- We'll have to catch them, Corky.

- I'm with you, Bill.

Which way should we go?

- [Bill] Try going towards Farmer Sam's apple orchard.

- [Corky] Why would the Great Wild Woolly go there?

- [Bill] I don't know, but at least we'll get

some nice apples to eat.

- [Corky] Are you sure Farmer Sam

will let us eat his apples?

- [Bill] Of course he will.

Farmer Sam's a very nice man.

- [Corky] I don't know, Bill.

Farmer Sam spends a lot of time packing his apples

to send to market.

Why would he give some to us?

- [Bill] Because Farmer Sam's our friend, that's why.

And we're also friends with his dog Wag.

- [Corky] I like Wag.

He helps do lots of work around the apple orchard.

- There we are, Wag, a new batch

of apples ready to go to market.


What can that be?


Blow me down, it's a sheep stampede.

We have to take cover, Wag.



Look at what the Great Wild Woolly did.

Now we have to pack these boxes all over again.


Come back, Wag, don't run after the Great Wild Woolly.

- Look, Bill, it's Farmer Sam.

- Sam, did the Great Wild Woolly come this way?

- He certainly did, Bill.

Just look at the mess he made.

Now my little pup Wag has run off after him.

- Don't worry, we'll find Wag for you.

- Jump up.

- [Both] Woo hoo!

- [Bill] Head for that shed, Corky.

- [Corky] I can see it, Bill.

- [Bill] Watch out for that thing in front of the shed.

- [Corky] What is it?

- [Bill] It looks like Farmer Sam's tractor.

- [Corky] And there goes the Great Wild Woolly.

- [Bill] And there goes Wag.


- Oh no, they've run into the apple packing shed.

Poor Wag could get hurt.

- More speed, Corky.

- More speed coming up, Bill.

What's inside the apple packing shed, Bill?

- [Bill] All sorts of machines, Corky.

- [Corky] And what are the machines used for?

- [Bill] They're used to pick out the good apples.

Then the good apples get sent to the market.

- [Corky] It sounds very tricky, Bill.

- [Bill] It is tricky, Corky.

Farmer Sam made all those machines himself.

- [Corky] Bill, what if the Great Wild Woolly

starts the machines?

- [Bill] The Great Wild Woolly's not that smart, Corky.

- [Corky] I hope you're right, Bill.


I hope Wag doesn't get into trouble.

- [Bill] Wag will be fine, Corky.



- [Corky] The Great Wild Woolly might trick him.

- [Bill] The Great Wild Woolly won't trick Wag.


Wag's one of the smartest dogs around.


- [Corky] But the Great Wild Woolly's even smarter.


What was that noise?

- [Bill] It sounds like trouble, Corky.


- Look, poor Wag's caught on the machine.

- Leave this to us, Sam.

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [Bill] It's one of Sam's machines.

We can use it to rescue, Wag.

- Right.

- Ready, Corky?

- Ready, Bill.


It's all right, Wag, we'll save you.

- [Bill] I've got you, boy.

- Good work, Bill.


You're safe now, Wag.


- Thank you, Bill and Corky.

Don't you ever run off like that again, Wag.

- Come on, Corky, we've got to get

after the Great Wild Woolly.

- Right, Bill.

- You won't catch up to the Great Wild Woolly now.

Not unless you have an airplane.

- An airplane, great idea, Sam.

- [Bill] Here we go, Corky, our very own special airplane.

- [Corky] All aboard, Bill.

- Up we go.

It won't take long to find him now, Corky.

All we have to do is fly the plane towards sheep country,

then we'll spot him for sure.

- [Corky] It looks like sheep country to me, Bill.

- [Bill] You bet, Corky.

Keep your eyes and ears wide open.

Those sheep should be around here somewhere.

And the Great Wild Woolly too.


- [Corky] There they are.

- Throw down the ladder, Corky.

- [Corky] Here it goes.

- [Bill] Is it ready?

- Ladder ready, Bill.

- We need the scoop too.

Right, Corky, time for some real action.


- [Corky] Hang on, Bill.


- Easy does it, Corky.



We'll come back for him, Corky.

Gently, now.


We'll need something better than the scoop

for that Great Wild Woolly.

- I know just the thing, Bill.



Got him.

- We have ourselves a Great Wild Woolly.


We caught the Great Wild Woolly, Corky.

We'll be famous.


- Look at the poor thing, Bill.

(remorseful bleating)

Can we really lock him up, Bill?

- When you're right, Corky, you're right.

The Great Wild Woolly shouldn't be in a cage.


Off you go, fella.

- And don't get into any more trouble.


- Just in time.

Here's Mrs. Whistlehead.

- Hello, Bill.

Hello, Corky.

How was it?

No problems, I hope.

- Nothing we couldn't handle, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- May I ask where my sheep are?

- Why, they're just...

- [Both] Huh?


- Why, that sneaky Great Wild Woolly.

- Bill, Corky, get those sheep back or...


- We'll get them back, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- You can count on it.

- We did it, Wag.

We packed all the apples nice and neatly.


Blow me down, not again.


That Great Wild Woolly, he's nothing but trouble.

Wag, where are you?

You didn't run away again.


Good boy.

- Sam, which way did the Great Wild Woolly go?

- They went that way.

- Thanks, Sam.

This could be a long day, Bill.

- [Bill] I know, Corky.

We could be chasing the Great Wild Woolly

for hours and hours.

- Chasing the Great Wild Woolly is hard work, Bill.

- He's a very naughty ship, Corky.

- But he does give us some good adventures, Bill.

- When you're right, Corky, you're right.


♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Goodbye

♫ Bottle Top Bill