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04x06 - The Secret Box / The Shrinking Dragon

Posted: 03/19/24 19:23
by bunniefuu
♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend, Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hurray ♪

- [Bottle Top Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend, Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] Is it adventure time, bill?

- [Bill] It sure is, Corky.

- [Corky] And what's today's adventure called?

- [Bill] It's called The Secret Box.

We've done a terrific job

making this kite, Bill.

It's a beauty.

We should find a good way to store it,

so it doesn't get broken.

Good idea, Corky, but we have something else to do first.

Right, Bill, we've got to fly it!

Here we go!

(playful music)

It's not flying, Corky.

There's no wind.

There's not even a breeze.

Our kite won't fly until we get some wind.

Might as well pack up for now, I suppose.

No kite flying today.

I'll see you soon, Bill.

Where are you going, Corky?

Oh, nowhere special. I won't be long.

Strange, Corky leaving without saying where she's going?

I better follow her to make sure everything's alright.

(playful music)

She's vanished! Where on Earth has she gone?

I wonder if Corky went through Sandy the Scarecrow's field?

There's only one way to find out.

I'm going to have to check it out carefully.

No sign of Corky at all.

What's the big secret?


Big secret, Bill.

Oh, it's you, Sandy.

What's wrong, Bill?

Corky. Have you seen Corky today?

I did, she was going to town to do some shopping.


Is something wrong, Bill?

Something's definitely wrong, Sandy.

We've done our shopping this week.

Why is Corky doing more?

No idea, Bill.

I've got to go to town and find out what's going on.

I'll come with you, Bill.

- [Bill] Do you know where in town Corky might be going?

- [Sandy] We could try the main street

where all the shops are.

- [Bill] That's a good idea, Sandy.

Yes, let' look there.

I don't see Corky.

She's got to be close by.

There she is!

Oh no, hide! Whoa!

It's okay, Bill, Corky's going the other way.

- [Bill] I see her, Sandy, but where is she going now?

- [Sandy] She's gone into that camera shop.

Why is she going to a camera shop?

I can't see any sign of Corky in there. Whoa!

That's because I'm right here, Bill.

Are you alright, Bill?

I'm alright, Corky, but they do put these poles

in very awkward places.

What are you doing in town?

Well, um, what are we doing, Bill?

We're here to walk home with you, Corky.

That's great.

So, Corky, what's in the box?

The box? There's nothing in it, Bill.


Nothing at all, Bill. It's completely empty.

A kite! What a beauty!

We're just waiting for some wind to fly it.

There's none yet.

I might have a nap then.

Can you wake me when there's a wind?

Will do, Corky.

This gets stranger and stranger.

Why did Corky say there was nothing in the box?

Because there is nothing?

Then why did Corky go all the way to town to get it?

There has to be something!

And we're going to find out, Sandy.

How, Bill?

We'll use the ladder and climb into Corky's room.

While Corky's napping, I'll look in that box.

I'll hold the ladder, Bill.

Thanks, Sandy.

- [Sandy] Do you see anything in Corky's room?

- [Bill] We're in luck, Sandy, because I don't see Corky.

- [Sandy] Is she having her nap downstairs?

- [Bill] She must be!

- [Sandy] But what about the box?

- [Bill] There it is! Here's our chance!

I'll go in and have a quick look.

But what about Corky?

What about me?

- [Bill and Sandy] Corky!


Hold on, Sandy!

I'm trying to!

I'll help you!

Whoa, I don't want to fall!

Push, Sandy!

Ahhh, the box!

I've got to open it!

Come here, box.

Oh no!

Look out, Sandy.


Nice catch!

Thanks, Corky, but I didn't mean to.

Nice catch, all the same.

The box, what happened to the box?

It's fine, Bill, Sandy caught it.

Is anything broken?

Nothing broken at all, Bill.

Because there's nothing inside to break.

There isn't?

Don't worry about the box, Bill, just look at the trees.

What about them?

- [Corky] They're moving!

- [Bill] So they are!

- [Sandy] Because of the wind?

- [Bill] Right, Sandy, we've got a wind!

- [Corky] We can fly our kite!

I'll just put the box inside where it will be safe.

What do we do now, Bill?

I'm not going to stop until I know what's in that box.

But Corky says there's nothing in it.

If there's nothing in it,

why is she keeping it a big secret?

- [Corky] Ready, Bill?

- [Bill] Ready Corky!

- [Sandy] Me too.

- [Bill] We'll need a nice, big open area to fly our kite.

- [Corky] What about the park near Mrs. Whistlehead's farm?

That would be perfect!

- [Bill] I know that park, Corky.

It couldn't be more perfect.

- [Sandy] This is a very good place to fly a kite.

- [Corky] The wind's getting stronger now.

That's a kite flying wind if ever there was one.

I'll take the kite and get it ready for take off.

I'll hold the reel, Corky.

I love kite flying.

Don't forget about the box, Sandy.

How can we look at it while we're flying a kite?

Here's how, I'm going to let go of the kite.

While you and Corky run after it,

I'll run home and look inside the box.

Are you sure that's a good plan, Bill?

It's the perfect plan, Sandy.

Prepare for takeoff, Bill.

Let's do it, Corky!

There it goes!

(playful music)

That's beautiful.

Get ready, Sandy, I'm about to let go.

Oops, oh no, I've dropped the reel.

Silly me.



Paint me pink, that wasn't meant to happen.

- [Sandy] Corky! Help!

I missed!


We'll rescue you, Sandy!

- [Corky] We need something fast to catch up to Sandy.

- [Bill] Let's use our dragster.

That's very fast!

- [Corky] It is, too, what great thinking Bill.

After that kite!

And scarecrow!

(dramatic chase music)

- [Bill] The kite is taking Sandy over to

Mrs. Whistlehead's farm.

- [Corky] Is he heading for the sheep?

- [Bill] He is, Corky.

I can see the sheep now.

- [Corky] A kite with a scarecrow?

The sheep won't know what to make of that.


- [Sheep] Baaaa.

Help !

- [Sheep] Baaaaa. Baaaaa.

Sandy's got a passenger, Bill.

Hang on you two, we'll save you both!



- [Sheep] Baaaaaa. Baaaaa.



- [Corky] We're coming!

- [Sheep] Baaaaaaaaa!

- [Bill] What's that thing, Corky?

- [Corky] It's a bushy hedge, Bill.

With lots of sharp prickles.

- [Bill] Sandy's heading right for it.

Prickles! I can't look!


I've almost got it!

I have got it!

Here come the prickles!

Time to hit the brakes!

Why aren't we stopping, Bill?

We've lost the brakes!

- [Sheep] Baaaaaa.

We do have brakes, Bill.

Sheep brakes.

(dramatic music)

Woo! We did it!

- [Sheep] Baaaaa.

We stopped.

We're saved.


How are you feeling, Sandy?

Oh, I'm alright now, Bill.

I love flying a kite, but I don't like flying on a kite.

- [Sheep] Baaaaa.

- [Corky] That was the most exciting kite flying

I've ever had.

Too exciting, Corky.

And it was all my fault.

- [Corky] But it was an accident, Bill.

- [Sandy] It wasn't an accident, Corky.

- [Bill] I dropped the reel on purpose.

- [Corky] Why?

To keep you busy while I came back and looked in the box.

Ha, the box, is that what this is all about?

We wondered why it's such a big secret.

There's no secret, come in and I'll show you the box now.

You will, Corky?

That's fantastic.

(playful music)

- [Corky] Go on, open it up.

- [Bill] Are you sure, Corky?

- [Corky] Positive. Go on.

- [Bill] Here goes.

Huh? There's nothing in here.

I told you that, Bill.

But what's the idea?

Why didn't you want to tell me about it?

I wanted it to be a surprise.

It's a present. Take the wrapping paper off, Bill.

Will you look at that?

It's covered in photos of you and Corky.

And you, Sandy. And Ned. All our friends.

- [Corky] Don't you see, Bill?

The box is the present.

It's for storing our new kite.

Blow me down!

I went to town with some of these photographs

to copy and put on the box.

That explains the envelope.

And the camera shop.

Now let's see if it'll do the job.

- [Bill] It's a perfect fit, Corky.

- [Sandy] Couldn't be better.

Corky, this is the best surprise present I've ever had.

Thanks, Bill, but next time

you should wait for the surprise.

That makes it even better.

When you're right, Corky, you're right.

- [Corky] We've got a big job to do today, Bill.

- [Bill] We have, Corky, and we'll be doing

that big job in Fairyland.

- [Corky] It's going to be an exciting adventure.

- [Bill] An adventure called The Shrinking Dragon.

(playful music)

Look, Bill, it's Hop and Skip.


Ribbit, ribbit.

We can't stop and chat.

We've got to meet up with Rumble the dragon.

Baa, baa.

We're giving his cave a new coat of paint.

There's nothing like a new coat of paint

to brighten up your home.

Or your cave, Bill.

We'll see you soon.


Waa, waa.

(playful music)

- [Corky] Who else will be helping

to paint Rumble's cave, Bill?

- [Bill] Dandy the Fairy

and Tricky the Troll.

- [Corky] Let's not forget Rumble himself.

- [Bill] Who could forget a dragon?

- [Corky] Hello!

- [Bill] We're here and ready to get to work.

Hi, Bill!

Hello, Corky.

It's really nice that you're all helping to paint my cave.

It'll be our pleasure, Rumble.

So, is everything ready to go?

We've got all we need to do the painting.

But there's something we have to do before we can paint.

What's that?

- [Tricky] We've got to go inside Rumble's cave.

- [Dandy] There's something very precious to take care of.

- [Rumble] It's my dragon treasure.

- [Bill] I see the trouble.

We're going to have to move that treasure.

- [Corky] So we have the room to paint the walls.

There's a lot of treasure to move, there is.

You're right, Rumble, there's heaps of treasure.

We'll need something to help us move it all.

I know what.

A forklift!

- [Corky] That'll speed things up alright.

- [Rumble] It won't hurt my treasure, will it?

- [Corky] We'll be careful, Rumble.

I'm a very safe driver, Rumble.

That's good, my treasure is very valuable, you know.

- [Tricky] A dragon isn't a dragon

without a dragon treasure.

And the dragon must never lose any of his treasure.

Or else terrible things will happen, they will.

Leave it to us, we've never lost a dragon treasure yet.

- [Corky] See, Rumble, Bill's a very good, careful driver.

He is that.

- [Corky] So you don't need to worry about losing

one single jewel.

This is it, last load.

- [Dandy] Well done, Bill.

That treasure got moved in no time flat.

Now we can start painting the cave.

My treasure will be alright out here, won't it?

No one's going to touch a dragon's treasure.

Because if they did!

Upset a dragon? No one's that silly.

We'll have the paint job done

and the treasure back in your cave in a week.

And a shake of a tail.

- [Bill] Let's get started.

- [Hop] Ribbit, ribbit.

- [Skip] Wah, wah.



Your cave is looking terrific, Rumble.

It's so bright and fresh now.

By working together,

we're doing the job in no time at all.

Now this is what your cave really needs, Rumble.

A picture of me!

Hmm, I like that, I do.





Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

Wah, wah?


(dramatic music)







Hiccup, hiccup, hiccup.

Wah, wah.

- [Bill] What was all that racket?

- [Rumble] My treasure!

- [Corky] It's all over the place.

- [Dandy] We have to gather it up

and get it back into the cave.

And quickly!

Oh no, it's started!

- [Bill] What's wrong with Rumble?

It's what happens to dragons

when their treasure goes missing.

- [Corky] Rumble has shrunk!

I'll keep on shrinking, I will,

until we get all my treasure back into the cave.

Then let's get working everyone.

The treasure has rolled everywhere.

It's going to take forever to find it all.

- [Corky] So will just one missing piece

make you shrink, Rumble?

It only takes one.

It's happening again!

- [Bill] You're even smaller, Rumble.

- [Corky] How small will you get?

So small you won't see me.

Oh, Rumble.

- [Bill] Then we won't stop until we have it all.

- [Hop] Hiccup.

- [Skip] Wah.

- [Hop] Hiccup, hiccup.

- [Skip] Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.

- [Bill] This should do it.

Have we found all the treasure, Rumble?

Is anything missing?

It looks like it's all here.

- [Tricky] There's that cloud.

- [Bill] If we found all the treasure,

Rumble will be big again.

Oh no, we haven't found all the treasure.

Rumble's even smaller.

Something's still missing!

- [Tricky] We'll find it, Rumble.

- [Bill] Let's get cracking.

- [Hop] Hiccup.

- [Skip] Wah.

- [Hop] Hiccup.

- [Skip] Wah, wah.

- [Hop] Hiccup.

- [Skip] Wah, wah, wah.

Has anyone found anything yet?

I did!

Show us, Tricky.

My old yo-yo, ha ha!

I was wondering where it got to.

But have you found any missing treasure?

Sorry, no treasure.

I better say goodbye, then.

Don't talk like that, Rumble.

The next time I shrink, I'll be so small,

you won't see me.

You won't shrink, because we'll find that treasure.

- [Hop] Hiccup, hiccup.

Paint me pink, what's wrong with Hop?

- [Corky] He has the hiccups.

- [Hop] Hiccup!

And wild hiccups they are, too.

The wildest!

- [Skip] Wah, wah, wah.

Sorry, Skip, we don't understand.

We can't speak Frog.

- [Tricky] I can talk some Frog.

Graw, graw,


- [Skip] Wah, wah.

He says Hop started to hiccup

after swallowing something.

Wah, wah.

Something very shiny and bright.

Shiny and bright?

Was it a jewel?

A piece of the treasure?

The missing piece!

Wah, wah.

Skip says it was treasure!

- [Bill] Where's Hop?

We have to find him.

Find him, and we find the missing treasure.

- [Bill] There's Hop!

We have to go back the other way.

No one said chasing a hiccuping frog was easy.

I know I've never said that.

- [Dandy] Follow the frog!

- [Rumble] Before I shrink again.

Hiccup, hiccup.

- [Dandy] There he is!

Try and hiccup in the one spot, Hop.

- [Corky] We have to make him cough up that missing jewel.

First we have to cure his hiccups.

How do you do that?

I know, hold your breath for a few seconds.


What's even better is to stand on your head.


Or try spinning about.


How about jumping up and down like this?


We've got no time for this, we don't.

I'll talk to Hop.

Hop, I need that missing jewel,

or I'll get very cross, I will.

- [Dandy] The jewel!

- [Bill] I'll get it!

- [Corky] The jewel's gone down to the bottom of the pond.

- [Tricky] Will Bill be able to find it?

If anyone can find it, Bill can.

(playful music)

- [Group] Yay!

You did it, Bill, well done!

Let's get a move on and get this jewel back in the cave.

Leave it to me.

Hurry, Tricky, I feel another shrinking coming on, I do.


- [Corky] Good work, Tricky.

All the treasure is back in place.

Let's hope this works.

We'll soon find out.

Good luck, Rumble.

Please let Rumble get big again.

- [Dandy] He is big again.

That's the size a dragon should be, alright.

- [Group] Woohoo!

I like being big, I do.

- [Hop] Ribbit, ribbit.

- [Dandy] And Hop, is he feeling alright

after all those hiccups?

I'll ask him.

Rawr, ribbit, rawr.

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

He says he's feeling terrific.

That makes two of us, it does.

And he's very happy you stopped his hiccups, Rumble.

My pleasure, Hop.


What an adventure, Corky.

Painting a cave and losing a precious jewel.

Having a dragon shrink and curing a frog with hiccups.

Then finding all the treasure.

You just have to admit, Bill.

There's never a boring day in Fairyland.

Haha, when you're right, Corky, you're right.


♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend, Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪