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04x08 - The Giant Wave / The Fairy Crown

Posted: 03/19/24 19:24
by bunniefuu
(pleasant music)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And His Best Friend Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] Is that the river, Bill?

- [Bill] That's the river all right, Corky.

We're going fishing.

- [Corky] In that boat?

- [Bill] In that very boat.

- [Corky] And will we have an adventure in the boat?

- [Bill] You bet, Corky, an adventure called The Giant Wave.

Bill, you're not going to try and catch

the great big whopper again are you?

No, I'm gonna catch a shore whippy fish.

No one has ever caught a shore whippy fish.

Not until now, but I'm gonna change that.


I've got these special binoculars to spot them.

Spotting them is one thing Bill,

catching them is another.

Not for me, Corky.

I've got some very special bait, too, look!

- [Corky] Mrs. Whistlehead's apple pie!

Not even the shore whippy fish can resist that.

(pleasant music)

Here we are.

Ready to row.

Then let's get cracking.

How far do we have to row, Bill?

There's a really good spot in amongst the hills.

It's great for fishing.

Don't like the look of those clouds.

I hope it won't rain.

Not a chance, Corky.

(pleasant music)

What do you think Bill?

Is this looking good?

Better than good, it's perfect.

Now let's see if Mrs. Whistlehead's pie will do the trick.

Standby for some serious fishing, Corky.

Hang on Bill, look!

- [Bill] What is it Corky?

- [Corky] I'm not sure, I think it's a fish.

A very big fish!

- [Bill] So it is, it's the big whopper!

Hello whopper!

What does he want Corky?


I think he wants some of Mrs. Whistlehead's pie.

No problem, whopper, here you are.


And Corky I think we should test it too.

Thanks Bill.


I think whopper wants some more.

Coming right up, whopper.

Now, let's get fishing.

Uh, Bill?

What is it Corky?

We've eaten all the bait.

Paint me pink, you're right!

What do we do now?

What we'll do now Corky, is enjoy

a relaxing day on the river.

Good idea.

What about the shore whippy fish, Bill?

There's always another day, Corky.

(thunder booms)

What was that?

It sounded like thunder.

It's coming from up there!

(thunder booms)

- [Bill] Wow, looks like a storm's coming.

(thunder booms)

A big storm, Bill!

I hope nobody's back up the river.

If they are, they'll get drenched.

Let's take a look.

- [Corky] What can you see, Bill?

- [Bill] Someone is there, Corky.


- [Bill] It's the great wild wooly.

He must be getting very wet.

And there's others, too.

It's Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

Oh no!

What's wrong?

The river's flooding.

There's a huge wave coming.

- [Corky] Look out great wild wooly!



What's he doing Bill?

I'm not sure.

He's chasing the sheep away from the wave.

Good old great wild wooly.

He'll make sure they're safe.

But Bill!

Everything's going to work out fine, Corky.

No it's not!


Because the wave is still coming this way!

We're going to get hit!

Grab the oars, Corky.

We have to get to shore.

We're too late, Bill.

- [Bill] It's swamped wooly and the sheep.

And we're going to be swamped, too!

Swim for it, Corky!

Are you all right Bill?

Fine Corky, but what's happened to wooly and the sheep?


They're safe, they landed in the boat.

Great wild wooly, help!

Over here!


We need your help, wooly!


Great work, wooly.

You saved us!

Hold on tight!

I can't Bill, my hooves are too slippery.


Just in the nick of time!

Thanks whopper!

Get ready for the ride of our lives, Corky.

Hang on to that fishing rod, great wild wooly!


- [Bill] Now where are we going?

- [Corky] It looks like more water ahead.

- [Bill] It is more water, Corky.

It's the sea!

Clever whopper, we should get away from the wave there.



How long is this going to last, Bill?

It's all right, I can see land up ahead.

- [Corky] Me too!

It looks like an island.

It is an island, Corky.


We're safe, Corky.

But what about wooly and the sheep?


The whopper saved them too!

Thanks whopper!


The great wild wooly wants to go home, Bill.

We've still got the boat, Corky.

- [Corky] I hope it's not broken.

We'll soon see.


Give us a hand, Corky.


It's too heavy, Bill.

We're stuck!

Oh marooned on a desert island.

What a disaster!


Wait a minute Corky, look over there.

Does that look familiar?

- [Corky] It does!

- [Bill] This isn't a desert island.

It's Junkosaur Island!


It's okay great wild wooly, we know this place.

And we have friends who live here.

Look Bill, I can see someone now.

- [Bill] You beauty!

And I know who it is.

- [Corky] It's Jojo the Junkosaur.

Hello Bill, hello Corky!

What brings you to Junkosaur Island?

The great big whopper brought us.

And a great big wave!


What are all these sheep doing here?

They got caught by the big wave too!

And then the big whopper saved us all.


Gee, what an exciting day you've all had!

Now we need to get them home, Jojo.

But our boat's upside down.

That little thing?

I can fix that!

Alley oop!

Brilliant, Jojo!

We'll be home in no time!

But Bill.

Come on Corky, all aboard!

Haven't you forgotten something?

What's that?

We lost the oars back in the river.

Lie me down, so we did, Corky.


Sorry great wild wooly,

but without oars we can't go anywhere.

What you need is an engine!

Where will we find one here?


I'll make you one!

An engine?

Won't that be hard, Jojo?

- [Jojo] Not with all the junk we have

here on Junkosaur Island.

Thanks Jojo, that's fantastic!

That engine will get us home as quick as a wink.

All aboard, wooly.


And you too, sheep.


Our turn, Corky. Right, Bill.

Have a good trip everyone!

Start the engine, Corky.

Starting up, Bill.

Off we go!


What's happened?

We've sunk!


There must be too many of us on the boat.

Now what do we do?

I've got it!

What's your plan, Bill?

Jojo, have you got some planks and some rope?

- [Jojo] No problem!

Throw us two ropes, Jojo.

Ropes secure, Bill.

Now grab the ropes.

Now we'll just use the other ropes

to tie the planks together.

Planks all tied, Bill!

Great wild wooly, you and the sheep

have to get out of the boat.


He thinks they're going to be left behind.

Don't worry great wild wooly,

you rescued us and now we're going to rescue you, promise!


Right wooly, you and the sheep hop onto the planks.


Ready great wild wooly?


Then let's go!

Thanks again Jojo.

Good luck Bill!

Good luck Corky!

Happy travels!


Look at those sheep go, Bill!


They're the best.

You won't believe this, but someone else is back, Bill.

It's the whopper.

He knows fun when he sees it.


Look, he's joining in!

- [Both] Woohoo!

What a great adventure, Bill!

Even though I never did catch a shore whippy fish.

Bill, what's that in your hat?

Paint me pink, Corky it's a shore whippy fish!

You caught one after all!



The shore whippy fish got away!

He's not the only one, Bill.

What do you mean, Corky?

Thanks to the great wild wooly

and the big whopper, we got away from the giant wave.

And thanks to Jojo, we can have a great trip home.

There's nothing like having good friends

to give help when you need it.

When you're right Corky, you're right.


- [Corky] Where are we going today Bill?

- [Bill] We're off to Fairyland, Corky.

- [Corky] To see our friend Dandy?

- [Bill] That's right.

And we'll be having an adventure called The Fairy Crown.


Bill, Corky!

Thank you for coming.

What's the problem Dandy?


There's no problem.

Then why did you ask us to hurry over here?

Today is fairy feast day,

and the fairy queen has invited everyone to come along.


You will come won't you?

We'd love to.

I've never been to a fairy feast before.

Me neither!

Let's go then, we don't want to be late.

We're right behind you, Dandy.

- [Corky] I guess the fairy feast

will be at the queen's house, Bill.

- [Bill] The queen doesn't live in a house, Corky.

- [Corky] You're right, she lives in a castle.

- [Bill] A big, bright, colorful castle

high on the top of the Fairyland hills.

How could one person live in such a gigantic place, Bill?

I don't know Corky, but--

(trumpet fanfare)


Here she comes!

- [Corky] What beautiful royal shoes, Bill.

- [Bill] And what a lovely royal dress, Corky.

- [Corky] Shouldn't a queen have something on her head?

- [Bill] I'm not sure, Corky.


Your majesty is something wrong?

I've lost my crown.

It's gone, vanished!

Your royal fairy crown?

The very one.

Oh dear!

Who are you, have you taken it?

No way.

We'd never take something that wasn't ours.

These are my friends, your majesty.

Bill and Corky.

- [Both] Pleased to meet you, your majesty.

Well I'm not pleased.

We have to find my crown.

Why is it so important?

Without my crown, I have no magic.

And with no magic, there will be no fairy feast,

and no Fairyland.

No Fairyland?


The magic of Fairyland is stored in that crown.

Unless it is returned, Fairyland will be no more.

Don't worry, your majesty.

I'll find it for you.

You will?

And we'll help, your royalness.

Won't we Corky?

Too right!

Thank you, but you must hurry

before Fairyland starts to disappear.

I have to lie down, this is too, too much.

Where should we start, Dandy?

I'm not sure, Fairyland is so big.

The crown could be anywhere.

I have an idea, Dandy.

Follow me.

- [Dandy] Where are we going Bill?

- [Bill] We'll need to pay someone a visit.

- [Corky] Someone who lives in a cave?

- [Bill] You've got it, Corky.

I know this place.

It's the home of one of our friends.

And you think they can help us Bill?

I'm sure of it, Dandy.

Let's just hope they're home.

- [Corky] I think our friend is home, Bill.

- [Bill] It sure looks like it, Corky.

- [Dandy] I know who this is, it's Rumble the dragon.

- [Bill] Spot on, Dandy.

Why do you want to see Rumble, Bill?

Look around Dandy, there's treasure everywhere.

Brilliant Bill, if anyone knows

where to find treasure, it's Rumble the dragon.

And the royal crown is the greatest treasure of all.

Rumble's fast asleep.

Then wake him up, Dandy.

How do you wake a dragon, Bill?

We could try shouting.


- [All] Rumble!

Huh, who's there?

It's us, Bill and Corky!

And Dandy the fairy!

Do you have to be so noisy?

Sorry Rumble, but it's an emergency!

The queen of Fairyland has lost her crown.


That's terrible.

Have you seen it?

No Bill, I'd never take anything

that wasn't mine I wouldn't.

- [Tricky] I'm the king of the castle!

But I do know someone who might.

You mean-- I do mean.

- [Dandy] Someone we know very well.

- [Corky] Someone with a flying machine?

- [Bill] And he's coming straight towards us!

Look out everyone! Duck!

I'm the king of the castle!


Tricky the troll!

And he's wearing the queen's fairy crown!

That naughty troll!

What's he doing now?

I'll have this lot, whaa!

He's taking my treasure he is!

Tricky, come back at once!

You can't catch me!

I'm the king of the castle!


He's getting away.

What are we going to do?

Bill, Corky, jump onto my back!

We're going after him, we are.

Can anyone see Tricky? There he is!

Whaa, whaa!

Can we go any faster, Rumble?

His machine is very quick it is.

Oh no!

What is it Corky?

Look below!

- [Bill] It's just a field, Corky.

- [Corky] A special field, Bill.

- [Dandy] It's a field of tuba roses.

But look what's happening to them!

Whaa, here comes the king!

- [Bill] Oh no!

All the flowers are getting sick!

The flowers aren't just getting sick, they're dying!

And it's all because Tricky's taken the crown!

Can you use your fairy dust, Dandy?

Fairy dust always does the trick.

I can try.



It's not working.

And if fairy dust doesn't work--

Then nothing will work.

We have to get that crown off Tricky!

Otherwise he's going to destroy everything, let's go!

What's the matter, Dandy?

My wings won't work.

I can't fly properly!

Here Dandy.

I'm not a proper fairy without my wings working.

Don't worry, when we get that crown back

they'll be good as new!

Until then, you can ride with us.

That naughty Tricky, he makes me so mad sometimes.

Are you ready Rumble?

Very ready, Bill.

Then let's catch that troll!

This is fantastic!

I can fly so fast, I like being a king!



This is terrible!

At this rate, there'll be nothing left of Fairyland.

I'm sure Tricky doesn't know what he's doing.

Tricky never knows what he's doing.

Fly as fast as you can, Rumble.

We have to catch him.

- [Corky] Where's Tricky going now?

- [Bill] It looks like the river.

- [Corky] It is the river, and the waterfall.

- [Bill] My favorite spot in all of Fairyland.


- [Bill] It was my favorite spot.

- [Corky] The waterfall stopped running.

- [Bill] And the river's dried up.

Fairyland can't live with no water.

Look Bill.

- [Bill] There's somebody down there.

- [Corky] Who is it Bill?

- [Bill] It looks like Skip, Flap, and Hop.


They've lost their Fairyland colors.

Paint me pink!

This is dreadful.

Don't worry Dandy.

Tricky must stop soon.

(pleasant music)

- [Bill] Now where are we?

- [Corky] It looks like a castle.

- [Bill] It can't be Corky,

we left the queen's castle ages ago.

- [Corky] I don't think this castle

belongs to the queen, Bill.

I've never seen this castle before, I haven't.

- [Dandy] Take us down, Rumble.

- [Corky] Look, there's Tricky's flying machine!

Tricky has made his own castle

with the magic of the fairy crown.

And my jewels!

That makes me cross that does!

We have to find Tricky and get that crown off him.

But how?

We need a plan, Corky.


A very quick plan, Bill.

Run everyone!

Try the other way!

(crashing, yelling)

We're trapped!

Now what do we do?

Bill, Corky, Dandy,

grab onto the rope!

You follow us, Rumble!


Hold on tight!


Gently does it, Tricky.

Paint me pink, Corky.

Look at Tricky's castle.

- [Corky] What happened to it?

The magic of the fairy crown works for one person only.

The fairy queen.

Right Rumble, Tricky's castle

could never last long at all.

- [Tricky] My bad everyone!

Tricky, what do you think you're doing?

I'm sorry everyone, I only wanted to see

what it was like to be a king!

You were a very naughty troll, Tricky.

You very nearly destroyed Fairyland.

And you took things that didn't belong to you, you did.

I didn't mean to cause so much trouble.

Sorry Rumble, here's your jewels back.

- [Rumble] Thanks Tricky.

And what about the crown?

I'll return it to the fairy queen at once.

You'd better hurry Tricky,

there's an awful lot of Fairyland

that needs to be fixed.

I'm going!


See you at the fairy feast!

Ah, the fairy feast!

I almost forgot.

That's why you invited us to Fairyland in the first place.

Come on, we don't want to be late.

- [Corky] Look, the river's flowing again!

- [Bill] And the waterfall too!

And will you just have a look at that feast, Corky?

- [Corky] I've never seen a better one, Bill.

It's so good having everything back to normal again.

You can say that again, Bill.


- [Bill] And Skip, Flap, and Hop.

Back to their old selves.

And my fairy wings are working properly again.

Thank goodness for that, Dandy.

(trumpet fanfare)

Shh, here comes the queen.

- [Bill] Look, she's wearing the fairy crown.

- [Corky] It's back with its rightful owner.

Dandy? Yes your majesty?

I wish to speak to your friends, Bill and Corky.

Here your royal headdress.

Bill, Corky, for your help in saving Fairyland

I make you friends of Fairyland forever.


Gee thanks!

What an honor!

Now let the fairy feast begin!

I'm glad everything worked out for the best, Bill.

Me too Corky.

Well I hope Tricky never gets hold of that crown again.


One day of Tricky as king is one day too many.


When you're right Corky, you're right.

(pleasant music)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪