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04x11 - Ship Mates / The Great Sheep Run

Posted: 03/19/24 19:26
by bunniefuu
♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hurray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill!

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky!

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] I love the beach, Bill!

- [Bill] It's got everything, Corky, sun, sea.

- [Corky] And sand!

- [Bill] That's right.

- [Corky] Do you think we'll have

an adventure at the beach, Bill?

- [Bill] We always have an adventure at the beach, Corky!

Today's is called Ship Mates.

(playful music)

What shall we do first?

I know Corky, let's build a sandcastle!

That's a great idea, Bill.

I love building sandcastles!

This one's going to be a beauty, Bill!

- [Bill] Fit for a king and queen to live in, Corky!

- [Corky] With lots of rooms!

- [Bill] And towers and terrets!

That's the best sandcastle we've ever built, Bill.

It just needs one more thing.

What's that?

A wind vane to sit on top!

Good idea!

- [Bill] This should do the job.

- [Corky] It's just the thing.

Gosh, the wind's getting up, Corky.

Hold onto your hat, Bill!

- [Bill] Look at that wind vane go, Corky!

It's going, alright.

It's gone completely!

Look at our castle, Corky!

It's being blown away!

We're being blown away, too!

Grab onto something, Bill!

Hold tight, Corky!

I am, Bill!



Paint me pink, Corky, I'm feeling quite dizzy.

What a strange windstorm.

It didn't last long, but it sure was fierce!

Oh no, look at our sandcastle!

- [Corky] It's just a pile of sand!

- [Bill] And look at all the mess on the beach!

We should clear it up, Bill.

Good idea, Corky!

It's amazing how much rubbish ends up on the beach.

- [Corky] I wonder where it all comes from.

- [Bill] It must have blown in from all over the place.

- [Corky] Even from over the sea!

Well done, Corky, that's got it all, I reckon.

The beach is as good as new again.

Clean as a whistle!

Look Bill, what's that bobbing up and down in the waves?

We need to take a closer look, Corky.

- [Corky] How do we do that?

- [Bill] Our telescope will do the job.

- [Corky] Good idea.

Now, let's check this out.

- [Corky] What do you see, Bill?

- [Bill] I see a coconut.

- [Corky] Is that all?

- [Bill] And there's a bird, too!

It looks like a parrot.

- [Corky] What's a parrot doing in the sea?

I don't know, but it looks very tired.

What should we do, Bill?

We should rescue him, Corky!


We need a raft.

I know, we can use all the stuff

we collected on the beach!

Good thinking, Corky!

Let's get to work.

(playful music)

- [Corky] We'll need some paddles, too.

Sit tight, Mr. Parrot, we're coming to rescue you!

- [Corky] We'll be with you in no time!

How will we get him on board?

We need a scoop net.

One scoop net coming up!

Steady with the oar, Corky.

- [Corky] Don't forget his coconut, Bill!

Welcome aboard, little fella.

I'm Bill!

And I'm Corky!


And I'm Percy, thanks for the rescue!

Blimey down, he talks!

Why are you floating in the middle of the sea, Percy?


Wind too strong, wings got tired!

Lucky you landed on a coconut.

Have to get back home!


We'll help you, won't we Corky?

Of course we will, where do you live, Percy?

A tropical island!

A tropical island?

That'll be easy, let's get pedaling, Corky!

Um, Bill?

We're soon heading home.

But Bill.

What is is, Corky?

The ocean's huge!

We could paddle for days and never find Percy's island.

Hm, you're right Corky, we need some help.

And I think I've spotted it.

- [Bill] What is it, Corky?

- [Corky] A sailing ship!

- [Bill] Perfect, that's just what we need.

- [Corky] And we're in luck, Bill.

It belongs to our friend, Captain Hornswoggle.

Then let's get after it!

Hello Captain Hornswoggle!

Is anybody home?

I hope the captain's alright, Corky.


Arg, that'll teach ya lolly landlubbers

to come sneaking up, trying to board my pirate ship.

We're not trying to board you.

We've come to ask you for help, Captain Hornswoggle.

I can't help no one, I can't.

Why not?

That wind blew me onto the rocks.

Me ship's sprung a leak, it be sinking fast!

Can't you fix it?

Arg, don't you think I would if I could?

We can help, I'll help bail out the water.

And I'll mend the hole.

You can't mend it without a hammer and nails.

And they be high up in me crow's nest.

Can't you climb up and get them?

Erg me arms be too tired for climbing.

And I be scared of heights, I be.


I can help!

Who be your feathered friend, argh?

This is Percy, the wind blew him off course as well.

Aren't your winds too tired to fly, Percy?

Not now, I've had a rest!

(Percy squawks)

Do you think he can do it, Bill?

We'll soon find out, Corky.

Time to start work!

Don't worry Captain, we won't let your ship sink.

- [Captain] Thanks me hearty, har har.

(playful music)

I see the hole now, it's very big!

How will you mend it?

I'll use some stuff from the raft!

Good work, Percy.

(squawks) No trouble!

This should do just nicely.

What do you think, Percy?


Hurry Bill, I can't do this for much longer!

All done, Corky, there's no hole in the ship now.

Yar but now there be a great hole in your raft, look!

Paint me pink, you're right!

Avast me hearty, tie her up and climb aboard

or you'll end up in the drink!

Your ship's ready to sail again, Captain Hornswoggle!

I can't thank ye enough.

Is there anything we can do for ya in return, ya har har?

We need to find Percy's tropical island.

Tropical island, oh I know that!

Can you take us there?

Percy needs to get back home!

Easy as you like it.

Man the wheel, standby to heave away!

- [Both] Aye aye, Captain!

Percy, you can be me lookout.

Fly up to the crow's nest!


Or should I say, parrot's nest?


- [Bill] Let's sail his ship, Corky!

Right Bill!

Um, how?

- [Bill] Just turn the wheel, and the wind will do the rest.

Got you!

Come on you lovers, let's get going!

I've turned the wheel, Captain.

But we're not moving!

(Percy squawks)

Problem, problem!

A problem, um what problem?

No wind!

No wind?

Aha that not be a problem.

But how will we get to Percy's island

without wind to blow the sails?

You'll have to row, ya lovers.

- [Bill] Row, we can't row a ship as big as this!

- [Corky] It'll take forever!

It's the only way, me hearties!

Or your birdy friend will never see his home again.


What do ya reckon, Corky?

I don't think we've got much choice, Bill.

Ready Bill?

Ready, Corky.


Shiver me timbers, the Bill's ratch is under attack!

Man the cannons!

What's happening, Bill?

I think we bumped into something, Corky!

- [Corky] Whatever it is, it'S very big!

- [Bill] I think know!

- [Corky] Me, too!

- [Bill And Corky] It's a whale!

Wubblin' whales, it's a wubblin' whale!


Hello Mr. Whale!

(whale groans)

This whale's got a problem, Corky!

He sounds bound up!

You're right, Bill.

Look he's got something stuck in his blowhole!

Poor fella, that must be uncomfortable.

What can we do, Bill?


I can help!

(whale groans)

I think he'd like you to, Percy!

Good luck.

Blow me down, the whale's blowhole

was bound up with seaweed!

And Percy weeded it out!

(whale hums)

That sounds much better.


(laughs) Now he's giving Percy a birdbath!

(whale hums)

- [Corky] The whale wants to

thank you for helping him, Percy!

My pleasure! (squawks)

(whale hums)

He says he want to help us in return!

Maybe he could help us get to Percy's tropical island!

What do you say, Mr. Whale?

(whale hums)

I think he wants to give us a tow, Bill!

We need some rope, Captain Hornswoggle.

Leave it to me!

(upbeat music)

Full steam ahead, Mr. Whale!

- [Captain] We haven't got any sail power,

but we have got whale power!

(Captain laughs)

Corky, I'd rather get a tow than have to row.

Me too, Bill.

I hope it's not too long before

we get to Percy's island, Bill.

- [Bill] Don't worry, Corky,

I think I can see it just ahead.

Land ahoy!

You're home at last, Percy!

Back with all your friends.


I have no friends.

No friends, that's no good, Percy.

Who else lives on the island?

Just me, Percy.

It must be very lonely being the only one on the island.


Very lonely.

I know how you feel, Percy!

I was all on me own on me pirate ship until you joined me.

You don't have to be on your own, Captain Hornswoggle.

I don't?

That's right, you could have a faithful, feathered friend!

Do you mean Percy?

Yes, then he won't be on his own, either!


Aha, what a good idea, Percy!

Would you like to join me aboard the Billsrat?


I'd love to!


Well, that settles it then,

we'll sail the seven seas together, arg!

And you'll never be lonely again!

Every pirate needs a good parrot!

Bill, Corky, I thank ya from

the bottom of me treasure chest.

Me too!


Great, now we better be getting home, Corky!

All we have to do is figure out how!

(whale groans)

The whale wants to help us again, Bill!

Thanks Mr. Whale, that'd be great!

Are we going to ride on the whale, Bill?

No Corky, I've got a better idea.

- [Corky] This definitely beats rowing!

I knew this old rug would come in handy, Corky!


I've really enjoyed today's adventure, Bill.

So have I, Corky.

In fact, I'd say it's been a whale of a time!


We'll you're right, Corky, you're right.

(whale laughs)

(peaceful music)

- [Corky] Is that Mrs. Whislehead's house, Bill?

- [Bill] It's Mrs. Whistlehead's house, alright, Corky.

- [Corky] And is that a jug

of Mrs. Whistlehead's orange juice?

I hope so, Corky, it's a hot day

and we've got a thirsty adventure ahead of us.

- [Corky] What adventure's that?

- [Bill] It's called The Great Sheep Run.

(playful music)

Bill, is Mrs. Whistlehead in our adventure?

Depends why she asked us over, Corky.

Bill, Corky, thank you so much for coming.

Don't mention it, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Thanks for the juice,

just the thing for a hot day like today.

It's a bit too hot, I'm afraid.

Just look at my sheep.

(sheep bleating)

- [Bill] What's the matter with them, Mrs. Whistlehead?

They're much too hot, Bill.

Their wooly coats are too thick for this hot weather.

(sheep bleating)

Why don't you call Sid the Sheep Shearer?

I have, but he's busy on the other side of the mountains.

I just don't know what to do!

I do, if Sid can't come to the sheep,

why don't we take the sheep to Sid?

That's a great idea, Corky!

But it's such a long way!

We love long walks, don't we Bill?

Too right, and we'll get friends

to come along and help us!

- [Corky] Sandy will be in it,

he loves working with animals!

- [Bill] And neighbor Ned, he's always ready to lend a hand.

- [Whistlehead] What about Timmy?

He's a very good sheepdog.

- [Corky] The more the merrier!

Thanks from coming, Sandy.

And you too, Timmy!


- [Ned] Don't forget me!

Don't worry Ned, we'd never forget you!

Where are we going Bill?

To the other side of the mountain, Sandy.

With the sheep?

They need to visit Sid the Shearer.

To have their wooly coats shorn.

It's a big job!

That's why we need a top team!

Everyone ready to go?

- [Both] Ready!


Right, let's round up these sheep.

(upbeat music)

(sheep bleating)

(Timmy barking)

(sheep bleating)

Well done, Timmy!


Open the gate, Corky!

Gate open, Bill.

Then let's get moving.

(sheep bleating and Timmy barking)

The Great Sheep Run is underway!



(Timmy barks)

Bye Mrs. Whistlehead!

We'll bring back the coolest sheep you've ever seen!

Bye everyone, good luck!

- [Corky] Which way should we go, Bill?

- [Bill] We'll follow the valley

that runs between the high hills.

Sounds good to me!

We just have to keep an eye out for the Great Wild Wooly.

Once he sees us with these sheep,

you can bet he'll try and lead them away.

- [Bill] Right.

- [Corky] The sun is very hot, though.

- [Bill] That won't stop the Great Wild Wooly.


(dramatic music)


(Timmy barking)

Good boy, Timmy, you watch those sheep carefully.

Bill, Corky, is it much further?

It's a long way yet, Ned.

All this pedaling's making me really hot!

Ned's right, do you think we could have a rest soon, Bill?

Look up ahead, Sandy.

- [Sandy] What is it?

- [Corky] Is that the river, Bill?

- [Bill] It certainly is, Corky.

Top stuff, now we can all have a drink and get cool again!

Spot on, Corky.

Hm, I think we have a problem.

What's that?

How are we going to get across to the other side?

We'll need a big boat for all these sheep!

No you won't, look!

(sheep bleating)

Paint me pink, the sheep love the cold water!

But now we have another problem.

What's that, Corky?

They're swimming around and around and not across.

You're right, we need a swimming sheepdog.

(Timmy barking)

And how about some swimming shepards, too?

Sorry Corky, I can't go into the water.

You can't?

It's my straw, if I get it wet, I can't move anymore!

And I can't take my bike in the river!

It'll go all rusty!

Corky, you know what this means?

I think I do, Bill.

Then let's get going.

(upbeat music)


Come on, sheep.

Swim for the other side!

(sheep bleating)


- [Both] Great work, Bill and Corky!

Everyone looks a lot cooler now.

We'll go and tell Mrs. Whistlehead

you've crossed the river!

And get a really good picnic ready for when you get back!

Sounds good to me, Ned!

See you later!

Right sheep.

Time to move out!

(sheep bleating)

(the Great Wild Wooly bleating)



Gosh Bill, this hill's very big.

And very steep!

- [Corky] I think the sheep are getting tired, again!

(sheep bleating)

Nevermind the sheep, Corky, I'm getting tired, too!

(birds squawking)

Oh no, now we've got another problem, look!

(sheep bleating)

Poor things, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

If only there was a road, we could take them in our truck!

No roads around here, Corky.

(horn beeping)

There mightn't be roads, but there's something else, Bill.

- [Bill] What is it, Corky?

- [Corky] Can't you guess?

- [Bill] I'm trying but--

It's not a road, it's a railroad!

You beauty!

We're in luck, Bill!

- [Bill] And look Corky, is that what i think it is?

- [Corky] It sure is, Bill.

- [Bill] It's a train!

- [Corky] And not just any train.

- [Bill And Corky] It's Old Lightning!

I hope we can get it to stop for us, Corky.

Wave your hands, Bill!

Stop Old Lightning!

It's us!

(train honking)

(sheep bleating)

It's alright sheep, Old Lightning is our friend.

- [Bill And Corky] Hello Mr. Puffer!

Bill, Corky, what are you two

doing out in the middle of nowhere?

We're taking Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep to be shorn.

But they're too hot and tired to go any further.

Oh, good job I came along, then.

Why's that, Mr. Puffer?

I'm going to the other side of the mountain

to collect some cargo from Captain Hornswoggle.

My train is empty!

You mean you could take the sheep?

Exactly, Corky, load them up!

Great, you heard Mr. Puffer.

A free ride to see the shearers!

All aboard!

(Timmy barking)

You too, Timmy.

(sheep bleating)

(Timmy barking)

This is the way to travel, ey Corky?

It's the best, Bill!

(train honking)


(dramatic music)

How long before we get to Sid the Shearer's, Mr. Puffer?

Not long at all, we just have to go through

the pass between the snowy mountains.

- [Corky] I love the snowy mountains, Bill!

- [Bill] They're nice and cool!

And there's always lots of snow on them, even in summer!


That should keep the sheep happy.

I know someone else who's happy too, Corky.

Who Bill?


- [Corky] Why's that?

- [Bill] Because the Great Wild Wooly

hasn't tried to steal a sheep away.

- [Corky] You're right, I think we've outsmarted him today.

(the Great Wild Wooly bleating)

(sheep bleating)

What's up with the sheep, Bill?

I don't know Corky, they're looking up at the mountain!

Bill, look!

- [Bill] Blow me down, it's the Great Wild Wooly!

But what's that rolling down the hill?

- [Bill] It's a giant snowball!

- [Corky] We're heading straight for it, Bill!

Slow down Mr. Puffer!


(wheels screeching)

- [Corky] I think we're going to hit it!

- [Bill] I think we are, too!


Is everyone alright?

I'm fine, thanks.

You naughty Great Wild Wooly, look what you've done!

You've covered us all in snow!


He makes me hopping mad, he does.

But Bill, take a look at the sheep!

(sheep bleating)

They're all happy because the snow has made them cool!

(Timmy barking)

Even Timmy's happy!

I must say it, it does feel rather refreshing!

Well blow me down, the Great Wild Wooly's done us a favor!

Thank you, Great Wild Wooly!


You've made us all really happy!

- [Bill] And nice and cool, too!

(Great Wild Wooly bleating)

I don't think the Great Wild Wooly's very pleased.

He tried to be naughty,

but his trick turned out to be a nice surprise!

What do you say, Mr. Puffer?

Should we get going again?

On our way!

(train honking)

(sheep bleating)

- [Corky] Do you think Sid's shearing machine

can handle so many sheep, Bill?

- [Bill] Not a problem, Corky!

Sid's shearing machine is the biggest

and best in the district!

- [Corky] And will it treat the sheep gently?

It's as gentle as a lamb.

Alright sheep, get ready to have a nice summer trim!

Are you all set, Sid?

All set, Corky.

(playful music)

(sheep bleating)

- [Corky] It worked perfectly!

That sheep's as cool as a cucumber!

(sheep bleats)

What did I tell you, Corky?

This sheep shearings as easy as pie!

We'll be back home in no time!

Aren't you forgetting something, Bill?

What's that?

Getting home means a very, very long walk.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

- [Ned] Bill, Corky!

We've come to pick you up!

And the sheep, too!


That's the best news, ever!

But first, we'll have a picnic,

I hope you're both hungry!

You bet, Mrs. Whistlehead!

We can hardly wait!

(upbeat music)

- [Corky] How good is this, Bill?

- [Bill] About as good as it gets, Corky.

- [Corky] There's nothing like a picnic

after a long, hard day.

Especially one of Mrs. Whistlehead's picnics.

Mm, this food is delicious, Mrs. Whistlehead!

Thank you very much for preparing it!

My pleasure, you deserve it after all your hard work.

And look at those sheep!

They're having a picnic, too!

It's been a great adventure today, Bill.

You can say that again, Corky!

But next time Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep need shearing,

I think Sid should bring his machine to us.

I'm pooped!


Well you're right, Corky, you're right!

(sheep bleating)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye Bottle Top Bill ♪

(calming music)