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05x05 - Dino Bots/A Couple of Good Sports/Pappy's Pals

Posted: 03/22/24 08:17
by bunniefuu

Way up high in the Rolie Polie sky

Is a little round planet
Of a really nice guy


He's Rolie Polie Olie
He's small and smart and round

And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid around



And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid around

He's Rolie Polie Olie
He's small and smart and round

And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid around



And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid around

And in the land of curves and curls

-He's the swellest kid
-The swellest kid around




-Not great weather for a camp-out.
-But it's great weather for books!

-Dino-bots! I love dino-bots!
-Me, too!

I'll show you the one I like best.

-OLIE: Stego-bot! That's my favorite!
-POLLIE: Tyrano-bot's mine!


You can't get through Stego-bot's skin.
It's like armor! [GROWLS]

Tyrano-bot's claws are so sharp,
they can cut through metal! [GROWLS]




What's the matter, Spot?


Something's coming this way!

-Maybe it's a...

PAPPY: [CHUCKLES] Hey, morning campers!

Oh. [CHUCKLES] Hi, Pappy.

Ah, just checking
that you hadn't floated away. [LAUGHS]

Sun's coming out now.


We were playing dino-bots.

Were there ever dino-bots around here,

Oh, sure! A long time ago.

Yep, they lived in the woods,
right over there.

-OLIE: Right there?


[CHUCKLES] Ah, mind ya.

I think any dinos you'll find around here,
are underground.

Hey, we could dig for dino-bot bones!


Maybe, we'll make great discovery.
We'd be famous!

-And we could write our own book!

Whoa, Spot! Woo-hoo!

Ah! I think a dino-dig,
is a jim-dandy idea.

But first it's time for chores.

You betcha!
We'll zip right through the chores!

Good! Well, I'm off to mend some fencin'.

I'll be back in time for lunch.

Okey-dokey, Pappy.

Oh, oh, oh. Now, don't forget
to feed the animals.

Just remember who gets what.

OLIE: The big animals get food,
with lots of super-duper robo vitamins.

It helps them grow big and strong.
Clippy Clop's first.


-Atta girl, Precious.



But no super-duper robo vitamins,
for our feathered friends.

-All done?
-Yep, we're the fastest bots around!

I bet we'll dig up,
a whole dino-bot skeleton before lunch!

-Should we get my dino-book?
-Good idea.







OLIE: Wow, Pollie!

-POLLIE: Neat-o!


-What was that?
-Maybe, a tree fell over?

Olie, look!

-Dino-bot tracks!
-Dino-bot tracks!

A real, live dino-bot!

It would make
the best show-and-tell ever!

How do we find him?

We'll follow the footprints and Spot!

-He's a regular robo-bloodhound!


He was here, too!
And it looks like he really likes corn!

Phew! At least it looks like
it's a vegi-bot!

Maybe, it's a bronto-bot!

Uh-uh, good guess but it doesn't match.

It doesn't match any of them!

It must be some kind of dino-bot,
nobody's discovered yet!


-That came from near Pappy's house!
-Let's go!



-I'll check this way!
-Okey-dokey! I'll check that way!


Jeepers, Pollie!
We circled the whole house.

How'd we miss the dino-bot?

-Gee, I wish...


I think, he's over by the animal pens!


Do you see him?

-Nope, but he was here.

-POLLIE: The chicks are here,

-but where's the chicken?
-The chicken's gone!

Maybe, the dino's not a vegi-bot,
after all!

You mean, he had a chicken dinner?

Let's not wait around, to be dessert!
We've got to get out of here!


Let's go!


-POLLIE: See anything?

-Looks like we gave the dino-bot...


...the slip? It's right outside.

I always thought it would be fun,
to live when there were dino-bots.

Me, too.

But I didn't think, we'd be on the menu.


It's coming in! Bye, Pollie. Bye, Spot.

Hey, watcha' doing inside,
on a such a nice day? Whoa!

-Hey, what in tarnation...
-Shh, he'll hear you.

-Who'll hear me?
-POLLIE: The dino-bot.

Dino-bot? Now, what...
what makes you two think,

there's a dino-bot out there?

We found his footprints,
all over the farm, Pappy.

He's a giant.

We think he had a robo-chicken potpie,
for dinner.

Well, the chicken's missing,
and there's a giant on the loose, huh?

Say, did you kids feed the animals,

this morning, like I asked ya?

Yeah, Pappy.
It was the fastest feeding ever.

I think, it's time we have a look,
at this dino-bot of yours.

OLIE: But Pappy!


-Oh whaa!


-PAPPY: Wowzers!

You didn't tell me you had a...
a giant chicken, Pappy.

[CHUCKLES] Well, I didn't this morning.

Looks like, she helped herself
to the wrong feed.

Yep. Those super-duper robo-vitamins
for the big animals,

have some funny effects
on the little ones.

No wonder, Clippy and Precious
were acting weird.

I guess, they've never seen
a giant chicken before either.

Oh, not to worry.

The effects of that feed,
should wear off by bedtime.

-Besides, it's not all that bad.

Hope you like scrambled eggs for lunch,
supper and breakfast.



And Olie Polie scores a point,
for the Rolie Polie Rounders!

BILLY: But Billy Bevel takes a shot,

and the Cubey Boxy Boxers
pull into the lead!

The Rolie Polie Rounders are the bestest,
all-round-est Whirl N' Wickets team ever!

Uh-uh, they're second best.

Because the Cubey Boxy Boxers
are number one!

I guess we'll know tomorrow,
when the Boxers and the Rounders,

go mallet to mallet,
in the All-Galaxy match.

Yeah, it's gonna be a great game!

The Rounders have Gears Gearmo!

And nobody can stop
his patented gear goal! Ha!

But the Boxers have Cuber C. Cubert!

Nobody can stop,
his upside-down Cubert Club! Hah-hyah!

And nobody can stop Olie Polie,
as he sh**t and wins the game!

-Nice shot, Olie.

You and Uncle Gismo comin' over tomorrow,
to watch the big game at my house?

You betcha!

Chunk Squarey's gonna be there.

His dance move "The Twirl,"
is the Boxers' victory dance.

Every time they score, Boxer fans twirl!

Too bad, he won't be twirling tomorrow.

Because the Rounders,
are gonna beat the Boxers.


We'll see, Olie.

We'll see.


It's a big game,
for the Rolie Polie Rounders today, Spot.

-Gotta get in the spirit.

Go, Rounders! Yay!


Rolie Polie Rounders!

Go, Boxers!

The Rolie Polie Rounders,
are gonna obliterate the Boxers.

Then how come the Boxers beat them,
in last year's final?

Everyone knows, the Boxers' winning shot,
shouldn't have counted.

Are you saying, they cheated?

It's the only way,
they could beat the Rounders.

-Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah? Well, I don't wanna watch
the game, with a Rounders fan.

I don't wanna watch the game
with a Boxers fan.

-Roll, Rounders, roll!

A-Rolie Polie Rounders.

A-Roll, Rounders, roll!

A-roll all over you!

A-Rolie Polie Rounders! Yeah, baby.

Well, come on, Olie.

Let's be-bop-a-lu-bop and roll on over,
to Billy's house, huh?

I'm not going to Billy's house,
Uncle Gizmo.

I'm gonna watch the game, right here.

But, we promised we'd watch it,
with Billy and Chunk Squarey.

Let's not be party poopsters.

But, they're rooting for the bad guys.
Aren't you a Rolie Polie Rounders fan?

[GASPS] The Giz is the biggest and heppest
all-around Rolie Polie Rounders fan.


Well, it's just more fun,
to watch the big game with friends.

How can it be fun when your team loses
and their team wins?

Who says the Rounders are gonna lose?

-Well, they might win or they might lose.

But win or lose, you gotta be

a Rolie Polie all-around good sport,
about it.

I'm gonna stay right here,
and root for the Rounders.

Well, the Giz can't make you go.
But I think we're gonna have ourselves,

a Whirl 'n' Wicket-est good time
over at Billy's, I really do.

Roll, Rounders, Roll!

-A-Rolie Polie Rounders!

GIZMO: Roll, Rounders, roll!
A-Roll all over you.

What a shot by Gears Gearmo!

And the Rolie Polie Rounders,
get the first point of the game.




Nappy time.

Zowie, come here. You have to see this.

-The Rounders are winning.

Dolly! [GIGGLES] Dolly! Dolly!

Come on, Zowie, do the wave with me.

Dolly go whoo!


Mom, Mom! You have to see
this play Gears Gearmo made.

He took a shot like this! Whoo-yah!

That looks Rolie Rounder-iffic.
Let me know who wins the match.

Sure thing, Mom.


Go, Rounders! Whoo-hoo.

ANNOUNCER: And Dot Matrix,
gets another point for the Rounders!

Did you see that?

ANNOUNCER: And now, the Boxers are up.

Using his patented Cubert club,
Cuber C. Cubert gets a point,

-fair and square!

Go, Boxers!

Come on, everybody, let's do the twirl!

GIZMO: Follow the Giz,
he's where the twirling is.

-Yo! Whoop! Ah!

-Too bad, Olie isn't here.
-GIZMO: Woo-hoo!

-GIZMO: Yahoo! Ye-hoo!
-CHUNK SQUAREY: Whoo! Go, go!

ANNOUNCER: It's halftime in the All-Galaxy
Whirl 'n' Wickets Match

between the Rounders and the Boxers.

-Wow. This has been one doozy of a game.


-Uh-oh. The Rounders losing?
-No, Mom, they're winning.

Oh, then, why so glum?

I'm not having much fun,
cheering by myself.

-OLIE: Oops.

Billy! Um...

What are you doing?

We're having a swell time,
watching the game. What are you doing?

Not much. Just watching the game.

But Uncle Gizmo was right.
It's not as much fun, all by myself.

Then, why don't you come in,
and watch the rest of the game with us?

-OLIE: Yeah?
-Yeah. Come on.

And whoever wins or loses,
it'll be okey-dokey with me.

OLIE: Me, too.


ANNOUNCER: The Rounders
and the Boxers are tied,

and we're into double overtime,
at the All-Galaxy Whirl 'n' Wickets Final.

Come on, Boxers, come on, Boxers.
Let's go, you can do it.

-ANNOUNCER: He did it!

-He got the game-winning run!

The Boxers win! The Boxers win!


What a super-duper game, Billy!

And the bestest part,
was watching it with you.

Now, that's being a Rolie Polie
all-around good sport.

Hey! The Angles and the Curves
are going orb-to block next week,

for the Universal Winky Ball Invitational.

The Curves will steamroller the Angles!

[CHUCKLES] But until then,
we're gonna celebrate the Boxers' win.



Push, push, push.

How are the dinner dishes coming along,

Okey-dokey, Dad.
But chores sure take a long time to do.

Zowie no like chores.

Nobody does, pumpkin.

But we all got to do 'em,
because they all need doing.


I'll get it. Howdy. Polie residence.

-OLIE: It's Pappy.

He's got to go away.

Can Zowie and I
take care of his animals for him?

-I don't know, Olie.

You and Zow just finished saying
that you don't like chores.

But, Dad, we love Pappy's pals.
It's not like chores, it's fun.


Okeydokey, but it's a big job,
and they'll be your responsibility.

You betcha. Dad said it's okey-dokey,

-Have a nice trip.


When does Pappy want us
to come to the farm, Olie?

We don't have to.
He said, he knew he could count on us.

So, he sent his pals over by themselves.


-ZOWIE: Yay!

-Well I, uh...


-Hmm. Well, uh..
-[NEIGHS] your step... uh, wheels.

So, uh, would you fellas like the kids
to fix you a little snack?


Whoa, Nellie!

We got ourselves a stampede!

Here you go, Clippy Clop,
a big bunch of carrots.


Nobody keeps stuff farm-fresh like Chilly.



Chick-chicks got nice corny cob. Mmm!







Good thing, Pappy sent lots of hay over
for you, Ol' Precious. Whew.

Good work on the food, kids.

But how are you gonna
keep your pals amused, after this?

No problemo!

-Chick-chicks want roundy dance?


Roundy, roundy, roundy, go!




MAN OVER TV: And the forecast
for Polieville, calls for clear skies.

-Want to hear about the weather?


All right! Space Boy!


Now, those are some
prize-winning carrots...


The Gardening Channel?

You love carrots, don't cha, Clippy?

Where'd Ol' Precious get to?
If she wandered off and got lost...





I guess it's fun to talk to another bot
with wheels, every once in a while.


Did you two find places,
for all Pappy's pals to sleep?

They couldn't all fit in one room,
so Zow and I are gonna split 'em up.


Okey-dokey. Nighty-night, kids.



Excuse me, Clippy Clop.

-Oops. [CHUCKLES] Chicken crossing.


Sorry, Precious. I should have knocked.


ZOWIE: Clippy, no fit on beddy?


-Nighty-night, hon.

Nighty-night, sweetums.


DAD: [SIGHS] I guess Ol' Precious,
got assigned to our room.



[SIGHS] Can't sleep either, huh?



Clippy Clop and Ol' Precious,
sound kinda sad, too.




ZOWIE: Aw...

Pals miss Pappy?

Do they, ever.

Dad sure was right,
about this being a lot of work.


Pappy always reads you guys,
a bedtime story at his place, right?

Well, why should tonight be any different?


Okey-dokey, pals.
Ready, for your bedtime story?



It's called... [IMITATES PAPPY]
..."When Pappy's Pals Came to Visit."


Once upon a time, I, Pappy Polie,

had to take my home, sweet home,
away for a tune-up.

So, I took my bestest barnyard pals,

over to stay,
with my super-duper grandkids.

Olie and Zowie Polie.

[IMITATES PAPPY] Pappy pals eat snackies,

-watch Telly and roundy dance. [GIGGLES]


[CHUCKLES] Looks like we got ourselves,
a pair of Pappys.

[IMITATES PAPPY] And by cracky,
my pals all cuddled up on my boat,

-and fell fast asleep.



Pappy's pals look like,
they finally got tuckered out.

PERCY: Yep, and our little pals
have hit the hay, too.


[CHUCKLES] Howdy, folks.




[LAUGHS] Whoa, oh!

I sure did miss you rascals.



You know, kids, I can't thank you enough,
for buddy-sitting my pals for me.

[YAWNS] You betcha, Pappy.

It was fun.

[YAWNS] Pappy pals good.

You all look kinda tuckered out,
this morning.

I guess Olie and Zow found
that maybe the chores around here

aren't so hard after all.

You said it, Dad. Raking's a snap,
next to raising farm animals.

Sweep, sweep, sweep! [GIGGLES]