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05x08 - Dare Ya!/Roundbeard's Ghost/Screwy Day

Posted: 03/22/24 08:19
by bunniefuu

Way up high in the Rolie Polie sky

Is a little round planet
Of a really nice guy


He's Rolie Polie Olie
He's small and smart and round

And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid around



And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid around

He's Rolie Polie Olie
He's small and smart and round

And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid around



And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid around

And in the land of curves and curls
He's the swellest kid

The swellest kid around



Ta-da! Your turn. [CHUCKLES]


Whoa! [GRUNTS]

You're supposed to do exactly
what the leader does.

Well, I tried.

SCREWY: When you play Follow the Leader,

you got to do exactly
what the leader does.

And I'm the leader. [SCOFFS]

Let's see you do that.





Follow the leader this way.




[CHUCKLING] Follow the leader.
Your turn.

No way, Screwy. That's way too high.

I did it. What's the matter, Olie?
You a scaredy-bot?

No, I'm not a scaredy-bot.

Then do it. Come on. I double dare you.

Okey-dokey. I'll do it.


-Wow, Olie, you did it.

Now it's your turn, Bevel.


Here goes.




-Jump down, Bevel.
-No, Billy!

Stay put!


I got to stay put. I'm stuck.

Don't worry. I'll get our dads.
They'll know how to get you down.

BILLY: Oh, wing nuts.

My dad's not going
to be happy about this.

Screwy, Billy, we're here.

Where'd Screwy go?

BILLY: He skedaddled
'cause he didn't want to get into trouble.

Hi, Mr. Polie. Hi, Dad.

I kind of bounced too high,
and kind of got stuck.

Don't get your angles
in a bundle, Billy-o.

A quick rev of my gyro-lid,
and I'll have you down in a sec.


-Ready to take the controls, Percy?
-You betcha, Baxter.

All systems are go, go, a go, go.


-Give it a bit more oomph there, Perce.


Oops. That's a bit, uh, too much oomph.
How about this?

[YELLING] Percy!

Sorry, Baxter.

Dad, you got to pull back on the stick
to move him up.

Roger, Copilot Olie.

-I'll get the hang of it in a sec.

-Move it the other way!
-Not that way, Dad.

Go left. No, right. No, higher.

Dad, how's about you let me do it?

Righty, uh. Oh, Copilot Olie.


Nice flying, son.

Thanks for helping me down, everyone.

Next time, Olie and I won't jump so high.

Well, you boys are a couple of smart bots.

What were you thinking
trying to jump over a cloud like that?

Well, we were playing Follow the Leader,
and, um, Screwy dared us to do it.

Yeah. He double dared us,
and called us scaredy-bots.

If Screwy dared you to rocket to the moon
in your underpants, would you?



-Of course not.
-That's just silly.

Well, so is be-bopping over a cloud.

-We're sorry.
-I guess we just weren't thinking.

Just because somebody dares you
to do something silly

doesn't mean you gotta do it.

You've got a couple of cool noggins
on your shoulders.

Next time, just bop to your own...
[YELLS] ...beat!

SCREWY: Hey, you bots.

We never finished our game
of Follow the Leader yesterday.

That's because you took off, Screwy.
You left us in a big heap of trouble.

No way. I kept playing Follow the Leader.
You just didn't follow.

Yeah. Sure.

Wanna see what I brought?

What? What is it?

A magnet?

-Huh. Big deal.
-What you gonna do with it?

You mean what are we gonna do with it?

We're going to stick it
under Miss Triangle's chair, that's what.

When she sits down on it,
her bottom angle will get stuck,

and she won't be able to get back up.

Funny, huh? [CHUCKLING]

-I bet Miss Triangle won't think so.
-Yeah. You can count us out, Screwy.

What do you mean, count you out?

You're not scaredy-bots, are you?

Nope. We're smarty-bots.

SCREWY: That so Well, I dare you.

Oh, yeah? Well, we dare you.

Fine. I'll do it.

Wow, that's one strong magnet, all right.

Aw, wing nuts.
Miss Triangle's gonna see it.



Get me down. Get me down from here.

We can't, Screwy.
We'll get magnetized, too.

Screwy, you know the rules.
No walking on the ceiling.

What are you doing up there?

Olie and Billy dared me, Miss Triangle.

Well, if Olie and Billy told you to rocket
to the moon in your underpants,

would you?


I'm stuck, Miss Triangle.

Well, not for long.

My super-duper turbo-powered magnet
will get you down in a jiffy.

Oh, my. I'm sorry, Screwy.

-Don't fret, Screwy. We'll get you down.


Don't you dare say a word.




-Homey sure looks spiffy again.
-Yeah, and we didn't even need ladders.

Oh, my, oh, my.

You bots must have had your gears greased
to finish up this fast.

-BOTH: You betcha.
-Oh, yeah.

So, Pappy, are you cooking
any tasty treats

for us hardworking bots, huh?

I got a kitchen full of treats
for tonight's camp-out.

-And marshmallows?

Oh, you betcha. And best of all,
Pappy's polieberry pie! [LAUGHS]

Made the dough out
of this here flour myself.

Polieberry pie. Oh, now you're talking
a Gizmo's language.

Okay, Bots, let's set up camp.




[GASPS] Huh?

Oh, sure is spooky.

Just like the night Roundbeard the Pirate
got shipwrecked on the seashore nearby.

-You mean a real pirate was here?
-Of course, that was long ago.

Roundbeard's just a ghost now.


[SHIVERS] Sure got, uh,
nippy all of a sudden.

-Oh, now, Pappy,

uh, don't go telling scary stories,
and frightening the little bots here.

It's okay, Uncle Gizmo.
We love ghost stories.

It was a night like this, on a full moony,

when Roundbeard set sail
on the Poliecific Ocean.

But the seas got rough
and sent Roundbeard's ship aground.


PAPPY: Stranded, he skulked inland.

Closer and closer he came, till he arrived

at this very spot
with his ill-gotten booty.


-What did he do with the ill-booten gotty?
-What all pirates do.

He buried it in his treasure chest.


Wow! Buried treasure right here?

No. Roundbeard must have come back
for it a long time ago, Billy.

Nope. Roundbeard lost his map,
so he couldn't find his way back.

-Legend says he spent

the rest of his days searching for it.

Some say he's still searching
and that on every full moony,

-Roundbeard's ghost roams these parts,

moaning in anger as he searches
for his long-lost loot.

Wow. What a great ghost story.

-Hey, where's Uncle Gizmo?
-GIZMO: In, uh, here.

I'm just looking for my, for my comb.
I'mma want to look my best in my dreams.

Uh, speaking of dreams, it's getting late.

You bots had best get your bolts into bed.

Ah! That full moony
sure is bright tonight.

Hope it doesn't keep you bots awake.

-No way.

Wow. Just had to be a full moony,
didn't it?

Oh, man.



Ghosts. There's no such thing.
Bunch of baloney is what...





Oh, ghosts! Oh, what was...

Get a vice grip on yourself, Gizmo.

You know there's no such thing as a...
[YELLS] ...ghost!



-GIZ: There's no such thing as a...
-No such thing as what, Uncle Giz?


Why, it wasn't nothing. [CHUCKLES]

Just my... my peepers playing pranks,
yeah. [CHUCKLES]




-Oh, you know, I thought I saw a...

ALL: Ghost!

-That's Roundbeard's ghost!
-I bet he's come back

to search for his treasure!

I must be dreaming!

But how can we all be having
the same dream?


-Spot must be dreaming about it, too.
-Follow that dream!

Hold on! Wait just
a polie-minute there, fellas.


-Uncle Gizmo, did you see the ghost?
-Now look-a-here, bots.

There was no ghost, okay?

-It was just our imagination.

OLIE: Are those our imagination, too?

There's no such thing as... [SCREAMS]

BILLY: Did you see the ghost?
Which way did he go?


-It's Roundbeard!
-After him!

Huh? Wh... You better not go alone!

He must have thought this was
his lost treasure chest.

Oh, that's loco, little kahunas.
Oh, th... there's no one here but us bots.

Must have ate too many marshmallows.

Their goo in our gears is what's playing
with our peepers.

Then who left those footprints?



-OLIE: Roundbeard's ghost!
-BILLY: Roundbeard's ghost!





Whatever it is, nobody or nothing messes
with my Pappy.

-Wait here, bots. I'm going in.

All right, you round-whiskered scalawag!

Oh, howdy, there.

Uncle Gizmo,
but where's Roundbeard's ghost?

Oh! [CHUCKLES] He'll be along directly.


-OLIE: Pappy was Roundbeard?
-Yep. He's been sleepwalking.

This bag of flour must have fell on him.
All that moaning was just him snoring.


-H... how did I get out here?
-You were just dreaming, Pappy.


Well, uh, since we're up, uh... [SNICKERS]
...who'd like a piece of polieberry pie?

Oh, no, thanks, Pappy.

A midnight snack might give us bad dreams.





Round, angled or square,
everyone find a chair.

Guess what time it is.

Please don't let it be tumbling time.
Please don't let it be...

It's tumbling time!


Oh, no!




Good one, Pollie.
Here comes a double rumble tumble.

[GRUNTS] Whoa!


More like a double rumble stumble.
I can do it backwards. Watch.


Ready to roll, Billy?

I'm not really built for tumbling,
Miss Triangle.

As we triangles always say,
"You never know until you try."

But I sprained a gear yesterday and...

-Come on, Billy.


Here goes.



Way to go, Pointy!
If you can't roll, what's the point, huh?

-Pointy. [LAUGHS]
-Go take a tumble, Screwy.

Oh, no way. It's way more fun
to watch Pointy do it.

-Stop calling him Pointy.

But he's got tons of points.
Here, here, and here.


-You got lots of points, too.
-Yeah, but I got round parts, too.


Whew! No Screwy in sight.

-What's the hurry, Billy?
-I don't want Screwy to pick on me

for being square anymore.

Who cares if you're square?
I like you just the way you are.

Points and all.

-Hey, Pointy, Olie, wanna play ball?
-Um, no, thanks.

See ya.

Aw, come on, guys.
I hear you're pretty good

and I could really use a few pointers.


You busted my ball!

I didn't mean to. You threw it at me.

You owe me a new ball, Pointy.

-Stop picking on Billy, Screwy.
-Make me!

-There's nothing wrong with having points!

He's just a point, pointdexter.



You punched me!

I'm... I'm sorry, but you shoved me.

You're going to be really sorry.

Come on, Olie. Let's go.

I can't believe I punched him.
I've never punched anyone before.

He pushed you. It was his fault.

OLIE: I think I might have hurt him.


My! Looks like someone's
in the downy-dumps.


I kinda punched Screwy today.

What happened?

He kept calling me Pointy over and over
just because I'm square.

He wouldn't stop picking on Billy
and I just blew a gasket.

Now, fighting's no way
to solve a sticky problem.

I know.

No matter what happens,
you can't use your fists, Olie.

You've got to use your orb.

He's just a mean lug nut, Mom.

Bullies come in all shapes
and sizes, Billy-o, not just lug nuts.

Next time Screwy picks on you
you'll have to take care of it.

You mean, I've gotta hit Screwy
next time?

Negatory. You can't let Screwy's teasing
get your angles in a bundle.

You've got to stay cool and use your cube.



-Super shot, Billy!
-You're in the lead.


It's Screwy.

That's my name. Don't wear it out.

Hey, Screwy. Um, I... well,

I'm really sorry
about punching you yesterday.

You call that a punch? Ha!
I hardly felt it.

Really? A pipsqueaky gear like you
couldn't hurt a hunk of metal like me.

Well, I'm still sorry anyway.

-You wanna play with us?

I was just thinking that beating everyone
at Whirling Wickets

would be a great way to start the day.

-We'll see.

Billy's a whiz at Whirling Wickets.
Whose turn is it?

My turn! I'll bet I can get more points
in one turn

than Pointy has in his whole body.

-Stop calling me Pointy!
-Or what?

Or I won't play with you anymore.

What's the matter? Scared you'll lose
by a million points, Pointy?

Nope. I just don't feel
like playing anymore.

-I don't feel like playing, either.

I didn't know chickens came
in round and pointy shapes.

You're all scaredy-bots! [CLUCKS]

We're not scaredy-bots.
We just don't wanna play

with a big, mean lug nut like you.

What you got against lug nuts?

We've got nothing against lug nuts.

Yeah. Lug nuts are okey-dokey with us.

We just don't like the things
that you do, Screwy.

So, you really don't want to play with me?

If you stop calling me Pointy,
we'll play with you. Deal?

-All right. Deal.

Good. Rock, paper, scissors
to pick partners.

Guess we're partners, Screwy.

Guess so. Wanna go first?


Hey, Point...

-for Billy.

-Nice going, Bevel.