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Mom, Is That You?! (2023)

Posted: 03/22/24 09:27
by bunniefuu
Minister, the head of the wood department in

the sales department, has arrived for work.

Shall I help you shred these papers?

It's alright...

These are quite important documents.


It's been a while since I last saw your son.

How's he doing in his studies?

He says he's managing...

He didn't want to fail two years in a row,

so he settled for another school.

Settling for another school...

Which university did he get into then?

Our collage.

So... is there anything else?

The alumni reunion of our university

is coming up, and I'm in charge this time.

But I've been thinking about how to handle it.

I've considered many options.

Let's discuss it together.

- No problem.

- Tonight, alright?


- Ms Hara.

- Huh?

Are you having dinner with Executive

Director Kubota tonight as scheduled?

It's tomorrow night.


Alright then, let's leave it at that.


Miss Hara, why don't you come too? It's nice

to come out and have some fun occasionally.

It's alright, I'll pass...

I've heard rumors that you can

hold your liquor quite well.

Oh, no, not at all.

Then... see you at 7:00, at the usual place.


- Come on, come on...

- Okay, okay.

I can pour it myself.

Oh, come on, you're the dignified Minister

of Personnel. Don't say that.

I've already said, call me less formally.

And besides, didn't you say you wanted to

discuss the Class reunion with me?

Hmm... about this alumni reunion,

I have an idea.

We're all approaching fifty.

When choosing a venue, we can't go for something

too shabby or too common. We can't just have everyone drinking cheap wine.

I'm thinking... we should rent out

a yakatabune on the Sumida River!

Wow, that's quite grand.

Everyone will be on the river,

a gentle breeze blowing, sipping on some beer...

And then... watching the cherry blossoms fall

into our cups, how romantic would that be?

That's actually a good idea.

You grew up around the Sumida River,

do you know the owner of the yakatabune?

I don't really know him.

But my mom might actually know him.

Your mom...

She's quite... lively, isn't she?

She's really beautiful!

Very beautiful?

Incredibly beautiful!

When she was young,

she was known as the "Miss Sumida River"!


You know, you don't look anything like her.

Maybe it skipped a generation.

I must have had a genetic mutation.

Your daughter is quite pretty too...

How's Mai been lately?

Hmm... just being young and reckless, as usual.

Well, that's nothing.

Youth is meant to be reckless.

As for the day of the alumni reunion... let's set it for when

the yakatabune is available, without any other bookings.

I know. Right now is a crucial period of personnel

changes and organizational restructuring...

But you absolutely must attend, Manager!

- Why didn't you knock!

- Sorry!

- I'll have another bottle

- Sure, another bottle!

Um... Can I take my leave first?

Ah... of course, go ahead.

Sorry for dragging you here.

It's okay...

Actually... last Friday during lunch break,

Section Chief Kibe even invited me to have tea.

He reached out to you?

He mentioned... there's news that our company

is compiling a list of employees for downsizing.

He asked me if it's true.

I told him, while I did hear some rumors,

I haven't heard anything official regarding

this matter in the HR department.

That's all you need to say.


Thank you for your hard work.

You too.

See you next time!

No worries...


- About what I asked you before...

- Hmm, we've taken the order.

This one is 22.5 centimeters.

Even with the old sizing, it's still 9 and a half.

Are you starting to study tea now?

Well, I guess you could say you're never

too old to learn. Knowledge knows no bounds.

I really envy you.

Thank you.

Your husband is quite handsome.

Quite handsome indeed...

What fell down...

Good morning.



Akio...what's wrong?

What's wrong...

It's been so long since we last met...

I wanted to make you happy.

Oh... I really didn't expect this... I'm sorry.

- You go upstairs first.

- Okay.

Go on upstairs...

Mom, did you dye your hair?

Is it bad?

No... it looks good. It's nice that you

care about your appearance.

Unlike some people who, as they get older,

only know how to bend over pickling vegetables,

living all alone and lonely.

Please don't be like that.

Are you in good health?

I'm doing alright.

How's everything with your family?

Hmm... everything's fine.

Mai is in college now, right?

Skipping classes all the time...

And what about Tomomi?

She's quite busy working at

her friend's company now.

I saw on TV

that there are people who

specialize in cleaning houses now.

They clean up very efficiently.

I've been thinking of hiring

someone to tidy up our house.

The drawers are filled with

papers and fabrics for packing,

but people of our generation

are reluctant to throw them away.

Tomomi is especially good at getting rid of things.


I feel like one day she'll throw me out too.

That's what they call "letting go."

What nonsense...

Mom, tonight I'll take you to Asakusa to eat eel?

I have something to tell you.

I'm sorry, tonight is not possible.

What's wrong?

There's work to do.

What kind of work?

Good morning, Fukue.

Please come in.

These are members of our

"Evening Primrose Society."

We carry out voluntary activities

to support the homeless.

Our house is the headquarters of the organization,

and I'm the head of the administrative office.

I need to hold a meeting for everyone later.

A meeting... here?

We have to discuss tonight's night duty.

Come on in.

Oh, we have guests!

Oops... isn't this Akio!

Ah... long time no see!

This is your Aunt Momoe,

from the pancake shop.

Oh, really... I'm sorry.

We used to be so close.

We used to walk hand in hand,

I even took him to school.


Akio, this is your sister, Kinoko.

Her husband is Swedish.

Her husband is quite handsome,

with a high nose bridge.

Anyway, he's into music,

but hasn't really made it big.

This is our first meeting,

but Aunt Fukue often mentions you.

She says you're a department head

at a big company!

Of all the people we went to school with,

you've achieved the most!

Since her son has come all this way,

let's hurry up and finish the meeting.

Akio, don't bother us. Go rest upstairs.

That's not right.

How can you say he's a bother?

He's an extraordinary person.

Um... Mom, I'll go out for a bit

and find a place to have coffee.

Sure, go ahead.

- Here, have some cookies.

- Thanks.

You all carry on, I'll be busy.

- Sorry, Akio.

- It's okay...

Good morning.

Teacher... you came all this way,

thank you so much.

This is my son, Akio.

He came back today without any prior notice.

So this is the son you always praise.

Akio, this is Uncle Ogiso,

the pastor of the Oshima Church.

Our organization has received

a lot of help from him.

It's nothing... really.

I'm just doing my part to help Fukue and others.

Thank you for always looking out for my mom.

My family name is Ogiso...

Ah... that's a very well-known company.

Being the head of the personnel

department must be really tough.

But... my work is probably quite

different from that of a church pastor.

Not necessarily... after all,

the doors of the church are open to all.

Alright, come on in.

Please come in.

You're here!

Thank you for coming despite your busy schedule,

I feel bad about it.

No, actually, there aren't many people coming to

the church lately. It's not too busy, which is a pity.

How's everyone been lately?

We've all been blessed by the heavens.


What's wrong?

You seem to have lost some weight.


How's work at your company going?

Hmm, well... being in management,

it's always busy.

Sometimes it can be quite annoying...

Sometimes it can be quite annoying...

Ah... even if I tell you these things,

you probably won't understand.

- I'll go outside.

- Okay.

What are you all laughing at?

Huh? What's going on?

Listen to me...

The spring scenery on the Sumida River

is beautiful, with joyful tourists...

La la la la la la...

The clear waves ripple, the lake is charming,

the boat lightly passes through the surroundings...

Rowing the oars up and down,

splashing water high...

I had no choice but to go eat eel alone.

After dinner, I watched a movie

and then went home.

I'm starting to feel a bit hungry again.

How did the flowers fall again...

You're a robot, just do your job

and clean properly...

You're really useless.


I'm delivering your takeout!

Please come in.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Here's your hot and sour noodle soup.

Here's your hot and sour noodle soup.

Are you still a student?

Yes, I'm in my fourth year of university.

Oh... Have you participated in job fairs

for graduates?

I wanted to go...

But I'm still busy with my thesis,

so for now, I can only work part-time.

Hmm... that sounds tough.

Keep it up.

Thank you very much.



Hello, did the child go to your place?

The child... you mean Mai?

Of course... our dear daughter.

Didn't she come to your place?

She didn't come.

Where could she have gone?!

It's been three days and she hasn't come home!

She's not answering her phone?

No matter how many times I call,

she doesn't answer. This has never happened before!

No matter what I say to her now,

she just won't listen...

Every time I try to have a serious conversation

with her, it never ends well.

Then why don't you let her come to my place?

If she just goes over there herself,

I won't have to argue with her.

This kid Mai... she's really giving me a headache.

Can you stop being sarcastic at a time like this?

What sarcasm? Are you stupid?!

Well, if she didn't go to your place...

She has a friend named Ito,

she might be at her friend's place.

Or maybe... she went to Oshima,

to her grandmother's house...

She often calls over there for no reason...

What are you doing now?

Why all the fuss?

I'm eating hot and sour noodle soup...

Why can't I say anything honest anymore?

Lying to old classmates...

lying to my wife... lying to my daughter...

And now, lying to my mom.

The only one I can be honest with...

is this robot vacuum cleaner.

Um... the head of the wood department

has been waiting for you for a while.

Sorry for making you wait, what's up?

During lunch... Minister Nomura came to see me.

He wanted to persuade me to resign.

I told him... about being on the list for

downsizing, did you already know about it?

Hold on... about this matter...

You're the Minister of Personnel,

wouldn't you know about something this big?

When did you find out?

I said... why haven't you said anything earlier?

We're buddies, aren't we?!

This is company confidential...

Even though we're good friends...

I can't just leak information to you,

make an exception for you.

You should understand something like this.

What kind of attitude is that?


We were friends before we

even joined this company!

Enough arguing here, in the office!

Let's have a drink tonight and talk it out properly.

With someone who can't speak honestly,

who wants to drink with you?!

I... will never voluntarily resign!

Excuse me!


This is yours, right?


This bathhouse is quite nice.

Oh... why are the lights still on?

I remember turning them off.

A thief?

A thief wouldn't turn on the lights...

Who are you?

Why did you barge in without saying a word...

What's going on...

Grandma! It's my dad!

What's wrong?

Why are you here so late?

You're causing trouble, aren't you?

You barged in here so late without saying a word...

Are you drunk?

If you're coming,

at least give a call beforehand.

Why didn't you call and let me know?

If your mom hadn't told me you

were coming to grandma's...

Do you know how worried I was?

If you don't want to live with your mom anymore

can't you just go to your dad's?

Why didn't you come?

Your bed, your room,

I haven't touched any of them.

Most of the shoes in the shoe cabinet are yours...

If you find them bothersome,

just throw them away!

When did you start only yelling at us?


What are you unhappy about?

Tell me!

My mom, she...

I told her how boring college classes are...

but she only says to me,

"All you can do now is to study hard,

get good grades,

grow up and join a big company,

just like your father, and make a name for yourself.

If you don't want to...

then you should aim to marry a successful

man who works in a big company."

Dad, you think the same way, don't you?

You both think my life can only reach this level!

That's not true! I don't think like that at all!

You're lying! You're always lying!

Let's stop arguing, okay?

Mai, go upstairs first.

What Mai told me... it shocked me!

You and Tomomi...

have been separated for half a year?

Why didn't you tell me?

Mom... even if I told you, what could you do?

This is a problem between Tomomi and me.

Mom knows... in a marriage,

both parties must have their own reasons,

but what about Mai?

For a child, parents' separation

is a very unfortunate thing...

It brings so much stimulation to her...

So what do you think we should do?

I don't know... I just want to say...

Can we stop now?

I felt something was wrong when

you came last time,

you seemed so listless,

even though you used to be so talkative.


Call me a cab, I'm going back now!

You're not working tomorrow,

just stay here for the night!

29 cm

Old size is equivalent to 12 and a half.

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

Please give my regards to your master for me!

He always takes care of our business.

I'm really grateful to him!

Got it. Well then, I'll take my leave.

Thank you.

Ah... Is that Akio?

You guys are doing really well!

- Come on!

- Thanks!

It's really great... watching Sumo

really pumps you up,

but we don't have any excitement here...

- Good morning!

- Good morning!

What's that?

These are all broken pieces of pancakes

and pancake crumbs.

They can't be sold in the shop.

I'm thinking of packing them in small bags

and giving them

to the homeless old men tonight while I'm on

duty. They should be happy to receive them.

In fact, they might taste even better like this.

Can I do this here at your place?

Sure, go ahead and do it here.

Akio is also here.

Wow, Mai's dad is here!

Good morning!

Good morning to you too.

How's it going, Mai?

Happy to see dad?

Ignoring me...

Great, let's have some tea and snacks together.

- What snacks?

- Pancake crumbs.

We're planning to give these t

o the homeless tonight.


Here you go.

Oh, they look delicious...

These are made by my husband

who works so hard.

He sits on that small wooden stool,

in front of the stove from morning till night.

His hands are never idle,

constantly fanning the flames.

Compared to that,

Akio's job at the company is really impressive.

Sitting comfortably in a big chair,

able to easily command many subordinates.

It's just...

It's all your fault...

Can't you see what's going on?


Ah welcome.

Auntie, it's been a long time since we last met.

I'm Kibe, a friend of Akio's.

Ah... Kibe, you both joined

the company together, right?

So you still remember!

Back in college, I even stayed over here once.

At that time, Auntie, you were so beautiful...

Ah... Of course, you're still beautiful now!

No need to be so formal.

Is Akio at home today?

He's at home... You can go in and find him.

Please come in.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello, everyone. I'm Kibe!

How did you know I was here?

I went to your house, but you weren't there.

Then I called Tomomi,

and she told me you two were separated!

Kibe, please have a seat. I'll go pour some tea.

Thank you.

Today... I have a huge matter to discuss with Kibe!

Kibe, let's go upstairs to talk.

Sorry for the interruption,

everyone. I'm really sorry.

Let's go quickly!

Sorry for the disturbance!

Ah... Mai is here too.

She's really beautiful now,

it's truly a generational inheritance.

Who's that person?

Akio's friend.

They're friends who joined work together,

they have a good relationship.

Is their relationship really good...

He looks so intimidating!

Mai... Do you know what's going on?

I dont know and I dont want to know

Ah... This child, really...

Where did she learn to behave like this?

But Akio is in the HR department...

Could it be related to layoffs?

Big companies are struggling nowadays.

Mai, Kotoko's mom used to be

the president's daughter.

Her dad was the president of a big company!

They even sent a Cadillac and a chauffeur

to pick her up and drop her off at school.

I really hated that... So I rebelled.

Then she met a hippie-like guy.

He was a bit poor, but he was handsome!

So I ended up marrying that poor guy.

And then, the marriage was a big failure.

Was it the Swedish guy?

No, it was after she split up with the hippie

that she met him. She was already divorced then.

But this time, I chose based on looks.

Even if his nose is high... he's still a poor guy!

Don't look down on people!

Do you even understand how I feel?

Why should I be laid off?

Stop it, Uncle, don't hit him!

This is my grandmother's house!

What are you trying to do?

I haven't finished speaking!

Auntie, Akio's being too ruthless.

He's disregarding our years of friendship!

What are you talking about...

You've gone too far!

Calm down... Come sit down.

This guy is going around the company...

Single-handedly persuading everyone to leave!

Whether they're colleagues or his subordinates.

He even wants to lay off his seniors

who looked after him!

But this isn't something I can decide alone!

You're lying again! You chose the layoff list!

For your sake, I've tried every method.

I even arranged for you to move to a new unit...

I'm trying to find a way

to get you more severance pay...

Auntie, the company wants to fire me.

No, no! It's me who wants to fire the company!

Fire? What do you mean fire?

Nobody said they want to fire you!

I don't understand what you're talking about...

But now, is there no chance

to salvage the situation?

Why don't you go and talk to everyone again?

This place is a company,

not a playhouse like yours. Get that straight!

Do you think people like you are working for free? Please make it clear!

Don't be like this...

You can't say it's like playing house.

And what you're saying makes it seem like

our activities are particularly childish.

Please, just stop it.

Please shut up

Akio Kanzaki!

If you're trying to persuade me to leave,

then I absolutely won't listen to you!

If you don't accept it,

do you know what the consequences will be?

Even if you stay in the company,

they won't assign any tasks to you.

They'll put you in some obscure department,

where you'll be isolated.

They won't give you any documents,

and you won't be informed about any meetings,

big or small.

You'll just sit by the window all day doing nothing!

Is that really okay?

Do you think you can scare me?

I'll fight to the end! Remember that!

I'm leaving!

Kibe... stop... Kibe!

You're a traitor!



This person... wore the wrong shoes

and took one of mine.


Mai! Quickly, go get the shoes back from him!

- No need...

- Get his shoes quickly!

Right, right.

Your dad's shoes are quite nice.

Just by looking at our shoes,

you can see how big the gap is

between me and your dad.

Actually, it's because my dad

takes good care of his shoes.

After all, my grandfather was a tabi

(Japanese socks) seller.

Yeah, they ran a tabi shop.


I actually met his dad once.

He always looked serious, never said a word,

just kept making tabi.

What did your dad do, Uncle?

He was a middle school math teacher.

Whatever he did, he took it seriously.

Even when he lectured me

at someone else's house,

he yelled at me without mercy...

And always left me feeling embarrassed.

Please apologize to your grandma for me.

Tell her I'm sorry.

Goodbye then.

Of course I know this...

He's on the layoff list.

But in HR work...

Personal feelings shouldn't be a factor.

That's not good for the company.

Akio is feeling uneasy now, I understand.

Although our shop isn't big,

whenever we have to lay off temporary

workers who don't need the job anymore...

I feel ruthless and heartless.

I can't sleep at night... It's really distressing.

Thank you for comforting me.

These pancakes are really delicious.

Then have more, eat as much as you want.


They exist to comfort the heart.

Rather than filling the stomach,

they enrich the soul.

So pancakes... are made to comfort the heart.

Even in the most miserable life,

a bite of pancake can provide

solace for a moment.

Your husband...

When making pancakes...

Each pancake is filled with genuine feelings.

You're too kind...

My husband would definitely want

to hear these words in person.

Actually... I wish I could make pancakes.

At least making pancakes...

Wouldn't betray friends.

White-collar workers have it tough too...

After all, Akio is laying people off...

Compared to those who are laid off...

I might feel more relieved.

Good evening! We're from the Yugao Society!

Mr. Fujii!

It's getting colder at night, are you okay?

Here, this is a rice ball bento for you.

And our homemade pancakes.

Here you go, enjoy. They're delicious.

Here, take it. Goodnight.

Good evening!

Is anyone here?

Good evening! We're from the Yugao Society!

Is Yuko here? It would be great if she is.

Here's a rice ball bento for you.

We also have hot tea for you.

- It's okay, we'll come again later.

- Don't catch a cold.

Alright... Dad has to go back now.

Even though grandma said it's fine

to go to work from here tomorrow...

But I need to go home and change my shirt.

Honestly... How long are you going to stay here?

Even if I go back home,

I still have to go through each step

of unlocking the door...

After unlocking the door, I have to take

the elevator. It's really annoying.

But here, we hardly ever lock the door.

As long as everyone says hi,

anyone can come in.

Sitting down together for tea,

eating pancakes together...

I feel more at ease staying here.

But grandma relies on pension for her living.

What about your food expenses?

I understand this matter.

I've already talked to grandma about it.

I'll work and earn money.

But grandma said, as long as I help her

with housework, it's enough.

Then you should at least do well in college.

Brother Ino... We brought rice balls.

Brother Ino, good evening!

Ignoring me, huh?

Here's a rice ball bento for you.

Are you cold?

Do you need a blanket?

We brought one too.

Have a cup of hot tea first.

Brother Ino, we've talked about this before.

You're getting old too.

It's better to find a place with

a roof to sleep at night.

So you still need to accept social security benefits.

I don't want to.

Why not?

At least I have some dignity.

I dont need the government to take care of me.

Then you don't want to find

a place with a roof to live?

I don't want to.

It's really frustrating...

Alright then,

Good night, Ino-san.

- Let me carry that for you.

- Sorry.

Good evening

Who needs you guys?

Why is your grandma up so late?

She's getting old.

You should advise her not to overexert herself.

She's not overexerting herself.

For grandma, this might be considered a date.

- Dating?

- Yeah.

With whom?

That's the grandpa Osigo,

the pastor from the church.

He's handsome and has a nice voice.

I've seen him too.

I think they both like each other!

What do you mean by "like each other"?

It's your grandma we're talking about.

So what? Isn't it good that

grandma has someone she likes?

It's not good!

Why not?

Why do you think...

Anyway, it's not good!

Let me tell you... When grandma comes back,

you tell her that her son...

My Daughter ran away from home,

wife wants a divorce,

and he's stressed about

the company's personnel issues!

With all that going on,

don't add more pressure on me!

What's there to be stressed about?

Isn't this a good thing?


What kind of good thing is this?

Are you kidding me?

I'm not kidding...

Kibe ignores the company's notice to persuade

him to leave and still comes to work every day.

So the company doesn't assign

him any work anymore.

I also don't want to see him anymore...

and will try to avoid running into him.

Something big happened to the company!

Kibe, head of sales, got into a fight

with someone in the company!

He also injured the other party.

Who got beaten?

Not entirely sure yet... But it seems

to be Vice President Onodera.

Where is he?

In the third conference room of

the sales department.


Take good care of yourself!

Hey, where's Kibe? Where is he?

In the third meeting room.

What happened?

We had a sales meeting today,

focusing on the project I've been leading.

They completely ignored me,

didn't even acknowledge me,

and started the meeting without me.

I came over, hoping to attend,

but then Vice President Onodera came

and tried to push me out!

So I closed the door,

but I didn't realize his hand was caught in it!

But he was the one who tried to push me out!

They even called an ambulance for this!

This is ridiculous!

I see... I think I understand now.

Let's talk more about it later.

What are you looking at?


Here he comes.

Come in.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Here are two bowls of hot

and sour soup noodles. Please take them.

It's you again. Have you found a job?

Yes, thanks to someone's help,

I've been internally appointed by a company.


But it's just a small IT company.

Congratulations to you!

Thank you!

- Come on!

- Thank you.

Although the company gave you

a dismissal penalty this time...

Luckily, Kibe's injury isn't serious.

At least there's a way out of every situation.

When you get home,

don't tell your wife and kids about this for now.

Stop crying and eat your noodles!

I can't cry at home.

I might as well cry here with you.

How can I let my wife and

children see me like this?

Is it dirty? Even your snot

has gotten into the soup.

Don't worry, It's my own snot anyway.

Hey, do you have black vinegar at home?

There is no black vinegar at home

If you add black vinegar,

it would enhance the flavor.

But... these hot and sour soup

noodles are really delicious.

You know,

You know, the "spicy" in "hot and sour"

comes from which word?

It's from "chili"...

Shut up and eat your noodles!

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers,

for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

This is from Hebrews 13:2.

Throughout our lives, we will

encounter various kinds of people.

Among them, there may be people we dislike.

But these people could be the ones sent by God.

They might be angels.

That's the meaning of this passage.

Among those present, there might be angels.


If anyone thinks they must be an angel,

then they probably aren't.

Next, let's sing hymn 301

Praise God together.

In the darkness, I earnestly seek

the guiding light to lead me forward.

In the deep night, I am far away from

home again, leading me forward.

I don't seek to know what lies ahead.

I only pray for the Lord to lead me step by step...

Oh, Teacher, you're also good at carpentry.

Although I could ask someone from

a furniture store for help,

But it still costs a lot of money.

Ah, sorry,

could you help me push this part?

Sure thing...

The first time I went to church in my life,

the floor was covered with tatami mats.


Tatami mat church?

I was still in school at that time.

I was fascinated by Kunio Yanagita's

"Tales of Tono,"

so I went to Tono and walked

through the countryside...

walked to a field and found

a small church in the middle.

I heard everyone inside singing hymns...

I was drawn into the church.

Then what

Then I saw the believers, uncles,

and aunts, all sitting on tatami mats.

The pastor was sitting on the tatami mat

like a monk, singing hymns.

I thought to myself...

Wow, even in such a remote countryside,

there are so many people silently

waiting for God's response.

Thinking like that, I was deeply moved.

Looking back now,

maybe that experience was

the beginning of my journey of faith.

Thank you so much.

It's really hard work.

You do everything yourself.

I'm used to it.

I have to go buy some groceries

and prepare dinner.

Although I buy the groceries,

I don't have to cook myself.

I have a tool for that.

I put all the ingredients in a small bowl

and can make tofu residue, cola cake, and more.

Let's go grocery shopping together.

- Is that okay?

- It's on the way home anyway.

That sounds great!

Then, let me change clothes first!

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Oh... is that Ino-san?

You've pushed a lot of stuff...

He really doesn't want to open up to me at all.

Perhaps he is the person sent to us by God.

Sometimes I have this feeling...

Maybe... Ino-san is really an angel.

Oh... Is he feeling unwell?

What's wrong? Are you okay?

Are you feeling unwell?

Should I call an ambulance for you?

I'm fine. Leave me alone.

Let me in the ambulance.

It would be better for me to just die.


Give me a glass of water.

It's okay.

Madam, please get me a glass of water.

I'll get it right away!

You're feeling very uncomfortable, aren't you?

You don't have to be like this.

Let go of my hand. Your hand must be dirty.

What are you saying?

Stop saying such inappropriate things.

Madam, please leave me alone.

If your husband sees this, he'll get jealous...

Ino-san, you've misunderstood greatly.

He's not my husband.

Then...he is your partner?

No, he's not... He's a pastor from the church.

A pastor...

But a pastor... is still a man after all.

What are you talking about?

Stop saying silly things.

Brother Ino, I brought some water for you to drink quickly.

How do you feel now?

I'm fine now...

I really am fine now.

Don't help me!

If I can't handle such a small matter on my own,

Then I'm done.

What did Ino-san just say to you?

He seems to have mistaken you...

for my husband.

That's really rude.

That's outrageous!

However he talks about me,

I don't care anymore.

But he was too rude to you.

Next time I see him, I'll definitely scold him!

Even angels wouldn't behave like that!

Ah, you're here, you scared me.

I took a nap.

This is still a push-button one, it's really old.


I put batteries in, it seems like it can still play.

Mom, do you remember this song?

Hmm... Isn't this the song you

used to listen to all the time?

Once again, we deeply kiss

with tears in our eyes.

I love you more than anyone else.

Even if this is the last time, kissing you...

I miss you so much!

I remember one night, I played this song,

and dad stormed into my room.

He threw the radio out the window in a fit.

Look... You can still see the marks from the fall.

That night, I thought,

once I go to college,

I'll never come back to this house.

I was determined back then.

But now, thinking about it...

It was pretty cold at night, and dad was staying up

late sewing tabi socks. It was a busy time for him.

But then there was this song blaring

from the second floor, very loud.

It was quite annoying, too.


It wasn't until I had my own child...

That I understood his feelings back then.

Do you know,

when you first joined this company...

What did your dad say?

What did he say?

He said, "Now I can trust him."

He said that while happily drinking.


So my dad... said something like that too?

But now, working at the company...

must be tough, right?

How's Kibe? What's he up to?

Well, after I advised him to leave,

he got into some trouble again.

It's possible... he might get fired this time.

Fired? You mean they'll dismiss him?

But he's not a bad person.

Surviving in the company has nothing

to do with being good or bad.

You need to find a solution...

Akio, you should be able to help

him in your position, right?

I've done everything I can to help him.

I can't sleep at night because of him.

But... the company's HR work...

It's not the same to give bread to a homeless

person as it is to give a blanket.

It's not that simple. It's not that innocent.

Akio, don't think dealing

with homeless people is that easy!

You think HR work in big companies

is complex and sophisticated.

But the troubles of those who have no place

to stay and can't even have a hot meal...

Are they just simple and low-level, huh?

I didn't think so.

Even if you don't think so...

Anyway...what should I say?

Mom, those people you helped

Are actually those who have stepped back

from fierce competition in society.

Or those who have been

ostracized by this society.

It's a completely different world from

where we come from...

It's so annoying!

Akio, you stay here tonight.

Mai is also here.

Let's have dinner together.

Let's have sukiyaki. you go.

Okay, Mai, eat more.

It's a bit tough.

Add more vegetables...

Let's eat well.

My dad sent me a text.

He said he's going for a drink after

coming out of the bathhouse.

Why not just drink at home?

They never drink at home.

I don't know why men always

have to go out for drinks.


What are you sewing? Making slippers?

I'm planning to give Grandpa Pastor a pair.

The ones he's wearing now

are completely worn out.

His toes are sticking out.

Grandma, you're really skilled.

After all, I married a master of tabi socks.

Ah... yes.

Grandpa used to measure guests' feet here,

making and selling tabi socks.

Do you remember your grandpa?

I was quite scared of him.

He was always silent, never said a word.

He really didn't talk much.

Your dad is quite different from him.

Did you two have a love marriage?

Or was it an arranged marriage?

My family was quite against it.


Because your grandpa was actually an orphan.

During the Tokyo bombings,

he lost his whole family.

He grew up in an orphanage

and only completed middle school.

My family was adamant, saying they'd never

marry their daughter to someone like him.

So, how did you get married then?

Well... he proposed to me!

What did Grandpa say?

He hardly speaks.

My family ran a restaurant

and hired a few workers.

Your grandpa was young then,

just a tabi sock maker

who often dined at our restaurant.

During my coming-of-age ceremony,

when I could finally wear a beautiful dress,

I was thrilled.

He was at the restaurant at that time

and asked me,

"How would you like your tabi socks made?"

That's when I realized

I forgot about the tabi socks.

So, I said, "I'll trouble you to make them."

Then he asked me to take off my socks

and stretch out my feet.

And he said...

Mai, go over there,

take off your socks, and stretch out your feet.

- Make me take them off?

- Yeah.

At that time...

he took out a pencil and a ruler from

his pocket and started measuring my feet.

He touched my feet like this,

measured the length of my feet and toes,

and then he was going to measure my other foot.

Like this... meticulously measuring the size.

That's it...measuring the size very carefully

Mai, how did you feel?

I felt a bit strange... and embarrassed.

Grandma... it's okay.

At that moment...

I felt like I could only be with him in this lifetime.

I don't know why, but I just felt that way.

I don't really remember

what happened afterwards,

But when I came to my senses,

I was already the owner of the tabi sock shop.

It was so intense...

Grandpa's proposal was so intense.

My heart was pounding!

Now, I'm using the sewing machine

your grandpa used back then,

earnestly making slippers for Grandpa Pastor.

Your grandpa would be angry if he knew, right?

He wouldn't be angry!

My grandpa is definitely a gentle person,

so... he'll definitely accept it.

Yeah, that's true.


Grandma, do you like that Pastor Grandpa?

Actually, I've never met a man like him before.

He talks to me about many things seriously,

whether it's something I don't know,

or other people's affairs, societal matters...

I just feel happy being with him.

That's great!

Have you told him... confessed to him?

When do you plan to?

I don't plan to say it.

Why not?

I'll wait for him to speak first!

Ah... that's wonderful!

I'm back.

As expected, after a bath,

nothing beats a cold beer!

Welcome back.

Mom, I met that pastor uncle at the bathhouse.

Is that so...

We had a frank conversation, butt naked.

I talked to him

What did you talk about?

I told him how when I was young,

my mom used to bring me to this bathhouse.

At that time, my mom was young, lively, and cute.

Suddenly, his face turned red.

I didn't expect him to be quite innocent!

Clumsy child!

You've had enough to drink.

Go upstairs and sleep.

I haven't drunk that much.

Mai, go prepare a bed for your dad.

Alright, go upstairs quickly.

Why talk about being butt naked...

not a shred of decency.

Have you gone to school?

Anyway, class is still interesting, right?

Not interesting at all.

Hey... please move more slowly.

Make so much dust

Let me tell you...

Never speak ill of that Pastor Grandpa

in front of Grandma, okay?

What's wrong?

You still need to ask... you know, right?

What do you want to say?

Grandma... likes that pastor.

So what?

Everyone likes him because he's a good person.


My grandma loves him!

That's great!

And who knows... they might get married!

What does Dad think?

Can you stop messing around?

You're not allowed to oppose it.

Who she decides to marry

is Grandma's own right!

Got it?

That's great...

These two... are quite a pair!


Thats almost it!

Can you give me the bottle once you're done

drinking? I want to collect empty bottles.


Drinking beer in broad daylight...

you're quite extravagant.

What's wrong with that?

It's just having a beer on a day off.

And I have plenty of things to worry about.


More or less.

Or... is it about women?

Well... somewhat.

Women... are not easy to deal with.

Here you go.

It's very hot. Be careful.

- The one just now wants two more bowls.

- Here you go, it's delicious.

Please, go ahead.

Sir, you must have had your share of troubles...

in terms of women.

In the past, I used to think...

having a woman was the trouble.

But now...

Now what?

Now, not being able to find a woman...

is the real trouble.

Whether there's a woman or not,

life is troublesome enough.

Life itself is troublesome.

You're absolutely right.

It seems like everyone is just

collecting their lunch boxes over here...

Take them.

Sir, this outfit suits you well.

Mine is a bit too flashy...

Nonsense. People can't help but envy you.

Everyone, come here to collect clothes.

Line up here if you want underwear and socks!

Those collecting clothes,

please come here and line up!

Wow... these fit perfectly!


After all, I measured your feet.

This is made for me by your own hands,

stitch by stitch.

Teacher, as long as you're satisfied.


I'll cherish it forever!

No need for that.

When it wears out, I'll make you a new one.

I'm back.

He's back.

You're back.

The church's teacher is also here.

It's really a disturbance.

We met at the bathhouse last night.


Today, we went to serve meals

with Auntie Momoe and others.

Just now, we had

a small gathering here to cheer each other up.

There were so many people today, quite tiring.

I dont know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

I'll go pour some coffee.

Did Mai go with you for serving meals?


Kimura said this little volunteer is really capable.

After finishing their work,

they went to see the Skytree.

Kimura seems to be a student

from my previous university.

Is that so...


Pastor Uncle used to be a university professor.


So, what did you teach at the university?

I taught French literature.

So, did you leave the school to become a pastor...

and stopped teaching?

Actually, I hated it there.

The university environment...

It required me to constantly

gauge everyone's reactions around me.

Rather than studying literature...

It was more like studying the professors' moods.

Researching how to advance to the professorship.

It was both painful and frustrating.

Over time, I even lost respect for myself.

White-collar jobs are the same.

Starting as an ordinary employee, then trying to

climb to team leader, assistant manager, manager...

You have to constantly study

the superiors' moods.

These people are the hardest to understand.

And now, the company is hiring more

and more temporary and dispatch workers.

These people might get fired at any time.

Even I'm getting tired of this environment.

No, I'm actually quite fed up!

I even want to quit and become

a pastor in the future.

I wouldn't recommend that...

Why not?

Of course not!

That's not something you can handle...

It's too disrespectful.

Then, I'll take my leave.

Akio, let's talk later.


I'm really sorry.

Akio... must be feeling troubled inside.

He said some inappropriate things.

I'm really sorry.

But he's still young. He can start over.

Is that so...

He's still quite young indeed.

Life can start over.

Honestly, I'm genuinely envious of him.

People shouldn't carry all the pressure on their

shoulders. They should live happily every day.

Just like you, so optimistic.

Thank you so much for these slippers.

People say you are still young.

"You can start over."

"You should live happily every day."

"Just like you, so optimistic."

I heard all of that.

Alright, I'm going back now.

Going back? Then it's just me left!

Have you contacted Tomomi?


She came to our house.


I originally didn't want to tell you.

She came last Saturday.

Tomomo... has she come?

What for?

She startled me; didn't even call beforehand.

She was standing at the shop's entrance, smiling,

saying she wanted to come specifically to see me.

So, I let her in.

We chatted for a while about everyday things.

Then she said she wanted to see your photos.

Did you show her?

Tomomi saw your photos,

couldn't stop smiling.

There's one photo of you wearing shorts, knees

covered in purple medicine, crying at the time.

She saw it and chuckled, saying,

"So that's how he looks when he cries."

That was the first time she saw you cry.

Tomomi saw that photo too...

She laughed at that one too.

It was from your freshman year.

Your hair was long then,

you had a perm like a middle-aged woman.

The two of us laughed as we looked at it...

Then...did you say anything?

She must have something

important to tell you... about me.

She didn't say anything?

She just came to see the photos,

chat a bit, and then left?


Just like that?

After putting on high heels,

she looked up at me

and said, "Mom, goodbye."

I couldn't hold back at that moment...

I asked her, "Tomomi ,

can you start anew with Akio?"

And then?

What did Tomomi say?

She was silent for a moment...

And then...

She said to me, "Mom, I'm sorry," and then...

I saw tears welling up in her eyes

She seemed like she wanted to escape,

just closed the door and left...

At that moment... I thought to myself...

Ah... could it be that Tomomi has someone else in her heart?

I see...

So, this kind of thing has happened before...

Was I being too nosy?

I shouldn't have said that...

Even if you're my real mom...

You shouldn't meddle in our affairs like this!

- sorry!

- This matter...

It's a problem between us as a couple!

Thank you for being with me this morning.

That was March 10, 1945!


B29 bomber flying at ultra-low altitude...

One after another, dropping 1,700 tons of

incendiary bombs on the ground.

Ah... the downtown area was indeed bombed...

The city was engulfed in flames...

The citizens were b*rned mercilessly

like cannon fodder!

Where could we possibly flee to?

Everyone was on the bridge...

running from Mukojima to Asakusa...

And then running back

from Asakusa to Mukojima!

Everyone together,

pushing and shoving, pushing and shoving...

Hell on earth!

It's so hot!

- I'm so hot!

- Are you okay?

- I'm hot!

- Are you okay?

My dad carried me on his back,

trying to escape in all directions.

But the fireballs were flying everywhere!

My dad's hair caught on fire...

Whoosh, whoosh... whoosh, whoosh!

It all caught fire.

Hey, mister, mister!

Don't block the way, go to the other side.

Danger Danger Danger

During the great bombing of downtown...

He jumped from this bridge into

the river and barely survived.

Come on.

What were you doing then?

You're a policeman,

why didn't you do something?

I wasn't around back then.

Okay, please go ahead.

Sir, I'm sorry for leaving without hearing you out.

I'll go first.

Hurry back, old man, your wife and kids are

starving waiting for you to come home!

Okay, okay... hurry.

No one is waiting for me anyway!

I'm just like you...

Ah... No, no, it's too dangerous.

Are you okay?

Can you stand?



Oh, it's spring cleaning today.

You look quite dashing with that cloth!

We brought some things for your grandmother.

Please come in.

These are supplies provided by the pharmacy.

There's soap, disinfectant,

towels, and toothbrushes inside...

Let's leave them here for now.

Oh, I'm so thirsty.

I'll have some barley tea.


Where's your grandmother?

- She's on a date.

- Huh?

With whom?

Isn't it obvious? With Pastor Grandpa.

Wow, where did they go?

They went to the Sumida Music Hall

to listen to a piano concert.


That's impressive!

People around here usually go

for Osaka-style pancakes for dates,

at most karaoke.

But this is a piano concert!

Hey... who asked who out?

Pastor Grandpa asked.

It's said that a believer gave him two tickets.

My grandmother was so happy.

She was as excited as

a high school girl, so adorable! it okay?


At their age... what if things get serious?

They both have children and grandchildren!

Look at you. What are you saying...

What does age have to do with it?

It's natural for a woman to fall for a man.

Like love between elderly people...

It's quite common in Sweden too.


Is your grandmother... dressed up nicely?

Yeah, she wore a kimono.


And she wore particularly white tabi socks!

Wow! ! !

Your grandmother must look super beautiful!

Absolutely gorgeous!

Wow wow wow!

Let's toast to their date!

- Cheers!

- Cheers!

Actually, when I was little...

I used to dream of playing on that ship.


It's quite unusual, isn't it?

Especially since I live by the river.

Ah, let's go aboard.

Wow, that's really great!

My dream from many years ago finally came true!

It's been decades, hasn't it?

Fifty years, I think.


Please come inside first.

I'll pour you some tea.

This child really doesn't pay

attention to tidying up.

Why are you standing there?

Come inside, although it's a bit messy.

Fukue, actually...


I have something very important to tell you.

What is it?

I have to leave this church soon.


I might have mentioned before,

my hometown is in Hokkaido.

Near Shiretoko, in a place called Betsukai.

My hometown is by the sea.

The pastor of the church there has been seriously

ill recently and can no longer continue his work.

So, our denomination

has assigned me to that church.

To put it in office worker terms, this is a "transfer."

So sudden?

Not really... the denomination discussed

it with me a long time ago.

But you're at such an old age, and Hokkaido is

cold. How can they just transfer you like this?

When I was young...

It felt like I was fleeing,

leaving my hometown without looking back

In my later years, I must return.

I actually want to go back to my hometown

where I was born, to guard the church there.

To properly teach the teachings of God

to the believers from my hometown.

I feel it's something I must do,

and I've already decided.

At first, I wanted to tell you about it.

I didn't want you to find out from

someone else in the end.

I wanted to tell you myself.

You asked me out talk about this, right?

When you didn't tell me...

I still felt today was a very,

very happy day for me...


Then I'll go.

I'm back!


Why haven't you changed your clothes?

Are you feeling unwell?

I'm fine... just walked a bit more today,

feeling a bit tired.

How was the concert?

It was wonderful.

They played Chopin's "Nocturne."

I see.

I made plans to go out for

dinner with Kimura today.

Ah... that's great. Have a good time.

You don't need to worry about me.

I'm sorry.

Don't turn on the lights.

Let it be like this.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

That night, my daughter, Mai, called me.

She was crying as she told me that Grandma

had a breakup today, and she was so sad.

When I heard her tell me about this...

Although I felt a bit sorry for my mom,

I felt a sense of relief.

I also realized that Mai,

my daughter, cares so much about her grandma.

It feels like she's really grown up. I'm very happy.

Um... please have a seat and let's talk.

It's about the incident with Kibe.

The General Affairs Department called me.

They asked why the severance pay for early

retirement in a case like this was calculated so high.

People are starting to think something's not right.

They're right...

He already had a disciplinary action against him.

Why should he get more severance pay?

What are you planning to do?

I feel like... in Kibe's case this time,

it's not worthy of giving him

a disciplinary action, right?

It was just an accident.

He didn't do it on purpose.

Kibe has been working in

our company for 26 years,

contributing a lot to sales strategy development.

And just because of this small accident,

he's getting fired...

To be blunt... I think this is unfair personnel action!

So what do you want?

In my judgment... I'll cancel his disciplinary action,

and then guide him to accept the previous advice

for early retirement and handle the procedures.

What are you thinking?

Ah... let me avoid this for now.


But the punishment for Kibe

was decided by the board of directors!

You think you can just cancel it like that?

Do you think it's feasible?

I'll... fulfill my responsibilities as

the HR department head and handle his procedures.

What... What responsibility are you willing to take?

No matter what punishment they give me...

I'll accept it.

Sure... you won't be able

to continue as the department head.


Mr. Kubota...

I'm really exhausted too.

Maybe my current position...

just isn't suitable for me.

I'll take my leave.

I never thought...

I'd say these words one day too.

After lunch, I left the building.

After the rainy season,

now outside it's clear skies and endless sunshine.

I owe you another favor... I'm really sorry.

Why "another"? Did something happen before?

Back when we were in school,

he even helped me write love letters.

Because my handwriting was too ugly.

The person who received those

love letters back then is now my wife.

Sakie Kanzaki always tells me to take care of you.

She says, after all,

I've in a higher position than you.

How many times do you have to repeat this?

I was supposed to be fired...

but I'm able to work again in a subsidiary company.

But you didn't do anything wrong...

yet you resigned and lost your job.

That's how it is in school...

What happened in school?

He took the love letter I wrote

and used it to court someone else.

But actually, I also... liked Sakie back then.

So, while I was writing love letters for him,

I was already heartbroken...

Ah, that's so sad.

Although I always said he was ruthless

and ruthless for success...

He's actually a good person...

always has been.

I'll go to the restroom.

Excuse me for crying secretly.

I've caused you a lot of trouble too...

I'll leave the rest to you.


But... I feel relieved too.

What's wrong?

I've noticed the department head has been particularly

depressed and burdened for the past six months.

But now, it seems like he's let go of a lot of things.

His expression has become much calmer.


I like seeing the department head

so calm and composed.

Another bottle of wine, please.

Alright... let's drink tonight until we're drunk!

I'll take a photo. One, two, cheese

Okay, thank you, everyone.

Alright, next up is the party.

Teacher, thank you for everything as always.

Okay, okay, okay...

Is that enough?

Lets all shout poppy poppies together

Poppy? Got it.

Got it, I took the photo.


Photo's taken.

Teacher, thank you for taking care

of us for so long.

No, it's me who should be thanking you.

Alright, everyone, that's about it.

The teacher has to catch a flight soon,

so we need to leave right away!

-Thank you very much, teacher!

-Teacher, please take care!

Until we meet again...

Teacher, here's a bento for you.

I made it myself... inside are tofu scraps

and cola-flavored cookies.

Thank you very much.



Can you take me to Hokkaido?



Just kidding...just kidding

Well, then we'll be off.

Goodbye teacher!

You really startled me...

why would Fukue make such a joke?

That wasn't a joke, teacher!

Fukue... she really, really likes you!

She's just too foolish...

Why does she have to fall for such

an unromantic pastor...

She's really foolish.

Goodbye, Ino-san!

Live a long and healthy life!

You must live a long and healthy life!


- Hey!

- Huh?

This is for auntie.

Can you give it to her for me?

I got it.

Tell her Kibe has apologized to her!

Good evening...

Is anyone home?

If no one answers you, asking is pointless.

You're right...

This is from Kibe...

consider it an apology for what happened before.

Have you been drinking?

What's wrong with having a drink?

It's not that there's anything wrong...

Have you eaten?

Then let's eat together.

Is there any rice at home?

I didn't cook.

Then I'll cook. Just need two scoops of rice, right?

Mai called me.

What happened?

She said Grandma would be especially sad today,

so she asked me to come and comfort you.

That pastor uncle... he left, didn't he?

Yes, he did...

The new pastor is a foreigner.

What are we going to do if he preaches in

English? We won't understand anything.

Do you really like him... that pastor uncle?

It's not like I really like him...

Even if it's just for five years...

Even if it's just for three years,

let us spend three years together.

But it turned out like this...

it's really heaven's will!

Okay okay okay... stop drinking, alright?

Don't stop me!

Even if mom falls down,

she still has to stand up!

If you don't want to see me like this,

go out and eat by yourself.

Mom will talk to herself for a while...

By the time you come back,

I might have fallen asleep, all woozy.

What did Kibe bring?

Is it pickles?

You open it.

Go get the plates and chopsticks.

You're really good at bossing people around.

Are you feeling better?

Mom has never really bossed you around,

has she?

I've been so sad today...

just let me boss you around a bit.

Alright, alright...

Here you go.

There are many unfortunate things in

this world that you can't understand...

Like... this morning, I was pickling vegetables,

and the Kn*fe felt so heavy,

I couldn't even lift it.

Like this bottle cap,

I definitely can't unscrew it.

Like, I can't even tell what's in this pickle jar,

and I can't read these words clearly anymore.

You see... I can't open the lid.

The things you're talking about...

someday I'll experience them too.

I'll definitely grow old too.

You should talk about...

the misfortunes only you will encounter.

What do you mean, misfortunes only I will

encounter... that's not how you should talk.

You're not likeable when you're like this.

So... what misfortunes are there

that I can't understand?

Mom has actually always been quite afraid...

not necessarily of dying one day,

but of not being able to walk...

or get out of bed one day.

Then I'll have to rely on others for everything,

and that's really embarrassing...

I know... that day isn't too far away for me either.

But I still feel like I can manage...

I still have hope every day.

But this hope... has been suddenly taken away...

Hey... don't cry, it's so embarrassing...

Quick, try this pickle.

It looks delicious.

Hmm... Kibe's pickles are indeed tasty.

So, um... listen to me talk about my misfortunes.

I know.

About the divorce, right?


Today, I stamped the divorce agreement.


And we still need to use the seal.

Are you sure you didn't cover the wrong place...

Are you nervous and covering it up too tightly?

Even though I wasn't very willing,

I stamped it perfectly.

Yeah, you must be stamping

documents all day at work.

I don't even work at the company!


It's all because of this guy...

because of this pickling incident.

Because of him, I lost my job and got divorced,

both happening at once.

Isn't that unfortunate enough?

Why are you so stupid!

After hearing that, I feel like

I've been unlucky for several lifetimes.

You got fired from your company?

Kibe got into trouble and got fired.

I exchanged my job for his, saving him.

That's good. It's a relief.

This way I dont have to fire others...its a relief

That's it...

It turns out there is such a thing...

Then you helped Kibe out.

No wonder you've been so down lately

but suddenly cheerful today. I was wondering.

Actually, it's not a bad thing.

Anyway, its not a good thing to say

It's not like it's the best thing ever,

but at least it's not worse.

Do you need any help now?

Actually, I do.

What is it?

If it's money, I can cash in my life insurance.

It's not about money.

I still have a mortgage to pay, but with the

divorce, I'll have to sell the house.

So, I'll have to rely on you for a while.


Are you going to live here?

I remember when you were in college,

you had a big argument with your dad.

You even said you'd never come

back to this house.

Even if he were alive,

he wouldn't forgive me for this.

Son gets dumped by daughter-in-law,

comes to crash with his mom...

What can I do? Mom has to step in.

Mom can't keep being sad like this.

Yeah, I'm counting on you, Mom!

Oh... fireworks?

Wait, what's today's date?

It's July 29th. It's your birthday!

Oh... it really is.

Let's go check it out.

It seems like it's placed over there,

on the roof of the opposite building.

You can see a bit of fireworks!

Come on, let's go see together!

Ah... I see them!

Wow! so beautiful!

- Akio, you know

- Hm?

You were born on

the second floor around this time.

It was really hot then.

Mom kept calling for the midwife...

Her whole body was soaked in sweat,

I kept humming...

And then... fireworks started bursting outside.

You were born with fireworks!

It's like the whole world was blessing you.

That's what Mom thought back then.

Wow, it's so beautiful!

Dad, are you still at home?

Hurry and bring Grandma to

the bridge to see the fireworks!

They're amazing!

Why don't you take grandma with you?

No? Why not?

I mean... are you with someone else?

Who are you with?

Whoever it is, just forget about it. Goodbye!

And so, after failing both

in my career and marriage,

I started living with my heartbroken mom.

But... it's actually quite nice.

I'm counting on you for everything, Mom!