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04x05.5 - The Wizard of Dizz! Pt. 2

Posted: 03/22/24 19:05
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping]

[laughs] Hey, everybody!
It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right! Let's go!

[loon howls]

[laughs] I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,

we get to say the magic words.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

Say it with me.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

[cheerful music playing]

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

[announcer] Roll call.


-[announcer] Daisy!

-[announcer] Goofy!

-[announcer] Pluto!

-[announcer] Minnie!
-[giggles] Here.

-[announcer] Mickey!
-Right here.

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

The Clubhouse presents a Minnie Special!

[Mickey reading]

Hi everybody! When our story began,

Mickey was decorating the Clubhouse
for a special Clubhouse Day celebration

for all our friends.

But the party was interrupted
by a great whirling wind.

Pluto and I took shelter
in the Shoe Garage,

but the wind was too strong
and it carried us away.

We landed safely in the Land of Dizz

and met Good Witch Clarabelle.

She gave me a pair of magic shoes
and told us to journey

to the City of Handy Helpers
to meet the Wizard of Dizz.

She also told us
to beware of Bad Witch Pete

who wanted my magic shoes for himself.

Along the way Pluto and I
met some wonderful new friends.

Scarecrow Goofy, who needs a brain,

Mickey the Tin Mouse, who needs a heart,

and Donald the Lion,
who wants to be King of the Jungle.

Together we're going
to the City of Handy Helpers

to meet the amazing Wizard of Dizz.

Come along and see what happens.

[Mickey] Oh boy! There it is!

The City of Handy Helpers!

Come on, let's go!

[Minnie] Hello?

[Goofy] I don't see a wizard anywhere.

[Von Drake] Who is coming to visit
the amazing Wizard of Dizz?

And what do you want?

Uh... How do you do?

I'm Minnie Mouse.
I came to ask for your help,

so Pluto and I can go back home
to the clubhouse.

[pants] Yeah, yeah.

I'm Scarecrow Goofy,
your wizardliness. I'd like a brain.

I'm Mickey the Tin Mouse,
and I came to ask you for a heart.

And I'm Donald the Lion.
I want to be king of the jungle.


Ooh, boy...[chuckles]

you got a brain, and a heart,

and a jungle and a lion and a thing. Ooh.

You people are asking a lot
from the Wizard.

I don't know about if I can help you.

Oh, such a sad face you got. Boo-hoo.

I tell you what we're going to do.

I will going to help you
if you prove your courage

and meet the Wiz of Dizz challenge.

We have courage. What's your challenge?

All right. Bring me back Witch Pete's hat.


The witch's hat?

You got to be kidding.

It's no joke.
Without the magic power of his hat,

Witch Pete can't be a bad
and sneaky witch anymore.

Goodbye now, toodle-loo. Over and out.

Oh, no, what should we do now?

There's only one thing to do.

We've got to go to Witch Pete's castle
and ask him for his hat.

Come on.

[howls] [barks]

[Goofy] Golly, flying monkeys.



[Donald groans]

Eek-eek-ook! Ook-ook-ook!

Well, come in, come in.
Welcome to my humble castle.


You know,
I really like those sparkly shoes.


Why don't you let me try them on
for size? Pretty please?

Okay, Witch Pete,
as long as I can borrow your hat.

Oh! My hat?


Well, I don't know about that.
I'll have to think it over.

Okay, you got a deal. Give me the shoes.

Now you can take a few steps,

but then you've got to give them
back to me. Promise?

Oh, yes, yes, of course. Sure, sure, sure.

I mean it, promise.

I promise on Coco's whiskers.


Ooh-hoo-hoo! [humming]

The shoes are mine!

Now I have a magic hat and magic shoes.

And I'm keeping them both.

Eek! Ook!

But you promised. We had a deal.

Not anymore. [cackles]

Oh, you really are a bad and sneaky witch.

What can we do?

Maybe a Mouseketool
can help us get Witch Pete's hat.

Everybody say,

[sing-song] "Oh, Woodles!"

[sing-song] Oh, Woodles!

[bell rings]

All we've got left are the beach towel

and the Mystery Mouseketool.

[Minnie] Well, the beach towel

can't really help us get Witch Pete's hat,

so let's try the Mystery Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool."

[all] Mystery Mouseketool.

What's today's Mystery Mouseketool?

[Mickey] A pillow?

[Minnie] We've got ears. Say, "Cheers."

Hmm. How's this fluffy feather pillow
going to help us?

Feathers? Oh, no, no. Not feathers.

Feathers make me sneeze!


Hey, watch it.

Let go of our Mouseketool.



-Give it!

No, I won't and you can't make me!

[both grunting]

[thud] [groaning]

[stifled sneeze]


[groans] Fizz wizzles. My magic is gone!

You mean,
you're not a magical witch anymore?

No, ain't it unbelievable?

♪ Alone in my castle tower
All's I had was magic power ♪

♪ Now I got nothin' ♪

[all] ♪ Now he's got nothing ♪

I just said that.

♪ Eek-eek-ook-ook-ikity-ook ♪

-So true!
-♪ Eek-eek-ook-ook-ikity-ook ♪

♪ Tell me, what can I ever do ♪

♪ For power or a friend or two ♪

♪ So I'd have somethin' ♪

♪ So he'd have somethin' ♪

♪ But now I've got nothin' ♪

♪ And plenty of it ♪

And, Minnie, I'm sorry I was so sneaky
and took your magic shoes.

I promise to be good from now on.
Here you go.

Thank you.

Witch Pete? Why don't you come with us?

Maybe the Wizard of Dizz can help you
like he's going to help us.

Really? You'd let me come with you?

-Why not?

-Come on.
-Let's go.

[clears throat] Howdy there, Mr. Wizard.

[Von Drake] What?
Who said that? I don't see anybody.


Hey, who let you in?

We've come back with the witch's hat

with Witch Pete in it. A-hyuck!

Oh, great Wizard o' Dizz,

I've come to ask you
for my magic power back,

so's I could be a good witch
and help my new friends.

Uh... Wizard of Dizz, excuse me, sir.

Now that we've given you what you wanted,

please keep your promise.

[Von Drake] I made a promise? Who? What?
I made a promise?

What promise?

You promised to help me
get home to the clubhouse.

You promised to give me a brain.

You promised to give me a heart.

And you promised
to make me king of the jungle.

[Von Drake] Right, of course.

I did say I would do
all of those things, didn't I?

Well, now, let me think about how I can...

[Pluto barks]

[Von Drake] Huh? What is this?

Oh, some kind of a doggie.


[Von Drake] Sit, stay.

Roll over.

[indistinct talking]

Ooh. Oh, no, good doggie, go away. Shoo.

Who are you?

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?

I don't know, who am... Oh. [laughs]

What was the question?

Are you the amazing Wizard of Dizz?

Well, not really.

I was just playing make-believe.

Oh, no.

Why, you're a phony.

You're not a wizard?

No, not the kind with the magic.

But I am a very clever genius
who invents things.

So I think I can give you
all what you want because...

♪ I'm the amazing Wizard of Dizz ♪

♪ As anyone can see ♪

♪ If you ask who is the Wizard of Dizz? ♪

♪ The Wizard of Dizz, that's me ♪

♪ Scarecrow Goofy ♪

♪ Here is a thinking cap for you ♪

Will it help me think?

[laughs] Better than any brain.

♪ Oh, what thinking that you'll do ♪

♪ With this thinking cap on you ♪


I'm already thinking about physics.

And a baloney sandwich.

♪ Mickey the Tin Mouse ♪

♪ Here's a battery for you ♪

[Mickey] Gee, it's shaped like a heart.

How about that?

♪ This battery will keep you goin' ♪

♪ No more windin' down or slowin' ♪

♪ I can run and jump and spin ♪

♪ Donald the Lion, come forward please ♪

Oh, boy, my turn.

♪ You get this golden crown ♪

♪ In the jungle, you're king
So let's bow down ♪

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!
[roars like real lion]


Oh, frizzle-frazzle.

I guess the Wizard of Dizz
forgot about me.

[Von Drake] Now who's left over there?

Oh, yes, Witch Pete.

That's me.
I'd like some magic power, please.

♪ Friendship
Is the greatest power ♪

♪ Better than any magic power ♪

♪ For you, I give this special key ♪

♪ It's here you'll find the friends
You need ♪

For me? Oh.

The key to the City of Handy Helpers.

No one's ever been this nice to me.

Well, except for Minnie
and Scarecrow Goofy

and Mickey the Tin Mouse
and Donald the Lion and...

Oh, oh, oh!

I love you, guys. I really do, group hug.

♪ I'm the amazing Wizard of Dizz ♪

♪ As everyone can see ♪

♪ If you ask who is the Wizard of Dizz? ♪

♪ The Wizard of Dizz, that's me ♪

Not you.

But what about Minnie and Pluto?

Yeah, what about them?

Well, how are they going to get back
to the clubhouse?

Good Witch Clarabelle said
these shoes could help me.

Wow-wee! Those really
are nice shoes you got there,

but I don't know a thing about them.

What I do know is that
to get back to the clubhouse,

you going to need to cross over
a great desert.

Because when I first arrived
in the Land of Dizz,

I flew over that very desert
in a glove balloon.

A glove balloon?

Yes! Follow me and I will show you.

All right, here it is.

Look at that, there's a great big hole
in the pinkie finger.

This is more of a floppy leotard
than a balloon.

Maybe there's a Mouseketool
that can help us.

Everybody say,

[sing-song] "Oh, Woodles!"

[sing-song] Oh, Woodles!

[bell rings]

[Minnie] Oh, look, our last Mouseketool
is the pink beach towel.

Can the beach towel help us patch
the glove balloon and fix it?

Let's find out.

We've picked all our Mouseketools.

Say, "Super Cheers!"

The glove balloon is ready to go.

[Clarabelle] Whoo!




Oh, my goodness, that was fun.

Good Witch Clarabelle.

Hello, my dear.

I see that you have
the Wizard's glove balloon

to take you back home.

Come along now, Minnie, hurry up.

Okay, [gasps] but where's Pluto?
I can't leave without him.


-[all] Pluto.

-[Goofy] Come here, boy.
-[Pete] Pluto.

-[Minnie] Pluto, come here.



Good boy, Pluto, come on.

It's time for us to go back
to the clubhouse.


Whoa! There goes the glove balloon.

Oh! Wait, come back, we want to go, too.

I can't stop the balloon.
Sorry about that, Minnie.

Bye-bye. Don't forget to write.
Send a postcard.

Oh, Pluto,

now how are we going to get back
to the clubhouse? [sobs]

That balloon was our last chance.

I'm afraid we'll never see
our clubhouse friends again.


Oh, don't worry, Minnie,
I have some good news for you.

I finally remembered
what I forgot to remember.

I know how those magic shoes work.


All you need to do is make a wish
and tap a little dance.

[musical notes playing]

And the shoes will take you
wherever you want to go.


Then Pluto and I can go back home
to the clubhouse. Oh.

But I'm going to miss
all of my new friends.

Aw. Don't worry, Minnie,
you'll always be in my heart.

And you'll always be in the thoughts
inside my brain.

We'll celebrate the day we met you.

Yeah, we'll celebrate the day we met you,

and I promise to be as nice as...

Well, as nice as you, Minnie.

Oh, thank you, thank you.
You're all so wonderful.

And I'll never ever forget you.

Well, goodbye, everybody, goodbye.

Goodbye, my dear.

Now make your wish
and do the special tap dance.

I wish we could go back home
to the clubhouse.

[musical notes playing]

[Mickey] Minnie? Minnie.

Oh. [yawns]

Minnie, we were worried about you.

Are you okay?


Yes, I'm fine.


And here's Pluto.


Oh, look, Pluto, we made it.

-We made it home from the Land of Dizz.


[imitates trumpet blowing]

Presenting Minnie's special
Clubhouse Day Clubhouse Cake.


Oh, how lovely. You made my special cake.

Yeah. A-hyuck!



[giggles] Thank you. Thank you, everyone.

There's nothing like having friends
at the clubhouse.

♪ Our clubhouse is the best place ♪

♪ The best place to be ♪

♪ It's somewhere where friends are ♪

♪ For you and for me ♪

♪ There's no other place
That I'd rather be ♪

♪ 'Cause the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
is the best place ♪

♪ It's the best place ♪

♪ Yes, it's the best place to be ♪

Ooh, Minnie, what pretty new shoes.

Oh! My magic shoes from the Land of Dizz.

Thank you all so much

for helping Pluto and me get back
for Clubhouse Day.

Come on, everybody.

Stand up and do our favorite dance.

The Hot Dog Dance.

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears
It's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
The problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

Oh, my.
Wasn't the Land of Dizz wonderful?

Now let's all celebrate together.

Up on your feet, everybody,
and dance, dance, dance. [giggles]

What a hot dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day
What you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splittin' the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now
From Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Clubhouse ♪

Aw. Thanks for stopping by.

♪ Oh, the Clubhouse is the best place ♪

♪ The best place to be ♪

♪ It's somewhere where
friends are for you ♪

And for me?

Oh yes.
♪ There's no other place ♪

♪ that I'd rather be ♪

'Cause the Mickey Mouse
Clubhouse is the best place.

It's the best place!

♪ Yes, it's the best place to be ♪
